Table of Contents
- 1. common use cases
- 2. theory - linux kernel
- 3. links
- 4. dev and filesystem
- 5. disk encryption
- 6. bootloader
- 7. linuxkernel
- 8. keyboard
- 9. monitor
- 10. software debuging
- 11. processes communcation
- 12. install tarball - (from source, install sources)
- 13. GPG - GNU Privacy Guard
- 13.1. install
- 13.2. about
- 13.3. theory
- 13.4. therms
- 13.5. create key
- 13.6. list-keys
- 13.7. Correct way to replace a GPG key
- 13.8. USE CASES
- 13.8.1. create keys
- 13.8.2. delete keys
- 13.8.3. keyserver get key
- 13.8.4. upload your key
- 13.8.5. trust level for key
- 13.8.6. import key
- 13.8.7. verify .sign
- 13.8.8. export public for share
- 13.8.9. Backup and restore your GPG key pair
- 13.8.10. sign keys (after importing)
- 13.8.11. encripting file
- 13.8.12. decrypt file
- 13.8.13. encrypt/decrypt with password (symmetric) (armored)
- 13.8.14. generate password
- 13.8.15. password storage in file
- 13.9. trust model (Web of trust or Trust on first use)
- 13.10. GPG agent
- 13.11. как шифрвоать
- 13.12. TODO Emacs EasyPG Assistant
- 13.13. links
- 14. The X Window System (X11 or X)
- 15. xfce4
- 16. Wayland
- 17. cron
- 18. vi/vim
- 19. nano
- 20. ffmpeg
- 21. camera
- 22. screen recorder
- 23. Nginx
- 24. Debian
- 25. Ubuntu
- 26. Astra Linux - Debian derivative
- 27. REDHAT/AlmaLinux
- 28. termux
- 29. TODO Haskell
- 30. AWK
- 31. network
- 31.1. theory
- 31.2. iproute2 - controlling TCP / IP - new one
- 31.3. net-tools - based on /proc - too old
- 31.4. lsof
- 31.5. dig
- 31.6. nslookup
- 31.7. host
- 31.8. traceroute
- 31.9. whois
- 31.10. iptables
- 31.11. nftables
- 31.12. arptables
- 31.13. net-dns/bind-tools
- 31.14. TODO nmap - network exploration
- 31.15. tcpdump
- 31.16. OpenVPN
- 31.17. TAP/TUN devices
- 31.18. get my ip
- 31.19. speed, bandwith, latency
- 31.20. USECASES allow opening ports for user not root
- 31.21. test network with wireshark
- 32. security
- 32.1. simple sandbox
- 32.2. Linux Access Permissions
- 32.3. PAM
- 32.4. s/key
- 32.5. su
- 32.6. /etc/passwd
- 32.7. /etc/shadow
- 32.8. TODO logcheck
- 32.9. firejail
- 32.10. apparmor
- 32.11. nfs
- 32.12. USB
- 32.13. telegram
- 32.14. Check system by intrusion
- 32.15. namespaces - isolated instance of the global resource
- 32.16. Selinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)
- 32.17. Disable executables, pip
- 32.18. Hardening testers
- 32.19. Log analyzers
- 32.20. Antivirus, online system monitoring
- 32.21. links
- 33. wifi
- 33.1. theory
- 33.2. Mediatek mt7601u
- 33.3. linix kernel support
- 33.4. install
- 33.5. iw
- 33.6. iwd
- 33.7. wpasupplicant
- 33.8. wireless-tools
- 33.9. cat /proc/net/wireless
- 33.10. errors
- 33.11. regulatory domain
- 33.12. testing
- 33.13. links
- 33.14. hardware
- 33.15. wifi sec recomendations
- 33.16. RTL8812AU/21AU
- 34. bluetooth
- 35. image
- 36. imageMagic
- 37. Firefox
- 37.1. keys
- 37.2. fingerprints
- 37.3. screen
- 37.4. disable GPU fingerprint(hardware acceleration)
- 37.5. fonts
- 37.6. TLS
- 37.7. User-Agent
- 37.8. user agent ( net required)
- 37.9. User-Agent checkers
- 37.10. disable webgl
- 37.11. plugins
- 37.12. disable javaScript
- 37.13. profile
- 37.14. GNU JS Trap
- 37.15. xpi extensions
- 37.16. check xpi extension
- 37.17. Mouse and links
- 37.18. Mouse and links complex
- 37.19. Gentoo specific
- 37.20. Tor compatibility
- 37.21. user.js - Firefox configuration hardening
- 37.22. certificates
- 37.23. images loading
- 37.24. Debugging remote Firefox instances and headless
- 37.25. proxy switcher
- 37.26. troubleshooting
- 37.27. microphone
- 37.28. cache
- 38. Stumpmw - window manager
- 39. Nyxt
- 40. suckless tools
- 41. rtorrent
- 42. email
- 43. Midnight Commander
- 44. Thunar - file manager
- 45. LibreOffice vs Microsoft
- 46. Gimp
- 47. coreboot
- 48. qemu
- 49. systemd
- 50. LibreOffice
- 51. mercurial
- 52. wineHQ
- 53. paranoia
- 54. Matrix
- 55. Irssi
- 56. mpv
- 57. TigerVNC
- 58. cloud
- 59. openssl
- 60. decentralized Darknet
- 60.1. TOR
- 60.1.1. offical and not official resources
- 60.1.2. site security audit
- 60.1.3. types of relays or nodes
- 60.1.4. torrc
- 60.1.5. firefox config
- 60.1.6. route tor through tor
- 60.1.7. theory
- 60.1.8. dangers
- 60.1.9. Tor vulnerabilities
- 60.1.10. Verification
- 60.1.11. search engines
- 60.1.12. proxies
- 60.1.13. fstab logging to tmpfs
- 60.1.14. Debian update tor from official repository
- 60.1.15. popular
- 60.1.16. own hidden service
- 60.1.17. email over tor
- 60.1.18. countries
- 60.1.19. snowflake
- 60.1.20. obfs4 - lyrebird - Pluggable Transport
- 60.1.21. webtunnel - mimic encrypted web traffic (HTTPS)
- 60.1.22. webrtc proxies
- 60.1.23. webrtc-socket-proxy - working
- 60.1.24. Snowflake - Pluggable Transport using WebRTC
- 60.1.25. theory
- 60.1.26. get bridges by email
- 60.1.27. links
- 60.1.28. installation Debian
- 60.1.29. install gentoo
- 60.1.30. client configuration examples
- 60.1.31. ssh hidden service configuration example
- 60.1.32. bad sites
- 60.2. tunnel techniques
- 60.3. TODO i2p
- 60.4. TODO freenet
- 60.5. TODO zeronet
- 60.6. TODO lokinet
- 60.7. TODO
- 60.8. TODO ipfs
- 60.9.
- 60.10. Rus
- 60.11. decentralazied storage
- 60.12. links
- 60.1. TOR
- 61. search engines
- 62. unicode
- 63. questions
- 64. web crawler
- 65. obfs4 standalone
- 66. VPS configuration
- 67. markdown
- 68. TODO mountcifs
- 69. suites of utils
- 70. translate-shell
- 71. linkedin create post
- 72. whatsapp
- 73. Affiliate marketing
;-- mode: Org; fill-column: 110;--
nixCraft - library
linux kernel map
1. common use cases
Create user.
useradd --create-home --shell /bin/false --user-group whatsapp
Add user to group.
sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName
Download with resume:
wget --continue --user-agent="" https://file
2. theory - linux kernel
2.1. Symmetric Multi-Processing
preemption is the act of temporarily interrupting an executing task,
Concurrency with multi-cpu (Memory architectures supporting concurrency):
- UMA (Uniform Memory Access) - all the processors share the physical memory uniformly. The peripheral devices
follow a set of rules. uses a single shared system bus typically used for up to 8 processors.
- symmetric multiprocessor - processors have equal access to all the peripheral devices
- asymmetric multiprocessor - one or a few processors can access the peripheral devices
- Non-uniform Memory Access (NUMA) - dedicates different memory banks to different processors - may access local memory quickly and remote memory more slowly. Benefits on servers where the data are often associated strongly with certain tasks or users.
- Cache Only Memory Architecture (COMA)
Race conditions can occur when:
- there are at least two execution contexts that run in "parallel"
- the execution contexts perform read-write accesses to shared memory
race conditions can be avoided by:
- make the critical section atomic
- disable preemption during the critical section (e.g. disable interrupts, bottom-half handlers, or thread preemption)
- serialize the access to the critical section (e.g. use spin locks or mutexes to allow only one context or thread in the critical section)
mutexes and spin locks usage intersect
- mutexes don't "waste" CPU cycles; system throughput is better than spin locks if context switch overhead is lower than medium spinning time
- mutexes can't be used in interrupt context
- mutexes have a higher latency than spin locks
Read Copy Update (RCU) - synchronization mechanism
3. links
4. dev and filesystem
4.1. divice file
- device files is that they are most definitely not device drivers
- they are portals to the device drivers
- app -> devfile -> drive -> phisic
- app <- devfile <- drive <- phisic
ls -al
- c…. - characted device
- b… - block device, typically a multiple of 256 bytes
- major device number and minor device number
- udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/input/event1)
4.2. disks
find disk by uuid
- $blkid - partitions, UUID, BLOCKSIZE, TYPE
- ls -al dev/disk/by-uuid
recover partitions and change partition table type:
- testdisk
mount options
- findmnt
change uuid
- uuidgen
- tune2fs /dev/sdy1 -U cd6ecfb1-05e0-4dd7-89e7-8e78dad1fa0e
sector - phisical disk area Disk sector - traditionally 512 bytes - 4096-byte (4 KiB) sectors, which are known as the Advanced Format
remount directory:
- mount -o remount /var
4.3. bad blocks
- blocksize=$(blockdev –getbsz /dev/sdX)
- badblocks -t random -w -s -b $blocksize -c 5000 -o out.txt /dev/sdX
check bad blocks fast:
- cryptsetup open /dev/device name –type plain –cipher aes-xts-plain64
- shred -v -n 0 -z /dev/mapper/name
- cmp -b /dev/zero /dev/mapper/name
- or diff-hightlight -y <(xxd /dev/zero) <(xxd /dev/mapper/name)
- or diff -y <(hexdump -C /dev/zero) <(hexdump -C /dev/mapper/name)
4.4. partition table theory
MBR Partition Table(msdos)
- first 512 bytes of a storage device
- saves partition information on the first sector of disk(MBR sector)
- stored in the first sector (cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1 – or, alternately, LBA 0) of the hard drive
- Each partition entry is 16 bytes, and the total is 64 bytes.
- maximum of 4 entries
- size of a single partition in MBR disk can only amount to 2TB
- Each of the four Partition Table entries contains the following elements, in the following structure:
- Boot indicator bit flag: 0 = no, 0x80 = bootable (or "active")
- starting position, size and ending position
- At most one partition should be active
GPT (GUID Partition Table)
- up to 128 partitions on hard disk.
- uses UUIDs
- CRC32 checksums to detect errors and corruption of the header and partition table.
- Stores a backup header and partition table at the end of the disk that aids in recovery in case the primary ones are damaged.
- kernel require: CONFIGEFIPARTITION=y.
- BIOS GPT - may have conflicts i motherboard.
- BIOS boot partition - (1 to 2 MB) partition - in which boot loaders like GRUB2 can put additional data that doesn't fit in the allocated storage.
- EFI System Partition (ESP) - FAT variant for /boot
- mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sda1
- EFI System Partition (ESP) - FAT variant for /boot
- UEFI MBR - ? not used.
GPT It carries CRC32 checksums to detect errors in the header and partition tables and has a backup GPT at the end of the disk. This backup table can be used to recover damage of the primary GPT near the beginning of the disk.
4.6. btrfs
4.6.1. mount options
- discard - default off -
- required SATA revision 3.1 chipsets and devices. TRIM on the backing device
- autodefrag, noautodefrag - default: off - Not well suited for large database workloads.
- compress, compress=<type[:level]>, compress-force, compress-force=<type[:level]>
chech TRIM is supported:
- lsblk
- A device supporting discard has non-zero values in the columns of DISC-GRAN (discard granularity) and DISC-MAX
(discard max bytes). In the example listing above, the /dev/sda device supports discard while /dev/sdb does not.
- /dev/mapper/sda2crypt /home btrfs defaults,noatime,autodefrag,compress=zstd,commit=120,subvol=home 0 0
4.7. boot sequence
- BIOS or ?
- MBR or EFI ?
- grub inside of MBR or ?
- mount boot and read /boot/grub.conf
- Linux kernel
- mount real /
- drivers
- init /etc/inittab
- udev daemon
- boot loader
- Linux kernel
- initramfs - contains / file system
- mount real / read-only
- mount /
- init /etc/inittab
- udev daemon
4.8. clone hard drive
Why # dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc bs=2048k - is bad?
- no defragmentation
- copying of unused space
- very slow if read error
4.9. backup
- Bare metal recovery - dd, CloneZilla, PartImage, or FSArchiver
- recover: mount read only or make copy first!
4.9.1. rsync:
default - full file sunchronization without deletion of files
- –delete - removes target if source is empty
- –update - do not sync if target file is newer
rsync -aAXv / –delete –progress –exclude={/dev/*,/proc/*,/sys/*,/tmp/*,/var/tmp/*,/var/log/*,/var/cache/*,/run/*,/mnt/*,/lost+found} / /backup
- then later you can add the -u option to rsync and just update what has changed.
- rsync -aAXv –delete /mnt/drive /mnt/system
- -a – Archive mode. -rlptgoD (no -A,-X,-U,-N,-H),U,N- time, H- hard links
- -A – This preserves the Access Control List.
- -X – This preserves all extended file attributes of the files.
- –delete – This option enables you to make an incremental backup. In simple terms, with exception of the first backup, it only backs up the difference existing between the source and the destination backup drive. It only backs up new and modified files as well as deletes all the files in the backup location which have been deleted.
- –update skip files which exist on destination and have a modidied time (and size) that is newer than the source file
- –dry-run – This is the option that simulates the backup process.
- rsync -aAXv -e ssh root@ /mnt/backup
- restore: COPY FIRST! rsync -aAXv backup /mnt/gentoo
- / after backup is required
copy root (do not forget exclude):
- rsync -aAXv / /mnt/gentoo
4.9.2. TODO cpio
- find / -xdev | cpio -pvdm /destdir
4.9.3. tar
- tar -ztvf my-data.tar.gz # view content
- tar –exclude-from=/home/john/exclude.txt -czpvf /home/john/backup/linuxbackup.tar.gz /
- restore: tar –exclude-from=$excludefile –xattrs-include=*.* -xpvf backupfile.tar.gz /
- exclude.txt - must contain path inside of tar, not outside or starting with target dirname
tmp/* proc/* dev/* sys/* run/* var/tmp/* var/run/* var/lock/* usr/src/* var/log/* var/cache/distfiles/* mnt/* home/u/MEDIA/*
path inside of tar:
- tar -zcvf b.tar.gz –exclude-from="exclude.txt" tmpd/ => tmpd/ - inside of tar
- tar -zcvf b.tar.gz –exclude-from="exclude.txt" home/u/tmpd => home/u/tmpd - inside of tar
remote (Not stable!):
- save remote: tar zcvf - / | ssh "cat > /backup/wwwdata.tar.gz"
- save local: ssh user@box tar czf - / > /destination/file.tar.gz
4.9.4. TODO backup-tar
4.10. hierarchy
4.11. chroot
4.11.1. chroot
4.11.2. btrs subvolumes
file extent-based
can be
- like any other directory that is accessible to the user
- ike a separately mounted filesystem (options subvol or subvolid)
Snapshots are subvolumes that share data and metadata with other subvolumes
- # btrfs subvolume list .
- # btrfs subvolume list /mnt/btrfs
create snapshot of root:
- # btrfs subvolume snapshot / mnt/backup/rootfs
4.11.3. Logical Volume Management (LVM) subvolumes
block-level snapshot
4.12. filesystem attributes
4.12.1. traditional permissions Unix and POSIX
a 'mode' containing 9 bit flags
- read, write and execute permission for each of the file's owner, group and all other users
- setuid and setgid bit flags and a 'sticky' bit flag.
- file type:
- - regular file
- d directory
- l Symbolic link
- p named pipe
- s socket
- c or b device file
- D door ( currently implemented only in Solaris. )
4.12.2. extended attributes (abbreviated xattr)
all major Linux filesystems support
Linux: chattr and lsattr
BSD: chflags
4.12.3. POSIX ACLs
Gentoo package: sys-apps/acl provides setfacl, getfacl, and chacl utilities.
Some filesystems, such as ext4, XFS, or Btrfs, enable ACLs by default when mounted.
ls command used with the -l option displays a + sign if the listed file uses ACL.
drwxr-xr-x+ 2 apache apache 135 Dec 11 17:48 apache2
4.13. SSD
- When partitioning an SSD, align primary and logical partitions on one-megabyte (1048576 bytes) boundaries. If partitions, file system blocks, or RAID stripes are incorrectly aligned and overlap the boundaries of the underlying storage's pages, which are usually either 4 KB or 8 KB in size, the device controller has to modify twice as many pages than if correct alignment is used.
- I recommand to use TMPFS for
- /tmp
- /var/tmp
- /var/log
- NOOP scheduler is the simplest I/O scheduler - kernel option: elevator=noop
- align partition with HDD blocks and use the same size of sectors if possible
- use noatime, compress, ssdspread and nodiratime mount options
- btrfs: ssd,discard=async option to mount for btrfs
- ext4: discard
- cryptsetup luksOpen –allow-discards /dev/thing luks
- dracut: rd.luks.allow-discards=<luks uuid>
- echo "vm.swappiness = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf # reduce the tendency of the kernel to perform anticipatory writes to swap
- default value of vm.swappiness is 60
- represents the percentage of the free memory before activating swap
- The lower the value, the less swapping is used and the more memory pages are kept in physical memory.
5. disk encryption
- dm-crypt - disk encryption system - administrators can encrypt entire disks, logical volumes, partitions, but also single files.
- Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) structure, which allows for multiple keys to access the encrypted data
- supports non-LUKS setups as well
- LUKS functions are accessed via the cryptsetup program, and use dm-crypt for the back-end processing.
5.1. LUKS partition
- cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1
- cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdd1 mappoint
- mkfs.exfat /dev/mapper/mappoint -n volumename
- mount /dev/mapper/mappoint /mnt/luksmount
to close:
- vgchange -a n vg0
- cryptsetup close mappoint
- cryptsetup luksOpen –allow-discards /dev/thing luks
- for dracut: GRUBCMDLINELINUXDEFAULT="rd.luks.allow-discards"
5.2. LUKS with a detached header
to achive plausible deniability - no proof that a block device is encrypted
- LUKS version in use 1 or 2
- the cipher name and mode
- hash algorithm used for the password salt, the master key bits, digest, salt and hash iterations, and the device UUID
–header option would be also used each time we try to unlock the device, or when we need to perform other operations which modifies it, such as adding, removing or changing a password, or when using luksDump to read its content.
- cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb –header luksheader.img
- cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb sdb-crypt –header=luksheader.img
Create partition
- export GPGTTY=$(tty) # optional
- gpg –quiet –decrypt /mnt/key/rootkey.gpg | cryptsetup –batch-mode –key-file - luksFormat /dev/sdX3 –header luksheader.img –type luks2 # gpg variant
- cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdZn –header luksheader.img # Check that the formatting worked
- gpg –quiet –decrypt /mnt/key/rootkey.gpg | cryptsetup –key-file - luksOpen /dev/sdZn –header luksheader.img –type luks2 gentoo
- ls /dev/mapper
5.2.1. create/restore backup header
- cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdb –header-backup-file sdbheaderbackup.img
- cryptsetup luksHeaderRestore /dev/sdb –header-backup-file sdbheaderbackup.img
5.3. LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
Create meta devices that provide an abstraction layer between a file system and the physical storage that is used underneath.
- lvscan - show
- vgchange -a n vg0 - decativate volume group
- vgremove volgrp - Delete Volume Group
- lvremove /dev/volgrp/loggrp1 - Delete Logical Volume
5.3.1. LVM terminology:
- physical volume (PV) is an underlying storage device (for example, an actual disk partition or loopback file), which is managed by LVM. PVs have a special header, and are divided into physical extents.
- A physical extent (PE) is the smallest allocatable unit of a PV. We will use the default PE size of 4MiB in this tutorial.
- A logical volume (LV) is LVM's equivalent of a partition. It contains logical extents, which are mapped one-to-one onto the PEs of contributing physical volumes. Note - unlike a conventional partition, because of this architecture an LV can span multiple underlying physical volumes, and a physical volume can host multiple logical volumes, if desired. The LV appears as a standard block device, and so can be formatted with any normal Linux filesystem (e.g. ext4). We will create LVs for the root directory, the user home directory and swap in this tutorial.
- A volume group (VG) is an administrative unit gathering together a collection of LVs and PVs. We will create a single VG containing a single PV, and (as just mentioned) three LVs.
5.4. Bootable USB Key
- Creating a Password-Protected Keyfile for LUKS
- export GPGTTY=$(tty)
- dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8388607 count=1 | gpg –symmetric –cipher-algo AES256 –output /tmp/efiboot/luks-key.gpg
- Formatting the New Partition with LUKS
- gpg –decrypt /tmp/efiboot/luks-key.gpg | cryptsetup –cipher serpent-xts-plain64 –key-size 512 –hash
whirlpool –key-file - luksFormat /dev/sdZn
- echo RELOADAGENT | gpg-connect-agent # force check password, clear password from cache
- cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdZn # Check that the formatting worked, with:
- cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdZn –header-backup-file /tmp/efiboot/luks-header.img # backup header
- gpg –decrypt /tmp/efiboot/luks-key.gpg | cryptsetup –cipher serpent-xts-plain64 –key-size 512 –hash
whirlpool –key-file - luksFormat /dev/sdZn
- open the LUKS volume we just created and partitioning
- gpg –decrypt /tmp/efiboot/luks-key.gpg | cryptsetup –key-file - luksOpen /dev/sdZn gentoo
- ls /dev/mapper
- gpg –decrypt /tmp/efiboot/luks-key.gpg | cryptsetup –key-file - luksOpen /dev/sdZn gentoo
5.5. simple full
- GRUB BIOS 2 MB no fs GRUB loader itself
- /boot boot 512 MB fat32 GRUB and kernel
- LUKS encrypted 100% encrypted encrypted block device
- LVM lvm 100%
- / root 40 GB ext4 root filesystem
- /var var 40 GB ext4 var files
- /home home 100% ext4 user files
- LVM lvm 100%
parted -a optimal /dev/sdX
- unit mib
- mklabel gpt
- Create the BIOS partition:
- mkpart primary 1 3
- name 1 grub
- set 1 biosgrub on
- Create boot partition. This partition will contain GRUB files, plain (unencrypted) kernel and kernel initrd:
- mkpart primary fat32 3 515
- name 2 boot
- set 2 BOOT on
- mkpart primary 515 -1
- name 3 lvm
- set 3 lvm on
- mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdX2
- modprobe dm-crypt
- cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdX3 # aes-xts-plain64 512 bits
- cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdX3
- Create LVM inside encrypted block
- cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX3 lvm
- vgcreate vg0 /dev/mapper/lvm # Create volume group vg0:
- lvcreate -L 60G -n root vg0 # Create logical volume for /root filesystem
- lvcreate -L 40G -n var vg0 # Create logical volume for /var filesystem
- lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n home vg0 # Create logical volume for /home filesystem:
File Systems
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg0-root
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg0-var
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg0-home
5.6. Dracut
- emerge –ask sys-kernel/dracut
- modules:
- emerge sys-fs/btrfs-progs
- emerge sys-fs/cryptsetup
- emerge app-crypt/gnupg
- USE="-gtk -pango -libkms" emerge –ask sys-boot/plymouth
- /usr/lib/dracut/modules.d
- The most basic dracut module is 99base. In 99base the initial shell script init is defined, which gets run by the kernel after initramfs loading
- If a module passed check, install and installkernel will be called to install all of the necessary files for the module.
trouble shooting:
- (Repari filesystem):/# cat /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt
5.6.1. inspect initramfs
- dracut –print-cmdline
- lsinitrd /boot/initramfs | less
- lsinitrd -f etc/cmdline.d/01-default.conf /boot/initramfs # inspect file inside initramfs
- man dracut.kernel
- man dracut.conf
5.6.2. tmp
systemd-udevd used greates stack depth
Password (/luks-key.pgp on /dev/sdb1 for /dev/sda3) [1/3]
:+eval 'gpg –homedir /tmp/gnupg –no-mdc-warning
–skip-verify –quiet –logger-file /dev/null –batch –no-tty –passphrase-fd 0 –decrypt
dracut: ++ gpg –homedir /tmp/gnupg –no-mdc-warning –skip-verify –quiet –logger-file /dev/null –batch –no-tty –passphrase-fd 0 –decrypt /mnt/keydev–dev-sdb1–luks-key.gpg/luks-key.gpg
plycmd='/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen -T1 /dev/sda3 luks-5706…
line 116 stty : command not found line 117 stty : command not found
/lib/dracut/ /lib/dracut/hook/initqueue/finish/90-
- sleep 7
- sleep 10
- sleep 8
5.6.3. 91crypt-gpg
- 90crypt/
- 90crypt/ readkey() # Mounts <keydev>, reads key from file <keypath>, optionally processes it
- 91crypt-gpg/ gpgdecrypt() # ask for massword
- askforpassword()
- > gpg –homedir /tmp/gnupg –no-mdc-wanring –skip-verify –quiet –batch –no-tty –passphrase-fd 0 –decrypt /mnt/keydev-luks-key.gpg/luks-key.gpg
- askforpassword()
- loopdecrypt
- 91crypt-gpg/ gpgdecrypt() # ask for massword
- 90crypt/ readkey() # Mounts <keydev>, reads key from file <keypath>, optionally processes it
5.6.4. kernel command line
default - no-hostonly
- does not contain any system configuration files (except for some special exceptions), so the configuration has to be done on the kernel command line
- you can easily boot from a changed root partition, without the need to recompile the initramfs image
- store configuration and kernel command line inside initramfs
6. bootloader
UEFI Secure Boot with systemd’s boot stub - gentoo developer
6.1. limine
- formats for boot: FAT*, ISO9660
- bloated bootloaders as a result (eg: GRUB2).
- bootloader is capable of reading its own files, configuration, and be able to load kernel/module files from disk
- boot readable with BLAKE2B checksums - provides as much security as encrypting the kernel does.
- The EFI executable gets then enrolled or otherwise verified by the Secure Boot loader through, eg., the shim project. - This prevents modifications being done to the config file (and in turn the checksums contained there) from going unnoticed.
6.2. grub
write boot code to:
- MBR at disk
- boot partition - this code can be started if the boot code in MBR is able to do chain loading
6.2.1. notes
- Esc or Shift - call for menu
- e - edit item
6.2.2. disable menu
6.3. links
7. linuxkernel
sec recomandations
7.1. theory
7.1.1. initrams
initramfs (initial ram file system) - used to prepare Linux systems during boot before the init process starts.
- is a root filesystem that is embedded into the kernel and loaded at an early stage of the boot process
- provides early userspace which can do things the kernel can't easily do by itself during the boot process
- initramfs is optional
- mounting important file systems (by loading the proper kernel modules and drivers) such as /usr or /var, preparing the /dev file structure, etc.
- initramfs ask for the passphrase before it can mount the file systems
- Mounting an encrypted, logical, or otherwise special root partition
- Providing a minimalistic rescue shell (if something goes wrong)
- Customize the boot process (e.g., print a welcome message)
- Load modules necessary to boot (e.g., third party storage drivers)
- Anything the kernel can't do that's usually handled in user space
By default, the kernel initializes hardware using built-in drivers, mounts the specified root partition, loads the init system of the installed Linux distribution. The init system then loads additional modules and starts services until it eventually presents a log in dialog.
cpio archive. This archive is then either embedded directly into the kernel image, or stored as a separate file which can be loaded by the bootloader during the boot process.
- General setup —> [*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
- initrd /initramfs-5.15.11-gentoo.img
7.2. usage
kernel installation
- eselect kernel list
- eselect kernel set 1
- make clean
- make oldconfig - reads the existing .config file that was used for an old kernel and prompts the user for options in the current kernel source that are not found in the file.
- make olddefconfig (alternative) - keep old settings, new settings set to default
- make menuconfig / make nconfig
- make prepare && make modulesprepare # Некоторые модули не могут быть установлены или подготовлены до того, как будет собрано ядро.
- make -j3 && make modulesinstall && make install # generate /boot/vmlinuz-6.1.57-gentoo /boot/
- cp .config /.configtmp
- 7.10
- genkernel –kernel-config=/.configtmp initramfs # if /usr or others located at separate partition or encrypted # or dracut
- grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- grub-install /dev/sda
- After load: dmesg | grep -Ei "warn|error|crit|fatal"
chroot and update mount -o loop tu.img /mnt/img /a
remove kernel rm /usr/src/linux-x.x rm /lib/modules/x.x rm /boot/vmlinuz-x.x rm /boot/ rm /boot/config-x.x rm /boot/initramfs-genkernel-
xen Device Drivers->Graphical support -> disable Nouveau Device Drivers->X86 Platform Specific Device Drivers -> disable WMI cp vmlinux cp usr/src/linux.config cp /usr/src/linux/Makeefile
7.3. config for dracut
- emerge –ask sys-apps/pciutils sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
- eselect kernel list
- eselect kernel set 1
- lspci -k > lspciinstallcd
- lsmod > lsmodinstallcd
- dmesg > dmesginstallcd
- make menuconfig / make nconfig
- processor type and features
- disable
- support for extended non-PC x86 platforms
- AMD optons
- CPU microcode loading support
- enable
- Processor family - Core 2/newer Xeon or Generic x8664
- disable
- File systems
- Device Drivers —> Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM) —> <*> Device mapper support
- enable
- Crypt target support
- Snapshot target
- Multipath target
- I/O Path Selector based on the number of in-flight I/Os
- I/O Path Selector based on the service time
- enable
- Cryptographic API
- enable
- XTS support
- LZO compression algorithm
- Zstd compression algorithm
- User-space interface for hash algorithms
- User-space interface for symmetric key cipher algorithms
- enable
- Generel
- enable
- Make compiler warnings as errors
- enable
- Device Drivers —> Graphic support
- enable
- Frame buffer Devices —> <*> Support for frame buffer devices
- disable - all inside
- Intel 8xx/9xx/G3x/G4x/HD Graphics
- [*] Enable capturing GPU state following a hang
- [*] Compress GPU error state
- [*] Always enable userptr support
- Frame buffers Defices ->
- Simple framebuffer support
- Frame buffer Devices —> <*> Support for frame buffer devices
- enable
- Network
- enable
- Device Drivers -> X86 Platform Specific Device Drivers - ThinkPad ACPI Laptop Ectras
- Device Drivers -> Thermal drivers -> Intel Thermal drivers
- Device Drivers -> Network -> leave only enable Ethernet and WLAN
- 802.1Q VLAN
- Qualcomm Atheros AR8172 Fast Ethernet
- jme:JMicron JMC2XX ethernet driver
- Broadcom 802.11b/g/n BCM43142 - CONFIGCFG80211WEXT=y, package broadcom-sta
- Network support -> Wireless -> cfg80211 wireless extension compatibility
- ifconfig # should show connections
- enable
- processor type and features
- make all modules as * - if it is not device specific: check with lsmod command
7.4. security config
- General setup:
- Randomize slab freelist
- Page allocator randomization
- General architecture-dependent options
- Randomize kernel stack offset on syscall entry
- GCC plugins -> Randomize layout of sensitive kernel structures
- Enable loadable module - sign all
- Security options
- Restrict uprivileged access tp the kernel syslog
- Harden memory copies between kernel and userspace
- Allow usercopy whitelist … - must be disabled slabcommon.usercopyfallback=N
- Harden common str/mem functions agains buffer overflows
- Kernel hardening options
- Kernel hacking -> disable
- Kernel debugging
- Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments -> Debugfs default access - set - No access
- all debugging
7.5. hardening
- Kernel Hacking
- [*] Kernel debugging
- Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
- [*] Panic on Oops CONFIGPANICONOOPS=y
- (-1) panic timeout CONFIGPANICTIMEOUT=-1
- [*] Panic on Oops CONFIGPANICONOOPS=y
- Memory debugging
- Warn or W+X mappings at boot CONFIGDEBUGWX
- Detect stack corrution on CONFIGSCHEDSTACKENDCHECK=y
- Debug kernel data structures - all
- Debug linked list CONFIGDEBUGLIST=y
- Device drivers
- IOMMU Hardware Support
- IOMMU default domain type - strict
- IOMMU Hardware Support
- General setup
[ ]
Core Scheduling for SMT - better to DISABLE!
- Filesystems
- Pseudo filesystems
[ ]
/proc/kcore support - DISABLE!!
- Pseudo filesystems
- Processor type and features
[ ]
kexec system call - DISABLE!!
- Executable file formats
[ ]
Kernel suppoert for MISC binaries - DISABLE!!
- General architecture-dependent options
- Gcc plugins
- Generate some entropy during boot and runtime
- Gcc plugins
- Memory managgement options (for x8664)
- (65536) Low address space to protect - CONFIGDEFAULTMMAPMINADDR=65536
7.6. nconfig search
- / - search
- Up/Down array - next/preview search
make NCONFIGMODE=singlemenu nconfig - shows all sub-menus in one large tree.
7.7. menuconfig search
- / - search
- / TAB TAB - help
- regex supported
7.8. add binary driver to kernel
CONFIGEXTRAFIRMWAREDIR="lib/firmware" CONFIGEXTRAFIRMWARE="file name in /lib/firmware separated by space"
- Device Drivers
- Generic Driver Options
- Firmware Loader
7.9. modules parameters
emerge sys-fs/sysfsutils systool -am thinkpad_acpi # get options systool -v -m thinkpad_acpi # get current values
7.10. renaming vmlinuz and
version=$(cat /usr/src/linux/include/config/kernel.release) # 6.1.0-gentoo # old2 to old3 mv /boot/vmlinuz-${version}-old2 /boot/vmlinuz-${version}-old3 mv /boot/${version}-old2 /boot/${version}-old3 mv /boot/initramfs-${version}.img-old2 /boot/initramfs-${version}.img-old3 # old to old2 mv /boot/vmlinuz-${version}-old /boot/vmlinuz-${version}-old2 mv /boot/${version}-old /boot/${version}-old2 mv /boot/initramfs-${version}.img-old /boot/initramfs-${version}.img-old2 # save to old mv /boot/vmlinuz-$version /boot/vmlinuz-${version}-old mv /boot/$version /boot/${version}-old mv /boot/initramfs-${version}.img /boot/initramfs-${version}.img-old # rename mv /boot/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz-$version mv /boot/ /boot/$version mv /boot/initramfs /boot/initramfs-$version
7.11. GNU Linux-libre
7.12. Linux Libre
7.12.1. kernel deblob script of GNU Linux-libre project
7.12.2. librewolf
always based on the latest version of Firefox. does not have auto-update capabilities
- wget
- gpg –import SIGNING-KEY
- gpg –keyserver –recv-key BCB7CF877E7D47A7
- gpg –verify deblob-check.sign deblob-check
7.13. links
8. keyboard
- xmodmap - only recommended for the simplest tasks - file ./xmodmap
- setxkbmap - X keyboard extension (XKB) - should be saved to ~/.profile (or ./xinitrc)
- xev - find out key kode
- dumpkeys/loadkeys - console and global
8.1. xmodmap
- xmodmap -pke - get current keys config
- xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap - load from file
- keysym - a,z,Modeswitch, Shift
- keycode - 0xfd,0x5f
- modifier key types: Shift, Lock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, Mod5
Each keysym column in the table corresponds to a particular combination of modifier keys ( Only the first four elements are platform-independent):
- Key
- Shift+Key
- Modeswitch+Key
- Modeswitch+Shift+Key
- ISOLevel3Shift+Key or <"NumLock"-key> or Ctrl
- ISOLevel3Shift+Shift+Key
- <"NumLock"-"Modeswitch"-key>
ISOLevel3Shift may be set with:
- setxkbmap -option 'lv3:raltalt'
8.1.1. .xmodmap
- ! - comment
- keysym keysymbol = keymapping - keysym z = z Z Greekomega GreekOMEGA
- keycode keycode = keymapping - keycode 0xfd = PageDown
- clear modifier
- add modifier = keysymbol - assign key to modifier
8.1.2. usage Firefox & IJKL
firefox keycode 18 = 9 parenleft Prior parenleft keycode 19 = 0 parenright Next parenright keycode 17 = 8 asterisk 8 Up U20BD keycode 20 = minus underscore Down underscore keycode 65 = space NoSymbol Return keycode 108 = Modeswitch
ex: keycode 66 = Modeswitch keysym j = j J Left keysym l = l L Right keysym i = i I Up keysym k = k K Down keysym h = h H Prior keysym n = n N Next keysym y = y Y Home keysym m = m m End
8.1.3. Ctrl as a CapsLook
remove Lock = CapsLock keysym CapsLock = ControlL add Control = ControlL
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
8.2. xkb
/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ru = locale
- setxkbmap -query - get current model and options
- setxkbmap -option - reset
- man 7 xkeyboard-config - get options
- xev -event keyboard - to get keycodes and to check how your keymap works
- xkbkeycodes
- xkbtypes
xkbcomp -xkb $DISPLAY xkbmap
test -f ~/.Xkeymap && xkbcomp ~/.Xkeymap $DISPLAY
- Level 1 is unshifted
- level 2 is the result of a ⇧ Shift modifier, a shift latch, a ⇫ Shift Lock, a Num Lock, or a ⇬ Caps Lock;
- and level 3 is the result of a "level three modifier" of some kind.
setxkbmap -model pc101 -layout 'us,ru' -variant ',' -option 'grp:shiftcapsswitch'
8.2.1. files to autostart
cp etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc ~.config/xfce4/xinitrc
8.2.2. LINKS
8.2.3. TODO Ctrl+key
xkbtypes "complete" { type "CTRL" { modifiers= Control; map[Control]= Level2; levelname[Level1]= "Base"; levelname[Level2]= "Ctrl"; }; } xkbsymbols "pc+us+ru:2+inet(evdev)+group(shiftcapsswitch)" { key <AB07> { type[Group1]= "ALPHABETIC", type[Group2]= "ALPHABETIC", type[Group3]= "PCCONTROLLEVEL2", symbols[Group1]= [ m, M ], symbols[Group2]= [ Cyrillicsoftsign, CyrillicSOFTSIGN ], symbols[Group3]= [ Return, Return ] }; }
8.2.4. Ctrl+Shift problem
- xkbcomp $DISPLAY ~/.Xkeymap
- add to xkbsymbols, your key = CAPS or LWIN
key <your key> { repeat= no, type= "ONE_LEVEL", symbols[Group1]= [ Hyper_L ], actions[group1]=[ SetMods(modifiers=Shift+Control) ] };
- add to ~/.xinitrc
test -f ~/.Xkeymap && xkbcomp ~/.Xkeymap $DISPLAY
8.2.5. disable capslock
- setxkbmap -option caps:none
8.2.6. Right Alt as Ctrl
setxkbmap -option ctrl:raltrctrl
8.3. keyboard theory
- \*nix [LF] whereas on a windows operating system you have [CRLF]
8.4. Tab to right Alt
- get keys: xmodmap -pke
- map to right alt: xmodmap -e "keycode 108 = Tab ISOLeftTab Tab ISOLeftTab"
- reselt setxkbmap -option
8.5. GTK Emacs
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/KeyThemeName -s Emacs
8.6. TODO unicode characters and emoji
8.7. rebind
8.7.1. C++
In order to run x11keymacs, you need the following previleges:
- Read/Write privileges on /dev/uinput, /dev/input/event*
- In case /dev/uinput does not exist, you first need to "modprobe uinput" to create this device file
- X-Window server access privileges
- You need to give X server access privileges to the user that runs this tool, for example using xhost or xauth. It is also needed to provide enviroment variable "DISPLAY" correctly.
8.7.2. C
gint - Glib data types - gint and gchar are not defined to be a certain size and so there is no reason to use them.
import own
- common
- x-set-keys
search keyboard device from /dev/input/event* and use the first found.
8.7.3. XCompose - cannot bind to Return
8.7.4. xkb ISOLevel3Shift - require unused key
8.8. pynput - cannot suppress pressed
pip3 install pynput –user
- pynput.keyboard._init__
- pynput.keyboard.xorg (listener)
- extension of:
- pynput.util.xorg (ListenerMixin)
- keyboard.base (Listener)
- pynput.util._init__ (AbstractListener (threading.Thread))
- extension of:
- Xlib
- ._enter__:
- start()
- wait()
- run():
- _run()
- _thread = threading.currentthread()
- join()
- _init__
- _enter__
- start()
- run()
- _run()
- run()
- wait
- start()
- .join() -
- non-blocking
- _init__
- start()
- run()
- _run()
- run()
8.9. kaymap with dumpkeys/loadkeys
- mkdir -p usr/local/share/kbd/keymaps
- dumpkeys -f > /usr/local/share/kbd/keymaps/
showkey –scancodes dumpkeys -l
default kernel keymap: /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/
man keymaps
8.9.1. pressing Caps Lock key once or more sets the keyboard in CapsLock state and pressing either of the Shift keys releases it.
keycode 42 = UncapsShift keycode 54 = UncapsShift keycode 58 = CapsOn
8.10. /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc
- sudo cp /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc.bak
- rm -rf /var/lib/xkb/*
8.11. mouse emulation
- xfce4-settings-accessibility # GUI
- xfconf-query -c accessibility -p /MouseKeys -s true # switch on
- xfconf-query -c accessibility -p /MouseKeys -s false # switch off
- delay: 50
- repeat interval: 18
- acceleration time: 230
- max speed: 1910
- acc profile: 0
9. monitor
9.1. brightness
- x11-apps/xrandr
- xrandr –output DVI-I-1 –brightness 0.4
backlight for notebook
- sys/class/backlight????/brightness
9.2. colours
- xrandr - get outputs
- xrandr –output LVDS1 –gamma 1.0:1.0:1.0 # red,green,blue
10. software debuging
- ldd /bin/app - Shared Library Dependencies, unsafe may execute app
- objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED - safer way
- readelf -d /bin/ls | grep 'NEEDED' -
- pldd <PID> - of runned process
- pmap <PID> - memory map of a process, can also show shared library dependencies of a running process.
- sudo awk '/\.so/{print $6}' /proc/<pid of process>/maps | sort -u - runned process
- objdump -p /path/to/program | grep NEEDED - safer way
10.0.1. network requests by Process
strace -f -e trace=network -s 10000 PROCESS ARGUMENTS
To monitor an existing process with a known PID:
strace -p $PID -f -e trace=network -s 10000
- -f is for "follow new processes"
- -e defines a filter
- -s sets the limit of strings to more then 32
- -p takes the process id to attach to
port=`lsof -i | grep $process | cut -d' ' -f18 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1` tcpdump -w ${port}.pcap port $port &
11. processes communcation
11.1. Inter-process communication
- file
- signals
- POSIX mmap, message queues, semaphores,[4] and shared memory
- Linux Transparent Inter Process Communication (TIPC) - protocol for cluster-wide operation.
11.1.1. Unix Domain Sockets
all communication occurs within the kernel. Processes reference a domain socket as an inode, and multiple processes can communicate with one socket
11.1.2. shared memory and message queues:
ipcs -ap --human
- -a - all - –shmems (shared memory segments), –queues, –semaphores
11.1.3. pipelines
- anonymous pipes
- uni-directional channel disappears when the processes are completed:
- command1 | command2 | command3
- named pipes
- named by making it a file, remains after the processes are completed. messages passed to or
from a pipe.
- mkfifo -m 0666 /tmp/namedPipe
- gzip -d < out.gz > /tmp/namedPipe
11.1.4. Message Queues: Message queues provide a way for processes to exchange messages in a way that is guaranteed to be delivered, even if the sending or receiving process is not currently running.
11.2. D-Bus
IPC daemon
- system bus
- session bus - session separate even for same user.
bus name: org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
unique connection name - When a process sets up a connection to a bus, the bus assigns to the connection a special bus name called
- :1.1553 (the characters after the colon have no particular meaning.
standard interfaces:
- org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer: provides a way to test if a D-Bus connection is aliv
- org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable: provides an introspection mechanism by which a client process can, at run-time, get a description (in XML format) of the interfaces, methods and signals that the object implements.
- org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties: allows a D-Bus object to expose the underlying native object properties or attributes, or simulate them if it does not exist
- org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager: when a D-Bus service arranges its objects hierarchically, this interface provides a way to query an object about all sub-objects under its path, as well as their interfaces and properties, using a single method call
12. install tarball - (from source, install sources)
- /opt if it is a binary install
- /usr/local if it's a from source install.
- tar xzf -C /usr/local/src program.tar.gz # source code
- tar xjf program.tar.bz2 -C /opt # binary
- –directory == -C
- z - unzip
- tar xzf <file>.tar.[bz2|gz] –directory=/opt
- cd opt
- sudo chown -R $USER /opt/program
- gedit ~/.local/share/applications/waterfox.desktop
- ./configure or ./configure –prefix=/usr/local
- make
- make install #It’ll probably be stored under /usr/local
- export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake .. -DCMAKEBUILDTYPE=Release -DCMAKEINSTALLPREFIX=/usr/local/bin/folder
- cmake –build .
- make uninstall
- cmake: xargs rm < installmanifest.txt # to remove
13. GPG - GNU Privacy Guard
13.1. install
chmod 0700 ~/.gnupg/
13.2. about
GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG system, GnuPG or GPG)
compliant with
- RFC 4880
- the IETF standards-track specification of OpenPGP.
interoperable with GnuPG
13.3. theory
13.3.1. Криптосистема с открытым ключом
разновидность асимметричного шифрования
- открытый ключ - передаётся по открытому каналу и используется для проверки ЭП и для шифрования сообщения.
- закрытый ключ - Для генерации ЭП и для расшифровки сообщения
Виды асимметричных шифров:
- RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) - best suited for verification and encryption.
- DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) - best suited for signing in and decryption.
- Elgamal (Шифросистема Эль-Гамаля) - semantically secure
- Diffie-Hellman (Обмен ключами Диффи — Хелмана)
- ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) — алгоритм с открытым ключом для создания цифровой подписи.
- ГОСТ Р 34.10-2012
- Rabin
- Luc
- McEliece
- Криптосистема Уильямса
In public key cryptography, a key is actually a pair: a public key, and a private key. You use the private key to digitally sign files, and others use the public key to verify the signature. Or, others use the public key to encrypt something, and you use the private key to decrypt it.
13.3.2. Цифровая подпись Digital signature
- authentication - who sent
- integrity - was not altered
- hash of message
- шифрование с закрытым ключом => подпись
- сектификат(какой ключ) + подпись + Данные
расшифрование с открытым ключом и сверка хешей
асимметричные схемы FDH (Full Domain Hash), вероятностная схема RSA-PSS (Probabilistic Signature Scheme), схемы стандарта PKCS#1 и другие схемы, основанные на алгоритме RSA
13.3.3. keyservers
Идеально - делиться ключами из рук в руки
просто хранят ключи доступные по fingerprint
The major keyservers synchronize themselves, so it is fine to pick a keyserver close to you on the Internet and then use it regularly for sending and receiving keys.
hkp:// or x-hkp:// - 11371 not port 80.
hkps:// (HKP over TLS)
- SKS Keyserver Pool: federated, no verification, keys cannot be deleted.
- Mailvelope Keyserver: central, verification of email IDs, keys can be deleted.
- central, verification of email IDs, keys can be deleted, no third-party signatures (i.e. no Web of Trust support).
Чтобы ключи не залеживались на почту приходит запрос об актуальности ключа
13.3.4. TODO signing keys
13.3.5. subkeys
When generating an OpenPGP key with GnuPG, per default a primary key (pair), also called master-key, and a sub-key (pair) are created. The primary key, also called master-key, contains one or more user-IDs (name, email-address) and is used for for signing. The sub-key, signed by the primary key and thus confirmed to belong to its user-IDs, is used for encryption/decryption.
- for security: The primary key pair is quite important
- primary key pair - on your main computer
- You publish the subkeys on the normal keyservers, and everyone else will use them instead of the primary keys for encrypting messages or verifying your message signatures
- You will need to use the primary keys only in exceptional circumstances, namely when you want to modify your own or someone else's key.
13.4. therms
uid - USER-ID - string after: uid [ultimate]
- primary keypair and then zero or more additional subordinate keypairs
- they are bundled and can often be considered simply as one keypair.
revocation certificate - published to notify others that the public key should no longer be used
- created right after keypare creation
- revoked public key can still be used to verify signatures made by you in the past
key ring - is a set of keys, public or private. (public keyring - public keys of others stored)
fingerprint or frp - SHA-1 hash of key and additional data
- key-id or hash-key - portion of the SHA-1 fingerprint at the end of fingerprint. –keyid-format=long/short
- examples:
- fingerprint: 0D69 E11F 12BD BA07 7B37 26AB 4E1F 799A A4FF 2279
- long id: 4E1F 799A A4FF 2279
- short id: A4FF 2279
two key pairs: (1, 3) and (2, 4):
- pub – public primary key (master-key) - used for for signing
- sub – public sub-key - signed by the primary key and thus confirmed to belong to its user-IDs - used for encryption/decryption.
- sec – secret primary key
- ssb – secret sub-key
13.5. create key
13.6. list-keys
- supported algorithms: gpg –version
- gpg –list-keys: List all keys from the public keyrings, or just the keys given on the command line.
- gpg –list-secret-keys: List all keys from the secret keyrings or just the ones given on the command line
- gpg –list-public-keys
- gpg –list-sigs: Same as –list-keys, but the signatures are listed too.
- –list-keys –with-colons
- –keyid-format {none|short|0xshort|long|0xlong}
full key: gpg –armor –export | less
pub dsa1024/17072058 2004-07-20 [SC] [expires: 2022-01-01]
- public primary key
- SC primary and E subordinate keyparis ? algoritm and key size
- key-id SHORT - last part of fingerprint.
- created date
- usage flags:
- SC - signing and certification.
- E - used for encryption.
- 0x01 “C” Key Certification
- 0x02 “S” Sign Data
- 0x04 “E” Encrypt Communications
- 0x08 “E” Encrypt Storage
- 0x10 Split key
- 0x20 “A” Authentication
- 0x80 Held by more than one person
- expires
- pub - public, followed by fingerprint
- sec - secret, followed by fingerprint
- uid -
- ssb - Secret subkey
- sub - public subkey - (used for encryption)
When generating an OpenPGP key with GnuPG, per default a primary key (pair), also called master-key, and a sub-key (pair) are created.
13.7. Correct way to replace a GPG key
The original idea was that people with keys would get together in person-to-person meet-ups called key signing parties to sign each other's keys and build a web of trust.
13.8.1. create keys
- gpg –gen-key - too stupid
- gpg –expert –full-generate-key
- Curve 448 - is the best
- gpg –gen-revoke –armor –output=revocationcertificate.asc user-id
- armor - ASCII output suitable for copy. default - binary format
(9) ECC (sign and encrypt) default
(5) NIST P-521
P-521 = secp521r1ansip521r1
- Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Hash Algorithm: SHA-512
Curve 448 - highly secure against both current and potential future threats, including those posed by quantum computing.
- This curve offers one of the highest levels of security among all ECC options listed.
- It provides an equivalent security level to a 7680-bit RSA key, making it highly resistant to both classical and quantum attacks.
Curve 25519: Equivalent to a 3072-bit RSA key in terms of security.
- gpg –output public.key –armor –export user-id/fingerprint - generage ASCII version of a user's public key to file public.key (to exchange)
- upload
- keyserver hkp://zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad.onion
13.8.2. delete keys
gpg –delete-key fingerprint
13.8.3. keyserver get key
- gpg –keyserver keyserver –search-keys stringtomatch
- stringtomatch - by the owner’s name or email address
- gpg –keyserver hkps://
- gpg –keyserver hkps://
Чтобы не указывать keyserver:
- ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf: keyserver hkps://
Правильыне Шаги:
- gpg –keyserver hkps:// –recv-key '<fingerprint>'
- You should verify with the individual owner the full key fingerprint of their key.
- check key by fingerpint:
- gpg –fingerprint '<fingerprint>'
You must periodically refresh keys. You might do this every few months or when you receive a key from a new contact.
- gpg –keyserver hkps:// –refresh-keys
To locate the key of a user, by email address:
- gpg –auto-key-locate hkps:// –locate-keys
To refresh all your keys (e.g. new revocation certificates and subkeys):
- gpg –refresh-keys
- gpg –keyserver –send-keys key-id - register your key with a public PGP key server, so that others can retrieve your key without having to contact you directly
- gpg –keyserver –search-keys key-id
- gpg –keyserver –recv-keys 0xBB572E0E2D182910
- ТЫ должен проверить fingerprint primary key из другого источника и потом выполнить trusted
13.8.4. upload your key
gpg –export | curl -T - or gpg –export >
13.8.5. trust level for key
gpg –edit-key blake
- > trust
- > 3
- > quit
13.8.6. import key
- gpg –import ~/mygpgkeypub.gpg
- or: gpg –allow-secret-key-import –import ~/mygpgkeysec.gpg
- check key manually!:
- gpg –list-keys
- gpg –armor –export user-id/fingerpr/email
13.8.7. verify .sign
gpg2 –locate-keys
- gpg –verify [signature-file] [file]
- gpg –verify install-amd64-minimal-20201001T120249Z.iso.DIGESTS.asc install-amd64-minimal-20201001T120249Z.iso.DIGESTS
gpg: not a detached signature
- To make the "WARNING" message go away you can indicate that you choose to trust that key using TOFU:
- gpg2 –tofu-policy good 38DBBDC86092693E
- gpg2 –trust-model tofu –verify linux-4.6.6.tar.sign # –trust-model tofu required for first time only
13.8.8. export public for share
Echo your public key to stdout.
- gpg –export –armor
Write your public key to a file.
- gpp –export –armor –output
13.8.9. Backup and restore your GPG key pair
backup just your private key, which includes your public key too:
- gpg –export-secret-keys –armor –output nickexample.gpg.backup.asc
backup the GPG trust database
- gpg –export-ownertrust > /path/to/trustdb-backup.txt
- gpg -import nickexample.gpg.backup.asc
- gpg –edit-key name # Replace "name" with yours # the restored GPG key will have an “unknown” trust level
- $ gpg> trust # Choose "ultimate" or other trust level
- $ gpg> save # Save the changes
restore your GPG trust database
- rm ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg
- gpg –import-ownertrust < /path/to/trustdb-backup.txt
13.8.10. sign keys (after importing)
If you don’t do this, you can still use it to encrypt and decrypt messages from and to that person. But gpg will ask you every time whether you wish to proceed because the key is unsigned.
gpg –sign-key
13.8.11. encripting file
Without public key of recipient
- gpg –armored –symmetric –cipher-algo AES256 ./file
- or zip -re out.txt
With public key of recipient
- wget
- gpg – import xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- encrypt and sign
- gpg –encrypt –sign –armor –recipient FILE.txt
Encrypt with own private key, decrypt with own public key: No meaning in that.
Encrypt with own public key, decrypt with own private key:
gpg --encrypt --encrypt-to message.txt gpg message.txt.gpg
13.8.12. decrypt file
gpg –decrypt coded.asc > plain.txt
13.8.13. encrypt/decrypt with password (symmetric) (armored)
- gpg –armored -c –cipher-algo AES256 ./file
- -c = –symmetric
- gpg –decrypt ./file.gpg # binary
- gpg –decrypt ./file.asc # armored
13.8.14. generate password
gpg –gen-random –armor 1 14
13.8.15. password storage in file
gpg2 -q –for-your-eyes-only –no-tty -d ~/.mailpass.gpg
13.9. trust model (Web of trust or Trust on first use)
default - Web of trust - responsibility for validating public keys is delegated to people you trust
- Trust on First Use (TOFU)
trust levels
- unknown - Nothing is known about the owner's judgment in key signing. Keys on your public keyring that you do not own initially have this trust level.
- none - The owner is known to improperly sign other keys.
- marginal - The owner understands the implications of key signing and properly validates keys before signing them.
- full - The owner has an excellent understanding of key signing, and his signature on a key would be as good as your own.
- ultimately
13.10. GPG agent
cache passphrase entered and allow applications to use GPG concurrently
13.11. как шифрвоать
Добрый день.
Пришли мне зафированный файл FILE.txt:
- wget
- gpg –import 074C37CF05B861D4C4CC3AC20C5A9B0DA76B2719
- gpg –encrypt –armor –recipient FILE.txt
Зашифрованный файл: FILE.txt.asc
- берет мой публичный ключ
- добавляет его в GnuPG
- шифрует им файл
gpg –decrypt coded.asc > plain.txt
13.12. TODO Emacs EasyPG Assistant
13.13. links
13.13.1. extend validity of the main key
- gpg –edit-key 0x12345678
- gpg> expire
- gpg> save
You have to make a decision about extending validity of vs. replacing the subkey(s). Replacing them gives you limited forward security (limited to rather large time frames). If that is important to you then you should have (separate) subkeys for both encryption and signing (the default is one for encryption only).
14. The X Window System (X11 or X)
X.Org Foundation leads the X project (MIT License)
- Wayland - modern replacement for X display server
- Mir
Xorg is an open source implementation of the X Window System.
- Screen is a physical monitor and hardware
- There can be multiple screens for each display or workstatio
- Display - A set of screens for a single user with one keyboard and one pointer (usually a mouse)
- root window - partially or completely covered by child windows
- pixmaps - off-screen storage of graphics objects
- drawables - Windows and pixmaps together
14.1. terms
- window manager
- on-screen windows and window decorations.
- desktop environment
- window manager + apps.
14.2. lock screen
xautolock -time 1 -locker 'xflock4'
- u ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/killall telegram-desktop,/usr/bin/vlock -n,/usr/local/bin/
- #!/bin/sh
- echo 0 | tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/authorized
Alt+F1 -> Settings -> Session and startup -> Application Autostart -> add
- xautolock -time 10 -locker 'sudo vlock -n ; sudo /usr/local/bin/'
14.3. unused terminals
count childrens of processes:
for line in $(ps aux | grep ' bash' | grep Ss | awk '{print $2}') ; do child_count=$(ps --no-headers --ppid=$line | grep -v emacsclient | wc -l) echo $line $child_count if [ $child_count -eq 0 ] ; then # parent_pid=$(ps -o ppid= -p $line) # ps -u -p $line kill -9 $line fi done
14.4. amdgpu
xrandr –setprovideroffloadsink 'AMD Radeon HD 8500M Series @ pci:0000:01:00.0' Intel
14.4.1. vgaswitcheroo
- discrete GPU - games
- integrated GPU - in the CPU
cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
Turns on the GPU that is disconnected (not currently driving outputs), but does not switch outputs.
sudo echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
Connects integrated graphics with outputs.
sudo echo IGD > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
Connects discrete graphics with outputs.
sudo echo DIS > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
Turns off the graphics card that is currently disconnected.
sudo echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
Queues a switch to integrated graphics to occur when the X server is next restarted.
sudo echo DIGD > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
Queues a switch to discrete graphics to occur when the X server is next restarted.
sudo echo DDIS > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
14.5. xorg.conf.d
etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory (recommended) or the legacy /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
- read the files in numeric order. 10-evdev.conf will be read before 20-synaptics.conf, and so on.
X :2 -configure
14.6. TODO tilling
15. xfce4
15.1. history
twm -> FVWM -> xfce
15.2. Emacs - conflict
Settings -> Settings Editor -> xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts
- C-M-d
15.3. xfce4-terminal
15.3.1. hotkeys
Ctrl+Shift+s - set title
C-S-k - scroll one line up A-S-k - scroll page up A-S-n - scroll page down
15.3.2. set title and execute command
current active:
xdotool getactivewindow set_window --name $(echo "${PWD/#$HOME/\~}")
at start:
v="command ;" xfce4-terminal --initial-title "my title" -e "bash -c \"${v}\"" exit
15.4. insert unicode
C-S-u hex code
compose keys ? /usr/share/X11/locale/enUS.UTF-8/Compose
- Preferences → Keyboard → Layouts tab → Layout Options → Compose key position.
- setxkbmap -option 'compose:menu'
15.5. bind keys to applications
- can not create several aplications for Firefox - it keeps updating its own name
#!/usr/bin/env sh xdotool search "Mozilla Firefox" if [ $? == 0 ] ; then xdotool search "Mozilla Firefox" windowactivate exit fi firefox
#!/usr/bin/env sh n=$@ xdotool search "term$n" if [ $? == 0 ] ; then xdotool search "term$n" windowactivate exit fi xfce4-terminal --initial-title term$n
15.6. accessibility - mouse emulation
- Acceleration delay
- 45
- Repeat interval
- 18
- Acceleration time
- 230
- Maximum speed
- 2000
- Acceleration profile
- 0
16. Wayland
Stacking/Tiling hybrid view management
16.1. terms
- Tiling
- none of the windows overlapping. (keyboard centeric)
- Stacking
- (aka floating) traditional desktop metaphor
- dynamic
- can dynamically switch between tiling or floating window layout.
17. cron
- emerge –ask sys-process/dcron
Cron checks:
- var/spool/cron - undividual user cron files
- etc/cron.d - system services and apps
- /etc/anacrontab - configuration file for anacron
- /etc/crontab - cron tasks not edited with crontab -e (old)
- /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<user> - per user edited with crontab -e (right way)
- cron task scripts: - place scripts to execute here
- etc/cron.hourly
- etc/cron.daily
- etc/cron.weekly
- etc/cron.monthly
- crontab -l
- crontab -e
- export VISUAL=nano - change editor
- export EDITOR=nano - change editor
apt install cron systemctl enable cron systemctl start cron crontab -e 0 0 * * * systemctl restart tor
17.1. format
Wildcard, specifies every possible time interval
- The comma (,): To specify a list of values
- Asterisk (*): To specify all possible values for a field
- / Specify a periodicity/frequency using a slash
- Dash (-): To specify a range of values
Symbol | Description |
'*' | Wildcard, specifies every possible time interval |
, | List multiple values separated by a comma. |
'-' | Specify a range between two numbers, separated by a hyphen |
'/' | Specify a periodicity/frequency using a slash |
@reboot | at startup | |
@yearly | midnight of 1 January | 0 0 1 1 * |
@annually | ( == @yearly) | |
@monthly | at midnight of the first day of the month | 0 0 1 * * |
@weekly | midnight on Sunday morning | 0 0 * * 0 |
@daily | once a day at midnight | 0 0 * * * |
@midnight | ( == @daily) | |
@hourly | once an hour at the beginning of the hour | 0 * * * * |
17.2. Examples:
30 4 echo "It is now 4:30 am." 0 22 echo "It is now 10 pm." 30 15 25 12 echo "It is 3:30pm on Christmas Day." 30 3 * * * echo "Remind me that it's 3:30am every day." 0 * * * * echo "It is the start of a new hour." 0 6 1,15 * * echo "At 6am on the 1st and 15th of every month." 0 6 * * 2,3,5 echo "At 6am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays." 59 23 * * 1-5 echo "Just before midnight on weekdays." 0 */2 * * * echo "Every two hours." 0 20 * * 4 echo "8pm on a Thursday." 0 20 * * Thu echo "8pm on a Thursday." */15 9-17 * * 2-5 echo "Every 15 minutes from 9am-5pm on weekdays." @yearly echo "Happy New Year!"
18. vi/vim
~/vimrc or ~/.vimrc - config file
set nu Now Vim will show line numbers when file is opened. We’ll add more options to this file latter on.
- v - visual mode
- y/d - copy/cut
- p/P - paste
18.1. insert modes
Enter insert mode:
- i/I insert before cursor/begin of line
- a/A Append text after cursor/end of line
- o/O Append new line below/above
- s/(S or cc) Remove char/whole line
- C remove all after cursor
- r replace one character
- R Enter Replace mode
- J remove \n at the end of line
18.2. Navigation
- jkl;
- Ctrl+b scroll back
- Ctrl+f scroll forward
- 0/$ Move cursor to the begining/end of current line
- :n Jump to the nth line
- :0 Jump to the start of file
- :$ Jump to the end of file
- w/e Move cursor to the beginning/end of the next word
- b Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word
- Ctrl + o Jump back to the previous position
- Ctrl + i Jump to the next position
18.3. other
- Esc Enter command mode, esc insert mode
- u Undo changes
- Ctrl + r Redo changes
- yy Copy a line
- p Paste the content of the buffer
- [[ or gg Move to the beginning of a file
- ]] or G Move to the end of a file
- :w Save changes
- :q! Force quit Vim discarding all changes
- dd Delete line
- / Search, n- next N-previous
to line number:
- vi +36 foo.c
- :36
copy area:
- v visual mode
- y copy
- p paste
18.4. plugins
~/.vim - direcotry
The plugins kept in ~/.vim/pack/*/start folder loaded into Vim memory when it starts
- Any directory under ~/.vim/pack is considered a package.
- The plugins under start/ folder are loaded on startup, while the plugins under opt/ folder are loaded manually
- :packadd pluginopt1 - load plugin from vendor/opt
18.5. old
In normal mode
:23,30m200 – Move a section of code to another line.
df, (reverse dF,) – Delete all characters till , on the current line.
I – Go to beginning of the line as insert mode.
$ – In command mode, go to end of the line.
gg – Go to beginning of the file G – Go to end of the file.
CTRL + o, CTRL + i – Jumps back and forward, very useful.
CTRL + h/j/k/l – Move the selection to different split windows and MinibuferExplorer.
CTRL + F – Page down scroll. CTRL + B – Page back scroll.
номера :set number :set nonumber номера курсора :set ruler подсветка результатов поиска :set hlsearch строка :(0) $
Ctrl-U CTRL + B – Page back scroll Ctrl-D CTRL + F – Page down scroll.
Page H M L
Macros: qa Start recording a macro in register a. ^ Move to the beginning of the line. i#include "<Esc> Insert the string #include " at the beginning of the line. $ Move to the end of the line. a"<Esc> Append the character double quotation mark (") to the end of the line. j Go to the next line. q Stop recording the macro.
Now that you have done the work once, you can repeat the change by typing the command "@a" three times.
Macros: include one include two include three include four
Move the cursor to the "o" of "one" and press CTRL-V. Move it down with "3j" to "four". You now have a block selection that spans four lines. Now type:
The result:
include include main.two include main.three include main.four
:set textwidth=72 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) windows: :split (file name) :new Cltr-W :close :only -close all others :vsplit :vnew
tabs: :tabedit thatfile :tab split :0tabnew - before first one :tabc gt -> (goto tab) gT <- :tabl :tabfir
syntax on modeline – моды в самом файле for python: tabstop (по умолчанию 8) — количество пробелов, которыми символ табуляции отображается в тексте. Оказывает влияние как на уже существующие табуляции, так и на новые. В случае изменения значения, «на лету» применяется к тексту.
softtabstop (0) — количество пробелов, которыми символ табуляции отображается при добавлении. Несмотря на то, что при нажатии на Tab вы получите ожидаемый результат (добавляется новый символ табуляции), фактически в отступе могут использоваться как табуляция так и пробелы. Например, при установленных tabstop равной 8 и softtabstop равной 4, троекратное нажатие Tab приведет к добавлению отступа шириной 12 пробелов, однако сформирован он будет из одного символа табуляции и 4 пробелов.
shiftwidth (8) — по умолчанию используется для регулирование ширины отступов в пробелах, добавляемых командами >> и <<. Если значение опции не равно tabstop, как и в случае с softtabstop, отступ может состоять как из символов табуляций так и из пробелов. При включении опции — smarttab, оказывает дополнительное влияние.
smarttab (выключена) — в случае включения этой опции, нажатие Tab в начале строки (если быть точнее, до первого непробельного символа в строке) приведет к добавлению отступа, ширина которого соответствует shiftwidth (независимо от значений в tabstop и softtabstop). Нажатие на Backspace удалит отступ, а не только один символ, что очень полезно при включенной expandtab. Напомню: опция оказывает влияние только на отступы в начале строки, в остальных местах используются значения из tabstop и softtabstop.
expandtab (выключена) — в режиме вставки заменяет символ табуляции на соответствующее количество пробелов. Так же влияет на отступы, добавляемые командами >> и <<.
autoindent (выключена) — копирует отступы с текущей строки при добавлении новой.
smartindent (выключена) — делает то же, что и autoindent плюс автоматически выставляет отступы в «нужных» местах. В частности, отступ ставится после строки, которая заканчивается символом {, перед строкой, которая заканчивается символом }, удаляется перед символом #, если он следует первым в строке и т.д. (подробнее help 'smartindent').
set list - показать конец строки
Syntastic is a Vim plugin that brings syntax checking to Vim.
19. nano
- CTRL + 6 and ALT + 6 to copy
- Ctrl+U to paste
20. ffmpeg
list devices
- ffmpeg -devices
slicing video
- ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:05 -c copy -to 00:00:07 sliced-output.mp4
flac to mp3
- ffmpeg -i "path.flac" -ab 320k -id3v2version 3 -mapmetadata 0 a.mp3
flac to mp3 part sliced
- ffmpeg -accurateseek -ss 00:02:52 -i "/mnt/media/Tim Skold/2021 Skold - Dies Irae flac/03 The End is Near.flac" -t 00:00:12 -ab 320k -id3v2version 3 -mapmetadata 0 file.mp3
clear metadata
- ffmpeg -i s.mp4 -mapmetadata -1 -c:v copy -c:a copy t.mp4
'-i', self.filename, # input file '-y', # overwrite existing output file '-map', '0', # copy everything all streams from input to output '-codec', 'copy', # don't decode anything, just copy (speed!) '-loglevel', 'panic', # Don't show log '-hidebanner', # hide the banner '-mapmetadata', '-1', # remove supperficial metadata '-mapchapters', '-1', # remove chapters '-disposition', '0', # Remove dispositions (check ffmpeg's manpage) '-fflags', '+bitexact', # don't add any metadata '-flags:v', '+bitexact', # don't add any metadata '-flags:a', '+bitexact', # don't add any metadata
-i FILE -y -map 0 -codec copy -hidebanner -mapmetadata -1 -mapchapters -1 -disposition 0 -fflags +bitexact -flags:v +bitexact -flags:a +bitexact FILE
remove image from mp3
- ffmpeg -i Lilu45Kino3.mp3 -map 0:a -c:a copy -mapmetadata -1 Lilu45Kino4.mp3
get info
- ffmpeg -i file
- ffprobe file
to gif
- ffmpeg -ss 1900.0 -t 6.5 -i file.mkv -filtercomplex "[0:v] fps=12,scale=480:-1,split [a][b];[a] palettegen [p];[b][p] paletteuse" SmallerStickAround.gif
record audio from a running application using
- ffmpeg -f alsa -channels 2 -samplerate 44100 -i loopout out.wav
record webcam
- ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i default -itsoffset 00:00:00.5 -f video4linux2 -s 320x240 -r 25 -i /dev/video0 out.mpg
- ffmpeg -threadqueuesize 9000 -f alsa -ac 2 -i default -itsoffset 00:00:00.5 -videosize 800x600 -r 25 -i /dev/video0 out.mpg -y ; mpv out.mpg
- ffmpeg -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -inputformat mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i hw:0,0 -c:a pcms16le -c:v mjpeg -b:v 64000k output.avi -map 0:v -vf "format=yuv420p" -f xv display
- ffmpeg -threadqueuesize 200 -framerate 23 -inputformat mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i mic -c:a pcms16le -c:v libopenh264 -b:v 7000k -af "highpass=f=100, lowpass=f=3000" output.avi -map 0:v -vf "format=yuv420p" -f xv display -y ; mpv output.avi
- ffmpeg -threadqueuesize 200 -framerate 23 -inputformat mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i mic -c:a pcms16le -c:v libopenh264 -b:v 7000k -af "volume=20,highpass=f=200,lowpass=f=1000" output.avi -map 0:v -vf "format=yuv420p" -f xv display -y ; mpv output.avi
- ffmpeg -s 640x480 -threadqueuesize 200 -framerate 24 -inputformat mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i mic -c:a pcms16le -c:v libopenh264 -b:v 7000k -af "volume=20,anlmdn,highpass=f=100,lowpass=f=5000" output.avi -map 0:v -vf "format=yuv420p" -f xv display -y ; mpv output.avi
- ffmpeg -f alsa -i mic -f v4l2 -s 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -c:a copy -c:v libopenh264 -crf 23 -preset ultrafast output.avi
- ffmpeg -s 640x480 -threadqueuesize 2000 -framerate 5 -inputformat mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i mic -c:a pcms16le -c:v libopenh264 -b:v 5000k -af "volume=20,anlmdn,highpass=f=100,lowpass=f=5000" -preset ultrafast output.avi -map 0:v -vf "format=yuv420p" -f xv display -y ; mpv output.avi
- with overlay of camera over display:
- ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 6 -videosize 640x480 -i :0.0 -s 320x240 -threadqueuesize 2000 -framerate 5 -inputformat mjpeg -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i mic -c:a pcms16le -c:v libopenh264 -b:v 5000k -af "volume=20,anlmdn,highpass=f=100,lowpass=f=5000" -preset ultrafast -filtercomplex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=W-w:H-h:format=yuv420" output.avi -map 1:v -vf "format=yuv420p" -f xv display -y ; mpv output.avi
remove audio
- ffmpeg -i infile.mp4 -c copy -an out.mp4
21. camera
USE=qt5 emerge --ask media-libs/libv4l
22. screen recorder
- media-video/simplescreenrecorder
- recordmydesktop - CPU
23. Nginx
alternative to Apache and lighttpd.
- package.use: www-servers/nginx NGINXMODULESHTTP: fastcgi
rc-service nginx start or /etc/init.d/nginx start
Verify bound addresses and ports:
- netstat -tulpen | grep :80
23.1. install
23.2. reverse proxy
You need rewrite URL in body of response. You can do in with sub module:
location /admin/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/; sub_filter "http://your_server/" "http://your_server/admin/"; sub_filter_once off; # all strings sub_filter_last_modified off; # do not touch Last-Modified header # sub_filter_types text/html; # set by default }
May be useful:
- proxyredirect / admin
- nginxsubstitutionsfilter - regex filter
23.2.1. ex
server { listen 80; server_name; index index.php; root /var/www/ # fallback for index.php location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; } location /blog { proxy_pass;proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; # Proxy headers proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; # or $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; # or $server_name; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; # Proxy timeouts proxy_connect_timeout 60s; proxy_send_timeout 60s; proxy_read_timeout 60s; }
23.3. config
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf (specified in /etc/init.d/nginx)
23.3.1. terms
- directives - lines of config (into simple directives and block directives ({}).)
- directive consist of name and parameters (spaces - div), ends with (;)
- context - directives in block directive. the main context - outside of any block
23.3.2. validate the configuration file
/usr/sbin/nginx -t
23.3.3. blocks
server - virtual server with input ports and ips
- servername
- listet (in server) - set address and port
http - provide context for http directives
location (in server, location) - set URI and block of directives for it. most common: root
root (in http,server,location) - Sets the root directory for requests.
23.3.4. variables
The ability to set variables at runtime and control logic flow based on them is part of the rewrite module and not a general feature of nginx.
- set $variable value;
- Context: server, location, if
how to set variables by hands:
# variables: # global # set varname meaning ; # varname # variables: # repeat local # set varname meaning ; # varname $varname # A-S-% $varname meaning ; # varname
23.3.5. Most useful variables:
- $host
- 1) host name from the request line, 2) host name from the “Host” request header field 3) server name matching a request
- $httphost
- Value of the “Host:” header in the request (same as all $http_<headername> variables)
- $https
- “on” if connection operates in SSL mode, or an empty string otherwise
- $requestmethod
- request method, usually “GET” or “POST”
- $requesturi
- full original request URI (with arguments)
- $scheme
- request scheme, e.g. “http” or “https”
- $servername
- name of the server which accepted a request
- $serverport
- port of the server which accepted a request
23.4. logging
- errorlog logs/error.log warn;
- to a particular file, stderr, or syslog (default: logs/error.log)
- errorlog syslog:server=unix:/var/log/nginx.sock debug;
- minimal severity level of messages to log
- to a particular file, stderr, or syslog (default: logs/error.log)
- accesslog /spool/logs/nginx-access.log upstreamtime;
Settings in the main context are always inherited by other configuration levels (http, server, location)
Error Log Severity Levels
- emerg: Emergency messages when your system may be unstable.
- alert: Alert messages of serious issues.
- crit: Critical issues that need to be taken care of immediately.
- error: An error has occured. Something went wrong while processing a page.
- warn: A warning messages that you should look into it.
- notice: A simple log notice that you can ignore.
- info: Just an information messages that you might want to know.
- debug: Debugging information used to pinpoint the location of error.
default error.log format: logformat combined '$remoteaddr - $remoteuser [$timelocal] ' '"$request" $status $bodybytessent ' '"$httpreferer" "$httpuseragent"';
23.5. troubleshooting
1 peer closed connection in SSL handshake (104: Connection reset by peer) while SSL handshaking to upstream
- proxysslservername on;
24. Debian
- list installed packages
- dpkg-query -l, apt list –installed
- list all packages
- apt search keyword or apt-cache search keyword
- list file of package
- dpkg-query -L packagename
- install
- apt-get -s install emacs
- apt-cache search package
- available package
- (no term)
- apt-get clean
alias update="sudo apt-get udate && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
- systemctl disable lightdm
- /etc/default/grub GRUBCMDLINELINUXDEFAULT = "text"
- update-grub
- /etc/systemd/system/
- TTYVTDisallocate=no
24.1. apt
apt is newer
apt -y install …
List packages by criteria apt list
Update the package repository | apt-get update | apt update |
Upgrade packages | apt-get upgrade | apt upgrade |
Upgrade packages and remove unnecessary dependencies | apt-get dist-upgrade | apt full-upgrade |
Disable update for packages | apt-mark hold … |
24.2. tigervnc
under user
- tigervncserver -localhost no
24.3. samba
для работы в Thunar: apt-get install smbclient gvfs-fuse gvfs-backend
24.4. iptables
iptables-save - show filtered, processed tables and export rules
24.5. sound
/etc/asound.conf вторая строка - карта по умолчанию
pcm.!default { type hw card 1 }
ctl.!default { type hw card 0 }
amixer set Master 5+ amixer set Master 5-
24.6. proxy
24.7. ssh
- apt-get install openssh-server
- systemctl start ssh
24.8. dwarf-fortress
- apt install libncursesw5
- in ~/.config/dwarf-fortress/init.txt:
Display not found and PRINTMODE not set to TEXT, aborting.
- nano .config/dwarf-fortress/init.txt
python3 /usr/games/dwarf-fortress
24.8.1. TODO 50 installation
- apt-install dwarf-fortress
- wget
- sha512: 5617b5edf96c8b614af86cbd0f2aa001b3e8773b5c2fafa23b2e1e945e19021b9b3b6752ef8996d97d22d6abd41c52cb74ba50da823436e7b0b5bdd08add4b64
- emacs readme.txt
- ./rundf
24.8.2. troubleshooting
Didn't find any flavor of libncursesw, attempting libncurses (not working)
- apt-install libncursesw5
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- apt install libsdl2-2.0-0
- apt install libsdl2-dev
/dwarfort: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- apt install libsdl2-image-2.0-0
I am trying to play Dwarf Fortress game with [PRINTMODE:TEXT] option over SSH and some characters on terminal not displaying or displaying as (?) question marks. How to fix that?
- Solution: LANG=C
- also this characters should be able to be displayed
24.9. make swap from image
swapon --show free -h fallocate -l 1G /swapfile chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.back echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab
determines how often the swap space should be used 0 to 100. Higher value means the swap space will be used more frequently:
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness echo 'vm.swappiness=10' | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
SWAP=500MB fallocate -l $SWAP /swapfile chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.back echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf.back echo 'vm.swappiness=10' | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf swapon --show
24.10. links
25. Ubuntu
- useradd –create-home –shell=/bin/bash -ou 0 -g 0 user
- sudo gpasswd -d u sudo
- reboot
- apt-get install alsa pulseaudio
- usermod -a -G audio u
- groups - check current user groups
- alsamixer - unmute m key. up arrow
- amixer set Master 5%+
- amixer set Master 5%-
- apt-get install xarchiver
- tty not working:
- GRUBCMDLINELINUXDEFAULT="apt-setup/multiverse=false ipv6.disable=1 console=tty1 noplymouth nomodeset vga=792"
25.1. network
- /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
network: ethernets: enp3s0: dhcp4: false addresses: [] gateway4: nameservers: addresses: [] version: 2
netplan apply ip route delete default via
- iptables-save > etc/iptables…
- systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
- /etc/resolv.conf - nameserver
- nslookup finds ip, but ping doesnt
- /etc/nsswitch.conf : hosts: files dns
25.2. security
rootless Xorg
- after installation of nvidia proprietary drivers
- /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
- needsrootrights=no
- startx – vt1
/etc/fstab proc /proc proc defaults,hidepid=2 0 0
25.3. time
- ntp not used
- /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf:
- systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service
25.4. thumbrd
alias thumb-disable="chmod u-rwx home/u2.cache/thumbnails" alias thumb-enable="chmod u+rwx home/u2.cache/thumbnails"
25.5. printer linux
HP LaserJet P3004/P3005 PCL6 Class Driver
- # apt-get install hplip
- # hp-setup -i
25.6. kerberos and Active Directory
- # apt-get install krb5-config krb5-user
- # dpkg-reconfigure krb5-config
- defaultrealm = INT.RUSNARBANK.RU
- kdc =
- adminserver =
- $ echo 'password' | kinit ChepelevVS@INT.RUSNARBANK.RU
- $ klist - проверить
Thunderbird address book
- Name:Rusnarbank
- Hostname:
- Base DN: DC=int,DC=rusnarbank,DC=ru
- port: 389
- Advanced Login methid:kerberos
- Advanced search file: empty!
25.7. windows share
- sudo apt install cifs-utils
25.8. VSCODE
- wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
- sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
- sudo apt install code
- $ code
- во вкладке расширений - @builtin php
- отключить PHP Language Features - стандартные возможности убоги
- установить например: PHP Intelephense,
26. Astra Linux - Debian derivative
- apt, .deb - packages
- десктопная, мобильная и серверная
- ядро Linux с усиленной самозащитой (hardened) с интеграцией наработок проекта KSPP (Kernel Self Protection Project).
"Special Edition" | "Common Edition" |
средствами защиты информации (СЗИ) | репозиторий в The Linux Foundation |
- Очистка оперативной и внешней памяти и гарантированное удаление файлов. при их освобождении, используя маскирующие последовательности.
- Вывод на печать документов без маркировки субъектами доступа, работающими в мандатном контексте с грифом выше «несекретно», невозможен.
- parlogd - Регистрация событий
- Xorg - Fly - Механизмы защиты информации - Mandatory access control, MAC - изоляция приложений
- Контроль целостности - функция хеширования в соответствии с ГОСТ Р 34.11-94.1.
repository: основной репозиторий (репозиторий установочного диска, main), базовый репозиторий (base) и расширенный репозиторий (extended).
26.1. Special Edition
Режимы защищенности:
- «Базовый» («Орел», несертифицированная версия)
- «Усиленный» («Воронеж»)
- мандатного контроля целостности
- замкнутая программная среда
- подсистема безопасности PARSEC - разработана на основе верифицированной формальной модели безопасности управления доступом и информационными потоками (МРОСЛ ДП-модели).
- «Максимальный» («Смоленск»).
- мандатное управление доступом для локальной и серверной инфраструктуры.
26.2. мандатным контролем целостности (ГОСТ Р 59453.1-2021)
распределение информации или компонент в системе по заданным уровням целостности, исходя из которых назначаются права доступа на изменение объекта.
PARSEC обеспечивает защиту высокоцелостных компонент от несанкционированной записи из низкоцелостных компонент
пользователь root в Astra Linux Special Edition работает на минимальном уровне целостности 0.
26.3. замкнутая программная среда
ограничить запуск исполняемых файлов и загрузку исполняемых библиотек только теми, которые подписаны ЭЦП на доверительном ключе, что обеспечивает защиту от загрузки файла или библиотеки без корректной ЭЦП.
26.4. Мандатное управление доступом
принцип управления доступом, суть которого заключается в распределении информации по заданным уровням (конфиденциальности) и выполнении трех основных условий.
- чтение данных доступно пользователю или процессу, который обладает уровнем конфиденциальности таким же, как
у этих данных, или выше.
- запись данных доступна процессу, обладающему таким же или меньшим уровнем конфиденциальности по сравнению с данными.
- действия процессов не приводят к утечке данных с высокого уровня конфиденциальности на низкий.
Контроль за соблюдением правил мандатного контроля целостности и мандатного управления доступом реализуется посредством монитора обращений PARSEC.
26.5. Технологии разработки безопасного ПО и формальная модель управления доступом
основа подсистемы безопасности PARSEC — МРОСЛ ДП-модель, описанная на языке формального метода Event-B.
- Rodin IDE with ProB plugin
- Frama-C code analyzis
- Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) - practice
26.6. other
- РЕД ОС - базировавшийся на CentOS 6, POSIX, LSB
- ALT Linux - являются отдельной ветвью развития Linux
27. REDHAT/AlmaLinux
RPM Package Manager - Under the hood, YUM depends on RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) .rpm
DNF (Dandified YUM) - next-generation version of the Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum)
- rpm -ql package # get installed files of installed packages
- yum install ?.rpm
- yum list installed | grep # check if installed package
- yum search package # search in all available packages
- yum repolist # attached repositories
- dnf group list # package groups
- dnf group info Xfce # info on group
- dnf group list –installed # installed groups
- dnf group install Xfce or dnf install @Xfce
- dnf repolist
- dnf config-manager –disable cuda-rhel9-x8664 # disable repository
- /etc/yum.conf
- etc/yum # configs
- etc/yum.repos.d # repos info
pycharm installation:
- dnf install snapd
- systemctl start snapd
- ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
- sudo snap install pycharm-community –classic
27.1. cudnn
nvidia-installer –uninstall
repository cuda-rhel9-x8664
- dnf install libcudnn8-devel
- dnf install cuda-cudart-12-2
27.2. tigervnc server
- dnf install tigervnc-server-minimal
- cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service
- add 5901/tcp to firewall
- echo ':1=myuser' >> /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users
- $ echo 'session=xfce' > ~/.vnc/config
27.3. container toolkit
- distribution=rhel9.2 && curl -s -L$distribution/libnvidia-container.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.repo
- dnf install nvidia-container-toolkit.repo
- dnf install nvidia-container-toolkit-base-1.12.0-1
- dnf install libnvidia-container1-1.12.0-1
- dnf install nvidia-container-toolkit-1.12.0-1
- dnf install nvidia-container-runtime-3.12.0
- containerd config default | tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
27.4. nftables
The service reads rules from /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf.
nft list ruleset > /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf
28. termux
Java, GPLv3 only
- pkg upgrade
- pkg install man
- pkg install iproute2
- pkg install termux-api
28.1. how it works
Programs are executed natively.
application that launches the command line program by using system call execve(2) and redirecting standard input, output and error streams onto the display.
All provided packages are cross-compiled with Android NDK and only have compatibility patches to get them working on Android
Termux is single-user - username may look like u0a231 and cannot be changed as it is derived from the user id by Bionic libc.
All our packages (except root-only ones) are patched to drop any multiuser, setuid/setgid and other similar functionality. We also changed default ports for server packages: ftpd, httpd and sshd have their default ports set to 8021, 8080 and 8022 respectively.
You have free read-write access to all application components including $PREFIX. Be careful since it is very easy to break things by accidentally deleting or overwriting files in $PREFIX.
If Android OS reports support only of 32-bit ABIs, Termux will perform a 32-bit installation only.
28.2. terms
- prefix - /data/data/com.termux/files/usr - as /
- home - /data/data/com.termux/files/home - as /home/user
28.3. ps
Termux can list only its own processes. You can see more only under rooted shell or ADB.
- some processes, result can't be terminated with pkill <NAME> or killall <NAME> but only with kill <PID>.
28.4. ways to transfer files
28.5. metasploit
- apt install curl
- curl -LO
- chmod 777
- ./
28.6. termux-
- termux-am - Android Oreo-compatible am command reimplementation.
- termux-am-socket
- termux-backup
- termux-change-repo
- termux-fix-shebang
- termux-info
- termux-open
- termux-open-uri
- termux-reload-settings
- termux-reset
- termux-restore
- termux-setup-package-manager
- termux-setup-storage
- termux-wake-lock
- termux-wake-unlock
29. TODO Haskell
29.1. comparision
- composability - liberal use of many tiny functions, or UNIX philosophy
- fusion little functions may be pipelined with dot . (fused)
lisp pros
- monolithism
- procedure tends ti accept many options which configure its behaviou
- (no term)
- parameter is added to existing function. Composition is a bit wordier and rarely used.
30. AWK
30.1. terms
- field - column separated by white space
- record - line of input
30.2. structure
- BEGIN {commands} - initialization of variables
- pattern {commands} pattern {commands} … - on every line
- END {commands} -
30.3. Built-in variables
- field variables: $1, $2, $3, and so on ($0 represents the entire record)
- NR: Number of Records. Keeps a current count of the number of input records read so far from all data files. It starts at zero, but is never automatically reset to zero.[14]
- FNR: File Number of Records. Keeps a current count of the number of input records read so far in the current file. This variable is automatically reset to zero each time a new file is started.[14]
- NF: Number of Fields. Contains the number of fields in the current input record. The last field in the input record can be designated by $NF, the 2nd-to-last field by $(NF-1), the 3rd-to-last field by $(NF-2), etc.
- FILENAME: Contains the name of the current input-file.
- FS: Field Separator. Contains the "field separator" used to divide fields in the input record. The default, "white space", allows any sequence of space and tab characters. FS can be reassigned with another character or character sequence to change the field separator.
- RS: Record Separator. Stores the current "record separator" character. Since, by default, an input line is the input record, the default record separator character is a "newline".
- OFS: Output Field Separator. Stores the "output field separator", which separates the fields when Awk prints them. The default is a "space" character.
- ORS: Output Record Separator. Stores the "output record separator", which separates the output records when Awk prints them. The default is a "newline" character.
- OFMT: Output Format. Stores the format for numeric output. The default format is "%.6g".
30.4. loops
- for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) action
- while (condition) action
30.5. commands
- print $1, $3 - Displays the first and third fields of the current record, separated by a predefined string called the output field separator (OFS)
31. network
31.1. theory
network segment - layer 1. connected devices
- router - network layer (layer 3). uses destination IP address. connect different IP networks
- bridge - data link layer (layer 2). multiport bridge function serves as the basis for network switches.
- switch - data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. receive and forward data to the destination
device. uses hardware addresses (MAC addresses).
- Multilayer switch - OSI layer 2 like an ordinary network switch and provides extra functions on higher OSI layer
- switch - data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. receive and forward data to the destination
device. uses hardware addresses (MAC addresses).
- hub (repeater hubs) - physical layer (layer 1) of the OSI model - connecting multiple Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment, signal introduced at the input of any port appears at the output of every port except the original incoming. learns the identities of connected devices and then only forwards data to the port connected to the device to which it is addressed
31.1.1. ip output
- enp5s1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWERUP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifofast state UP group default qlen 1000
- device
- physical layer or Device flags
- mtu - maximum transmission unit - maximum packet size
- qdisc - queuing mechanism. There are different queuing techniques called disciplines. noqueue discipline means “send instantly, don’t queue.”
- state
- DOWN (the network interface is not operational)
- UNKNOWN (the network interface is operational but nothing is connected)
- UP (the network is operational and there is a connection).
- group default - Interfaces can be grouped logically
- qlen 1000 - maximum length of the transmission queue.
- mode
- link/ether 5a:ec:ea:71:df:7a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
- link/loopback -
- link/ether - media access control (MAC) address of the interface.
- permaddr - permanent hardware address.
- inet scope global tap0
- Classless Inter-Domain Routing notation
- scope host - IP address scope - IP address is only valid inside the computer (the “host”)
- _ validlft forever preferredlft forever
- validlft - (DHCP), this is the length of time the IP address is considered valid
- preferredlft - DHCP, this is the amount of time the IP address can be used with no restrictions. This should never be larger than the validlft value.
- inet6 fe80::ac92:e9ff:fe17:a939/64 scope link
- _ validlft forever preferredlft forever
- ip -s a
- cat /proc/net/dev
31.1.2. ip route
- ip route - new
- route / netstat -r - old
routing table - keep settings
- = just the address
- /24 =
- = all 4.3 billion addresses from to
- route:
- Destination
- The destination network or destination host.
- Gateway
- address to send
- Genmask
- for a host destination and for the default route. (Destination + Genmask)
- Flags
- Possible flags include
- (no term)
- U (route is up)
- (no term)
- H (target is a host)
- (no term)
- G (use gateway)
- (no term)
- R (reinstate route for dynamic routing)
- (no term)
- D (dynamically installed by daemon or redirect)
- (no term)
- M (modified from routing daemon or redirect)
- (no term)
- A (installed by addrconf)
- (no term)
- C (cache entry)
- (no term)
- ! (reject route)
- Metric
- The distance to the target (usually counted in hops). It is not used by recent kernels, but may be needed by routing daemons. e lower number represents the better route
- ip route
- U 0 0 0 tap0
- dev tap0 proto kernel scope link src
- destination mask - via (gateway) - dev (destination) - proto - scope - src (source ip) - metric
- scope link: The scope is link, which means the scope is limited to the network to which this computer is directly connected.
- proto kernel: The route created by the kernel during auto-configuration.
31.1.3. ip neigh
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
31.1.4. TODO ip maddress
31.2. iproute2 - controlling TCP / IP - new one
net-tools - legacy | note | |
ifconfig | ip addr, ip link | Address and link configuration |
route | ip route | Routing tables |
arp | ip neigh | Neighbors |
iptunnel | ip tunnel | Tunnels |
nameif, ifrename | ip link set name | Rename network interfaces |
ipmaddr | ip maddr | Multicast |
netstat | ss, ip route | Show various networking statistics |
brctl | bridge | Handle bridge addresses and devices |
31.2.1. ip route
route -n - show numerical addresses instead of trying to determine symbolic host names.
- Assign an IP Address to a Specific Interface: ip addr add dev eth1
- add static route: ip route add via dev eth0
- persistent /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0:
- via dev eth0
- ubuntu persistent:
- /etc/network/interfaces:
- up ip route add via dev eth0
- /etc/network/interfaces:
- persistent /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0:
- remove route: ip route del
- Add Default Gateway: ip route add default via
31.2.2. ss
local | remote addr
incoming connections - when source port are listening. (But It is possible to reuse listening port)
- ss state established - filter by state
- ss '( sport = :443 or dport = :443 )' - filter by port
- ss dst - filter by remote ip
- ss -plat list all listening
- netstat -tpe - monitor programs that are making connections to remote hosts
- -t TCP
- -p - display PID
- -e - display extra information
31.2.3. USE CASES
- ip link set up eth1 - Activate or Deactivate a Network Interface
- ip addr add broadcast dev eth1 - Assign IPv4 address(es) to a Network Interface
- ip -6 addr add 2002:0db5:0:f102::1/64 dev eth1
- ip addr del dev eth1 - Remove an IPv4 address from a Network Interface
- ip route show - routing table
- ss -l - Socket Statistics
- ip neigh - ARP
- ip link set name - Rename network interfaces
- ip maddr - Multicast
- ip -s, ss, ip route Show various networking statistics
31.2.4. all commands
- arpd
- bridge Handle bridge addresses and devices
- ctstat
- dcb
- devlink
- ip - main
- lnstat
- nstat
- rdma
- routef
- routel
- rtacct
- rtmon
- rtstat
- ss - another utility to investigate sockets
- tc - show / manipulate traffic control settinsg
- tipc - a TIPC configuration and management tool
- ip tunnel - tunnel configuration
31.3. net-tools - based on /proc - too old
- arp is used to manipulate the kernel's ARP cache, usually to add or delete an entry, or to dump the entire cache.
- dnsdomainname reports the system's DNS domain name.
- domainname reports or sets the system's NIS/YP domain name.
- hostname reports or sets the name of the current host system.
- ifconfig is the main utility for configuring network interfaces.
- nameif names network interfaces based on MAC addresses.
- netstat is used to report network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics..
- nisdomainname does the same as domainname.
- plipconfig is used to fine tune the PLIP device parameters, to improve its performance.
- rarp is used to manipulate the kernel's RARP table.
- route is used to manipulate the IP routing table.
- slattach attaches a network interface to a serial line. This allows you to use normal terminal lines for point-to-point links to other computers.
- ypdomainname does the same as domainname.
31.3.1. arp
arp -an
- ip neigh
31.3.2. ifconfig
31.3.3. route
- netstat -rn
- ip route show
31.3.4. netstat
netstat -l - socket statistic
- ip -s, ss, ip route Show various networking statistics
31.3.5. iptunnel
31.3.6. brctl
- bridge
31.3.7. ifstat
31.4. lsof
LiSts all Open Files
- lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -P -n
- -P подавляет, для сетевых файлов, преобразование номеров портов в имена портов.
- -i позволяет вывести сведения о файлах, интернет-адреса которых соответствуют заданному адресу.
- lsof -u cindy | wc -l - список файлов, открытых конкретным пользователем.
- lsof -ucindy | wc -l - количество файлов на компьютере, которые открыты всеми пользователями за исключением cindy
- -c сведения о файлах, которые держат открытыми процессы, выполняющие команды, имена которых начинаются с заданных символов.
- lsof -cpython | head -15 - первые 15 файлов, открытых всеми процессами Python, выполняющимися на компьютере.
- lsof +d /usr/bin | head -4 - какие папки и файлы открыты в некоей директории
- lsof -p вывести все файлы, открытые процессом с указанным при вызове команды PID.
- Опция -t подавляет вывод всей информации за исключением ID процессов.
- lsof -l dir - сведения обо всех процессах, имеющих открытые дескрипторы файлов в директории
31.5. dig
DNS lookups and displays the answers
- net-dns/bind-tools
- apt install dnsutils
- dig - get DNS information
- dig -x - reverse DNS requiest or Reverse IP Lookup (ping -a
- dig ptr - same
- dig -x + short
- type of DNS record
- dig +shor
- dig +nocomments
- dig MX +noall +answer
- dig +noall +answer - only important
dig [@server] [name] [type]
- @ - dns server
- name - dns or IP
- type of DNS record
- A Record: Links the domain to an IP version 4 address.
- MX Record: Mail exchange records direct emails sent to domains to the correct mail server.
- NS Record: Name server records delegate a domain (or subdomain) to a set of DNS servers.
- TXT Record: Text records store text-based information regarding the domain. Typically, they might be used to suppress spoofed or forged email.
- SOA Record: Start of authority records can hold a lot of information about the domain. Here, you can find the primary name server, the responsible party, a timestamp for changes, the frequency of zone refreshes, and a series of time limits for retries and abandons.
- TTL: Time to live is a setting for each DNS record that specifies how long a DNS precursor server is allowed to cache each DNS query. When that time expires, the data must be refreshed for subsequent requests.
- ANY: This tells dig to return every type of DNS record it can.
dig +qr ANY
31.6. nslookup
DNS lookups and displays the answers
- -port=[port-number] Specify the port for queries. The default port number is 53.
- -type=any View all available records. - Not all actualy
- -type=txt View Text Records
- -type=ns View Domain's NS Records
- -type=mx Mail Exchange server data.
- -type=soa Start of Authority (SOA) records provide authoritative information about the domain and the server, such as the email address of the administrator, serial number, refresh interval, query expiration time, etc.
- nslookup -type=ptr [reverse-ip-address]
- nslookup <IP address> - reverse lookup
Internationalized domain name -
- IDNA ToASCII algorithm
- ToASCII and ToUnicode.
- not applied to the domain name as a whole, but rather to individual labels - to each part separately
31.7. host
host - reverse dns lookup
31.8. traceroute
31.9. whois
- net-misc/whois improved Whois Client GPL-2
- net-misc/jwhois Advanced Internet Whois client capable of recursive queries GPL-3
31.10. iptables
- iptables -F –flush chain - delete all rules
- iptables -P –policy chain target - target must be ACCEPT or DROP - default policy for chain
- iptables -A –append chain rule
31.10.1. tables and chains
- filter:
- nat:
- mangle - specialized packet alteration
- PREROUTING - incoming packets before routing
- POSTROUTING - about to go out
- raw: - to set a mark on packets that they should not be handled by the connection tracking system
31.10.2. Target Values
- ACCEPT – Firewall will accept the packet.
- DROP – Firewall will drop the packet.
- QUEUE – Firewall will pass the packet to the userspace.
- RETURN – Firewall will stop executing the next set of rules in the current chain for this packet. The control will be returned to the calling chain.
31.10.3. gentoo net-firewall/iptables:
- rc-service iptables save
- rc-service iptables start
- rc-update add iptables default
31.10.4. log bad ppl
iptables -N badpeople # create chain iptables …rules… -j badpeople
31.10.5. simple
#!/bin/sh /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules
iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules
- ex1
iptables -F # flush all iptables -X iptables -Z iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT ! -i lo -d -j REJECT iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6890 -j ACCEPT # iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 6881 -j ACCEPT
- ex arch
iptables -P FORWARD DROP iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT # ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery packets remain untracked - keep it in mind iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP # allow echo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT # open ports iptables -A TCP -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT # reject TCP RESET packets and UDP streams with ICMP port unreachable messages if the ports are not opened. # it allows the sender to quickly close the connection and clean up. iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset # reject all remaining incoming traffic with icmp protocol unreachable messages. This imitates Linux's default behavior. iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-proto-unreachable
31.11. nftables
31.11.1. print rules
- nft list tables ip
- nft list table inet filter
- nft list ruleset
- nft flush ruleset # remove
31.11.2. table
nft (add | delete | flush) table [<family>] <name>
- family: ip, arp, ip6, bridge, inet, netdev.
31.11.3. chain
nft (add | create) chain [<family>] <table> <name> [ { type <type> hook <hook> [device <device>] priority <priority> \; [policy <policy> \;] } ]
- filter: Supported by arp, bridge, ip, ip6 and inet table families.
- route: Mark packets (like mangle for the output hook, for other hooks use the type filter instead), supported by ip and ip6.
- nat: In order to perform Network Address Translation, supported by ip and ip6.
hook - refers to an specific stage of the packet while it's being processed through the kernel.
- The hooks for ip, ip6 and inet families are: prerouting, input, forward, output, postrouting.
- The hooks for arp family are: input, output.
- The bridge family handles ethernet packets traversing bridge devices.
- The hook for netdev is: ingress.
priority - number used to order the chains or to set them between some Netfilter operations.
policy - accept (default) and drop.
31.11.4. rule
nft add rule [<family>] <table> <chain> <matches> <statements>
31.11.5. gentoo net-firewall/nftables:
- rc-service nftables save
- rc-service nftables start
- rc-update add nftables default
31.11.6. /etc/nftables-local skeleton nftables config file
#! /sbin/nft -f # this is a skeleton file for an nftables ruleset # load it with nft -f /etc/nftables-local # it is supported to define variables here, that can later on be # expanded in rule definitions define http_ports = {80, 443} flush ruleset table inet local { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; tcp dport $http_ports counter accept comment "incoming http traffic"; } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop; } }
31.11.7. Masquerading and source NAT (SNAT)
to change the source IP address - Use one of these NAT types of packets:
- Masquerading automatically uses the IP address of the outgoing interface. Therefore, use masquerading if the outgoing interface uses a dynamic IP address.
- SNAT - faster, Use SNAT if the outgoing interface uses a fixed IP address.
to route incoming traffic to a different host
- Destination NAT (DNAT) - use DNAT to access local WEB server from internet.
- Redirect - special case of DNAT that redirects packets to the local machine depending on the chain hook
31.11.8. use cases
filter by user - block user from access internet - by uid or name
- nft add rule inet filter output meta skuid 1004 drop
- chain output {meta skuid t drop}
- chain output {meta skuid t ip daddr { } accept }
31.11.9. TODO socks
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m owner ! –uid-owner proxy -j REDIRECT –to-ports 4545 iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -p tcp -m owner –uid-owner root -j RETURN
table ip nat { chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept; }
chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept; oifname "wan0" masquerade } }
31.11.10. links
- firewall
- home router ex
- doc
31.12. arptables
arptables -A INPUT –source-mac d8:d7:21:22:5a:f4 -j ACCEPT
arptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
31.13. net-dns/bind-tools
31.14. TODO nmap - network exploration
31.15. tcpdump
HTTP request and response
tcpdump -A -s 0 'tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)' tcpdump -X -s 0 'tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)'
31.16. OpenVPN
31.16.1. OpenVPN over Tor
- add socks-proxy 9150
- after connection tor will be router through VPN, that is why: You also need to tell the routing to reach
your Tor entry node outside of the VPN:
- sudo route add -net E.E.E.E netmask gw G.G.G.G
- E.E.E.E is your Tor entry node (either a bridge or a guard node) and G.G.G.G is your default gateway.
- sudo route add -net E.E.E.E netmask gw G.G.G.G
- realization
- usr/local/bin
#!/bin/sh cp "/home/ff/Downloads/file.ovpn" /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf echo >> /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf echo "auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/auth_vpnfile" >> /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf echo "socks-proxy 9050" >> /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf echo "up /etc/openvpn/" >> /etc/openvpn/openvpn.conf
- /etc/openvpn/
#!/usr/bin/env bash interface=wlan0 if [ "$script_type" == "up" ]; then torbridges=$(cat /etc/tor/torrc | grep ^bridge | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1) defaultroute=$(ip route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 3) echo "$torbridges" | while read line do ip route add $line via $defaultroute dev $interface done elif [ "$script_type" == "down" ]; then torbridges=$(cat /etc/tor/torrc | grep ^bridge | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d ':' -f 1) defaultroute=$(ip route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 3) while read line do ip route del $line via $defaultroute dev $interface done < $torbridges fi
- usr/local/bin
- links
31.17. TAP/TUN devices
kernel virtual network devices
- can't be used together
- TUN - network layer device operates in layer 3 carrying IP packets. Used with routing.
- TAP - link layer device and operates in layer 2 carrying Ethernet frames.
31.19. speed, bandwith, latency
max speed
- ethtool enp0s3
- dmesg | grep enp0s3
- mii-tool -v enp0s3
- cat /sys/classes/net/eth0/speed # 1000 = 1000 Mb/s
bandwith usage
- ifstat -r && ifstat -s
- nmon
- nmap -sn host
- map -sn -P 443 -d3
- ping
31.20. USECASES allow opening ports for user not root
- Port numbers 1024 to 49151 are called the registered/user ports.
- Port numbers 49152 to 65535 are called the dynamic/private ports
- per executable:
setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /path/to/program
- Use authbind: sudo apt-get install authbind …
by creating a configuration file in /etc/authbind/byport/: sudo touch /etc/authbind/byport/80 sudo chown youruser /etc/authbind/byport/80 sudo chmod 755 /etc/authbind/byport/80
31.21. test network with wireshark
create a test network namespace:
ip netns add test
create a pair of virtual network interfaces (veth-a and veth-b):
ip link add veth-a type veth peer name veth-b
change the active namespace of the veth-a interface:
ip link set veth-a netns test
configure the IP addresses of the virtual interfaces:
ip netns exec test ifconfig veth-a up netmask ifconfig veth-b up netmask
configure the routing in the test namespace:
ip netns exec test route add default gw dev veth-a
activate ipforward and establish a NAT rule to forward the traffic coming in from the namespace you created (you have to adjust the network interface and SNAT ip address):
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ipforward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o <your internet interface, e.g. eth0> -j SNAT –to-source <your ip address>
(You can also use the MASQUERADE rule if you prefer)
finally, you can run the process you want to analyze in the new namespace, and wireshark too:
ip netns exec test thebinarytotest ip netns exec test wireshark
32. security
proactive security
- Linux Kernel Runtime Guard
- Users' Security Handbook
- RFC 2196 - Site Security Handbook
32.1. simple sandbox
- useradd –home=/home/ff –create-home –shell /bin/false –user-group ff –groups input,users,video,audio
- -u $UID -g $GUID
- xhost si:localuser:ff2 ; cd /home/ff2 ; sudo -u ff2 firejail –profile=/etc/firejail/firefox.profile firefox -P -no-remote normal $@
- userdel -r ff # remove user
remove password and lock:
- passwd -ld ff
32.2. Linux Access Permissions
32.2.1. mandatory access control (MAC)
- AppArmor
- SELinux
32.2.2. access-control list (ACL)
man acl
specifies the list of subjects that have access to a particular object(resource) along with their access right. the list of users and the operations that they can perform on that object.
Each object(resource) has a security attribute that identifies its access control list.
- search overhead and results in poor efficiency as the entire access control list needs to be searched when access is made to an object.
- requires more data storage space as data is stored object-wise and the same subject can have multiple access to multiple objects thereby consuming more storage space.
- do not protect agains confused deputy problem hacking#MissingReference
fstab have mount option acl and noacl
getfacl /usr/bin/ping stat
32.2.3. capabilities
man capabilities
Capabilities are implemented on Linux using extended attributes (xattr(7)) in the security namespace.
Capability systems protect against the confused deputy problem, whereas access-control list–based systems do not.
Capabilities are a per-thread attribute.
Support for associating capability sets with an executable file using setcap(8). capability sets are stored in an extended attribute (see setxattr(2) and xattr(7)) named security.capability.
P'(permitted) = (P(inheritable) & F(inheritable)) | (F(permitted) & capbset)
P'(effective) = F(effective) ? P'(permitted) : 0
P'(inheritable) = P(inheritable) [i.e., unchanged]
Where P is the old capability set, P' is the capability set after execv and F is the file capability set.
- Capability Sets:
Inherited (CapInh)
- Purpose: Determines the capabilities passed down from the parent process.
- Functionality: When a new process is created, it inherits the capabilities from its parent in this set. Useful for maintaining certain privileges across process spawns.
- Restrictions: A process cannot gain capabilities that its parent did not possess.
Effective (CapEff):
- Purpose: Represents the actual capabilities a process is utilizing at any moment.
- Functionality: It's the set of capabilities checked by the kernel to grant permission for various operations. For files, this set can be a flag indicating if the file's permitted capabilities are to be considered effective.
- Significance: The effective set is crucial for immediate privilege checks, acting as the active set of capabilities a process can use.
Permitted (CapPrm):
- Purpose: Defines the maximum set of capabilities a process can possess.
- Functionality: A process can elevate a capability from the permitted set to its effective set, giving it the ability to use that capability. It can also drop capabilities from its permitted set.
- Boundary: It acts as an upper limit for the capabilities a process can have, ensuring a process doesn't exceed its predefined privilege scope.
Bounding (CapBnd):
- Purpose: Puts a ceiling on the capabilities a process can ever acquire during its lifecycle.
- Functionality: Even if a process has a certain capability in its inheritable or permitted set, it cannot acquire that capability unless it's also in the bounding set.
- Use-case: This set is particularly useful for restricting a process's privilege escalation potential, adding an extra layer of security.
Ambient (CapAmb):
- Purpose: Allows certain capabilities to be maintained across an execve system call, which typically would result in a full reset of the process's capabilities.
- Functionality: Ensures that non-SUID programs that don't have associated file capabilities can retain certain privileges.
- Restrictions: Capabilities in this set are subject to the constraints of the inheritable and permitted sets, ensuring they don't exceed the process's allowed privileges.
- commands
- setcap - set file capabilities
- getcap /bin/ping
attr -lq /usr/bin/ping cat /proc/self/status | grep Cap
execute command with dropped capabilities
capsh --drop=cap_net_raw --print -- -c "tcpdump"
The +ep means you’re adding the capability (“-” would remove it) as Effective and Permitted.
setcap cap_net_raw+ep /sbin/ping
To identify programs in a system or folder with capabilities:
getcap -r /usr/bin/ 2>/dev/null
- User Capabilities
# Simple cap_sys_ptrace developer cap_net_raw user1 # Multiple capablities cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw jrnetadmin # Identical, but with numeric values 12,13 jrnetadmin # Combining names and numerics cap_sys_admin,22,25 jrsysadmin
32.2.4. standart Unix discretionary access control (DAC) permissions
restricting access to objects based on the identity of subjects and/or groups to which they belong.
- - user-owner, group, others
- ls -l
- stat -c "%a %n" *
Only root can change ownership!
Dicrectory and subdirectory:
- if r-x for directory and rwx for subdirectory, = r-x subdirectory
-rw-r–r– first: [-] - file [d] - directory [l] - symbolic link to file or directory
chmod - who:
- u - user, cat change permissions
- g - group (name and ID)
- o - others (All users)
- a - ugo
chmod 0777 - what:
- r - file- read, direcotry - ls
- w - directory - 1 for user - create delete modify files and directories (how: rename only) even if they are not yours
- x - file - execute, directory - cd and read files by direct name
- s - (4/2) setuid/guid (UID/GID) user or group Id on execution (chmod g+s - setgid) (chmod u+s - setuid) and x is set
- S - If the setuid or setgid bit is set but the corresponding executable bit is not set.
- t - (1) sticky bit or restricted deletion
X - already has at least 1 execution permission for u or g or a. Useful for -R on directories. a+rX
- setuid/setgid for file - any user execute with user(uid) or group(gid) privileges.
- (rwsrwsrwt = s-suid,s-guid,t-sticky bit)
SUID and SGID for file - this means that the file will be executed with the same permissions as the owner of the executable file.
- chmod u+s filename
- -rwSrw-rw- - S - means there is an error that you should look into. not even the owner is allowed to execute the file
- The setuid permission set on a directory is ignored on most UNIX and Linux systems
setuid for directory: is ignored on most UNIX and Linux systems. FreeBSD can be configured to interpret setuid in a manner similar to setgid
setgid for directory:
- new files and subdirectories inherit group ID and ignore group ID who created (owner ID not affected) (exception - moved files and subdirs.)
- subdirectories inherit setgid bit.
- apply for new files.
- exising and moved files/directories are not affected
sticky bit: for directories:
- chmod +t mydir
- fiels in - may only be unlinked, deleted or renamed by owner or direcotry owner(Linux)
- files in - only owner or directory's can rename or delete the file. (OpenBSD)
- default - any user with write and x permissions for directory cat rename or delete.
- used for /tmp
- for files:
- when accessed will not be cached by the kernel (OpenBSD)
- used for swap files(OpenBSD)
- used by the automounters to indicate that file was not mounted yet
- the Linux kernel ignores the sticky bit on files.
"rwS-–—" - means that SUID was set but file not allowed to be executed (SUID is not usable).
- traditional UNIX categories of processes:
- pivileged UID=0
- unprovoleged UID!=0
- permussuib checks(on process credentials)
- GID - primary or login group ($ id command)
- supplementary group list - user may be member of 0 or more secondary groups /etc/groups ($id -nG)
- permussuib checks(on process credentials)
32.2.5. acl vs capability list
- ACL - access matrix column-wise - per resource
- capabilities - row-wise - per subject
Capability systems protect against the confused deputy problem, whereas access-control list–based systems do not.
32.3. PAM
Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
a suite of libraries that
- allow system administrators to configure various methods for authenticating users.
- for centralized control for all applications that uses PAM for authentification
32.4. s/key
- one-time password system
- систему генерирования одноразовых паролей на основе стандартов MD4 и MD5
- relies on the difficulty of reversing cryptographic hash functions
- Клиент начинает обмен S/Key, отправляя серверу пакет инициализации, а сервер в ответ отправляет порядковый номер и случайное число, так называемое «зерно» (seed). После этого клиент генерирует одноразовый пароль в ходе операции, состоящей из трех этапов: подготовительного этапа, этапа генерирования и функции выхода. На этапе генерирования клиент многократно использует хеш-функцию и получает 64-разрядную итоговую величину.
- RFC 1760
- vulnerable to a man in the middle attack if used by itself
- vulnerable to certain race conditions
32.5. su
Users group "wheel" can su - to become root
32.6. /etc/passwd
- root - Username
- x - x here denotes password is encrypted
- 0 - UID
- 0 - GID user's group ID
- root - Ifno of the user(GECOS)
- /root - User home directory
- /usr/bin/zsh - Login shell
32.7. /etc/shadow
- Username
- \(6\).n. - Encrypted Password
- * - blank password L - used for service accounts
- ! - blank password L - user accounts
- \(1\) – MD5
- \(2a\) – Blowfish
- \(2y\) – Eksblowfish
- \(5\) – SHA-256
- \(6\) – SHA-512
- 17736 - Last password change epoch date
- 0 - Minimum password age - the number of days that must pass before the user password can be changed
- 99999 - Maximum password age
- Warning period
- Inactivity period - the number of days before the password expires during which the user is warned that the password must be changed
- Inactivity period - The number of days after the user password expires before the user account is disabled
- Expiration date. The date when the account was disabled. It is represented as an epoch date.
- reserved
32.8. TODO logcheck
- emerge –ask app-admin/logcheck
- useradd –home=/home/logcheck –create-home –shell /bin/false –user-group logcheck
- /etc/logcheck/logcheck.conf:
32.9. firejail
32.9.1. xephyr
We try to prevent keyloging: xinput list | grep -Po 'id=\K\d+(?=.*slave\s*keyboard)' | xargs -P0 -n1 xinput test
- USE=xephyr emerge x11-base/xorg-server
- emerge –ask x11-wm/openbox
firejail –noprofile –x11=xephyr openbox –startup /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal
- –net=eth0:
USE=xcsecurity emerge x11-base/xorg-server
- supported directly in firejail (via the –x11=xorg option)
or just:
- troubleshooting
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported Error: failed to run /usr/lib64/firejail/fnet, exiting... Error ioctl: interface.c:100 net_if_up: No such device Error: failed to run /run/firejail/lib/fnet, exiting... Error: proc 11727 cannot sync with peer: unexpected EOF
reason: CONFIGIPVLAN not enabled in kernel config
32.9.2. hardening line
- –machine-id - regenerate /etc/machine-id
- –blacklist=/sys - block access to PC serial number cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/*
- –blacklist=/proc/cpuinfo
- –novideo - if you dont need video
- –dbus-user=none - disable access and fix error: DBUS user socket was not found
- - –dbus-system=none
- –private-lib –private-bin - amd64 ony - complicated
- –caps.drop=all - This option is recommended for running GUI programs or any other program that doesn't require root privileges
- –nonewprivs
--caps.drop=all \ --novideo --nosound \ --private-dev --nodvd \ --noprinters \ --nonewprivs \ --dbus-user=none --dbus-system=none \ --env=HOME=~ \ --env=HOSTNAME=localhost \ --hostname=localhost \ --env=USER= \ --env=HOSTTYPE=arm64 \ --env='BASH_VERSION=4.4.19(1)-release' \ --blacklist=/usr/lib/os-release \ --blacklist=/usr/bin/xfce4-session \ --blacklist=/usr/bin/xfconf-query \ --blacklist=/usr/bin/gsettings \ --blacklist=/usr/bin/id \ --blacklist=/usr/bin/who \ --blacklist=/bin/hostname \ --blacklist=/bin/uname \ --blacklist=/etc/os-release \ --blacklist=/etc/gentoo-release \ --blacklist=/sys \ --blacklist=/var \ --blacklist=/proc/version \ --blacklist=/proc/cpuinfo \ --blacklist=/proc/meminfo \ --blacklist=/proc/uptime \
# --blacklist=/sys - may be replaced with: --blacklist=/sys/block \ --blacklist=/sys/dev \ --blacklist=/sys/firmware \ --blacklist=/sys/fs \ --blacklist=/sys/kernel \ --blacklist=/sys/module \ --blacklist=/sys/power \
32.9.3. config hardening
- bind no
- disable-mnt yes
- file-transfer no
- force-nonewprivs yes
- join no
- name-change no
- private-bin-no-local yes
- seccomp-filter-add !chroot,kcmp,mincore
- seccomp-error-action kill
- whitelist-disable-topdir /etc,/usr/etc
32.9.4. errors
DBUS user socket was not found
- –dbus-user=none - disable dbus session access completely
Error: cannot access profile file: firefox.local
- you disabled access to /home/user
- cd /home/user ; firejail command
dont forget to:
- chmod o-rx /home/user
32.9.5. per app
- firefox:
- firefox-common.profile: comment nogroups
- harden confing - uncomment: private-bin and private-etc lines
firefox problems:
- does not start
- firefox.profile: comment ignore dbus-user none
- W [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Uh, personality() failed: Operation not permitted
- firefox-common.profile: comment nogroups
- firefox.profile: comment
- whitelist /usr/*
- include
- firefox.profile: uncomment
- private-bin basename …
- for hardware acceleration require /sys
- no sound error
- firefire-common.profile: comment
- nogroups
- firefire-common.profile: comment
- /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
- firefox.profile: comment private-etc firefox
- telegram-dekstop:
- no notification sound:
- telegram.profile:
- comment line: private-bin bash, sh,telegram,Telegram
- telegram.profile:
- no notification sound:
- wine
- require
- /usr/bin/id
- sys
- ln -s /usr/lib/dri/ /usr/lib/dri/
- firefox.profile: comment
- nogroups
- firefox.profile: uncomment
- net none
- firefox.profile: add
- noblocklist /usr/lib/dri
- noblocklist ${HOME}
- whitelist ${HOME}
- require
- rtorrent
- comment # netfilter
- add whitelist
- mpv:
- comment # nogroups - for audio
- whitelist
32.10. apparmor
- ps auxZ | grep -v 'unconfined'
- ограниченные программы -v - invert
- aa-complain /full/path/to/program
- отключить apparmor и смотреть syslog
- aa-enforce /full/path/to/program
- включить обратно после удаления ненужных ограничений
- apparmorparser -r /etc/apparmor.d/profile
- перезагрузить один профиль
- aa-status
- .
- aa-genprof app && app
- create profile for app
- aa-logprof
- for existing profiles - allow/deny acces to certain tasks
- Inherit
- create rule in paret and executable inherit it from parent
- Child
- create sub-profile with separete rules
32.11. nfs
- client /etc/fstab
- server /etc/exports
- file systems on a separate partition of a harddisk, we can ensure that malicious users can not simply fill up the entire harddisk by writing large files onto it.
- /home nfs-client(secure) - Prevent normal users on an NFS client from mounting an NFS file system (on server)
- /home nfs-client(ro)
- nfs-clients - use numeric IP addresses or fully qualified domain names, instead of aliases.
- /home nfs-client(rootsquash) - while mounting using the command mount, the user ID ?root? on the NFS client will be replaced by the user ID ?nobody? on the NFS server.
- nfs-server:/home /mnt/nfs nfs ro,nosuid,noexec 0 0 - Disable suid (superuser ID) on an NFS file system (on client)
- ssh encryption of traffic: ssh -f -c blowfish -L 7777:nfs-server:2049 -l tony nfs-server /bin/sleep 86400
- On the NFS client computer, bind a SSH port with NFS port 2049.
- -c blowfish means SSH will use the algorithm blowfish to perform encryption.
- -L 7777:nfs-server:2049 means binding the SSH client at port 7777 (or any other port that you want) to communicate with the NFS server at address nfs-server on port 2049.
- -l tony nfs-server means in the process of login on the authentication server at address nfs-server (specify either the IP address or domain name of the authentication server), use the user login name tony to authenticate on the server.
- /bin/sleep 86400 means to prevent spawning a shell on the client computer for 1 day (86,400 seconds). You can specify any larger number.
fstab exampe
- home /mnt/nfs nfs tcp,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr,rw,bg,nosuid,port=7777,mountport=8888,noauto
show NFS shares only if you are using rpcbind.
showmount --exports dnsmy.local
32.11.1. iptables
RPC Portmapper (on port 111), NFS (on port 2049), and Mountd (on port 2219) #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -dport 111 -j ACCEPT #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -dport 2049 -j ACCEPT #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -dport 2219 -j ACCEPT
Deny something else. #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s 0/0 -dport 111 -j DROP #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s 0/0 -dport 2049 -j DROP #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s 0/0 -dport 2219 -j DROP #iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s 0/0 -j DROP
TCP wrapper to filter access to your portmapper by adding the line:
- /etc/hosts.allow - portmapper:
- /etc/hosts.deny - portmapper:ALL
32.12. USB
- HID devices
- Faked network adapters - are no real danger
- firmware flashing over the USB connection
32.12.1. protection
- alias usb-block="echo 0 | tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/authorized"
- alias usb-unblock="echo 1 | tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/authorized"
- alias block="echo 0 | tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/authorized ; vlock -a"
32.13. telegram
32.13.1. procs & cons
- End-to-end (E2E) encryption
- Encryption algorithms: MTProto, a custom protocol
- Open source apps and Telegram Database Library
- Self-destructing messages
- Users can be logged in on multiple devices simultaneously
- Supports Two-Step Verification
- GDPR compliant
- Registration requires a phone number
- E2E encryption only for Secret Chats
- Servers are not open source
- Logs IP Address and other user data (use a good VPN service)
- May be sharing data with government agencies
32.13.2. harden
- Phone Number → Who can see my phone number — Nobody.
- Data and Storage → Auto Download Media → Toggle off
- Phone Number → Who can find me by my number — My Contacts.
- Last Seen & Online → Who can see my timestamp — Nobody.
- Profile photo → Who can see my profile photo — My Contacts.
- Calls → Who can call me — My Contacts (or Nobody, if you prefer).
- Calls→ Peer-to-peer — My contacts (or Nobody, if you prefer not to share your IP address with chat partners).
- Forwarded Messages → Who can add a link to my account when forwarding my messages — My Contacts.
- Groups & Channels → Who can add me — My Contacts.
Disable P2P calls for everyone - IP address of the user’s call object will appear on the Telegram control log
32.13.3. telegram api
create bot get group id
get group id:
send message:
- curl -X POST "" -d "chatid=-zzzzzzzzzz&text=my sample text"
32.14. Check system by intrusion
- logs
- recent started processed:
- ps -ef –sort=starttime
- ps -aux –sort=starttime
- cd /proc; ls -td –full-time –time-style=+%s [0123456789]*;
32.15. namespaces - isolated instance of the global resource
- Changes to the global resource are visible to other processes that are members of the name‐ space, but are invisible to other processes.
- Containers
man 7 namespaces
- /proc/<pid>/ns/*
32.15.1. types
- Cgroup CLONENEWCGROUP cgroupnamespaces(7) Cgroup root directory
- IPC CLONENEWIPC ipcnamespaces(7) System V IPC, POSIX message queues. Inter process communication
- Network CLONENEWNET networknamespaces(7) Network devices, stacks, ports, etc.
- Mount CLONENEWNS mountnamespaces(7) Mount points. When new namespaces are created the current mounts are copied to a new namespace.
- PID CLONENEWPID pidnamespaces(7) Process IDs
- Time CLONENEWTIME timenamespaces(7) Boot and monotonic clocks
- User CLONENEWUSER usernamespaces(7) User and group IDs
- UTS CLONENEWUTS utsnamespaces(7) Hostname and NIS domain name. This allows a system to have different host and domain names for various processes. UTS: unix timesharing system
32.16. Selinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)
Linux kernel module
32.17. Disable executables, pip
- noexec on /home
- no pip and npm: chmod -x /usr/lib/python-exec/*/pip* ; mv $(python -c 'import pip; import os; print(os.path.dirname(pip._file__))'){,_}
- block python: setfacl -m group:users:r /usr/bin/python*
- no internet access
32.18. Hardening testers
32.19. Log analyzers
- Graylog
- Fluentd
- LOGalyze
- logwatch
Simple log analyzer based on regex:
#! /bin/sh # All regex characters should be escaped! filters=( "wpa_supplicant is already stopped" ) files=( /var/log/*.log ) output="" if [ "$1" = "-" ]; then echo "Script was called with '-' argument" output+=$(cat | grep -Ei "warn|error|crit|fatal") else for file in "${files[@]}" ; do output+=$(tail -n 2000 "$file" | grep -Ei "warn|error|crit|fatal" | sed "s#^#\n${file}: #") done fi filt=$(for s in "${filters[@]}" ; do echo "$s" ; done | grep . | tr '\n' '|' ) filt=${filt:0:${#filt}-1} echo -E "$output" | grep . | rev | sort -k 1,3 | rev | grep -vE "$filt"
32.20. Antivirus, online system monitoring - runtime integrity checking of the Linux kernel and detection of security vulnerability exploits against the kernel.
- Gentoo: app-antivirus/lkrg
33. wifi
- wifi phy sys/bus/usb/driver/mt7601u/*/ieee80211
- wifi dev sys/bus/usb/driver/mt7601u/*/net
33.1. theory
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) - radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays
IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN)
The most basic BSS consists of one AP and one STA.
Cellular network or mobile network - require sim card and modem, GMS-2G, UMTS-3g, LTE-4G, 5G
33.1.1. terms:
- WLAN - Wireless LAN
- WIFI - Wireless Fidelity - trademark
- Fidelity - compatibility between wireless equipme
- WiFI Alliance - non-profit organization
- RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indicator (usually 0-60 or 0-255) - isn't standardized
- dBm - decibels relative to a milliwatt - (-30 is a higher signal than -80)
- access point (AP)
- STAs - stations - all devices
- Supplicant - [ˈsʌplɪkənt] Проситель at point-to-point LAN/WLAN segment that seeks to be authenticated by an authenticator. used in IEEE 802.1X standard
- SSID - service set ID - WLAN needs a unique name. WLAN can have several AP - zero to 32 octets (32 bytes)
- 32 bytes
- wildcard SSID - null SSID - hidden SSID - used, in enterprise and mesh networks to steer a client to a particular (e.g. less utilized) access point.
- can be used by multiple APs in WLAN
- BSSID - basic service set identifier - subset of SSID - included in all wireless packets. = AP MAC address
- ESSID - extended basic service set - consists of all of the BSSs in the network - identifies the same network as the SSID does. The term SSID is used most often.
- MBSS - mesh basic service set
- MLME - Media Access Control (MAC) Sublayer Management Entity.
- SME - Station Management Entity, often prepended with AP (Access Point)
- Hotspot 2.0 - free access point, 2.0 is an approach to automatically connect and roam
- tethering - private hotstop with smartphone
- Beacon - management frames in IEEE 802.11 based WLANs
- beacon interval - the frequency of the beacon is broadcast by router. transmitted by the access point (AP)
- often 'packet' is taken to be the layer above 'frame' (i.e. level 3 of the OSI model).
- frame - (layer 2) IEEE 802.11 packets is encapsulated within the data field of the packet
- Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) - classifying known wireless devices, cataloguing their unique signal patterns
- HT20 - channel bandwidth is 20 MHz. main channel sends Beacon packets and data packets, and the auxiliary channel sends other packets.
- HT40 - channel bandwidth is 40 MHz
- +/- - Two neighboring 20 MHz channels are bundled to form a 40 MHz channel. If the center frequency of the main 20 MHz channel is higher than that of the auxiliary channel, 40MHz-plus is displayed; otherwise, 40MHz-minus is displayed.
33.1.2. frequency
microwaves - as short as one meter to as short as one millimeter; with frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz. EHF = Extremely high frequency (microwaves) SHF = Super-high frequency (microwaves) 30GHz-3GHz 1cm-1dm
UHF = Ultrahigh frequency (radio waves) 3GHz-300MHz 1dm-1m VHF = Very high frequency (radio) HF = High frequency (radio) MF = Medium frequency (radio) LF = Low frequency (radio) VLF = Very low frequency (radio) VF = Voice frequency ULF = Ultra-low frequency (radio) SLF = Super-low frequency (radio) ELF = Extremely low frequency (radio)
Wifi - 2.4/5/6 GHz 5G cellular network - 3–6 GHz, and millimeter wave band, around 28 and 39 GHz bluetooth - from 2.402 to 2.48 GHz
33.1.3. channels 2.4 GHz (802.11b/g/n/ax)
Channel | F0 (MHz) | Frequency range (MHz) |
1 | 2412 | 2401–2423 |
2 | 2417 | 2406–2428 |
3 | 2422 | 2411–2433 |
4 | 2427 | 2416–2438 |
5 | 2432 | 2421–2443 |
6 | 2437 | 2426–2448 |
7 | 2442 | 2431–2453 |
8 | 2447 | 2436–2458 |
9 | 2452 | 2441–2463 |
10 | 2457 | 2446–2468 |
11 | 2462 | 2451–2473 |
12 | 2467 | 2456–2478 |
13 | 2472 | 2461–2483 |
33.1.4. health
The World Health Organization has classified radio frequency electromagnetic radiation as Group 2B – possibly carcinogenic.
33.1.5. modes
- AccessPoint (AP) infrastructure mode
- Station infrastructure mode
- Monitor mode
- Ad-Hoc (IBSS) mode
- Wireless Distribution System (WDS)
- Mesh - Ячеистая топология
33.1.6. distance
free space loss:
- FSPL (dB) = 20log10(d) + 20log10(f) + K
- d = distance
- f = frequency
- K= constant that depends on the units used for d and f
- If d is measured in kilometers, f in MHz, the formula is:
- FSPL (dB) = 20log10(d)+ 20log10(f) + 32.44
Distance (km) = 10(Free Space Path Loss – 32.44 – 20log10(f))/20
33.1.7. security
- Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) - security algorithm ( 802.11 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) security mechanism defined in the original standard IEEE 802.11-1997)
- Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) (802.11e then 802.11i)
- implements the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) - per-packet key - message integrity check stronger than a CRC
- 802.11i standard (i.e. WPA2) - WEP-40 and WEP-104 deprecated (802.11i, later incorporated into 802.11-2007)
- AES-based encryption mode (Pre-Shared Key)
- EAP-TLS optional authentication method .
- PSK - Pre-Shared Key
- CCMP protocol - Counter Mode CBC-MAC Protocol - message integrity check stronger
- WPA3
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) - without password
- PIN method
- Push button method - typically 2 minutes or less - router will scan for devices
- Near-field communication method
- USB method (deprecated)
WPA-Personal (WPA-PSK mode) - encrypts the network traffic by deriving its 128-bit encryption key from a 256-bit shared key.
- string of 64 hexadecimal digits or 8 to 63 printable ASCII characters.
- pre-shared key (PSK) -
WPA-Enterprise (WPA-802.1X mode) (sometimes just WPA as opposed to WPA-PSK)
- requires a RADIUS authentication server (FreeRADIUS)
- Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) are used for authentication
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
- creates a major security hole via WPS PIN recovery.
- EAP extensions
- EAP-TLS (previously tested)
- EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2 (April 2005[27])
- PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 (April 2005)
- PEAPv1/EAP-GTC (April 2005)
- EAP-SIM (April 2005)
- EAP-AKA (April 2009[28])
- EAP-FAST (April 2009)
- Security issues
- Weak password - Pre-shared key WPA and WPA2
- WPA passphrase hashes are seeded from the SSID name and its length
- Lack of forward secrecy
- Forward secrecy - feature of specific key agreement protocols - session keys will not be compromised even if long-term secrets used in the session key exchange are compromised
- Weak password - Pre-shared key WPA and WPA2
33.1.8. wifi Generations
- Wi‑Fi 7 802.11be 40000 TBA 2.4/5/6
- Wi‑Fi 6E 802.11ax 600 to 9608 2020 2.4/5/6
- Wi‑Fi 6 2019 2.4/5
- Wi‑Fi 5 802.11ac 433 to 6933 2014 2.4/5 обратн совместимост с n
- Wi‑Fi 4 802.11n 72 to 600 2008 2.4/5 обратно совместим с b / g / a?
- (Wi-Fi 3*) 802.11g 6 to 54 2003 2.4 обратно совместимой с b
- (Wi-Fi 2*) 802.11a 6 to 54 1999 5 Не совместим с сетями b или g.
- (Wi-Fi 1*) 802.11b 1 to 11 1999 2.4 Совместим с g сетями.
- (Wi-Fi 0*) 802.11 1 to 2 1997 2.4
33.1.9. MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
33.1.10. frames layer 2
- consist of
Each frame consists of a
- MAC header
- payload
- frame check sequence (FCS).
- Management frames (opetional)
MAC header:
- Frame Control − 2 bytes, 11 subfields.
- Protocol version − 2 bits 00.
- Type − 2 bits
- Subtype − 4 bits – Request to Send (RTS) or a Clear to Send (CTS) For a regular data frame, the value is set to 0000.
- To DS − 1 bit indicating whether the frame is going to the access point (AC)
- From DS − 1 bit subfield indicating whether the frame is coming from the AC.
- More Fragments − 1 bit - 1 indicates that more fragments would follow.
- Retry − 1 bit - 1 specifies a retransmission of a previous frame.
- Power Management − 1 bit - 1 = the sender is adopting power-save mode.
- More Data − 1 bit - 1 = sender has further data frames for the receiver.
- Protected Frame − 1 bit - 1 = encrypted frame.
- Order − 1 bit, informs the receiver that to the higher layers the frames should be in an ordered sequence.
- Duration − 2-byte - the time period for which the frame and its acknowledgement occupy the channel.
- Address 1: 6-byte - Destination address MAC
- Address 2: 6-byte - Source address MAC
- Address 3: 6-byte - BSS Id
- Sequence − 0 or 2-byte - first 4 bits provides identification to the fragment and the rest 12 bits contain the sequence number that increments with each transmission.
- Address 4: - 0 or 6-byte only present in between access points in an Extended Service Set or between intermediate nodes in a mesh network.
- QoS control 0 or 2 bytes -
- Data − variable sized
- Frame Check Sequence (FCS) − 4-byte field - error detection information.
- Types and SubTypes
- Probe Request/Response
- Beacon frame - send by AP
- RTS <= ready to send
- CTS => Clear to send
- Data <= MAC level transmission is not acked
- ACK => Acknowledgement
- links
33.1.11. WPA/WPA2
- PMK - (Pairwise Master Key)
- PTK or GTK (Pairwise Transit Key) PTK = f(ANonce, SNonce, PMK, AMAC, SMAC)
- ANONCE- is a random number that the AP has made. Authenticator
- SNONCE- is a random number that the client has made. supplicant
- MIC- Message Integrity Code
encryption | encryption algorithm | IV size | encryption key | Integrity mechanism |
WEP | RC4 | 24-bits | 40/104-bits | CRC-32 |
WPA | RC4,TKIP | 48-bits | 128-bits | Michael Alg and CRC-32 |
WPA2 | AES, CCMP | 48-bits | 128-bits | CBC-MAC |
EAP-based 4-way handshake
- <= ANonce
- <= GTK + MIC
- => Ack
33.2. Mediatek mt7601u
33.3. linix kernel support
Firmware license tags: redistribution allowed, closed source!
33.4. install
- to keep simple names: touch /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules
- net-wireless/iwd or net-wireless/wpasupplicant - allows users to connect to WPA enabled access points
- enable regulatory domain in kernel
- - rfkill unblock all
- ifconfig -a
- ifconfig -v wan0 up
33.5. iw
low level device config, WEP, scan
- iw phy [phy1 info]
- iw dev
- iw dev wlan0 info
- iw phy1 reg get
- iw dev wlan0 scan -u passive | less
33.5.1. monitor mode
- newmac=(date +%N |md5sum|sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/') # generate MAC address random MAC address
- iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor addr $newmac
- iw dev wlan0 del (optional)
- ifconfig mon0 up # default channel 1 frequency 2412 MHz
- iw dev mon0 set freq 2437
33.6. iwd
- debug: /usr/libexec/iwd -d
- iwd keeps the configuration file at /var/lib/iwd as a .psk file with your access point name.
33.6.1. dependencies
- kernel access ell -
33.6.2. iwctl
- iwctl device list
- iwctl station wlan0 show - station mode infp
- iwctl known-networks list - history of connections
- scan:
- station wlp2s0b1 scan - not required
- station wlp2s0b1 get-networks
- iwctl –passphrase '' station wlp2s0b1 connect TestWPA2
33.6.3. bashalias
alias wificonn="echo detected WLAN: $(ip a | grep -o -m1 'wlan.') ; rc-service iwd start ; sleep 1 ; iwctl –passphrase='60s%.!Col' station $(ip a | grep -o -m1 'wlan.') connect TP-LinkACC3 " alias wifiget="rc-service iwd start ; sleep 1 ; iwctl station $(ip a | grep -o -m1 'wlan.') get-networks" alias wifiup="rfkill unblock 0 && ip link set wlan0 up"
33.6.4. WiFi provisioning
- Blynk.Inject - mobile app UI - get password for your home or office WiFi
33.6.5. MAC Address Randomization
- [General]
- AddressRandomization=network
33.6.6. scripts
alias wificonn="echo detected WLAN: $(ip a | grep -o -m1 'wlan.') ; rc-service iwd start ; sleep 1 ; iwctl –passphrase='60s%.!Col' station $(ip a | grep -o -m1 'wlan.') connect TP-LinkACC3 " alias wifiget="rc-service iwd start ; sleep 1 ; iwctl station $(ip a | grep -o -m1 'wlan.') get-networks" alias wifiup="rfkill unblock 0 && ip link set wlan0 up"
33.7. wpasupplicant
WPA/WPA2/Enterprise connections, device control
- emerge –ask net-wireless/wpasupplicant
- bzless /usr/share/doc/${P}/wpasupplicant.conf.bz2 > /etc/wpasupplicant/wpasupplicant.conf
- chmod o-rwx /etc/wpasupplicant/wpasupplicant.conf
33.7.1. config
- ctrlinterface=DIR=/run/wpasupplicant GROUP=wheel
- updateconfig=1
- bgscan="simple:120:-75:600" - scab trashold
- macaddr=1 - rendom MAC per EES connection
33.7.2. status
- address - MAC address
- UUID - for WPS - generated based on local MAC address
33.7.3. scan and scanresults
- frequency - MHZ
- signal level - dBm
- flags - security options
33.7.4. wpacli
>addnetwork >setnetwork 0 ssid "myssid" >setnetwork 0 psk "password" >enable 0
>addnetwork >setnetwork 0 ssid "myssid" >setnetwork 0 keymgmt SAE >setnetwork 0 saepassword "password" >enable 0
setnetwork ieee80211w 2
33.8. wireless-tools
- iwconfig
- iwevenqt
- iwgetid
- iwlist
- scanning
- frequency/channel - Center frequencies
- encryption/keys
- iwpriv
- iwspy
33.9. cat /proc/net/wireless
33.10. errors
direct firmware load failed error -2
- if you built driver into kernel (not as a module) the firmware will not load because at the time kernel loads the root filesystem is not mounted yet.
- include firmware in kernel binary:
- Device Drivers —> Generic Driver Options —> Firmware loader —>
- -*- Firmware loading facility
- () Build named firmware blobs into the kernel binary
- (/lib/firmware) Firmware blobs root directory
- Device Drivers —> Generic Driver Options —> Firmware loader —>
DORMANT - power saving mode
- disable pwer saving
33.11. regulatory domain
governments assert the right to regulate usage of radio spectrum within their respective territories
- ne-wireless/crda
- Central Regulatory Domain Agent (CRDA) - can be triggered to update the kernel wireless core's definition of the regulatory permissions for a specific country.
- ne-wireless/wireless-regdb - regulatory database used by CRDA
- use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
loads the database via udev rule
TODO /etc/default/crda
regilatory database
- binary file format - to have the data available quickly and as compact as possible, authorship and integrity
- embedding the signature into the binary file
- signature is checked against a list of public keys built into the regulatory daemon binary
- Please set CONFIGCFG80211=m or add regulatory.db and regulatory.db.p7s to CONFIGEXTRAFIRMWARE.
- CONFIGEXTRAFIRMWARE="regulatory.db regulatory.db.p7s"
33.12. testing
- tree /sys/class/net
- ip addr
- ifconfig -a
- ifconfig -v wlan0 up # activate
- dmesg | grep -i -E 'xx:xx.x|wlan|iwl|80211'
- udevadm monitor –environment kernel
33.13. links
33.14. hardware
33.14.1. standards
- IEEE 802.11 - base standard 1997
- 802 Overview and Archirecture
- 802.2 Logical Link Control
- 802.1 Bridging, Management
- 802.10 Security
- IEEE 802.3 Etherenet
- 802.16 WiMAX
- 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring (RPR)
- 802.11* apply to all WiFi devices
- Standards with upper case letters are base standards, e.g. IEEE 802.1AB-2009
- first version 1997 IEEE 802.11 -
- MAC layer and 3 physical
- 2.4 GHz
- 1-2Mbps
- no longer used
33.14.2. physical
- ready to send (RTS) (dest and message duration) ->
- Clear to send (CTS) <-
- Data ->
- ACK <-(MAC-level retransmission if not acked)
Frame Format
33.15. wifi sec recomendations
- избегайте банковских операций во время подключения к публичным сетям
- никогда не авторизуйтесь в сети, если для подтверждения у вас просят номер телефона, электронную почту или же социальную сеть. В таком случае, этими данными могут воспользоваться злоумышленники
- отключите опцию общего доступа к вашим файлам
- не используйте обнаружение вашего девайся другими пользователями сети
- также нежелательна опция автоматического подключения к открытой сети
- не регистрируйтесь на сайтах во время подключения к общедоступным сетям Wi-Fi
- избегайте сетей в которых соединение периодически прерывается
- при подключении к общей сети - желательно использовать VPN-сервесы
33.16. RTL8812AU/21AU
- book linux device drivers
I copied aircrack-ng/rtl8812au to kernel folder: drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/ I add line to drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/Makefile: obj-$(CONFIG88XXAU) += rtl8812au/ I add lines to drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/Kconfig: config 88XXAU tristate "Realtek RTL8812AU USB Wireless Network Adapter" depends on USB select RTLWIFI select RTLWIFIUSB help This is the driver for Realtek RTL8812AU USB I replaced line in file rtl8812au/Makefile : export CONFIG88XXAU = m with: export CONFIG88XXAU = y
34. bluetooth
2.4 GHz - 1-3Mbps
- net-wireless/blueman
- scan on
pairing - connection without user intervention (for example, as soon as in range)
34.1. pygatt vs pybluez
- The PyGatt library is based on PyBluez,
34.2. terms
Bluetooth RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) - measured in decibels (dBm). The more negative the RSSI value, the further away the Bluetooth device.
34.3. BT-400 not required
- guide
- curl '' -o
- id to hex name
34.4. D-Bus
inter-process communication mechanism
- non-transactional. It is stateful and connection-based
- dbus daemon - runs an actual bus
- bus address will typically be the filename of a Unix-domain socket such as "tmp.hiddensocket
34.5. bash alias
alias blueup="rc-service bluetooth up ; sleep 1; bluetoothctl power on && bluetoothctl scan on" alias bluedown="bluetoothctl power off"
34.6. RTL8761B
/usr/lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8761bfw.bin OR /lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8761bfw.bin /usr/lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8761bconfig.bin OR /lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8761bconfig.bin
34.7. bluetoothctl
- help help
- current device list
- status show
- scan scan
- disable/enamble power off/on
- connected devices devices
to find devices:
- activate scan - scan on
- devices - to get name
- look back to find out RSSI
34.8. bluealsa-aplay
bluealsa -p a2dp-sink -p a2dp-source –xapl-resp-name=iPhone –a2dp-volume
BlueALSA volume persistent state storage:
34.8.1. /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluealsa.conf
add lines:
- <allow senddestination="org.bluealsa.sink" />
- <allow senddestination="org.bluealsa.source" />
<!-- This configuration file specifies the required security policies for BlueALSA core daemon to work. --> <!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN" ""> <busconfig> <!-- ../system.conf have denied everything, so we just punch some holes --> <policy user="root"> <allow own_prefix="org.bluealsa"/> <allow send_destination="org.bluealsa"/> <allow send_destination="org.bluealsa.sink" /> <allow send_destination="org.bluealsa.source" /> </policy> <policy group="audio"> <allow send_destination="org.bluealsa"/> <allow send_destination="org.bluealsa.sink" /> <allow send_destination="org.bluealsa.source" /> </policy> </busconfig>
34.8.2. asoundrc
pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm { type bluealsa device "xx:xxx:xxx:xx..." profile "a2dp" delay 1000 } hint { show on description "BT Headset" } } ctl.!default { type bluealsa device "xx:xxx:xxx:xx...." - NOT REQUIRED! }
34.8.3. asoundrc2
pcm.bluetooth { type bluealsa device "64:6B:B1:3A:B6:37" profile "a2dp" hint { show on description "BT Headset" } } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "bluetooth" }
35. image
35.1. rotate
to right
convert image.jpg -rotate 90 image.jpg
to left (keep size)
convert image.jpg -distort SRT -90 image.jpg
35.2. reduse size
for f in /home/u/Desktop/* ; do convert $f -resize 1000x1000 -quality 90% /home/u/Desktop/conv/$(basename $f) ; done
enhance size:
f="/home/u/Desktop/conf2/a.jpg" ; convert /home/u/Desktop/conf/$(basename "$f") -resize 2000x2000 -quality 93% "$f"
change resolution and keep aspect ration
convert a.jpg -geometry 300x300 a2.jpg
35.3. hidden data
get hidden data
- feh –draw-exif
- exiv2 / exifgrep
- exiftool -auU -g1 image
clear hidden data
- exiftool -all= image
for f in /home/u/Desktop/conf2/* ; do exiftool -all= $f ; done
35.4. images slideshow
- feh -D 2 /dir
35.5. TODO one image inside of onether
35.6. merge several to one
montage -mode concatenate -tile 1x v[1-9].jpg out.jpg
36. imageMagic
36.1. troubles
convert: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `PDF' @ error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/449.
- /etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml: <policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />
- security vulnerability that caused distributions to implement the policy: can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands with arbitrary arguments. in Ghostscript
sh: line 1: gs: command not found \n convert: FailedToExecuteCommand `'gs'
37. Firefox
- emerge x11-apps/xhost app-admin/sudo
- /etc/sudoers.d/ff
- user ALL=(ff) NOPASSWD: ALL
- xhost si:localuser:ff ; sudo -u ff firefox -width 1366 -height 768 $@
- privacy.resistFingerprinting to true - fix screen resolution 1000 × 900 with errors possible, replace user-agent
browser.cache.disk.enable - to false ?
37.1. keys
Alt, e, n, Alt+Shift+e, Alt+Shift+e - proxy settings, arrow to choose
37.2. fingerprints
- article
- 1
- 2
- entropy
recommended Firefox Plugins
Hash of canvas fingerprint e9c63d7fe3a3f9cc2687d88cff61506e Hash of WebGL fingerprint cf316a71a991aced31cfbf8a043fa324 WebGL Vendor & Renderer Mesa/ (LLVM 11.0.0, 128 bits)
Screen Size and Color Depth 1366x768x24 One in x browsers have this value: 14.24
System Fonts Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman (via javascript) One in x browsers have this value: 759.86
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0 One in x browsers have this value: 6.79
Hash of WebGL fingerprint (disabled) d928a8c2420ac1b95e719f20d5d93341
37.2.2. with source code
Browser fingerprint 707b6f3c0e81118309c95b165772ddbc
Computer fingerprint (Developing, not finished) 1c1d5d28a5423225bd29d898d1c5c551
286,568 tested
✔ 2e8d42d63e7a992891473b0e92b935c7 Report 60 fonts and 15 unique metrics found
Fingerprint ✔ f11f4549
37.3. screen
Никогда не развертывать на весь экран
- stats
- most common 1366x768
- get current
firefox -width 1366 -height 768 ( do not work with resistFingerprinting) add-on Window Resizer by
- 870 - 666 = 102 = 768 + 102 = 1366x870
37.4. disable GPU fingerprint(hardware acceleration)
to true: gfx.direct2d.disabled layers.acceleration.disabled
37.5. fonts
Font Fingerprint Defender by ilGur
browser.display.usedocumentfonts - 0
37.6. TLS
security.tls.version.min - 3
37.7. User-Agent
Good Plugin: User Agent by SandVPN
Random User-Agent by Paramtamtam
require privacy.resistFingerprinting to be disabled
- User-Agent Switcher (GPLv3)
- MIT - - alert(window.navigator.userAgent) - not hide
check User-Agent inside of JavaScript
- alert(window.navigator.userAgent)
37.7.1. testers
37.8. user agent ( net required)
- about:config general.useragent.override
- Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x8664; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0
- Mozilla/5.0 (Linux x8664; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0
37.9. User-Agent checkers
37.10. disable webgl
to true
- webgl.disabled
- privacy.firstparty.isolate
to false
- geo.enabled
FOR VPN: media.peerconnection.enabled
37.11. plugins
Disable JavaScript Font Fingerprint Defender WindowResizer CanvasBlocker by Korbinian Kapsner
all in in:
- CanvasBlocker
- User-Agent Switcher (with 3 persons on image)
- disable-javascript
- User-agent switcher
- canvas blocker
37.12. disable javaScript
37.13. profile
firefox -width 1366 -height 768 -P -no-remote second
37.14. GNU JS Trap
37.15. xpi extensions
Extension must be
- zipped:
- zip -r -FS mouseless-plugin-master/* –exclude '.git'
- 7z a a.xpi librejs-7.20.2/* -r
- zip must be signed with api or web-ext sign to xpi format
xpinstall.signatures.required false - but not working
37.16. check xpi extension
diff -Z mouseless-plugin-master/ mouselessjk-0.12.2-an+fx-linux/
37.17. Mouse and links with krita images extracted
not working
- alt
- meta
- go forward
- page up,page down , fast ones
37.18. Mouse and links complex
37.19. Gentoo specific
USE="-gmp-autoupdate" has disabled the following plugins from updating or installing into new profiles:
- gmp-gmpopenh264
- gmp-widevinecdm
37.19.1. Normandy
- service which allow Mozilla to push changes for default settings or even install new add-ons remotely
- app.normandy.enable=false
- disabled in gentoo
37.20. Tor compatibility
network.proxy.socksremotedns true network.dns.disablePrefetch true network.dns.disableIPv6 true media.peerconnection.enabled false
37.21. user.js - Firefox configuration hardening
- app.update.enabled false
- extensions.update.enabled false
- security.OCSP.enabled 1 - for normal 0 - for tor
- - true for normal, false for tor
- plugins.update.notifyUser false
- dom.event.contextmenu.enabled - uncomment
- places.history.enabled - true for normal false for tor
- may request something
- browser.safebrowsing.enabled - false
- browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled - false
- browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled - false
- keyword.enabled true
- image.webp.enabled false - by hands now
37.21.1. own config from two sources
#!/usr/bin/env bash wget -O /tmp/user_arkenfox.js wget -O /tmp/user_pyllyukko.js sleep 1 rm /tmp/user.js 2>/dev/null # filter uncomment lines to user.js cat /tmp/user_arkenfox.js | grep ^user_pref >> /tmp/user.js cat /tmp/user_pyllyukko.js | grep ^user_pref >> /tmp/user.js # uncomment some lines to user.js cat /tmp/user_arkenfox.js | grep -i -e account -e dom.event.contextmenu.enabled >> /tmp/user.js cat /tmp/user_pyllyukko.js | grep -i -e account -e dom.event.contextmenu.enabled >> /tmp/user.js sleep 1 # remove dublicates and commented strings sort /tmp/user.js | uniq | sed "s#^\ \ \ //\ ##" > /tmp/user1.js # filter important cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -v -e _user.js.parrot\ -e plugins.update.notifyUser \ -e app.update.enabled \ -e extensions.update.enabled \ -e plugins.update.notifyUser \ -e browser.safebrowsing.enabled \ -e browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled \ -e browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled \ -e keyword.enabled \ -e security.OCSP.enabled \ -e \ -e places.history.enabled \ > /tmp/user_filtered.js # all false cp /tmp/user_filtered.js /tmp/user_common.js cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -e app.update.enabled \ -e extensions.update.enabled \ -e plugins.update.notifyUser \ -e browser.safebrowsing.enabled \ -e browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled \ -e browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled \ | sed s/true/false/ >> /tmp/user_common.js # all true cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -e keyword.enabled | sed s/false/true/ >> /tmp/user_common.js # normal 1 cp /tmp/user_common.js user_normal.js cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -e security.OCSP.enabled | sed s/0/1/ >> user_normal.js # normal true cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -e \ -e places.history.enabled | sed s/false/true/ >> user_normal.js # tor 0 cp /tmp/user_common.js user_tor.js cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -e security.OCSP.enabled | sed s/1/0/ >> user_tor.js # tor false cat /tmp/user1.js | grep -e \ -e places.history.enabled \ | sed s/true/false/ >> user_tor.js
37.22. certificates
By default your browser trusts 100's of Certificate Authorities (CAs)
Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates
allow self signed:
- network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist to False
37.23. images loading
- 1 – Always load the images
- 2 – Never load the images
- 3 – Don't load third images
37.24. Debugging remote Firefox instances and headless
- /path/to/firefox –start-debugger-server 6000 -headless
- /path/to/firefox –start-debugger-server ws:6000 -headless
- about:debugging
37.25. proxy switcher
37.26. troubleshooting
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 503.
- about:config
- security.fileuri.strictoriginpolicy
no microphone - alsa - type asym - pcm.capture
37.27. microphone
37.28. cache
- 0
- Check for a new version of a page once per session (a session starts when the first application window opens and ends when the last application window closes).
- 1
- Check for a new version every time a page is loaded.
- 2
- Never check for a new version - always load the page from cache.
- 3
Check for a new version when the page is out of date. (Default)
browser.cache.disk.enable or browser.cache.memory.enable must be set to true for this preference to work as mentioned above.
38. Stumpmw - window manager
tiling window manager - entirely in Common Lisp. License: GNU GPL v2.0
highly customizable while relying entirely on the keyboard for input.
- Allows rebinding of keys to other commands.
- Shell scripting. ??
- Virtual desktops.
- Write commands.
- Emacs keybindings
39. Nyxt
40. suckless tools
- Dwm window manager
- configuration in C
- surf is a simple web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+
- *
41. rtorrent
41.1. install from sources
may be need 24.9
apt install --no-install-recommends -y sudo autoconf automake g++ make libtool libtorrent-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses-dev cmake tmux wget cd /usr/local/src/ wget tar xpf rtorrent-0.9.8.tar.gz cd rtorrent-0.9.8 ldconfig autoconf make clear ./ ./configure make make install useradd --home=/home/rtorrent --create-home --shell /bin/bash --user-group rtorrent touch /home/rtorrent/.rtorrent.rc chown rtorrent:rtorrent /home/rtorrent/.rtorrent.rc mkdir /home/rtorrent/downloads chown rtorrent:rtorrent /home/rtorrent/downloads mkdir /home/rtorrent/session chown rtorrent:rtorrent /home/rtorrent/session echo 'alias rt="sudo -u rtorrent bash -c tmux"' >> /root/.bashrc
41.2. keys
- a/s/d Increase the upload throttle by 1/5/50 KB.
- z/x/c Decrease the upload throttle by 1/5/50 KB.
- A/S/D Increase the download throttle by 1/5/50 KB.
- Z/X/C Decrease the download throttle by 1/5/50 KB.
- ^q quit
- ^s Start download. Runs hash first unless already done.
- ^d Stop an active download, or remove a stopped download.
- ^k Stop and close the files of an active download.
- backspace Add torrent using an URL or file path. Use tab to view directory content and do auto-complete. Also, wildcards can be used. For example: ~/torrent/*
- return Same as backspace, except the torrent remains inactive. (Use ^s to activate)
- l View log. Exit by pressing the space-bar.
- +/- Change priority of torrent.
- ^r Initiate hash check of torrent. Without starting to download/upload.
- alt+shift+r - filter
- shift+L - toggle view layout
- 1 Show all downloads
- 2 Show all downloads, ordered by name
- 3 Show started downloads
- 4 Show stopped downloads
- 5 Show complete downloads
- 6 Show incomplete downloads
- 7 Show hashing downloads
- 8 Show seeding downloads
- 9 Show leeching downloads
- 0 Show active downloads
- * Change the priority of all files
- / Collapse directories. While collapsed, press right to expand the selected directory.
- space Change the file priority; applies recursively when done on a directory
41.3. screen
[Throttle 500/600 KB]
- 500/600 - upload/download
[D 15/0]
- Current number of download slots in use/the maximum (the maximum is shown as 0 if unlimited).
[H 1/32]
- Current number of active HTTP requests (for tracker announces and downloads of .torrent files)/the maximum.
[U 3/14]
- Current number of upload slots in use/the maximum, which depends on the global upload rate limit.
[S 6/40/768]
- The three numbers represent handshakes/open sockets/max open sockets.
[F 4/128]
- The two numbers represent open files/max open files. The library dynamically closes the least used files as needed.
41.4. lags probles
lags because of http dns request - they are single-threaded
41.5. To turn off DHT connection tracking on Linux,
iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -p udp –dport 6881 -j CT –notrack iptables -t raw -I OUTPUT -p udp –sport 6881 -j CT –notrack
in gernel:
- Network options -> Network packet filtering framework -> IP: Netfiltering configuration -> [*] raw table support
41.6. config
#+name home/rtorrent.rtorrent.rc
# # rtorrent will not start without IPv6 support in your kernel # bind= # Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited. #throttle.global_down.max_rate.set_kb = 0 throttle.global_up.max_rate.set_kb = 1575 # throttle.max_uploads.set = 8 # Default directory to save the downloaded torrents. directory.default.set = /home/rtorrent/downloads # Default session directory. When restarting rtorrent, the torrents from this directory will be restarted. session.path.set = /home/rtorrent/session # system.daemon.set = true pieces.hash.on_completion.set = yes # network # network.port_range.set = 49333-49333 network.port_range.set = 6381-6389 protocol.encryption.set = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry # dht: dht.mode.set = auto # 6881 dht.port.set = 6981 protocol.pex.set= yes # use a http proxy. [url] ;an empty string disables this setting # To connect torrent Trackers # # network.http.proxy_address.set = # Proxy for all traffic. Include torrent traffic peers # # network.proxy_address.set = # Maximum number of connections rtorrent can accept/make (`sockets`) # number of sockets to simultaneously keep open # # network.max_open_sockets.set = 999 # -- LOGGING log.open_file = "rtorrent", /home/rtorrent/rtorrent.log log.open_file = "tracker", /home/rtorrent/tracker.log log.add_output = "info", "rtorrent" log.add_output = "critical", "rtorrent" log.add_output = "error", "rtorrent" log.add_output = "warn", "rtorrent" log.add_output = "notice", "rtorrent" log.add_output = "debug", "rtorrent" log.add_output = "dht_debug", "tracker" log.add_output = "tracker_debug", "tracker" # -- throttle throttle.max_uploads.set = 3 = 7 throttle.min_peers.normal.set = 3 throttle.max_peers.normal.set = 8 throttle.min_peers.seed.set = 3 throttle.max_peers.seed.set = 8 trackers.numwant.set = 18 network.http.max_open.set = 3 network.max_open_files.set = 120 network.max_open_sockets.set = 126 pieces.memory.max.set = 800M network.xmlrpc.size_limit.set = 4M encoding.add = utf8 # system.umask.set = 0027 trackers.use_udp.set = yes network.http.dns_cache_timeout.set = 125 # Save all the sessions in every 6 hours instead of the default 20 minutes. schedule2 = session_save, 1200, 21600, ((
41.7. service systemd
cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/rtorrent.service [Unit] Description=My daemon [Service] Type=forking User=rtorrent Group=rtorrent ExecStartPre=-/bin/rm -f /home/rtorrent/session/rtorrent.lock ExecStart=/usr/bin/tmux new-session -d rtorrent /usr/local/bin/rtorrent -n -o import=/home/rtorrent/.rtorrent.rc ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall -w -s INT /usr/local/bin/rtorrent Restart=on-failure RestartSec=15 # [Install] EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start rtorrent
41.8. aliases
echo 'alias rtstatus="systemctl status rtorrent"' >> .bashrc echo 'alias rtstart="systemctl start rtorrent"' >> .bashrc echo 'alias rtstop="systemctl stop rtorrent"' >> .bashrc echo 'alias rtnew="sudo -u rtorrent /usr/local/bin/rtorrent -n -o import=/home/rtorrent/.rtorrent.rc"' >> .bashrc apt install sudo echo 'alias rt="sudo -u rtorrent bash -c tmux"' >> .bashrc source .bashrc
42. email
42.1. theory
mail is sent from mail host to mail host using SMTP. Every mail host runs a mail transfer agent (MTA).
- sending: MUA will pipe outgoing mail to the /usr/lib/sendmail application. It will take care of your mail and pass it on to the next mail host.
- receiving: mail delivery agent (MDA) keeps files. When your computer is that mail host, this file is called a spool, and sometimes located in the directory var/spool/mail. All your MUA has to do is read mail from the spool, then.
When your computer is not always connected to the internet, you must get the mail from the remote mail host using a protocol such as POP3 or IMAP.
42.1.1. soft:
- Exim
- sendmail
- postfix
- procmail
42.2. protocols
- IMAP - to retrieve email messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection. IMAP is defined by
RFC 9051. Leaving email content on the server.
- 143 – this is the default port which does not provide any encryption
- 993 - IMAP over SSL/TLS (IMAPS)
POP3 - POP3 (Post Office Protocol) - older than IMAP, delete message from server after download.
- Port 110 is the default POP3 port and it is not encrypted.
- Port 995 – SSL/TLS port, also known as POP3S
- Modern POP3 clients allow you to keep a copy of your messages on the server if you explicitly select this
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- 25 - send messages in plain text, although if the mail server supports it, it can be encrypted with
TLS. Therefore, many Internet service providers block it, as it represents a security risk.
- Port 2525 is an alternative to the SMTP port 25 and can be encrypted over TLS.
- 587 – This is the port IANA registered as the secure SMTP port, and it requires an explicit TLS
connection. However, if the email server does not support TLS, the message will be sent in plain text.
- Port 465 – SSL/TLS port, also known as SMTPS
42.3. isync
- support Maildir and IMAP4 mailboxes
- New messages, message deletions and flag changes can be propagated both ways.
42.3.1. cur, new, tmp
- tmp - This subdirectory stores email messages that are in the process of being delivered. It may also store other kinds of temporary files.
- new - This subdirectory stores messages that have been delivered but have not yet been seen by any mail application, such as webmail or Outlook.
- cur - This subdirectory stores messages that have already been viewed by mail applications, like webmail or Outlook.
42.3.2. usage:
make any folders that were specified as Maildirs
mkdir -p ~/.mail/gmail
to retrieve the mail:
mbsync gmail or mbsync -a
42.3.3. links
42.4. notmuch
Thread-based e-mail indexer, supporting quick search and tagging
You must tag your folders by hands with "notmuch tag". (maildir.synchronizeflags do only base tagging.)
sync with isyc:
mbsync -aV && notmuch new && notmuch tag --input=filename
+saved – folder:SAVED +sent – folder:Sent +spam – folder:Spam +bks – folder:bks +book – folder:book +pol – folder:pol
42.4.1. tags
- "new" - messages that are new to it, so you'll want to clean that up.
- tag:unread - unread messages;
42.4.2. queries
search for all messages without the "unread" tag and remove the "new" tag
notmuch tag -new not tag:unread
notmuch tag –input=filename
# Manage sent, spam, and trash folders -unread -new folder:Trash -unread -new folder:Spam -unread -new folder:Sent # Note mail sent specifically to me (excluding bug mail) +to-me to:kevin at and tag:new and not tag:to-me # And note all mail sent from me +sent from:kevin at and tag:new and not tag:sent # Remove the new tag from messages -new tag:new
42.5. neomutt
installation steps see emacsh#MissingReference
42.5.1. keys
- M - logs
42.5.2. examples
42.5.3. mutt and neomutt - clients
mutt - 1995
- Original author(s) Michael Elkins
- Developer(s) Kevin McCarthy
- vim user, study Chinese
neomutt - It’s a fork of Mutt with added features. Mar 7, 2016 - First NeoMutt release.
- Rich Russon (@flatcap) - vim user
42.5.4. links
42.6. emailutils
- /var/spool/mail or /var/mail
- net-mail/mailutils
forward email destined for the root user to another email (say a postfix mail account)
- All you need to do is create a file named ".forward" in the "root" directory and on the first line enter the email address you want to forward to.
42.7. DKIM
It is a email header generated at sending email server. private/public key pair. sign each message as it is sent. When a message is sent, we create a hash from the content of the message headers and then use your private key to sign the hash. the public key is added to the DNS records for your domain to broadcast it to the world to help verify your messages.
dig +short TXT
Receiving Mail Server:
- extract dkim-signature from email header
- validate message using public key from DKIM DNS entry to answer: Was message unchanged?
contains encrypted hash value of email body and headers
- DKIM domain - nslookup -q=TXT
- _domainkey - is fixed
DKIM record together with DMARC (and even SPF) you can also protect your domain against malicious emails sent on behalf of your domains
DKIM Selectors - specified in the DKIM-Signature header and indicates where the public key portion of the DKIM keypair exists in DNS. “s=”
- Domains can have multiple public DKIM keys, and the selector value makes sure recipient servers are using the correct public key.
42.7.1. how it looks like:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; s=20130519032151pm;; h=From:Date:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:To:Message-ID;; bh=vYFvy46eesUDGJ45hyBTH30JfN4=; b=iHeFQ+7rCiSQs3DPjR2eUSZSv4i/Kp+sipURfVH7BGf+SxcwOkX7X8R1RVObMQsFcbIxnrq7Ba2QCf0YZlL9iqJf32V+baDI8IykuDztuoNUF2Kk0pawZkbSPNHYRtLxV2CTOtc+x4eIeSeYptaiu7g7GupekLZ2DE1ODHhuP4I=
each part of the header means:
- DKIM-Signature: The header registered for DKIM-signed messages.
- v=1; The version of DKIM being used by the sending server.
- a=rsa-sha1; The algorithm used to generate the hash for the private/public key. There are two officially supported signature algorithms for this hash, rsa-sha1 and rsa-sha256.
- c=relaxed/relaxed; Sets the canonicalization posture for the sending domain. This regulates whitespace and text wrapping changes in a message. There are two canonicalized postures: 'simple' doesn’t allow any changes, and 'relaxed' allows common changes to whitespace and header line-wrapping. Canonicalization in the header and body can be managed individually and uses a header/body format.
- s=20130519032151pm; Used as a DKIM selector for the public DKIM key for verification. Domains can have multiple public DKIM keys, and the selector value makes sure recipient servers are using the correct public key.
-; The email domain that signed the message. It’s important that your DKIM signature use your domain name here because this bolsters your domain’s reputation with ISPs as you send valid email, regardless of the Email Service Provider you use.
- From:Date:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:To:Message-ID; The headers included with the message when it was cryptographically signed.
-; The identity of the signer and is usually provided as an email address.
- bh=vYFvy46eesUDGJ45hyBTH30JfN4=; The value of a body hash generated before the message headers are signed.
- b=iHeFQ+7rCiSQs3DPjR2eUSZSv4i/Kp+sipURfVH7BGf+SxcwOkX7X8R1RVObMQsFcbIxnrq7Ba2QCf0YZlL9iqJf32V+baDI8IykuDztuoNUF2Kk0pawZkbSPNHYRtLxV2CTOtc+x4eIeSeYptaiu7g7GupekLZ2DE1ODHhuP4I=The cryptographic signature of all the preceding information from the DKIM-Signature field. This entry is treated as an empty string during the verification process.
42.7.2. DKIM Key Rotation
DKIM key rotation is the process of updating your DKIM keys.
it’s a security measure that helps prevent attackers from impersonating your domain and sending spam or phishing emails.
Why is this important? Well, if somebody were able to get access to your private key, they could actually use it to send fraudulent emails that appear to be from you! To prevent this kind of malicious activity, it’s best practice to rotate your keys every few months.
bad actors may eventually intercept and decode one of them, since each message uses the same cryptographic hash algorithm. Once they’ve got your public key, they can start signing their phishing emails with it without you even knowing! That’s why periodic DKIM key rotation is crucial to the security of your domain.
42.7.3. links
43. Midnight Commander
- app-misc/mc
- panel - frame of direcotry list
- dependson slang text display library (it's like ncurses, but different)
unique features:
- hexdump with unicode support
- sftp, ftp support
43.1. options
size options Options -> Panel options … -> Use SI size units [New Left Panel] userformat=half type name mark size:4 space mtime
Options -> Panel options … -> Lynx-like motion - lift to parrent, right go in directory
43.2. keys
- C-up/C-down - up down
- page-up/page-down - C/A-v
- C - page-up/page-down down/up by directory
- Tab switch frame
- Alt-1 help
- F4 open in default editor (env EDITOR) or Emacs Dired (env PAGER)
- Enter open in system (mime type) editor
- F9 top menu
- F9 l g file listing
- Alt + . hiddent files
- Ctrl+Space size of directory
- Alt/Ctrl + s Quick search
- Alt + ? Opens search dialog
- Alt + U/Y move to the next/\previous directory in the history
- Alt+Shift+h history
- Alt + i Sync panels
- Shift + F3 raw preview
- Alt + t loop panel list mode
- Ctrl + u swap panels
- Alt + o load directory to other panel
select files
- Indert/C-t tag file
- +/-*\ - select/unselect/inverseselected/unselect
- Alt + Tab autocompletion in console
- Ctrl + o switch to console and back
- Ctrl/Alt + Enter copy file name to console
- Cltr + Shift + Enter Copy full path to console
- C - H show console history
- Alt+e change charset of panel
- Alt + , top bottom for long file names
44. Thunar - file manager
- Shortcuts: cat ~/.config/Thunar/accels.scm
- Shift + Tab - to side panel, Tab - to main list
- Alt + up to parrent
- C + 1/2/3 thumbnails, list, small lists
- Ctrl+Shift+N new folder
- C + t new tab
- C + Pageup/Pagedown - scroll tabs
- Alt + 1/2/3 go to tab 1, to tab 2
- C + w close tab
45. LibreOffice vs Microsoft
- Ctrl+M - clear formatting
45.1. LibreOffice (Microsoft)
- Writer (Word)
- Calc (Excel)
- Impress (PowerPoint)
- Draw (Visio)
- Math
- Base (Access)
46. Gimp
- Alt+Return - Image->Image Properties
47. coreboot
System Firmware: An Essential Guide to Open Source and Embedded Solutions
- ubuntu install
- common usage
47.1. usage
- git clone –depth 1
Download the required submodules:
- git submodule update –depth 1 –init –checkout –recursive
- or git clone –recursive
mkdir -p ~/work/coreboot/3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/lenovo/t420
cd util/ifdtool make
print a partition table, and extract some blobs.
- ifdtool -x flash.bin
- mv flashregion3gbe.bin gbe.bin
- mv flashregion2intelme.bin me.bin
- mv flashregion0flashdescriptor.bin descriptor.bin
- mv gbe.bin me.bin descriptor.bin coreboot/3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/lenovo/t420/
- make distclean
- make nconfig
- make crossgcc-i386 CPUS=${nproc}
- make iasl
- make
- build/coreboot.rom and .config
flash only bios:
- $./util/ifdtool/ifdtool -f t420.layout t420.bin
- flashrom -p linuxspi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0,spispeed=22000 -l t420.layout -i bios –noverify -w coreboot.rom
configuration in nvramcui
- secondary payloads -> nvramcui
- general setup -> option backend to use -> use CMOD for cinfiguration values
47.2. requirements
- make - already have
- gcc - already have
- iasl - sys-power/iasl
- pkg-config - dev-util/pkgconf - already have
- libssl-dev (openssl) - dev-libs/openssl - already have
- dev-lang/gnat-gpl
- sys-libs/ncurses
- flex and bison
47.3. SPI Flash
You need to connect CS# (Pin 1 for the W25Q32BV, goes to CS0# on the Raspberry Pi), SO (Pin 2, MISO on RaspberryPi), GND (Pin 4), SI (Pin5, MOSI on Raspberry Pi), SCLK (Pin 6) and Vcc (Pin 8, 3.3V on RaspberryPi, connect before RaspberryPi is powered on!)
My S430 has two of them. The bigger one (8MByte) contains the flash descriptor table and the Intel ME firmware. The smaller one (4MByte) is for the BIOS.
47.3.1. general GPIO General Purpose Input/output (GPIO) is an interface available on most modern microcontrollers (MCU) to provide an ease of access to the devices internal properties.
- The pins are usually arranged into groups of 8 pins where signals can be sent or received to and
from other devices.
- Each GPIO should be able to define either an input mode or an output mode for individual pins on the chip.
47.4. debug console
network console
- # openvpn –mktun –dev tap0
- # ip addr add dev tap0 (00:13:d4:76:a2:ac) Destination MAC address of remote system (NEW) │ │ ( Destination IP of logging system (NEW) │ │ ( IP address of coreboot system (NEW)
47.5. Coreinfo libpayload
- coreinfo is a small payload which can display system information such as PCI info, or an NVRAM dump.
- libpayload used as a basis for coreboot payloads.
- Ponoma 5250 Test Clip - For connecting to the bios chip.
- Female to Female Breadboard Jumper Cables - Also known as Dupont wires.
- Raspberry Pi(3 or 4) - running the latest version or Raspberry Pi OS
- flashrom - on R PI
- coreboot
- It is a good idea to update the Embedded Controller to the latest version. The easiest way to do this is install the latest version of the factory bios. Coreboot is unable to touch the EC. You will be unable to update it after flashing unless you revert to the factory bios.
48. qemu
- nvramcui payload will allow setting this and other options
48.1. theory
- used in conjunction with acceleration in the form of a Type-I hypervisor such as KVM (Kernel-based Virtual
Machine) or Xen.
- Type 1 hypervisor has direct access to the hardware resources.
- KVM as the accelerator of choice due to its GPL licensing and availability
- KVM resides in Linux kernel and there is a little configuration for it
SoftMMU is an overloaded term in QEMU. In terms of features the SoftMMU is the mechanism by which the TCG allows the emulation of virtual memory.
48.2. modes
- "system emulation" - rovides a virtual model of an entire machine (CPU, memory and emulated devices) to run
a guest OS. In this mode the CPU may be fully emulated, or it may work with a hypervisor such as KVM, Xen,
Hax or Hypervisor.Framework to allow the guest to run directly on the host CPU.
- A softmmu target is the standard qemu use-case of emulating an entire system (like VirtualBox or VMWare, but with optional support for emulating CPU hardware along with peripherals)
- “user mode emulation”, where QEMU can launch processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. In this mode the
CPU is always emulated. CPU is always emulated.
- user targets execute user-mode code only; the (somewhat shockingly ambitious) purpose of these targets is to "magically" allow importing user-space linux ELF binaries from a different architecture into the native system (that is, they are like multilib, without the awkward need for a software stack or CPU capable of running it).
48.3. usage
- qemu-system-x8664 is the binary or command for Qemu which is used to create 64-bit x86 VMs.
Set RAM or Memory Size For Qemu VM:
- qemu-system-x8664 -m 256
qemu-system-x8664 -cdrom isoimage -cpu host -enable-kvm -m 256 -smp cores=2 -m 256 -name -nographic file=fedoraraw.qcow2,if=virtio,format=qcow2
- -smp option which will enable multiple CPU cores with the core=2
- -m 256 - w56 MiB
- -name - VM name will be displayed in the Window header of the Qemu
- -nographic - if you need console only
- file=fedoraraw.qcow2,if=virtio - "if" is used to provide the driver or interface type for the disk.
- virtio - Virtio was chosen to be the main platform for IO virtualization in KVM
- -enable-kvm - starts QEMU in KVM mode
- -cpu host is to emulate the host processor. There is a list of supported architectures available – qemu-system-x8664 -cpu ?
qemu-system-x8664 -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=build/coreboot.rom -drive file=~/example.img -serial stdio -m 1G
- Ctrl-A X
- ALT-2 instead of CTRL-ALT-2, then type quit
48.4. boot
iso qemu-system-x8664 -drive format=raw,media=cdrom,readonly,file=debian-8.2.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
img qemu-system-x8664 -drive format=raw,file=x86-64.img
48.5. Graphic card
text mode:
- -curses - ALT-2 instead of CTRL-ALT-2, then type quit
- -nographic
graphic -vga type:
- std
48.6. create image
qemu-img create -f qcow2 example.img 100M
- -f qcow2 - recommended since it is dynamically allocated
- 100M size of image
get info:
- qemu-img info example.img
- qemu-img resize ubuntu.qcow2 +5GB
chech for errors
- qemu-img check ubuntu.qcow2
48.6.1. file formats
- qcow2
- The recommended file format. It is fast, dynamically allocated, and has decent support in QEMU. However it does have a minor speed loss compared to raw, but this is unnoticeable in normal use.
- qcow
- This is an older version of the qcow2 file format. The main difference between the qcow2 and qcow file formats is that qcow2 supports multiple snapshots through a newer, flexible model for storing snapshots. It is recommended to use qcow2 instead.
- raw
- As the name suggests - it is a "raw" file format, which means it will allocate all the space to the disk immediately, e.g. if you formatted a file named raw with 2G as the size, it would take up 2 gigabytes of space on the disk. This is the fastest option, and is recommended if you have a lot of disk space to spare.
- vdi
- A file format which is also compatible with VirtualBox 1.1. Recommended only if you are going to be
switching through VirtualBox and QEMU frequently.
- static - If set, the image will be created with metadata preallocation.
- vmdk
- A file format which is compatible with VMWare 3 and 4. Recommended only if you are going to be switching through VMWare and QEMU frequently. It supports the following arguments:
- compat6
- Create a VMDK 6 image, instead of the default VMDK 4.
- hwversion
- Specify the vmdk virtual hardware version. If set, the Compat6 flag cannot be enabled.
- vpc
- A file format which is compatible with Windows Virtual PC. Recommended only if you are going to be switching through Windows Virtual PC and QEMU frequently.
- vhdx
- A Hyper-V compatible image format. Not recommended unless you're going to switch between Hyper-V and QEMU frequently.
- parallels
- A Parallels compatible image format. Not recommended unless you're going to switch between Parallels and QEMU frequently.
- file
- Not a file with any format - just a plain raw file.
- cow
- Ancient, depreciated QEMU file format that is not present in newer versions. Like qcow2 and qcow, it is a dynamically allocated file format. This cannot be used in Win32. Not recommended.
Read only file formats
- bochs - Bochs image file
- cloop - Linux Compressed Loop image, useful only to reuse directly compressed CD-ROM images present for example in the Knoppix CD-ROMs.
- dmg - Apple disk image
48.7. OTHER
48.7.1. remote disk image with ssh
qemu-system-x8664 -drive file=ssh://
49. systemd
/lib/systemd/system - path of units
"-" in front of the path means "ignore errors"
49.1. terms
- Units - are the objects that systemd knows how to manage
- section - denoted by [ and ]
49.2. types of units
- .service: A service unit describes how to manage a service or application on the server. This will include how to start or stop the service, under which circumstances it should be automatically started, and the dependency and ordering information for related software.
- .socket: A socket unit file describes a network or IPC socket, or a FIFO buffer that systemd uses for socket-based activation. These always have an associated .service file that will be started when activity is seen on the socket that this unit defines.
- .device: A unit that describes a device that has been designated as needing systemd management by udev or the sysfs filesystem. Not all devices will have .device files. Some scenarios where .device units may be necessary are for ordering, mounting, and accessing the devices.
- .mount: This unit defines a mountpoint on the system to be managed by systemd. These are named after the mount path, with slashes changed to dashes. Entries within /etc/fstab can have units created automatically.
- .automount: An .automount unit configures a mountpoint that will be automatically mounted. These must be named after the mount point they refer to and must have a matching .mount unit to define the specifics of the mount.
- .swap: This unit describes swap space on the system. The name of these units must reflect the device or file path of the space.
- .target: A target unit is used to provide synchronization points for other units when booting up or changing states. They also can be used to bring the system to a new state. Other units specify their relation to targets to become tied to the target’s operations.
- .path: This unit defines a path that can be used for path-based activation. By default, a .service unit of the same base name will be started when the path reaches the specified state. This uses inotify to monitor the path for changes.
- .timer: A .timer unit defines a timer that will be managed by systemd, similar to a cron job for delayed or scheduled activation. A matching unit will be started when the timer is reached.
- .snapshot: A .snapshot unit is created automatically by the systemctl snapshot command. It allows you to reconstruct the current state of the system after making changes. Snapshots do not survive across sessions and are used to roll back temporary states.
- .slice: A .slice unit is associated with Linux Control Group nodes, allowing resources to be restricted or assigned to any processes associated with the slice. The name reflects its hierarchical position within the cgroup tree. Units are placed in certain slices by default depending on their type.
- .scope: Scope units are created automatically by systemd from information received from its bus interfaces. These are used to manage sets of system processes that are created externally.
49.3. create .service
[Unit] Description=My daemon [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/mydaemon Restart=on-failure [Install]
49.4. Unit files
- X- prefix to the section name - non-standard sections to be parsed by applications other than systemd
- section order does not matter
- 1, yes, on, and true for affirmative and 0, no off, and false for the opposite answer
[Section] Directive1=value Directive2=value
49.5. sections - common
[Unit] - first section
- for
- defining metadata for the unit
- configuring the relationship of the unit to other units
- Description=
- Documentation=: This directive provides a location for a list of URIs for documentation.
- Requires=: This directive lists any units upon which this unit essentially depends
- Wants=: This directive is similar to Requires=, but less strict.
- BindsTo=: This directive is similar to Requires=, but also causes the current unit to stop when the associated unit terminates.
- Before=: The units listed in this directive will not be started until the current unit is marked as started if they are activated at the same time.
- After=: The units listed in this directive will be started before starting the current unit.
- Conflicts=: This can be used to list units that cannot be run at the same time as the current unit
- Condition…=: There are a number of directives that start with Condition which allow the administrator to test certain conditions prior to starting the unit
- Assert…=: Similar to the directives that start with Condition, these directives check for different aspects of the running environment to decide whether the unit should activate
[Install] - last section (optional) - define the behavior or a unit if it is enabled or disabled
- WantedBy= The difference is that this directive is included in the ancillary unit allowing the primary unit listed to remain relatively clean.
- RequiredBy=: This directive is very similar to the WantedBy= directive, but instead specifies a required dependency that will cause the activation to fail if not met
- Alias=: This directive allows the unit to be enabled under another name as well.
- Also=: This directive allows units to be enabled or disabled as a set.
- DefaultInstance=: For template units (covered later) which can produce unit instances with unpredictable names, this can be used as a fallback value for the name if an appropriate name is not provided.
49.6. setions - unit specific
- simple
- The main process of the service is specified in the start line. This is the default if the Type= and Busname= directives are not set, but the ExecStart= is set. Any communication should be handled outside of the unit through a second unit of the appropriate type (like through a .socket unit if this unit must communicate using sockets).
- forking
- This service type is used when the service forks a child process, exiting the parent process almost immediately. This tells systemd that the process is still running even though the parent exited.
- oneshot
- This type indicates that the process will be short-lived and that systemd should wait for the process to exit before continuing on with other units. This is the default Type= and ExecStart= are not set. It is used for one-off tasks.
- dbus
- This indicates that unit will take a name on the D-Bus bus. When this happens, systemd will continue to process the next unit.
- notify
- This indicates that the service will issue a notification when it has finished starting up. The systemd process will wait for this to happen before proceeding to other units.
- idle
- This indicates that the service will not be run until all jobs are dispatched.
type specific dericitves:
- RemainAfterExit=: This directive is commonly used with the oneshot type. It indicates that the service should be considered active even after the process exits.
- PIDFile=: If the service type is marked as “forking”, this directive is used to set the path of the file that should contain the process ID number of the main child that should be monitored.
- BusName=: This directive should be set to the D-Bus bus name that the service will attempt to acquire when using the “dbus” service type.
- NotifyAccess=: This specifies access to the socket that should be used to listen for notifications when the “notify” service type is selected This can be “none”, “main”, or "all. The default, “none”, ignores all status messages. The “main” option will listen to messages from the main process and the “all” option will cause all members of the service’s control group to be processed.
User=, Group= and SupplementaryGroups= -
ExecStart=: This specifies the full path and the arguments of the command to be executed to start the process. This may only be specified once (except for “oneshot” services). If the path to the command is preceded by a dash “-” character, non-zero exit statuses will be accepted without marking the unit activation as failed.
executable prefixes:
- @ second specified token will be passed as "argv[0]" to the executed process (instead of the actual filename), followed by the further arguments specified
- - non-zero exit code is recorded, but has no further effect and is considered equivalent to success
- : environment variable substitution is not applied.
- + the process is executed with full privileges. User=, Group=, CapabilityBoundingSet=, PrivateDevices=, PrivateTmp= not applied
- ! Similar to the "+" but …
- !! similar to "!" only has an effect on systems lacking support for ambient process capabilities.
- ExecStartPre=: This can be used to provide additional commands that should be executed before the main process is started. This can be used multiple times. Again, commands must specify a full path and they can be preceded by “-” to indicate that the failure of the command will be tolerated.
- ExecStartPost=: This has the same exact qualities as ExecStartPre= except that it specifies commands that will be run after the main process is started.
- ExecReload=: This optional directive indicates the command necessary to reload the configuration of the service if available.
- ExecStop=: This indicates the command needed to stop the service. If this is not given, the process will be killed immediately when the service is stopped.
- ExecStopPost=: This can be used to specify commands to execute following the stop command.
- RestartSec=: If automatically restarting the service is enabled, this specifies the amount of time to wait before attempting to restart the service.
- Restart=: This indicates the circumstances under which systemd will attempt to automatically restart the service. This can be set to values like “always”, “on-success”, “on-failure”, “on-abnormal”, “on-abort”, or “on-watchdog”. These will trigger a restart according to the way that the service was stopped.
- TimeoutSec=: This configures the amount of time that systemd will wait when stopping or stopping the service before marking it as failed or forcefully killing it. You can set separate timeouts with TimeoutStartSec= and TimeoutStopSec= as well.
49.7. tamplate and instance unit names
A template unit file:
Instance of template:
49.8. systemctl command
main component - init system
- device management
- login management
- network connection management
- event logging
systemctl daemon-reload - reload configs
49.8.1. own service
[Unit] Description=My daemon [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -NT -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=ye\ s -L -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -p 8080 root@localhost Restart=on-failure [Install]
- systemctl list-dependencies ==> Show a unit’s dependencies
- systemctl list-sockets ==> List sockets and what activates
- systemctl list-jobs ==> View active systemd jobs
- systemctl list-unit-files ==> See unit files and their states
- systemctl list-units ==> Show if units are loaded/active
- systemctl get – default ==> List default target (like run level)
- systemctl stop service ===> Stop a running service
- systemctl start service ===> Start a service
- systemctl restart service ===> Restart a running service
- systemctl reload service ===> Reload all config files in service
- systemctl status service ===>See if service is running/enabled
- systemctl enable service ===> Enable a service to start on boot
- systemctl disable service ===> Disable service–won’t start at boot
- systemctl show service ===> Show properties of a service (or other unit)
- systemctl -H host status network ===> Run any systemctl command remotely
- systemctl isolate (OR systemctl isolate OR telinit 3) ==> CHANGING-RUNLEVELS ==> Change to multi-user run level.
- ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/ ==> SET-TO-USE-MULTI-USER-RUNLEVEL-ON-THE-NEXT-REBOOT.
49.8.4. run levels
- User-defined/Site-specific runlevels. By default, identical to 3. ==> Sysvinit: 2, 4
- Multi-user, non-graphical. Users can usually login via multiple consoles or via the network. ==> 3
-, ==> Multi-user, graphical. Usually has all the services of runlevel 3 plus a graphical login.MULTI-USER,GRAPHICAL.
-, ==> reboot
- ==>emergency-shell
49.8.5. Changing-System-States
- systemctl reboot ===> Reboot the system (
- systemctl poweroff ===> Power off the system (
- systemctl emergency ===> Put in emergency mode (
- systemctl default ===> Back to default target (
49.8.6. Viewing-log-messages
- journalctl ===> Show all collected log messages
- journalctl -u network.service ===> See network service messages
- journalctl -f ===> Follow messages as they appear
- journalctl -k ===> Show only kernel messages
49.8.7. SYSVINIT
- service SERVICENAME start
- service SERVICENAME stop
- service SERVICENAME restart
- service SERVICENAME reload
- service SERVICENAME condrestart # restart if service already running
- service SERVICENAME status
49.9. usage
systemct status/start/stop
Enable a service to start on boot: systemctl enable/disable service
log: journalctl -u rtorrent
50. LibreOffice
50.1. Formula field
Excel Formulas Introduction Formula Basics
- =: Equal sign, starts a formula
- Cell References: A1, $A$1, A$1, $A1 (relative, absolute, mixed)
- Operators: +, -, *, /, ^, & (arithmetic, concatenation)
- Functions: Built-in formulas, e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, IF
Arithmetic Operators
- +: Addition
- -: Subtraction
- *: Multiplication
- /: Division
- ^: Exponentiation
- %: Percentage
Comparison Operators
- =: Equal to
- <>: Not equal to
- >: Greater than
- <: Less than
- >=: Greater than or equal to
- <=: Less than or equal to
Logical Operators
- AND: Logical and
- OR: Logical or -
- NOT: Logical not - =NOT(A1 = B1) Returns NOT(1 = 2) which is TRUE
- SUM: Sum of values =SUM(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> 15
- AVERAGE: Average of values
- COUNT: Count of values
- IF: Conditional statement =IF(A1>10, "Greater than 10", "Less than or equal to 10") -> Greater than 10
- =IF(A1>10, "Greater than 10", "Less than or equal to 10") - Returns "Greater than 10" if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10, otherwise returns "Less than or equal to 10".
- VLOOKUP: Vertical lookup
- =VLOOKUP(A2, B:C, 2, FALSE) - Looks up the value in cell A2 in the first column of the range B:C and returns the corresponding value in the second column.
- Input: =VLOOKUP(A2, B:C, 2, FALSE)
- Input value in A2: John
- Input range B:C: | Name | Age |
- | John | 25 |
- | Jane | 30 |
- Output: 25
- INDEX/MATCH: Flexible lookup
- MAX/MIN: Maximum/minimum value
- =MAX(D1:D10) - Returns the maximum value in cells D1 through D10. =MIN(D1:D10) - Returns the minimum value in cells D1 through D10.
- DATEDIF: Date difference
- =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "D") - Returns the number of days between the dates in cells A1 and B1.
Text Functions
- CONCATENATE: Join text strings
- CONCATENATE: =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1) - Joins the text in cells A1 and B1 with a space in between.
- LOWER/UPPER: Convert text case
- LOWER/UPPER: =LOWER(A1) - Converts the text in cell A1 to lowercase. =UPPER(A1) - Converts the text in cell A1 to uppercase.
- PROPER: Capitalize first letter. : =PROPER(A1)
- TRIM: Remove spaces
- REPLACE: Replace text
- =REPLACE(A1, "old text", "new text") - Replaces the text "old text" with "new text" in the text in cell A1.
Date and Time Functions
- TODAY: Current date. =TODAY()
- NOW: Current date and time =NOW()
- DATEDIF: Date difference =DATEDIF(A1, B1, "M")
- HOUR/MINUTE/SECOND: Extract time components =HOUR(A1)
Lookup and Reference Functions
- VLOOKUP: Vertical lookup
- MATCH: Returns the relative position of a value in a range.
- Syntax: MATCH(lookupvalue, lookuparray, [matchtype])
- [matchtype]: Optional. 0 for exact match, 1 for approximate match.
- Example: =MATCH("John", A:A, 0) returns the relative position of "John" in column A. = 1
- Syntax: MATCH(lookupvalue, lookuparray, [matchtype])
- INDEX: Returns a value from a range based on a row and column number.
- INDEX(range, rownum, [columnnum])
- Example: =INDEX(B:B, 2) returns the value in the 2nd row of column B.
- INDEX/MATCH: Flexible lookup
- Example: =INDEX(B:B, MATCH("John", A:A, 0)) returns the value in column B corresponding to "John" in column A.
- Input: =INDEX(C:C, MATCH(A2, B:B, 0))
- Input value in A2: John
- Input range B:B: | Name |
- | John |
- | Jane |
- Input range C:C: | Age |
- | 25 |
- | 30 |
- Output: 25
- HLOOKUP: Horizontal lookup
- LOOKUP: Simple lookup
Error Handling
- #N/A: Not available
- #VALUE: Invalid value
- #REF: Invalid reference
- #NAME?: Unknown name
- #NUM: Invalid number
- #DIV/0: Division by zero
Data types
- =ISNUMBER(A1) Checks if a cell is a number. This will return TRUE
- =ISTEXT(D1) Checks if a cell is a text. This will return TRUE
- =ISLOGICAL(A1) Checks if a cell is a boolean. This will return FALSE
Formula Tips
- Use absolute references: $A$1 instead of A1
- Use named ranges: Define names for ranges
- Use functions: Instead of manual calculations
- Test formulas: Verify results before using
- Document formulas: Use comments and notes
50.2. Cell Reference
- "A", "B", or "C" - Column Letter
- "1", "2", or "3" - Row Number
- "Sheet1" or "Sheet2" - Worksheet Name
- "Book1.xlsx" or "Book2.xlsx" - Workbook Name
- (:) - Range Operator
- ($) - indicates an absolute reference.
- Relative Reference: =A1 (refers to cell A1 in the same worksheet)
- Absolute Reference: =$A$1 (refers to cell A1 in the same worksheet, always) - works like fixer for copying.
- absolute references: When referring to a specific cell or range, use absolute references to ensure that the reference doesn't change when the formula is copied.
- Mixed Reference: =A$1 (refers to cell A1 in the same worksheet, with relative column and absolute row)
- 3D Reference: =Sheet2A1 (refers to cell A1 in the worksheet named "Sheet2")
- Range Reference: =A1:B2 (refers to the range of cells from A1 to B2 in the same worksheet)
50.3. troubleshooting
Band encoding of text or How to change encoding?
- close and open file again, you will prompt to choose encoding
51. mercurial
- hg log -
- hg summary - git status
- hg up branchname - git checkout branchname
52. wineHQ
- видит всю систему, нужно устанавливать отдельным пользователем и убрать диск с /
- Garbage - not supported!
- WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
- WINEARCH=win64 winecfg
- WINEPREFIX=~/.wine/prefix # где будет папка конфигурацией и C: диск
- wine explorer
- apt-get install winbind # winbindd - Name Service Switch daemon for resolving names from NT servers # part of the samba(7)
- wine-gecko for applications that depend on Internet Explorer
- wine-mono - .NET
- open-source and cross-platform implementation
- winecfg
- regedit is Wine's registry editing
- wine control - Wine's implementation of the Windows Control Panel,
52.1. create index
Create a new Wine prefix (for most applications, it's better to set its own prefix):
$ env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/winedotnet wineboot --init
52.2. env variables
- WINEPREFIX=~/.wine - default, contains a tree which your Windows programs will see as C: (the C-drive).
52.3. mono
- doc
- mono version in wine sources
52.3.1. versions
Wine Version | Wine Mono Version |
8.9 | 8.0.0 |
7.20 | 7.4.0 |
7.10 | 7.3.0 |
7.6 | 7.2.0 |
7.2 | 7.1.1 |
6.22 | 7.0.0 |
6.18 | 6.4.0 |
6.14 | 6.3.0 |
6.10 | 6.2.0 |
6.6 | 6.1.1 |
6.2 | 6.0.0 |
5.19 | 5.1.1 |
5.11 | 5.1.0 |
5.7 | 5.0.0 |
4.20 | 4.9.4 |
4.17 | 4.9.3 |
4.14 | 4.9.2 |
4.11 | 4.9.0 |
4.7 | 4.8.3 |
4.6 | 4.8.1 |
4.3 | 4.8.0 |
4.0-rc6 | 4.7.5 |
3.13 | 4.7.3 |
2.14 | 4.7.1 |
2.4 | 4.7.0 |
2.0-rc1 | 4.6.4 |
1.9.12 | 4.6.3 |
1.9.8 | 4.6.2 |
1.9.5 | 4.6.0 |
1.7.37 | 4.5.6 |
1.7.32 | 4.5.4 |
1.7.7 | 4.5.2 |
1.5.16 | 0.0.8 |
1.5.5 | 0.0.4 |
52.4. components
- wine uninstaller - Add/Remove Programs control panel applet (appwiz.cpl)
52.5. links
- all commands
53. paranoia
53.1. backdoors
It has been pointed out time and time again that there is absolutely no practical difference what-so-ever between intentional vulnerabilities in computer hardware and unintentional vulnerabilities. The only people with the capacity to do either en masse have the capacity to hire hundreds of scientists and engineers for entire departments of the sciences. As long as your box is not actively transmitting data without your permission (it isn't), proper non-attribution techniques will protect you.
53.1.1. BIOS/UEFI
- proprietary - close source
- by default - may be updated inside OS
53.1.2. save bios
53.1.3. CPU microcode
- for CPU bugs
- Microcode has become more important with the Spectre vulnerability. Intel CPUs need new “microcode” from Intel to properly defend against Spectre attacks.
- Microcode updates do not persist across reboot
Intel Microcode Update Points
- Early OS Microcode Update
- Runtime Microcode Update
- Ubuntu
- intel-microcode
- amd64-microcode
- Gentoo
- sys-kernel/linux-firmware
- sys-firmware/intel-microcode.
- Fedora, Arch microcode updates are installed by default.
less /proc/cpuinfo
- microarchitecture:
- cpu family
- model
- stepping
- microcode - microcode revision number
kernel Processor type and features —> [*] CPU microcode loading support [*] Intel microcode loading support [*] AMD microcode loading support
53.2. TLS
- корневые сертификаты SSL, одобренные Роскомнадзором
- все мировые центры сертификации – это, как правило, частные компании: GlobalSign, DigiCert и др.
- крупнейшие компании — такие как Яндекс, Group, Сбербанк и даже Telegram — обязаны будут в принудительном порядке внедрить в свои продукты средства шифрования, одобренные Роскомнадзором
- браузеры пользователей будут в принудительном порядке «заражать» отечественными сертификатами, которые позволят ФСБ и иным спецслужбам просматривать любой трафик пользователя.
53.3. hide data in image
- echo text >> image.jpg
- split -b 464334 image.jpg
- last bits of image rgb
54. Matrix
54.1. TODO theory
54.2. clients
- element-desktop
- weechat IRC Command-line client
- + Python script
- matrix-nio - A Python Matrix client library,
- + Rust plugin
- + Python script
- fractal - GNOME client, suitable for desktop and mobile. Rust
- nheko - mainstream chat app.
- quaternion - Qt5 and C++ cross-platform desktop Matrix client.
- spectral - glossy client for Matrix, written in QtQuick Controls 2 and C++
55. Irssi
55.1. IRC protocol
6697, SSL (TLS)
55.2. irc basic commands - IRC commands cheat sheet
- /list - list channels - slow
- /join #libera - Enter the channel #libera.
- /leave #libera - leave channel
- /part [#libera] [message] - Exit the channel #libera. with message
- /nick nickname - Changes your nickname to the one you specify.
- /notice nickname message - Sends a private message to nickname without opening a query window for either you or them.
- /me action - Use this for emotes. It will appear something like * Nickname action.
- /quit [message] - Disconnects you from the network. The optional message will be shown to every channel you are in.
- /ignore nickname - May stop you seeing the user talk. Useful if they are being a pest.
- /unignore nickname - May allow you to see the user again if you change your mind.
- /ignores - May list the current ignores you have set.
- /msg alis list <pattern> [options]. - alis is a network service to search for channels server-side.
- /who nick and /whois nick - find out about nick
- /say - say to current channel
- /NAMES #example - get nicks in current channel
Private message
- /query nickname [message] - Open a conversation window with user “nickname”, and optionally include a message.
- /msg nickname message - Sends a private message to user “nickname” without opening a new conversation window.
actions: /describe <nick|channel> <message> - Sends an action to the specified nickname or channel. /me message - Sends an action message to the current channel or query window.
55.3. IRC colours
- Ctrl+[ - for italic
- Ctrl+v - for invert
- Ctrl+c4 - for color
55.4. terms
- network
55.5. ui
- root status bar -
- topic - channel additional info
- window status bar:
- window number - /<number> (e.g. /2)
- area showing chat and status messages
- window status bar:
- clock
- your nick
- user mode on the server (+Ziw)
- window number [3:
- network tag :librechat/
- channel name /##chat(+
- channel mode ##chat-overflow
- activity indicator: show numbers of window with new text/messages [Act:3]
- active window indicator - shows where any text you enter will be sent to
55.6. keys
To show current bindings:
to reset:
/bind -reset
/bind ^L backward_character /bind ^F forward_character /bind meta-v scroll_backward /bind meta-^V scroll_forward /bind meta-^E next_window /bind meta-^A previous_window /bind ^K backward_history /bind ^N forward_history /bind meta-^K /scrollback goto -2 /bind meta-^N /scrollback goto +2
55.6.1. windows
- Ctrl+n/p change between windows
- Alt+1/2 change between windows
- Alt-↑/↓/←/→ change window in direction
- Alt-a activewindow - Go to next window with the highest activity
55.6.2. in window
- Ctrl-X nextwindowitem - Go to the next channel/query. In empty windows change to the next server
- Ctrl+x which network to send commands (in the status window.)
- Ctrl-L refreshscreen - Redraw screen
- Page Up, Alt-p scrollbackward
- Page Down, Alt-n scrollforward
55.6.3. Navigating while typing
- ↵, Ctrl-M, Ctrl-J - return
- ⌫, Ctrl-?, Ctrl-H - backspace
- ↑/↓ - backwardhistory/forwardhistory
- Ctrl-↑/↓ - backwardglobalhistory/forwardglobalhistory
55.6.4. rebindin
- /bind ^Z command window last
- /bind end command /sb end
- /bind home command /sb home
- /bind meta-[ activewindow
- /alias w /window goto
55.7. commands
- If <CMDCHAR> is repeated two times, alias expansion is disabled
- If ^ is present, command output is disabled.
- If <DATA> begins with a space, command lookup is inhibited and the data is sent to the active window item (useful to send a line that begins with <CMDCHAR>).
<DATA> - send to currently active window item (including space + CMDCHAR)
<CMDCHAR><Space><CMDCHAR>rest of the text… - send "/rest of the text…"
- /quit
- /set nick whatyouwant
- /network
- /connect liberachat
- /join #irssi
- /window hidelevel +joins +parts +quits
- /window hidelevel -joins -parts -quits
- /network add hackint
- /server add -tls -network hackint 6697
- /connect hackint
- /help commandname
- /t (short for /topic) to read the full topic
- /CHANNEL ADD -auto #channelname NetworkName
- /NETWORK ADD -saslusername yourname -saslpassword yourpassword -saslmechanism PLAIN liberachat
- /NETWORK MODIFY -autosendcmd "msg NickServ identify YOURPASSWORD YOURNICK;wait -OFTC 2000" OFTC
55.8. 1
/connect <server>
/join #<channel>
/nick <nickname>
/msg <nickname>
ALT+<number>, eg. ALT+1, ALT+2
/topic <description>
/ignore #foo,#bar JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS # Quieten only channels `#foo`, `#bar` /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS # Quieten all channels
55.9. 2
To switch between open channels / windows
`Alt` + `N` where `N` is the number corresponding to the open window
To ignore joins / quits / nicks changes on a specific channel.
`/ignore -channels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS`
Auto Connect to a Server on startup
`/SERVER ADD -auto -network IRCnet 6667`
Auto Join to Specificed channels
`/CHANNEL ADD -auto #doothings IRCnet`
To Keep logging all these conversations
To set Nicks and Real Name etc.
`/SET` -> This should show all existing configured parameters.
To change these just say
`/SET param-name value` like `/SET nick nism-pi`
To auto-identify on connecting with NickServ
`/network add -autosendcmd "/msg nickserv identify <password> ;wait 2000" IRCnet`
- `/SAVE` to save the entire configuration.
55.10. librechat
- cert generation
- nick registration
openssl req -x509 -new -newkey ed25519 -sha256 -days 1096 -nodes -out libera.pem -keyout libera.pem mkdir ~/.irssi/certs mv libera.pem ~/.irssi/certs # get fingerprint: openssl x509 -in .irssi/certs/libera.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha512 | awk -F= '{gsub(":",""); print tolower ($2)}'
/server add -tls_cert ~/.irssi/certs/libera.pem -network LiberaChat 6697 /connect LiberaChat /whois or /whois YourOwnNick - should output YourOwnNick has client certificate fingerprint 959c0bdfa9877d3466c5848f55264f72f132c657b002b79fda65dbe36c67f4bb3d2a3e2e9925cb5896a53c76169c5bb71b7853bd90192068dc77f4b20159a1d8 /nick YourNick /msg NickServ REGISTER YourPassword /msg NickServ CERT ADD /disconnect LiberaChat
switch the authentication to certificates:
/network add -sasl_password '' -sasl_mechanism EXTERNAL LiberaChat /connect LiberaChat /msg NickServ regain
SASL with the EXTERNAL mechanism. ?
55.11. automation
/SERVER MODIFY -auto /CHANNEL ADD -auto #channelname NetworkName
/NETWORK ADD -sasl_username Anoncheg -sasl_password '' -sasl_mechanism EXTERNAL liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #channelname NetworkName /NETWORK MODIFY -autosendcmd "^nick Anoncheg" liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #emacs liberachat
show autojoin
/channel list
/ignore -channels #gentoo * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS /ignore -channels #emacs * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS /ignore - show list /unignore <id>
55.11.1. my
/CHANNEL ADD -auto #emacs liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #gentoo-chat liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #irssi liberachat /NETWORK MODIFY -autosendcmd "^ignore -channels #gentoo * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS" liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #machinelearning liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #notmuch liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #gentoo-hardened liberachat /CHANNEL ADD -auto #cooking liberachat /NETWORK MODIFY -autosendcmd "ignore -channels #emacs,#gentoo,#gentoo-chat,#gentoo-hardened,#irssi,##cooking,#notmuch,##machinelearning-general * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS ; msg NickServ regain anonch" liberachat /save
55.12. socks
proxychains irssi
55.13. proxy (HTTP)
To load the proxy module, type:
- /load proxy
55.14. script: python module
55.15. script: (Perl)
event based: signals(events) and commands(user).
- SCRIPT LOAD command or /RUN alias. /SCRIPT UNLOAD from ~.irssi/scripts/ or usr/local/lib/irssi/scripts
- Irssi:: namespace.
- subs - hook events
- Irssi::signaladd or Irssi::commandbind (event sub)
- Everything you print is printed into Irssi's scrollbuffer, and automatically line terminated.
- Irssi::signalstop(); - inside sub to stop
- add: settingsaddstr, settingsaddint or settingsaddbool
- get: settingsgetstr, settingsgetint or settingsgetbool
- You can also use signaladdlast() if you wish to let the Irssi's internal functions be run before yours.
55.15.1. command available in script:
Server::sendmessage(target, msg, targettype) Sends a message to nick/channel. targettype 0 = channel, 1 = nick
Channel::nicks() Return a list of all nicks in channel. Channel::nickfind('anon')
55.15.2. ex
use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi; $VERSION = '1.00'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'A. U. Thor', contact => 'author@far.away', name => 'My First Script', description => 'This script allows ' . 'you to print Hello ' . 'World using a command.', license => 'Public Domain', ); # -------- add event handler # --- command sub testing { my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_; # arguments return unless $witem; # $witem (window item) may be undef. $witem->print('It works!'); $witem->print('Example', MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC); } Irssi::command_bind test => \&testing; Irssi::command_bind hello => sub { print 'Hello, world!'; # CLIENTCRAP messagelevel is used }; # --- signal sub event_privmsg { # $data = "nick/#channel :text" my ($server, $data, $nick, $address) = @_; my ($target, $text) = split(/ :/, $data, 2); Irssi::signal_stop() if ($text =~ /free.*porn/ || $nick =~ /idiot/); } Irssi::signal_add("event privmsg", "event_privmsg")
56. mpv
- F8 show playlist
- >/< playlist
- 0/9 volume control
57. TigerVNC
alwaysshared - Determine whether multiple users can be connected at the same time
- vncconfig
- vncpasswd − change the VNC password
- vncsession - start a VNC server
- vncviewer
- x0vncserver
- Xvnc
mkdir .vnc vncpasswd .vnc/passwd x0vncserver -PasswordFile ~/.vnc/passwd -localhost
useful options:
- -localhost
- -SecurityTypes none
- -Password password
- -AlwaysShared - between clients?
- -NeverShared=on - ?
- -AcceptKeyEvents=off
- -AcceptPointerEvents=off
- -AcceptSetDesktopSize=off
- -FrameRate=24
- -CompareFB=0 # pixel compression 0 (off), 1 (always) or 2 (auto)
- -UseSHM=off # Shared Memory
- -ZlibLevel=3 #0-9
View only access:
x0vncserver -SecurityTypes none -NeverShared=on -AcceptKeyEvents=off -AcceptPointerEvents=off -AcceptSetDesktopSize=off -FrameRate=20 -UseSHM=off -ZlibLevel=3
58. cloud
open source consoles - OpenShift
59. openssl
- openssl sclient -showcerts -connect просмотр сертификатов при соединении схостом
- openssl sclient -tls1 -debug -msg -state -showcerts -connect - более подробный вывод
- openssl ciphers|tr ':' '\n'|grep GOST
- openssl engine
- openssl sclient -connect -CAfile RCA.crt - указать свой сертификат
- curl –trace -
inspecting expiration date:
openssl x509 -in libera.pem -noout -enddate
inspecting the fingerprint:
openssl x509 -in libera.pem -noout -fingerprint -sha512 | awk -F= '{gsub(":",""); print tolower ($2)}'
60. decentralized Darknet
Deep web - parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard web search-engines
Anonymity trilemma: strong anonymity, low bandwidth overhead, low latency overhead (delay between when the message is sent and received)
Zooko's triangle (names of participants in a network protocol:):
- Human-meaningful: Meaningful and memorable (low-entropy) names are provided to the users.
- Secure: The amount of damage a malicious entity can inflict on the system should be as low as possible.
- Decentralized: Names correctly resolve to their respective entities without the use of a central authority or service.
- secure under Byzantine assumptions
60.1. TOR
60.1.1. offical and not official resources
- TOR Node List
- ExoneraTor — проверка IP на использование в качестве нод Tor;
- Onionite — информация о нодах;
- Collector Tor — архив IP и портов узлов.
- search engines
- wikis
• The Hidden Wiki; • IACA DarkWeb; • DarkWeb Links; • The DarkWeb Links.
- money
Визуализаторы зачастую платные, но есть и несколько бесплатных:
Чаще всего дарквеб используют для торговли запрещенными товарами и услугами. Вырученные деньги потом нужно как‑то выводить, и здесь торговцы запрещенным изобретают самые изощренные схемы. Обычно — с использованием криптовалюты. Именно на этапе вывода денег чаще всего и попадаются владельцы маркетплейсов.
Представь: клиент покупает крипту, покупает на нее что‑то в даркнете, криптовалюта хранится на депозите маркетплейса, затем большая часть переходит продавцу, а дальше он пытается ее обменять на фиатную валюту.
Получается, что можно установить, каким обменником пользуется продавец, если знать адрес его криптовалютного кошелька. Для этого достаточно визуализировать его активность с помощью специальной программы. На кошельке обменника, конечно же, будет огромное число транзакций и немалая сумма денег.
Часто при отмыве денег применяются криптовалютные миксеры. Они позволяют скрывать криптовалютные активы, распределяя их по множеству других кошельков, и затем снова переводят в один. Это усложняет отслеживание транзакций, но не делает их полностью анонимными.
Если визуализировать транзакции кошелька, который использовал миксер, можно заметить следующие особенности:
• множество входов и выходов в одной транзакции, включая адреса, не связанные с исходным кошельком; • перемешивание средств между разными адресами и кошельками; • связи с другими транзакциями — цепочки и кластеры транзакций, связанные с биткоин‑миксером; • неоднородность сумм транзакций; • необычные временные интервалы между транзакциями.
Найти настоящий адрес покупателя тяжело, но вполне реально. Однако ПО для анализа транзакций миксеров в открытом доступе пока что нет. Поэтому приходится просто идти по цепочке транзакций, пока не найдешь что‑то похожее на кошелек, принадлежащий человеку.
Как ты понял, отмыв денег и их отслеживание — это отдельная большая тема. Но знать о ней нужно, хотя бы на базовом уровне. Существует огромное количество схем легализации средств, полученных преступным путем, — от создания офшорных организаций до покупки разного имущества. Все это, мы, конечно, здесь разбирать не будем.
- sites
• DuckDuckGo; https://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion/ • Not Evil; http://notevilmtxf25uw7tskqxj6njlpebyrmlrerfv5hc4tuq7c7hilbyiqd.onion/ • Ahmia; http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion/ • Haystak; http://haystak5njsmn2hqkewecpaxetahtwhsbsa64jom2k22z5afxhnpxfid.onion/ • Torch; http://torchdeedp3i2jigzjdmfpn5ttjhthh5wbmda2rr3jvqjg5p77c54dqd.onion/ • Demon. http://srcdemonm74icqjvejew6fprssuolyoc2usjdwflevbdpqoetw4x3ead.onion/
60.1.2. site security audit
Onionscan (аудит onion-сайта); • Onion Nmap (Nmap для onion-сайта); • OWASP ZAP (сканер); • Nikto (сканер); • WPScan (сканер); • Burp Suite (сканер); • Wapiti (сканер); • список уязвимостей на
60.1.3. types of relays or nodes
- non-exit relays
- Guard - first relay in the chain of 3 relays building a Tor circuit - must be stable and fast (at least 2MByte/s) otherwise it will remain a middle relay.
- middle relay - acts as the second hop between Guard and exit relays
- bridge - static IP better - not relay - node - IP not listed in public TOR derectory
- Pluggable transports, a special kind of bridge, address this by adding an additional layer of obfuscation.
60.1.4. torrc
- tor node and dirctionary - gentoo
- default:
- User tor
- PIDFile /run/tor/
- # Log notice syslog
- DataDirectory /var/lib/tor/data
- RunAsDaemon 1
- ExitRelay 0
- BridgeRelay 0
- ORPort
- DirPort
- Nickname
- RelayBandwidthRate 2 MBytes
- RelayBandwidthBurst 3 MBytes
- ContactInfo xxx <>
- Sandbox 1
- Log notice file /var/log/tornotices.log
- Log warn file /var/log/torwarn.log
- Log debug file /var/log/tordebug.log
- default:
- tor bridge - gentoo
- echo "net-vpn/tor caps lzma scrypt seccomp server tor-hardening verify-sig zstd" > /etc/portage/package.use/tor
- emerge –ask tor net-proxy/obfs4proxy
- config:
- RunAsDaemon 1
- SOCKSPort localhost:9050
- BridgeRelay 1
- ExitRelay 0
- ORPort
- Sandbox 0 # not compatible with obfs4
- ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
- ClientTransportPlugin obfs3 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
- tor bridge client
- echo "net-vpn/tor caps lzma scrypt seccomp server tor-hardening verify-sig zstd" > /etc/portage/package.use/tor
- emerge –ask tor net-proxy/obfs4proxy
- get brideges:
- config:
- UseBridges 1
- ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
- ClientTransportPlugin obfs3 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
- Sandbox 0 # not compatible with obfs4
- ShutdownWaitLength 5 seconds
- bridge obfs4 xxxxxxxxx cert=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx iat-mode=0
- ControlPort
- tor –hash-password password
- /etc/tor/torrc:- HashedControlPassword hashedpassword
- (echo authenticate '"password"'; echo signal newnym; echo quit) | nc localhost 9051
60.1.5. firefox config
network.proxy.socksremotedns true network.dns.disablePrefetch true network.dns.disableIPv6 true javascript.enabled false
and all fingerprints disabled
- media.peerconnection.enabled false
60.1.6. route tor through tor
NONTOR="" TORUID=$( id -ur debian-tor ) TRANSPORT="9040" iptables -F iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -m owner –uid-owner $TORUID -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp –dport 53 -j REDIRECT –to-ports 5353 for NET in $NONTOR; do iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d $NET -j RETURN done
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp –syn -j REDIRECT –to-ports $TRANSPORT iptables -A OUTPUT -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
for NET in $NONTOR; do iptables -A OUTPUT -d $NET -j ACCEPT done iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner –uid-owner $TORUID -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -j REJECT
60.1.7. theory
consist of
- onion routers
Tor relies on a network of volunteer-operated relays and a set of central directory authorities.
- Tor’s circuit moderation is bandwidth-weighted, you are much more likely to use high-bandwidth nodes than low-bandwidth ones, meaning that a large percentage of Tor’s 7000+ nodes are underutilised due to having insufficient bandwidth.
60.1.8. dangers
>tor is safe - sure, but it won't last for long if more than 50% of nodes are run by feds, and remember feds which are controlled by zionists have a lot of money, a lot to rent out entire aws region domain to host tor nodes and catch you red handed
60.1.9. Tor vulnerabilities
A access to phisical network and exit-node. or middle nodes and exit-node if ISP has exit-node. correlate attack Protection VPN to TOR + generation of non-Tor traffic. B Bittorrent send UDP without TOR. Block all UDP packets. TOR only provides a TCP connections.
60.1.10. Verification gpg –keyserver –recv-keys 0x4E2C6E8793298290
gpg –fingerprint 0x4E2C6E8793298290
You should see:
pub 4096R/93298290 2014-12-15 Key fingerprint = EF6E 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7 DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329 8290 uid Tor Browser Developers (signing key) sub 4096R/F65C2036 2014-12-15 sub 4096R/D40814E0 2014-12-15 sub 4096R/C3C07136 2016-08-24
gpg –verify tor-browser-linux64-8.0.1en-US.tar.xz.asc
The output should say "Good signature":
gpg: Signature made Tue 24 Jan 2015 09:29:09 AM CET using RSA key ID D40814E0 gpg: Good signature from "Tor Browser Developers (signing key) " gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner. Primary key fingerprint: EF6E 286D DA85 EA2A 4BA7 DE68 4E2C 6E87 9329 8290
Currently valid subkey fingerprints are:
1107 75B5 D101 FB36 BC6C 911B EB77 4491 D9FF 06E2
60.1.11. search engines
http://darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion/ LeafWiki also seems to be trustworthy by the amount of hentai search queries in it's Comics category: http://lljcwddkoyjq3xxtchl7a4i3ig6wqrg7nfxuzbzj4k4tbnb6pnzq7kid.onion/index.php/Main_Page If it lists nanochan, it's probably legit. (This is how you found us on some other link list, right?)
Search engines you asked for, use on your own risk: Ahmia - http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion/ Phobos - http://phobosxilamwcg75xt22id7aywkzol6q6rfl2flipcqoc4e4ahima5id.onion/ Abiko - http://abikoifawyrftqivkhfxiwdjcdzybumpqrbowtudtwhrhpnykfonyzid.onion/ TORCH - http://torchdeedp3i2jigzjdmfpn5ttjhthh5wbmda2rr3jvqjg5p77c54dqd.onion (you can immediately see it's redeeming quality by abundance of colorful banners offering you all sorts of nice things) Another (?) Torch - http://xmh57jrknzkhv6y3ls3ubitzfqnkrwxhopf5aygthi7d6rplyvk3noyd.onion/cgi-bin/omega/omega Haystak - http://haystak5njsmn2hqkewecpaxetahtwhsbsa64jom2k22z5afxhnpxfid.onion/ Onionland - http://3bbad7fauom4d6sgppalyqddsqbf5u5p56b5k5uk2zxsy3d6ey2jobad.onion/
60.1.12. proxies
- torsocks
emerge –ask net-proxy/torsocks
- $ torsocks application
- DNS handled
- rejects any traffic other than TCP
- WRNING It uses the LDPRELOAD mechanism (man which means that if the application is not using the libc or for instance uses raw syscalls, torsocks will be useless and the traffic will not go through Tor.
- curl –socks5-hostname onion
redirect ALL non-tor outgoing trafic to a Tor transparent proxy:
- iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p TCP -m owner ! –uid-owner tor -j DNAT –to-destination
60.1.13. fstab logging to tmpfs
- tmpfs /var/logtor tmpfs uid=43,rw,nosuid,noatime,nodev,noexec,size=20M,mode=1705 0 0
- Log notice file /var/logtor/tornotices.log
60.1.14. Debian update tor from official repository
CODENAME=$(lsb_release -cs) cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.list deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] $CODENAME main deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] $CODENAME main EOF wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null sudo apt update && sudo apt install tor -y
60.1.16. own hidden service
- torrc
running a Tor Onion Service does not result in your IP address being publicly listed anywhere, nor does your service relay other Tor traffic.
- apache or nginx at localhost:80
- torrc:
- HiddenServiceDir var/lib/tor/mywebsite
- HiddenServicePort 80
- or:
- HiddenServiceDir var/lib/tor/my-website
- HiddenServicePort 80 unix:/var/run/tor-my-website.sock
- mkdir <HiddenServiceDir>
- chmod go-a <HiddenServiceDir>
- nginx
server { listen unix:/var/run/tor-my-website.sock; server_name <your-onion-address>.onion; access_log /var/log/nginx/my-website.log; index index.html; root /path/to/htdocs; }
- reverse proxy with HTTPS
- dont allow HTTPS for reverse
apache option ProxyPassReverse
- security
- generate address
var/lib/tor/hiddenservice/ -
- hostname — your onion address, share it with your friends.
- privatekey — your private key, don’t share it with anyone.
- links
60.1.17. email over tor
60.1.18. countries
Russia military aliance: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan.
- Russia - {ru}
- Armenia - {am}
- Belarus - {by}
- Kazakhstan - {kz}
- Kyrgyzstan - {kg}
- Tajikistan - {tj}
The Five Eyes – which groups Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
- United States - {us} and {um}
- Canada - {ca}
- United Kingdom - {gb} and {uk}
- Australia - {au}
- New Zealand - {nz}
torrc - Country codes are case-insensitive, {??} - country can’t be identified
- ExcludeNodes - nodes to avoid when building a circuit
- ExcludeExitNodes -
- NodeFamily - never use any two of them in the same circuit - can be used multiple times
- PathsNeededToBuildCircuits - [0.25 and 0.95], default 0.6 too low = less anonymous, too high = prevent bootstrapping
- GeoIPExcludeUnknown 0/1
- StrictNodes 0/1 - Tor will treat solely the ExcludeNodes option as a requirement to follow for all the circuits you generate, even if doing so will break functionality for you.
60.1.19. snowflake
UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /opt/snowflake/client/client Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 fingerprint=2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 url=,,,,,,,,,,,
UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /usr/local/bin/snowflake-client -log /var/log/tor/snowflake.log -url -front -ice,,,,,,,, -log /var/log/tor/snowflake-client.log Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 Bridge snowflake 8838024498816A039FCBBAB14E6F40A0843051FA
60.1.20. obfs4 - lyrebird - Pluggable Transport
Philipp Winter's ScrambleSuit - Python -
- Protection against active probing attacks by requiring a shared secret between the client and the server. This secret is communicated out-of-band via Tor's BridgeDB.
- Rudimentary defence against traffic analysis attacks by altering flow features.
- payload is computationally indistinguishable from randomness
Lyrebird - Go - GPLv3 -
- The handshake always does a full key exchange (no such thing as a Session Ticket Handshake).
- The link layer encryption uses NaCl secret boxes (Poly1305/XSalsa20).
VERSION_NUMBER=1.19.10 wget$VERSION_NUMBER.linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$VERSION_NUMBER.linux-amd64.tar.gz echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.profile echo "export GOPATH=~/.go" >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile go version wget apt install golang tar xpf lyrebird-lyrebird-0.1.0.tar.gz --xattrs-include=' *.*' --numeric-owner go version cd lyrebird-lyrebird-0.1.0 go list -m -u all go build ./cmd/lyrebird cp lyrebird /usr/local/bin/
60.1.21. webtunnel - mimic encrypted web traffic (HTTPS)
- ??
- guide install and configure
- sudo apt install golang
- git clone
- cd webtunnel/main/server
- go build
- sudo cp server /usr/local/bin/webtunnel-server
- sudo cp client /usr/local/bin/webtunnel-client
Obfs4 vs Webtunnel
- Obfs4 traffic, being neither a match for any known allowed protocol nor a text protocol, would be rejected. In contrast, WebTunnel traffic resembling HTTPS traffic, a permitted protocol, will pass.
- client config
UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin webtunnel exec /usr/bin/webtunnel-client Bridge webtunnel <IP>:<PORT> <FINGERPRINT> url=<URL> ver=0.0.1
- server config
BridgeRelay 1 ORPort AssumeReachable 1 ServerTransportPlugin webtunnel exec /usr/local/bin/webtunnel ServerTransportListenAddr webtunnel ServerTransportOptions webtunnel url=https://yourdomain/path ExtORPort auto اطلاعات مخاطب <> Nickname WebTunnelTest SocksPort 0
sudo -u debian-tor tor -f /etc/tor/torrc # to check config systemctl enable --now tor.service
60.1.22. webrtc proxies
60.1.23. webrtc-socket-proxy - working
install on remote:
wget export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin go version # print git clone --depth=1 cd rtctunnel/ go build ./rtctunnel init ./rtctunnel info
60.1.24. Snowflake - Pluggable Transport using WebRTC
- count per country
- install guide
- wiki
- run from sources ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec usr/bin/or-wherever-it-gets-installed/snowflake-client -url ….etc
- technical overview
- intergration with tor browser
- broker installation
- WebRTC fingerprintability
60.1.25. theory
- snowflake client -
- snowflake proxy - WebRTC proxy.It conveys data between snowflake clients and some destination — for Tor,
this would be a Tor Relay
- Communication to the Broker is over HTTPS / Domain Fronting.
- WebRTC serves as the transport crossing the filter boundary
- communication from the proxy to the destination is currently via websocket. - server
In Snowflake, the client connects to the proxy using WebRTC, and the proxy connects to the server (this program) using WebSocket.
60.1.26. get bridges by email
I send "get bridges" to
- get transport [TYPE] Request a Pluggable Transport by TYPE.
- get help Displays this message.
- get key Get a copy of BridgeDB's public GnuPG key.
- get ipv6 Request IPv6 bridges.
60.1.27. links
- The Internet censorship bibliography.
60.1.28. installation Debian
- apt install golang
- apt install git
- git clone –depth=1
- git clone –depth=1
- cd snowflake/proxy
- go build
60.1.29. install gentoo
- eselect repository enable guru
60.1.30. client configuration examples
ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /usr/bin/or-wherever-it-gets-installed/snowflake-client -url ....etc On newer versions, after installing tor, install the snowflake-client - sudo apt install snowflake-client UseBridges 1, ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /usr/bin/snowflake-client, as well as Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 to torrc. sudo service tor restart UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /opt/snowflake/client/client Bridge snowflake url=,,,,,,,,,,, UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /usr/local/bin/snowflake-client -log /var/log/tor/snowflake.log -url -front -ice,,,,,,,, -log /var/log/tor/snowflake-client.log Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 Bridge snowflake 8838024498816A039FCBBAB14E6F40A0843051FA
60.1.31. ssh hidden service configuration example
apt install cron systemctl enable cron systemctl start cron crontab -e 0 0 * * * systemctl restart tor systemctl restart cron
RunAsDaemon 1 ShutdownWaitLength 5 seconds HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service2/ HiddenServicePort 443 Nickname none RelayBandwidthRate 1100 KB # Throttle traffic to 100KB/s (800Kbps) RelayBandwidthBurst 5200 KB # But allow bursts up to 200KB/s (1600Kbps) ContactInfo Random Log notice file /var/log/tor/tor_notices.log Log warn file /var/log/tor/tor_warn.log # Log debug file /var/log/tor_debug.log DNSPort localhost:53 UseBridges 1 ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /usr/local/bin/client -log /var/log/tor/snowflake.log \ -url \ -front \ -ice,,,,stun:stun\,,,,,stun:s\,, Bridge snowflake 2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 fingerprint=2B280B23E1107BB62ABFC40DDCC8824814F80A72 url=,,,,,,,,,,,
60.1.32. bad sites
мега или кракен.
60.2. tunnel techniques
debian server:
- apt install stunnel
- openssl req -new -x509 -days 99999 -nodes -out stunnel.pem -keyout stunnel.pem
- mv stunnel.pem etc/stunnel
- cp /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/examples/stunnel.conf-sample /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
- mkdir /var/run/stunnel4
- chown stunnel4:stunnel4 /var/run/stunnel4
- stunnel # to test
apt install stunnel # stunnel4 openssl req -new -x509 -days 99999 -nodes -out stunnel.pem -keyout stunnel.pem # Enter cp /usr/share/doc/stunnel4/examples/stunnel.conf-sample /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf mkdir -p /etc/tmpfiles.d # already exist echo "d /var/run/stunnel4 0755 stunnel4 stunnel4 -" > /etc/tmpfiles.d/stunnel4.conf # chown stunnel4:stunnel4 /var/run/stunnel4 # required?
- emerge –ask stunnel
- stunnel # to test
- sudo -u ssh ssh -D 1082 -C -i home/ssh.ssh/idrsa -o 'VerifyHostKeyDNS no' -o 'CheckHostIP no' -p 2443 root@
60.2.1. server config
setuid = stunnel4 setgid = stunnel4 foreground = no ; output = /tmp/stunnel.log options = SINGLE_ECDH_USE options = SINGLE_DH_USE client=no cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem sslVersion = TLSv1.3 options = NO_SSLv2 options = NO_SSLv3 pid = /var/run/stunnel4/ socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1 socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1 [sshd] accept = # 21212 connect = TIMEOUTclose = 0
60.2.2. client config
setuid = stunnel setgid = stunnel pid = /run/stunnel/ socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1 socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1 client = yes output = /tmp/stunnel.log cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem key = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem pid = /var/run/stunnel/ sslVersion = TLSv1.3 options = NO_SSLv2 options = NO_SSLv3 [ssh] accept= connect=
60.2.3. systemd
systemclt restart stunnel systemclt status stunnel systemclt enable stunnel
[Unit] Description=SSL tunnel for network daemons Documentation=man:stunnel DefaultDependencies=no [Install] [Service] Type=forking EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/stunnel.conf ExecStart=/usr/bin/stunnel /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf #LimitNOFILE=infinity <-- uncomment to increase maximum number of client connections
60.2.4. block echo
emacs /etc/sysctl.conf
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all=1 net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0 net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0 net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0 net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0 EOF sysctl -f /etc/sysctl.conf
60.2.5. nftables
nft -f /etc/nftables.conf
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f # Flush the ruleset flush ruleset # Define the table and chain table inet filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; iif lo accept; iif != lo ip daddr counter drop comment "" iif != lo ip6 daddr ::1/8 counter drop comment "" # Drop invalid packets ct state invalid drop # Accept established and related connections ct state established,related accept # Allow incoming connections to TCP port 666 tcp dport 6010 accept tcp dport 22 iif lo accept ip saddr ip daddr accept ip6 saddr ::1 ip6 daddr ::1 accept # Drop all other incoming traffic drop } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; drop } chain output { type filter hook output priority 0; accept } }
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/systemd/system/nftables.service [Unit] Description=nftables firewall [Service] RemainAfterExit=yes StandardInput=null ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=true ExecStart=/sbin/nft -f /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf ExecReload=/sbin/nft 'flush ruleset; include "/etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf";' ExecStop=/sbin/nft flush ruleset Restart=always [Install] EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart nftables systemctl status nftables systemctl enable nftables
60.2.6. links
- stunnel performance with different configurations
60.3. TODO i2p
- i2p doesn't store other people stuff on your hdd
60.4. TODO freenet
- store other people stuff on your hdd
60.5. TODO zeronet
- store other people stuff on your hdd
60.6. TODO lokinet
- uses the Oxen Service Node network
60.6.1. install binary
60.7. TODO
60.8. TODO ipfs
- store other people stuff on your hdd
Urbit OS and Urbit ID - MIT licensed
- Urbit OS - a program, software stack: a VM, programming language and kernel designed to run software for an individual.
- Urbit ID is an identity and authentication system specifically designed to work with Urbit OS. When you boot or log in to Urbit OS, you use your Urbit ID. Name (like ~ravmel-ropdyl) that’s a username, network address and crypto wallet all in one. built on the Ethereum blockchain ("Azimuth"),
60.9.1. terms
- urbit - Urbit OS node - private to you and entirely under your control
60.10. Rus
60.11. decentralazied storage
- know
- Git
- BitTorrent
- Direct Connect
- eDonkey
- Gnutella
- Bitcoin
- Perfect Dark
- Freenet
- Soulseek
- GNUnet
- problems:
- security
- tracking
- flood attack
- 14-18% of all executable programs available for download contained malware
- 47% of all zero-day malware uses BitTorrent
- file search
- Interplanetary File System (IPFS)
- users - hold a portion of the overall data
- if Alice and Bob publish a block of data with the same hash, the peers downloading the content from Alice will exchange data with the ones downloading it from Bob
- IPFS aims to replace WEB using gateways which are accessible with HTTP.
- content-based routing instead of address-based
- cannot restrict except of encryption
- publish to share
- Data is stored in chunks of 256 KB, called IPFS objects.
- Garbage collection will periodically remove cached IPFS objects. If you want to permanently store a file you can pin it to your node.
- DHT search
- BTDigg - in TOR or btdigggink2pdqzqrik3blmqemsbntpzwxottujilcdjfz56jumzfsyd.onion
- Bitmagnet - self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier, and torrent search engine
- Jackett or Prowlarr
- torrents
60.12. links
61. search engines
61.1. review
- no javascript not supported
- bad no image search without javascript
- javascript required
- no clear links
- javascript required
- no clear links
- javascript required
- no clear links
- blocked
- tor blocked
61.2. duckduckgo
- ip
- dns records
- is down # ping
- @xakepru # info about tweeter
- validate # validate email
- shorten # get short link
- expand
- qr # qr-code
- password 10 # generate password
- random passphrase
- base64 encode <текст>
- md5 <текст>
- sha <текст>
- hash <хеш> # detect algorithn
- python pyhub # search module in PyPI
- jquery .ajaxsuccess # info about method of jQuery
- regex (?x: (w+) s (w+) ) hacker magazine # check regex
- compute Integral Of X2 Dx Solve X+2>3x # math
- python syntax highlighter # open editor
- android security report f:.pdf # search for specific file type
- intitle:"iphone 8" # search only in page titles
- intitle:"iphone 8" -android # not search
- (apple)AND((macos)OR("os x"))
- color codes
- css colors
- html chars
- html dollar # get character
- file .txt # info about file extension
- chmod 755 # decode
- uppercase
- lowercase XAKEP.RU
- calendar
- countdown 10m
- stopwatch
- figlet # create ASCII banner
- bang
- !so Java InterruptedException # search in Stack Overflow (!twitter), на eBay (!ebay), YouTube (!yt), Facebook (!facebook) and 9000 more
- Translation google:
- !gt-chinese
- languages: !java !python !html !js !php
- Gentoo: !emerge !fgentoo !gbugs !gentoopkg !gpackages !gpackages !gpo !gw !gwiki !installgentoo !pfl
- !gentoo !gentoowiki
- !man
- !be - blockchain block explorer
62. unicode
- Ctrl+Shift+u followed by the Unicode hexadecimal number
emacs: C-x 8 RET
- wavehand U+1F44B
- whitespace U+2000-2003,2007,3000
63. questions
best place for passwords in linux
64. web crawler
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driver.get("");
65. obfs4 standalone
required: USE=ncat net-analyzer/nmap
65.1. Server:
to watch serverlogs :
watch tail obfsproxy/obfs4proxy.log
cat /var/lib/tor/pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt
65.2. Client:
export TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS=obfs4 # <proxy_type>://[<user_name>[:<password>][@]<ip>:<port> export TOR_PT_PROXY=socks5:// env \ TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER="1" \ TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION="obfsproxy" \ TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS="obfs4" \ obfs4proxy -enableLogging -logLevel DEBUG # to test: (server ip, port from client, cert from server, and TOR_PT_SERVER_BINDADDR ncat --proxy "" --proxy-type "socks5" --proxy-auth "cert=W4/bagv6rixxspKRWDnsHb8OrGCTcOc0jOd+YWzdzqkvaSRaNlJDy931roPfopP0bIvgZQ;iat-mode=:0" 8888 # to use: : ssh -o 'ProxyCommand ncat --proxy "" --proxy-type "socks5" --proxy-auth "cert=W4/bagv6rixxspKRWDnsHb8OrGCTcOc0jOd+YWzdzqkvaSRaNlJDy931roPfopP0bIvgZQ;iat-mode=:0" %h %p' -p 8888 user@ ssh -vv \ -o 'ProxyCommand ncat \ --proxy "" \ --proxy-type "socks5" \ --proxy-auth "cert=2Wu/eUx7n6SCoyTz7TkjgGx55uY+VXa7SL4DR25+plkT23jG9fG/2P0Ii9H1caBTeOveWw;iat-mode=:0" %h %p' \ -p 9067 root@
/usr/bin/obfs4proxy -enableLogging true -logLevelStr INFO
65.3. systemd service for server
[Unit] Description=obfs4proxy Server [Service] EnvironmentFile=/var/lib/tor/pt_state/obfs4/obfs4.config ExecStart=/usr/bin/obfs4proxy -enableLogging true -logLevelStr INFO [Install]
cat /var/lib/tor/pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt
watch tail /var/lib/tor/pt_state/obfs4proxy.log
to test:
ncat -vv --proxy "" --proxy-type "socks5" --proxy-auth "cert=2Wu/eUx7n6SCoyTz7TkjgGx55uY+VXa7SL4DR25+plkT23jG9fG/2P0Ii9H1caBTeOveWw;iat-mode=:0" 80
65.4. full
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u # Report Non-Existent Variables set -e # It terminates the execution when the error occurs. (does not work with piped commands. use Set -eo pipefail) set -o pipefail # exit execution if one of the commands in the pipe fails. # set -x # write to standard error a trace for each command # set -n # do not execute only check syntax # ------------- installation of lyrebird ---------- VERSION_NUMBER=1.19.10 wget${VERSION_NUMBER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go${VERSION_NUMBER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.profile echo "export GOPATH=~/.go" >> ~/.profile source ~/.profile go version LYREBIRD_VERSION=0.1.0 wget${LYREBIRD_VERSION}/lyrebird-lyrebird-${LYREBIRD_VERSION}.tar.gz apt install golang tar xpf lyrebird-lyrebird-${LYREBIRD_VERSION}.tar.gz --xattrs-include=' *.*' --numeric-owner go version cd lyrebird-lyrebird-${LYREBIRD_VERSION} go list -m -u all go build ./cmd/lyrebird cp lyrebird /usr/local/bin/ cd .. rm -rf lyrebird-lyrebird-${LYREBIRD_VERSION} rm -rf lyrebird-lyrebird-${LYREBIRD_VERSION}.tar.gz rm -f go${VERSION_NUMBER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz # ------------------- obfs4 server -------------- sudo adduser \ --system \ --home "/var/lib/obfs4proxy-ssh/" \ --shell "/usr/sbin/nologin" \ --group \ --gecos "obfs4proxy for ssh" \ obfs4-ssh cat <<'EOF' > /etc/systemd/system/obfsmy.service [Unit] Description=obfs4proxy Server [Service] User=obfs4-ssh EnvironmentFile=/var/lib/obfs4proxy-ssh/obfs4.config ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lyrebird -enableLogging true -logLevelStr INFO [Install] EOF cat <<'EOF' > /var/lib/obfs4proxy-ssh/obfs4.config TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER="1" TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION="/var/lib/obfs4proxy-ssh/" TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS="obfs4" TOR_PT_SERVER_BINDADDR="obfs4-" TOR_PT_ORPORT="" EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart obfsmy cat /var/lib/obfs4proxy-ssh/obfs4_bridgeline.txt
65.5. full client
obfs4client() { # background process attached to file discriptor 3 exec 3< <( env \ TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER="1" \ TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION="obfsproxy" \ TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS="obfs4" \ lyrebird -enableLogging -logLevel DEBUG ) # read first 3 lines from file descriptor 3 hostport=$(head -n3 <&3 | grep -o "[[:digit:]]*") # certificate from remote obfs4 server cert='LEyKNDLvbQlLwAahcayJQBFkYzPEd6tWdMUBTuEDqaHjxXWPf5/2v63BKkQVEDMp4Wy2aA' # attach to remote server obfs4 through local obfs4 client proxy # sudo -u ssh killall ssh v="ssh -vv -o 'ProxyCommand ncat --proxy ${hostport} --proxy-type socks5 --proxy-auth \\\"cert=${cert};iat-mode=:0\\\" %h %p' -p 8080 root@ ;" xfce4-terminal --initial-title "remote" -e "bash -c \"${v}\"" sleep 2 exit }
65.6. links
66. VPS configuration
- TOR SSH see shell#MissingReference
#-*- eval: (outline-minor-mode 1) -*- # -- CONFIG -- # ---- SWAP SWAP=1500MB # ---- TOR SSH # -- SWAP -- fallocate -l $SWAP /swapfile chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.back echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf.back echo 'vm.swappiness=10' | tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf swapon --show # -- TOR SSH -- # -- APT config -- # disable recommended apt-config dump | grep -we Recommends -e Suggests | sed s/1/0/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/999norecommend
67. markdown
to html:
68. TODO mountcifs
How to Mount Windows Share on Linux
69. suites of utils
Core Utilities
- GNU Core Utilities (coreutils) - A collection of basic file, shell, and text manipulation utilities[2]. GNU Project. GPL-3.0-or-later
System Administration and File System Utilities
- util-linux - for Linux systems, including tools for managing block devices, filesystems, and system administration tasks. Linux Kernel Organization. Own licensing terms. advanced tools for system administration and resource management.
- sysstat - collecting and reporting system statistics: sar, sadf, mpstat, iostat, and pidstat.
Lightweight and Embedded System Utilities
- BusyBox - A single binary that combines many common UNIX utilities, designed for embedded and small systems[2][3].
File and Directory Navigation
- GNU Find Utilities (findutils) - find, locate, updatedb, and xargs for searching and manipulating files[2].
Text Processing and Shell Utilities
- GNU Shell Utilities (shellutils) - basename, chroot, date, dirname, echo, and others for shell-related tasks[2].
- GNU Text Utilities (textutils) - cat, cksum, comm, csplit, and others for text manipulation[2].
Network and System Information Utilities
- procps - free, kill, ps, top, uptime, and others for managing processes and system information[2].
- iproute2 - managing network interfaces, routing, and traffic control: ip, ss, nstat, and lnstat.
- net-tools (old) - ifconfig, netstat, route, and arp.
- NetworkManager - managing network connections. It includes tools like nmcli and nmtui
- tcpdump
Desktop and User Interface Utilities
- Widget Toolkits - libraries like GTK, Qt, and Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) for building graphical user interfaces
Init Systems: SysVinit, systemd, OpenRC
69.1. util-linux
- blkid: Displays information about block devices (e.g., hard drives, SSDs, USB drives). Example: blkid -c /dev/null (display all block devices)
- chrt: Changes the scheduling priority of a process. Example: chrt -p 19 1234 (set the priority of process 1234 to 19)
- dmesg: Displays kernel messages (e.g., boot messages, error messages). Example: dmesg | grep -i error (display all error messages)
- fdisk: Manipulates disk partitions (e.g., creates, deletes, lists partitions). Example: fdisk -l /dev/sda (display partition table of /dev/sda)
- findmnt: Displays information about mounted filesystems. Example: findmnt -t ext4 (display all ext4 filesystems)
- fstrim: Trims (discards) unused blocks on a filesystem. Example: fstrim -v / (trim unused blocks on the root filesystem)
- getopt: Parses command-line options. Example: getopt -o "hf:" -n "myprogram" – "$@" (parse options for myprogram)
- hexdump: Displays a file in hexadecimal format. Example: hexdump -C /bin/ls (display the contents of /bin/ls in hexadecimal)
- ionice: Sets the I/O scheduling priority of a process. Example: ionice -c 3 -p 1234 (set the I/O priority of process 1234 to 3)
- lsblk: Displays information about block devices (e.g., hard drives, SSDs, USB drives). Example: lsblk -d -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT (display block devices with their filesystem type, size, and mountpoint)
- lsusb: Displays information about USB devices. Example: lsusb -t (display USB devices in a tree-like format)
- mountpoint: Checks if a directory is a mountpoint. Example: mountpoint /mnt (check if /mnt is a mountpoint)
- nsenter: Enters a namespace (e.g., mounts, network, PID). Example: nsenter -t 1234 -m (enter the mount namespace of process 1234)
- partx: Displays information about disk partitions. Example: partx -s /dev/sda (display partition sizes of /dev/sda)
- readprofile: Displays kernel profiling information. Example: readprofile -v (display kernel profiling information in a verbose format)
- renice: Changes the nice value of a process. Example: renice -n 10 -p 1234 (set the nice value of process 1234 to 10)
- setterm: Sets terminal attributes (e.g., baud rate, parity). Example: setterm -baud 9600 (set the baud rate to 9600)
- swapon:/swapoff: Disables swap space. Example: swapoff -a (disable all swap space)
- taskset: Sets the CPU affinity of a process. Example: taskset -c 0-3 1234 (set the CPU affinity of process 1234 to CPUs 0-3) These are just a few examples of the many useful commands in util-linux.
70. translate-shell
71. linkedin create post
- create company page
- creat app
secret r2kwzb1UAm9gMv12 client id 78e41n602hoa3r
GET Authorization: Bearer <access token>
72. whatsapp
72.1. whatsie - C++ client
emerge --ask net-im/whatsie-4.16.3
Unwanted connections:
73. Affiliate marketing
73.1. terms:
- affiliate marketing
- by spreading the responsibilities of product marketing and creation across parties. by paying affiliate sites to promote their products.
- Seller and product creators or brand
- a solo entrepreneur or large enterprise, is a vendor, merchant, product creator or retailer with a product to market.
- affiliate marketers or The affiliate or advertiser or a publisher
- convince consumers them to purchase the product.
- (no term)
- The consumer
- (no term)
- product marketing