Table of Contents

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1. links

2. phonetic transcriptions

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) - based primarily on the Latin script.

  • [ … ] - may not be used for distinguishing words in the language being transcribed
  • / … / - note only features that are distinctive in the language. 'p' sounds of English pin and spin are pronounced differently, the difference is not meaningful in English - ˈpɪn and ˈspɪn - same phoneme p.


3. common

(франц. comme il faut - как должно

software solutions [ˈsɒftweər] [səˈluːʃn]

  • in the cloud (klaʊd)
  • on-premise [ˈprɛmɪs] - традиционно
  • On-Demand [ɔn-dɪˈmɑːnd] - cloud SaaS
  • Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) - products are packaged or canned (ready-made) hardware or software, which are adapted aftermarket to the needs of the purchasing organization
  • premise ˈpremis предпосылка The premise of something is that.
  • hybrid scenario ˈhaɪbrɪd sɪˈnɑːrɪˌəʊ
  • условие не выполняется
  • function of indefinite arity
  • figuratively [ˈfɪgjərətɪvlɪ] образно, фигурально
  • literally [ˈlɪtərəlɪ] прямо, буквально
  • customizing [ˈkʌstəmaɪzɪŋ]
  • personalization [pɜːsənəlɪˈzeɪʃn]
  • modification [mɔdɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]
  • customer [ˈkʌstəmə]
  • tenant [ˈtenənt] - hirer, renter, inhabitant
  • report [rɪˈpɔːt]
  • dialog [ˈdaɪəlɒg]
  • reuse [rɪˈjuːz]
  • user [ˈjuːzə] dialog [ˈdaɪəlɒg]
  • functionality ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti
  • possibility ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti
  • upgrade ˈʌpɡreɪd
  • group ɡruːp
  • multi-layer ˈmʌlti//ˈleɪə(r)
  • template [ˈtemplət]
  • to profile [ˈprəʊfaɪl] обрабатывать по шаблону
  • сonsolidate [kənˈsɒlɪˌdeɪt] объединять, хранить в одном месте
  • data governance [ˈɡʌvənəns] управление данными
  • persistence [pəˈsɪstəsn] постоянсво persistent classes
  • query [ˈkwɪərɪ] запрос

To achieve overall system reliability in the presence of a number of faulty processes. Достичь общей достоверности при наличии нескольких неисправных процессов.

[ˈəʊvərˌɔːl] общей [ˌəʊvərˈɔːl] в общем и целом Overall accuracy

Money pit refers to a financial sinkhole where significant amounts of money are constantly poured in without yielding positive returns.


typo [/ˈtaɪ.pəʊ/]
procedure [prəˈsiːʤə]
array [əˈreɪ]
finite ordered list (как правило одного типа) например: relat. database - records(rows), list in Lisp
sequence [ˈsiːkwəns]
function [ˈfʌŋkʃən]
функционировать. it functions as something.
variable [ˈvɛərɪəbəl]
value [ˈvæljuː]
embedded [ɪmˈbɛdɪd]
embedded systems
facilitate changes [fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪt]
обеспечивать изменение. в react programming.
[ˈdɛsɪməl] десятичная дробь
assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt]
architecture [ˈɑːkɪˌtɛktʃə]
interpreter [ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə]
throughput [ˈθruːˌpʊt]
пропускная способность
latency, latence [ˈleɪtəns]
просто задержка, скрытая задержка, delay время вызова
queue [kjuː]
ack [ˈæk]
подтверждение получения (message will be acked or failed)
suspension [səˈspɛnʃən]
monitoring [ˈmɒnɪtərɪŋ]
enhancement [ɪn'hɑːnsmənt]
усовершенствование to enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns]
layer [ˈleɪə]
. microservices layer
process [ˈprəʊsɛs]
notation [nəʊˈteɪʃən]
Business Process Model and Notation
workflow [ˈwɜːkˌfləʊ]
рабочий процесс, документооборот.
overloading [ˈəʊvəˌləʊd] v [ˌəʊvəˈləʊd]
overriding [ˌəʊvəˈraɪdɪŋ]
multithreading [ˌmʌltɪˈθrɛdɪŋ]
processing [ˈprəʊsesɪŋ]
recap [ˈriːkæp]
резюме о чем-то Let us quickly do a recap about Kafka
keyword [ˈkiːwɜːd]
ключевое слово
machine [məˈʃiːn]
workshop [ˈwɜːkʃɔp]
семинар, мастерская
workbench [ˈwɜːkbenʧ]
инструментальные средства, рабочее место
storage [ˈstɔːrɪʤ]
Dilemma [daɪˈlem.ə]
Trilemma [traɪˈlem.ə]


descendant [dɪˈsendənt]
потомок. these and their descendants - они и их потомки


clause [klɔːz]
SQL clause
column [ˈkɒləm]
query [ˈkwɪərɪ]
volume [ˈvɒljuːm]
объем данных
variety [vəˈraɪɪtɪ]
разнообразие типов и источников данных
velocity [vɪˈlɒsɪtɪ]
скорость поступления и обработки
veracity [vɛˈræsɪtɪ]
достоверность данных
noise [nɔɪz]
batch [bætʃ]
партия, пакет
commit [kəˈmɪt]
subscript [ˈsʌbskrɪpt]
discrepancy [dɪsˈkrepənsɪ]
несоответствие, разница discrepancy between the expected and
accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsɪ]
точность = num of correct classification/ total num of predicates


abstract [ˈæbstrækt]
compiled [kəmˈpaɪl]
compulsory kəmˈpʌlsərɪ
obligatory ɔˈblɪgətərɪ
mandatory [ˈmændətərɪ]
обязательны mandatory access control
discretionary [dɪˈskrɛʃənərɪ]
Discretionary access control у объекта
[kəʊˈhɪərənt] последовательный
error prone
[prəʊn] склонный к ошибкам. error prone behavior, solution
explicit ɪkˈsplɪsɪt
robust [rəʊˈbʌst]
надежный Java is a strong programming language as it uses strong memory management. The concepts like Automatic garbage collection, Exception handling, etc. make it more robust.
бесперебойное, безотказный. ex. “To monitor troubleproof operation of production.”
composite [ˈkɔmpəzɪt]
obsolete [ˈɒbsəˌliːt] eng [äbsəˈlēt]
resilient [rɪˈzɪlɪənt]
устойчивый к , resilient to architecture erosion
loosely coupled [luːs]-ly [kʌpəld]
loosely coupled services.
fault tolerant [fɔːlt] [ˈtɒlərənt]
отказоусточивый see Reliability
failover [ˈfeɪləʊvər]
failover software - a method of protecting computer systems from failure, in which standby equipment automatically takes over when the main system fails. will reschedule its task to the standby server.
systems are usually designed to stop normal operation rather than attempt to continue
unwarranted [ʌnˈwɒrəntɪd]
distributed [dɪˈstrɪbjuːtɪd]
распределенные системы решающие одну проблему SOA-based systems to massively multiplayer online games to peer-to-peer applications.
decentralise [diːˈsɛntrəˌlaɪz]
Swarm intelligence [swɔːm]
коллективное поведение децентрализованной самоорганизующейся системы
faulty [ˈfɔːltɪ]
virtual [ˈvɜːtʃʊəl]
Java Virtual Machine
lightweight [ˈlaɪtˌweɪt]
облегченный, меньше кода
versatile [ˈvɜːsətaɪl]
универсальный, многоцелевой, многофункциональный,
arbitrary [ˈɑːbɪtrərɪ]
произвольный arbitrary value - произвольное значение
supersede [sjuːpəˈsiːd] superseded
precede [prɪˈsiːd]
salient [ˈseɪljənt]
salient features существенные фичи
Boilerplate [ˈbɔɪləpleɪt]
шаблон, шаблонный
graceful [ˈgreɪsf(ə)l]
refused [rɪˈfjuːzd]
connection refused отклоненный, отвергнутый
(no term)
opt-in options, rather than an opt-out options - opting-in - выбрать-в, opting-out выбрать-вон
adhere [ədˈhir]
v. придерживаться, прилепить; adhered - прилепший


periodic [ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪk]
dense [dens]
without gaps - плотный
sparse [spɑːs]
with gaps - разреженный


accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsɪ]
completeness [kəmˈpliːt]
завершенность, законченность, полнота
meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ]
granularity [ˌɡrænjʊˈlærɪtɪ]
величина зерен и их количество - зернистость
fine-grained [ɡreɪn]
выверенно зернистый
fault-tolerant [fɔːlt] [ˈtɒlərənt]
отказоустойчивость. Если часть системы откажет, то ничего
scalability [ˌskeɪləˈbɪlɪtɪ]
масштабируемость scalable [ˈskeɪləbəl] масштабируемый
reliability [rɪˈlaɪəbəl]
надежность, достоверность reliably [rɪˈlaɪəbəl]
performance [pəˈfɔːməns]
serviceability [ˈsɜːvɪsəbəl]


invocation [ˌɪnvəˈkeɪʃən]
вызов decouples method execution from method invocation
execute [ˈɛksɪˌkjuːt]
evaluate [ɪˈvæljʊˌeɪt]
interpret [ɪnˈtɜːprɪt]
extend [ɪkˈstɛnd]
implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] verb [ˈɪmplɪˌmɛnt]
to set-up
the set-up. устанавить
cite [saɪt]
цитировать he cited "" он цитировал
acquire [əˈkwaɪə]
emits the data to
deplay [dɪˈplɔɪ] deployment [dɪˈplɔɪmənt]
detection [dɪˈtekʃn]
yield [jiːld]
уступать, дает, It did not yield much.
bootstrap [ˈbuːtstræp]
self-starting process
infer [ɪnˈfɜː]
догадываться. сompiler in situations where it cannot infer the type automatically
prediction [prɪˈdɪkʃn]
REST API that serves up predictions
estimate [ˈestɪmɪt]
probability estimate - оценка вероятности


succinctly [səkˈsɪŋktlɪ]
кратко, лаконично can be coded succinctly

fuckery :: пиздец

4. phrases:

  • I hope in hindsight [ɪn ˈhaɪndsaɪt] надеюсь задним числом
  • indivisible atom [ˌɪndɪˈvɪzəbəl] [ˈætəm] - неделимый атом
  • you are outnumbered [ˌaʊtˈnʌmbə] - ты в меньшинстве
  • de-emphasizes explicit dick manupulation - не акцентирует внимание на явном манипулировании членом
  • Clean and fluent English - Чистый и свободный английский язык
  • You Are encouraged [ɪnˈkʌrɪʤd] to fill out the value to list - Вам предлагается заполнить список значений
  • is an instance of the argument or of a subclass thereof (из этого) (или их подкласса)
  • Jack of all trades - мастер на все руки
  • State-of-the-art (cutting edge) (SOTA) - highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time.
  • all are species of a common genus - все есть виды общего рода
  • In its substance, … - По своей сути, что-то такое-то…
  • used to provide an unbiased evaluation - непредвзятая оценка
  • цель оправдывает средства
  • an apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • speak of the devil and he doth/shall appear
  • пролетели вне поля зрения радара
  • не вуступай против льва в его собственном логове
  • мы должны позволить хаусу править
  • как говорится
  • неожиданно

5. slang

radical = cool
butthurt ˈbʌt.hɜːt
offended and upset, especially in a way that is silly or unreasonable
most beautiful girl/boy
сосед чувак
(no term)
(no term)
street cat
фанатик прошлого
рэпер с повторяющимися стихами
jacking off
pain in the ass
white like a nigger
normal zombie
obsessive on subject of interest
wrong to anal hole
genius failed by the education system
Short for janitor. less authority than a moderator. He's a janny on an anime imageboard. He does it for free. a girl with the emotional capacity of a rock.
hence they "glow in the dark." - CIA fails "here's how to get cheap guns illegally", "we should shoot first ", and " Stop larping kill the blank now "
governmental agent (FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF) making bait posts
boy with lots of wonderful thoughts that will share anything with you
person who retains an unhealthy obsession with Japan and Japanese culture
one side of truth propoganda, example IOTBW
to be fucked by the FBI
binging on things
увлечья чем-то
чувак помешанный на правилах, затворник
hell - She has a heck of a lot of money. Thats a heck of a bug.
(no term)
Dread:: группа диллеров
lay off
отвали, отложить что-то за ненадобностью
расса огня Прометея с красными волосами и виснушками
act of being cute
Abbreviation of "look at that/this
Head-exploding cuteness.
everything and anything you want it to mean.
Personal information
man who lets women use him
a person whose only hobby is to insult people and/or push their buttons.
Of course you idiot, obviously, Duh Dad
пхохой чел в команде котоырй использует чужое имя.
Female with a nice rounded buttocks
secanol–a barbituate/downer.
Sussy balls
подозрительный человек, коп на вечеринке
dip into
To remove a portion of a stash of drugs for the purpose of consumption.
slow forward movement of the legs
fuck up, screw up, mess up
1. To make a mistake 2. shut the fuck up
showing disrespect
run up on
to confront someone with hostility
зазывала, проплаченный критик
smart assholes that know how to get their way around things
very pleasing to the senses, especially to the taste; delicious, an adjective describing someone who is soo great that theyre yummy. An expression of enjoyment and joy.
(no term)
rope - rape
bonanza bəˈnæn·zə
кладезь. (alt. version of Bazinga from "The Big Bang Theory"?) A rich mine, vein, or pocket of ore. a situation in which large profits are made. ex: bonanza of topics
to get drunk, beyond drunk, because of a bad day or week. ex. Man, I had three exams today, im gonna get wrecked tonight
Rekt means a player got completely destroyed, usually used in first person shooter games. ex. HA GET REKT M8 U SUCK LOLOL
гром среди ясного неба, потрясающая новость
Rimshot [rimˌSHät]
1) a drum beat used to draw attention to the humor or pointedness of a preceding statement 2)

basketball: a shot that strikes the rim of the hoop

draw back, as with fear or pain; show submission or fear
The combinations of the words cringe and strange.
euphemism for fucking. friggin' parade.

5.1. other

japanese name which means “wise” or “intelligent”. Satoshi Nakamoto - creator of bitcoin
(no term)
보추 literally means "pussy + dick" and it really means a trap, an otokonoko, a male cross-dresser.

5.2. shorts, abbreviations

most frequent:

Laugh Out Loud.
Oh My God.
By The Way.
I Don't Know.
To Be Honest.


"limited," (Private Limited Company) UK and other to indicate a private limited company.
(Public Limited Company)
“incorporated” - United States, commonly used in the United States to indicate a corporation. More frequently in Canada.
"enterprise." - United States
"organization," which can refer to any type of enterprise or company.


As far as I can tell
As far as I know
As far as I remember
Big-Ass Bowl Of Popcorn
Direct message
For the win
Fear of missing out - is the feeling of apprehension that one is either not in the know about or missing out on information, events, experiences, or life decisions that could make one's life better.
I remember correctly
1) "Nota Bene," Latin for "please note;" 2) not bad 3) Non-binary
Point of View
Too long; didn’t read
You never know
As soon as possible
for a while
nigga version of you
(kŭs) Informal - A curse or A stubborn or annoying person or animal.
"For fuck's sake", from "in Christ's name please explain/stop that".
for ya
for you
fixed that for you
For your information
Got to go
gun show
выставление мускулатуры
I am
in my opinion
Not Gonna Lie
sugi or shawty
young teen - pretty and knew it
suspishos [səsˈpɪʃəs]
to be honest
Though.[ðəʊ] - хотя, однако
thanks, thank you
trying to
why hapas
What Happened?

5.3. - Kinda,” “wanna,” “whatcha,” “hafta,” “gimme,” “lemme,” and “gonna

  • Kinda = Kind of
  • wanna - Want to/a
  • Whatcha = What are you
  • hafta
  • gimme
  • lemme
  • gonna
  • Outta = Out of. ex. I’m outta here. - я ухожу отсюда

Ain’t = Has not/have not Ain’t = Am not/are not/is not

6. ideoms

opt for
I opt for it - it fresher. people opt for English
in search of
steer clear
держаться подальше
(no term)
(no term)
“I can relate.” / “I can’t relate.” / “to relate to something” - to understand feelings
make use of
использовать то, что не было использовано
it should be taken to mean a
это следует понимать как означающее
Get a load of something
зацени это
case in point
наглядный пример
hold up
подожди секундочку, держись!, держать высоко
nigga hush
нигер заткнись
token gesture [ˈʤesʧə]
символический жест
queue the boo/hisses
очередь на бу и шипение
Desire path
тропинка game trail, social trail, fishermen trail, bootleg trail, etc.
In a nutshell
в двух словах
wind up
кончить как-то, wind up dead - сдохнуть.
All the more reason
тем более, нужно что-то
on your own
по своей воле
is not just
заурядный (пробег мельницы)
in one go
закодировать в одном месте, сделать за один раз
from the ground up
с нуля
the proof is in the pudding
means the value, quality, or truth of something must be judged based on direct experience with it
(no term)
get to it:: ближе к делу
(no term)
nitty-gritty ['nɪtɪ'grɪtɪ] - моменты (чего-либо)
look forward to hearing from you
ждать вашего ответа, звонка, известия, новостей от вас.
on the ball
aware of events
do (someone) a solid
to do one a favor.
this is one heck of a ride
very cool ride, one heck = jerk

6.1. fillers, crutches

  • like
  • so
  • totally
  • exactly
  • roughly - примерно


  • i mean
  • well
  • okay
  • you see
  • by the way
  • i just

7. old pronouns

thou shalt not kill

  • thou, ye [jiː] - you
  • shalt - form of shall for you

неформальные: thee - тебя thy/thine - твой theirs

thou knowest, thou knewest - ты знаешь, ты знал


  • thou dost, thou didst
  • thou art, thou wast, thou wert - are,was, were
  • thou shalt
  • thou hast, thou hadst - have
  • thou wilt - will
  • thou must

8. meeting speach

  • Docker [ˈdɒkə]
  • python [ˈpaɪθən]
  • Jupyter (ˈdʒuːpɪtər
  • analysis [əˈnælɪsɪs]
  • random [ˈrændəm]
  • gradient boosting [ˈgreɪdɪənt] [ˈbuːstɪŋ]
  • feature [ˈfiːʧə] [ɪmˈpɔːtəns]
  • estimator [ˈestɪmeɪtə]
  • classificator [ˈklæsɪfɪkeɪtər]
  • diagram [ˈdaɪəgræm]
  • confusion [kənˈfjuːʒən] matrix - table layout for supervized learning with predicted errors
    • it
  • please remind me
  • what took the most time
  • что вызывает боьше сложностей
  • what will you do tomorrow
  • извините если отнял у вас мног овремени
  • как это сказать на английском How do they say it in French?
  • если пытаться будет получаться лучше и лучше
    • if you try it will get better and better
  • why english is important?

it is pronounced as [prəˈnaʊnst] [æz]

Good morning. (yandex) Yesterday [ˈjestədɪ]. I was working on finding the best model (google translate) I worked on the best model yesterday Well, there's one other thing I've been working on you might find somewhat more interesting. I fixed several bugs

I have found that I was looking for

I am going

what will you do tomorrow

I am finished.

have a nice day see you at the next morting meeting tomorrow

8.1. what yearsterday

what have you been up to lately

8.2. did

  • I have done everything she told me.
  • I've done it.
  • I did everything you wanted.
  • I didn’t do much yesterday [ˈjestədɪ] since the majority of my day consisted of meetings.
  • I made this lock.

i made a big effort - приложил большие усилия Most of the time I have to answer email.


  • I did not forget that I did that.
  • I forgot to make it.

9. job terms

a notice period is a period of time between the receipt of the letter of dismissal and the end of the last working day

10. please find attached my resume


  • applying for jobs
  • applicant
  • to a hiring manager
  • cover letter - is a letter of introduction attached to or accompanying another document such as a résumé or a curriculum vitae(CV)("course of life").[1]

when used:

  • Submitting a cover letter or email or online form with resume
  • Responding to an interview invitation
  • get their attention to attached resume
  • Requesting a professional recommendation from current boss and attach resume for him

avoid using:

  • Please find attached my resume.
  • Please find attached: my resume.
  • Please find, attached, my resume.
  • Please find my resume attached.
  • Please find attached my resume for your review and consideration.

Alternative Ways:

  1. I have attached my resume for your consideration.
  2. My resume is in attachments of this email for your consideration.
  3. My resume is included for your consideration.
  4. My resume has been included for your review.
  5. I attached my resume for your review.
  6. You will find my resume attached.
  7. Let me know if you have any questions about my resume attached below.
  8. I have attached my resume for your review.
  9. I have included my resume for your review.
  10. You will find my resume attached below.
  11. As the attached resume/documents show(s)…
  12. Please refer to my attached resume for more about…
  13. The resume I’ve attached includes more information about…
  14. I’ve included my resume for your reference.
  15. To learn more about my involvement/experience with [something], refer to my attached resume.

11. Intervew - interoduction

mathematician [ˌmæθəmə'tɪʃn] It's called RUSNARBANK.

Hello! Nice to meet you.

My last place of work was IT software company that provide financial service with help of blockchian transaction technology. I was warking on AutoML project, I have been programming, planning and researching for two month in this organization. I was fired without clear reason. I was told that I don't have base knowledge, I don't know what that knowledge are.

My last place of work was a medium size bank with about 600 workers. I have been working there for 4 years with software development, Machine Learning and Neural Networks.

My biggest projects there were programming with Apache Airflow, the documents recognition service and data analysis for client scoring(this last project included in itself model interpretation and clusterization). All of them were successful. [sək'sesf(ə)l]

I like programming and math and choose to specialize myself as a Data Scientist, because I have experience with Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Mathematical statistics and I prepare myself to learn. [mæθɪ'mætɪk(ə)l]

I use Python programming language and I read about new features of new versions. I concentrate at Data Science. I hope that you will visit my github account and my portfolio project to see my works. [pɔ:t'fəulɪəu]

In future I hope to become MLOps architect ['ɑ:kɪtekt].

Also I have special skills:

  • I can administrate Linux exceptionly. As a hobby I use only software from sources and recommended by U.S. Department of Defense. I harden my home Linux in kernel, at boot, at network and application izolation.
  • I keep my knowledge in special files organized as semantic tree or ontology structure with references.[sɪ'mæntɪk] [ɒn'tɒlədʒi]
  • As you can see my fundamental skills is very strong, that is why I can do magic.

Thank you.

You can check the project code on github account.

I'm glad to meet you. questions:

  1. how big your company are?, how many workers are in your company?
  2. What is the name of your company and what is its specialization?
  3. How big is your company and how many employees does it have?
  4. Which department would I be working in and how many people work in that department?
  5. What project are you hiring for?
  6. What is the work schedule, remote or in-office, and what are the hours?
  7. What is the salary? (monthly payments, monthly pay period, on the last Friday of the month)
  8. How are payments made and what methods are available for transferring them?
  9. What interesting things did you notice in my resume/CV and why did you choose me for this position?
  10. What are the next steps in the interview process (after I am offered the job?)

thank you for your invitation.

you can expect to be contacted by email or phone regarding the status of your application. If you are offered the job, you will likely receive an offer letter outlining the terms and conditions of employment. It is important to carefully review and understand this document before accepting the job.

12. Banks [bæŋks]

Financial institutions [faɪˈnænʃəl] [ɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn]
banking institutions
deposit [dɪˈpɔzɪt]
вклад, Depository institutions - кредитная организация
fraud [frɔːd]
swipe [swaɪp]
Swipe your card, please. Paid $300,000 on swipe fees. swipe machines - проводя черной полосой карты
retail stores [ˈriːteɪl] [stɔːz]
розничные магазины.
pricing [ˈpraɪsɪŋ]
Interest rate [ˈɪntrɪst reɪt]
Процентная ставка
variable interest rate (ARM) Adjustable-rate mortgage
fixed rates

12.1. investment

investment [ɪnˈvestmənt]
Home equity [həʊm ˈekwɪtɪ]
Собственный капитал
Treasury Yield [jiːld]
доходность казначейских облигаций Debt obligations
Treasury Rate [ˈtreʒ(ə)rɪ]
то же, 10 Years US Treasury Rate
debt obligations [det ɒblɪˈgeɪʃn]
долговые обязательства - treasury bill, treasury note, treasury bond
investor confidance [ˈkɒnfɪdəns]
savings [ˈseɪvɪŋz]
net worth
балансовая стоимость - собаственный капитал
book value
чистые активы - собаственный капитал

12.2. credit, loan

кредит, кредитование
credit obligation [ɒblɪˈgeɪʃn]
кредитное обязательство
Credit bureau [bjʊəˈrəʊ]
кредитное бюро
credit report [rɪˈpɔːt]
кредитная история
credit term [tɜːm]
срок кредитования, credit terms - условия предоставления кредита
borrow [ˈbɒrəʊ]
borrower [ˈbɔrəuə]
заемщик, должник
lend [lend]
lender [ˈlendə]
кредитор, кредитодатель
loan [ləʊn]
кредит, ссуда, заем, заимствование borrowing, lending
Loan origination [ərɪʤɪˈneɪʃn] :: Оформление кредита - Mortgage origination
Ипотечное кредитование
loan issue
выдача кредита
Revolving credit
не имеющий рассрочки
home equity loan
кредит под залог имущества type of loan in which the borrower uses the equity of his or her home as collateral
is failure to meet the legal obligations (or conditions) of a loan.
Credit exposure
is a measurement of the maximum potential loss to a lender if the borrower defaults on payment.
entities to which an exposure of financial risk may exist.
prospective debtor [prəˈspektiv ˈdedər]
потенциальный должник

12.3. repayment

выплата, возмещение
installment loan or credit
рассрочка, scheduled payments
amortization schedule [əmɔːtəˈzeɪʃən]
график погашения
delinquency [dɪˈlɪŋkwənsɪ]
written off as uncollectable, the debt is still legally valid and will be collected.
to default [dɪˈfɔːlt]
невыполнение обязательств
delinquent [dɪˈlɪŋkwənt]
amount due [əˈmaʊnt djuː]
сумма задолженности

12.4. mortage

mortgage [ˈmɔːgɪʤ]
  • mortgage loan - ипотечный кредит
  • real estate mortgage - ипотека, залог недвижимости
  • mortgage application - заявка ни ипотеку
collateral [kəˈlatrəl]
lien [lɪən]
pledge [pleʤ]
House Price Index or Home Supply Index
Индекс Цен На Жилье

13. neural networks

successive [səkˈsesɪv]
neural [ˈnjʊərəl]
downsampling [daʊnˈsɑːmplɪŋ]
approximation at a lower rate or density without filter
recurrent [rɪˈkʌrənt]
learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ]
training [ˈtreɪnɪŋ]
обучение с подкрепление
threshold [ˈθreʃhəʊld]
пороговая величина
estimate [ˈestɪmeɪtə]
oscillations [ɒsɪˈleɪʃnz]
augment [ˈɔːgment]
увеличение, увеличивать

14. IDE features

  • syntax highlighting
  • smart and not smart autocompletion
  • code folding
  • indentation
  • next occurrence
  • Source navigation
  • code generation
  • integrated code debugger
  • Project wizards and templates

15. Latin and Greek

  • e.g. iːˈdʒiː. From Latin exempli gratia ‘for the sake of example’
  • ad hoc ˌæd ˈhɒk from Latin :"for this"
  • and vice versa и наоборот
  • nullipotent - nullus (“not any”) +‎ potent (“having power”) – literally, “having no power” - no side effect on reading data
  • Idempotence - idem + potence (same + power) - multiple request have same result.
  • Pros and cons - a shortening of the Latin expression "pro et contra" (for and against)
  • ca. 1800 BCE - приблизительно до нашей эры 2019CE Before the Common or Current Era
  • AD 2019 (anno Domini, "[the] year of [the] Lord")
  • 400 BC ("before Christ")
  • c., ca., or ca (and less frequently circ. or cca.) Circa [ˈsɜːkə] (from Latin, meaning 'around, about')
  • Curriculum vitae [kəˈrɪkjʊləm ˈviːtaɪ, -ˈwiːtaɪ, -ˈvaɪtiː] - [the] course of [my] life - резюмэ
  • Tabula rasa лат.«Чистая доска» - индивид рождается без врождённого или встроенного умственного содержания

16. Mobile [ˈməʊbaɪl]

mobile phone [ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn]
tablet [ˈtæblɪt]
дощечка, таблетка
прикреплять app к dock at bottom of the screen
нажать на notification to open its corresponding app
Internal accelerometers [ɪnˈtɜːnl] [ækˌsɛləˈrɒmɪtə]
акселерометр- shaking and rotation detection.

17. Союзы

although [ɔːlˈðəʊ]
несмотря на то что,
as though
provided [prəvaɪdɪd]
при условии They will help you provided you tell them the truth.
either here or there
или тут или там
neither here nor there
ни тут ни там
She is both beautiful and intelligent.
И красива и умна.
So tired that can not talk.
Настолько уставший, что не может говорить.
Sick as he was, he worked diligently.
Хоть болел, но работал прилежно
We started early so as to finish it all in time.
чтобы успеть
Do it now lest you change your mind.
Сделай сейчас пока не передумал
by vs per
by - ones uses as "grouped by" others as "made by", per - percent.

18. Morphological derivation

derivational patterns

  • adjective-to-noun: -ness (slow → slowness)
  • adjective-to-verb: -en (weak → weaken)
  • adjective-to-adjective: -ish (red → reddish)
  • adjective-to-adverb: -ly (personal → personally); (slow → slowly
  • noun-to-adjective: -al (recreation → recreational)
  • noun-to-verb: -fy (glory → glorify)
  • verb-to-adjective: -able (drink → drinkable)
  • verb-to-noun (abstract): -ance (deliver → deliverance)
  • verb-to-noun (agent): -er (write → writer)


  • write → re-write;
  • lord → over-lord
  • (healthy → unhealthy ; do → undo
  • circle (verb) → encircle (verb); rich (adj) → enrich (verb), large (adj) → enlarge (verb), rapture (noun) → enrapture (verb), slave (noun) → enslave (verb).

19. math

math [mæθ]
mathematics [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks]
mathematician [ˌmæθəməˈtɪʃən]
odd [ɒd]
нечетное нечетный
even [ˈiːvən]
formula [ˈfɔːmjʊlə]
parentheses ( ) [pəˈrɛnθəsiːz]
brackets [ ] [ˈbrækɪt]
braces { } [ˈbreɪsɪz]
фигурные скобки
trivial [ˈtrɪvɪəl]
Arithmetic [əˈrɪθmətɪk]
искуство чисел - Number theory - более новая ветвь.
addition [əˈdɪʃən]
добавление add [æd]
subtraction [səbˈtrækʃən]
, subtract вычесть
multiplication [ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃən]
multiply [ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪ]
product [ˈprɒdʌkt]
division [dɪˈvɪʒən]
divide [dɪˈvaɪd] diviser [dɪˈvaɪzə].
exponentiation [ˌɛkspəˌnɛnʃɪˈeɪʃən]
возведение в степень bn b-base n-
exponent [ɪkˈspəʊnənt]
When we multiply two powers we add their exponents. "b raised to the n-th power", "b raised to the power of n", or "the n-th power of b"
factor [ˈfæktə]
coordinate system [kəʊˈɔːdɪnɪt]
x-axis [ˈæksɪs] plural axes [ˈæksiːz]
ось оси
origin(0.0) [ˈɒrɪdʒɪn]
начало координат
Inequalities [ˌɪnɪˈkwɒlɪtɪ]
неравенства = < >= != Equality and Relational Operators (java)
equation [ɪˈkweɪʒən]
absolute value [ˈæbsəˌluːt]
zero [ˈzɪərəʊ]
negative [ˈnɛɡətɪv] positive number [ˈpɒzɪtɪv]
plus sign [plʌs] [saɪn] minus [ˈmaɪnəs]
numerator [ˈnjuːməˌreɪtə] dividend [ˈdɪvɪˌdɛnd]
denominator [dɪˈnɒmɪˌneɪtə] divisor [dɪˈvaɪzə]
quotient [ˈkwəʊʃənt]
частное 20/3 = the quotient = 6 and two thirds 2/3 (also ratio of a dividend to its divisor)
remainder [rɪˈmeɪndə]
остаток (Remainder operator %)
ratio [ˈreɪʃɪˌəʊ]
отношение 2:3
monomial [mɒˈnəʊmɪəl]
reciprocal [riˈsiprəkəl]
or multiplicative inverse. for x = 1/x or x-1
degree [dɪˈɡriː]
polynomial [ˌpɒlɪˈnəʊmɪəl]
многочлен. сумма одночленов
coefficient [ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃənt]
содействующий фактор
zg = gz
Bijection [bɪˈʤekʃn]
injection [ɪnˈʤekʃn]
как биекция, только не на все элементы
distributivity [dɪˈstrɪbjʊtɪvɪtɪ]
дистрибутивость with respect to addition - правая и левая.
Intersection [ɪntəˈsekʃn]
Cartesian Product [kɑːˈtiːzjən ˈprɔdʌkt]
декартово произведение
intersept [ˈɪntəsept]
y-intercept y-пересечения
logarithm [ˈlɔgərɪðəm]
quantify [ˈkwɔntɪfaɪ]
количественно оценить Probability quantifies as a number between 0 and 1x
derivative [dɪˈrɪvətɪv]
Gradient [ˈgreɪdjənt]
logistic [ləˈʤɪstɪk]
Hyperbolic [haɪpɜːˈbɔlɪk]
функции выраженные экспоненту и тесно связанных с тригонометрическими функциями
converge [kənˈvɜːʤ]


  • A variable is a letter, for example x, y or z
  • To evaluate an algebraic expression
  • arithmetic operations + - /
  • solve equation 6*x=12. solution x =2
  • sides of an equation
  • This kind of diagram is called a number line -—|-1–—|0-—|+1-–—
  • whole numbers 0,1,2,3 …

20. colloquial way of writing (')

  • "rockin'" for "rocking,"
  • "talkin'" for "talking."
  • Ain't: A contraction for "is not" or "are not" (e.g., "I ain't going").
  • Y'all: A contraction for "you all". - Southern American English dialects
  • Gonna: Short for "going to".
  • Wanna: Short for "want to".
  • Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda: Contractions for "could have", "would have", and "should have".
  • "fixin' to" (meaning "getting ready to"). - Southern American English dialects
  • "finna" (short for "fixing to") or "hella" (meaning very) - African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

Informal Spellings:

  • Cuz: Instead of "because".
  • Thru: Instead of "through".
  • U or You: Using single letters or abbreviations (e.g., "u r gr8" instead of "you are great").

21. -s ending pronunciation

  • To create a plural noun (cats)
  • To conjugate a verb (snows)
  • To show possession (coach's, coaches')
  • To create a contraction (coach's meaning coach is or coach has) - сокращение

Three posibilities [pɔsəˈbɪlɪtɪs]:

  1. s 's sound': hats hæts
  2. z 'z sound': loves lʌvz
  3. ɪz 'short i'+'z sound': misses 'mɪ sɪz

ɪz final sound:

  • s misses
  • z causes
  • ʧ watches
  • ʤ changes
  • ʃ wishes
  • ʒ garages


  • p stops
  • k looks
  • t cats
  • θ Earth's


  • b describes
  • g begs
  • d words
  • ð bathes
  • v loves
  • l calls
  • r cures
  • m dreams
  • n rains
  • ŋ belongs

22. time: at, in, on, for, per, in

22.0.1. for, per, in

  • in one year 1) за один год 2) через один год (generally refers to a period of time that starts from the present moment)
  • for a year I have been working on this project for a year (может в прошлом когда-то)
  • per year, в год

22.0.2. at, in, on

  • at for a PRECISE TIME
  • on for DAYS and DATES


  • at 3 o'clock
  • in May
  • on Sunday

When we say last, next, every, this we do not also use at, in, on.

  • I went to London last June. (not in last June)

23. grammar

23.1. theory: classes of words

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • I, my, thou, thy, thine, thee, ye, you, myself
  • large, white, this, few, Richard is careless. - modify nouns (directly before nouns)
  • Richard talks carelessly, slowly, yesterday, here, well - modify verb
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Exclamations

23.1.1. inverted sentences:

  • Dark was the night.
  • Beautiful was the morning
  • Where is the book?
  • How sad was the story.
  • Great was the joy.

23.2. am/is/are

I am I'm
he/she/it is he's
we/you/they are we're

23.3. tenses

23.3.1. theory

three main Tenses: Present, Past, Future

four Tense Form:

  • Simple
  • Continuous
  • Perfect
  • Perfect Continuous

23.3.2. Continuous, Perfect

Continuous (be -ing)

  Present – настоящее Past – прошедшее Future – будущее
+ It is raining. It was raining. промежуток времени It will be raining.
It is not raining. It wasn’t raining. It will not be raining.
? Is it raining? Was it raining? промежуток времени Will it be raining?

Perfect (have/has) - нужно событие

  Present – have/has Past – had Future – have by, in a week
+ I have seen you.имеем результат I had seen you.перед чем-то I will have finished this project by Friday.
I have not seen you.уже мимо прошел I hadn’t seen you. I will have not V(3) …
? Has he seen her? Had he seen her? Will I have V(3) … ?

perfect continuous (… |now )

  • I have been working

past perfect continuous (… |past |now )

  • I had (I'd) been working.

used to travel a lot - kind of past perfect continuous


  • Had got - no such, just "had".

Not good sound:

  • Alex will work. - must be: Alex is working next week.
  • Will you watch. - must be: Are you going to watch this?

23.3.3. Conditional, Conditional continuous

  Conditional - now (might take place) past (might have taken place in the past)
e He would speak. He would have spoken.
- He would not speak. He would not have spoken.
? Would he speak? Would he have spoken?
  • If I were you, I would go home.
  • If I had seen that, I would have helped.
  Conditional - cont past
e He would be speaking. He would have been speaking.
- He would not be speaking. He would not have been speaking.
? Would he be speaking? Would he have been speaking?
  • She wasn't used to driving on the left.
  • Then she got used to dring on the left.
  • Now she is used to driving on the left

23.3.4. Future Perfect Continuous

Ram starts waiting at 9am. I am late and cannot arrive before 10am.

  • Ram will have been waiting for an hour by the time I meet him.

23.3.5. two sentences

We do not use will in the when-part of future sentence.

  • I'll phone you when I get home from work.

23.3.6. examples simple

I came yesterday. Tomorrow, I will come or Tomorrow, I am coming.

He is going to speak. decision made for the future

  1. Present Simple:
    • I eat breakfast every morning.
    • She likes to play tennis on the weekends.
    • They usually watch TV in the evening.
  2. Present Continuous:
    • I am studying for my exam right now.
    • She is working on her project at the moment.
    • They are having a meeting at 2 PM.
  3. Present Perfect:
    • I have eaten breakfast already.
    • She has just finished her homework.
    • They have been on vacation for two weeks.
  4. Present Perfect Continuous:
    • I have been studying for three hours.
    • She has been working on her project for a month.
    • They have been living in this city for ten years.
  5. Past Simple:
    • I went to the store yesterday.
    • She watched a movie last night.
    • They visited their grandparents last weekend.
  6. Past Continuous:
    • I was studying math when the phone tang.
  7. Past Perfect:
    • She had visited Paris before she moved to London.
    • We had already finished our work by the time he arrived.
    • They had studied French for two years before going to France.
    • He had never seen such a beautiful sight before.

23.3.7. examples advance

By the time I had finished my PhD, I will have already published five research papers in prestigious journals.

  • К тому времени, когда я получу докторскую степень, я уже опубликую пять научных работ в

престижных журналах.

  • Perfect (past), Perfect (future)

Once he has completed the marathon, he will have been training for over a year.

  • Как только он завершит марафон, он будет тренироваться больше года.
  • Perfect(present), perfect(future) continuous

By the end of this month, we will have been living in this city for ten years.

  • К концу этого месяца мы будем жить в этом городе уже десять лет.
  • perfect(future) continuous

After I graduate from university, I plan to pursue a Master's degree in neuroscience.

By the time they retire, they will have worked in the same company for 40 years.

Once she arrives, we will have already started the meeting. After the project is completed, we will have spent months developing the final product. By the time he turns 30, he will have traveled to every continent in the world. Once I have mastered the guitar, I will have been practicing for hours every day. After we finish eating dinner, we will have cooked a three-course meal from scratch.

23.3.8. exampels fast

Present Perfect

I have eaten breakfast already.

Past Perfect

I had eaten breakfast before I went to cinema.

Future Perfect

I will have eaten breakfast before I went to cinema.
I will have finished the project by Friday.

Future Perfect Continues

I had been eating breakfast before I went to the cinema.
By next summer, I will have been studying English for three years.

Past Perfect Continues

I had been eating breakfast before I went to the cinema.

23.4. articles

  • I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch. (first time)
  • The sandwich wasn't very good, but the apple nice (known things)

23.4.1. school / the school

We do not use the when we are thinking of the general idea of

  1. places: prison, hospital, university, college, church, school, bed, home, work. With most other places, you need the. For example, the cinema, the bank.
    • Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.
    • When I leave school, I want to go to university/college.
  2. thinks or people in general: dogs, doctors, teachers, stamps, crime, music, food, cars, football, history, English, children.
    • Do you like classical music, chinese food, fast cars?
    • We took the children to the zoo.
    • All the cars in this car park belong to people who work here.
    • The giraffe is the tallest of all animals
    • Do you think the rich should pay higher taxes?
  3. "most + people / books / cars / hotels / … etc"

We do not use the:

  1. names of people: Helen, etc.
  2. names of places: Africa (not the Africa), Europe, France, Everest
  3. Mr/Mrs/Captain/Doctor + a name:
    • We call the doctor. We call Doctor Johnson.
    • We live near the lake. They live near Lake Constance.

We use the with

  1. Republi, Kingdom, States etc.:
    • the Czech Republic
    • the United Kingdom (the UK)
    • have you been to Canada or the United States?
  2. plural names of people and places:
    • people: the Taylors (= the Taylors family), the Johnsons.
    • countries: the Netherlands, the Philippines, the Unites States
    • groups of islands: the Canaries / the Canary Islands, the Bahamas
    • mountain ranges: the Rocky Mountains / the Rockies, the Alps
  3. names with of: the Bank of England

the north of , nother …

Backingham Palace. the Royal Palace. (adjective)

23.4.2. abstract

Abstract nouns shouldn't get indeffinite article.

The same noun is sometimes abstract and sometimes not, depending on how you use it.

I can offer you an apple, an orange, or a pear. –I'll have the pear, thanks. – tell me the truth.

Water is necessary for life.

The water from the spring down the road tastes wonderful.

When loading and unloading a container ship, the deck officer must take into account both size and weight, so as not to unbalance the cargo.

When loading and unloading a container ship, the deck officer must take into account both the size and the weight of the containers, so as not to unbalance the cargo.


  • In general, a source is the location from which information is gathered.
  • A power source is a source of power. (phisics)
  • A power source refers to the source of electricity, which is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit.1
  • what is source of power? (abstract)

23.4.3. the pople of the country: the + nationality

  • The French are plural in meaning.

23.5. is/are

Some singular nouns are often used with a plural verb:

  • audience, committe, company, family, firm, goverment, staff, team:
    • The goverment (= they) want to increase taxes.
    • The staff at the school (= they) are not happy with their new working conditions.

23.6. capitalization in English

usually if a noun indicates a proper noun.

  • I
  • personal and place names: "John", "Mr. Smith", "Amsterdam", "Europe", "Mount Everest", "the Ganges".
  • compass directions when referring to geographical regions: "Western Canada", "I was raised in the South", but not for points on a compass: "London is west of Berlin".
  • races, tribes, nationalities, and languages: "Arabic", "Inuit", "French", "Chinese".
  • national and regional adjectives: "an American" (noun), "an American man" (adjective).
  • school subjects and courses: "He passed History this term", "She is taking Chemistry 101".
  • religions: "an Anglican curate", "a Catholic church" (adjective), but not "a catholic diet" in which catholic simply means "all-encompassing" or "universal."
  • the Supreme Being, deities and personifications: "God", "Providence", "Fame".
  • reverential pronouns: "His, Him" when referring to God or Christ.
  • days and months: "Monday", "January", but not seasons such as "autumn".
  • brand names: "Toyota", "Nike", "Coca-Cola", unless the brand itself is purposely not capitalized or unusually capitalized: "iPhone", "eBay".
  • royal titles: "King George III" but "kings and queens of England", but only sometimes 'sir' or 'madam'.
  • planets and other celestial bodies: "Jupiter", "the Crab Nebula"; and "the Earth", "the Sun", or "the Moon" should be capitalized according to the International Astronomical Union based on its manual of style, but style guides may suggest differently
  • words which change their meaning between capitalized and uncapitalized usage, such as "liberal" and "Liberal", are called capitonyms: Compare "A man of liberal tastes" and "The leader of the Liberal Party" (as with "catholic" above).
  • in legal documents, where the full name of an individual or body is later referred to in short form, in order to avoid ambiguity: "John Smith (the Plaintiff)", "Exxon-Mobil Corporation (the Company)".

23.6.1. terms

  • capital letter at the start of a word.
  • proper noun - identifies a single entity (Africa, Jupiter, Sarah, Tesla, Inc.)
  • common noun - refers to a class of entities (continent, planet, person, corporation)

23.6.2. прописные, или заглавные (большие), буквы и строчные (маленькие).

  1. в начале предложения и в начале прямой речи или цитаты
  2. Имена собственные (имена, фамилии, отчества людей, клички животных, названия стран, городов, рек, озёр, горных цепей и отдельных пиков и так далее).
  3. В именах собственных, состоящих из нескольких (двух или более) слов, с большой буквы пишутся (в отличие, напр., от английского языка) только первое слово и те слова, которые сами по себе являются именами собственными: Ленинградская область, Великолукская наступательная операция, Ладожское озеро, но: Великий Новгород, Малая Вишера. Но есть исключения — напр., Российская Федерация, Великая Отечественная война.
  4. Первое слово в названии исторических эпох и событий (Варфоломеевская ночь, Июльская монархия, Первая мировая война, Октябрьская революция), а также праздников (День независимости).
  5. Названия политических, культурных и других мероприятий (Всемирный экономический форум, Олимпийские игры).
  6. Имена религиозных и мифологических персонажей, а также слова, обозначающие бога в монотеистических религиях (Иисус Христос, Аллах, Всесильный, Он — если это местоимение относится к богу монотеистической религии). Для обозначения мифологических и языческих богов используется строчная буква.
  7. Названия фирм, компаний и так далее, названия заключаются в кавычки.
  8. Некоторые должности и титулы (Президент РФ, Ваше величество) в текстах официальных документов.
  9. Отдельные слова в особых случаях (Родина как синоним названия родной страны, но «родина кенгуру — Австралия»; Бог как обозначение божества монотеистической религии (чаще авраамических религий — христианства, ислама и иудаизма), но древнегреческий бог, красив как бог и тому подобное).
  10. Необязательно, но часто, — местоимение «вы» («Вы») и все его словоформы при использовании в качестве вежливого обращения к одному человеку в личной переписке, официальных документах и тому подобном.
  11. Используется для выделения в официальных текстах наименований документов, обозначения сторон, участников и тому подобного, например: «…Заказчик обязуется оплатить Исполнителю…», «…Стороны пришли к соглашению…», «… несоблюдение требований Правил влечёт за собой…». Как правило, в начале документа делают уточняющую запись — «… „Правила поведения в общественных местах“ (далее — Правила)…» или «… ООО „Одуванчик“ и Иван Иванович Иванов (далее — Стороны)…».

23.6.3. difference russian and english capitalization

  • Звания и титулы по отношению к конкретным людям. Это могут быть профессиональные, научные, религиозные, государственные, королевские и другие титулы. Заглавная буква обязательна при обращении к человеку по званию или титулу или если оно используется вместе с именем
  • Названия родственников или термины родства, когда они обозначают конкретного человека – например, при обращении или в разговоре о родственнике.
    • I miss you, dear Aunt!
  • Названия дней недели и месяцев: Monday, April, January, summer
  • Национальности и обозначение этнической принадлежности, a Black man.
    • the Russians, Russian food, Japanese, African-American
  • названиях религий. Islam, Buddhism, Protestant church, the Bible

23.7. Irregular verbs

beat bi:t beat bi:t beaten 'bi:tn
become bɪ'kʌm became bɪ'keɪm become bɪ'kʌm
begin bɪ'gɪn began bɪ'gæn begun bɪ'gʌn
bend bend bent bent bent bent
bind baɪnd bound baʊnd bound baʊnd
bite baɪt bit bɪt bitten 'bɪtn
bleed bli:d bled bled bled bled
blow blou blew blu: blown bloun
break breɪk broke brouk broken 'broukən
bring brɪŋ brought brɔ:t brought brɔ:t
build bɪld built bɪlt built bɪlt
burn bɜ:rn burnt bɜ:rnt burnt bɜ:rnt
burn bɜ:rn burned bɜ:rnd burned bɜ:rnd
buy baɪ bought bɔ:t bought bɔ:t
catch kætʃ caught kɔ:t caught kɔ:t
choose tʃu:z chose tʃouz chosen 'tʃouzən
come kʌm came keɪm come kʌm
cost kɒst cost kɒst cost kɒst
cut kʌt cut kʌt cut kʌt
dig dɪg dug dʌg dug dʌg
do du: did dɪd done dʌn
draw drɔ: drew dru: drawn drɔ:n
dream dri:m dreamt dremt dreamt dremt
dream dri:m dreamed dri:md dreamed dri:md
drink drɪŋk drank dræŋk drunk drʌŋk
drive draɪv drove drouv driven 'drɪvən
eat i:t ate eɪt,et eaten 'i:tn
fall fɔ:l fell fel fallen 'fɔ:lən
feed fi:d fed fed fed fed
feel fi:l felt felt felt felt
fight faɪt fought fɔ:t fought fɔ:t
find faɪnd found faʊnd found faʊnd
fly flaɪ flew flu: flown floun
forget fər'get forgot fər'gɒt forgotten fər'gɒtn
forgive fər'gɪv forgave fər'geɪv forgiven fər'gɪvən
freeze fri:z froze frouz frozen 'frouzən
get get got gɒt got gɒt
get get got gɒt gotten 'gɒtn
give gɪv gave geɪv given 'gɪvən
go gou went went gone gɒn
grow grou grew gru: grown groun
hang hæŋ hung hʌŋ hung hʌŋ
have hæv had hæd had hæd
hear hɪər heard hɜ:rd heard hɜ:rd
hide haɪd hid hɪd hidden 'hɪdn
hit hɪt hit hɪt hit hɪt
hold hould held held held held
hurt hɜ:rt hurt hɜ:rt hurt hɜ:rt
keep ki:p kept kept kept kept
know nou knew nu: known noun
lay leɪ laid leɪd laid leɪd
lead li:d led led led led
learn lɜ:rn learnt lɜ:rnt learnt lɜ:rnt
learn lɜ:rn learned lɜ:rnd learned lɜ:rnd
leave li:v left left left left
lend lend lent lent lent lent
let let let let let let
lie laɪ lay leɪ lain leɪn
lose lu:z lost lɒst lost lɒst
make meɪk made meɪd made meɪd
mean mi:n meant ment meant ment
meet mi:t met met met met
pay peɪ paid peɪd paid peɪd
put pʊt put pʊt put pʊt
read ri:d read red read red
ride raɪd rode roud ridden 'rɪdn
ring rɪŋ rang ræŋ rung rʌŋ
rise raɪz rose rouz risen 'rɪzən
run rʌn ran ræn run rʌn
say seɪ said sed said sed
see si: saw sɔ: seen si:n
sell sel sold sould sold sould
send send sent sent sent sent
set set set set set set
shake ʃeɪk shook ʃʊk shaken 'ʃeɪkən
shine ʃaɪn shone ʃoun,ʃɒn shone ʃoun, ʃɒn
shoot ʃu:t shot ʃɒt shot ʃɒt
show ʃou showed ʃoud shown ʃoun
shut ʃʌt shut ʃʌt shut ʃʌt
sing sɪŋ sang sæŋ sung sʌŋ
sink sɪŋk sank sæŋk sunk sʌŋk
sit sɪt sat sæt sat sæt
sleep sli:p slept slept slept slept
smell smel smelt smelt smelt smelt
smell smel smelled smeld smelled smeld
speak spi:k spoke spouk spoken 'spoukən
spell spel spelt spelt spelt spelt
spell spel spelled speld spelled speld
spend spend spent spent spent spent
spill spɪl spilt spɪlt spilt spɪlt
spill spɪl spilled spɪld spilled spɪld
spit spɪt spat spæt spat spæt
spit spɪt spit spɪt spit spɪt
split splɪt split splɪt split splɪt
spoil spoɪl spoilt spoɪlt spoilt spoɪlt
spoil spoɪl spoiled spoɪld spoiled spoɪld
stand stænd stood stʊd stood stʊd
steal sti:l stole stoul stolen 'stoulən
strike straɪk struck strʌk struck strʌk
swim swɪm swam swæm swum swʌm
take teɪk took tʊk taken 'teɪkən
teach ti:tʃ taught tɔ:t taught tɔ:t
tear teər tore tɔr torn tɔrn
tell tel told tould told tould
think θɪŋk thought θɔ:t thought θɔ:t
throw θrou threw θru: thrown θroun
understand ʌndər'stænd understood ʌndər'stʊd understood ʌndər 'stʊd
wake weɪk woke wouk woken 'woukən
wear weər wore wɔr worn wɔrn
win wɪn won wʌn won wʌn
write raɪt wrote rout written 'rɪtn

23.8. nouns plural or singular

Plural Nouns:

  • Children
  • Polity
  • Gentry
  • Brethren
  • Infantry
  • Police
  • Cattle
  • People


  • There was were no Gentry in function.
  • Police has have been deployed all over the route.

Singular nouns - if not specified numerical:

  • scissors
  • spectacles
  • binoculars
  • thanks
  • contents
  • trousers
  • socks
  • pincers
  • congratulations
  • jeans
  • remains
  • pajamas
  • earnings
  • pants
  • scales
  • tights
  • wages
  • shorts
  • pliers
  • tweezers
  • savings


  • A pair of spectacles have has been bought by me.
  • He read the letter and made aware of its contents content.
  • All the evidences where was agains and he was held guilty.
  • He is a twenty years year old boy. The boy is twenty years old.
  • Twenty kms are is a long distance. He walked twenty kms.
  • Twenty km walk is a long distance.
  • The five members deligation will call on the president.

23.9. apostrophe ('s)

  • The Ram House of ram = Ram's house. Ram and sham's house.
  • Mother of his wife's secretary has died.
  • He was late and entered the female (Women's or ladies') compartment in hurry.
  • We reached the fare and found that there was no place room to stand.

Never use apostrophe with non-living like wood, table, chair etc. Exceptions

  • America's problems
  • Nature's low
  • A meter's length
  • A Kg's sugar

23.10. do in ?

23.11. Maybe vs May be

  • "Maybe" is an adverb.
    • Example: "Maybe I'll go to the party."
  • "May be" is a verb phrase.
    • Example: "It may be cold outside."

24. Nouns vs Verbs - emphasis or stress pattern

  • Noun: INcrease (e.g., "There’s been an increase in the number of students.")
  • Verb: inCREASE (e.g., "Numbers are increasing.")
  • Noun: DEcrease (e.g., "We’ve seen a decrease in the bird population.")
  • Verb: deCREASE (e.g., "Numbers are decreasing every year.")
  • Noun: IMport (e.g., "This is a cheap import.")
  • Verb: imPORT (e.g., "They import their oil from the UK.")
  • Noun: EXport (e.g., "Oil is one of their biggest exports.")
  • Verb: exPORT (e.g., "We need to export more.")
  • Noun: DIScount (e.g., "Is there a discount on this?")
  • Verb: disCOUNT (e.g., "They discounted the theories.")
  • Noun: REfund (e.g., "I’d like a refund please.")
  • Verb: reFUND (e.g., "We’ll refund you 50%.")
  • Noun: PERmit (e.g., "Do you need a permit to fish here?")
  • Verb: perMIT (e.g., "They won’t permit her to leave the country.")
  • Noun: CONflict (e.g., "They’re reporting armed conflict in the area.")
  • Verb: conFLICT (e.g., "His opinion conflicted with hers.")
  • Noun: CONtest (e.g., "She entered a beauty contest.")
  • Verb: conTEST (e.g., "They contested the results.")
  • Noun: INsult (e.g., "Your offer is so low it’s an insult.")
  • Verb: inSULT (e.g., "Don’t insult me")
  • Noun: PROtest (e.g., "There’s a student protest today.")
  • Verb: proTEST (e.g., "They’re protesting against cuts.")
  • Noun: REwrite (e.g., "That’s a rewrite of an old song.")
  • Verb: reWRITE (e.g., "She rewrote her story.")
  • Noun: UPdate (e.g., "We’ve got some updates for you.")
  • Verb: upDATE (e.g., "We’re updating our files.")
  • Noun: UPgrade (e.g., "They got an upgrade on the flight.")
  • Verb: upGRADE (e.g., "It’s time to upgrade our computer.")
  • Noun: DEtail (e.g., "It’s just a minor detail.")
  • Verb: deTAIL (e.g., "The story details their struggle with poverty.")
  • Noun: EScort (e.g., "You’ll need an escort to get through security.")
  • Verb: esCORT (e.g., "He escorted her out of the door.")
  • Noun: COMbine (e.g., "The farmer has a combine for his fields.")
  • Verb: comBINE (e.g., "She will combine all of the ingredients.")
  • Noun: ENtrance (e.g., "The entrance to the theatre was blocked.")
  • Verb: enTRANCE (e.g., "We were entranced by the performance.")

Object, Subject, Rectord, Project, Refuse, Desert, Conduct, Address, Contrast, Convert, Reject, Extract, Suspect, Transfer

24.1. exceptions

  • Answer (ANswer)
  • Picture (PICture)
  • Travel (TRAvel)
  • Visit (VISit)
  • Purchase (PURchase)

25. TOEFL or IELTS certificate

25.1. difference

popular English language proficiency tests

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
  • Test Format:
  • TOEFL: The TOEFL exam is administered online and consists of four sections - Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing.
  • IELTS: The IELTS exam is available in two formats - Academic and General Training. Both formats include Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections.
  • Scoring:
  • TOEFL: TOEFL scores range from 0 to 120, with each section scored separately.
  • IELTS: IELTS scores range from 0 to 9, with half-point increments. Overall band scores are reported along with individual section scores.
  • Accent:
  • TOEFL: TOEFL is administered by an AI (Artificial Intelligence) system that evaluates the speaking section, and students need to respond to prompts given by a computer.
  • IELTS: IELTS speaking section is conducted face-to-face with an examiner, allowing for a more natural conversation.
  • Test Acceptance:
  • TOEFL: TOEFL is commonly accepted by universities in the United States and Canada.
  • IELTS: IELTS is widely accepted by universities in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and many institutions worldwide.
  • Test Duration:
  • TOEFL: The TOEFL exam takes approximately 4 hours to complete.
  • IELTS: The IELTS exam takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to 3 hours to complete.

Ultimately, the choice between TOEFL and IELTS depends on the requirements of the institution or organization you are applying to. It's recommended to check the specific language proficiency requirements of the place you are applying to before selecting a test.

IELTS simplier Generally, the TOEFL exam is more expensive than the IELTS exam.

25.2. where

  • 24500 руб
  • за 35 дней до запланированной даты IELTS.

Pre-test IELTS General

  • 5000 руб
  1. Choose which exam you want to take: TOEFL or IELTS.
  2. Register for the exam on the respective official website:
    • For TOEFL: Visit the ETS website and create an account to register for the exam.
    • For IELTS: Visit the British Council or IDP website to find a test center and register for the exam.
  3. Prepare for the exam by studying the format and content of the test.
  4. Attend the exam on the scheduled test date at the designated test center in Russia.
  5. Receive your results within a few weeks after completing the exam.

Remember to check the specific requirements and registration procedures on the official websites of TOEFL and IELTS for the most up-to-date information. Good luck with your exam!

25.3. how

частей экзамена IELTS: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections.

25.3.1. Listening:

40 minutes - 30 minutes listening and 10 minutes to add your answers to an answer sheet.

Section One: A conversation between two people in a social situation.

Section Two: A speech in a formal situation, such as at work or college.

Section Three: A conversation between two or three people, perhaps a discussion between a tutor and two students.

Section Four: A lecture or talk by one person.

25.3.2. Speaking:

Part One: You are asked some questions about either your home, hometown, study or work, and then questions around two other topics randomly chosen by the examiner. These could be about things such as holidays, the weather, visiting museums, reading, fashion, travelling etc.

Part Two: You have to speak for two minutes on a topic the examiner gives you. For example, you could talk on a teacher you liked, a dinner party you attended, or a favourite place to visit. You are given a pencil and paper and given one minute to prepare your talk.

Part Three: You have a discussion with the examiner around more complex topics related to your part two talk. So for example if you spoke about a teacher you liked in part two, part three could be questions about the educational system in your country and more generally.

25.3.3. Reading

one hour

40 questions and three readings.

each reading is around 800 words.

25.3.4. Writing

60 minutes for two tasks. recommended in the test to spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 on task2

  • Task 1 is writing a letter to someone, either informal, such as a friend, or more formal, such as a company manager, on a given topic.
  • Task 2 is writing an academic essay on a topic of general interest.

25.4. preparation

engvid IELTS

25.5. skolkovo

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