My little document

Table of Contents

;-- mode: Org; fill-column:120; org-src-fontify-natively:t; buffer-read-only: t;-- or emacs -f view-mode

For beginers:

emacs news:

programin book in Org

example init



1. events

2. command line usage

No need to use emacs as alternative editor -a “emacs” , you can just use an empty string, in this case it runs emacs daemon if needed

3. communities and wikies

  • founded in 2003. has a more comprehensive, albeit sometimes outdated, collection of content.
  • launched in 2013, with a focus on ease of use, readability, and maintainability.

3.1. traditions

User quotes: "You sir, are a sick, sick, sick person. :)" – Bill Perry, author of Emacs/W3

  • Emacs birthday is March 20, 1976.
  • There is a cult of some character, find it yourself.
  • EmacsConf
  • Leaving simple bugs that easy to fix open


5. MELPA create package

Code preparation:

  • M-x checkdoc
  • M-x byte-compile-file

Create pull request git#MissingReference

6. theory

6.1. history

  • 1980s XEmacs the first variant that actually had a separate mapped window for the editor.

    • Some compiler weenies wanted to make an IDE, so they took Emacs and bolted some shit on to make it into an IDE
    • Then they tried to upstream a bunch of cool features like X support and RMS was like "whoa, there, slow your roll,


gosling code was removed from emacs by 16.x and rewritten

7. terms

  • emacs - a free/libre text editor and elisp interpretor.
  • yeld - paste from kill ring.
    • kill ring - is a list of blocks of text that were previously killed
  • active region - when set-mark-command is called, the region becomes active. And any other command typically set the region status to inactive after it is called.
    • mark - set-mark-command
    • region - The last marked position to the current cursor position.
  • prefix argument - ‘C-u’ to set the prefix argument value to use.(universal-argument) command. may be: nil - no argument, integer, character ("-"). It is a first argument to function with (interactive "P").

8. Emacs source code

Emacs writen in lisp but lisp is writen in C

Code base is large:

  • Emacs is meant to be computing environment
  • Was created in time when there was no such concept as a package managers - a lot of staff was added to a core to make it useful in the box, but this days emacs would use packages if will be rewrited
  • a lot of staff here that doesn't need to be here.
  • too many feature to maintain with stability

forks: Lucid/XEmacs, Guile Emacs, Aquamacs, Mac port, Remacs.

8.1. elisp and common lisp

  • there is emulation for common lisp in emacs
  • it is too hard to maintain universal interpretator for scripting it is better to enhance elisp and add support for other languages

9. Debuging


  • (global-set-key (kbd "C-h C-f") 'find-function)
  • C-u C-M-x set breakpoint at function entry
  • C-M-x
  • c

9.1. terms

  • instrumenting - inserts additional code into it, to invoke Edebug at the proper places.

9.2. Elisp mode:

cursor at the end of expression:

  • C-x C-e eval-last-sexp Evaluate the expression to the left of cursor.
  • C-M-x eval-defun Evaluate top level expression to left and to right of cursor
  • C-u C-x C-e eval and insert result to buffer
  • C-u C-M-x Instrument and execute current func

other eval

  • M-: (eval-expression) type expression in ()

To remove instrumentation from a definition, simply re-evaluate its definition in a way that does not instrument. (‘M-:’) or edebug-remove-instrumentation

9.3. The Lisp Debugger ( The built-in Emacs Lisp debugger)

9.3.1. enable

  • M-x toggle-debug-on-error
  • M-x debug-on-entry RET triangle-bugged RET
    • M-x cancel-debug-on-entry RET triangle-bugged RET
  • M-x debug-on-variable-change RET myvar RET
    • M-x cancel-debug-on-variable-change RET myvar RET
  • M-x set-variable RET debug-on-quit RET t RET - whenever you type C-g (keyboard-quit). useful for debugging infinite loops.
  • debug-on-message variable - very useful. ex: (setq debug-on-message "File is missing")

Explicit debuging: place (debug) at place where it required and eval C-M-x.

9.3.2. debug init file

emacs –debug-init - Enable Emacs Lisp debugger during the processing of the user init file ~/.emacs.

  1. Try emacs –debug-init
  2. Comment 2/3 of your init file and try to start, then comment 1/3 of your init file and try to start, etc. You can use Emacs itself without loading configuration to comment lines: emacs -q .emacs. Select region and do M-x comment-line
  3. There is a package for debugin init file, but I never used it

Good article about bug hunting:

Init file profiler

9.3.3. keys in debugger

frame - commands sequence in backtrace

Backtrace buffer - part of The Lisp Debugger

  • q Terminate the program being debugged; return to top-level Emacs command execution.
  • c Exit the debugger and continue execution.
  • d step
  • b/u set/unset breakpoint at frame, next time it will stop here
  • j enter edebug and temporarely disable all debug-on-entry in way to this frame


  • l list debug-on-entry points
  • v show local variables
  • +/- toggle view
  • RET "push-button" go to definition
  • SPC scroll
  • "." expand

9.4. Edebug

source-level debugger - displays the source of the code you are debugging, with an arrow at the left

  • can not see variables, but can evaluate any expression (print val)


  • C-u C-M-x (‘eval-defun’ with a prefix argument) point into the definition of a function

9.4.1. commands

  • "i/o" (M-x edebug-step-in) to step in
  • "b" (M-x edebug-set-breakpoint) to set the break point (press "u" key unset break point. I don't use this though)
  • "g" (M-x edebug-go-mode) continue until next breakpoint
  • "h" (M-x edebug-goto-here) to proceed until at the current line
  • space step
  • w Move point back to the current stop point
  • e eval
  • C-x C-e eval expression outside

10. Info

  • F1 i open
  • M-: (info "(elisp) Writing to Files")

see shell#MissingReference

10.1. keys

i Search for a topic in this manual’s Index and go to index entry. c Get current Info path

10.2. extra Info files

  1. wget
  2. tar xpf elisp-manual-21-2.8.tar.gz
  3. cd elisp-manual-21-2.8
  4. ./configure
  5. make elisp
  6. make install (as root or change prefix)
  7. ~/.emacs: (add-to-list 'Info-directory-list "/usr/local/info")


bzip -d /usr/share/info/emacs-28/

11. PROS

You can always find out 'what code runs when I press this button?'.
incremental programming environment
There's no edit-compile-run cycle. There isn't even an edit-run cycle. You can execute snippets of code and gradually turn them into a finished project. There's no distinction between your editor and your interpreter.
mutable environment
You can set variables, tweak functions with advice, or redefine entire functions. Nothing is off-limits.
provides functionality without applications
Rather than separate applications, functionality is all integrated into your Emacs instance.
infinite clipboard
undoing to any historical state
reverse variable search
you can find variables with a given value.
structural editing
documentation culture
Emacs includes a usage manual, a lisp programming manual, pervasive docstrings and even an interactive tutorial.
broad ecosystem

In “Emacs is my “favourite Emacs package”” Protesilaos Stavrou talks about the importance of Emacs, the platform. The whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

graphical UI was added, lexical scope was implemented, rudimentary networking and concurrency primitives were introduced, and more.

12. CONS

  • M-f M-b - you are going to reach next world not the end of the current
  • M-v C-v - worst alternative to Page up Page down
  • M-</> - worst alternative to Home, End
  • C-u and C-k - not logic with C-h and C-d
  • C-w and M-d - not logic with C-h and C-d


  • do not save edit history
  • slow major releases - every 1-2 years
  • too much emphasise on FSF licensing - barrier to contribute - no rights for you
  • project cannot be part of Emacs until all who contributed to project will done copyrigt assiment to FSF
  • C is not popular. not many contributors
  • it is very easy for packages to interfere with one another, depend on functionality from other packages that get deprecated, changed in incompatible ways, or removed. There's currently no way for a package to depend on a specific version of another package, or for multiple versions of a single package to be loaded at the same time, for example.
  • Emacs packages can be valuable in isolation, combined, they amplify the platform that made them possible

Freedom has a price. — Richard Stallman(RMS) in “Re: New maintainer” (2015):

  • I think freedom is more important than technical progress. Proprietary software offers plenty of technical “progress”, but since I won’t surrender my freedom to use it, as far as I’m concerned it is no progress at all.
  • If I had valued technical advances over freedom in 1984, instead of developing GNU Emacs and GCC and GDB I would have gone to work for AT&T and improved its nonfree software. What a big head start I could have got!

Do you want a computing machine that respects your privacy, or a modern, powerful one?

13. encoding

  • M-x revert-buffer-with-coding-system
  • M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system (or C-x C-m f)
  • M-x recode-region
  • '' - coding: utf-8 --
  • best way to convert - just copy text from emacs to new created emacs window


  • iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 input.file -o out.file
  • iconv -l

Вот такое удаление плохих символов иногда помогает:

cat file | sed 's/\r//g' > /tmp/file

14. keys

C-A-? autocompletion

14.1. help

C-h = F1 C-h ? i manuals a shutcommands r tutorial C-h l история c-h f lisp function (keyboard-translate ?\C-o ?\C-h) C-h b keys bindings C-h e message buffer C-h F help for command: org-mode C-h i info page

M-x shortdoc-display-group

C-h v system-configuration-features - features supported by this Emacs build.

14.2. basic

M-x or Esc x - eval-defun - evaluate lisp funcion

C-x C-=(-) enter zoom mode -out =in

M-x recover-file <RET> foo.c <RET> C-h t tutorial for Emacs C-h r read Emacs manual


  • M+x text-mode auto-fill-mode enriched-mode org-mode
  • C+x C+q read only/switch mode

C-\ сменить раскладку input-method - default-input-method: russian-computer; -*-

  • M-x set-input-method
  • F1 C-\ describe current input method

C-x RET r сменить windows-1251

C-g or C-q or C-] or q Cancel (exit from command line, close other window, Esc, )

C+u repeat C-x z repeat last command by typing z z z z


  • C+d delete char
  • C+k del to the end of the line
  • C+h backspace not working (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)

C-o (open-line) - dont move cursor C-j (newline-and-indent) C-m (newline)

  • as

C-x n d Narrow the buffer to the contents of the current function (narrow-to-defun). This will narrow to the function as identified to the current function, even if it is nested in an object or another function. The logic to narrow the function is the same as the beginning-of-defun and end-of-defun commands – see Motion, and the mark-defun command – see above. C-x n w Undo any narrowing by widening the buffer again by making the rest of the buffer available (widen).

C-s C-i search and highlight for Tabs C-s space search for highlight for spaces

14.3. Copy paste etc

  • C+SPC start of selecton
  • C+q cancel, close other window
  • C+x C+x swap mark
  • C+x h mark all
  • M-h Mark the current function (c-mark-function). Puts the mark at the end and of the function and the point at the beginning. Useful if you want to kill the region with C-w or M-w, or indent the region with C-M-\ or C-x TAB (See Indentation.).
  • S-M-f select and go by word forward - special for Emacs
  • C+w copy
  • M+w cut
  • C+y paste (yank)
  • M+y scrooll paste
  • C+/ undo and redo
  • File
  • C+x C+f open file
  • C+x C+s save
  • C+x s save all buffers
  • EDE Emcas Development Environment
  • M+x global-ede-mode
  • new project1)visit file in folder 2)M+x ede-new
  • target - файл в который строим может состоять из нескольких файлов
    • C-c . t создать С-с . a add file C-c . c compile target C-c . C compile all targets
  • ETC.:
  • C+d delete character

14.4. Navigate

  • C+f b n p cursor nav
  • C+a beg of line
  • C+e end
  • M+m to the indentation the begining of text
  • M-a Move back to the beginning of the sentence (backward-sentence).
  • M-e Move forward to the end of the sentence (forward-sentence).
  • M+Shift+{} backward-paragraph forward-paragraph
  • C+v M+v PageDown, PageUp
  • C+l scrool
  • M+m to the indentation
  • C+s search C+r
  • C-x C-@ return back after search ( pop-to-mark-command)
  • M-x replace-string search and replace
  • M-% advanced search and replace
  • M+g+g go to line
  • C+Home or M+Shift+< start of the page
  • C+End or M+Shift+> end of the page
  • Scroll Lock - fixate cursor

14.4.1. buffers:

  • C+x C+b list buffers
  • C+x+k kill
  • C+x+array(left or right) - next or preview buffer in list

14.4.2. parentheses

  • C-M-f (forward-sexp)
  • C-M-b (backward-sexp)
  • C-M-d down-list
  • C-M-n forward-list
  • C-M-u backward-up-list

14.5. prefixes C-x, C-c, Esc

  • C-x is prefix key for general commands
  • C-c is prefix key of current major mode's commands.
  • Esc (global-set-key (kbd "\e\el") 'goto-line)

14.6. Marks

  • A-S-m set mark

14.7. macros

  • C-x ( start definition
  • C-x ) end definition
  • C-x e Execute
  • C-u 20 C-x e 20 times
  • C-x C-k n RET my M-x insert-kbd-macro RET my Insert in the buffer a keyboard macro’s definition, as Lisp code.

14.8. auto-fill

M-x auto-fill-mode M-q refill paragraph С-u C-x f set column to cursor

C+x f set fill column (margin)

15. key binding

C-h k check binding for key C-h b all binding C-h l recent keystrokes

You cannot invoke a non-interactive function through a key binding — it must be a command.

Command is interactive functions. command has an (interactive …) form at the top of its function body.

15.2. Keyboard Translations Emacs contains numerous keymaps that apply in different situations, but there is only one set of keyboard translations, and it applies to every character that Emacs reads from the terminal. Keyboard translations take place at the lowest level of input processing; the keys that are looked up in keymaps contain the characters that result from keyboard translation. (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)

(keyboard-translate ?\C-b ?c) - character

Why not work with M key?

  • keyboard-translate works with char tables, hence the characterp error. Modified keys are not necessarily valid as characters.
  • (elisp) Char-Tables tells us: "A char-table is much like a vector, except that it is indexed by character codes. Any valid character code, without modifiers, can be used as an index in a char-table."
  • The control modifier is a bit special, as typical control characters are still plain ASCII values, and hence valid for characterp.

15.3. Keymaps

15.3.1. basic

keymap is an internal data structure used by Emacs to store keys and their associated actions

M-x describe-keymap

  • keyboard-translate - swap keys
  • global-set-key - equal to (define-key (current-global-map) key command)
  • local-set-key - equal to (define-key (current-local-map) key command)

{- define-key - that is how

  • (define-key key-translation-map (kbd "C-l") (kbd "C-b"))
  • (global-unset-key KEY)
  • (local-unset-key KEY)

Most third-party packages don’t care about the key bindings they occupy. So keep that in mind.

Keys reserved for you:

  • prefixed with C-c
  • F-keys from F5 and onwards
  • hyper and super H- (e.g., H-q) and s- for super. Note that s is super and S is shift.
  • Windows key and the Application Context key
  • C-M-

15.3.2. exploration

  • M-x describe-keymap
  • C-h b

15.3.3. kbd macros

Ways to representing keys in Emacs: as a string, or as a vector. kbd use string.

<> required for: That includes F-keys, arrow keys and home row keys, like so: <home>, <f8> and <down>

(kbd "<home>")    ;; OK
(kbd "tab")       ;; Wrong, but valid -- missing < and >
(kbd "<tab>")     ;; OK
(kbd "C-c p")     ;; OK

kbd used to bind actions to keys

saving and executing macros - "kmacro":

M-x name-last-kbd-macro
M-x insert-kbd-macro
M-: (call-interactively (kmacro "C-n - C-n C-a C-a"))
M-x kmacro-edit-macro

kmacro syntax is equal to kbd. kmacro is used to execute keys by command

15.3.4. Remapping Commands

(define-key (current-global-map) [remap kill-line] 'my-homemade-kill-line)

15.3.5. Keymap Lookup Order

First, Emacs checks if there’s a minor mode key binding. Secondly, local keys set. And finally global keys are checked.

  1. overriding-terminal-local-map for terminal-specific key binds.
  2. overriding-local-map for keys that should override all other local keymaps. Be VERY careful if you use this!
  3. Keymap char property at point for keymaps that are local to the character point is at. Common use cases include in-buffer fields, like the ones you find in M-x customize.
  4. emulation-mode-map-alists for advanced multi-mode keymap management
  5. minor-mode-overriding-map-alist for overriding the keymaps used by minor modes in major modes.
  6. minor-mode-map-alist is exactly like the overriding version above, but the preferred means of specifying the keymaps for minor modes.
  7. Keymap text property at point is like the one above for char properties but this is for text properties only.
  8. current-local-map for keymaps defined in the buffers’ current local map
  9. current-global-map is the last place Emacs looks. It hosts keys that are global.

15.3.6. creating keymap and deactivate it

make-keymap is more efficient than a sparse keymap when it holds lots of bindings; for just a few, the sparse keymap is better.

use-local-map - override all Major Mode Bindings

Here is two approaches: remap keymap and activate own minor mode. Major mode is not possible to deactivate. Steps for remap keymap:

  1. Define a keymap.
  2. set-keymap-parent my-map oldmap # to add old keys to new
  3. use-local-map my-map # activate new
  4. use-local-map old # get old back

Steps for activate own minor mode:

  1. define minor mode with keymap
  2. activate it and deactivate it
  1. remap global keymap
    (defun myaa () (interactive)
                                      (set 'oldmap (current-local-map))
                                      ;; (suppress-keymap (current-local-map))
                                      (set-keymap-parent my-map oldmap)
                                      (use-local-map my-map)
                                      (print oldmap)
                                      (call-interactively 'org-goto)
                                      (use-local-map oldmap)
                               (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-j") 'myaa)
  2. minor mode with keymap
    (defun myaa () (interactive)
                                      (call-interactively 'org-goto)
                                      (fix-org-goto-mode -1)
                               (define-minor-mode fix-org-goto-mode
                                 "Allow to exit from search with arrows."
                                 :lighter " fix-goto"
                                 :keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                                           (define-key map (kbd "C-f") 'org-goto-ret)
                                           (define-key map (kbd "C-l") 'org-goto-ret)
                                           (define-key map (kbd "C-n") 'org-goto-ret)
                                           (define-key map (kbd "C-k") 'org-goto-ret)
                               (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-j") 'myaa)
  3. links

15.3.7. use-package

unless you tell it otherwise, use-package defaults to global key bindings.

;; global key map
(use-package winner
  (winner-mode 1)
  :bind (("M-[" . winner-undo)
         ("M-]" . winner-redo)))

;; specify key map
(use-package eshell
             :bind (("C-c e" . eshell)
                    :map eshell-mode-map
                    ("M-m" . eshell-bol)))

(use-package package-name-here
  :bind (("kbd-here" . command-here)
         :map some-map
         ("kbd-here" . another-command-here)
         :map yet-another-map
         ("kbd-here" . some-command-here)))

15.4. function keys

  • ‘A-’ The alt modifier.
  • ‘C-’ The control modifier.
  • ‘H-’ The hyper modifier.
  • ‘M-’ The meta modifier.
  • ‘S-’ The shift modifier.
  • ‘s-’ The super modifier.

15.5. reserved

  • C-c followed by a control character or a digit are reserved for major modes.
  • C-c followed by {, }, <, >, : or ; are also reserved for major modes.
  • C-c followed by any other ASCII punctuation or symbol character are allocated for minor modes.
  • C-c and a letter (either upper or lower case; ASCII or non-ASCII) are reserved for users;
  • F5 - F9 without modifier keys are also reserved for users to define.

15.6. chords

  • order doesn’t matter: ab is the same chord as ba
  • two keys pressed simultaneously, or a single key quickly pressed twice

15.7. hydra

  • define modes like in vi with keys

for window size and zoom

(defhydra hydra-windowsize (global-map "C-x")
    ("{" shrink-window-horizontally)
    ("}" enlarge-window-horizontally))

(defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "<f2>")
      ("g" text-scale-increase "in")
   ("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))

15.8. forward-word, backward-word, backward-kill-word, kill-word

F1 s - syntax table

treat '. / . // aw' as a different Word and a./fg.s will be single word also

(modify-syntax-entry ?. "w")
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "w")

15.9. rebind C-i C-m C-[

(define-key input-decode-map [?\C-i] (kbd "<C-i>"))
(define-key input-decode-map [?\C-m] (kbd "<C-m>"))
(define-key input-decode-map [?\C-\[] (kbd "<C-[>"))

15.10. rebinding

(keymap-set vertico-map "<remap> <exit-minibuffer>" 'my-other-kill-line)
(defvar-keymap vertico-map
  :doc "Vertico minibuffer keymap derived from `minibuffer-local-map'."
  :parent minibuffer-local-map
  "<remap> <beginning-of-buffer>" #'vertico-first
  "<remap> <minibuffer-beginning-of-buffer>" #'vertico-first

16. indentation

By default and history TAB character used for indentation

  • most modes have set (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil), which means spaces used instead of TABs
  • to set tab lengh use: (setq tab-width 4)

Major modes use mode specific variables that refer to tab-width

(defvaralias 'c-basic-offset 'tab-width)
(defvaralias 'cperl-indent-level 'tab-width)

Emacs uses #'indent-for-tab-command function to control completion/indentation/space insertion for TAB key.

16.1. TAB key bound to #'indent-for-tab-command - try to indent then complete

  1. calls #'indent-region if region
  2. calls insert-tab if tab-always-indent is none and cursor not at the begining of line.
  3. calls #'indent-line-function
    • if fails calls: indent–default-inside-comment - if 'noindent was returned
    • if fails calls: (default-value 'indent-line-function) - if 'noindent was returned and nil from #'indent–default-inside-comment
  4. calls (completion-at-point) - always called. Regulated by “tab-first-completion” variable

other facts

  • use variable “tab-always-indent”
  • #'indent-line-function calls 'indent-relative
  • #'indent-region calls #'indent-region-function which calls #'indent-region-line-by-line which calls #'indent-according-to-mode
    • #'indent-according-to-mode calls #'indent-line-function calls 'indent-relative

C-u M-x indent-for-tab-command - indents the entire balanced expression (this may be automated if cursor at the begining)


  • uses variable #'completion-at-point-functions - bound for mode specific function.

indent-for-tab-command - TAB key. Have three probles:

  1. strict sequence of calls: indent-region, insert-tab, indent-line, completion-at-point.
  2. Impossible to hook completion-at-point

indent-for-tab-command - TAB key. Have two big probles: 1) strict sequence of calls: indent-region, insert-tab, indent-line, completion-at-point. 2) Impossible to hook and check success of completion-at-point.

16.2. variable: tab-always-indent - indent.el main


  • t - indents the current line
  • nil - insert TAB/space if not at left margin
    • uses “indent-tabs-mode” variable to control TAB/Space - in indent-for-tab-command
  • complete - tries to indent the current line, and if the line was already indented, then try (completion-at-point)

16.3. variable: tab-first-completion

  • nil (default) - complete
  • eol - Only complete at the end of a line
  • word - complete unless the next character has word syntax (according to `syntax-after')
  • word-or-paren - Unless at a word or parenthesis
  • word-or-paren-or-punct - Unless at a word, parenthesis, or punctuation.

16.4. #'indent-line-function may be:

  • #'indent-relative
  • #'indent-relative-first-indent-point
  • #'indent-to-left-margin - Fundamental Mode, Text Mode, etc.

#'indent-line-function should return #'noindent if no success

16.5. #'indent-region-line-by-line

indent lines separately, good for Elisp, C, C++ modes, bad for Python.

To indent all lines as first you should write some function, that indent first line and than call ~(indent-rigidly

  1. there is two types of region indentation line by line and all at once(point) end chars-to-indent)~

16.6. How to indent if cursor at middle of the line?

In #'indent-line-function check position and do indentation.

16.7. How to firstly complete and then indent?

We should check result of (completion-at-point), variants:

  1. copy code for call of (completion-at-point) from #'indent-for-tab-command to our #'indent-line-function and set tab-always-indent != 'complete to prevent second call of completion.
  2. rebind TAB key or add advice before indent-for-tab-command.

16.8. How to insert space if nothing working?

You should code all chain in your indent-line-function.

16.9. How to prevent (completion-at-point) after indentation.

Set tab-always-indent to t

16.10. Python-mode

“indent-line-function” bound to #'python-indent-line-function

Eglot executed at #'completion-at-point

16.11. Python-ts-mode

TAB bound to py-indent-or-complete

  • calls if at the middle or begining - #'py-indent-line
  • calls if at the end - (completion-at-point).
  • calls for region #'py-indent-region - uses variables “py-tab-shifts-region-p” and “py-tab-indents-region-p”

Insted of indent-for-tab-command with “complete” that first tries to indent, py first try to complete.

16.12. org-cycle

see 44.13.19

16.13. my universal approach (sucks)


  • at begining of line or before line - main case
  • middle of line - main case - detect context and complete
  • end of line - same to middle of line
  • region
    • one line
    • multi lines
(defun my/tabkey-region-multi()
(defun my/tabkey-region-single()
(defun my/tabkey-beg-line()
(defun my/tabkey-mid-line()
(defun my/tabkey-end-line()

(defun my/indent-or-complete1 (arg)
  "TAB key
Why? Insted of indent-for-tab-command with “complete” that first
tries to indent, py first try to complete.

- at begining of line or before line - main case
- middle of line - main case
- end of line
- region
  - one line
  - multi lines."
  (interactive "*")
   ;; - region case
    (if  (= (line-number-at-pos (region-beginning)) (line-number-at-pos (region-end)))
        (indent--funcall-widened (my/tabkey-region-single)
      ;; else - multiline
   ;; - single line postion
   ((> (current-column) (current-indentation)) ; middle-end
    (if (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
        ;; end
      ;; else: middle
   (t ; begining of the line

16.14. Guide: Steps to customize indentation.

remember how TAB works: indentation then completion.

  • to modify indentation: rebind indent-line-function
  • to modify completion: do it at to the end of your replacement for indent-line-function


  1. rebind #'indent-line-function by (setq-local indent-line-function #'my/indent) in hook for mode.
  2. ensure that function return 'noindent label if it fails to continue chain of calls. see 16.1
  3. There is two types of region indentation “line by line” and “all as first” (for this you should write own function and set it to indent-region-function variable.
  4. configure completion at the end of your #'my/indent
  5. decide what (completion-at-point) should do, set tab-first-completion variable
  6. Answer is “line by line” for #'indent-region is enough? If not, setq-local indent-region-function.

16.14.1. Template for major mode

(defun my/indent ()
  "return 'noindent if it fails."
  (if condition
      (when (not (eq do-something success))
      ;; else - fallback to default-indentation

(defun my/some-mode-hook ()
  (setq-local indent-line-function my/indent))

16.14.2. Template for minor mode

If you modify TAB for minor mode you probably want to just add behavior and don't modify major mode TAB key behavior.

To do so you should save indent-line-function to local variable. Here is template:

(defvar my/indent-line-function-original)

(defun my/minor-tab ()
  "Replacement for 'indent-line-function"
  (if condition
    ;; else - fallback
    (indent--funcall-widened my/indent-line-function-original)))

(defun my/some-mode-hook ()
  (if some-mode
        ;; save
        (setq-local my/indent-line-function-original indent-line-function)
        ;; replace
        (setq-local indent-line-function #'my/outline-tab))
    ;; else - restore
    (setq-local indent-line-function my/indent-line-function-original)))

(add-hook 'some-minor-mode-hook 'my/some-mode-hook)

16.14.3. check that indentation was made

(let ((old-indent (current-indentation)))
      (lisp-indent-line) ; or (python-indent-line-function) or (indent-relative)
      (if (zerop (- (current-indentation) old-indent))

16.15. indentation (old, obsolate)

17. file variables -*- File varibles -- coding: utf-8; mode: modename; var: value; … -- ;; -- mode: Lisp; fill-column: 75; eval: (print "hello"); -- M-x add-file-local-varible-prop-line предлагает доступные переменные

17.1. fill column

C-? v fill-column - help and get current C-x f - set-fill-column

18. folder variables - .dir-locals.el

  • .dir-locals.el
  • .dir-locals-2.el

Emacs searches for .dir-locals.el starting in the directory of the visited file, and moving up the directory tree

M-x copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals copies the file-local variables in the current file into .dir-locals.el.

((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t)
         (fill-column . 80)
         (mode . auto-fill))) ;; for any file in the directory tree
 (c-mode . ((c-file-style . "BSD")
            (subdirs . nil))) ;; for any C source file
 (eval . (add-to-list 'company-backends
                      '(company-jedi company-files)))
  . ((nil . ((change-log-default-name
              . "ChangeLog.local")))))) ;; C mode settings are only to be applied in the current directory, not in any subdirectories.

19. global variables

  • F1 v describe global variable
  • M-x set-variable

20. package install

M-x list-packages - ELPA

after install:

  • add (package-initialize) to ~/.emacs
  • (require 'package-name) - to fully load the package, useful to show that following code require this package.
  • it's also recommended that you add (package-initialize) somewhere in your ~/.emacs file - to set up the load-paths and autoloads for installed packages.
  • (with-eval-after-load "package-name" …) or (eval-after-load 'package-name …) to run code after a package is loaded. This is useful if package at load path and you want execute code only if package was loaded this allow to use configuration when where package was not installed.

to remove: M-x paclage-delete

  • after remove, to remove dependencies: M-x package-autoremove

;; only run this if rtags is installed (when (require 'rtags nil :noerror) ;; something here )

20.1. remove

  • M-x package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion
  • M-x package-menu-execute

20.2. update

M-x package-list-packages

to mark all upgradable and update all:

  1. U package-menu-mark-upgrades
  2. x package-menu-execute

to filter all upgradable and update individual:

  1. / u package-menu-filter-upgradable
  2. manually install and remove obsolate

20.3. melpa add

to ensure that Emacs has fetched the MELPA package list before you can install packages with M-x package-install or similar.

  • M-x package-refresh-contents or M-x package-list-packages

Updating Packages:

  1. package-list-packages
  2. type U (mark Upgradable packages)
  3. x (eXecute the installs and deletions).
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
;; Comment/uncomment this line to enable MELPA Stable if desired.  See `package-archive-priorities`
;; and `package-pinned-packages`. Most users will not need or want to do this.
;;(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t)


(setq url-proxy-services
   '(("no_proxy" . "^\\(localhost\\|10\\..*\\|192\\.168\\..*\\)")
     ("http" . "srv-proxy:8080")
     ("https" . "srv-proxy:8080")))

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))

20.4. load path

The default behavior is to load the first file found. This command prefers .elc files over .el files because compiled files load and run faster.

  • load-prefer-newer to a non-nil value, loads whichever version of the file is newest
  • load-path. list of directories (strings). These directories are searched, in the specified order
  • (require 'my-shining-package) ;; Loads my-shining-package.elc unconditionally.
  • (autoload 'my-func "my-shining-package") ;; Will load my-shining-package.elc when my-func is invoked.

20.5. (load "package.el")

Evaluate a complete file. you can leave out the extension and it will automatically load the "elc" or "el" file as appropriate. It also looks into the load-path directories.

Note that you have to add the lisp subdirectory to the load-path, not the top-level of the repository, and that elements of load-path should not end with a slash, while those of Info-directory-list should.

  • (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/dash")


  • (load "foo") (if "foo.el" is in the current directory or in the load-path").

20.6. (require 'foo)

load foo.el and require (provide 'foo) in file.

require is similar to load, except it prevents the file from being loaded more than once

20.7. (package-initialize)

initializes Emacs’ internal record of which packages are installed, and then calls package-activate-all.

(package-activate-all) This function makes the packages available to the current session. The user option package-load-list specifies which packages to make available; by default, all installed packages are made available.

20.8. Why use-package?

  • have to explicitly call (require 'package-name) in your init.el before you could do any configuration.
  • any configuration of the package may need to be wrapped in a (with-eval-after-load 'package-name …) block, to avoid running into undefined variables and functions before your package is fully loaded - to run code after a package is loaded,

20.9. autoinstall

  ;; list the packages you want
  (defvar package-list)
  (setq package-list '(async auctex auto-complete autopair clang-format cmake-ide
                             cmake-mode company company-irony
                             company-irony-c-headers dash epl flycheck
                             flycheck-irony flycheck-pyflakes
                             google-c-style helm helm-core helm-ctest
                             helm-flycheck helm-flyspell helm-ls-git helm-ls-hg
                             hungry-delete irony
                             let-alist levenshtein magit markdown-mode pkg-info
                             popup rtags seq solarized-theme vlf web-mode
                             window-numbering writegood-mode yasnippet))
  ;; fetch the list of packages available
  (unless package-archive-contents
  ;; install the missing packages
  (dolist (package package-list)
    (unless (package-installed-p package)
      (package-install package)))

20.10. upgrade

  • M-x package-list
  • U
  • x
  • M-x package-autoremove

20.11. install from Git

  1. .emacs: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/contrib/lisp/")
  2. git clone ~/.emacs.d/contrib/lisp/magit
  3. .emacs: (require 'magit) or (package-initialize)

21. cool features

21.1. Registers

Each register has a name that consists of a single character

  • C-x r s ? - copy-to-register
  • C-x r i ? - insert-register
  • C-x r SPC ? - point-to-register
  • C-x r j ? - jump-to-register

Bookmarks - persistent registers with long names

  • C-x r l List all bookmarks (list-bookmarks).
  • C-x r m RET

    Set the bookmark for the visited file, at point.

C-x r m bookmark RET

Set the bookmark named bookmark at point (bookmark-set). C-x r M bookmark RET

Like C-x r m, but don’t overwrite an existing bookmark. C-x r b bookmark RET Jump to the bookmark named bookmark (bookmark-jump).

21.2. Curly quotation marks "" vs “” and ‘’ vs ''

(setopt electric-quote-context-sensitive t)
(setopt electric-quote-replace-double t)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'electric-quote-local-mode)

22. buffers

C-x C-LEFT goes to previous buffer C-x C-RIGHT goes to next buffer C-x k kills a buffer C-x 4 0 kills a buffer and its window C-x b switches to another buffer, or opens a new buffer C-x left/right - cycle buffers


  • it is impossible to track key release event

22.2. buffer-flip Melpa

22.3. buffer-expose ELPA

23. windows

  • window - part of window
  • frame - sepparate window
  • C-x o Switch to other window other-window
  • C-x 0 Delete selected window delete-window
  • C-x 1 Delete all windows other than the selected one delete-other-windows
  • C-x 2 Split selected window horizontally split-window-below
  • C-x 3 Split selected window vertically split-window-right
  • C-x 4 C-f open a file in the other window
  • C-x 4 0 kills a buffer and its window
  • C-x ^ Make selected window taller enlarge-window
  • Unbound Make selected window smaller shrink-window
  • C-x } Make selected window wider enlarge-window-horizontally
  • C-x { Make selected window narrower shrink-window-horizontally
  • C-x - Shrink selected window to fit its buffer shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer
  • C-M-v Scroll the other window forward scroll-other-window
  • C-M-S-v Scroll the other window backward scroll-other-window-down
  • C+x C+c quiet emacs
  • Esc Esc Esc - close other windows

consis of:

  • mode line ** mean was changed (editing mode)
  • echo area

M+x make-frame delete-frame

23.1. alternative windows switching

23.2. saving windows layout


`M-x window-configuration-to-register` bound to `C-x r w` allows to store a window configuration of the current frame.
Imaging working on a project, with specific buffers opened in carefully placed windows. Then you need to switch to
 another layout... Just hit `C-x r w` <enter-a-character>. And then go on changing the layout. After finishing, hit `C-x
 r j` <enter-that-character> and see the stored windows configuration (layout) reproduced. Bingo!


  • I.e., `M-x winner-undo` (`C-c <left>) reopens previously closed windows.

23.3. mode line

U:@— - saved

U:@**- - modified

cs:ch-fr  buf      pos line   (major minor)
  • cs string and the colon character after it describe the character set and newline convention used for the current buffer.

    • '-', that indicates no special character set handling (with the possible exception of end-of-line conventions,

    described in the next paragraph).

    • '=' means no conversion whatsoever, and is usually used for files containing non-textual data
    • ‘1’ represents ISO Latin-1.
    • two additional characters that describe the coding systems for keyboard input and terminal output.
  • ':' - end-of-line convention.
    • ‘\’ or ‘(DOS)’ - MS-DOS convention uses a carriage return character followed by a linefeed character;
    • (‘/’) or ‘(Mac)’ - older Macintosh systems, uses a carriage return character instead of a newline
    • ‘(Unix)’ - On some systems
    • '@' - This indication is typical for frames of an Emacs process running as a daemon
  • ch

    • ‘–’ - if the buffer displayed in the window has the same contents as the corresponding file on the disk; i.e., if

    the buffer is unmodified

    • ‘**’ - the buffer is modified
    • ‘%*’ - the buffer is modified for a read-only buffer
    • ‘%%’ - the buffer is not modified for a read-only buffer
  • ‘-’ -
    • ‘@’ if default-directory for the current buffer is on a remote machine, ‘@’ is displayed instead.
  • fr - It appears only on text terminals. The initial frame’s name is ‘F1’. gives the selected frame name
  • buf - is the name of the buffer displayed in the window.
  • pos - tells you whether there is additional text above the top of the window, or below the bottom
  • line - is the character ‘L’ followed by the line number at point.
  • major - is the name of the major mode used in the buffer.
  • minor - a list of some of the enabled minor modes
    • ‘Def’- means that a keyboard macro is currently being defined
    • ‘Narrow’ means that the buffer being displayed has editing restricted to only a portion of its text

24. tabbar.el and tab-line-mode

tab-bar showed in each frame

24.1. tab-line-mode

showed in each window

(setq tab-line-close-button-show nil)
(tab-line-tab-name-truncated-max 15)

(defvar tab-line-tabs-buffer-list-function #'tab-line-tabs-buffer-list

25. modes

  • C-h m will reveal major mode and all minor modes that are active.
  • C-h v major-mode RET
  • M-: major-mode RET

to disable global mode: M-x customize-option mouse-wheel-mode ; set to nil

(call-interactively mode) - will switch off mode if mode is on

25.1. major modes

  • Every major mode is associated with a major mode command, whose name should end in ‘-mode’
  • unlike minor modes there is no way to “turn off” a major mode, instead the buffer must be switched to a different one


  • buffer-local, and can be turned on (enabled) in certain buffers and off (disabled) in others.
  • global: while enabled, they affect everything you do in the Emacs session, in all buffers. Most minor modes are disabled by default, but a few are enabled by default.


has no mode-specific definitions or variable settings.
(no term)

25.2. minor modes


26. completion

by default:

  • TAB completion-at-point
  • C-M-i complete-symbol

27. code extension

27.1. hooks

(add-hook), (setq)

  • is a Lisp variable which holds a list of functions
  • You can set a hook variable with setq like any other Lisp variable, but the recommended way to add a function with add-hook
  • two types: normal hooks
    • Every variable whose name ends in ‘-hook’ is a normal hook.
    • abnormal hooks - names end in ‘-functions’, instead of ‘-hook’
  • Major mode hooks also apply to other major modes derived from the original mode
  • M-x eval-last-sexp RET - to test

C-u C-h a run-hook C-h i g (elisp)Running Hooks

Listing all the Mode Hooks: M-x apropos-variable RET -mode-hook$ RET

27.1.1. eval-after-load vs. mode hook vs require vs after-init-hook

eval-after-load code:

  • will be executed only once, so it is typically used to perform one-time setup such as setting default global values and behaviour. An example might be setting up a default keymap for a particular mode.
  • there's no notion of the "current buffer".
  • code will always be executed before any functions in the related library are called.

Mode hooks

  • execute once for every buffer in which the mode is enabled
  • run later than eval-after-load code; this lets them take actions based upon such information as whether other modes are enabled in the current buffer.

(require 'foo)

  • load the file only if it hasn’t been loaded already. Expect (provide 'foo) in file



  • the so-to-say brute-force approach to setting up customizations for packages.

27.1.2. ex

  • function (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'auto-fill-mode)
  • lambda (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook (lambda () (auto-fill-mode -1))) ;; disable mods
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq python-indent-offset 2)))

;; another example
(defun mp-add-python-keys ()
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-c q") 'shell))

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'mp-add-python-keys)

27.1.3. hooks emacs

  • kill-emacs-hook runs just before exiting Emacs
  • text-mode-hook - Text mode and other modes based on Text mode

27.2. advices

lets you add to the existing definition of a function,

  • defadvice - old
  • advice-add/advice-remove
add-function where place function &optional props
remove-function place function

27.2.1. place

  • :before - Both functions receive the same arguments
  • :after
  • :override - replace original
  • :around - Call function instead of the old function. (lambda (&rest r) (apply function oldfun r))
  • :before-while - Call function before the old function and don’t call the old function if function returns nil
  • :before-until
  • :after-while
  • :after-until - Call function after the old function and only if the old function returned nil.
  • :filter-args - Call function first and use the result (which should be a list) as the new arguments to pass to the old function.
  • :filter-return - Call the old function first and pass the result to function.

27.2.2. old magic

; Suppress "Beginning of buffer" and "End of buffer" messages
(defadvice previous-line (around silencer activate)
  (condition-case nil

(defadvice next-line (around silencer activate)
  (condition-case nil

27.2.3. ex

;; 1
(defun my-double (x)
  (* x 2))
(defun my-increase (x)
  (+ x 1))
(advice-add 'my-double :filter-return #'my-increase)

;; 2
(defun my-tracing-function (proc string)
  (message "Proc %S received %S" proc string))

(add-function :before (process-filter proc) #'my-tracing-function)

;; 3
(defun his-tracing-function (orig-fun &rest args)
  (message "display-buffer called with args %S" args)
  (let ((res (apply orig-fun args)))
    (message "display-buffer returned %S" res)

(advice-add 'display-buffer :around #'his-tracing-function)

;; 4 replace
(advice-add 'artist-no-rb-set-point2 :override #'(lambda (x y) (setq inhibit-message t)) )

27.3. TODO defun redefine

28. isearch

allow delete character in minibuffer:

(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-h" 'isearch-delete-char) ;; delete character during search C-s

allow to edit search (code is not perfect):

(setq search-exit-option 'edit)

28.1. keys

Enter at empty line execute "Nonincremental search"

  • M-c Toggle search case-sensitivity.
  • C-w appends more words from text to the search string.
  • M-r Toggle between regular-expression searching and literal-string searching.
  • M-e Pause to edit the search string. Searching is disabled until you explicitly resume it with ‘C-j’ (or ‘C-s’ or ‘C-r’). reset search.

28.2. isearch.el - execution path for isearch-forward

  • isearch-mode forward &optional regexp op-fun recursive-edit regexp-function
    • forward = t
    • regexp = nil
    • op-fun = nil

28.3. search-exit-option edit

(setq search-exit-option 'edit)

when you type new key isearch hook it with 'pre-command-hook = isearch-pre-command-hook

  • isearch-edit-string
  • with-isearch-suspended
  • save variables like 'isearch-string'
  • (isearch-done t t) - terminate isearching until editing is done
  • (isearch-mode …) - Always resume isearching by restarting it
  • (setq isearch-string isearch-new-string) - Copy new local values to isearch globals
  • (isearch-post-command-hook) -> isearch-search-and-update

28.4. template for search:

;; - - - replace org-goto (header search) with native C-M-s
(defun my/org-header-search ()
  (if isearch-regexp
        (setq isearch-case-fold-search 1)   ; make searches case insensitive
        (setq case-fold-search 1)   ; make searches case insensitive
        (setq string "^*.*")
         string (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description string ""))
;; (isearch-forward-regexp)
(add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook 'my/org-header-search)

29. history

M-x view-lossage - keys (F1 l)

  • 26.1 - concurrency.

30. Easy Customization Interface

  • interactive system for altering Emacs settings
  • Customize can also interactively change settings for all installed packages
  • All of those values are stored together in a single variable called custom-set-variables
  • M-x customize RET, or
  • M-x customize-group RET <group name> RET - jump you directly into the customization settings for a particular area, which is usually the name of a package itself

30.1. Theme


  • F10 -> 'options' -> 'customize emacs' -> 'custom-themes'.

30.2. custom-set-variables per mode

(deftheme my-notmuch-theme
    " fix display help-echo link at cursor over link
   (custom-set-variables '(help-at-pt-display-when-idle t nil (help-at-pt))) ")
   '(help-at-pt-display-when-idle t nil (help-at-pt)))
  (provide-theme 'my-notmuch-theme)

  (defun my/notmuch-show-hook ()
    (enable-theme 'my-notmuch-theme)

  ;; (add-hook 'notmuch-search-hook 'my/notmuch-hook)
  (add-hook 'notmuch-show-hook 'my/notmuch-show-hook)

31. wrap lines

ways to handle long lines("Line Wrap"):

  • Hard-Wrap Lines
    • M-q fill-paragraph
    • auto-fill-mode - automatic M-q - insert a line ending after the last word that occurs before the value of option ‘fill-column’ (a column number).
    • refill-mode - it hits M-q automatically after changes to the buffer that might normally trigger auto-filling
  • Soft-Wrap
    • visual-line-mode (built-in)
    • "default wrapping" without toggle-truncate-lines - same as visual-line-mode
    • visual-fill-column-mode (external package)

hard-wrad cons:

  • doesn't perform well across multiple zoom levels
  • may not fill well during exporting

hard-wrad pros:

  • you don't rely on automatic wrapping
  • beauty is in your hands

31.1. fill-paragraph


fill-prefix variable control indentation of paragraph

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local fill-prefix " ")))

visual-line-mode - don't have “fill-prefix”

31.2. org-fill-paragraph

31.3. fill column

C-x f Set the fill column

minor modes:

  • M-x display-fill-column-indicator-mode locally
  • M-x global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode globally

32. Dvorak

C-x RET C-\ english-dvorak RET

33. fonts

34. games

  • 5x5 - fill in all the squares
  • animate - make text dance
  • blackbox - find objects by firing beams into a black box
  • bubbles - remove as many bubbles as possible in as few moves as possible.
  • DecipherMode - help for cracking a simple alphabetic substitution cipher
  • DissociatedPress – fun with gibberish
  • EmacsDoctor - psychological help from a Rogerian analyst, for when it’s all getting too much for you
  • dunnet - text-mode dungeon adventure game
  • gomoku - five-in-a-row against the computer
  • hanoi - computer solving the towers of hanoi game
  • igo - Play Go / Weichi / Baduk or read a game in SGF.
  • landmark - neural net robot that learns landmarks; in Emacs 24 it is invoked with landmark; in previous version it is invoked with lm
  • life - John Conway’s game of life
  • meese - stop impressionable young minds of America from seeing the etc/sex.6 man page
  • MorseCode - convert text to and from morse code
  • mpuz - multiplication puzzle (hidden digits)
  • pong - two-player computerized ping-pong
  • snake - guide a snake around the screen, eat to grow
  • solitaire - balls on an 8x8 cross shaped grid
  • spook - Generates words to get government’s attention
  • studlify-region - convert text to stUdlY caps
  • TetrisMode - arrange falling blocks (see also:
  • yow - random Zippy quote
  • ZoneMode - crazy screen effects when idle

35. backup

~backupfile - Single or Numbered Backups #file# - autosave every 300 characters or 30 seconds of idleness. auto save

Created file~ only the first time the file is saved from a buffer

  • diff-backup - see difference with file~

M-x recover-file <RET> foo.c <RET> yes <RET> C-x C-s

M-x recover-session - to recover if crash

35.1. vc-backup

a VC backend that uses "Emacs backup files" for single-file version control.

35.2. autosave

Сохранять #файлы# автосохранения в (setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" "~/.emacs-saves/" t)))

auto-save-default default is t config:

  • auto-save-interval, default 300 - specifies how many characters there are between auto-saves
  • auto-save-timeout, default 30 seconds

36. diff and ediff

M-x diff/ ediff

  • diff -default -u


  • n/p - next/previous hunk
  • a - apply version A's hunk
  • b - apply version B's hunk
  • r - revert, undo the applying of the A/B hunk.
  • q - quit ediff session
  • ! - update diff


  • Compare
  • Merge
  • Apply Patch.

a b=

37. Narrowing

  • C-x n n narrow-to-region Narrow down to between point and mark.
  • C-x n e narrow-to-element
  • C-x n s narrow-to-subtree in Org mode
  • C-x n w widen Widen to make the entire buffer accessible again
  • C-x n p narrow-to-page
  • C-x n d narrow-to-defun

37.1. pages

  • C-q C-l insert ^L - page delimiter
  • M-x what-page
  • C-x [ backward-page
  • C-x ] forward-page
  • C-x C-p mark-page
  • C-x l count-lines-page
  • C-x n p narrow-to-page

37.2. Cursor Position Information

  • C-x = Display the character code of character after point, character position of point, and column of point
  • M-x what-line
  • M-= count-words-region
  • M-x hl-line-mode - Enable or disable highlighting of the current line

38. Programming

38.1. emacs-lisp-mode

  • C-M-x eval-defun - at any postion
  • C-x C-e eval-last-sexp - only after line
  • M-x eval-region
  • M-x eval-buffer
  • F1 e message buffer
  • F1 f describe function
  • F1 v describe global variable
  • C-M-v/C-M-S-v scroll another window

38.2. IDE Theory

  • highlight syntax
  • indentation suggestion.
  • find includes
  • find where used
  • open documentation/description
  • edit all occurences

38.3. Project management - project.el (dired + bookmarks can replace this)

Emacs currently supports two back-ends:

  • VC-aware (see Version Control), whereby a VCS repository is considered a project
  • EDE (see Emacs Development Environment).


  • (defcustom project-list-file "~/.emacs.d/projects) - list of known projects

38.3.1. project.el

  • C-x p p (project-switch-project). Run an Emacs command for another project
  • C-x p f project-find-file Visit a file (with completion) in the current project.
  • C-x p g project-find-regexp Find all matches for REGEXP in the current project's roots.
  • M-x project-search Interactively search for regexp matches in all files that belong to the current project.
  • C-x p r (project-query-replace-regexp) Perform query-replace for a regexp in all files that belong to the current project.
  • project-or-external-find-regexp "Find all matches for REGEXP in the project roots or external roots.
  • project-find-dir Start Dired in a directory inside the current project.
  • C-x p d project-dired Start Dired in the current project's root.
  • C-x p v project-vc-dir Run VC-Dir in the current project's root.
  • project-search Search for REGEXP in all the files of the project. Stops when a match is found.
  • C-x p c (project-compile) Run compilation in the current project’s root directory.


  • C-x p s project-shell Start an inferior shell in the current project's root directory.
  • C-x p e project-eshell
  • C-x p & project-async-shell-command
  • C-x p ! project-shell-command


  • project-switch-to-buffer Switch to another buffer belonging to the current project
  • project-list-buffers List the project buffers
  • project-kill-buffers Kill all live buffers that belong to the current project

38.3.2. EDE - built-in

Support Make and Automake

38.3.3. projectile


  • ? p p - list of known Projects
  • ? p m projectile-commander - ? for help
  • ? p k Kills all project buffers.
  • ? p D Opens the root of the project in dired
  • s-p 4 D Opens the root of the project in dired in another window.
  • s-p 5 D Opens the root of the project in dired in another frame.
  • s-p x t Start or visit an ansi-term for the project.
  • s-p C-h(f1) Keys
  • Grep in project: C-c p g s
  1. features
    • jump to a file in project
    • jump to a project buffer
    • jump to a test in project
    • toggle between files with same names but different extensions (e.g. .h <-> .c/.cpp, Gemfile <-> Gemfile.lock)
    • toggle between code and its test (e.g. main.service.js <-> main.service.spec.js)
    • jump to recently visited files in the project
    • switch between projects you have worked on
    • kill (close) all project buffers
    • grep (search) in project
    • replace in project
    • find references in project (using xref internally)
    • run shell commands in a project (e.g. make, lein)
    • support for multiple minibuffer completion/selection libraries (ido, ivy, helm and the default completion system)
    • automatic project discovery (see projectile-project-search-path)
    • integration with the built-in project.el library
  2. install

    M-x package-install [RET] projectile [RET]

    (require 'projectile) (with-eval-after-load 'projectile (projectile-mode +1) ;; Recommended keymap prefix on Windows/Linux (define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd "C-c p") 'projectile-command-map) )

38.3.4. VC - built-in

  • VC-aware back-end doesn’t consider “ignored” files
  • considers “untracked” files by default. (project-vc-include-untracked)

38.4. common keys

  • C-j new line and indent
  • C-M-q indent C-M-\ indent region or all
  • C-i switch indenation for line
  • M-x speedbar
  • M-/ expand previous word
  • C-M-a|e begining|end of function
  • M-x delete-trailing-whitespace
  • M-x whitespace-newline-mode
  • M-; add comment or un/comment region
  • M-j continue comment at new line
  • C-x C-; un/comment line
  • M-s h . highlight all occurance

indentation кол-во пробелов: tab-width (default 8)

  • F1 e messages
  • C-x d dired
  • C-x C-e debugging

C-x TAB indentation mode with arrows.

M-x toggle-truncate-lines Disable lines wrap

38.4.1. balanced expressions (NavigatingParentheses)


  • C-M-d/k down/up-list
  • C-M-n/p forward/backward-list Move forward over a parenthetical group
  • C-M-f forward-sexp Move up
  • C-M-b backward-sexp Move down
  • C-M-k kill-sexp Kill balanced expression forward
  • C-M-SPC mark-sexp select balanced expression forward

38.4.2. copy in terminal

Ctrl+W: Cut the word before the cursor Ctrl+K: Cut after the cursor Ctrl+U: Cut before the cursor

38.4.3. Looking Up Identifiers (xref)

  • M-. go to definition
  • C-x 4 . RET Find definitions of identifier, but display it in another window
  • C-x 5 . RET Find definition of identifier, and display it in a new frame
  • M-, Go back to where you previously invoked M-. and friends
  • C-M-. pattern Find all identifiers whose name matches pattern

38.5. Perl

M+x cperl-mode help C-h f cperl-mode

38.6. TODO company-mode

  • company
  • company-jedi - company-mode completion back-end for Python JED
  • emacs completion framework It comes with several back-ends: Elisp, Clang, Semantic, Ispell, CMake, BBDB,

Yasnippet, Dabbrev, Etags, Gtags, Files, Keywords

  • Not Python

38.7. Python

pip jedi - Python JEDI lib - autocompletion, static analysis and refactoring library for Python

pappasam/jedi-language-server - LSP server for jedi


  • elpy - big
  • jedi - big
  • Eglot - part of Emacs since 2.9
  • lsp-mode - not part of Emacs

completion by itself

  • CompanyMode - become more popular
  • AutoComplete

auto-completion for Python

Code generation

  • yasnippet

Code checker

  • Flycheck and FlyMake can be used to wrap checkers such as pep8, pyflakes (flake8 includes both), pylint and pychecker. Both support multiple checkers per buffer.
  • autopep8 - formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide using the pep8 tool.
  • black

Viewing generated documentation

  • pydoc
    • helm-pydoc
  • elpy

38.7.1. jedi - static analysis tool for Python

  • refactoring, code search and finding references
  • (Jedi.el, company-mode, elpy, anaconda-mode, ycmd)
  1. jedi-core details
    • Not support v 18
    • jedi-core configuration without jedi:install-server:
    • info - jedi:show-setup-info


    • python-environment-0.0.2 - virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp
      • deferred-0.3.1 - Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp
    • epc-0.1.0 - located in .emacs.d/elpa/jedi-core-0.2.8/

    jedi install server:

    • "pip" "install" "–upgrade" ,(convert-standard-filename jedi:source-dir)
    • python-environment-default-root-name is used
    • jedi:environment-root


    • pip download jedi
    • pip hash –algorithm sha512 ./jedi-0.17.1.tar.gz
    • requirements.txt
      • jedi==0.17.1 –hash=sha512:b86297b2fbb212695469b34288836e3346a33c5c6b83337dbe4ceaaeb2b4185dcb6c888336e24f6da3fe22a39c803af5c34ae5a4ed1d177fde1c1d7fc143bf09
      • parso==0.7.1 –hash=sha512:19c30d07a8982323ffbeba3fa36c8f504f49991c54df595e47defca1b1ba94ab3f5203485e6459012adfd440cc648dd8cfd44c571f02db7ed8e49f372eb3df3a
      • epc==0.0.5 –hash=sha512:e2b75850e39bb0f3c16f5b84f55dec675a8fe2b61ff5fd55704ef677317d698865a99fc495247cd753a2c8329729f45bc7f81f42dd4c6d27b31810c0aac831e2
      • sexpdata==0.0.3 –hash=sha512:419fa731fb0b953c404a71f1b5f88777546405618913b1d2e4abab7a876d285d43cd035addffb9d221571214e00151e908e8ef6b99295dacee8ca3f4c8ba942e
    • pip install –no-cache-dir –use-pep517 –no-binary=:all: –require-hashes –user -r requirements.txt
  2. emacs-jedi

    completion framework for jedi


    • virtualenv
    • setuptools
    • pip install virtualenv –user
    • M-x package-install RET jedi

    (with-eval-after-load 'jedi-core ;;standard-jedi-settings (setq jedi:environment-virtualenv (list (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/.python-environments/"))) ;; (setq jedi:environment-root "jedi") ; or any other name you like (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup) (setq jedi:complete-on-dot t) (setq jedi:use-shortcuts t) )

    1. M-x jedi:install-server in Emacs
    1. keys

      <C-tab> jedi:complete

      Complete code at point.

      C-c ? jedi:show-doc

      Show the documentation of the object at point.

      C-c . jedi:goto-definition

      Goto the definition of the object at point.

      See jedi:goto-definition-config for how this function works when universal prefix arguments (C-u) are given. If numeric prefix argument(s) (e.g., M-0) are given, goto point of the INDEX-th result. Note that you cannot mix universal and numeric prefixes. It is Emacs’s limitation. If you mix both kinds of prefix, you get numeric prefix.

      When used as a lisp function, popup a buffer when OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil. DEFTYPE must be either assignment (default) or definition. When USE-CACHE is non-nil, use the locations of the last invocation of this command. If INDEX is specified, goto INDEX-th result.

      C-c , jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker

      Goto the last point where jedi:goto-definition was called.

      variable (jedi:use-shortcuts nil)

      If non-nil, enable the following shortcuts: M-. jedi:goto-definition M-, jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker

  3. company-jedi

    completion back-end of company autocompletion framework for JEDI

    • M-n/M-p - next/previous candinate
    • Tab - Insert the common part of all the candidates
    • C-c ? - show doc (jedi)
    • M-x company-ispell - english words candidated
    • F1 - show doc after menu opens
    (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup)
    (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'company-mode)
    (with-eval-after-load 'jedi-core
      (setq jedi:environment-virtualenv (list (expand-file-name "/home/u/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages")))
      (setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
      (setq jedi:use-shortcuts t)
      ;; my
      (setq jedi:get-in-function-call-timeout 0
        jedi:get-in-function-call-delay   0
        jedi:goto-definition-config    '((nil definition nil))
      (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-jedi)


    (with-eval-after-load "company-jedi"
      ;; use-package company-jedi             ;;; company-mode completion back-end for Python JEDI
      (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup)
      (setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
      (setq jedi:use-shortcuts t)
      (setq jedi:environment-virtualenv (list (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/.python-environments/")))
      (defun my/python-mode-hook ()
        (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-jedi))
      (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my/python-mode-hook)
      ;; backend-settings
      (setq elpy-rpc-backend "jedi")
  4. anaconda-mode
    • support jedi 18
    • required:

      • servicefactory
      • jedi

      optional requirements: company-anaconda

  5. troubleshooting

    deferred error : (wrong-type-argument epc:manager nil)

    • solution: comment # import pkgresources in ~/.emacs.d/contrib/lisp/emacs-jedi/

38.7.2. TODO lsp-pyright vs pyright - type checking

38.7.3. TODO elpy+pyright+eglot

38.7.4. Eglot

  1. what is that?

    Distributed with GNU Emacs since Emacs

    • version 29.1

    for jedi require jedi-language-server


  2. features
    • At-point documentation, integrated with ElDoc. If MarkdownMode is installed, the documentation formatting will be improved.
    • On-the-fly diagnostics and suggested fixes via FlyMake
    • Finding definitions and uses of symbols via InfoXref
    • In-buffer navigation via ImenuMode
    • Improved completion via ‘completion-at-point’
    • Automatic reformatting of code as you type
    • Enhanced third-party tools: Boost capabilities of packages like CompanyMode and Yasnippet
  3. jedi

    jedi is not LSP it is Python library

    Used inside LSP servers :

    • jedi-language-server
    • python-language-server (currently unmaintained)
    • python-lsp-server (fork from python-language-server)
    • anakin-language-server
  4. pylsp
    pip3 install "python-lsp-server[all]" --user
    • eglot-server-programs
    • eglot-workspace-configuration
    ;; -- one server
    (with-eval-after-load 'eglot
      (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
                   '(foo-mode . ("fools" "--stdio"))))
    ;; -- two servers
    (with-eval-after-load 'eglot
      (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
                   `(foo-mode . ,(eglot-alternatives
                                   '(("fools" "--stdio")
                                     ("phewls" "--fast"))))))
    1. server configuration

      two ways

      1. per directory-project: .dir-locals.el or dir-locals-set-class-variables: (:server1 plist1 :server2 plist2 …)
      2. eglot-workspace-configuration

      config values:

      • true -> t
      • false -> :json-false
      • null -> nil
      • {} -> eglot-{}

      (1) .dir-locals.el

        . ((eglot-workspace-configuration
            . (:pylsp (:plugins (:jedi_completion (:include_params t
                                                   :fuzzy t)
                                 :pylint (:enabled :json-false)))
               :gopls (:usePlaceholders t)))))
       (python-base-mode . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)))
       (go-mode          . ((indent-tabs-mode . t))))

      (2) eglot-workspace-configuration - minimal

      (setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
                    '(:pylsp (:plugins (:jedi_completion (:include_params t
                                                          :fuzzy t)
                                        :pylint (:enabled :json-false)))
                      :gopls (:usePlaceholders t)))

      (add-hook 'foo-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)

      M-x eglot-shutdown.

      all Pylsp options:

    2. server configuration advanced
      ((:pylsp . (:configurationSources ["flake8"]
                                   :plugins (
                                             :pycodestyle (:enabled :json-false)
                                             :mccabe (:enabled :json-false)
                                             :pyflakes (:enabled :json-false)
                                             :flake8 (:enabled :json-false
                                                      :maxLineLength 88)
                                             :ruff (:enabled t
                                                    :lineLength 88)
                                             :pydocstyle (:enabled t
                                                          :convention "numpy")
                                             :yapf (:enabled :json-false)
                                             :autopep8 (:enabled :json-false)
                                             :black (:enabled t
                                                     :line_length 88
                                                     :cache_config t)))))))

      This command updates the language server configuration according to the current value of the variable eglot-workspace-configuration.

      M-x eglot-signal-didChangeConfiguration
    3. server test
      ./.local/bin/pylsp --tcp -vvv
      curl -i -X POST   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "initialize", "params": { "capabilities": {} }, "id": 1}'
    4. server run

      run in background, even if logout:

      nohup python3 .local/bin/pylsp -v --tcp &
    5. mypy plugin
  5. configuration
    • (setq eglot-sync-connect 1) ; wait for connection
    • (setq eglot-autoshutdown t) ; disconnect if all buffers closed
    1. keys
      ("C-c C-d" . eldoc)
      ("C-c C-e" . eglot-rename)
      ("C-c C-o" . python-sort-imports)
      ("C-c C-f" . eglot-format-buffer)
      • complete-at-point
      • iMenu M-g i - a system that uses completing-read for jumping to major definitions or sections of a file.
      • flymake-goto-next-error goes to previous error in the current buffer
      • flymake-goto-prev-error goes to next error in the current buffer
      • M-x company-complete to trigger completions manually
      • M-x eldoc-doc-buffer to show docs for the symbol at point in a dedicated buffer
      ("C-c c a" . eglot-code-actions)
                 ("C-c c o" . eglot-code-actions-organize-imports)
                 ("C-c c r" . eglot-rename)
                 ("C-c c f" . eglot-format)


      • M-. or M-x xref-find-definitions finds the definition of the symbol at point and opens it in the current window
      • M-, or M-x xref-pop-marker-stack jumps back
      • M-? or M-x xref-find-references finds the references of the symbol at point
    2. links
  6. speed up
  7. LLMs
    • M-x eglot-code-actions
    • M-x eglot-code-action-organize-imports
    • M-x eglot-code-action-quickfix
    • M-x eglot-code-action-extract
    • M-x eglot-code-action-inline
    • M-x eglot-code-action-rewrite
  8. troubleshooting
    • M-x eglot-events-buffer
    • M-x eglot-stderr-buffer
    • M-x eglot-forget-pending-continuations
  9. links

38.7.5. ElDoc - Programming Language Documentation Lookup

Is Buffer-local minor mode, but may be activated globally with variable global-eldoc-mode.

activate: M-x eldoc-mode

  • eldoc-echo-area-prefer-doc-buffer - where to show documentation by eldoc-idle-delay
    • t - if ElDoc window exist, show there.
    • nil - echo area ony. (the default)
    • maybe - echo area if it is short
  • eldoc-documentation-strategy
    • eldoc-documentation-default (default) - first only
    • eldoc-documentation-compose - all
    • eldoc-documentation-compose-eagerly - all eagerly
  • eldoc-idle-delay - 0.5 by default

To check if “eldoc doc buffer” exist:

(get-buffer-window eldoc--doc-buffer t)

By default

  • show info at minibuffer after several second when cursor eldoc-idle-delay
  • eldoc and eldoc-print-current-symbol-info - show info in separate window.

post-command-hook -> eldoc-schedule-timer (Ensure `eldoc-timer' is running.) -> eldoc-print-current-symbol-info -> eldoc–invoke-strategy -> eldoc-documentation-strategy -> eldoc-documentation-default -> eldoc-documentation-functions -> elisp-eldoc-var-docstring, elisp-eldoc-funcall


  • post-command-hook -> eldoc-schedule-timer (Ensure `eldoc-timer' is running.) -> eldoc-print-current-symbol-info -> eldoc–invoke-strategy -> eldoc-documentation-compose

38.7.6. company-jedi

requirements: pip install sexpdata-0.0.3.tar.gz pip install epc-0.0.5.tar.gz pip install virtualenv-15.1.0.tar.gz

M-x jedi:install-server

jedi required 0.17.2

C-c ? - get documentatio for object

38.7.7. elpy MELPA

install elpy for MELPA

  • pip3 install flake8 –user
  • .bashrc: export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
  • M-x elpy-doc - configure doc for C-c C-d
  • C-c C-p - start python window
  • C-c C-c - in text - run all bufer in started python window
  • C-c C-r - in text - run region
  1. setup example

    (defun my/python-mode-hook () (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-jedi))

    (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my/python-mode-hook) (company-jedi 1)

    (setq elpy-rpc-backend "jedi") (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup)

    (global-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'jedi:goto-definition) (global-set-key "\C-x\C-k" 'jedi:goto-definition-pop-marker)

  2. TODO artile
    1. install elpy for MELPA
    2. install:
      • dev-python/jedi - wesome autocompletion, static analysis and refactoring library for Python
      • dev-python/black - Python code formatter
      • dev-python/autopep8 - automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide
      • dev-python/yapf - ?
      • dev-python/flake8 - syntax checker
      • dev-python/rope - ?
    3. M-x elpy-config
    4. M-x pyvenv-activate ( not shure)
    5. M-x elpy-rpc-reinstall-virtualenv ( not shure)
    6. (setq elpy-rpc-virtualenv-path 'current) (not shure)
    7. Enable:
      • file variables: # ; -- mode: Python; eval: (elpy-enable); fill-column: 100; --
      • or .emacs
    1. keys:
      • C-C C-d - get doc
      • M-Tab - autocompletion
      • C-c C-v - elpy-check syntax (automatic at save)
      • M-; - comment
      • C-c C-c - send all to python shell
      • C-RET - send current line
      • C-c C-r - rename varibale
      • C-c < python-indent-shift-left
      • C-c > python-indent-shift-right
    2. ERROR line too long
  3. in org


        '((python . t)))
       (setq org-babel-python-command "ipython3 --no-banner --classic --no-confirm-exit")

    or with shell:

        '((python . t)))
       (setq shell-command-switch "-ic")

    execute without ask

       ;; all python code be safe
       (defun my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lang body)
         (not (string= lang "python")))
       (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate 'my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate)

38.7.8. flymake - erros checking

  • require python-pyflakes
  • emerge –ask dev/python-pyflakes (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (flymake-mode) ))

i am not shure if it is required:

  • package: flymake-python-pyflakes
  • .emacs
    • (require 'flymake-python-pyflakes)
    • (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'flymake-python-pyflakes-load)

38.7.9. flycheck - errors checking

native supprot for: python-flake8 or python-pylint, and falls back to python-pycompile if neither of those is available

  • emerge –ask dev-python/flake8
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
  (lambda ()

(defun my/python-mode-hook () (local-set-key (kbd "<M-left>") 'python-indent-shift-left ) (local-set-key (kbd "<M-right>") 'python-indent-shift-right ) ;; (display-line-numbers-mode) ;; indentation (setq python-indent-offset 4) ;; errors checking (flycheck-mode) kk)

  1. links

38.7.10. treesit tree-sitter

  1. USE=tree-sitter emerge –ask app-editors/emacs
    • M-: (treesit-available-p) RET should return t
  2. emerge –ask dev-libs/tree-sitter-python # replace M-x treesit-install-language-grammar
    • treesit-language-source-alist - list of sources in github
    • M-: (treesit-language-available-p 'python) RET should return t
  3. python-ts-mode and python-mode - are different. To remap:
    • (add-to-list 'major-mode-remap-alist '(python-mode . python-ts-mode))
    • (setq major-mode-remap-alist '((c-mode . c-ts-mode) (yaml-mode . yaml-ts-mode) (bash-mode . bash-ts-mode)))


  • get supported ts mode: C-h a -ts-mode

Before Tree-sitter, your beautiful source code was parsed using some sort of regex engine in most editors.


  • syntax highlighting, code analysis, or incremental selection for example
  • code folding
  • selection around cursor
  • intelligence code snippets

out of Gentoo repository:

Structural editing in Emacs.

  1. function


38.7.11. LSP based configuration - theory

LSP - Language Server Protocol - a set of protocols (initially by VSCode)

  • for: "IDE features": autocomplete, jump to definition, Documentation, …

well knewn:

  • Eglot - part of Emacs since 2.9
  • lsp-mode - not part of Emacs
    • flycheck instead of flymake for on-the-fly diagnostics.
    • projectile which is much more powerful and useful than the built in project.el.

Spyder extensions for the python language server

  • document symbol searching and others.

  • depends on flake8 and pycodestyle, pylint, pyflakes

Eglot is written by a regular Emacs contributor and maintainer, and as a result is much higher quality code. lsp-mode is written by volunteers on Github without a lot of Emacs Lisp experience (it shows), the code is pretty bad at places, definitely over-engineered and I wouldn't recommend it.

python-lsp add-ons

  • pylsp-mypy
  • pylsp-rope
  • python-lsp-ruff

38.7.12. LSP - bridge, lsp-bridge

Eglot is Elisp therefore single-threaded

Source code


  • pip3 install epc orjson sexpdata six setuptools paramiko rapidfuzz
  • Elisp dependencies, disable?
    • markdown-mode - lsp-bridge-markdown-lsp-server - nil
    • yasnippet - acm-enable-yas nil
  • Local: emerge –ask dev-python/python-lsp-server

python3 lsp-bridge/


  • Emacs - ACM, lsp-bridge
  • LSP Bridge(local): Elisp part, Python part
  • LSP Birdeg(remote): Python part, Elisp part (not used)
  • remote - language server, remote search backend

38.7.13. Debugger - M-x pdb

GUD (Grand Unified Debugger)

  1. keys

    key prefixes:

    • “C-c” - GUD interaction buffer, global binding.
    • "C-x C-a” - “gud-key-prefix” f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.4/lisp/progmodes/gud.el


    • C-b gud-break "break %d%f:%l" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
    • C-t tbreak
    • C-d gud-remove "clear %d%f:%l" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
    • C-s gud-step "step" "Step one source line with display.")
    • C-n gud-next "next" "Step one line (skip functions).")
    • C-r gud-cont "continue" "Continue with display.")
    • C-f gud-finish "return" "Finish executing current function.")
    • < gud-up "up" "Up one stack frame.")
    • > gud-down "down" "Down one stack frame.")
    • C-p gud-print "p %e" "Evaluate Python expression at point.")
    • C-e gud-statement "!%e" "Execute Python statement at point.")


    • ("n" . gud-next)
    • ("s" . gud-step)
    • ("c" . gud-cont)
    • ("l" . gud-refresh)
    • ("f" . gud-finish)
    • ("<" . gud-up)
    • (">" . gud-down))

    pdb keys: M-n comint-next-input M-p comint-previous-input M-r comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp C-c M-o comint-clear-buffer C-M-l comint-show-output

    see python#MissingReference

38.8. TODO C/C++

38.8.1. indentation

style is indentation style

Styles: f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.2/lisp/progmodes/cc-styles.el::54

Get current style

(print c-indentation-style)

38.9. TypeScript

typescript-mode is not developed and on a halt, typescript-ts-mode is current supported mode.

38.10. php mod

C-M-<HOME> Move point to the beginning of the current function (beginning-of-defun). C-M-<END> Move point to the end of the current function (end-of-defun).

C-M-\ Properly indent each line of region (indent-region). C-c C-q Properly indent each line of current top-level function or top-level class (c-indent-defun).

M-; Insert comment at point (comment-dwim). If comment already exist, indent comment (comment-indent). M-j Insert a newline in a comment on the next line with the comment starting at the same column as the current line (c-indent-new-comment-line). C-c C-c Comment out the current region (comment-region). If region is already commented, the region is uncommented. C-u M-; Kill the comment on the current line (comment-kill called by comment-set-column or comment-dwim). C-u n M-; Kill the next n comments (comment-dwim).

convert the tabs to spaces:

  1. C-x h
  2. M-x untabify RET

M-? find usages (xref-find-references)

38.11. Ctags or tagging system

people usually use ctags to do two things

  • Code navigation
  • Auto-complete/IntelliSense

38.11.1. GNU Global ggtags

Emacs frontends to GNU Global:

  • It is similar to older tagging software such as ctags and etags, but differs in its independence from any specific text editor.
  • alternative with better functionality for C, C++, Yacc, Java, PHP4 and assembly language.
  • ggtags
  • helm-gtags
  • gtags-mode (global build in)

create tags:

  • M-x ggtags-create-tags RET
  • $ gtags
  • $ gtags -c create compact database


  • global -T -x string - T search in libs. x - verbose
  1. Libraries:

    • If you want to locate symbols that are not defined in the source tree, then you can specify library directories with GTAGSLIBPATH environment variable.
    • You should execute gtags(1) at each directory in the GTAGSLIBPATH. If ‘GTAGS’ is not found there, global ignores such directories.
      • $ global strlen # strlen() is not found
      • $ (cd /usr/src/lib; gtags) # library source
      • $ (cd /usr/src/sys; gtags) # kernel source
      • $ export GTAGSLIBPATH=/usr/src/lib:/usr/src/sys
      • $ global strlen ../../../usr/src/lib/libc/string/strlen.c # found in library $ global access ../../../usr/src/sys/kern/vfssyscalls.c # found in kernel


    • $ ln -s /usr/src/lib .
    • $ ln -s /usr/src/sys .
    • $ gtags

    locate library

    • $ gcc -v –print-file-name=libc.a
    • By default libraries are installed in /usr/lib and header files will be in /usr/include
    • Usually extension of the library file is .so(dynamic) .a(static) and corresponding header file will be .h
    • $ echo "#include <bogus.h>" > t.c; gcc -v t.c; rm t.c
    • echo "#include <bogus.h>" | gcc -v -x c -

38.11.2. GNU etags, ctags - generate tag file for Emacs, vi

  • part of GNU Emacs - The Emacs distribution includes etags, a command for tagging identifier definitions in programs
  • create tag table (defaults file names: TAGS for etags, tags for ctags)
  • The etags format understood by emacs(1);
  • the ctags format understood by vi(1).
  • key bindings for tag navigation were mostly given to Xref (see 38.11.3), Some major modes provide built-in means for looking up the language symbols.
  • Semantic package provides another way to generate and use tags, separate from the etags facility.
  • The Ebrowse facility is similar to etags but specifically tailored for C++.

create a tags table file:

find . -name "*.[chCH]" -print | etags -
  • Emacs has at any time at most one selected tags table
    • M-x visit-tags-table RET / RET
    • (setq tags-table-list '("~/.emacs.d" "/usr/local/lib/emacs/src"))
    • Do not set both tags-file-name and tags-table-list.

to enable table:

  • M-x visit-tags-table RET / RET

simple approach:

  • (require 'etags-select)
  • (require 'etags-table)
  • (global-set-key "\M-." 'etags-select-find-tag)

38.11.3. emacs Xref

Starting with Emacs 25, the default key bindings for tag navigation were mostly given to Xref, but the tags commands they were previously bound to are still available.

  • Xref abstracts over multiple identifier-searching backends (one of them being the tags backend)
  1. Xref Keys
    • `M-.’ (‘xref-find-definitions’)
    • `C-x 4 .’ (‘xref-find-definitions-other-window’) – select the buffer containing a tag’s definition in another window, and move point there.
    • `M-,’ (‘xref-pop-marker-stack’) – jump back
    • `C-M-.’ (‘xref-find-apropos’) – find all meaningful symbols that match a regexp or word list
    • `M-?’ (‘xref-find-references’) – find all references to the identifier at point
  2. Tags Keys
    • `M-.’ (‘find-tag’) – find a tag, that is, use the Tags file to look up a definition. If there are multiple tags in the project with the same name, use `C-u M-.’ to go to the next match.
    • ‘M-x find-tag-other-window’ – selects the buffer containing the tag’s definition in another window, and move point there.
    • ‘M-*’ (‘pop-tag-mark’) – jump back
    • ‘M-x tags-search’ – regexp-search through the source files indexed by a tags file (a bit like ‘grep’)
    • ‘M-x tags-query-replace’ – query-replace through the source files indexed by a tags file
    • `M-,’ (‘tags-loop-continue’) – resume ‘tags-search’ or ‘tags-query-replace’ starting at point in a source file
    • ‘M-x tags-apropos’ – list all tags in a tags file that match a regexp
    • ‘M-x list-tags’ – list all tags defined in a source file
  3. links

38.11.4. rtags

based on LLVM/Clang


  • rdm - server application, and monitors all your indexed files for changes, and reindexes
    • rp - used by rdm, when a source file or one of its dependencies is modified
    • rc - needs specific information about how your sources are compiled to be able to properly index them
    • ~/.rdmrc - to start rdm with specific options

38.12. Flymake vs Flycheck

  • Flymake is build-in

Flycheck uses backend check program

38.13. semantic

  • integrated with etags
  • build in
  • supported tools are GNU Global, GNU Idutils, CScope, and Grep (the fallback method). For best results, use GNU Global.


  • right mouse button
  • C-c , j semantic-complete-jump-local defined in the current file
  • C-c , J semantic-complete-jump defined in any file Emacs has parsed, and move point there
  • C-c , SPC Display a list of possible completions for the symbol at point (semantic-complete-analyze-inline)
  • C-c , l Display a list of the possible completions of the symbol at point, in another window

(semantic-add-system-include "/usr/include/boost" 'c++-mode) (semantic-add-system-include "~/linux/kernel") (semantic-add-system-include "~/linux/include")

38.14. TODO gdm (setq ;; use gdb-many-windows by default gdb-many-windows t

;; Non-nil means display source file containing the main routine at startup gdb-show-main t )

M-x gdb

run gdb (like this):gdb -i=mi sourcefile

To use gdb-many-windows, you must always supply the -i=mi argument to gdb, otherwise gdb-many-windows won't work.

38.15. autoformat

  • M-q fill-paragraph

You can control such indentation using options lisp-indent-offset and lisp-body-indent, option lisp-indent-function, or symbol property lisp-indent-function. One possible value for option lisp-indent-function is the value of common-lisp-indent-function.

38.16. SQL mode

M-x sql-sqlite

38.17. SQL in org:

SQL mode is used to edit SQLite source code blocks.

two variants: sql and sqlite

there is package in MELPA: ob-sql-mode - SQL code blocks evaluated by sql-mode


38.17.1. sqlite

sqlite3 to evaluate SQL statements

ob-sqlite.el used, must be part of emacs

 'org-babel-load-languages (quote ((emacs-lisp . t)
                                    (sqlite . t)
                                    (sql . t)
                                    (R . t)
                                    (python . t))))
create table greeting(one varchar(10), two varchar(10));
insert into greeting values('Hello', 'world!');
select * from greeting;

38.17.2. PGmacs - posgresql interface

support some others databases

  • TLS support
  • save the contents of a table in CSV or JSON format.

38.18. yaml

  • (yaml . t) ;; llhotka/ob-yaml
  • flymake-yamllint ;; require dev-util/yamllint (based on python dev-python/pyyaml
  • flymake-yaml ;; require Psych or Syck (Ruby 1.8/1.9 standard library) dev-ruby/psych and flymake-easy emacs package.

flymake-goto-next-error’ and ‘flymake-goto-prev-error

  1. flymake-yamllint
    (add-hook 'yaml-mode-hook 'flymake-yamllint-setup)
    (add-hook 'yaml-mode-hook (lambda ()
                                (local-set-key "\C-c\C-n" 'flymake-goto-next-error)
                                (local-set-key "\C-c\C-k" 'flymake-goto-next-error)
  2. serialize with PyYAML


      - b
      - 'c"as"c'
    s: asd
    import yaml
    for data in yaml.load_all("""
      - b
      - 'c"as"c'
    s: asd""", yaml.SafeLoader):
    {'aa': ['b', 'c"as"c']}
    {'s': 'asd'}

38.19. minimap packages

Minimap is a window with small font that allow to get overview of code

  • demap - don't compatible with Org and outlines
  • minimap - slow
    • minimap-minimum-width - default 30 -> 20
    • minimap-display-semantic-overlays t -> nil
  • sublimity - strange behaviour

38.20. ELisp mode

38.20.1. navigation: list and sexp

  • info "(emacs) Expressions"
  • info "(emacs) Moving by Parens"

“balanced expression” - language specific expressions

  • C-M-f/b forward-sexp
  • C-M-k kill-sexp

parentheses - “list“ in syntax table

  • C-M-n/p forward-list
  • C-M-u/d up/down-list

They are the same, just forward-sexp are more customizable.

  1. go to begining of next sexp, not the end.

    To make this we modify forward-sexp-function that will replace forward-sexp and backward-sexp behaviour.

    Useful to ignore comments during navigation:

    (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
    (defun my/forward-sexp (arg)
           ;; (print arg)
           (let ((ar2 (if (> arg 0)
                          ;; else
                (goto-char (or (scan-sexps (point) ar2) (buffer-end ar2)))
                (if (= arg 1) ; called without C-u
                    (progn ; go to begining of next sexp
                     (if (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) ar2))
                         (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1))
                         (goto-char (buffer-end arg)))
                    ;; else - for backward only
    (setq forward-sexp-function 'my/forward-sexp))

39. completion

Most basic: (complete-at-point) that called from 16 bound to TAB.

  • utilize completion-at-point-functions, by default bound to etags.
  • many major modes add own functions to (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions

40. spell checking

40.1. aspell

  • emerge app-text/aspell - English and flycheck-aspell Emacs package
  • C-M-i Complete the word before point based on the spelling dictionary (ispell-complete-word).
  • M-x ispell-change-dictionary RET dict RET

USE="l10nen l10nru" emerge app-text/aspell

40.2. flyspell (not used)

aspell dicts # available dictionaries
(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '(":\\(PROPERTIES\\|LOGBOOK\\):" . ":END:"))
(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("#\\+BEGIN_SRC" . "#\\+END_SRC"))
(require 'flyspell)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(define-key flyspell-mode-map (kbd "C-.") 'helm-flyspell-correct)
(setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")

40.3. TODO hunspell

  • emerge app-text/hunspell


41. Math symbols

41.1. xah-math-input


Type “inf”, then press 【Shift+Space】 `xah-math-input-change-to-symbol', then it becomes “∞”.

For the complete up-to-date list: Alt+x xah-math-input-list-math-symbols

inf ∞ empty,es ∅ +- ± forall ∀ exist ∃ isin ∈ notin ∉ ni ∋ sum ∑ int ∫ cap ∩ union,cup ∪ sim ∼ asymp ≈ equiv ≡ ne ≠ nsub ⊄ sube ⊆ supe ⊇ sub ⊂ sup ⊃ D Δ O Ω q θ nabla ∇ part ∂ rt √ rp ∘ cp ⊕ ct ⊗

Ancient Greek:

  • a - α; b-β; g-γ; d-δ; e-ε; z-ζ; h-η; q-θ; i-ι; k-κ; l-λ; m-μ; n-ν; x-ξ; p-π; r-ρ; s-σ; t-τ; v-υ; f-φ; c-χ; y-ψ; o-ω
  • A-Α; B-Β; G-Γ; D-Δ; E-Ε; Z-Ζ; H-Η; Q-Θ; I-Ι; K-Κ; L-Λ; M-Μ; N-Ν; X-Ξ; P-Π; R-Ρ; S-Σ; T-Τ; V-Υ; F-Φ; C-Χ; Y-Ψ; O-Ω;


install from MELPA: Alt+x list-packages

41.2. company-math

Start math completion by typing the prefix \ key.

  • math latex tags company-math-symbols-latex
  • math unicode symbols company-math-symbols-unicode
  • latex commands company-latex-commands

42. Terminal, shell

emacs -g '80x24' –eval '(term "/bin/bash")'

M-x term

  • C-c C-k char mode
  • C-c C-j line mode
    • C-c char = C-x char
  • C-c C-c = C-c (term-interrupt-subjob)
  • C-c C-q - page at a time feature
    • q - exit - Not working
  • S-insert - yank in char mode

insert result of shell command to buffer:

C-u A-!

43. Dired

43.1. basic

  • C-x d M-x dired
  • C-x C-j M-x dired-jump - Jump to Dired buffer corresponding to current buffer.

C-x C-f - ?


  • h help
  • m dired-mark
  • % m mark with regex
  • u/U unmark/Unmark all marked
  • * Mark all executable file
  • @ Mark all symbolic links
  • / Mark with `*' all files which are actually directories
  • % d regexp RET - mark with regex by name
  • t invert selection


  • d mark for deletion
  • x Delete the files that are flagged for deletion.


  • e/f/RET dired-find-file
  • v view-mode and q to close
  • f/o/C-o visit in other window/dont switch
  • a visit and kill current buffer
  • & open in any program
  • W open in default program


  • ^ dired-up-directory
  • > next directory
  • < preview directory
  • SPC moves the cursor down one item.
  • ( dired-hide-details-mode


  • c compress to (TODO)
  • shift+c copy file - dired-do-copy
  • shift+r rename/move - dired-do-rename
  • shuft+d delete - dired-do-delete
  • + dired-create-directory
  • shift+z Compress/decompress the file by gzip
  • ! shell command on file
  • g Update the entire contents of the Dired buffer
  • l Update the specified files


  • C-x C-q (dired-toggle-read-only) - wdired
    • SPC - change permission

not defined:

  • b z F K @ [ { ; \ | , / `
  • r E J V ) ] } ' "


BKSP moves the cursor up one item.

g rereads the directory. RET opens the item in the current window. o (small O) opens the item in the other window.

Use C-h m or M-x describe-mode to get some help.

43.2. Copy files dired

Mark the files with m or unmark with u. Press R. Enter the destination directory. Press RET.

  1. in .emacs: (setq dired-dwim-target t)
  2. C-x 3 - to open other window
  3. m - mark files
  4. shift+c - copy; shift+r - move

43.3. over ssh - TRAMP

TRAMP stands for “Transparent Remote (file) Access, Multiple Protocol”.

  • /ssh:user@host:/path/to/file
  • /sudo:localhost:/path/to/file # as root
  • /sftp:user@host:/path/to/file
  • /sshfs:user@host:/path/to/file.
  • /adb::/path/to/file # android
  • /ssh:bird@bastion|ssh:you@remotehost:/path RET
  • /ssh:daniel@melancholia#42:.emacs # port 42
  • /ssh:[::1]:.emacs # ipv6


  • C-x x g - revert-buffer-quick


  1. C-x C-f to initiate find-file, enter part of the TRAMP file name, then hit TAB for completion.
  2. TRAMP invokes connection to remote host
  3. Upon successful login, if TRAMP recognizes the shell prompt from the remote host, invokes /bin/sh.
  4. executes cd and ls commands to find which files exist on the remote host. TRAMP checks if a file or directory is writable with test.
  5. TRAMP transfers the file contents from the remote host.
  6. Edit, modify, change the buffer contents as normal, and then save the buffer with C-x C-s.
/:/tmp/foo*bar # ‘/:’ can also prevent ‘~’ and '*' from being treated as a special character

43.3.1. issue: close remote file after modification without connection

as it suggest:

Tramp failed to connect.  If this happens repeatedly, try
‘M-x tramp-cleanup-this-connection’

there is also:

M-x tramp-cleanup-all-connections

and with killing buffers:

M-x tramp-cleanup-all-buffers


  • M-x tramp-unload-tramp
  • M-x kill-buffer RET tramp.

43.3.2. if connection lost, how to save file?

M-x tramp-rename-files

43.4. usecase

I use dired in a "two pane" style (two windows with dired buffers and (setq dired-dwim-target t)) in a separate frame on it's own workspace. I use arrow-keys for navigation (see key-bindings below) this way dired buffers accumulate quickly, I use helm to switch between them. Never felt the need for something like bookmarks.

I also use:







Here is the dired related part of my .emacs

(defun always-t-p (args) "always returns true" (interactive "P") t ) (setq dired-isearch-filenames 'dwim dired-listing-switches "-alhv –time-style=+%F –group-directories-first" dired-no-confirm t ;don't list marked files when performing action, still asks for confirmation dired-deletion-confirmer 'always-t-p ;don't ask for confirmation trashed-action-confirmer 'always-t-p dired-clean-confirm-killing-deleted-buffers nil ;kill dired-buffer when corresponding dir is deleted delete-by-moving-to-trash t ;use systems trash dired-recursive-deletes 'always ;delete dirs even if non-empty dired-dwim-target t ;copy/move to other side dired-filter-revert 'always wdired-allow-to-change-permissions t dired-du-size-format t )

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (setq display-line-numbers 'relative)))

;; some function-definitions and keybindings for dired (defun dired-toggle-details-and-du-mode () (interactive) """toggles dired-du-mode together with dired-hide-details-mode""" (if dired-hide-details-mode (progn (dired-hide-details-mode 0) (dired-du-mode 1)) (progn (dired-hide-details-mode 1) (dired-du-mode -1)))) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd ".") 'dired-hide-dotfiles-mode) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "r") 'dired-rifle) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "b") 'dired-subtree-toggle) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "i") 'dired-subtree-toggle) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd ";") 'dired-subtree-down) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "'") 'dired-subtree-up) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "\"") 'dired-subtree-narrow) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "f") 'dired-filter-mode) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "z") 'dired-du-mode) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd ",") 'trashed) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "l") 'dired) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "\\") dired-filter-mark-map) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "]") 'dired-rsync) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'other-window) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<right>") 'dired-find-alternate-file) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<left>") 'dired-up-directory) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd ")") 'dired-toggle-details-and-du-mode) (define-key trashed-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'other-window)

43.5. images

M-x image-dired - show image thumbnails

43.7. How to open several files in Dired:

  • mark files with #'dired-mark
  • for sync call: press ! #'dired-do-shell-command and for async call: & '#dired-do-async-shell-command
  • type name of command to execute command for each file separately.
  • if you want to execute file by concatenating them to one command type: "command *"

43.8. mark files (dired-x)

  • All executables with * *
  • All files of a particular extension with * .
  • All directories with * /
  • All symlinks with * @
  • Files matching a REGEXP * %

Marking Programmatically

(string-match "Mar 16" time)

mark all the files that were last modified on 16th of March.

43.9. Virtual Dired

putting a buffer with Dired-like contents in Dired mode

43.10. how to open several frequently files at once?

44. Org mode

#+STARTUP: overview

overview top-level headlines only content all headlines showall no folding of any entries showeverything show even drawer contents

Any trouble: M-x toggle-debug-on-error

44.1. navigate keys

  • C-c C-n/p next prev heading
  • C-c C-f/b next prev same level heading
  • C-c C-u Backward to higher level heading.
  • C-c C-j search in headers!
  • M-{ org-backward-element
  • M-} org-forward-element

44.2. keys

  • C-c ' special editor: src block, tables, LaTeX, footnote, timestamp
  • C-c Tab narrow header
  • C-u Tab harrow all headers
  • C-u C-u Tab startup headers visibility

Headers or subtree editing:

  • M-LEFT/RIGHT (org-do-promote/org-do-demote) Promote or demote current heading by one level.
  • M-S-LEFT/RIGHT (org-promote-subtree/org-demote-subtree) Promote the current subtree by one level.
  • M-UP/DOWN (org-move-subtree-up/org-move-subtree-down) Move subtree up, i.e., swap with previous subtree of same level.

44.3. TODO attachments

C-c C-a

44.4. special symbols (TAB)

C-q TAB insert TAB C-u 4 C-q insert 4 TABs

  • asd
  • asd
  • asd
  • asd
  • asd
  • df

44.5. headers


  • property, may be: folded, children, content, and all
  • (custom-set-variables '(org-startup-folded t) - every headers will start folded
  • TAB S-TAB hide show
  • C-c Tab hide current header
  • C-c C-npfbu navigate by headers


C-RET inser HEADER after all text C-c * text to header M-RET new list item M-S-RET TODO S-righ, left or C-c C-t TODO, DONE M(-S)-right lieft up down move and indentation

C-x n s/w редактировать только один уровень

C-c / C-c C-c. sparse tree

44.5.1. TAGS

header tags: * header :as:asd: subheadings willl accumulate all tags. file tags: #+FILETAGS: :Peter:Boss:Secret: C-c C-q (C-c C-c) insert C-c \ search

44.5.2. TODO

S-LEFT/RIGHT - cycle S-UP/DOWN - change item priority

44.6. lists

ordered lists: 1.1) unordired -,+,* description list

[ ] (no term)

M-RET insert new S-left,right cycle bullets -,+,*,1 (C-c -) M-left,right Increase the indentation of an item M-S-RIGHT Increase the indentation of an item with children C-C Toggle check box

C-c ^ sort

C-c - Convert lines to lists

C-x r N and C-u C-x r N - emacs list

44.7. Checkboxes

  • M-S-RET create at list - cursor at the end of the end of the list item
  • C-c C-c togle
  • C-c C-x C-r toggle-radio-button - switch others ff
[/]		add parts
[%]		add percents


  • [-] percet [1/2] [50%]
    • [X] 1
    • [ ] 2

44.8. Properties

C-c C-x p Set a property. C-c C-c d Remove

see headers.

44.9. Time Stamp

  • C-c . ins. for agenda
  • C-c ! ins. inactive
  • S-left/right by one day
  • M-S-LEFT / M-S-RIGHT move selection 1 month backward/forward
  • < / > scroll calendar by 1 month
  • C-v / M-v scroll calendar by 3 months
  • M-S-UP / M-S-DOWN scroll calendar by 1 year
  • S-up/down change at cursor

44.10. Tables

C-c | create table 5x2 C-c autoaligh all table

asd asd

M-a/e move back forward at cells M-arrays move line or row in table Tab - autocomplition

44.11. org links [ [ link][description]]

  • C-c C-l edit link
  • C-c C-x C-v show hide image inline
  • C-c C-o open link
  • C-u C-u C-c C-o open not in emacs
  • M-x org-toggle-link-display

[[ ./a.img - inline image ends with \]\]

Local links (same buffer) :

  1. [[Target local link to header
  2. [[My Target local link to just string #+NAME: My Target
  3. [[./papers/last.pdf’]

external links(sepparate buffer)

  1. projects.html:: name - go had "* name" OR to <<name >>
[[docview:papers/last.pdf::NNN]] open in DocView mode at page NNN
  1. sometextfile:: NNN (jump to line number)
  2. projects.html:: *task title’ (headline search)
  3. projects.html:: #custom-id’ (headline search)
  4. ls
  5. org-store-link
  6. org#External
  8. java:Active
  9. file://ssh:me@some.where:papers/last.pdf’ (remote)
  10. ‘/ssh:me@some.where:papers/last.pdf’ (same as above)
  11. org#External links
  12. full list: (mapc 'print org-link-parameters)

f ile:/home/u/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.28/ol.el::1374

Internal links.

  • coderef:
  • custom-id:
  • fuzzy:
  • radio:

example Mylink to TragetEx

line position

[[file:~/code/main.c::255]]	Find line 255
‘file:~/ Target’	Find ‘<<My Target>>’
[[file:~/]]	Find entry with a custom ID

44.11.1. Applications for opening `path' items in a document:

(setq org-file-apps
    '(("\\.docx\\'" . default)
      ("\\.mm\\'" . default)
      ("\\.x?html?\\'" . default)
      ("\\.pdf\\'" . default)
      ("\\.png\\'" . default)
      ("\\.jpg\\'" . default)
      ("\\.jpeg\\'" . default)
      (auto-mode . emacs)))

44.11.2. links

(org-open-at-point) calls (org-link-open) which uses the variable (org-link-parameters)

;;;; "http", "https", "mailto", "ftp", and "news" link types
;; (dolist (scheme '("ftp" "http" "https" "mailto" "news"))
(dolist (scheme '("http" "https"))
  (org-link-set-parameters scheme
               (lambda (url arg)
                 (browse-url (concat "http:" url) arg))))

44.12. links images, inline images

STARTUP(org-startup-with-inline-images) - inlineimages or noinlineimages

  • C-c C-x C-v (org-toggle-inline-images)


[[path to image]


  • (setq org-startup-with-inline-images "inlineimages")
  • (setq org-mode-actual-width)
    • t - When non-nil, use the actual width of images when inlining them
    • 300 - When set to a number, use imagemagick (when available) to set the image’s width to this value.
    • '(300 200) - use #+ATTR.* keyword if it matches a width specification like #+ATTRHTML: :width 300px or this number
    • nil - use #+ATTR.* or dont resize


  • org-redisplay-inline-images
  • org-display-inline-images
  • org-toggle-inline-images
  • org-remove-inline-images
  1. size of images

    per image:

    globally: (setopt org-image-actual-width 300)

  2. org-image-actual-width
    1. M-x add-file-local-varible-prop-line
    2. org-image-actual-width
        org-image-actual-width is a variable defined in ‘org.el’. Its value is t
        Documentation: Should we use the actual width of images when inlining them?
        When set to t, always use the image width.
        When set to a number, use imagemagick (when available) to set the image’s width to this value.
        When set to a number in a list, try to get the width from any #+ATTR.* keyword if it matches a width specification like
    #+ATTR_HTML: :width 300px
        and fall back on that number if none is found.
        When set to nil, try to get the width from an #+ATTR.* keyword and fall back on the original width if none is found.
        This requires Emacs >= 24.1, build(sic) with imagemagick support.

44.13. source code babel block inline

Exclude tree and its subtrees:

  • C-c C-q set tag "noexport"

exclude tags: EXCLUDETAGS - default value "noexport"

44.13.1. theory

#+begin_src <language>  <switches> <header arguments>
  • <switches> Control code execution, export, and format.
  • <header arguments> Header arguments control many facets of code block behavior, including tangling, evaluation, handling results of evaluation, and exporting.

44.13.2. header arguments

set default arguments for source code blocks:

Buffer wide:

heading wide:

:header-args:python: :exports both
;; The example below sets ‘:noweb’ header arguments to ‘yes’,
;; which makes Org expand ‘:noweb’ references by default.
(setq org-babel-default-header-args
      (cons '(:noweb . "yes")
            (assq-delete-all :noweb org-babel-default-header-args)))
  • :eval never-export - prevent code blocks from being evaluated at export time:
  • :exports both - export code and result


  • org-babel-default-header-args (for all languages)
  • org-babel-default-header-args:<lang> (language specific)

44.13.3. commands

  • C-c ' Edit the source code
  • C-c C-v d create
  • C-c C-c execute
  • C-c C-v e execute
  • org-src-fontify-block code highlighting


  • <s Tab create
  • after #+ autocompletion

44.13.4. template

Название языка строчными!

Some example from a text file.
Some example from a text file.
data p_datum type datum. "15.01.2018
data p_molga type MOLGA value '33'.
p_datum = sy-datum.

44.13.5. python

return "aasd"

44.13.6. output result

  • :results output raw - do nothing with output
  1. example output json
    curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json"

44.13.7. python sessions

#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session a
import numpy
import pandas as pd
v = pd.DataFrame({'as':[1,2], 'ssd':[3,2]})


44.13.8. python images

The ‘mkdirp’ header argument creates parent directories for tangled files if the directory does not exist. A ‘yes’ value enables directory creation whereas ‘no’ inhibits it.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [1, 4, 3]

plt.plot(x, y)

44.13.9. python pandas tables

  1. original - not working with sessions
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({
          "a": [1,2,3],
          "b": [4,5,6]
      a b
    0 1 4
    1 2 5
    2 3 6
  2. with sessions
    import pandas as pd
    def pd2org(df_to_table):
        "can be used any blocks in same session"
        return tabulate(df_to_table, headers=df_to_table.columns, tablefmt='orgtbl')
    df = pd.DataFrame({
          "a": [1,2,3],
          "b": [4,5,6]
      a b
    count 3 3
    mean 2 5
    std 1 1
    min 1 4
    25% 1.5 4.5
    50% 2 5
    75% 2.5 5.5
    max 3 6

44.13.10. python Eglot local

(defun org-babel-edit-prep:python (babel-info)
  (setq-local buffer-file-name (expand-file-name (->> babel-info caddr (alist-get :tangle))))

(defun mb/org-babel-edit:python ()
  (org-babel-tangle '(4))

44.13.11. python Eglot remote

use #+beginsrc python :dir "/ssh:host:"


[eglot] Connected! Server `pylsp' now managing `(python-mode)' buffers in project `mlops-course'.
[eglot] Connected! Server `pylsp' now managing `(python-mode)' buffers in project `jup'.


  • default-directory ; reqguired for Eglot
  • (org-babel-tangle '(4)) ; required by TRAMP
  • buffer-file-name ; reqguired for Eglot?

44.13.12. shell sorce code blocks

for shell:

set -- "2\n22"
echo -e "$@"

this works like #include in C:

print('echo -e "$@"')

44.13.13. graphiz - graphs

For: automatically draw the best representation of graph + allow to prettify.


  • emerge –ask media-gfx/graphviz


44.13.14. templates for source code (org-tempo)

  • (require 'org-tempo) for <s TAB is old system
  • C-c C-, s and it will wrap your selection inside #+beginsrc and #+endsrc.

(require 'org-tempo)

(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("sh" . "src shell")) (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("el" . "src emacs-lisp")) (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("py" . "src python"))

44.13.15. calling blocks


#+CALL: <name>[<inside header arguments>](<arguments>) <end header arguments>

inside header arguments - change header of block

end header arguments - affect the results returned by the code block.

  1. ex
    s asd2 s2

    s asd2 s2 s asd2 s2

    bla bla

    echo s $x s2
  2. ex with :var x=name
    a = 2

44.13.16. evaluatlion

prevent evaluation:

:eval no
:eval never
#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval no

prevent evaluation if code not changed:

:cache yes

prevent evaluation if Org source blocks during export:

  • per block
#+begin_src <language> :eval never-export
  • per file
#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
  • global
(setq org-babel-default-header-args
      (cons '(:eval . "never-export")
            (assq-delete-all :eval org-babel-default-header-args)))


44.13.17. babel library

  • /usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/org.el
    • org-babel-do-load-languages - (require ob-'lang'.el
    • org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c
    • ob-core.el: org-babel-execute-src-block
      • org-babel-process-params
    • org-babel-execute:lang body params
    • ob-eval.el: org-babel-eval
  • /usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/org/ob-core.el
  1. default params for org-babel-execute:lang
     (:result-params "replace" "output")
     (:result-type . output)
     (:results . "replace output")
     (:exports . "code")
     (:session . "none")
     (:cache . "no")
     (:noweb . "no")
     (:hlines . "no")
     (:tangle . "no"))
  2. terms
    • Literate Programming - invented by Donald Knuth in 1980’s. Self-documented code file that generate 1) documentation 2) source code
      • weave, weaving - the documentation
      • tangle, tangling - the source code. (ex. Org-mode file is tangled and executed)
    • Functional Mode - ":results value" - the code block is a function with a return value. The return value of one code block can be used as input for another code block, even one in a different language.
    • Scripting Mode - ":results output" - stdout to result
  3. python evaluation process

    f ile:/home/u/.emacs.d/contrib/lisp/ob-python.el::85

    • org-babel-execute:python
    • org-babel-python-evaluate
    • if not in session: org-babel-python-evaluate-external-process

44.13.18. org-babel-eval (command query)



process-file("/bin/bash" "/tmp/babel-r8qnrq/ob-input-NupvRT" (t "/tmp/babel-r8qnrq/ob-error-cNDFv1") nil "-c" "mypy")

call-process "/bin/bash" "/tmp/babel-r8qnrq/ob-input-ZiSUmz" (t "/tmp/emacsIHqeyU") nil ("-c" "mypy")

call-process "/bin/bash" "~/aaa" (t "/tmp/emacsIHqeyU") nil ("-c" "mypy")

(call-process "/bin/bash" "~/aaa" t nil "-c" "python")
(call-process "/bin/bash" "~/aaa" t nil "-c" "mypy")
(call-process "/bin/bash" "~/aaa" t nil "-c" "/usr/local/bin/")
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

44.13.19. indentation

(org-cycle) -> with babel python (org-cycle) -> indent-for-tab-command -> org-indent-line with record!

(execute-extended-command nil "indent-for-tab-command" nil)
  • org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer("\11")
  • org-babel-do-in-edit-buffer
  • org-edit-src-code, org-edit-src-exit , sequence:
    • (beg org-src–beg-marker)
    • (end org-src–end-marker)
    • (narrow-to-region beg end)
    • org-replace-buffer-contents = replace-buffer-contents (SOURCE &optional MAX-SECS MAX-COSTS))
  1. highlight-changes-mode - how it works:


    • set hook for local buffer with depth nil
    (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'hilit-chg-set-face-on-change nil t))

    :(defun hilit-chg-set-face-on-change (beg end leng-before

         &optional no-property-change)
    • beg/end - beginning and end of the range of changed text,
    • leng-before - length in chars of the pre-change text replaced by that range.

44.13.20. exception characters - escaping

  • ‘*’ as ‘,*’
  • ‘#+’ as ‘,#+’

44.13.21. Tramp integration

inside org-babel-eval

(let ((default-directory "/ssh:kvmka:/root/"))
(org-babel-eval "/usr/bin/python3" "import pandas"))

44.14. example block

20:   Some example from a text file.

44.15. completions

  • C-c C-, (org-insert-structure-template) - #+ ….

44.15.1. M-TAB completion

  • after '* '
  • After ‘\’, complete TeX symbols supported by the exporter.
  • After ‘:’ in a headline, complete tags
  • After ‘:’ and not in a headline, complete property keys
  • After ‘[[’, complete link abbreviations
  • After ‘[[*’, complete headlines in the current buffer
  • After ‘#+’, complete the special keywords
  • After #+STARTUP: keyword, complete startup items.
  • When point is anywhere else, complete dictionary words using Ispell. ???

44.15.2. disable org-tempo

works like [[skeletons]

44.16. LaTeX для русского:


статья: [10pt,a4paper,twocolumn]{article} широко:

очень широко:

\begin{equation} x=\sqrt{b} \end{equation}

\[ a=+\sqrt{2} \] or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \]

44.17. archiving

C-c C-x C-a archive subtree.

44.18. inline images

(setq org-startup-with-inline-images t) or:

[ [ f ile:org-level-hist.png]

44.19. Tables and Spreadsheets

  • |- start pattern
  • :=vmean($2..$3) calculate the mean for fields from the second ($2) to the third ($3) field in this row
  • C-u C-c * (or C-c C-c if you're on the #+TBLFM) reapplying all formulas
  • S-arrows swap columns

44.20. Tables as spreadsheets

  • C-c ? learn about field
  • C-c C-c calc table
  • C-c = editing column formulas
  • C-u C-c = field formulas
  • C-c ' edit formulas more interactively in a dedicated buffer
  • C-c { Turn the formulas debugger on
  • eval formula when cursor at TBLFM - M-x org-table-calc-current-TBLFM


  1. put cursor in a row
  2. type :=vmean($1..$2) or use editor for filed: C-u C-c =
  3. C-u C-c * reapply all formulas

#+TBLFM line contains all the formulas for the table above, and you should be careful while editing it manually.

n n2

44.20.1. calc source block

a b c

44.21. indent-mode

  • M-x org-indent-mode
  • (setq org-startup-indented t)

use '(org-hide-leading-stars t) inside

44.23. TODO Capture C-c c and templates, notes

44.24. columnar view

44.24.1. keys

  • C-c C-x C-c (org-columns)
  • r/g redo
  • C-c C-c or q quit
  • LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN Move through the column view from field to field.
  • S-left/right cycle throught possible values
  • M-left/right move columns left/right
  • e edit-value
  • v show-value
  • a edit-allowed - possible values
  • C-c C-c (org-columns-toggle-or-columns-quit) When there is a checkbox at point, toggle it.
  • </> columns-widen
  • S-M-RIGHT org-columns-new

44.24.2. org-columns-default-format


44.24.3. format


44.24.4. properties

  • ITEM The content of the headline.
  • TODO The TODO keyword of the entry.
  • TAGS The tags defined directly in the headline.
  • ALLTAGS All tags, including inherited ones.
  • PRIORITY The priority of the entry, a string with a single letter.
  • DEADLINE The deadline time string, without the angular brackets.
  • SCHEDULED The scheduling time stamp, without the angular brackets.

44.24.6. effort template

#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 0 0:10 0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00
#+COLUMNS: %40ITEM(Task) %17Effort(Estimated Effort){:} %CLOCKSUM

44.24.7. org-clock-report or clocktable

44.25. priorities

44.25.1. custom priorities:

  org-lowest-priority  1
  org-highest-priority 10
  org-default-priority 5

44.26. sort

44.27. TAGS

  • ! add timestemp without asking
  • @ ask whether to add timestamp or not
  • /! when switching back from it add timestamp to TODO word staying before
  • computer @phone - at most one of them should be selected


  • C-c C-q (org-set-tags-command)
  • C-c C-c (org-set-tags-command)

44.28. .TODO

#-- org-todo-keyword-faces: (("TODO" . org-warning) ("FAILED" . "red") ("DONE" . "green")); --

-- org-todo-keyword-faces: (("TODO" . "red") ("WAIT" . "orange") ("DONE" . "green")); --

Colours for TODO:

(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
  '(("TODO" . org-warning)
     ("STARTED" . "red")
     ("WAITING" . "yellow")
     ;; ("CANCELED" . (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold))
     ("CANCELED" . "cyan")

44.29. export

  • C-c C-e # - inserts a template containing all the options:

Disabling underscore-to-subscript

  • #+OPTIONS: ^:nil
  • (setq org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil)

44.30. export to markdown

to activate:

  • M-x customize-variable <Ret> org-export-backends <Ret>
  • C-c C-e m m (org-md-export-to-markdown) Export to a text file with Markdown syntax
  • C-c C-e m M (org-md-export-as-markdown) Export to a temporary buffer. Does not create a file.
  • C-c C-e m o Export as a text file with Markdown syntax, then open it.
  • supported export formats:

for filename in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f \
                       -not -name '*.html' -not -name '.nojekyll' \
                       -not -name '*.md' -not -name '*.png' -not -name '' \
                       -not -name '.*.sh'); do
    echo "put ${filename}";
    emacs "${filename}" --eval "(progn (org-md-export-to-markdown) (save-buffers-kill-emacs))"

44.31. tangling

#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle init.el


:tangle init.el

C-c C-v C-t org-babel-tangle Extract the bodies of all source code blocks from the current file into their own source-specific files.

44.32. presentations

44.32.1. Beamer - export to PDF

  1. terms
    composition of text for publication,
    software system for typesetting documents. uses the TeX typesetting program for formatting its output, and is itself written in the TeX macro language. used as an intermediate format.
    markup tagging conventions
    to define the general structure of a document and other things
    as input to the TeX program (with the LaTeX macros loaded)
    a LaTeX document class specifically designed for creating presentation slides.
    LaTeX class
    a set of predefined formatting and layout settings that define the overall structure and appearance of a LaTeX document. Common LaTeX Classes: article, report, book, beamer, letter. have ".cls" extension.
    common classes takes options that select the type size, paper size, orientation, etc..
  2. steps
    1. sudo apt install texlive-full or
      • dev-texlive/texlive-latex
      • dev-texlive/texlive-plaingeneric
      • dev-tex/latex-beamer
      • dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra)
      • if your language is not English you will need special package with fonts: dev-texlive/texlive-lang????…
    2. go to top M-<
    3. command: Ctrl+C Ctrl+e # - org-export-dispatch
    4. add lines at the end:
      • #+startup: beamer
      • #+LaTeXCLASS: beamer
      • #+LaTeXCLASSOPTIONS: [bigger]
    5. if your language is not English you will need addition option T2A or some other:
      • #+BEAMERHEADER: \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc} - for Russian
    6. export your slide as a Beamer presentation(pdf):
      • C-c C-e l P (org-beamer-export-to-pdf)


    • frame - page
    • title and the content - outline header and text within

    Specify which header level will be used for pages:

    #+OPTIONS: H:2

    Will not be exported:

    • comments: C-x ; - org-toggle-comment
    • # - any lines strted with #
    • headers with tag: :noexport:
  3. todo aspect rate
    #+BEAMER_HEADER: \usepackage[orientation=landscape,size=custom,width=30,height=30,scale=0.7,debug]{beamerposter}
    #+BEAMER_HEADER: \usepackage[size=custom,width=30,height=30,scale=0.7,debug]{beamerposter}
    #+BEAMER_HEADER: \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer}
  4. centered image


  5. Theme setting:
  6. troubleshooting

    problem: org-compile-file: File "/tmp/orgtexayaFgR.pdf" wasn’t produced. Please adjust ‘imagemagick’ part of ‘org-preview-latex-process-alist’.

    • /etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml:
    • <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />
    • workaround: pdflatex /tmp/orgtexayaFgR.tex

    sub-problem: LaTeX Error: File `ulem.sty' not found.

    • workaround: find current font: M-x describe-face RET default
    • solution: emerge –ask dev-texlive/texlive-plaingeneric

    sub-problem: ! LaTeX Error: File `dejavu.sty' not found.

    • solution: emerge –ask dev-texlive/texlive-formatsextra

    problem: org-compile-file: File "/tmp/orgtexHuvmlj.png" wasn’t produced. Please adjust ‘imagemagick’ part of ‘org-preview-latex-process-alist’.

    • workaround: cd /tmp ; convert -density 30x30 -trim -antialias orgtexvwZJUM.pdf -quality 100 orgtexvwZJUM.png
    • solution: app-text/ghostscript-gpl

    problem: user-error: Unknown LaTeX class ‘beamer’

    • You should use: M-x org-beamer-export-to-pdf instead.

    problem: org-compile-file: File "/home/u/sources/tasks-for-job/taskforhackathondemo/README.pdf" wasn’t produced. See "Org PDF LaTeX Output" for details

    • workaround: M-x buffer-menu and select "Org PDF LaTeX Output"

    sub-problem: ! LaTeX Error: File `beamer.cls' not found.

    • solution: install dev-tex/latex-beamer

    sub-problem: ! LaTeX Error: File `wrapfig.sty' not found.

    • solution: install dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra

    sub-problem: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character к (U+043A)(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.

    sub-problem: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 哥 (U+54E5)(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.

    • solution: install texlive-langchinese or texlive-langcjk

    How to skip first "Outline" frame?

    • #+OPTIONS: H:1 toc:nil
  7. don't support GIF
  8. links

44.33. resume

44.33.2. academic CV

%Academic CV LaTeX Template
% Author: Dubasi Pavan Kumar
% LinkedIn:
% License: MIT
% For errors, suggestions, or improvements, please contact:
% Email:


% Package imports

% Color definitions

% Page layout
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\geometry{left=1.4cm, top=0.8cm, right=1.2cm, bottom=1cm}
\setlength{\footskip}{5pt} % Addressing fancyhdr warning

% Hyperlink setup (moved after fancyhdr to address warning)

% Custom box settings
    frame code={},
    center title,
    enlarge left by=-2mm,
    arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,

% URL style

% Text alignment

% Section formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-7pt}]

% Custom commands
    \textbf{#1}{\hspace{0.5mm}#2 \vspace{-0.5mm}}

        \textbf{#1}\hspace{0.3mm}#2 & \textit{\small{#3}}

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        \textbf{#1} & \textit{\footnotesize{#3}} \\
        \footnotesize{\textit{#2}} & \footnotesize{#4}



\newcommand{\resumeHeadingSkillStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*,itemsep=1.7mm, rightmargin=2ex]}

    \textbf{\large #1}


% Commands for icon sizing and positioning

% Font options
\newcommand{\headerfonti}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont} % Helvetica-like (similar to Arial/Calibri)
\newcommand{\headerfontii}{\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont} % Times-like (similar to Times New Roman)
\newcommand{\headerfontiii}{\fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont} % Palatino (elegant serif)
\newcommand{\headerfontiv}{\fontfamily{pbk}\selectfont} % Bookman (readable serif)
\newcommand{\headerfontv}{\fontfamily{pag}\selectfont} % Avant Garde-like (similar to Trebuchet MS)
\newcommand{\headerfontvi}{\fontfamily{cmss}\selectfont} % Computer Modern Sans Serif
\newcommand{\headerfontvii}{\fontfamily{qhv}\selectfont} % Quasi-Helvetica (another Arial/Calibri alternative)
\newcommand{\headerfontviii}{\fontfamily{qpl}\selectfont} % Quasi-Palatino (another elegant serif option)
\newcommand{\headerfontix}{\fontfamily{qtm}\selectfont} % Quasi-Times (another Times New Roman alternative)
\newcommand{\headerfontx}{\fontfamily{bch}\selectfont} % Charter (clean serif font)


% Header
    {\Huge\textbf{FULL NAME}}

    +1-234-567-8900 | \href{}{} |

    \socialicon{\faLinkedin} \href{}{your-profile} |
    \socialicon{\faGithub} \href{}{your-username} |
    \ieeeicon{\includegraphics[height=1.3em]{ieee_collabratec_icon.png}} \href{}{your-profile} |
    \socialicon{\faTwitter} \href{}{your-handle}
    \small{Your City, Your State - Your ZIP, Your Country}


Seeking a challenging position in [your field] to leverage my expertise in [your key skills]. Aiming to contribute to innovative projects at the intersection of [your interests] and practical problem-solving in fields such as [specific areas of interest].

      {{Company A [\href{}{\faIcon{globe}}]}}{City, Country}
      {Job Title A}{Month Year - Month Year}
        \item Developed [specific achievement] achieving [specific metric] in [specific area]
        \item Implemented [technology/method], enhancing [specific aspect] by [specific percentage]
        \item Conducted analysis on [specific data], identifying [key findings]
        \item Presented findings at [specific event], receiving [specific recognition]
    {Company B [\href{}{\faIcon{globe}}]}{Remote}
    {Job Title B}{Month Year - Month Year}
      \item Engineered a [specific system/model], improving [specific metric] by [percentage]
      \item Developed [specific tool/method], increasing [specific aspect] by [percentage]
      \item Implemented [specific system], reducing [specific metric] by [percentage]
      \item Conducted [specific test/analysis] to validate [specific aspect]


{University Name}{City, Country}
{Degree Name}{Month Year - Month Year}
\item GPA: X.XX/4.00

{College Name}{City, Country}
{Pre-University Education}{Month Year}
\item Grade: XX.X\%

{High School Name}{City, Country}
{Secondary Education}{Month Year}
\item GPA: X.X/10



  {Project A: [Brief Description]}
  {Tools: [List of tools and technologies used]}
  {Month Year - Month Year}
  \item Developed [specific feature/system] for [specific purpose]
  \item Implemented [specific technology] for [specific goal], achieving [specific result]
  \item Created [specific component], ensuring [specific benefit]
  \item Applied [specific method] to analyze [specific aspect]

  {Project B: [Brief Description]}
  {Tools: [List of tools and technologies used]}
  {Month Year}
  \item Developed [specific model/system], achieving [specific metric]
  \item Implemented [specific feature], processing [specific volume] of data
  \item Created [specific visualization] for [specific purpose]
  \item Developed [specific component] for easy integration with [specific system]


\section{\textbf{Patents and Publications} \hfill \textcolor{darkblue}{\scriptsize C=Conference, J=Journal, P=Patent, S=In Submission, T=Thesis}}
\begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=*, labelsep=0.5em, align=left, widest={[\textbf{S.1}]}, itemindent=0em, label={\textbf{[\arabic*]}]}]
\item[\textbf{[C.1]}] Your Name, et al. (Year). \href{}{\textbf{Title of Conference Paper}}. In \textit{Name of Conference Proceedings}, pp. XX-XX. Publisher. Date, Location. DOI: XX.XXXX/XXXXXXX.XXXX.XXXXXXX

\item[\textbf{[S.1]}] Your Name, et al. (Year). \textbf{Title of Submitted Paper}. Manuscript submitted for publication in \textit{Journal Name}.

\item[\textbf{[P.1]}] Inventor 1, Your Name, Inventor 3, et al. (Year). \href{}{\textbf{Title of Patent}}. Patent Office, Patent No. XXXXXXXXX. Registration Date: Date, Grant Date: Date, Publication Date: Date.

\item[\textbf{[J.1]}] Author 1, Your Name, Author 3, et al. (Year). \href{}{\textbf{Title of Journal Article}}. \textit{Journal Name}, Vol. XX, Issue X, pp. XXX-XXX. DOI: XX.XXXX/XXXXX.XXXX.XXXXXXX

  \resumeSubItem{Programming Languages:}
    {Language 1, Language 2, Language 3, Language 4, Language 5}
  \resumeSubItem{Web Technologies:}
    {Technology 1, Technology 2, Technology 3, Technology 4, Technology 5}
  \resumeSubItem{Database Systems:}
    {Database 1, Database 2, Database 3}
  \resumeSubItem{Data Science \& Machine Learning:}
    {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5, Tool 6}
\resumeSubItem{Cloud Technologies:}
    {Cloud Platform 1, Cloud Platform 2, Cloud Platform 3}
  \resumeSubItem{DevOps \& Version Control:}
    {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5}
  \resumeSubItem{Specialized Area:}
    {Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4}
  \resumeSubItem{Mathematical \& Statistical Tools:}
    {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5}
  \resumeSubItem{Other Tools \& Technologies:}
    {Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3, Tool 4, Tool 5}
  \resumeSubItem{Research Skills:}{Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4, Skill 5, Skill 6}

\section{\textbf{Honors and Awards}}

  {Award Name A}
  {Awarding Institution/Organization}
  {Month Year}
  \item Brief description of the award and its significance
  \item Impact or recognition associated with the award

  {Award Name B}
  {Awarding Institution/Organization}
  {Month Year}
  \item Brief description of the award and its significance
  \item Impact or recognition associated with the award

  {Competition Achievement}
  {Competition Name, Organizing Body}
  {Month Year}
  \item Specific achievement or rank in the competition
  \item Skills or abilities demonstrated through this achievement


\section{\textbf{Leadership Experience}}
  {Leadership Role A}
  {Organization/Institution Name}
  {Month Year - Month Year}
  \item Key responsibility or achievement in this role
  \item Quantifiable impact or improvement made during tenure
  \item Initiative taken or project led

  {Leadership Role B}
  {Organization/Institution Name}
  {Month Year - Month Year}
  \item Key responsibility or achievement in this role
  \item Quantifiable impact or improvement made during tenure
  \item Initiative taken or project led



\section{\textbf{Volunteer Experience}}
  {Volunteer Role A}
  {Organization Name}
  {Month Year - Month Year}
  \item Key responsibility or contribution in this role
  \item Impact of your volunteer work
  \item Skills developed or applied during this experience

  {Volunteer Role B}
  {Organization Name}
  {Month Year - Present}
  \item Key responsibility or contribution in this role
  \item Impact of your volunteer work
  \item Skills developed or applied during this experience


\section{\textbf{Professional Memberships}}
\resumePOR{Professional Organization A}
    {, Membership ID: XXXXXXXX}
    {Month Year - Present}
\resumePOR{Professional Organization B}
    {, \href{}{Membership ID: XXXXXXXX}}
    {Month Year - Present}
\resumePOR{Professional Organization C}
    {, \href{}{Membership ID: XXXXXXXX}}
    {Month Year - Present}


\textbf{Certification A}
}}{Month Year}
\textbf{Certifying Body:} {{\href{}{Certification B}}}}{Month Year}
\textbf{Certifying Body:} {{\href{}{Certification C}}}}{Month Year}
\textbf{Certification D}
}}{Month Year}


\section{\textbf{Additional Information}}
\textbf{Languages:} Language A (Proficiency level), Language B (Proficiency level), Language C (Proficiency level)

\textbf{Interests:} Interest 1, Interest 2, Interest 3, Interest 4

\item \textbf{Reference Person 1}\\
   Job Title, Department\\
   Organization/Institution Name\\
   Phone: +X-XXX-XXX-XXXX\\
   \textit{Relationship: [e.g., Thesis Advisor, Manager, etc.]}

\item \textbf{Reference Person 2}\\
   Job Title, Department\\
   Organization/Institution Name\\
   Phone: +X-XXX-XXX-XXXX\\
   \textit{Relationship: [e.g., Project Supervisor, Colleague, etc.]}

\item \textbf{Reference Person 3}\\
   Job Title, Department\\
   Organization/Institution Name\\
   Phone: +X-XXX-XXX-XXXX\\
   \textit{Relationship: [e.g., Mentor, Collaborator, etc.]}


44.33.3. with photo at top

%% start of file `template.tex'.
%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (, 2020-2022 moderncv maintainers (
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv}        % possible options include font size ('10pt', '11pt' and '12pt'), paper size ('a4paper', 'letterpaper', 'a5paper', 'legalpaper', 'executivepaper' and 'landscape') and font family ('sans' and 'roman')

% moderncv themes
\moderncvstyle{classic}                             % style options are 'casual' (default), 'classic', 'banking', 'oldstyle' and 'fancy'
\moderncvcolor{blue}                               % color options 'black', 'blue' (default), 'burgundy', 'green', 'grey', 'orange', 'purple' and 'red'
%\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}         % to set the default font; use '\sfdefault' for the default sans serif font, '\rmdefault' for the default roman one, or any tex font name
%\nopagenumbers{}                                  % uncomment to suppress automatic page numbering for CVs longer than one page

% adjust the page margins
\setlength{\footskip}{136.00005pt}                 % depending on the amount of information in the footer, you need to change this value. comment this line out and set it to the size given in the warning
%\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3cm}                % if you want to change the width of the column with the dates
%\setlength{\makecvheadnamewidth}{10cm}            % for the 'classic' style, if you want to force the width allocated to your name and avoid line breaks. be careful though, the length is normally calculated to avoid any overlap with your personal info; use this at your own typographical risks...

% font loading
% for luatex and xetex, do not use inputenc and fontenc
% see
  \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
  \setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}
  \setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono}
  \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}

% document language
\usepackage[english]{babel}  % FIXME: using spanish breaks moderncv

% personal data
\title{Résumé title}                               % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\born{4 July 1776}                                 % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\address{street and number}{postcode city}{country}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\phone[mobile]{+1~(234)~567~890}                   % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the optional "type" of the phone can be "mobile" (default), "fixed" or "fax"
\email{}                               % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\homepage{}                         % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted

% Social icons
\social[linkedin]{john.doe}                        % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\social[xing]{john\_doe}                           % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\social[twitter]{ji\_doe}                             % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\social[github]{jdoe}                              % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\social[gitlab]{jdoe}                              % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[stackoverflow]{0000000/johndoe}            % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[bitbucket]{jdoe}                           % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[skype]{jdoe}                               % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[orcid]{0000-0000-000-000}                  % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[researchgate]{jdoe}                        % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[researcherid]{jdoe}                        % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[telegram]{jdoe}                            % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[whatsapp]{12345678901}                     % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[signal]{12345678901}                       % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[matrix]{}               % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
% \social[googlescholar]{googlescholarid}            % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted

\extrainfo{additional information}                 % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\photo[64pt][0.4pt]{picture}                       % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; '64pt' is the height the picture must be resized to, 0.4pt is the thickness of the frame around it (put it to 0pt for no frame) and 'picture' is the name of the picture file
\quote{Some quote}                                 % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted

% bibliography adjustments (only useful if you make citations in your resume, or print a list of publications using BibTeX)
%   to show numerical labels in the bibliography (default is to show no labels)
%   to redefine the bibliography heading string ("Publications")

% bibliography with mutiple entries
%            content
%\begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn}                          % to typeset your resume in Chinese using CJK
%-----       resume       ---------------------------------------------------------

\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description}  % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty

\section{Master thesis}
\cvitem{description}{Short thesis abstract}

\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{General description no longer than 1--2 lines.\newline{}
Detailed achievements:
\item Achievement 1
\item Achievement 2 (with sub-achievements)
  \item Sub-achievement (a);
  \item Sub-achievement (b), with sub-sub-achievements (don't do this!);
    \item Sub-sub-achievement i;
    \item Sub-sub-achievement ii;
    \item Sub-sub-achievement iii;
  \item Sub-achievement (c);
\item Achievement 3
\item Achievement 4
\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description line 1\newline{}Description line 2\newline{}Description line 3}
\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description}

\cvitemwithcomment{Language 1}{Skill level}{Comment}
\cvitemwithcomment{Language 2}{Skill level}{Comment}
\cvitemwithcomment{Language 3}{Skill level}{Comment}
\cvitemwithcomment{Language 4}{Skill level}{Comment}

\section{Computer skills}
\cvdoubleitem{category 1}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 4}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}
\cvdoubleitem{category 2}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 5}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}
\cvdoubleitem{category 3}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 6}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}

\section{Skill matrix}
\cvitem{Skill matrix}{Alternatively, provide a skill matrix to show off your skills}
%% Skill matrix as an alternative to rate one's skills, computer or other.

%% Adjusts width of skill matrix columns.
%% Usage \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<factor>][<exp_width>]
%% <width>, <exp_width> should be lengths smaller than \textwidth, <factor> needs to be between 0 and 1.
%% Examples:
% \setcvskillcolumns[5em][][]%    adjust first column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[5em]
% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][]%   adjust third (skill) column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45]
% \setcvskillcolumns[][][\widthof{``Year''}]%     adjust fourth (years) column.
% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][\widthof{``Year''}]%
% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Languag''}][0.48][]
% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Languag''}]%

%% Adjusts width of legend columns. Usage \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<factor>]
%% <factor> needs to be between 0 and 1. <width> should be a length smaller than \textwidth
%% Examples:
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.45]
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[\widthof{``Legend''}][0.45]
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[0ex][0.46]% this is usefull for the banking style

%% Add a legend if you are using \cvskill{<1-5>} command or \cvskillentry
%% Usage \cvskilllegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>}
% \cvskilllegend % insert default legend without lines
\cvskilllegend*[1em]{}% adjust post spacing
% \cvskilllegend*{Legend}%  Alternatively add a description string
%% adjust the legend entries for other languages, here German
% \cvskilllegend[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte\,/\,Spezialist]{Legende}

%% Alternative legend style with the first three skill levels in one column
%% Usage \cvskillplainlegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>}
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.6]%  works for classic, casual, banking
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.55]%  works better for oldstyle and fancy
% \cvskillplainlegend{}
% \cvskillplainlegend[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende}

%% Add a head of the skill matrix table with descriptions.
%% Usage \cvskillhead[<post_padding>][<Level>][<Skill>][<Years>][<Comment>]%
\cvskillhead[-0.1em]%   this inserts the standard legend in english and adjust padding
%% Adjust head of the skill matrix for other languages
% \cvskillhead[0.25em][Level][F\"ahigkeit][Jahre][Bemerkung]

%% \cvskillentry[*][<post_padding>]{<skill_cathegory>}{<0-5>}{<skill_name>}{<years_of_experience>}{<comment>}%
%% Example usages:
\cvskillentry*{Language:}{3}{Python}{2}{I'm so experienced in Python and have realised a million projects. At least.}
\cvskillentry{}{2}{Lilypond}{14}{So much sheet music! Man, I'm the best!}
\cvskillentry{}{3}{\LaTeX}{14}{Clearly I rock at \LaTeX}
\cvskillentry*{OS:}{3}{Linux}{2}{I only use Archlinux btw}% notice the use of the starred command and the optional
\cvskillentry*[1em]{Methods}{4}{SCRUM}{8}{SCRUM master for 5 years}
%% \cvskill{<0-5>} command
% \cvitem{\textbackslash{cvskill}:}{Skills can be visually expressed by the \textbackslash{cvskill} command, e.g. \cvskill{2}}

\cvitem{hobby 1}{Description}
\cvitem{hobby 2}{Description}
\cvitem{hobby 3}{Description}

\section{Extra 1}
\cvlistitem{Item 1}
\cvlistitem{Item 2}
\cvlistitem{Item 3. This item is particularly long and therefore normally spans over several lines. Did you notice the indentation when the line wraps?}

\section{Extra 2}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 1}{Item 4}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 2}{Item 5\cite{book2}}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 3}{Item 6. Like item 3 in the single column list before, this item is particularly long to wrap over several lines.}

  \cvcolumn{Category 1}{\begin{itemize}\item Person 1\item Person 2\item Person 3\end{itemize}}
  \cvcolumn{Category 2}{Amongst others:\begin{itemize}\item Person 1, and\item Person 2\end{itemize}(more upon request)}
  \cvcolumn[0.5]{All the rest \& some more}{\textit{That} person, and \textbf{those} also (all available upon request).}

% Publications from a BibTeX file without multibib
%  for numerical labels: \renewcommand{\bibliographyitemlabel}{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}% CONSIDER MERGING WITH PREAMBLE PART
%  to redefine the heading string ("Publications"): \renewcommand{\refname}{Articles}
\bibliography{publications}                        % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file

% Publications from a BibTeX file using the multibib package
%\bibliographybook{publications}                   % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file
%\bibliographymisc{publications}                   % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file

%-----       letter       ---------------------------------------------------------
% recipient data
\recipient{Company Recruitment team}{Company, Inc.\\123 somestreet\\some city}
\date{January 01, 1984}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,}
\closing{Yours faithfully,}
\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}}          % use an optional argument to use a string other than "Enclosure", or redefine \enclname

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ullamcorper neque sit amet lectus facilisis sed luctus nisl iaculis. Vivamus at neque arcu, sed tempor quam. Curabitur pharetra tincidunt tincidunt. Morbi volutpat feugiat mauris, quis tempor neque vehicula volutpat. Duis tristique justo vel massa fermentum accumsan. Mauris ante elit, feugiat vestibulum tempor eget, eleifend ac ipsum. Donec scelerisque lobortis ipsum eu vestibulum. Pellentesque vel massa at felis accumsan rhoncus.

Suspendisse commodo, massa eu congue tincidunt, elit mauris pellentesque orci, cursus tempor odio nisl euismod augue. Aliquam adipiscing nibh ut odio sodales et pulvinar tortor laoreet. Mauris a accumsan ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse vulputate sem vehicula ipsum varius nec tempus dui dapibus. Phasellus et est urna, ut auctor erat. Sed tincidunt odio id odio aliquam mattis. Donec sapien nulla, feugiat eget adipiscing sit amet, lacinia ut dolor. Phasellus tincidunt, leo a fringilla consectetur, felis diam aliquam urna, vitae aliquet lectus orci nec velit. Vivamus dapibus varius blandit.

Duis sit amet magna ante, at sodales diam. Aenean consectetur porta risus et sagittis. Ut interdum, enim varius pellentesque tincidunt, magna libero sodales tortor, ut fermentum nunc metus a ante. Vivamus odio leo, tincidunt eu luctus ut, sollicitudin sit amet metus. Nunc sed orci lectus. Ut sodales magna sed velit volutpat sit amet pulvinar diam venenatis.

Albert Einstein discovered that $e=mc^2$ in 1905.

\[ e=\lim_{n \to \infty} \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n \]


%\clearpage\end{CJK*}                              % if you are typesetting your resume in Chinese using CJK; the \clearpage is required for fancyhdr to work correctly with CJK, though it kills the page numbering by making \lastpage undefined

%% end of file `template.tex'.

44.34. publishing

Many publishers of technical literature have LaTeX templates to comply with their style guide. export options:

  • #+title: the document title.
  • #+uid: a unique ID of the document, otherwise known as URI, could be a website or ISBN number.
  • #+date: the date of the document.
  • #+author: the document author or editor, the creator in the EPUB spec

45. Outline mode

Org mode was originally the author's extensions to Outline mode, and grew, and grew, and grew. Even today, org-mode is derived from outline-mode.

first line of file:

;-*- eval: (outline-minor-mode 1) ; outline-regexp: ";; \\-+" -*-

You can configure it to use a header format that's compatible with your program syntax, and many major modes do so, by setting the outline-regexp variable to a regexp that matches the start of a header. For example, this is the default value in Emacs Lisp mode:

";;;\\(;* [^ \t\n]\\|###autoload\\)\\|("

i.e. section headers start with three or more semicolons and a single space

46. Org agenda

provides a convenient way of tracking your projects and managing your calendar.


  • Agenda Dispatcher - view selector

46.1. keys

46.1.1. keys in org mode for TODO:

  • C-c '[' or ']' add/remove file to agenda list in .emacs '(org-agenda-files '("~/"))
  • shift -> or C-c C-t - change status TODO DONE
  • C-c . insert timestamp
  • C-c > go to calendar
  • C-c C-d deadline - is supposed to be finished on that date.
  • C-c C-s schedule - you are planning to start working on that task on the given date.
    • +n or +1 add days
    • +mon/mon at next monday
    • +1w +7 days
    • n day
    • 2022-05-22
    • 05-22
  • C-c / sparse tree - filter
  • M-x org-agenda
  • M-x org-sort-entries - ????????
  • M-x org-cyle-agenda-files - open files
  • C-c C-x C-s (org-archive-subtree)
  • C-c C-t togle TODO (S-arrow)
  • C-c C-x e (org-set-effort) (e in agenda)
  • C-c C-x C-e (org-clock-modify-effort-estimate)

46.1.2. in agenda:

  • f/b/j navigation
  • D toggle diary
  • d/w/l day/week/log view
  • i insert diary
  • SPC/TAB/RET go to todo line in agenda file (diary open buffer required)
  • t Change the TODO state of the item everywhere
  • C-k kill entry
  • $ archive to ~/<originalfile>archive
  • c calendar
  • r/g recreate
  • o Delete other windows.
  • notes ~/.notes

46.2. time format

  • date: <YYYY-MM-DD DAY>
  • timestamp: <YYYY-MM-DD DAY HH:MM>
    • 2022-08-02 Tue 12:05
  • time range: <YYYY-MM-DD DAY HH:MM-HH:MM>
  • <2005-10-01 Sat +1w> - every Wednesday
  • <2005-10-01 Sat +1m -3d> - repeater and a special warning period
  • <%%(diary-float t 4 2)> Diary-style sexp entries
  • <2004-08-23 Mon>–<2004-08-26 Thu> - Time/Date range
  • [2004-08-23 Mon] - inactive timestamp
  • DEADLINE: <2008-02-10 Sun ++1w> - Marking this DONE shifts the date by at least one week, but also by as many weeks as it takes to get this date into the future.
  • DEADLINE: <2005-11-01 Tue .+1m> - Marking this DONE will shift the date to one month after today.

46.3. date, timestamp and timer

  • C-c < org-date-from-calendar insert current <>
  • C-c . org-time-stamp select date <>
  • C-c ! org-time-stamp-inactive select date []
  • C-c C-c fix timestamp


  • C-c C-x , org-timer-pause-or-continue
  • C-c C-x - org-timer-item
  • C-c C-x . org-timer Insert current timer value after start
  • C-c C-x 0 org-timer-start Start or reset the relative timer.
  • C-c C-x ; org-timer-set-timer how much timer set? when time left it try to use dbus
  • C-c C-x _ org-timer-stop
  • C-c C-y org-evaluate-time-range

46.4. parser perl

$cmd = "emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda \"a\"  org-agenda-span (quote day) org-agenda-include-diary t diary-file \"/home/u/.emacs.d/diary\")'

# run it and capture the output
$agenda = qx{$cmd 2>/dev/null};

# loop over all lines
foreach $line (split(/\n/,$agenda)) {
    # get the individual values
     $priority_l,$priority_n) = split(/,/,$line);
    # process and print
    print "[ ] $category,$head,$type,$todo,$tags,$date,$time,$extra,
     $priority_l,$priority_n \n";

46.5. parser python

import os
cmd="emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda \"a\"  org-agenda-span (quote day) org-agenda-include-diary t diary-file \"/home/u/.emacs.d/diary\")' 2>/dev/null"
cmd = cmd.split(' ')
# run it and capture the output
import subprocess
child = subprocess.Popen(['cat', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

agenda = os.system(cmd + " 2>/dev/null")

# loop over all lines
foreach $line (split(/\n/,$agenda)) {
    # get the individual values
     $priority_l,$priority_n) = split(/,/,$line);
    # process and print
    print "[ ] $category,$head,$type,$todo,$tags,$date,$time,$extra,
     $priority_l,$priority_n \n";

with open('university_records.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)

    for row in reader:

46.6. config

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
;; open agenda every time at start
(org-agenda nil "a")
;; Use a one day agenda view (rather than a seven day view).
(setq org-agenda-ndays 1)
;;(setq diary-mail-addr "")
;; Times of Sunrise and Sunset
(setq calendar-latitude 50.596722)
(setq calendar-longitude 36.587780)
(setq calendar-location-name "Belgorod")
(setq calendar-time-zone -360)
(setq calendar-standard-time-zone-name "CST")
(setq calendar-daylight-time-zone-name "CDT")

(setq mark-diary-entries-in-calendar t)
(setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
;; disable holidays
(diary-show-holidays-flag nil)
(setq christian-holidays nil
      hebrew-holidays nil
      islamic-holidays nil
      solar-holidays nil
      bahai-holidays nil)
(add-hook 'today-visible-calendar-hook 'calendar-mark-today)
(autoload 'chinese-year "cal-china" "Chinese year data" t) -?????
# Monday is the first day of the week
(setq calendar-week-start-day 1)

46.7. example

#+TODO: TODO(t!) STRD(t!/!) WAIT(w) | DONE(d!) CNLD(c@)
#+TAGS: airflow(i) superset(s) pipeline(p) Анатолий(a) Александр(l) Марат(m)
# C-c C-c - set tag
# C-c C-s - schedule
:* my work
:** TODO add pipeline to airflow                     :airflow:pipeleine:
- State "STRD"       from "WAIT"       [2022-06-06 Mon 10:34]
- State "WAIT"       from "STRD"       [2022-06-06 Mon 10:34]
- State "STRD"       from "TODO"       [2022-06-06 Mon 10:34]
- State "TODO"       from              [2022-06-06 Mon 10:34]
- State "STARTED"    from "TODO"       [2022-06-06 Mon 10:32]
- State "TODO"       from              [2022-06-06 Mon 10:32]

47. org-roam and denote - note taking

non-hierarchical note-taking

links between files with notes

48. holidays

f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/calendar/holidays.el::31

48.1. integration with calendar.el

if variable diary-show-holidays-flag is t f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/calendar/calendar.el::1015 calendar-check-holidays function f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/calendar/holidays.el::514 is used to get holidays, use calendar-holidays variable f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/calendar/holidays.el::207

48.2. TODO russian holidays

  (require 'holidays))
(defvar russian-holidays
    (holiday-islamic 9 1 "Ramadan Begins")

48.3. easter

  • holiday-easter-etc - used in holiday-christian-holidays
  • holiday-greek-orthodox-easter - used in holiday-christian-holidays

49. icalendar export/import


  • f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/calendar/icalendar.el
  • export f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/org/ox-icalendar.el


  • icalendar-import-file f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.3/lisp/calendar/icalendar.el::1985

50. appt - reminder for diary

50.1. appt reminder

  • M-x appt-activate
  • M-x appt-add add reminder without diary and todo files
  • appt-check - internal func which checks diary and decide show message or not

50.2. appt default config

  • start time = appt-message-warning-time or "warntime" in diary
  • interval = appt-display-interval
;; -- time
;; appt-display-message interval - minutes
(setq appt-display-interval 3)
;; before an appointment that the warning begins - minutes
;; can be overriden in diary with "wanrntime 30" - minutes
(setq appt-message-warning-time 12)
;; display window appointment text after time record duration - seconds
(setq appt-display-duration 10
;; enable audio
(setq appt-audible nil)
;; emacs print diary , I guess controlled by appt-display-interval
(setq appt-display-diary t)
;; echo, nil
(setq appt-display-format 'window)

50.3. my reminder:

;; ---- my X notification system---
;; notify-send in by first emacs process
(setq appt-disp-window-function
  (lambda (min-to-app timenow msg)
    ;; get emacs pids as "123 123 123"
    (set 'v (shell-command-to-string "pidof emacs"))

    ;; largest of "1 2 3" as number
    (setq val (car ;; get ferst element of a list
                  (sort (mapcar  'string-to-number (split-string v)) #'>))
    ;; do if emacs-pid == val, 5000=5sec
    (if (eq (emacs-pid) val)
      (shell-command (format "notify-send --expire-time 15000 -i emacs '%s'" msg)
        ) )
    ) )

;; update diary from for appt with timeout
(defun oo () (appt-check t))
(run-with-timer 120 120 'oo)
;; --<< my X notification system

50.3.1. reminder

sudo -u u DISPLAY=:0 notify-send –expire-time 3000 -i emacs "hay"

emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "a" org-agenda-include-diary t diary-file "/home/u/.emacs.d/diary")'



  • (setq appt-disp-window-function (function psachin/appt-display))


50.4. config reminder server-clients

;; notification
(setq appt-disp-window-function
      (lambda (min-to-app timenow msg)(
                                        shell-command (format "notify-send --expire-time 5000 -i emacs '%s'" msg)
;; activate notification
(appt-activate t)

51. calendar mode and diary

  • M-x calendar

51.1. calendar keys


  • C-a/e - begin/end of week
  • C-b/f - day
  • C-n/p - next/previous week
  • . today
  • g d go to date
  • o go to month


  • m/u mark/unmark

diary .emacs.d/diary

  • s show all entries
  • i d insert entry
  • i b insert block
  • i c insert cycle
  • i m/w/y insert monthly/weekly/yearly
  • D other diary file


  • M-= calendar-count-days-region
  • M-x appt-activate reminder

51.2. working

calendar -> calendar-basic-setup

51.3. diary

51.3.1. file


  • 2011/06/01 12:00 Do something ## warntime 30
  • 02/23/89 note for day
  • \t12:00 message
  • \tpartofmessage
  • \tpartofmessage


  • 2011/06/01 - day record
  • 12:00 - start of time record
  • ## - meanth nothing
  • warntime 30 - warn before 30 minutes when using appt
    • warntime - regex expression in appt-warning-time-regexp in appt
  • big day - note for day, not passed anywhere

other record ex.:

  • 12/22/2015 Twentieth wedding anniversary!
  • 10/22 Ruth's birthday.
  • * 21, *: Payday
  • Tuesday–weekly meeting with grad students at 10am
    • Supowit, Shen, Bitner, and Kapoor to attend.
  • 1/13/89 Friday the thirteenth!! - month/day/year
  • thu 4pm squash game with Lloyd.
  • mar 16 Dad's birthday
  • April 15, 2016 Income tax due.
  • * 15 time cards due.
  • Thursday 11:45am Lunch meeting.

52. hidepw-mode - minor mode

allow to hide passwords.

activation: ; -- mode: Org ; eval: (hidepw-mode 1) --

52.1. how it works

it sets up `font-lock-add-keywords'

52.2. my modification for compatibility with org-mode:

(setq hidepw-patterns '("\\(password\\|pass\\): \\(.+\\)$"))

(advice-add 'hidepw-font-lock-keywords :override
  (lambda ()
    (mapcar (lambda (pat) `(,pat 2 (hidepw-render)))
          `(,@hidepw-patterns ,@(when hidepw-hide-first-line '("\\`\\(.*\\)$"))))

53. ob-http - REST client

53.1. options

option curl example

  • :proxy -x :proxy localhost:8118
  • :noproxy –noproxy * N/A
  • :cookie-jar –cookie-jar :cookie-jar username
  • :cookie –cookie :cookie username
  • :max-time –max-time default is 10
  • :user –user :user admin:passwd
  • :pretty N/A :pretty use Content-Type, to overwrite :pretty json
  • :select N/A :select path path will be passed to jq for json or pup for html or xmlstarlet for xml
  • :get-header N/A :get-header X-Subject-Token
  • :curl N/A :curl –insecure –compressed additional arguments for curl
  • :resolve –resolve :resolve,

53.2. examples

53.2.1. get ip

curl -A "wget"

53.2.2. http source block

Accept: application/vnd.github.moondragon+json

53.2.3. json source block

#+BEGIN_SRC http :pretty
Content-Type: application/json

  "key": "value"


53.2.4. form submit



53.2.5. varibale

Content-Type: application/json

    "auth": {
        "name": "${name}",
        "password": "${password}"

53.2.6. properties

POST /post
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Token: ${token}

53.3. require

 '((emacs-lisp . t)
   (http . t)))

54. Version Control

54.1. VC

54.1.1. terms

file under version control
stores present state and its change history
work file
The copy of a version-controlled file that you actually edit
commit (or check in)
records the changes in the repository, along with a descriptive log entry.
working tree
A directory tree of work files
Each commit creates.
version control log

54.1.2. keys

  • C-x v v (vc-next-action) Perform the next appropriate version control operation on the current VC fileset. perform the next logical control operation on file
  • C-x v i (vc-register) Register the visited file for version control.

Examining And Comparing Old Revisions

  • C-x v = (vc-diff) Compare the work file with the versions. With a prefix argument, prompt for two revisions.
  • M-x vc-ediff
  • C-x v D vc-root-diff – Compare the entire working tree to the revision you started from.
  • C-x v ~ vc-revision-other-window – Prompt for a revision of the current file, and visit it in a separate buffer.
  • C-x v g vc-annotate – Display an annotated version of the current file: for each line, show the latest revision in which it was modified.
  • C-x v u vc-revert-buffer – undo checkout
  • C-x v c vc-cancel-version – delete the latest revision (often it makes more sense to look at an old revision and check that in again!)
  • C-x v d vc-directory – show all files which are not up to date
  • C-x v g vc-annotate – show when each line in a tracked file was added and by whom
  • C-x v s vc-create-snapshot – tag all the files with a symbolic name
  • C-x v r vc-retrieve-snapshot – undo checkouts and return to a snapshot with a symbolic name
  • M-x vc-resolve-conflicts – pop up an ediff-merge session on a file with conflict markers


  • C-x v l (vc-print-log) Display the change history for the current fileset.
  • C-x v a vc-update-change-log – update ChangeLog
  • C-x v L (vc-print-root-log) Display the change history for the current repository.
  • C-x v b l (vc-print-branch-log) Display the change history for another branch.
  • C-x v I (vc-log-incoming) Display the changes that a “pull” operation will retrieve .
  • C-x v O (vc-log-outgoing) Display the changes that will be sent by the next “push” operation.
  • C-x v h (vc-region-history) Display the history of changes made in the region of file visited by the current buffer.
  • M-x vc-log-search RET Search the change history for a specified pattern.


  • C-x v b s vc-switch-branch – for centralized VC use C-u C-x v v
  • C-x v + vc-update or vc-pull
  • C-x v P vc-push


  • registering it with a version control system
  • committing it
  • unlocking it
  • merging changes into it.

54.1.3. vc-annotate

  • Red text is new
  • blue is old
  • intermediate colors indicate intermediate ages.

    If the variable vc-annotate-background-mode is non-nil, the colors expressing the age of each line are applied to the background color, leaving the foreground at its default color.

  • v vc-annotate-toggle-annotation-visibility
  • D vc-annotate-show-changeset-diff-revision-at-line
  • n/p vc-annotate-next-revision vc-annotate-prev-revision
  • j vc-annotate-revision-at-line
  • f vc-annotate-find-revision-at-line - open file with revision at line in another window

54.1.4. vc-dir

C-x v d – Show status of changed files. – in major mode vc-dir-mode

  • 【m】 → mark the file on current line.
  • 【u】 → unmark a file.
  • 【M】 → mark all files of the same state.
  • 【U】 → unmark all files of the same state.
  • 【i】 → vc-register (like git add)
  • 【P】 → vc-push (like git push)
  • 【+】 → vc-update (like git pull)
  • 【=】 → vc-diff (like git diff)

54.1.5. usage - change branch + pull


  • C-x v L vc-print-root-log
  • C-x v b l vc-print-branch-log
  • C-x v b s vc-switch-branch
  • C-x v + vc-update or vc-pull
  • C-x v m vc-merge

54.1.6. usage - push changes

  • C-x v O vc-log-outgoing – Display the changes that will be sent by the next “push” operation.
  • C-x v i vc-register – Similar to git add

54.2. Magit

You see: 1) HEAD commit info 2) Recent commits.

  • C-x g - main screen
  • ? - keys help
  • q - change buffer
  • TAB -
  • C-m/RET
  • e - ediff, Alt+Tab z - to exit

54.2.1. conflict resolution:

  1. select file listed in the "Unstaged changes" and/or "Staged changes" sections. They are prefixed with the word "unmerged", which in this context essentially is a synonym for "unresolved".
  2. smerge-mode -
    • C-c ^ C-h for keys
    • C-c ^ n smerge-next
    • C-c ^ m choose head
    • C-c ^ o keep the version that follows "|||||||"
    • C-c ^ n smerge-next - to move to the next conflicting area in the same file.
    • C-c ^ p smerge-prev
    • C-c ^ RET smerge-keep-current
    • C-c ^ l smerge-keep-lower
    • C-c ^ m smerge-keep-upper
    • C-c ^ a smerge-keep-all

To resolve conflicts in a file using Ediff press e while point is on such a file in the status buffer.

55. cua-mode

  • C-x, C-c, C-v, and C-z - copy, undo
  • C-x C-c still work
  • activates Delete-Selection mode (to disable cua-delete-selection to nil):
    • when there is active region (see 7) - any key will erase region
  • CUA mode provides enhanced rectangle support
    • C-RET to start a rectangle (shadow C-c RET org-ctrl-c-ret)
  • it adds ability to save to copy and yank to registers.
    • C-1 C-c copies the region into register 1
    • C-2 C-v yanks the contents of register 2
  • C-S-SPC global mark feature - all text inserted at the global mark

If you really need to perform a command which starts with one of the prefix keys even when the region is active, you have three options:

  • press the prefix key twice very quickly (within 0.2 seconds),
  • press the prefix key and the following key within 0.2 seconds, or
  • use the SHIFT key with the prefix key, i.e. C-S-x or C-S-c.

56. Bookmarks mode

  • M-x list-bookmarks (C-x r l) – list your bookmarks
  • M-x bookmark-set or bookmark-set-no-overwrite (C-x r m) - bookmark a folder/file and a cursor postion
  • M-x bookmark-jump (C-x r b) - jump to a bookmark - you should bookmarked at least one file to go to that file
  • M-x bookmark-save - save to file ~/.emacs.d/bookmarks


57. recentf mode - recent visited files

create file .emacs.d/recentf

M-x recentf-mode

M-x recentf - to open recent file

58. grip-mode

require grip command

pip grip install

  • grip==4.6.1 –hash=sha256:a5e6ac48cd253892f0fbd0aaef3f74fe8169d8ed3d94a2e9be6bf1540e008e9f
  • path-and-address==2.0.1 –hash=sha256:e96363d982b3a2de8531f4cd5f086b51d0248b58527227d43cf5014d045371b7

58.1. reqs

Requirement already satisfied: Flask>=0.10.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (1.1.4) Requirement already satisfied: Markdown>=2.5.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (3.3.4) Requirement already satisfied: Pygments>=1.6 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (2.8.1) Requirement already satisfied: Werkzeug>=0.7 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (1.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: docopt>=0.4.0 in usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (0.6.2) Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.4.1 in ..local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (2.25.1) Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2<3.0,>=2.10.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from Flask>=0.10.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (2.11.3) Requirement already satisfied: click<8.0,>=5.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from Flask>=0.10.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (7.1.2) Requirement already satisfied: itsdangerous<2.0,>=0.24 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from Flask>=0.10.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (1.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.4.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (2.10) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.4.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (1.25.11) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<5,>=3.0.2 in usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from requests>=2.4.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (3.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in ..local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.4.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (2020.12.5) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from Jinja2<3.0,>=2.10.1->Flask>=0.10.1->grip==4.6.1->-r reqgrip.txt (line 1)) (1.1.1)

59. image-mode

(setq auto-mode-alist
          (append auto-mode-alist
                  '(("\\.jpg\\'" . image-mode)
                    ("\\.png\\'" . image-mode)
                    ("\\.gif\\'" . image-mode))))

60. markdown-mode

  • C-c C-l/i insert link/image
  • C-c C-s styling text
  • C-c C-x toggle commands
    • TAG toggle-inline-images
    • RET toggle-markup-hiding
  • C-c TAB markdown-insert-image
  • C-c </> shiftint text left/right
  • C-c C-s c/C markdown-insert-code/block
  • C-c C-h show list of keys

61. artistic mode (draw mode)

61.1. base

ditta to convert to image from org src blocks

  • C-c C-c artist-mode-off Exit artist mode.
  • C-c C-r draw rectangle
  • M-x describe-mode - to get help for artistic mode

narrowing is usefull:

  • C-x n e # narrow to an element
  • C-x n w # widen back to the whole page


  1. narrow to
    • C-x n b org-narrow-to-block
    • C-x n e org-narrow-to-element
    • C-x n s org-narrow-to-subtree
  2. select type of line: M-x artistic-select-op-line
  3. type RET(enter) to start or select direction of line
  4. type RET(enter) to finish or chararter to insert in direction
  5. C-u RET to stop drawing
  6. < or > to toggle arrows for last line
  7. C-x n w widen


  • artist-select-op-poly-line (C-c C-a p) - several peaces line
  • artist-select-op-straight-poly-line (C-c C-a P) - more beautiful several peaces line
  • artist-select-op-rectangle (C-c C-a r)
  • artist-select-op-ellipse (C-c C-a e)
                     C-c `
                      \   C-c ^ C-c '
                       \   |    /
                        \  |   /
                         \ |  /
                          \| /
           C-c < ----------/-------------C-c >
                         / | \
                        /  |  \
                       /   |   \
                      /    |    C-c \
                     /   C-c .
                 C-c /

61.2. draw shapes

  • C-c C-a f artist-select-op-flood-fill Select flood fill as the operation.
  • C-c C-a C-k artist-select-op-cut-rectangle Draw a rectangle around an area, then cut.
  • C-c C-a M-w artist-select-op-copy-rectangle Draw a rectangle around an area, then copy.
  • C-c C-a C-y artist-select-op-paste Paste what you copied wherever you click the mouse.
  • C-c C-a v artist-select-op-vaporize-line Erase a line you select (literal line; not a line in the file).
  • C-c C-a C-d artist-select-op-erase-char Set operation to erase (use the mouse as your eraser).
  • C-c C-a S artist-select-op-spray-can Set operation to spray can.
  • C-c C-a e artist-select-op-ellipse Draw ellipses.
  • C-c C-a p artist-select-op-poly-line Draws poly-lines
  • C-c C-a r artist-select-op-rectangle Draw rectangles.
  • C-c C-a l artist-select-op-line Draw lines.
  • C-c C-a C-r artist-toggle-rubber-banding If on (the default), show shape while stretching; if not, mark end-points.
  • C-c C-a C-l artist-select-line-char Select character to use when drawing lines (- is the default).
  • C-c C-a C-f artist-select-fill-char Select character to fill shapes with (Space is the default).

61.3. todo

  • create testing function that open new buffer and write lines
  • replace - with _ in artist-select-op-line

61.4. other drawing modes requrements:

  • Image support
  • SVG support
  • gzip and gunzip(or zlib support)
  • libxml support

62. editorconfig

(require 'editorconfig)
(editorconfig-mode 1) ; EditorConfig properties will be loaded and applied to the new buffers automatically when visiting files.

63. templating and expanding

Emacs already had two builtin templating modules: Skeleton and Tempo.

Tempo looked simpler

63.1. Tempo

  • Strings are inserted in the buffer.
  • The n symbol causes the insertion of a new line character
  • The > symbol tells Emacs to indent the current line according to the rules of the major mode of the buffer.
  • The p forms cause Tempo to ask the user for values to insert. Note that you need to set tempo-interative to t.

63.2. skeleton and abbrev

Skeletons are feature, where various atoms directly perform either actions on the current buffer or rudimentary flow control mechanisms.

two ways:

  • use a key binding for every skeleton command
  • define an abbreviation that will expand into the skeleton (abbrev-mode must be activated)


  1. define skeleton - (difine-skeleton ) lisp atom
  2. define abbreviation
  3. activate abbreviation (idk why but they work with disabled mode)
  4. type abbreviation and expand it with key C-x '

Yasnippet - another third-party library for templates

may be saved to ~/.emacs.d/abbrevdefs

Abbrevs expansion only works for last word unles you set mark with M-'. So you should insert space before abbrev.

63.2.1. abbrev-mode

  • M-x list-abbrevs - saves to .emacs.d/abbrevdefs - good for testing
  1. links

63.2.2. key binded skeleton example

(define-skeleton hello-world-skeleton
  "Write a greeting"
  "Type name of user: "
  "hello, " str "!")

(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'hello-world-skeleton)
;; Instead of strings you can use Lisp expressions, whose return values will be used in the text.

63.2.3. abbrev skeletons

(define-abbrev fortran-mode-abbrev-table ";ife"
  "" fortran-skeleton-if-else-endif)

(define-skeleton fortran-skeleton-if-else-endif
  "Insert an if - else - end if region" nil
  > "if (" _ ") then" \n
  -3 "else" \n
  -3 "end if")

(setq skeleton-end-hook nil)

63.2.4. org-tempo replacement

  (define-skeleton example
    "Write a greetings exaple"
  (define-skeleton org-tempo-src
    "org-tempo replacement"
  ;; skeleton
  (define-abbrev-table 'org-mode-abbrev-table
        ("greetings" "" example :count 1)
        ("1s" "" org-tempo-src :count 1)

63.2.5. company

company - text completion framework.

Sequence of applying abbreviations defined by company-backends from company-safe-backends

(setq company-backends
        (company-abbrev company-dabbrev)))

63.3. HippieExpand hippie-exp.el

Dynamic Abbrev – zero relation to Abbrevs.

Hippie Expand - looks at the word before point and tries expand-abbrev, dabbrev-expand or fixed list.

C-h v hippie-expand-try-functions-list

64. CSV

csv-mode: require install!

  • M-x csv-align-mode or M-x csv-align-filds
  • M-x csv-sort-fields
  • csv-separators, default: ("," " ")
  • keys: Tab, S-Tab - navigation by columns


  • M-x toggle-truncate-lines

native: Simple Emacs Spreadsheet ses-mode - uses .ses format. Require programming.

  • can input any tab-delimited data.

65. TODO Spreadsheeds - emacsmirror/dismal

66. preconfigured Emacs distributions

66.1. TODO DoomEmacs

66.2. TODO Spacemacs

extension of a popular text editor called Emacs

  • These projects bring approachability and integration to Emacs, and are in my view, along with LSP, Magit, and Org, the

biggest reasons drawing people to Emacs nowadays.

  • It is however clear from looking at their issue trackers just how difficult it is to provide this cohesive experience by combining parts from the ecosystem.

66.4. other

based on DoomEmacs, Java IDE

67. Rust Emacs

(no term)
Emacs-ng A new approach to Emacs - Including TypeScript, Threading, Async I/O, and WebRender.

68. 4coder

  • loosely based on Emacs

Data oriented programming

69. neovim Apache License Version 2.0

  • testing, CI, agressive refactoring, reduce contributor friction
  • decouple code from UI, make possible to embed vim core into browsers or IDE
  • embedding a Lua runtime and providing concurrency primitives for plugins
  • bringing C code to modern standarts, libuv for IO code, automatic formatting
  • create scriptable terminal emulator
  • non-mailing list driven development, automation builds, public roadmap, recurrent funding, frequent stable, automated releases
  • Separate UI with API


  • approachability -
  • editing efficiency
  • keyboard centrism - focus on keyboard interactions
  • Progressivenes - a measure of eagerness to make progress and leaverage modern technology
  • text centrism - text as universal interface
  • Velocity - short and focused release cycles, aligned personpower, leveraging the community effectively

70. VSCode

  • Approachability - mainly
  • Integration - Cohesive core and concerted third-party functionality
  • Maintainability
  • Progressiveness
  • Velocity


  • It is somewhat extensible and very configurable
  • It can be mostly driven from a keyboard
  • It has a great extension language, TypeScript (which is in my opinion superior to Emacs Lisp in terms of maintainability for non-trivial projects)
  • It even has a libre variant

    It also shines in areas where Emacs doesn’t: if you’re a programmer working on typical contemporary projects, mostly just wanting to get stuff done, things usually… just work. You install VSCode, open a source code file, get asked to install the extension for that particular language, and that’s it.

71. .emacs

file in window title

  • filename, mode, path (setq-default frame-title-format '("%b [%m] %f"))

window width

  • (setq initial-frame-alist '( (width . 125)))

backups dir

  • (setq backup-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.MyEmacsBackups")))

fill column

  • (setq-default fill-column 110)

default mode

  • (setq-default major-mode (quote org-mode))


  • (setq-default org-src-fontify-natively t)

russian with Ctrl+\

  • (setq-default default-input-method "russian-computer")

math-symbols input activate

  • (global-xah-math-input-mode 1)

dired fast copy

  • (setq dired-dwim-target t)

72. email

72.1. links and overview

offlineimap deps:

notmuch - indexer and also emacs-based interfece to notmuch indexer

fetchmail, offlineimap, or mbsync, to receive the messages

72.2. isync + notmuch + emacs steps

  1. emerge net-mail/isync
  2. USE="emacs doc" emerge net-mail/notmuchk
  3. useradd -m email
  4. /etc/sudoers.d/email see 72.2
  5. chown email:currentuser /home/email
  6. chmod g+rwxs /home/email see ref::sudoers.d/email
  7. configure isync .mbsyncrc. see nix#MissingReference
  8. # mkdir -P home/email.mail/yourmaildir
  9. # chown -R email:user home/email.mail
  10. # find home/email.mail/ -type d -exec chmod -R g+rxs {} \;
  11. # find home/email.mail/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;
  12. mbsync gmail or mbsync -aV
  13. notmuch setup # create home/email.notmuch-config
  14. notmuch new # create a database that indexes all of your mail
  15. cp home/email.notmuch-config home/user
  16. M-x package-install smtpmail-multi
  17. configure smtpmail-multi in .emacs, create "~/.authinfo" or "~/.authinfo.gpg" or "~/.netrc"
  18. $ emacs ; M-x notmuch
  19. email retriving: # mbsync -aV && notmuch new && notmuch tag –input=my.notmuch && find .mail/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;

download new emails:

  • proxychains mbsync -aV ; notmuch new ; notmuch tag –input=my.notmuch
  • find home/email.mail/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;
# sudo -u email
# proxychains mbsync -aV
cd /home/email/
echo sudo -u email mbsync -c /home/email/.mbsyncrc -aV
sudo -u email mbsync -c /home/email/.mbsyncrc -aV
echo #--------------------------------------------------------
echo sudo /usr/local/bin/
sudo /usr/local/bin/
echo sudo -u email notmuch new
sudo -u email notmuch new
echo #--------------------------------------------------------
echo sudo -u email notmuch tag --input=/home/email/my.notmuch
sudo -u email notmuch tag --input=/home/email/my.notmuch
echo #--------------------------------------------------------
# . # root required
+saved -- folder:SAVED
+sent -- folder:Sent
+spam -- folder:Spam
+bks -- folder:bks
+book -- folder:book
+pol -- folder:pol
# bks move from inbox to bks
+bks -inbox -- 'from:"/.*@bcs[.]ru/"'
# remove spam,draft,deleted,sent from inbox
-inbox -- tag:spam or tag:draft or tag:deleted or tag:sent
# remove spam,draft,deleted,sent from unread
-unread -- tag:spam or tag:draft or tag:deleted or tag:sent
chown -R email:u /home/email/.mail
find /home/email/.mail/ -type d -exec chmod g+rxs {} \;
# not working if group is not owned
find /home/email/.mail/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \; # root required

email ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/
u ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/

72.3. notmuch

72.3.1. keys:

  • q or x quit
  • C-m activate
  • tab/S-tab move to next/previous button
  • g or = or G update
  • s search
  • C-M-s regex search
  • z tree search
  • +,- Add or remove arbitrary tags from the current message.
  • k tagging menu
  • a/p next message

in message:

  • V raw message
  • r reply to the sender
  • R reply to the sender and all recipients of the current message.
  • f forward
  • Z show tree of messages
  • C-x C-s save as draft
  • C-c C-s send
  • C-c C-a attach file
  • n/p next/preview message in thread
  • M-n/p next/preview thread
  • . o open email in browser

in draft:

  • e notmuch-show-resume-message

72.3.2. block :

notmuch tag -inbox -unread +deleted -- tag:inbox and "from:/.*@.*[.]pinterest[.]com/"

72.3.3. delete

One choice is to maintain a tag of emails you wish to remove from your disk, for example, "killed". Then, you can combine the search for the tags with xargs to delete them permanently:

notmuch search --output=files --format=text0 tag:killed | xargs -r0 rm
notmuch search --output=files tag:deleted | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -L 1 rm  # if path has spaces
notmuch new

72.3.4. headers

not all headers are cached

  1. get all deaders from commandline
    notmuch show --body=false --entire-thread=false as
    cat filename
  2. get all headers from emacs

    keys c F notmuch-show-stash-filename

  3. to add headers:
    1. notmuch config set index.header.XSpamFlag X-Spam-Flag
    2. notmuch reindex '*'
    3. notmuch search AcceptLanguage:en-US AND XSpamFlag:NO

72.3.5. parts

  • notmuch-hello - M-x notmuch or M-x notmuch-hello
    • saved searches
    • Search Box
    • Known Tags
  • notmuch-show
  • notmuch-tree
  • notmuch-search

72.3.6. recreate

  • $ mv ~/.mail/.notmuch ~/.notmuch.bak
  • $ notmuch new
  • # chown -R email:user home/email.mail
  • # find .mail/ -type d -exec chmod -R g+rxs {} \;
  • # find .mail/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;

72.3.7. external viewer

  • . v notmuch-show-view-part


text/html; . /home/u/ %s; nametemplate=%s.html

72.3.8. message display execution path

  • notmuch-show: notmuch-show-insert-part-/
  • notmuch-lib.el:
    • notmuch-mm-display-part-inline
    • notmuch-show
    • notmuch-show–build-buffer
    • notmuch-show-insert-forest
    • notmuch-show-insert-thread
    • notmuch-show-insert-tree
    • notmuch-show-insert-msg
    • notmuch-show-insert-body
    • notmuch-show-insert-bodypart
    • notmuch-show-insert-bodypart-internal
    • notmuch-show-handlers-for: notmuch-show-insert-part-text/html
    • notmuch-show-insert-part-/
    • notmuch-mm-display-part-inline
  • mm-decode.el:
    • mm-display-part
    • mm-display-inline
  • mm-view.el
    • mm-inline-text-html
    • mm-text-html-renderer
  • gnus-html.el
    • gnus-w3m . gnus-article-html
    • gnus-html-wash-tags
    • gnus-article-add-button

72.3.9. config exampls

    ;Load up Notmuch
    (require 'notmuch)
    ; Setup some keybindings
    ; C-c m opens up Notmuch from any buffer
    (global-set-key (kbd "C-c m") `notmuch)
    ;Setup Names and Directories
    (setq user-mail-address "myemail@mydomain.tld"
      user-full-name "My Totally Real Name")
    ; stores postponed messages to the specified directory
    (setq message-directory "MailLocation/Drafts") ;
    ;set sent mail directory
    (setq notmuch-fcc-dirs "MailLocation/Sent")
    ;Settings for main screen
    (setq notmuch-hello-hide-tags (quote ("killed")))
    ;A few commonly used saved searches.
    (setq notmuch-saved-searches
    ((:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox AND -tag:work" :key "i" :sort-order oldest-first)
     (:name "flagged" :query "tag:flagged" :key "f") ;flagged messages
     (:name "sent" :query "tag:sent -tag:work" :key "t" :sort-order newest-first)
     (:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :key "d")
     (:name "mailinglist" :query "tag:lists/mailinglistID" :key "c")
     (:name "all mail" :query "*" :key "a" :sort-order newest-first))))
    ;Message composition and sending settings
    ;Setup User-Agent header
    (setq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent)
    (setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t) ; kill buffer after sending mail)
    (setq mail-specify-envelope-from t) ; Settings to work with msmtp
    (setq send-mail-function (quote sendmail-send-it))
    (setq sendmail-program "~/.local/bin/"
      mail-specify-envelope-from t
    ;; needed for debians message.el cf. README.Debian.gz
     message-sendmail-f-is-evil nil
      mail-envelope-from 'header
      message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header)
    ;Reading mail settings:
    (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "S"
        (lambda ()
        "mark message as spam"
    (notmuch-show-tag (list "+spam" "-inbox"))))
    (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "S"
    (lambda ()
        "mark message as spam"
        (notmuch-search-tag (list "-inbox" "+spam"))
        (next-line) ))
    (setq notmuch-crypto-process-mime t) ; Automatically check signatures
    ;Crypto Settings
    (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-sign-pgpmime)
    (setq epg-gpg-program "/usr/bin/gpg2")
    ;There was some problem with listing PGP keys in the Debian
    ;version of EPG. This magic from StackOverflow seems to resolve it.
    (defun epg--list-keys-1 (context name mode)
    (let ((args (append (if (epg-context-home-directory context)
              (list "--homedir"
                (epg-context-home-directory context)))
              '("--with-colons" "--no-greeting" "--batch"
            "--with-fingerprint" "--with-fingerprint")
              (unless (eq (epg-context-protocol context) 'CMS)
    (list-keys-option (if (memq mode '(t secret))
                (if (memq mode '(nil public))
    (coding-system-for-read 'binary)
    keys string field index)
    (if name
      (unless (listp name)
        (setq name (list name)))
      (while name
        (setq args (append args (list list-keys-option (car name)))
          name (cdr name))))
      (setq args (append args (list list-keys-option))))
      (apply #'call-process
         (epg-context-program context)
         nil (list t nil) nil args)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]:.*" nil t)
    (setq keys (cons (make-vector 15 nil) keys)
          string (match-string 0)
          index 0
          field 0)
    (while (and (< field (length (car keys)))
            (eq index
            (string-match "\\([^:]+\\)?:" string index)))
      (setq index (match-end 0))
      (aset (car keys) field (match-string 1 string))
      (setq field (1+ field))))
      (nreverse keys))))
  2. best
    (require 'notmuch) ;; if always run on startup
    ;; -- load:
    (autoload 'notmuch "notmuch" "notmuch mail" t)
    (setq notmuch-search-oldest-first nil)
    (setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t)
  3. TODO
    • State "TODO" from [2023-02-18 Sat 11:59]
    ;Load up Notmuch
    (require 'notmuch)
    ; Setup some keybindings
    ; C-c m opens up Notmuch from any buffer
    (global-set-key (kbd "C-c m") `notmuch)
    ;Setup Names and Directories
    (setq user-mail-address "myemail@mydomain.tld"
      user-full-name "My Totally Real Name")
    ; stores postponed messages to the specified directory
    (setq message-directory "MailLocation/Drafts") ;
    ;set sent mail directory
    (setq notmuch-fcc-dirs "MailLocation/Sent")
    ;Settings for main screen
    (setq notmuch-hello-hide-tags (quote ("killed")))
    ;A few commonly used saved searches.
    (setq notmuch-saved-searches
    ((:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox AND -tag:work" :key "i" :sort-order oldest-first)
     (:name "flagged" :query "tag:flagged" :key "f") ;flagged messages
     (:name "sent" :query "tag:sent -tag:work" :key "t" :sort-order newest-first)
     (:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :key "d")
     (:name "mailinglist" :query "tag:lists/mailinglistID" :key "c")
     (:name "all mail" :query "*" :key "a" :sort-order newest-first))))
    ;Message composition and sending settings
    ;Setup User-Agent header
    (setq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent)
    (setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t) ; kill buffer after sending mail)
    (setq mail-specify-envelope-from t) ; Settings to work with msmtp
    (setq send-mail-function (quote sendmail-send-it))
    (setq sendmail-program "~/.local/bin/"
      mail-specify-envelope-from t
    ;; needed for debians message.el cf. README.Debian.gz
     message-sendmail-f-is-evil nil
      mail-envelope-from 'header
      message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header)
    ;Reading mail settings:
    (define-key notmuch-show-mode-map "S"
        (lambda ()
        "mark message as spam"
    (notmuch-show-tag (list "+spam" "-inbox"))))
    (define-key notmuch-search-mode-map "S"
    (lambda ()
        "mark message as spam"
        (notmuch-search-tag (list "-inbox" "+spam"))
        (next-line) ))
    (setq notmuch-crypto-process-mime t) ; Automatically check signatures
    ;Crypto Settings
    (add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'mml-secure-sign-pgpmime)
    (setq epg-gpg-program "/usr/bin/gpg2")
    ;There was some problem with listing PGP keys in the Debian
    ;version of EPG. This magic from StackOverflow seems to resolve it.
    (defun epg--list-keys-1 (context name mode)
    (let ((args (append (if (epg-context-home-directory context)
              (list "--homedir"
                (epg-context-home-directory context)))
              '("--with-colons" "--no-greeting" "--batch"
            "--with-fingerprint" "--with-fingerprint")
              (unless (eq (epg-context-protocol context) 'CMS)
    (list-keys-option (if (memq mode '(t secret))
                (if (memq mode '(nil public))
    (coding-system-for-read 'binary)
    keys string field index)
    (if name
      (unless (listp name)
        (setq name (list name)))
      (while name
        (setq args (append args (list list-keys-option (car name)))
          name (cdr name))))
      (setq args (append args (list list-keys-option))))
      (apply #'call-process
         (epg-context-program context)
         nil (list t nil) nil args)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]:.*" nil t)
    (setq keys (cons (make-vector 15 nil) keys)
          string (match-string 0)
          index 0
          field 0)
    (while (and (< field (length (car keys)))
            (eq index
            (string-match "\\([^:]+\\)?:" string index)))
      (setq index (match-end 0))
      (aset (car keys) field (match-string 1 string))
      (setq field (1+ field))))
      (nreverse keys))))
  6. blacklist

72.3.10. troubleshooting

fix permissions and ownerships:

sudo /usr/local/bin/
chown -R email:u /home/email/.mail # root required
find /home/email/.mail/ -type d -exec chmod g+rxs {} \; # not working if group is not owned
find /home/email/.mail/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;

72.3.11. basic installation Emacs

see 72.2

useradd --create-home --shell=/bin/false email
/etc/sudoers.d/email: user ALL=(email) NOPASSWD: ALL
/usr/local/bin/ - change permissions
/home/user/ - that call all others
/home/email/my.notmuch - tags configuration
create folders in remote server
mkdir /home/email/.mail/????N
mkdir /home/email/mail - for notmuch
sudo -u email bash -c "cd ; notmuch setup ; notmuch new" - it will create ~/.notmuch-config file

When emacs starts with `notmuch' it uses ~/.notmuch-config file

add this lines to config


when start: emacs –eval "(notmuch)"

  • emacs –eval "(progn (setenv \"NOTMUCHCONFIG\" \"home/user.notmuch-config-email\") ( notmuch ))"

add -- mode: conf -- to this config

72.4. email composer

  1. default C-x m compose-mail Message.el mode
  2. Message[Notmuch] mode defined in notmuch-mua.el

remplace default message mode with notmuch message mode:

(setq mail-user-agent 'notmuch-user-agent)

72.5. org-mode integration

(add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'turn-on-orgtbl)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f") 'org-footnote-action)

additional packages

  • M-x package-install RET orgalist RET - Org-like lists in non-Org buffers
  • M-x package-install RET outshine RET - bring the look & feel of Org-mode to the (GNUEmacs) world outside of the Org major-mode.

72.6. send email actually

Two variables to choose method:

  1. setq send-mail-function
    • 'mailclient-send-it - external client
    • 'smtpmail-send-it - smtp emacs
    • 'sendmail-query-once - ask which to use
  2. message-send-mail-function
    • MH Mail System
    • Gmail



72.6.1. built-in: smtpmail-send-it

  smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl
  smtpmail-smtp-server ""
  smtpmail-smtp-service 465
  ;;  ~/.authinfo: machine login <login> port 465 password <password here>
;; Send message via:
(setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)

72.6.2. smtpmail-multi

  • (setopt smtpmail-multi-accounts …
  • (setopt message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-multi-send-it)
  • this function calls smtpmail-send-it
    • with smtpmail-smtp-user, smtpmail-smtp-server, smtpmail-smtp-service .. etc from (setopt smtpmail-multi-accounts …

mailclient.el: (mailclient-send-it)

72.6.3. troubleshooting

certificate host does not match hostname

Careful, you may only continue if the displayed certificate fingerprint matches the certificate fingerprint you have received from your server administrator server hosting provider. Not verifying the fingerprint leaves you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

72.7. TODO WanderLust

  • State "TODO" from [2024-07-16 Tue 06:56]

73. command history

  • F1 l - keep commands, not strings in variable command-history

Info: (elisp)Command History

Minibuffer History - keep strings

74. TODO font locking

75. TODO auto-composition-mode

76. Chinese

Emacs built-in “chinese-py” and “chinese-py-punct” (combination of the input methods ‘chinese-py’ and ‘chinese-punct’.), others:

  • emacs-rime
  • pyim

77. quail - input method

  • f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/international/quail.el
  • f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/leim/
  • f ile:/usr/share/emacs/29.1/lisp/international/mule-cmds.el

77.1. debug-on-entry set-input-method

  • set-input-method("chinese-sisheng" t)
  • activate-input-method("chinese-sisheng")
  • (quail-use-package "chinese-sisheng" nil)
    • (quail-select-package "chinese-sisheng")
    • quail-activate()

77.2. create own

(require 'math-symbol-lists)
(quail-define-package "math" "UTF-8" "Ω" t) ; name, language, title, guidence echo area
(quail-define-rules ; add whatever extra rules you want to define here...
 ("\\from"    #X2190)
 ("\\to"      #X2192)
 ("\\lhd"     #X22B2)
 ("\\rhd"     #X22B3)
 ("\\unlhd"   #X22B4)
 ("\\unrhd"   #X22B5))
;; (mapc (lambda (x)
;;         (if (cddr x)
;;             (quail-defrule (cadr x) (car (cddr x)))))
;;       (append math-symbol-list-basic math-symbol-list-extended))


78.1. how to add column or form table?

Kill a rectangle: kill-rectangle ‘C-x r k’ Yank the last killed rectangle: yank-rectangle ‘C-x r y’ Toggle Rectangle Mark mode C-x SPC

78.2. scroll two buffers two files together

M-x scroll-all-mode

78.3. line numbers at left

  • (setq linum-format " %d ")
  • (global-linum-mode t)

78.4. two files change windows split vertically and horizontally

(defun window-split-toggle ()
  "Toggle between horizontal and vertical split with two windows."
  (if (> (length (window-list)) 2)
      (error "Can't toggle with more than 2 windows!")
    (let ((func (if (window-full-height-p)
      (funcall func)
        (other-window 1)
        (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))))))

78.5. how to edit several lines

  1. M-x occur that select line by regex
  2. rectangles C-x r
  3. M-% search and replace

78.6. how to filter lines - positive

M-x occur RET regex

78.7. how to filter lines - negative

Buffer sould be writable M-x flush-lines RET regex

79. emacsclient

  • emacs –daemon &
  • emacsclient -c -a "emacs"

80. Very Large Files

  • so-long (built-in)
  • combination of cat, tail, grep, sed, awk, etc.
  • GNU `more' and `less' - command line tools that display text files incrementally without loading the entire thing into memory
  • vim - LargFile plugin
  • emacs - GNU ELPA VLF package
    • M-x vlf
  • JOE Text Editor

for logs:

  • tail -F
  • emacs M-x auto-revert-tail-mode
  • large-file-warning-threshold - emacs warning when open big file

80.1. vlf vs so-long

vlf is the partial loading trick; so-long is optimization for very long lines.

they can be used together or separately

81. Telega

It is unofficial Telegram client, lightweight and enhanced alternative to official massive "telegram-desktop". see nix#MissingReference

81.1. terms

  • aux - auxiliary, additional
  • temex - Telega Match Expression. S-exp notation similar to rx package for regexps. (defun telega-match-p (object temex)) temex consist of “temex-name” and “temex-args”. prefix: `chat', `msg', `user' or `sender'

81.2. keys


  • M-g ! telega-chatbuf-next-unread-reaction
  • M-g m/@ telega-chatbuf-next-unread-mention
  • i get info at pointer
  • > telega-chatbuf-read-all
  • < telega-chatbuf-history-beginning
  • M-g r telega-chatbuf-read-all
  • M-g P/^ telega-chatbuf-goto-pinned-message
  • p/n - preview/next message
  • C-c C-f telega-chatbuf-attach-media
  • C-c C-a telega-chatbuf-attach
  • C-c /") 'telega-chatbuf-filter
  • M-p M-k telega-chatbuf-edit-prev
  • M-n 'telega-chatbuf-edit-next
  • telega-chatbuf-cancel-aux
    • C-c C-k C-c C-p
    • C-M-c
  • C-c /") 'telega-chatbuf-filter
  • C-x 4 0 kill-buffer-and-window

81.3. source code

  • telega.el - (defun telega (&optional arg) - entry
  • telega-core.el - Variables and runtime goodies for telega
  • telega-root.el
  • telega-chat.el
  • telega-server.el - Interface to `telega-server' process

Message format: telega-chat.el:

  • (defun telega-chatbuf–insert-messages (messages how)

81.4. installation steps

  1. compile and install TDLib
  2. compile and install telega.el/server

81.5. requirement: TDLib

is fully open source, all code is available on GitHub.

Full dependencies:

For stable version of Telega.el you should do 'git checkout v1.8.0' after 'git clone'

For master check telega-tdlib-min-version in telega.el


  • # mkdir build
  • # cd build
  • # cmake -DCMAKEBUILDTYPE=Release ..
  • # cmake –build . -j2 (for newest version cmake –build . -j2 –target tdjson)
  • # make install -j2
  • # xargs rm < installmanifest.txt # to remove

It should install itself to usr/local/include and library itself into /usr/local/lib and *.pc files to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

81.6. requirement: telega-server

Zaicev: Do $ make install in the telega.el/server/ dir, it will install telega-server into ~/.telega/ dir, telega will be able to find it there

Main dependency for server is 81.5 (Full dependencies:


  • # ldconfig # it will update symlinks for TDLib
  • # export PKGCONFIGPATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ # path to *.pc installed files of TDLib
  • # make
  • # make install # just copy "telega-server" to ~/.telega/

Telega looks for "telega-server" executable in PATH environmental variable or in ~/.telega/

81.7. emacs configuration

Let's configure MELPA repository in Emacs configuration file. (from

(add-to-list 'package-archives
           '("melpa-stable" . ""))
(add-to-list 'package-pinned-packages '(telega . "melpa-stable"))

Install 'telega' from MELPA repository:

  • M-x package-refresh-contents
  • M-x package-install telega

You need to specify folders and account names:

(setq telega-accounts
      '(("t1" telega-database-dir "/home/telega/.telega/t1")
        ("t2" telega-database-dir "/home/telega/.telega/t2")))

I have "t1" and "t2" named accounts and created "home/telega.telega/t1" and "home/telega.telega/t1" folders for them.

Now in Emacs: M-x telega RET. It should magically ask you which account to use "t1" or "t2", phone number and activation code for it.

81.8. troubleshooting

telega-server error: Valid apiid must be provided. Can be obtained at

  • Zaicev: Старая телега и новая TDLib. update telega
  • check version with: M-x telega-version RET

Perhaps you should add the directory containing `tdjson.pc' to the PKGCONFIGPATH environment variable Package 'tdjson', required by 'virtual:world', not found

  • export PKGCONFIGPATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
  • or as Zaicev said: "If you intall TDLib into custom prefix (non system-wide), then specify this prefix via LIBSPREFIX make variable, otherwise pkg-config will be used to detect the prefix."

telega-server: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  • Zaicev: $ sudo ldconfig не забудь запустить перед линковкой telega-server, после того как задаунгрейдил TDLib

81.9. Architecuture

  • the core is server/telega-server.c
    • stdinloop(
  • telega-server.el
    • telega-server–start - start process (start-process "telega-server" "telega-server")
    • telega-server–send
  • telega-tdlib.el: (telega-server–send `(:@type "addProxy" ,@proxy-spec))

81.10. start

  • telega.el/telega.el::201 (defun telega ()
    • variable "telega-accounts" is defined in .emacs
    • telega-account-switch
    • telega-server–start - associate process with buffer " telega-server"
      • "telega-server -l ~/.telega/telega-server.log -v "

81.11. real communication

81.11.1. message video

(:@type "updateChatLastMessage" :chat_id -1001746478692
 :last_message (:@type "message" :id 24108859392 :sender_id (:@type "messageSenderChat" :chat_id -1001746478692)
 :chat_id -1001746478692
 :is_outgoing nil :is_pinned nil :is_from_offline nil :can_be_edited
 nil :can_be_forwarded t :can_be_replied_in_another_chat t
 :can_be_saved t :can_be_deleted_only_for_self nil
 :can_be_deleted_for_all_users nil :can_get_added_reactions nil
 :can_get_statistics nil :can_get_message_thread nil
 :can_get_read_date nil :can_get_viewers nil
 :can_get_media_timestamp_links t :can_report_reactions nil
 :has_timestamped_media t :is_channel_post t :is_topic_message nil
 :contains_unread_mention nil :date 1713544749 :edit_date 0
 :interaction_info (:@type "messageInteractionInfo" :view_count 1 :forward_count 0)
 :unread_reactions []
 :message_thread_id 0
 :saved_messages_topic_id 0 :self_destruct_in 0.0 :auto_delete_in 0.0
 :via_bot_user_id 0 :sender_business_bot_user_id 0 :sender_boost_count
 0 :author_signature "" :media_album_id "0" :restriction_reason ""
 :content (:@type "messageVideo" :video (:@type "video" :duration 37
 :width 1926 :height 1080 :file_name "1.mp4" :mime_type "video/mp4"
 :has_stickers nil :supports_streaming t
 :minithumbnail (:@type
                "minithumbnail" :width 40 :height 22 :data
 :thumbnail (:@type "thumbnail" :format (:@type "thumbnailFormatJpeg")
            :width 320 :height 179 :file (:@type "file" :id 12705 :size 11393
            :expected_size 11393 :local (:@type "localFile" :path ""
            :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted nil :is_downloading_active nil
            :is_downloading_completed nil :download_offset 0
            :downloaded_prefix_size 0 :downloaded_size 0) :remote (:@type
            "remoteFile" :id
            :unique_id "AQADd0sAAtDaGUly" :is_uploading_active nil
            :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 11393)))
 :video (:@type "file" :id 12706 :size 8366081 :expected_size 8366081 :local (:@type
        "localFile" :path "" :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted nil
        :is_downloading_active nil :is_downloading_completed nil
        :download_offset 0 :downloaded_prefix_size 0 :downloaded_size 0)
        :remote (:@type "remoteFile" :id
        :unique_id "AgADd0sAAtDaGUk" :is_uploading_active nil
        :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 8366081)))
 :caption (:@type
          "formattedText" :text #("
          " 368 370 (telega-emoji-p t telega-display "➡️"))
          :entities [
                (:@type "textEntity" :offset 0 :length 170 :type (:@type "textEntityTypeBold"))
                (:@type "textEntity" :offset 309 :length 62 :type (:@type "textEntityTypeBold"))
                (:@type "textEntity" :offset 371 :length 18 :type (:@type "textEntityTypeTextUrl"
                         :url ""))])
 :has_spoiler nil :is_secret nil))
 :positions [(:@type "chatPosition" :list (:@type "chatListMain")
 :order "7359618657187551696" :is_pinned nil)])

81.11.2. message text

1713544723: event IN: (:@type "updateNewMessage"
:message (:@type
 "message" :id 3355443200
 :sender_id (:@type "messageSenderUser" :user_id 1202965647)
 :chat_id -1001909184774
 :is_outgoing nil
 :is_pinned nil :is_from_offline nil :can_be_edited nil
 :can_be_forwarded t :can_be_replied_in_another_chat t :can_be_saved t
 :can_be_deleted_only_for_self nil :can_be_deleted_for_all_users nil
 :can_get_added_reactions nil :can_get_statistics nil
 :can_get_message_thread t :can_get_read_date nil :can_get_viewers nil
 :can_get_media_timestamp_links t :can_report_reactions nil
 :has_timestamped_media nil :is_channel_post nil :is_topic_message nil
 :contains_unread_mention nil :date 1713544722 :edit_date 0
 :unread_reactions []
 :reply_to (:@type "messageReplyToMessage"
            :chat_id -1001909184774
            :message_id 3349151744
            :origin_send_date 0)
 :message_thread_id 3349151744 :saved_messages_topic_id 0
 :self_destruct_in 0.0 :auto_delete_in 0.0 :via_bot_user_id 0
 :sender_business_bot_user_id 0 :sender_boost_count 0
 :author_signature "" :media_album_id "0" :restriction_reason ""
 :content (:@type "messageText"
           :text (:@type "formattedText" :text "ну аркана нормик "
                  :entities []))))

81.11.3. user info

  1. update
    1713552904: event IN: (:@type "updateUser" :user (:@type "user"
     :id 108603591
     :first_name "Slava" :last_name ""
     :usernames (:@type "usernames" :active_usernames ["memset"]
                  :disabled_usernames [] :editable_username "memset")
     :phone_number ""
     :status (:@type "userStatusRecently" :by_my_privacy_settings nil)
     :profile_photo (:@type "profilePhoto" :id "466448872029399105" :small (:@type "file"
           :id 15425 :size 6773 :expected_size 6773 :local (:@type "localFile"
           :path "/home/telega/.telega/t1/profile_photos/466448872029399105.jpg"
           :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted t :is_downloading_active nil
           :is_downloading_completed t :download_offset 0
           :downloaded_prefix_size 6773 :downloaded_size 6773) :remote (:@type
           "remoteFile" :id "AQADAgADQagxG8coeQYACAIAA8coeQYABDxHPDNJrtSxNAQ"
           :unique_id "AQADQagxG8coeQYAAQ" :is_uploading_active nil
           :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 6773)) :big (:@type "file"
           :id 15426 :size 0 :expected_size 0 :local (:@type "localFile" :path
           "" :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted nil :is_downloading_active
           nil :is_downloading_completed nil :download_offset 0
           :downloaded_prefix_size 0 :downloaded_size 0) :remote (:@type
           "remoteFile" :id "AQADAgADQagxG8coeQYACAMAA8coeQYABDxHPDNJrtSxNAQ"
           :unique_id "AQADQagxG8coeQYB" :is_uploading_active nil
           :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 0)) :minithumbnail (:@type
           "minithumbnail" :width 8 :height 8 :data
           :has_animation nil :is_personal nil)
     :accent_color_id 5
     :background_custom_emoji_id "0"
     :profile_accent_color_id -1
     :profile_background_custom_emoji_id "0" :is_contact nil
     :is_mutual_contact nil :is_close_friend nil :is_verified nil
     :is_premium nil :is_support nil :restriction_reason "" :is_scam nil
     :is_fake nil :has_active_stories nil :has_unread_active_stories nil
     :restricts_new_chats nil :have_access t
     :type (:@type "userTypeRegular")
     :language_code "" :added_to_attachment_menu nil))
  2. profile
    1713551495: event IN: (:@type "updateUserFullInfo" :user_id 309050033
     :user_full_info (:@type "userFullInfo"
                                        (:@type "chatPhoto" :id
                                         "1327359785018960224" :added_date 1705329104 :minithumbnail (:@type
                                         "minithumbnail" :width 40 :height 40 :data
                                         :sizes [(:@type "photoSize" :type "a" :photo (:@type "file" :id 15033
                                         :size 8650 :expected_size 8650 :local (:@type "localFile" :path ""
                                         :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted nil :is_downloading_active nil
                                         :is_downloading_completed nil :download_offset 0
                                         :downloaded_prefix_size 0 :downloaded_size 0) :remote (:@type
                                         "remoteFile" :id
                                         :unique_id "AQADYKkxG7G6axIAAQ" :is_uploading_active nil
                                         :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 8650)) :width 160 :height
                                         160 :progressive_sizes []) (:@type "photoSize" :type "b" :photo
                                         (:@type "file" :id 15034 :size 24902 :expected_size 24902 :local
                                         (:@type "localFile" :path "" :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted nil
                                         :is_downloading_active nil :is_downloading_completed nil
                                         :download_offset 0 :downloaded_prefix_size 0 :downloaded_size 0)
                                         :remote (:@type "remoteFile" :id
                                         :unique_id "AQADYKkxG7G6axJn" :is_uploading_active nil
                                         :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 24902)) :width 320 :height
                                         320 :progressive_sizes []) (:@type "photoSize" :type "c" :photo
                                         (:@type "file" :id 15035 :size 77357 :expected_size 77357 :local
                                         (:@type "localFile" :path
                                         :can_be_downloaded t :can_be_deleted t :is_downloading_active nil
                                         :is_downloading_completed t :download_offset 0
                                         :downloaded_prefix_size 77357 :downloaded_size 77357) :remote (:@type
                                         "remoteFile" :id
                                         :unique_id "AQADYKkxG7G6axIB" :is_uploading_active nil
                                         :is_uploading_completed t :uploaded_size 77357)) :width 640 :height
                                         640 :progressive_sizes [])])
     :can_be_called nil :supports_video_calls
     nil :has_private_calls t :has_private_forwards t
     :has_restricted_voice_and_video_note_messages nil :has_pinned_stories
     nil :need_phone_number_privacy_exception nil :set_chat_background nil
     :bio (:@type "formattedText" :text "λ" :entities [])
     :personal_chat_id 0
     :premium_gift_options [
       (:@type "premiumPaymentOption" :currency "RUB" :amount 279900
        :discount_percentage 41 :month_count 12 :store_product_id
        "org.telegram.telegramPremium.twelveMonths" :payment_link (:@type
        "internalLinkTypeInvoice" :invoice_name
        "premgift309050033_12_ad88c67f42de312854")) (:@type
        "premiumPaymentOption" :currency "RUB" :amount 159900
        :discount_percentage 33 :month_count 6 :store_product_id
        "org.telegram.telegramPremium.sixMonths" :payment_link (:@type
        "internalLinkTypeInvoice" :invoice_name
        "premgift309050033_6_2c9395bb263dc21607")) (:@type
        "premiumPaymentOption" :currency "RUB" :amount 119900
        :discount_percentage 0 :month_count 3 :store_product_id
        "org.telegram.telegramPremium.threeMonths" :payment_link (:@type
        "internalLinkTypeInvoice" :invoice_name
      :group_in_common_count 1))

81.11.4. chat

IN: updateNewChat

1713554600: event IN: (:@type "updateNewChat" :chat (
 :@type "chat" :id -1001098300825
 :type (:@type "chatTypeSupergroup" :supergroup_id 1098300825 :is_channel nil)

 :title "Big Data"

 :accent_color_id 6
 :background_custom_emoji_id "0" :profile_accent_color_id -1
 :profile_background_custom_emoji_id "0"
 :permissions (:@type "chatPermissions" :can_send_basic_messages t :can_send_audios nil
               :can_send_documents nil :can_send_photos nil :can_send_videos nil
               :can_send_video_notes nil :can_send_voice_notes nil :can_send_polls
               nil :can_send_other_messages nil :can_add_web_page_previews nil
               :can_change_info nil :can_invite_users t :can_pin_messages nil
               :can_create_topics t)
 :positions [] :chat_lists []
 :message_sender_id (:@type "messageSenderUser" :user_id 679333843)
 :has_protected_content nil :is_translatable nil :is_marked_as_unread
 nil :view_as_topics nil :has_scheduled_messages nil
 :can_be_deleted_only_for_self nil :can_be_deleted_for_all_users nil
 :can_be_reported t :default_disable_notification nil :unread_count 0
 :last_read_inbox_message_id 12879659008 :last_read_outbox_message_id
 12880707584 :unread_mention_count 0 :unread_reaction_count 0
 :notification_settings (:@type "chatNotificationSettings"
                         :use_default_mute_for nil :mute_for 433929079 :use_default_sound t
                         :sound_id "-1" :use_default_show_preview t :show_preview nil
                         :use_default_mute_stories t :mute_stories nil
                         :use_default_story_sound t :story_sound_id "-1"
                         :use_default_show_story_sender t :show_story_sender t
                         :use_default_disable_pinned_message_notifications t
                         :disable_pinned_message_notifications nil
                         :use_default_disable_mention_notifications t
                         :disable_mention_notifications nil)
 :available_reactions (:@type "chatAvailableReactionsAll")
 :message_auto_delete_time 0
 :theme_name ""
 :video_chat (:@type "videoChat" :group_call_id 0 :has_participants nil)
 :reply_markup_message_id 0
 :client_data "(:color (\"#000061ae9385\" \"#0000affae676\"))"))

81.12. Notification

Evgeny Zajcev:

  • Advise telega-notifications–notify function, take a look at contrib/telega-alert.el - it uses such advise to use alert.el for notifications

telega–on-updateNewMessage (telega-tdlib-events.el)-> telega-chat-post-message-hook -> telega-notifications-chat-message -> telega-notifications–chat-msg0 - > telega-notifications–notify

  • telega-notifications-chat-message is working only if telega-notifications-mode active.

hooks in ~/.emacs.d/loadmy/telega/telega-customize.el and ~/.emacs.d/loadmy/telega/telega-notifications.el

  • telega-chat-pre-message-hook
  • telega-chat-post-message-hook - function #'telega-notifications-chat-message

telega-notifications–chat-msg0 -> telega-inserter-for-msg-notification to build :body of notify-spec

81.12.1. telega–on-updateNewMessage

A new message was received; can also be an outgoing message.

  • telega-chat-pre-message-hook
  • telega-chat-post-message-hook - received and (outgoing if message is successfully sent)
    • telega-notifications-chat-message - filter ignored, check message with function “telega-notifications-msg-notify-p”
      • telega-notifications–chat-msg0

81.12.2. content

(let* ((content (plist-get msg :content)) (content-type (telega–tl-type content))

(telega-fmt-text-desurrogate (telega-fmt-text-concat (telega–tl-get last-msg :content :text) (telega-string-fmt-text "\n") (plist-get imc :text)))

(user (telega-msg-sender msg)) (chat (telega-msg-chat msg))

(chat (telega-msg-chat msg))

(or (not (telega-chat-match-p chat '(or (type private secret) me-is-member))) (telega-chat-muted-p chat)

Message already has been read: (telega-msg-seen-p msg chat)

81.13. membercount



td-spec-file: elega.el/etc/

(defun my-members (chat)
  "CHAT from (telega-chat-get chat-id 'offline)."
  (let (
        (chat-id (plist-get chat :id))
        (telega-full-info-offline-p nil) ; nil - online request
        (chat-type (telega-chat--type chat))
        (info (telega-chat--info chat 'locally))
    (setq full-info (telega--full-info info))
    (let* (
          (member-count (cl-case chat-type
                                 (plist-get info :member_count))
                                ((supergroup channel)
                                 (plist-get full-info :member_count))
                                 (user-error "telega: Not a group chat"))
           (omc (or (plist-get chat :x-online-count) 0))
           (ac (plist-get full-info :administrator_count))
    (print (list member-count omc ac))
    (list member-count omc ac)
    ) ; let
  ) ; let

81.14. Usecases:

  • get user info by id: (telega-user-get 655478803)
  • get user info by name: (telega-user–by-username "pretty3")
  • get message: (telega-msg-get (telega-chat-get -1001628071985) 10148118528)
  • get text of message: (print (plist-get (plist-get (plist-get (telega-msg-get (telega-chat-get -1001628071985) 10148118528) :content) :caption) :text))

82. Twitter

83. Other modes

Contact keeping and exporting

83.1. Youtube packages

empv 4.0.0 available melpa-stable A multimedia player/manager, YouTube interface

ytdious 20210228.2111 available melpa Query / Preview YouTube via Invidious

83.1.1. yeetube

YouTube Front End | Interface for yt-dlp | mpv control |

Project's Page: Upstream:


  • (require 'compat)
  • (require 'url)
  • (require 'tabulated-list)
  • (require 'cl-lib)
  • (require 'socks)
  • (require 'iimage)
  • (require 'yeetube-mpv) - own

83.2. VoiceEmacs

83.7. host Emacs in cloud and access in browser

83.9. Kubel - kubernetes control

83.10. EasyPG Assistant - autoencryption

Transparent File Cryptography

(require 'epa-file) (epa-file-enable)

83.10.1. how it works

(epa-file-enable) add hook to find-file-hook and auto-mode-alist to detect ‘.gpg’ files.

finally it call epg–start from epg.el that call gpg-agent for password

(epg-gpg-program) used also.

83.10.2. configuration of pinentry (password) to different tty

;; – – EasyPG - GnuPG interface (require 'epa-file) (setopt epa-pinentry-mode 'ask) (epa-file-enable)

~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf: pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-tty
/etc/inittab: c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -a user 38400 tty2 linux


if [ $(tty) = "/dev/tty2" ]; then  # hack to disable tty2
    stty -echo -icanon  # disable echo
    while true; do sleep 9000 ; done  # disable input
export GPG_TTY=/dev/tty2
gpg-agent 2> /dev/null

Now you need to switch to TTY with Ctrl+Alt+F2 to enter password.

If this is too complicated, you can always enter password directly in Emacs: (setopt epa-pinentry-mode 'loopback)

83.10.3. commands

browse your keyring
create a cleartext signature of the region
encrypt a file

83.10.4. Caching Passphrases

By default

83.10.5. Troubleshooting

Error while encrypting with "/usr/bin/gpg2": gpg: problem with the agent: Inappropriate ioctl for device

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. gpg: decryptmessage failed: Unknown system error

gpg: public key decryption failed: No such file or directory gpg: decryption failed: No such file or directory

pinentry password prompt broken inside tmux sessions

83.11. OSM - openstreetmaps

84. proxy

84.1. url/url.el

'(url-proxy-services '(("socks" . "")))

84.1.1. config socks proxy

(setq socks-server '("Default server" "" 8080 5)) ;; M-x
customize socks

(setq socks-password "")

;; To test:
(url-retrieve-synchronously "")
(goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^$")
(delete-region (point) (point-min))

84.1.2. path url-retrieve-synchronously

  • url-do-setup
  • url-retrieve
    • url-retrieve-internal
    • url-find-proxy-for-url
    • url-http:
      • url-http.el:
      • url-retrieve (url callback &optional cbargs silent inhibit-cookies)
        • cbargs = (cons nil cbargs)
      • url-http-find-free-connection (url-host url) (url-port url) gateway-method) gateway-method=CBARGS

84.2. old tryes

  • State "TODO" from [2023-04-24 Mon 01:07]
(setq socks-override-functions 1) ;;  Set this before loading the library to make Emacs use Socks for all networking functions.
(setq socks-noproxy '("localhost")) ;; A list of domains to exclude from the proxy
(require 'socks) ;; Finally, load the socks library.
(setq socks-server '("Default server" "" 1081 5))
(setq socks-noproxy '(""))
(setq url-gateway-method 'socks)

(setq url-proxy-services
      '(("http"     . "")
        ("https"    . "")
            ("ftp"      . "")
            ("no_proxy" . "^.*")))

-- test proxy:
    (url-retrieve-synchronously "")
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (re-search-forward "^$")
  (delete-region (point) (point-min))



  • what is Auto-Composition minor mode?

86. emacs keyboard layouts

87. good modes for UI enhancement

88. keyboard problems:

  • space is too high for big shirt fingers
  • unable to use any key as modifier, detect that key is pressed

89. log keys, log commands, commands logging, key log

packages: command-log-mode

  • M-x command-log-mode - in current buffer only
  • M-x global-command-log-mode (optional. Turn on logging for any buffer)
  • M-x clm/open-command-log-buffer (show the key/command output buffer)

90. bugs

abbrev.el: abbrev–before-point - skip-syntax-backward go beuound new line.

91. blogging

91.1. engines - SSGs Static Site Generators

91.2. emacs tangling


91.3. emacs export subtree

org-html-export-to-html(nil t nil nil)- export

org-forward-heading-same-level - next header

91.3.1. solution

  1. write a single Org with one header per page or part of page
  2. for every header: C-c C-x p (org-set-property) EXPORTFILENAME - to location and name of file
  3. C-c e - export buffer with my advice to export every root-subtree according to EXPORTFILENAME
  4. apply SSGs to exported HTML files
  5. sync-uppload to site
(defun my/org-html-export-to-html-all-subtrees (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  (while (org-forward-heading-same-level)
(advice-add 'org-html-export-to-html :override #'my/org-html-export-to-html-all-subtrees )

92. money counting

93. Troubleshooting

ERROR: Unknown terminal type

  • printenv TERM
  • `infocmp tmux-256color' displays anything?
  • put a few `tic'ed entries into `$HOME/.terminfo'

Troubleshooting: ERROR: End of file during parsing

  • Solution: You missed “)” or syntax error in CLI arguments.
*ERROR*: X windows are not in use or not initialized
*ERROR*: Unknown terminal type

Solution: You use `find-file' in CLI –eval, frame was not created, use emacsclient --create-frame

94. Code suggestion - GitLab

95. Browsers

96. create emacs distribution

[1]: "" [2]: "" [3]: "" [4]: "" [5]: "" [6]: "" [7]: "" [8]: ""

Creating your own Emacs distribution involves setting up an independent configuration that can be run separately from your default Emacs setup. Here's a high-level overview of the steps you might take:

  1. Create a New Directory: Make a new directory to serve as the home for your Emacs distribution. This is where you'll store all the configuration files.
  2. Set Up Configuration: Inside your new directory, create a `.emacs.d` sub-directory. This will contain your init file and any other configuration files you need.
  3. Clone Pre-Packaged Configurations (Optional): If you want to use a pre-packaged configuration like Emacs Prelude or Emacs Live, you can clone their repositories directly into your `.emacs.d` directory.
  4. Run Your Distribution: You can start Emacs using your new distribution by pointing Emacs to use the new directory as its home. This can be done by setting the `HOME` environment variable to your distribution's directory before launching Emacs.
  5. Install Packages: Once running, install new packages using the package manager (`M-x package-install`) or add other libraries you're interested in.

For a more detailed guide, you can refer to resources like EmacsWiki or GitHub repositories dedicated to Emacs configurations¹[1]²[2]. These sources provide scripts, tools, and detailed instructions to help you build and manage your Emacs distribution.

Remember, the key to creating your own distribution is to have a separate environment where you can experiment and customize without affecting your main Emacs setup. Good luck with your Emacs journey!

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/25/2024 (1) EmacsWiki: emacs-distribution. (2) GitHub - emacs-tw/awesome-emacs: A community driven list of useful …. (3) GitHub - kiennq/emacs-build: Scripts to build a distribution of Emacs …. (4) EmacsWiki: Building Emacs. (5) EmacsWiki: Making Packages. (6) undefined. (7) undefined. (8) undefined.

97. How to send a patch

  1. 1. Read: Known problems: C-h C-p. 2. ex. first field: Emacs second field: Dired 3.
  2. git clone
  3. patch: generate a patch from the master version by using git format-patch master. Or git diff. diff -u -F'^[_a-zA-Z0-9$]\+ *(' when making diffs of C code.
    • git commit -am "line1 space lines" ; see f ile:/home/u/sources/emacs/CONTRIBUTE::175
    • git format-patch -1 HEAD
    • cat 0001…
  4. M-x submit-emacs-patch - to “”
    • Subject: 29.1; [PATCH] dired: ….

Mailing lists:


  • Email: “bug#123” subject, to

"Package: emacs,gnus" or "Package: gnus"

  • cc-mode bug-cc-mode AT
  • gnus bugs AT
  • org-mode emacs-orgmode AT - Initially, a bug report is submitted by a user as an ordinary mail message to

  • will then be given a number,
  • If the submitter included a Package line listing a package with a known maintainer the maintainer will get a copy too.

97.1. Sending the bug report via e-mail


  • Subject - clear description
  • pseudo-header at the start of the body of the message.
    • Package: <something>
    • Version: <something> - of package
  • supply: The exact and complete text of any error messages printed or logged. This is very important!
  • supply: incorrect behaviour - what behaviour you were expecting, and what you observed
  • supply: suggested fix, or even a patch, if you have one.

97.1.1. severity levels are:

  • critical
  • grave
  • serious
  • important
  • normal
  • minor - a problem which doesn't affect the package's usefulness, and is presumably trivial to fix.
  • wishlist - for any feature request, and also for any bugs that are very difficult to fix due to major design considerations.

97.1.2. tags

  • patch
    • A patch or some other easy procedure for fixing the bug is included in the bug logs. If there's a patch, but it doesn't resolve the bug adequately or causes some other problems, this tag should not be used.
  • wontfix
    • This bug won't be fixed. Possibly because this is a choice between two arbitrary ways of doing things and the maintainer and submitter prefer different ways of doing things, possibly because changing the behaviour will cause other, worse, problems for others, or possibly for other reasons.
  • moreinfo
    • This bug can't be addressed until more information is provided by the submitter. The bug will be closed if the submitter doesn't provide more information in a reasonable (few months) timeframe. This is for bugs like "It doesn't work". What doesn't work?
  • unreproducible
    • This bug can't be reproduced on the maintainer's system. Assistance from third parties is needed in diagnosing the cause of the problem.
  • fixed
    • This bug is fixed or worked around, but there's still an issue that needs to be resolved.
  • notabug
    • This issue is not a bug.
  • pending
    • A fix is waiting on something (e.g. a new release).
  • help
    • The maintainer is requesting help with dealing with this bug.
  • security
    • This bug describes a security problem.
  • confirmed
    • The maintainer has looked at, understands, and basically agrees with the bug, but has yet to fix it. (Use of this tag is optional; it is intended mostly for maintainers who need to manage large numbers of open bugs.)
  • easy
    • This bug should be easy to fix. For example, such bugs may be suitable for newcomers to the project to work on fixing.

97.1.3. ex

  Subject: Hello says `goodbye'

  Package: hello
  Version: 1.3-16
  Severity: <severity>

  When I invoke `hello' without arguments from an ordinary shell
  prompt it prints `goodbye', rather than the expected `hello, world'.
  Here is a transcript:


  I suggest that the output string, in hello.c, be corrected.

  I am using Debian GNU/Linux 2.2, kernel 2.2.17-pre-patch-13
  and libc6 2.1.3-10.

97.2. suggest steps

Tags: notabug Package: indent.el Version: master Severity: wishlist

In GNU Emacs master.

98. elpher - gopher and gemini client

99. people



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Created: 2025-01-14 Tue 13:22
