Table of Contents
- 1. Links 链接 Liànjiē: translators, courses
- 2. Gentoo, Emacs, input methods
- 3. Geography
- 4. Dialects, transcriptions
- 5. Pīnyīn 拼音
- 6. Chinesation
- 7. Hieroglyphs 文字 wénzì, 汉字 hànzì
- 8. Radicals 偏旁 and dictionaries 字典
- 8.1. 康熙部首 Kangxi radicals Kāngxī bùshǒu (Канси)
- 8.2. 汉字 hànzì
- 8.3. Shuowen Jiezi Radicals
- 8.4. The Table of Indexing Chinese Character Components (GF 0011-2009 汉字部首表)
- 8.5. The Hanyu dazidian 汉语大字典 Hànyǔ dàzìdiǎn Great Compendium of Chinese Characters
- 8.6. 新华字典 Xīnhuá Zìdiǎn Xinhua Dictionary
- 8.7. 现代汉语词典 Xiandai Hanyu Cidian Dictionary
- 8.8. most popular radicals
- 8.9. comparision with Japanese, Hong Kong, Korean, Vietnamese
- 8.10. rare
- 8.11. very same, hard to distinguish
- 9. Strokes
- 10. Kangxi radicals
- 11. My dictionary with Kangxi
- 11.1. 1. 一 yī
- 11.2. 2. 丨 gǔn
- 11.3. 3. 丶 zhǔ
- 11.4. 4. 丿 piě
- 11.5. 5. 乙 (乛、⺄、乚、乙、乀、𠃌、㇈) yǐ
- 11.6. 6. 亅 jué
- 11.7. 7. 二 èr
- 11.8. 8. 亠 tóu
- 11.9. 9. 人 (亻) rén
- 11.10. 10. 儿 ér
- 11.11. 11. 入 rù
- 11.12. 12. 八(丷) bā
- 11.13. 13. 冂 jiōng
- 11.14. 14. 冖 mì
- 11.15. 15. 冫bīng
- 11.16. 16. 几 jī
- 11.17. 17. 凵 kǎn
- 11.18. 18. 刀 (刂、⺈) dāo
- 11.19. 19. 力 lì
- 11.20. 20. 勹 bāo
- 11.21. 21. 匕 bǐ
- 11.22. 22. 匚 fāng
- 11.23. 23. 匸 xǐ/xì
- 11.24. 24. 十 shí
- 11.25. 25. 卜 bǔ
- 11.26. 26. 卩(㔾) jié
- 11.27. 27. 厂 chǎng,hǎn
- 11.28. 28. 厶 sī
- 11.29. 29. 又 yòu
- 11.30. 30. 口 kǒu
- 11.31. 31. 囗 wéi
- 11.32. 32. 土 tǔ
- 11.33. 33. 士 shì
- 11.34. 34. 夂 zhǐ
- 11.35. 35. 夊 suī
- 11.36. 36. 夕 xī
- 11.37. 37. 大 dà
- 11.38. 38. 女 nǚ
- 11.39. 39. 子 zǐ
- 11.40. 40. 宀 mián
- 11.41. 41. 寸 cùn
- 11.42. 42. 小(⺌、⺍) xiǎo
- 11.43. 43. 尢 (尣‚𡯂) wāng
- 11.44. 44. 尸 shī
- 11.45. 45. 屮 chè
- 11.46. 46. 山 shān
- 11.47. 47. 巛 (川, 巜) chuān
- 11.48. 48. 工 gōng
- 11.49. 49. 己,巳,已 jǐ
- 11.50. 50. 巾 jīn
- 11.51. 51. 干 gān
- 11.52. 52. 幺 (么) yāo
- 11.53. 53. 广 yǎn(guǎng)
- 11.54. 54. 廴 yǐn
- 11.55. 55. 廾 gǒng
- 11.56. 56. 弋 yì
- 11.57. 57. 弓 gōng
- 11.58. 58. 彐(彑) jì
- 11.59. 59. 彡 shān
- 11.60. 60. 彳 chì
- 11.61. 61. 心(忄,⺗‚㣺) xīn
- 11.62. 62. 戈 gē
- 11.63. 63. 戶(户、戸) hù
- 11.64. 64. 手(扌、龵) shǒu
- 11.65. 65. 支 zhī
- 11.66. 66. 攴 (攵) pū
- 11.67. 67. 文 wén
- 11.68. 68. 斗 dǒu
- 11.69. 69. 斤 jīn
- 11.70. 70. 方 fāng
- 11.71. 71. 无 mó(wú)
- 11.72. 72. 日(⺜) rì
- 11.73. 73. 曰 yuē
- 11.74. 74. 月(⺝) yuè
- 11.75. 75. 木(朩) mù
- 11.76. 76. 欠 qiàn
- 11.77. 77. 止(龰) zhǐ
- 11.78. 78. 歹(歺) Dǎi
- 11.79. 79. 殳⽎ shū
- 11.80. 80. 毋 (母,⺟‚毌) mú(wú)
- 11.81. 81. 比 bǐ
- 11.82. 82. 毛 máo
- 11.83. 83. 氏 shì
- 11.84. 84. 气(気, 氣)qì (ци)
- 11.85. 85. 水 (氵,氺) shuǐ (шуй)
- 11.86. 86. 火 (灬) huǒ (хо)
- 11.87. 87. 爪(⺥‚⺤) zhǎo (чжао)
- 11.88. 88. 父 fù (фу)
- 11.89. 89. 爻 yáo (яо)
- 11.90. 90. 爿(丬) qiáng (цян)
- 11.91. 91. 片 piàn (пянь)
- 11.92. 92. 牙 yá (я)
- 11.93. 93. 牛 (牜‚⺧) niú (ню)
- 11.94. 94. 犬 (犭) quǎn (цюань)
- 11.95. 95. 玄 xuán (сюань)
- 11.96. 96. 王 (玉‚玊‚𤣩) wáng‚ yù (ван‚ юй)
- 11.97. 97. 瓜 guā (гуа)
- 11.98. 98. 瓦 wǎ (ва)
- 11.99. 99. 甘 gān (гань)
- 11.100. 100. 生 shēng (шэн)
- 11.101. 101. 用 yòng (юн)
- 11.102. 102. 田 tián (тянь)
- 11.103. 103. 疋 (⺪) pǐ (пи)
- 11.104. 104. 疒 chuáng (чуан)
- 11.105. 105. 癶 bō (бо)
- 11.106. 106. 白 bái (бай)
- 11.107. 107. 皮 pí (пи)
- 11.108. 108. 皿 mǐn (минь)
- 11.109. 109. 目 mù (му)
- 11.110. 110. 矛 máo (мао)
- 11.111. 111. 矢 shǐ (ши)
- 11.112. 112. 石 shí (ши)
- 11.113. 113. 示 (礻‚⺬‚𥘅) shì (ши)
- 11.114. 114. 禸 róu (жоу)
- 11.115. 115. 禾 hé (хэ)
- 11.116. 116. 穴 xué (сюэ)
- 11.117. 117. 立 lì (ли)
- 11.118. 118. 竹 (⺮) zhú (чжу)
- 11.119. 119. 米 mǐ (ми)
- 11.120. 120. 糸 (糹)⺰纟 mì (ми)
- 11.121. 122. 网 (罒‚罓‚⺳‚𦉪‚冈‚𠔿‚⺵‚𦉰‚罔‚㒺) wǎng (ван)
- 11.122. 123. 羊 (⺶‚⺷‚⺸,𦍋,𦍌) yáng (ян)
- 11.123. 124. 羽 yǔ (юй)
- 11.124. 125. 老 (耂) lǎo (лао)
- 11.125. 126. 而 ér (эр)
- 11.126. 127. 耒 lěi (лэй)
- 11.127. 128. 耳 ěr (эр)
- 11.128. 129. 聿 (⺻, 肀) yù (юй)
- 11.129. 130. 肉 (⺼) ròu (жоу)
- 11.130. 131. 臣 chén (чэнь)
- 11.131. 132. 自 zì (цзы)
- 11.132. 133. 至 zhì (чжи)
- 11.133. 134. 臼(𦥑) jiù (цзю)
- 11.134. 135. 舌 shé (ше)
- 11.135. 136. 舛 chuǎn (чуань)
- 11.136. 137. 舟 zhōu (чжоу)
- 11.137. 138. 艮 gēn (гэнь)
- 11.138. 139. 色 sè (сэ)
- 11.139. 140. 艸 (艹‚⺿‚⻀) cǎo (цао)
- 11.140. 141. 虍 hū (ху)
- 11.141. 142. 虫 chóng (чун)
- 11.142. 143. 血 xuè (сюэ)
- 11.143. 144. 行 xíng (син)
- 11.144. 145. 衣 (衤) yī (и)
- 11.145. 146. 西 (襾,覀) xī (си)
- 11.146. 147. 見,见 jiàn (цянь)
- 11.147. 148. 角(𧢲) jiǎo (цзяо)
- 11.148. 149. 言 (訁)讠 yán (янь)
- 11.149. 150. 谷 gǔ (гу)
- 11.150. 151. 豆 dòu (доу)
- 11.151. 152. 豕 shǐ (ши)
- 11.152. 153. 廌 (豸) zhì (чжи)
- 11.153. 154. 貝(贝) bèi (бэй)
- 11.154. 155. 赤 chì (чи)
- 11.155. 156. 走 (赱) zǒu (цзоу)
- 11.156. 157. 足 (⻊) zú (цзу)
- 11.157. 158. 身 shēn (шэнь)
- 11.158. 159. 車,车 chē (чэ)
- 11.159. 160. 辛 xīn (синь)
- 11.160. 161. 辰 chén (чэнь)
- 11.161. 162. 辵 (辶,⻌,⻍) chuò / zouzhi (чо, цзоучжи)
- 11.162. 163. 邑 (阝) yì (и)
- 11.163. 164. 酉 yǒu (ю)
- 11.164. 165. 釆 biàn (бянь)
- 11.165. 166. 里 lǐ (ли)
- 11.166. 167. 金 (釒)钅 jīn (цзинь)
- 11.167. 168. 長, 镸,长 cháng (чан)
- 11.168. 169. 門,门 mén (мэнь)
- 11.169. 170. 阜 (阝‚𨸏) fù (фу)
- 11.170. 171. 隶 lì (ли)
- 11.171. 172. 隹 zhuī (чжуй)
- 11.172. 173. 雨(⻗) yǔ (юй)
- 11.173. 174. 青, 靑 qīng (цин)
- 11.174. 175. 非 fēi (фэй)
- 11.175. 176. 面 (靣) miàn (мянь)
- 11.176. 177. 革 gé (гэ)
- 11.177. 178. 韋,韦 wéi (вэй)
- 11.178. 179. 韭 jiǔ (цзю)
- 11.179. 180. 音 yīn (инь)
- 11.180. 181. 頁,页 yè (е)
- 11.181. 182. 風,风 fēng (фэн)
- 11.182. 183. 飛,飞 fēi (фэй)
- 11.183. 184. 食 (飠‚⻞)饣 shí (ши)
- 11.184. 185. 首 shǒu (шоу)
- 11.185. 186. 香 xiāng (сян)
- 11.186. 187. 馬,马 mǎ (ма)
- 11.187. 188. 骨(⻣) gǔ (гу)
- 11.188. 189. 高 (髙) gāo (гао)
- 11.189. 190. 髟 biāo (бяо)
- 11.190. 191. 鬥 dòu (доу)
- 11.191. 192. 鬯 chàng (чан)
- 11.192. 193. 鬲 lì (ли)
- 11.193. 194. 鬼 guǐ (гуй)
- 11.194. 195. 魚,鱼 yú (юй)
- 11.195. 196. 鳥,鸟 niǎo (няо)
- 11.196. 197. 鹵,卤 lǔ (лу)
- 11.197. 198. 鹿 lù (лу)
- 11.198. 199. 麥,麦 mài (май)
- 11.199. 200. 麻 má (ма)
- 11.200. 201. 黃,黄 huáng (хуан)
- 11.201. 202. 黍 shǔ (шу)
- 11.202. 203. 黑(黒) hēi (хэй)
- 11.203. 204. 黹 zhǐ (чжи)
- 11.204. 205. 黽,黾 mǐn (минь)
- 11.205. 206. 鼎 dǐng (дин)
- 11.206. 207. 鼓 gǔ (гу)
- 11.207. 208. 鼠(䑕) shǔ (шу)
- 11.208. 209. 鼻 bí (би)
- 11.209. 210. 齊(斉)齐 qí (ци)
- 11.210. 211. 齒(歯)齿 chǐ (чи)
- 11.211. 212. 龍(竜)龙 lóng (лун)
- 11.212. 213. 龜(亀)龟 guī (гуй)
- 11.213. 214. 龠 yuè (юэ)
- 11.214. 215. 业 Yè
- 12. I, you, he (pronouns)
- 13. This, that (Demonstrative pronouns)
- 14. Movement
- 15. Hello, common, self-Introduction, no meaning, shopping
- 16. Thank you & sorry & please & i love you
- 17. Questions
- 18. Verbs 动词 Dòngcí (move word)
- 19. Numbers 数字 Shùzì - Шуцзы
- 20. Math 数学 Shùxué - Шу Сюэ
- 21. Plural, multiple
- 22. IT, programming
- 22.1. common
- 22.2. devices 设备 - shè bèi
- 22.3. Internet, web
- 22.4. Mobile Device Related
- 22.5. persons
- 22.6. UI
- 22.7. UI firefox
- 22.8. UI web
- 22.9. UI search engine
- 22.10. UI PS3
- 22.11. AI, data
- 22.12. version, size
- 22.13. telegram
- 22.14. programming
- 22.15. git
- 22.16. network
- 22.17. security
- 22.18. OS
- 22.19. systems
- 22.20. verbs
- 22.21. talks
- 22.22. working frases
- 23. Grammar rules 語法 (Yǔfǎ) [ language law ]
- 23.1. base or SVO
- 23.2. Tenses - aspects
- 23.3. there is
- 23.4. 的 De - of
- 23.5. 得 de/dé/děi - have to, get
- 23.6. 地 De - land
- 23.7. State of Being
- 23.8. 把 (Bǎ) - about what happens 'fate' to the object.
- 23.9. 吧 (ba)
- 23.10. adjective
- 23.11. as as - 和 … 一样
- 23.12. compound verbs
- 23.13. are you afraid of xxx?
- 23.14. If not, just do that
- 23.15. TODO 被 - agant?
- 23.16. it is …
- 23.17. Complement (补语 bǔyǔ) [repair language]
- 23.18. 上 after verb, noun
- 23.19. links
- 24. Adverb наречия
- 25. Adjectives Прилагательные
- 26. Preposition предлоги 介词 (Jiècí)
- 27. Conjuctions Союзы and, or - 连词 (Liáncí)
- 28. Prefixes, suffixes, intrafixes
- 29. Idiomatic expression 成语 chéngyǔ Чэнъюй
- 29.1. theory
- 29.2. new short
- 29.3. new long
- 29.4. ancient
- 29.4.1. 破釜沉舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu
- 29.4.2. 瓜田李下 guātián lǐxià
- 29.4.3. 空穴來風, kōng xué lái fēng
- 29.4.4. 素面朝天, sù miàn cháo tiān
- 29.4.5. 言而無信, yán ér wú xìn
- 29.4.6. 醉翁之意不在酒, zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ
- 29.4.7. 言不由衷, yán bù yóu zhōng
- 29.4.8. 冰山一角, bīng shān yī jiǎo
- 29.4.9. 火中取栗, huǒ zhōng qǔ lì
- 29.4.10. 一日千秋, yí rì qiān qiū
- 29.4.11. take a piece of the pie - 分一杯羹 Fēn yībēi gēng
- 29.4.12. Shop-closing door - 閉門羹
- 29.4.13. Wash hands and make soup - 洗手作羹湯
- 29.4.14. Overcome new obstacles - 披荆新棘
- 29.4.15. Seek truth from facts - 实事求是
- 29.4.16. to have eyes bigger than one's stomach - 眼大肚子小
- 29.4.17. dripping water can penetrate a stone
- 29.4.18. Learn from him, become him, surpass him
- 29.4.19. other
- 29.5. Jokes 笑话 Xiàohuà
- 29.6. links
- 30. Culture 文化 Wénhuà
- 30.1. Poetry - 詩 or 诗 - Shī
- 30.2. Ancient poetry writings 古诗文 (Gǔshī wén)
- 30.3. songs
- 30.4. politic
- 30.5. Five Phases 五行 wǔxíng
- 30.6. 地支 Earthly Branches (dìzhī) - дичжи
- 30.7. 天干 Heavenly Stems (tiāngān) - Тянь Гань
- 30.8. 老子 Laozi (Lǎozi)
- 30.9. 孔子 Confucius (Kǒngzǐ), 儒 Confucianism (Rú)
- 30.10. 中医 Traditional Chinese medicine
- 30.11. 气功 (qìgōng) (тигон/Цигун)
- 30.12. martial arts 武术 Wǔshù / 武艺 Wǔyì
- 30.13. 道教 Taoism/Daoism (Dàojiào)
- 30.14. Zen Buddhism
- 30.15. 八卦 bāguà багуа - Восемь триграмм
- 30.16. 風水 / 风水, fēngshuǐ
- 30.17. people
- 30.18. TODO Лаошань Láo Shān 崂山, 牢山, 勞山
- 30.19. history of China
- 30.20. Five Punishments 五刑 wǔ xíng
- 30.21. TODO history of Chinese characters 汉字 Hànzì
- 30.22. BC AD
- 30.23. палочки куайцзы 筷子 kuàiz
- 30.24. повидение
- 30.25. Искусство войны 孙子兵法, Sūn Zǐ bīng fǎ
- 30.26. wushu Ушу
- 30.27. tea culture 茶文化 chá wénhuà
- 30.28. 电视 Diànshì TV and 电影 Diànyǐng Movie
- 30.29. antigovernment
- 30.30. holidays:
- 30.31. История Китая.Психология,нравы и обычаи китайцев.
- 30.32. news 新闻 Xīnwén (newly stories)
- 30.33. Bonsai and penzai art
- 30.34. rock music
- 30.35. game: Go 围棋 Wéiqí
- 30.36. Geisha - japanese!
- 30.37. Three good students 三好学生 Sān Hǎo XuéShēng
- 30.38. Tàijí quán 太极拳
- 30.39. etiquete
- 31. Food 食 Shí
- 31.1. food, drinks
- 31.2. 食物 Shíwù food products
- 31.3. utensils 器皿 Qìmǐn
- 31.4. 食物 Shíwù - objects
- 31.5. 菜肴 càiyáo - dishes of food, cooked food (vegetable dish)
- 31.6. 四大菜系 Sì dà càixì - Four major cuisines
- 31.7. adjectives. 品 pǐn - taste
- 31.8. etiquette
- 31.9. 饮料 Yǐnliào - drinks (drink material)
- 31.10. alcohol - 酒精 Jiǔjīng (wine Refined/essence/extract)
- 31.11. other
- 31.12. in restouran sentences
- 31.13. rice
- 31.14. 快子/筷子 kuàizi chopsticks
- 31.15. 火锅 huǒguō, hot pot
- 31.16. packs
- 31.17. ex
- 32. Words rating - 言 yán
- 32.1. my
- 32.2. frequient words 0
- 32.3. frequient words 1
- 32.4. frequient words 2
- 32.5. fr w 3
- 32.6. money 钱 qián тьен
- 32.7. 女 woman
- 32.8. 音乐 Yīnyuè музыка - music - Инь Юэ
- 32.9. 动作 Dòngzuò - движение
- 32.10. 天气 Tiānqì - weather
- 32.11. Yes No
- 32.12. true false, bad good
- 32.13. bad words, 发誓 Fāshì - to swear (send oath/vow)
- 32.14. 历史 Lìshǐ history
- 32.15. animals
- 32.16. by sound with different tones
- 32.17. other
- 32.18. signs
- 32.19. emotions
- 32.20. illness
- 32.21. navigation
- 33. Games
- 34. Job 工作 gōng zuò, work
- 35. Intervew - interoduction
- 36. Examples:
- 37. course - 5 class
- 38. Chinese Buddy (old)
- 39. Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)
- 40. Stock trading 炒股 (Chǎogǔ)
- 41. Japanese
- 42. favorite Chinese characters
- 43. my discoverings
;-- mode: Org; mode: pinyin-isearch; eval: (text-scale-increase 3); fill-column: 80; default-input-method: chinese-py-punct --
1. Links 链接 Liànjiē: translators, courses
1.1. Fānyì Wǎngzhàn translators
- 翻译 (fānyì) - translate
- Палладий транскрипция
翻译 - fānyì - переводчик
- 翻 fān - flip over, upset, capsize
- 番 - fān - to take turns; a turn, a time.
- 釆 biàn - distinguish
- 田 tián - field, arable land, cultivated
- 羽 - yǔ - перо
- 番 - fān - to take turns; a turn, a time.
- 译 Yì - to translate, to interpret
- 讠yán speech
- 夅 jiàng - to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down
- 夂 zhǐ go; 㐄 kuà
- 在线即时翻译 (Zàixiàn jíshí fānyì) - Online instant translation
- 线 xiàn - line, wire
- 即 jí - right now, immediately
- 时 - time, tense
1.2. dictionaries Zìdiǎn
- 字典 (zìdiǎn) dictionary - lit. character code
- китайско-русский словарь
- en
- zh 漢典 (Hàndiǎn) Han Code
- en to zh
- for Android:
- sentences
- иероглифы
- split
- explain ,
- radicals
- pinyin dictionary
- Jpanese 漢字 Kanji(jp) "Han characters" 汉字 hànzì(ch)
At, the "†" character, also known as the dagger symbol, is used to indicate that a term or entry is obsolete, archaic, or no longer in use. It is often used to mark words or phrases that were once part of a language but have since fallen out of common usage or are no longer recognized as standard terms.
1.3. links for materials
best learn videos
1.4. links: git, soft, tv, wiki
- Chinese Software Developer Network
- Chinese github
1.4.1. social networks
- RED or "Chinese Instagram" 小红书 (xiǎohóngshū) lit. 'Little Red Book'
1.4.2. news 报 (Bào)
see 30.32
- SINA News (mobile) 新浪网 (xīn làng wǎng) formal government-related news.
- - news
- - news
- and official formal
- - an English-language official formal
- rumors
- Hong Kong-based English-language newspaper owned by Alibaba Group.
Economic news:
1, NETEASE News: - no attitude 3, QQ News: - most visitors 4, SOHU News: - big 5, Ifeng News: - Phoenix Satellite TV which is in HongKong, China. 6, - It is a Singaporean site but focuses on China. 7, FTChinese: - articles are to analyze the policie, is not a news site. 8, - The online South Weekend.? 9, yeeyan: - It is a translation website and articles here are translated from Los Angeles Times, Guardian, The New York Times and etc. Not only news but also funny stuffs can be found here. 10, DONGXI: - It is the same as yeeyan.
1.4.3. search engine
1.4.4. popular
- - games, music, internet services
- 网易云音乐 (wǎng yì yún yīn yuè)
- 微博 (wēi bó) - tweeter
- 搜狐 (sōu hú) - Chinese-input method, Sogou - news
- 淘宝网 (táo bǎo wǎng) - shoping
- 京东 (jīng dōng) or 京东商城 (Jīngdōng Shāngchéng) - shoping second after Alibaba - Цзиндун
- 优酷 (yōu kù) - chinese youtube
- 爱奇艺视频 (ài qí yì shì pín) - tv
- 芒果TV (máng guǒ TV) - tv
- 哔哩哔哩 (bì li bì li) - anime and animation
- 虾米音乐 (xiā mǐ yīn yuè) - Small Shrimp Music
- 携程 (xié chéng) - travel
- 58同城tóngchéng – housing, finding jobs, second hand sales, games, tickets, etc.
1.4.5. maps:
- Baidu Maps 百度地图 (bǎi dù dì tú)
- Gaode Maps 高德地图 (gāo dé dì tú)
1.4.6. ch-wiki - baidu and baike
Baidu Baike and Hudong are both commercial products are fully copyrighted by their ownership
- 快懂百科 or 头条百科 or Hudong Baike (互动百科) or 抖音百科 Douyin Baike or Худун/Hudong (red)
- Baidu Baike
- terms
维基百科 Wéijī bǎikē - Wikipedia
- 维基 Wéijī - wiki, maintenance of the fundamental
- 維 - maintain
- 基 - base, foundation
- 百科 bǎikē - encyclopedia, all subjects, miscellaneous disciplines
- 百 - numerous
- 科 - subject
进入词条 - Jìnrù cí tiáo - Enter
- 进入 - enter enter - verbs
- 词条 cí tiáo - entry
- 词 - word, term
- 条 - article, strip(полоса)
全站搜索 - Site Search
- 全站 Quán zhàn - full site
- 搜索 Sōusuǒ - search
帮助 Bāngzhù - Help
创建词条 Chuàngjiàn cí tiáo - Create (create entry)
登录/注册 Dēnglù/zhùcè - log in / register
快懂百科 (Kuài dǒng bǎikē) - fast-know Encyclopedia
- 快懂 - fast-know
- 快 Kuài - fast
- 懂 dǒng - know
- 百科 - Encyclopedia
互动维客 (Hùdòng wéi kè) - Interactive Wiki
維基百科 (Wéijī bǎikē) - Wikipedia [wiki Encyclopedia]
- 维基 Wéijī - wiki, maintenance of the fundamental
- 抖音百科
抖音百科 (dǒu yīn bǎikē) - shake-tone Encyclopedia
互动百科 (Hùdòng bǎikē) - Interactive Encyclopedia, short. Hoodong
头条百科 - Toutiao Encyclopedia 头条 (Tóutiáo) - headlines [head article/strip]
1.4.7. vides
- - shanghai
1.4.8. messangers
微信公众号 (Wēixìn gōngzhòng hào): WeChat public account
- 微信 (Wēixìn) - micro letter
- 公众 (gōngzhòng) - public
- 号 (hào) - number, account
WeChat and Weixin are indeed different entities. Although they share the same platform and apps,
- Telegra, WhatsApp, Threads, Signal, Facebook Messenger - banned in Chinese
- User: registering for a Weixin account using a Chinese phone number unlocks advanced features reserved to the Chinese market.
- Business: to legally reach and offer services to users located in China, a Chinese business entity and an Official Account on the Chinese Weixin website are mandatory.
- Weixin account gives access to the global WeChat user base as well.
building a bot
1.4.9. job
- BOSS直聘 (Zhí pìn): Direct recruitment -
- 智联招聘 - (Zhìlián zhāopìn): wisdom link recruitment(recruit hire)
- 51Job 前程无忧 - (Qiánchéng wú yōu): future Worry-free
- 同道猎聘
1.4.10. others
- - vps, news
- - vps
2. Gentoo, Emacs, input methods
Gentoo - fonts
- gentoo media-fonts/noto-cjk; eselect fontconfig list
2.1. Emacs - language environment
used to decode system messages and key codes from a keyboard
M-x set-language-environment
works globally, to make it local:
eval: (progn (make-local-variable 'current-language-environment) (set-language-environment "Chinese-GB"))
2.2. Emacs - input methods
chinese-py-punct - is a combination of the input methods chinese-py and chinese-punct (v key)
- per file:
- ;-- default-input-method: chinese-py-punct --
- set input method: C-x enter C-\ or M-x set-input-method
- chinese-py - basic pinyin input system. for more info: M-x describe-input-method chinese-py
- C-\ to switch
- chinese-punct uses:
- , for , 、(Enumeration comma)
- . for 。・(separate characters in non-Han personal names)
- </> for 《/》〈/〉 - for titles
- - for ~ - numerical ranges, repeated characters and stress (I never used)
- " for “ ”
- (/) for traditional Chinese quotation marks 「/」『/』
latin-2-prefix - input the diacritical marks:
- 'a -> á, `a -> à, ~a -> ă, "a -> ä
chinese-sisheng - input method for the diacritical marks to pinyin:
- shuang1 -> shuāng
- Lv3 -> Lǚ
- AN4 -> ÀN
- nve5 -> nüe
chinese-tonepy - input method for the diacritical marks to hieroglyphs:
-*- default-input-method: chinese-py-punct -*-
2.3. input methods 输入法 (Shūrù fǎ) input way
if you want to mostly type simplified then learn Wubi. If you want to mostly type traditional then then learn Cangjie or Dayi
2.4. input method: wubi
2.5. input method: Fuzzy pinyin
- c and ch
- s and sh
- z and zh
- n and ng
- h or hu and f
- n and l
- ch* concat with c… and ch = c
- sh* concat s… and sh = s
- zh = z*
- ng* = n*
- ang* = an*
- ing* = in*
- l = n
- r = l
- ian = iang
- k = g
- uan =
- hu* = h* = f*
2.6. input method: Cangjie
倉頡輸入法, 仓颉输入法
Hong Kong and Macau
Invented in 1976 by Chu Bong-Foo (朱邦復, pinyin: Zhū Bāngfù), the method is named after Cangjie, the man historically attributed with the invention of the first writing system of China.
2.6.1. terms
- "radicals" 字根 (Zì gēn) or "letters" 字母 (Zìmǔ)
- 24 basic shapes 基本字形
- 76 auxiliary shapes (輔助字形)
2.6.2. The keys and "radicals"
2.6.3. exceptions
- 門 (door)
- 日 弓 (AN)
- 目 (eye)
- 月 山 (BU)
- 鬼 (ghost)
- 竹 戈 (HI) or HUI
- 几 (small table)
- 竹 弓 (HN)
- 虍
- 卜 心 (YP)
- 亡, 口
- 卜 口 (YR)
- 隹 (fowl)
- 人 土 (OG)
- 气*
- 人 弓 (ON) or 人 一 弓 (OMN)
- 畿 minus the 田
- 女 戈 (VI)
- 鬥 (compete)
- 中 弓 (LN)
- 阝(city)
- 弓 中 (NL)
2.7. input method: CKC Chinese Input System
few in Hong Kong and Macau
- top left-hand corner
- top right-hand corner
- bottom left-hand corner
- bottom right-hand corner
2.8. Ways to write, styles
- 桌面 ZhuōMiàn - desktop %of something% - Чжо Мянь
- 桌面 ZhuōMiàn - desktop
- 母狗是骗子 Mǔgǒu shì piànzi (bitch is a liar)
- 桌面 (ZhuōMiàn): desktop
literally meaning
- 桌面 ZhuōMiàn - desktop. [table surface]
3. Geography
亚洲地区 Yàzhōu dìqū - Asia region
- 亚 Yà - Asia
- 洲 zhōu - continent
- 地区 dìqū - region (land district)
- 国 guó - country
中国人 - китаец Chinaman
3.1. official and not official names
People's Republic of China (PRC)
- 中华人民共和国 (Chinese)
- Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó (Pinyin)
- 中华 Chinese
- 中 Zhōng - middle, in
- 华 Huá magnificent
- 人民 rénmín - people (man civil)
- 共和 Gònghé - republic
- 共 gòng - common
- 和 hé - and, together, harmonious
- 中国 - Zhōngguó - China country
- 中華 - Zhōnghuá - China (华 is simp.)
- 支那 Zhīnà - China, obsolete and considered offensive due to historical Japanese usage
3.2. Countries
Англия — 英国 [yīngguó] - героическая страна
Франция — 法国 [fǎguó] - законная страна
- 俄国/俄國 - Éguó - russia - олóсы
- 俄语/俄文 - Èyǔ/Èwén - russian language
- 俄罗斯联邦 - Èluósī liánbāng - The Russian Federation
- 俄羅斯/俄罗斯 - Èluósī - Russia
- 联邦 - liánbāng - Federal
Ukrain — 乌克兰 (wūkèlán) - укалáн
- 日语 Rìyǔ, 日本語 - RìběnYǔ - Nihonjin(jp) - Японский язык
- 日本 - Rìběn - Nihon(jp), 日本国 Nihonkoku(jp) - япония
- 美国 - Měi guó - United States (beautiful/good/pretty country)
- 英语 - Yīng yǔ - English - Ин Юй (Britain/flower/hero/brave speech)
Taiwan - 台湾 (Táiwān) - tower bay
3.2.1. 朝鲜 - Северная корея
Korea 朝鮮 Cháoxiǎn
- 北朝鲜 Běi Cháoxiǎn - North Korea (鲜 Xiān - fresh)
- 北韩 Běihán - North Korea (北 Běi - north)
- asd
- 北韩 Běihán - North Korea (北 Běi - north)
- 韩国 Hánguó - South Korea (韩 Hán - Korea)
- 南韩 Nánhán - South Korea (南朝鲜) (南 Nán - south)
- 한국 - South Korea
- 조선 - North Korea
- 大韩民国 Dàhánmínguó - Republic of Korea
- 대한민국
- The capital of South Korea is Seoul.
- 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 Cháoxiǎn mínzhǔ zhǔyì rénmín gònghéguó - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- 조선민주주의인민공화국
- capital of North Korea is Pyongyang
3.3. Regions
Mainland China - 中国大陆 - Zhōnggúo Dàlù - Continental China
- Xiānggǎng - 香港 - Hong Kong [hœ́ːŋ.kɔ̌ːŋ] (7,333,200)
- Àomén - 澳門 - Macau (məˈkaʊ) [ōu.mǔːn] (680,000)
- Zhōnghuá mínguó - 中華民國 - Taiwan
Special Administrative Regions (特别行政区):
- Xiānggǎng - 香港 - Hong Kong [hœ́ːŋ.kɔ̌ːŋ]
- Àomén - 澳門 - Macau (english:/məˈkaʊ/) Cantonese:[ōu.mǔːn] - самый густонаселённый регион в мире. обладает значительной автономией
Zhōnghuá mínguó - 中華民國 - Taiwan
3.4. Cities 城市 Chéngshì
biggest cities:
- 上海 Shànghǎi - Shanghai (on sea) - (ʃæŋˈhaɪ) - East China - Шан Хай (26,875,500)
- 北京 市 Běijīng shì - Peking city "Northern Capital", Пекин, capital - Бэй Цзин
(21,167,303) - Mandarin pronunciation: [pèɪ.tɕíŋ]
- 首都 Shǒudū - capital
- 广州/廣州 Guǎngzhōu - Guangzhou (广东省 Guǎngdōng shěng Guangdong province) - southern China - (18,810,600)
- 深圳 Shēnzhèn - Shenzhen (Guangdong province) - southern China - (15,025,554)
- 成都 Chéngdū - Chengdu (四川省 Sìchuān Shěng Sichuan privince) - Southwest or central China (15,025,554)
3.5. Others 其余 (Qíyú)
伊斯兰国 (Yīsīlán guó) - Islamic State
4. Dialects, transcriptions
4.1. language
- 语 Yǔ - language spoken (often), communication; language, speech, dialect; spoken (吾 I, my, expressive (五 five + 口 mouth))
- 文 Wén - language / culture / writing / занк иероглиф; orig. man with tattoo
- 话 Huà - language spoken (rare); speech; active/dynamic/verbal language; to talk; saying, speech; lit. 讠tongue movement + tangue
- 言 Yán - word; lit. tongue movement
- 说 Shuō - spoken; talking; to say; lit. 讠word + 兑 exchange
- 原生 Yuánshēng - Native, native speaking/people of language
Chinese language
- 中文 (Zhōng wén) - Chinese language
- 中 Zhōng - China / Chinese / within / among / in / middle / center
- 中国话 (Zhōngguó huà) - Chinese language (official)
- 语言 - yǔyán - spoken language [speach say/word]
- 汉语 - HànYǔ - Chinese language
- 汉字 - Hànzì - китайский иероглиф
- 汉化过了 - Hànhuàguòle - Chineseized
- 化过 - Huàguò - transformed, become
- 简体中文 (Jiǎn tǐ Zhōng wén) - Simplified Chinese - zh-Hans( zh-CN)
- 简 - jiǎn - simple, short for Simplified Chinese - Цзянь
- 体 - tǐ - body - Ти
- 文 - wén - занк иероглиф
- 中文(繁体)- Fántǐ - традиционный
- 中文(简体)- jiǎn tǐ - simplified (see 4.5)
- Mandarin Chinese, Traditional Script: zh-Hant or zh-Hant-TW (Taiwan) is preferred zh-TW
- Pinyin (Mandarin): zh-Latn-pinyin
- Cantonese (Hong Kong): zh-yue or zh-HK
4.2. Classic Chinese 文言文 (wén yán wén)
struct. {Topic - Subject - Verb - Object}
- the subject preceds the predicate (verb)
- a modifier (ajd,adv) preceds the word it modifies
- the verb precedes its objects
When do we not express the subject?
- when it is understood from the context
- when it is undefinite
- when it is impersonal (environment or world in general)
4.3. Standard Chinese (Putonghua)
现代标准汉语 Xiàndài biāozhǔn hànyǔ - modern standard Mandaring-Chinese (Chinese speech)
國語; 国语 Guóyǔ - "national language"
漢語; 汉语 Hànyǔ - "Sinitic languages" refer to all language varieties of the Han people.
中文 Zhōngwén - "Chinese written language", refers to all written languages of Chinese (Sinitic).
4.4. simplification
简体字 - jiǎn tǐ zì - Simplified Chinese
- 简 - простой
- 体 - тело, организм
- 字 - иероглиф - zì , 子(zǐ)
繁體 Fántǐ - traditional (numerous/complicated body)
- 大陆简体 - Simplified Chinese in mainland China (zh-cn)
- 香港繁體 - Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong (zh-hk)
- 澳門繁體 - Traditional Chinese in Macau (zh-mo)
- 大马简体 - Simplified Chinese in Malaysia (zh-my)
- 新加坡简体 - Simplified Chinese in Singapore (zh-sg)
- 臺灣正體 - Traditional Chinese in Taiwan (zh-tw)
4.5. dialects 话 huà / 语 yǔ
Sinitic languages - often synonymous with "Chinese languages", Branches (dialects):
- Mandarin 官话 (Guān huà) - officials/bureaucrats speech
- Chongqing dialect - 重庆话 (Chóngqìng huà) - around 90 million
speakers. Chongqing Municipality and Sichuan.
- unique pronunciation and tone system
- words from ancient Ba-Shu Chinese, as well as words brought by immigrants during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and words from Standard Mandarin and English.
- Wu (including Shanghainese) 吴语/吳語 Wúyǔ Shanghai primary, Zhejiang Province
- Yue (Cantonese) 粤语 Yuèyǔ, 广东话 (Guǎngdōng huà) - (Guangdong area) spread in Hong Kong and Macau, Guangdong, Guangxi. 80 million native speakers.
- Min 閩語/闽语 Mǐnyǔ. Spread in Fujian, Taiwan, and parts of Guangdong and Hainan.
- Hakka
- Jin - (north of chinese) 晋语 Jìnyǔ, 晋方言 Jìn fāngyán
- Pinghua 平话 Pínghuà (plain language)
- Gan 赣语 Gàn yǔ - Gan River 赣江 Gàn Jiāng area
- Suzhou 苏州话 Sūzhōuhuà - variety of Wu Chinese, city of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province
Mandarin Chinese ˈmændərɪn - Dialect group Mandarin (65.7%)
- 普通话 (普通話; Pǔtōnghuà; 'common speech') in the People's Republic of China, as well as Hong Kong and Macau;
大陆简体 - Dàlù jiǎntǐ - Mainland Simplified
Cantonese 廣東話/广东话 Guǎngdōng huà - Official language in Hong Kong and Macau
4.6. transcriptions Транскрипционная система
汉语拼音 - hànyǔ pīnyīn - Пиньи́нь
- 汉语 - hànyǔ - literally means "Han language"
- 拼 - pīn - spell - Пинь
- 音 - Yīn - sound ("spelled sounds") - Инь
- hànyǔ - literally means "Han language" (i.e. Chinese language)
- Diacritic - tone symbols
Gwoyeu Romatzyh -
Wade-Giles -
注音符號 (Bopomofo or Zhuyin) zhùyīn fúhào - Mandarin Phonetic Symbols
- ex: ㄧㄣˋ, ㄅㄆㄇㄈ
Cantonese Pinyin. Used in Hong Kong.
- 常用字廣州話讀音表:拼音方案, also known as 教院式拼音方案
- Cantonese pronunciation table of commonly used words: Pinyin scheme
- 广东话 gwong2 dung1 waa2
- nine tones in six distinct tone contours.
4.7. ex
I am Chinese - 我是中国人 - wǒ shì zhōng guó rén
I am Russian - 我是俄罗斯人 - Wǒ shì èluósī rén
To detect language - 检测语言 - Jiǎncè yǔyán
- 检测 - test (check measurement)
- 语言 - language
5. Pīnyīn 拼音
- 拼 = 扌shǒu hand + 并 combine
5.1. tones pīnyīn
- mā high level 'mother' - что-то высокое, на поверхности
- má high rising 'hemp' конопля
- mǎ low falling-rising 'horse' - что-то большое, вытянутое, требующее уважение
- mà high falling 'scold' ругать-бранить - что-то простое но серьезное или малозначимое
- ma neutral question particle
- Red - mā
- Yellow - má
- Green - mǎ, nǚ
- Blue - mà
- Gray - ma
1st tone 5 -----------> /-> \ /-- \ / 4 2nd tone /-- X /-- / \ 3 -- / \4th tone / / \ 2 -- \ -/ \ \- / \ 1 3th tone \ / /
5.2. finals
Six Simple Finals/Vowels: a, o, e, i, u, ü
- -i
- -ы; -и
- ie
- e
- yi; -i
- и
- wu; -u
- у
- yu; -ü
- юй
- e
- э
- ye; -ie
- е
- wo; -uo/-o
- во; -о
- yue; -üe
- юэ
- a
- а
- ya; -ia
- я
- wa; -ua
- ва; -уа
- ei
- эй
- wei; -ui
- вэй; -уй, -уэй
- ai
- ай
- wai; -uai
- вай; -уай
- ou
- оу
- you; -iu
- ю
- ao
- ао
- yao; -iao
- яо
- en
- энь
- yin; -in
- инь
- wen; -un
- вэнь; унь
- yun; -ün
- юнь
- an
- ань
- yan; -ian
- янь
- wan; -uan
- вань; -уань
- yuan; -üan
- юань
- -ong
- -ун
- yong; -iong
- юн
- eng
- эн
- ying; -ing
- ин
- weng
- вэн
- ang
- ан
- yang; -iang
- ян
- wang; -uang
- ван; -уан
5.3. hard to remember
- z - цз
- zh - чж
- j - цз(ь)
- q - ц/т(ь)
- x - с(ь)
- r - ж
- w - в/y
- y - я/ю/е
- yu; -ü; -ǚ - юй
- ye; -ie - е
- -ong - -ун
- yuan; -üan - юань
- ng - н
6. Chinesation
中文注音 (Zhōngwén zhùyīn) - Chinese phonetic notation
6.1. English alphabet
- A 诶 (Éi)
- B 必 (Bì) - to must; necessarily
- C 随 (Suí) - to follow
- D 地 (De) - land
- E 亿 (Yì) - 100 million
- F 哎付 (Āi fù) - hay! to pay, fee.
- G 计 (Jì) - to count; meter
- H 哎曲 (Āi qū) - hay! song/melody.
- I 爱 (Ài) - to love
- J 戒 (Jiè) - to quit
- K 尅 (Kè) - grams
- L 哎偶 (Āi ǒu) - hay! even
- M 哎母 (Āi mǔ) - oh mother
- N 恩 (Ēn) - kindness, grace; conjugal
- O 欧 (Ōu) - Europe
- P 批 (Pī) - batch, lot
- Q 可优 (Kě yōu) - Can excellent
- R 啊尔 (A ěr) - ah thou
- S 哎死 (Āi sǐ) - hay! die.
- T 踢 (Tī) - to kick; kicking
- U 优 (Yōu) - excellent
- V 微 (Wēi) - micro-
- W 答不留 (Dā bù liú) - answer not keep
- X 爱克斯 (Àikèsī) - love gram such
- Y 外 (Wài) - outside
- Z 贼 (Zéi) - thief, traitor
6.2. English 2
- 诶 A ēi
- 比 B bǐ
- 西 C xī
- 迪 D dí
- 伊 E yī
- 艾弗 F ài fú
- 吉 G jí
- 艾尺 H ài chǐ
- 艾 I ài
- 杰 J jié
- 开 K kāi
- 艾勒 L ài lè
- 艾马 M ài mǎ
- 艾娜 N ài nà
- 哦 O ó
- 屁 P pì
- 吉吾 Q jí wú
- 艾儿 R ài ér
- 艾丝 S ài sī
- 提 T tí
- 伊吾 U yī wú
- 维 V wéi
- 豆贝尔维 W dòu bèi ěr wéi
- 艾克斯 X yī kè sī
- 吾艾 Y wú ài
- 贼德 Z zéi dé
6.3. Greek alphabet
- Aα - alpha - ˈal.fa - 阿尔法 (Ā'ěrfǎ) - A thou law
- Bβ - beta - [bē̂ta] - 贝塔 (Bèitǎ) - cowry tower
- Γγ - gamma - [gámma] - 伽马 (Jiā mǎ) - Ga horse
- Δδ - delta - [ˈðelta] - 德尔塔 (Dé'ěr tǎ) - virtue thou tower
- Εε - epsilon - ˈe.psi.lon - 伊普西龙 (Yī pǔ xī lóng) - this/he/she common cover/west dragon
- Ζζ - zeta - [zdɛ̌ːta] - 截塔 (Jié tǎ) - cut tower
- Ηη - eta - [ɛ̂ːta] - 艾塔 (Ài tǎ) - Ai tower
- Θθ - thet - [tʰɛ̂ːta] - 西塔 (Xītǎ) - cover/west tower
- Ιι - iot - ióta - 约塔 (Yuē tǎ) - approximately tower
- Κκ - kappa - [káppa] - 卡帕 (Kǎ pà) - to stuck pa
- Λλ - lambda - [laːbdaː] - 兰布达 (Lán bù dá) - orchid(орхидея) cloth to reach
- Μμ - mu - [mŷː] - 缪 (Móu)
- Νν - nu - ˈnjuː - 纽 (Niǔ) - button/handle
- Ξξ - xi - ksi - 克西 (Kè xī) - gram cover/west
- Οο - omicron - ˈomikron - 奥密克戎 (Ào Mì Kè Róng) - profound confidential gram weapon
- Ππ - pi - piː - 派 (Pài) - group
- Ρρ - rho - ɾo - 肉 (ròu) - meat
- Σσ/ς(Cc) - sigma - ˈsiɣma - 西格马 (Xī gé mǎ) - cover/west grid horse
- Ττ - tau - taf - 套 (Tào) - jacket/sleeve/set of (大big镸long hair)
- Υυ - upsilon - [ˈipsilon] - 宇普西龙 (Yǔ pǔ xī lóng) - world general West/bag dragon
- Φφ - phi - [fi] - 佛爱
- Χχ - chi - çi - 西
- Ψψ - psi - ˈpsi - 普西
- Ωω - omega - oˈme.ɣa - 欧米伽
6.4. Russian alphabet
- А 阿 ā
- Б 贝 bèi
- В 非 fēi
- Г 给 gěi
- Д 得 děi
- Е 也 yě
- Ё 用 yòng
- Ж 热 rè
- З 赛 sài
- И 伊 yī
- Й 伊可罗肯 yīkěluókěn
- К 卡 kǎ
- Л 艾了 àile
- М 艾姆 àimǔ
- Н 恩 ēn
- О 哦 ò
- П 佩 pèi
- Р 艾和 àihé
- С 艾斯 àisī
- Т 泰 tài
- У 吴 wú
- Ф 艾弗 àifú
- Х 哈 hā
- Ц 册 cè
- Ч 切 qiē
- Ш 沙 shā
- Щ 夏 xià
- Ъ 图路迪斯尼亚克 túlùdísīníyàkè
- Ы 俄 é
- Ь 灭斯迪斯尼亚克 mièsīdísīníyàkè
- Э 诶 ēi
- Ю 哟 yō
- Я 亚 yà
6.5. examples
- Дима - 季马 (Jìmǎ) - season horse
6.6. Biggest Asia and Pacific digital platforms:
- Tencent - 腾讯 (Téngxùn,) - float/gallop/горцевать news/information
- Alibaba - 阿里巴巴 (Ālǐ bābā) - eldest village wish snake
- Samsung
- Meicai
- PindAn Health
- Byte-dance
- Pinduoduo
6.7. examples
- Amazon - 亚马逊 (Yàmǎxùn) - asia horse modest
- TSMC - 台積電 (Táijīdiàn) - tower accumulate electricity
- Obama (USA president) - 奥巴马 (Àobāmǎ) -
- Apple - 苹果 (Píngguǒ) - apple fruit
- Huawai - 华为 (Huáwéi) [Hua for]
7. Hieroglyphs 文字 wénzì, 汉字 hànzì
象形文字 Xiàngxíng wénzì (Pictogram Word/character) - Сян Син Вэнь Цзы
- 象 Xiàng - to resemble
- 形 Zíng - shape, to appear
- 文 Wén - arts, culture, literary, to paint
- 字 Zì - character, word, words, numeric Цзы
汉字 hànzì - chinese characters
7.1. theory
иероглифы делятся на простые - вэнь 文 и составные цзы 字
- из внешнего вида иероглифа нельзя в большинстве случаев ничего узнать о его чтении
- Иероглиф пишется сверху вних
- Точка справа пишется в последнюю очередь
- вертикаль, пересекающая горизонтали, пишется после них
- нижняя горизонталь непересекающая, пишется последней
- Лигатуры - объединённое в один иероглиф благожелательное словосочетание
- каллиграфия - придание изящной формы
Один и тот же иероглиф может использоваться как существительное, прилагательное, предлог в различных контекстах и словообразующих сочетаниях
- 爱好 - àihǎo - хобби
- 好冷 - (Hǎo lěng) - как, холодно!
нет иероглифа, который читается более, чем в один слог.
- (Hànzì bùjiàn)
- Chinese character parts
Monosyllabic - Consisting of one syllable. a word or utterance of only one syllable (unit of organization). Monosyllabic language. Old Chinese is monosyllabic.
- Mandarin Chinese is not monosyllabic - most meaning words are compounds of two or more characters;
7.2. columns
from top to bottom, right-to-left: the first column being on the right side of the page.
The government mandated left-to-right writing in 1955, although the vertical format is still used for effect or where space requires it, such as signs or on spines of books.
7.3. strokes and their order
principle: writing characters should be economical, with the fewest hand movements to write the most strokes possible rules:
- Write from top to bottom, and left to right.
- Horizontal before vertical
- Character-spanning strokes last
- Vertical strokes that pass through many other strokes are written after the strokes through which they pass 聿 and 弗.
- Horizontal strokes that pass through many other strokes are written last 毋 and 舟
- Diagonals right-to-left before diagonals left-to-right 又, 文
- Center before outside in vertically symmetrical characters 水, 兜, 承.
- Enclosures before contents
- bottom strokes in the enclosure are written last if present, as in 日 and 口 ("Put people inside first, then close the door.")
- Left vertical before enclosing 日 and 口
7.3.1. strokes
- -
- |
- . - сверху вниз и снизу вверх
- /
- j - крюк
- \
- производные эллементы
7.4. Chinese character classification
- 4% Xiàngxíng 象形 - Pictogram - simple ideograms
- 13% Compound ideographs - also called associative compounds or logical
- 明; míng; 'bright'
- 休; 'rest'
- Rebus (phonetic loan) characters - by sound
- Phono-semantic compound characters
- 90% of Chinese characters by combining two components:
- phonetic component
- semantic component, also called a determinative - In most cases this is also the radical
- 90% of Chinese characters by combining two components:
- Derivative cognates - smallest
- pictogram (山 for 'mountain')
- ideograms 1. visualize abstract concepts 2. pictograms with an ideographic
- 上 'up' and 下 'down'. 刀 'knife', 刃 'blade'.
- Radical–radical compounds - each radical of character hints at the meaning.
- 13% of characters in this category
- 休 'rest' - 'person' (人), 'tree' (木)
- 明; míng; 'bright'
- Rebus (phonetic loan) characters - unrelated word with similar or identical
- 自 zì - 'oneself' - lost its original meaning of 'nose'
- 萬 wàn - 'ten thousand', original 'scorpion'
- Radical–phonetic compounds 90% - one radical for meaning and other for phonetic hint
- 樑 (liáng) supporting beam - 梁 liáng, radical 木 ('wood')
- Changed-annotation characters -
- 樂 / 乐 can mean both 'music' (yuè) and 'pleasure' (lè).
Improvisational characters - when a native spoken word has no corresponding character
- 自 used to be a pictographic word meaning 'nose', but was borrowed to mean
Due to the long period of language evolution, such component "hints" within characters as provided by the radical-phonetic compounds are sometimes useless and may be misleading in modern usage.
- 每 měi 'each'
- 侮 'to humiliate', 悔 'to regret', and 海 'sea', pronounced respectively wǔ, huǐ, and hǎi
7.5. "six principles" (liùshū 六書) of traditional character classification
六書 (Liù shū) - six books
- Simple indicatives (zhǐshì 指事)
- "A is B … (is) simple indicative" (A B 也…指事 (也)), where B is a definition for the character A.
- (no term)
- Pictograms (xiàngxíng 象形) are similarly labelled with the formula "A is B … (is) pictograph" (A B 也…象形 (也)).
- Phono-semantic compounds (xíngshēng 形聲)
- are implicitly defined by the formula "A … from B, [with] C sound" (A…從 B, C 聲), meaning that element B plays a semantic role in A, while C has a similar pronunciation.[10] In his 10th-century edition, Xu Xuan removed the phonetic marker 聲 in cases where the pronunciations were no longer similar.
- Compound indicatives (huìyì 會意)
- are rarely labelled directly, but more commonly identified by the formula "A … from X from Y" (A … 從 X 從 Y), indicating that character A is obtained through the graphical juxtaposition of X and Y.
- Loangraphs (jiǎjiè 假借)
- are not new characters, but rather new uses of existing characters, and are never labelled in the dictionary.
- No derived characters (zhuǎnzhù 轉注)
- are identified by their definitions in the Shuowen.
7.6. punctuation 标点符号
- 标点 biāodiǎn - punctuation (mark point)
- 符号 fúhào - symbol (符 symbol ; 号 number, mark)
- (。) - 句号 jùhào - Period(Full stop). lit. 'Sentence Mark'
- 句 - sentence
- 号 - mark.
- ancient alternative: 兮 Xī
- (。) - in Mainland China it is placed in the bottom left in horizontal writing.
- (︒) - used in vertical writing.
- (,) 逗号 DòuHào - comma, cannot be used for lists.
- (、) 頓号 dùnhào, 頓 - pause. Enumeration comma or "dun comma". lit. 'pause mark'.
- A、B及C (及 Jí and)
- (‧) 间隔号 Jiàn Gé Hào - Middle dot, separate characters in non-Han personal names
- "Leonardo da Vinci" - 李奧納多‧達‧文西
- (《…》, 〈…〉, ﹏﹏﹏ ) 书名号 Shū Míng Hào - titles of books,
films, and so on
- ﹏﹏﹏ - Taiwan
- 【 】 and 「 」 - used de facto in a manner akin to Korean and Japanese;
- quotation marks (“ '…' ”) 引号 Yĭn Hào
- 小王说,“我不想去”. Little Wang said, “I don’t want to go”
- 「…『…』…」 - traditional chinese
- (?) 问号 Wènhào - question mark
- (!) 感叹号 Gǎntànhào - exclamation mark
Others (其他 Qítā ти ха):
- Ellipsis ( …… ) - …
- Two-em dash ( —— ) - 破折號; pinyin: pòzhéhào; lit. 'Break/Fold Mark'
- En dash ( — ) 到 e.g. 1月—7月 "January to July"
- Wave dash ( ~ ) - 浪纹 làng wén.
- 5~20個字 "5 to 20 words"
- repeated letters (e.g. 哇~~ "waaah")
- to indicate stress: e.g. 要~~ "I want it!"
- Táitóu 抬頭 - space
- honorific marker - для уважения: The Late President (space) Honorable Chiang
- (;) 分号 Fēn Hào - The semicolon is frequently used to demarcate parallel structures in a paragraph.
- Death-indication mark 示亡号 shìwánghào - a black border around the person's name
- (:) 冒号 Mào Hào – The Colon
- (()) 括号 Kuò Hào – Parentheses
7.6.1. examples
- (Tā yào juédìng: tā xiăng bù xiăng qú?)
- He needs to decide: does he want to go or not?
- (Tā xiăng qù; tā yĭjīng juédìng le)
- He wants to go; he’s already decided
- (Tā xiăng qù (dànshì tā bù zhīdào wèishénme))
- He wants to go (but he doesn’t know why)
小王说,“他说 ‘我不想去’”
- (Xiăo Wáng shuō, “tā shuō ‘wŏ bù xiăng qù’”)
- Little Wang said, “he said ‘I don’t want to go’”
- (Bùlánnī•Sīpí’ĕrsī)
- Britney Spears
这部电影叫 《卧虎藏龙》
- (Zhè bù diànyǐng jiào «wò hǔ cáng lóng»)
- This film is called ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’
- (wŏ zài xiǎng……)
- I’m thinking…
7.7. Chinese script styles
Cursive script 草书 (Cǎoshū) rough letter/book/towrite
- or grass script - cursive variants of the clerical script 隶书 (Lìshū) (characterized by its rectilinearity) and the regular script 楷书 (Kǎishū) lit. model script.
7.8. TODO explanation Shuowen Jiezi
7.9. Learning and understanding example
- (Wǒ míngnián xiǎng qù zhōngguó)
- I want to go to China next year.
- I next year want go China.
Three things I wish I had known as a beginner student:
- Start listening to and reading Chinese outside your textbook as soon as you
- your proficiency is often more determined by how well you know the things you know, rather than by how much you know.
- you don’t get exposed to the vocabulary and grammar you do learn
- Interact with real people earlier
- some debate about whether you should focus mostly on the spoken language before you start with reading and writing
- Real communication is enlightening and motivating
Make sure you learn pronunciation properly
- fixing bad pronunciation is harder than learning good pronunciation from scratch
- learn the tones, initials and finals
- After 2 years I understand that to really attain clear pronunciation, I
needed to look outside the classroom.
For introvert:
- Use writing as a stepping stone: chat, reading/listening -> writing -> speaking
- Be okay with listening and reading a lot – There’s nothing wrong with delaying speaking and focusing on passive skills for a period.
- Listen as much as you can – To prepare yourself to speak with confidence, spending as much time as possible on listening does help
- Speak in a controlled environment
8. Radicals 偏旁 and dictionaries 字典
8.1. 康熙部首 Kangxi radicals Kāngxī bùshǒu (Канси)
8.1.1. 康熙部首、偏旁
- 康 (Kāng) - peaceful
- 广 (yǎn/guǎng) - house on cliff (kangxi 53)
- 隶 (Lì) - to scribe, attached, servant
- 熙 (Xī) - prosperous - процветающий (巸灬臣)
- 巳 Sì - the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch
- 臣 chén - orig: A vertical eye of a man looking downwards (𠃍丅コ丄)
部首 (bùshǒu) - radicals, indexing component. lit. section headers
- 部 bù - unit
- 咅 pòu - to spit out
- 阝fù/yì - place
- 首 (shǒu) - first, head
Traditional set of Kangxi Radicals became unsuitable for indexing Simplified Chinese characters. Compiled in the 18th century.
- 偏旁 (piānpáng) - radicals - component of a Chinese character under which the
character is traditionally listed in a Chinese dictionary - indicator of the meaning
of the character.
- 偏 Piān - partial, one-sided, biased; to slant, to lean
- 旁 Páng - beside; side; else; other
8.2. 汉字 hànzì
漢字 Kanji(jp) "Han characters" - the logographic Chinese characters taken from the Chinese script used in the writing of Japanese.
8.3. Shuowen Jiezi Radicals
ancient Chinese dictionary from the Han dynasty
- composed by Xu Shen c. 100 CE - Xu was analyzing seal script characters.
Character entry consists of:
- The seal script form of the character
- A short definition, usually consisting of a single synonym—occasionally through a shengxun pun, as seen in the Shiming, and
- The character's pronunciation, indicated by a homophone
- In the case of compound graphs, analysis of the character's structure in terms of semantic or phonetic components.
Work draws a basic distinction between:
- wén 文, characters consisting of a single graphic element (such as the character 文 itself)
- zì 字, characters composed from multiple elements (such as 字 itself, composed of 宀 and 子).
8.4. The Table of Indexing Chinese Character Components (GF 0011-2009 汉字部首表)
8.4.1. 汉字部首表
lexicographic tool used to order the Chinese characters in mainland China. used in dictionaries: Xinhua Zidian 新华字典 and Xiandai Hanyu Cidian 现代汉语词典
8.4.2. table
- 1 stroke: 一 丨 丿 丶 乛
- 2 strokes: 十 厂 匚 卜 冂 八 人 勹 儿 匕 几 亠 冫 冖 凵 卩 刀 力 又 厶 廴
- 3 strokes: 干 工 土 艹 寸 廾 大 尢 弋 小 口 囗 山 巾 彳 彡 夕 夂 丬 广 门 宀 辶 彐 尸 己 弓 子 屮 女 飞 马 么 巛
- 4 strokes: 王 无 韦 木 支 犬 歹 车 牙 戈 比 瓦 止 攴 日 贝 水 见 牛 手 气 毛 长 片 斤 爪 父 月 氏 欠 风 殳 文 方 火 斗 户 心 毋
- 5 strokes: 示 甘 石 龙 业 目 田 罒 皿 生 矢 禾 白 瓜 鸟 疒 立 穴 疋 皮 癶 矛
- 6 strokes: 耒 老 耳 臣 覀 而 页 至 虍 虫 肉 缶 舌 竹 臼 自 血 舟 色 齐 衣 羊 米 聿 艮 羽 糸
- 7 strokes: 麦 走 赤 豆 酉 辰 豕 卤 里 足 邑 身 釆 谷 豸 龟 角 言 辛
- 8 strokes: 青 龺 雨 非 齿 黾 隹 阜 金 鱼 隶
- 9 strokes: 革 面 韭 骨 香 鬼 食 音 首
- 10 strokes: 髟 鬲 鬥 高
- 11 strokes: 黄 麻 鹿
- 12 strokes: 鼎 黑 黍
- 13 strokes: 鼓 鼠
- 14 strokes: 鼻
- 17 strokes: 龠
8.4.3. links
8.5. The Hanyu dazidian 汉语大字典 Hànyǔ dàzìdiǎn Great Compendium of Chinese Characters
the international standard reference for Chinese characters
8.6. 新华字典 Xīnhuá Zìdiǎn Xinhua Dictionary
New China (or Chinese) Character Dictionary
world's most popular reference work
新华字典 Xīnhuá zìdiǎn - Xinhua Dictionary
- 新 Xīn - new
- 华 Huá - magnificent, China
- 字典 zìdiǎn - dictionary
- 字 zì - character
- 典 diǎn - canon
8.7. 现代汉语词典 Xiandai Hanyu Cidian Dictionary
现代汉语词典 Xiàndài hànyǔ cídiǎn modern Chinese dictionary
- 现代 Xiàndài - modern
- 现 Xiàn - current, existing, cash, appear
- 代 Dài - generation, substitute, replace
- 汉语 hànyǔ - Chinese
- 汉 hàn - noun. Chinese, Han, man, fellow
- 语 Yǔ - language, speach, spoken, tell
- 词典 cídiǎn - dictionary
- 词 Cí - noun. word, term, speech, statement
- 典 diǎn - canon
8.8. most popular radicals
- 艸 grass
- 水 water
- 木 tree
- 手 hand
- 口 mouth
- 心 heart, mind, intention, core
- 虫 insect
- 竹 bamboo - бамбук
- 言 speech
- 糸 silk
8.8.1. c
- 取消 - Qǔxiāo - cancel
8.9. comparision with Japanese, Hong Kong, Korean, Vietnamese
- Chinese(simplified)(zh-Hans)
- Chinese(traditional)(zh-Hant)
- Chinese(traditional,Hong Kong)(zh-Hant-HK)
- Japanese(ja)
- Korean(ko)
- Vietnamese(vi-Hani)
8.9.1. Unicode, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, zh-Hant-HK, ja, ko, vi-Hani
- U+4ECA 今 今 今 今 今 今 now
- U+4EE4 令 令 令 令 令 令 cause/command
- U+514D 免 免 免 免 免 免 exempt/spare
- U+5165 入 入 入 入 入 入 enter
- Quán 全 全 全 全 全 全 all/total
- U+5173 关 关 关 关 关 关 close (simplified) / laugh (traditional)
- Jù 具 具 具 具 具 具 tool
- U+5203 刃 刃 刃 刃 刃 刃 knife edge
- U+5316 化 化 化 化 化 化 transform/change
- U+5916 外 外 外 外 外 外 outside
- U+60C5 情 情 情 情 情 情 feeling
- U+624D 才 才 才 才 才 才 talent
- U+62B5 抵 抵 抵 抵 抵 抵 arrive/resist
- cì 次 次 次 次 次 次 secondary/follow
- U+6D77 海 海 海 海 海 海 sea
- U+753B 画 画 画 画 画 画 picture
- U+76F4 直 直 直 直 直 直 direct/straight
- Zhēn 真 真 真 真 眞 真 true
- shì 示 示 示 示 示 示 show
- Shén 神 神 神 神 神 神 god
- U+7A7A 空 空 空 空 空 空 empty/air
- U+8005 者 者 者 者 者 者 one who does/-ist/-er
- cǎo 草 草 草 草 草 草 grass
- U+8525 蔥 蔥 蔥 蔥 蔥 蔥 onion
- jiǎo 角 角 角 角 角 角 edge/horn
- dào 道 道 道 道 道 道 way/path/road
- U+96C7 雇 雇 雇 雇 雇 雇 employ
- gǔ 骨 骨 骨 骨 骨 骨 bone
- two, both - 两 - Simplified - 両 - Japanese
- to ride - 乘 - Simplified - 乗 - Japanese
- give birth - 产 - 産
- meditation (Zen) - 禅 - 禅
- tortoise - 龟 - 亀
- to research - 研 - 研
- 迎 yíng - to welcome; to greet; to meet
8.9.2. International Ideographs Core
ten thousand CJK Unified Ideographs characters, which can be implemented on devices with limited memories and capability that make it not feasible to implement the full ISO 10646/Unicode standard
8.10. rare
- 夭 Yāo
- to die young, to die prematurely
- to be aggrieved
- to devastate
- disaster
- 委 wěi - to entrust, to cast aside, to gather; indirect (禾 grain/cereal + 女 woman)
- 𠃊 is an ancient form of 隱 yìn “to hide; to cover; to shield; to conceal; to cover up; etc.”
- 亾, 兦、
8.11. very same, hard to distinguish
- 夂 zhǐ - go ; 攴(攵) suī - rap, tap
- 找 (zhǎo) - to look for, to seek. 我 – wǒ – я - I, 钱 qián money, 裁 Cái - to cut off
- 来 Lái - come, 釆 biàn (бянь) - разделять, различать, выбирать, сортировать
- 未 Wèi - not yet, 8-th earthly b.; 末 Mò - the end, last ; 本 Běn - book, this, origin; 夫 (fū) husband
- 见 jiàn - to see, 贝 bèi (бэй) - раковина; money, currency
- 疋 pǐ - рулон ткани, 正 Zhèng - just, positive, 𤴓 - 疋+0 or beauty 正?
- 牛 (牜‚⺧) niú (ню) - вол, корова; 午 Wǔ - noon, 7-th earthly branch
- 廴 yǐn - long stride ; 辵 (辶,⻌,⻍) chuò / zouzhi (чо, цзоучжи) - гулять, быстро идти
- 天 Tiān - sky, day, God, overhead, небо ; 禾 hé (хэ)(丿木) - зерно, злак; хлеб на корню
- 不 Bù not, no, не ; 木 mù (十人) tree, wood, simple
- 木(朩) mù - tree, wood ; 小(⺌、⺍) xiǎo - small
- ⺼ ròu (жоу) мясо; 月(⺝) yuè (⺆一一) moon
- 礻- 示 shì (ши) указывать, демонстрировать; предки . 衤- 衣 yī одежда
- 风 - fēng (фэн) - wind .; 网(冈) wǎng (ван) сеть
- 禾 hé зерно, злак, хлеб на корню; 犬夭 quǎn, Yāo- a dog or disaster, die young
- 乐 Lè - happy; music, fun, laugh; 东 Dōng - east; host; eastern; cursive version of 東
- 右 Yòu - right; lit. 口 "speak" + 又 "right hand" - 石 shí - stone
- 奂 huàn - be numerous, brilliant (央⺈) ; 兔(兔) Tù - rabbit, hare
- 助 Zhù - help. 且 erect penis + 力 strong arm ; 刖 Yuè - cut off (the feet)
- 羊 羊 (⺶‚⺷‚⺸,𦍋,𦍌) yáng (ян) овца, баран, коза;
- 美 Měi - beautiful orig. 羊 “ram or feathers” + 大 “person”
- 关 Guān - door bolt, to shut, to close (丷天)
- 干 gān gàn (一十) n.dry, stem, doing, shield; to dry, to do, to fuck; empty
- 辛 xīn - горький, острый, твёрдый, жёсткий, a tool (chisel, awl, spike) used to mark slaves and criminals.
9. Strokes
- 一乛㇀丨㇚丿㇁㇏丶乀⺄ヿ𠃍𠃌㇈𠃊乚𠄌𠃋𡿨㇉㇒㇇㇋㇌
- 亻人(丿㇏)𠂉𠂊(㇒㇇)⺈冖亠(丶一)了龴(㇇丶)卩(𠃌丨)丅丆丁十(一丨)⺊丄(丨一)⺆(丿𠃌)凵匸匚 (一𠃊)コ(𠃍一)𠂇(一丿)⺀丷二乂(㇏丿)㐅(丿丶)七(㇀㇄)
- 三𭕄⺌⺍氵⺕(𠃍二)山(丨凵)屮(凵丨)艹(一丷)
- 灬⺥⺤⺗
9.1. explanation
- 一 - water, common, stream, territory 或
- 二 - once more 再
- 乛 - to grab, 买 to buy
- 丨 - to work, mountain, place, single
- ㇏ - strong leg
- 丿- left foot, not strongest, not right
- ㇀ - agility?
- ㇚ - important?
- ㇇ - dick?
- ㇋ - tits
- ㇌ - hills, kneeling person, flag
- 丶 - fast move, moving object
- 乚 - hook, deep, place to hidden
- 乙 - twisted at bottom - 吃 eat, 乞 begging; second, ethyl group, twist
- 𠃊 - to flee 亡, is an ancient form of 隱 yìn “to hide; to cover; to shield; to conceal; to cover up; etc.”: 亾, 兦、
- 匸/匚 - hiding enclosure, box
- 𠂉 - sky, long time, halo
- ⺈ - 勹 to turn, something above the head (免), hat, 刀 knife-pain
- 𠂊 - back, rear (夂), lying torse (夕)
- 冖 - to fix something or get particular - 写 to write, (宀 yard)
- 亠 - (tóu) superior somehow 六 - saturday
- 人 - (rén) soul, mind
- 丅 - an altar 示 or bellow
- 丁 - 1) a city wall, a head, a nail, right foot 亍 (my: common important, strong) 2) 可 Kě can - ㇉ a crooked nail. 考 examinate a cane
- 十 - finish 卖, half of 竹
- 匕十 - simple?, an old form of 甲 (jiǎ), which means “first” or “armor.”
- 匕 - (bǐ) from 人, hand with proposal, spoon/dagger
- 七 - simething sharp, 切 cut, 虍 tiger
- 龴 - from 卩
- 𠂇 - hand, (in 右, Originally 又) 有、左、厷, form mark 乂 in 希
- 𠄌 - hard 艮 gēn , 厶, 虫
- 乂 - (Yì) intersect/regulate, hexagram in 爻希, tree leaves in 世
- 頁/首/页 - (shǒu/yè) head.
- 天 - (Tiān) crown at head
- 丩 - two entangled ropes – to arrest; to entangle; to intertwine;
- 用 - 冂 body + 干 to fuck, to do = using
- 几 - (jī) 9 branch monkey, 丿passibe + get to hidden
- 攴/殳 - (shū) weapon,spear - 几 person + 又 hand
- 犬夭 - (quǎn, Yāo) a dog or disaster, die young
- 罒 - simplified to 吅 吅neighbor/argue in 骂.
- 勿 - (Wù) looks like an ass in 踢 kick and in 物 substance
- 龶 - something growing. 青 “growth of plants” 毒 wearing feathered ornament
9.2. 口 vs 厶 vs 日 vs 曰
口 - bronze
厶 - bigseal
厶 - seal
日 - bronze
曰 - oracle
10. Kangxi radicals
- 0 。- Period.
- 1 一 yī - one 42 и - ONE STROKE - 七 三 不 世 王、丁
- 2 丨 gǔn - line, вертикальная черта 21 гунь - 中 丫 丰 丯 十、中、串、丰
- 3 丶 zhǔ - comma, запятая 10 чжу - 之 为 丸 為 丸、凡、丹、户
- 4 丿 piě - откидная влево 33 пье - 久 𠂔 乎 么 乂、乃、久、八, 左, 右
- 5 乙 (乛、⺄、乚、乙、乀,𠃌、㇈) yǐ - second 42 ий - 九 也 民 㐋 乞
- 6 亅 jué - hook 19 цзюэ - 了 亊 予 矛、事
- 7 二 èr - two, once more, other 29 ар (эр) - TWO STROKES - 五 井 些 亞 貳、于、云
- 8 亠 tóu - lid, верхушка 38 тоу - 亡 交 京 亰 方、亡、亢、交
- 9 人 (亻) rén (丿㇏)(㇒丨)- мужчина, человек; orig. side view of a standing man 794 жень - 个 从 众 㐺 你、什、仁、仇
- 10 儿 ér - son, legs, ноги, ребенок, particle with a sense of a short or casual. 52 эр - 兄 元 𠒇 允 兒、兀、允
- 11 入 rù (丿乀) v.enter, join, входить 28 жу - 屳 㒰 兩 𠓾 內、全、汆
- 12 八(丷) bā - "to separate", eight, many 44 ба - 公 六 共 兵 兮、穴
- 13 冂 jiōng (丨𠃌) wide, пограничные пустынные земли 50 цзюн(тьён) - 內 内 冇 再 冇、冊、冉、肉
- 14 冖 mì - cover or cloth cover, крышка 30 ми - 冗 冠 軍 㓀 冗、冠、冥、運
- 15 冫 bīng - ice 115 бин - 冬 冶 冷 凍 冰、冶、凉
- 16 几 jī (丿㇈) table, how many?, few, some, almost, столик, несколько 38 цзи(ци) - 凡 凢 凣 凥 風、殳、凡、凱
- 17 凵 kǎn (𠃊丨) receptacle, receiver, вместилище, to open one's mouth, orig: cave 23 цянь, кань - 凶 凷 凼 函 凶、凸、凹、齒
- 18 刀 (刂、⺈) dāo - knife 377 дао - 分 切 刖 㺫 利 則 刕 刁、解、劍
- 19 力 lì - power сила, движение, orig: bound hand or plough 163 ли - 劜 加 㔹 劦 功、劣、男
- 20 勹(⺈) bāo - wrap, to turn 64 бао - 勽 勾 勿 匁 包、勺、勻、负
- 21 匕(七) bǐ (㇒乚)(㇀㇄) spoon, dagger, кинжал, ложка; orig: tiger's head 19 би - 化 朼 㔫 北 华 匙、比
- 22 匚 fāng - box 64 фан - 匣 匞 匠 匡 匿、區、巨、匠
- 23 匸 xǐ/xì - hiding enclosure 17 си - 匹 区 區 医 亡、匹、匼、匽
- 24 十 shí - ten, “stalk and leaves”, topmost 55 ши - 午 卉 卐 協 千、半、卅、升
- 25 卜 bǔ (丨丶) divination гадание 45 бу - 卞 占 卦 乩 下、上、卡
- 26 卩(㔾) jié (𠃌丨) печать (device) печать, власть, kneeling person 40 цзе(тье) - 卪 叩 卯 卵 即、卬、卷、夗
- 27 厂 chǎng,hǎn (一丿) cliff обрыв утес, factory 129 чан, хань - 仄 圧 原 龎 厄、厚、厰
- 28 厶 sī (𠃋丶) private, selfish 40 сы - 仏 㕕 厸 厽 台、公、去、參、
- 29 又 yòu (㇇㇏) again, and, also, orig. righ hand 91 ю (ёу) - 友 双 叒 叕 叉、及、取
- 30 口 kǒu (冂一) mouth, hole, open 1,146 коу THREE STROKES - 㕥 叹 君 品 吳 味 命 喦 㗊 器 哎、古、
- 31 囗 wéi (冂一) enclosure граница, ограда 118 вэй - 龱 囚 囯 围 囚、四、國、圍
- 32 土 tǔ (十一) earth, земля, почва, необработанный, orig: a lump of clay on a potter's wheel. 580 ту - 圡 圠 圶 垚 地 壁 壓 圣、圭、堯
- 33 士 shì (十一) scholar, ученый, воен, male, feathers; orig: axe-like tool, soldier 24 ши - 声 志 壵 壹 壬、喜、時、壽
- 34 夂 zhǐ (𠂊㇏) to approach from behind; end; variant of 夊 (written at the left and at the top) 11 чжи - 処 处 条 备 各、冬、夆、愛
- 35 夊 suī (𠂊㇏) go slowly (written at the bottom) 23 суй(свей) - 夏 夌、复
- 36 夕 xī (𠂊丶) evening, night, dusk; slanted 34 си - 外 邜 多 名 夗、岁
- 37 大 dà (一丿㇏) big большой, огонь 132 да - 夨 夶 㚐 𡘙 太、天、夭、夯
- 38 女 nǚ (𡿨丿一) woman, female 681 ньюй(ню) - 好 妄 姆 㚣 奻 姫 姦 妳、婆、奶、如
- 39 子 zǐ (了(㇇㇚)㇐) child сын, семья, cуффикс предмета, short for Confucius, anc. master 83 цзы(цзи) - 孔 孖 學 孨 孩、學、仔
- 40 宀 mián (丶冖) roof, крышка, pen, animal, yard 246 мянь - 㝉 守 家 寒 安、寧、它
- 41 寸 cùn (一亅丶) Chinese inch 32 mm, small, short, orig: pulse on forearm 40 цунь - 寺 夺 尊 將 村、寺、封、射
- 42 小(⺌⺍) xiǎo (亅八) small, маленький, незначительный 41 Сяо - 少 尐 劣 尛 尖、當、栄
- 43 尢 (尣𡯂) wāng (𠂇乚) lame убогий, хромой, man with bent legs, (尢 a variant of 尸) 66 ван - 㝼 尬 尪 尷 尤、尷、尬、尩
- 44 尸 shī (𠃍一丿) corpse, туловище, труп; orig. bus driver pose 148 ши - 尺 尽 𡰪 局 屍、尼、尻
- 45 屮 chè (凵丨) sprout, росток 38 чэ - 㞢 屯 芔 茻 艸、屯、屰、頓
- 46 山 shān(丨凵) mountain, гора 636 шань - 乢 㞤 岀 岩 嵗、密、峰、幽
- 47 巛 (川巜ス) chuān - river поток, река 26 чуань - 州 巡 災 順 川、順、災
- 48 工 gōng (一丄), труд, работа, to assist, neck 17 гун - 巧 巫 㠭 巧、功、式
- 49 己,巳,已 jǐ (𠃍一乚) 己 oneself, self, свой, сам 已 already, 巳 sixth earthly branch [己 silk rope for binding objects] 20 Цзи - 导 异 改 忌 記、改、忌、龍
- 50 巾 jīn (冂丨) turban, платок, шарф, orig. hanging piece of cloth 295 Цзинь - 币 帀 市 布 巿 常 帥、刷、砸
- 51 干 gān gàn (一十) n.dry, stem, doing, shield; to dry, to do, to fuck; empty 9 Гань - 于 刊 平 年 旱、开、年
- 52 幺 (么) yāo (𠃋厶) short thread, крохотный, короткий 50 Яо - 幻 幼 乣 樂 麼、幽、幾
- 53 广 yǎn (丶厂) house on cliff, wide, to spread, кров, убежище, навес 15 янь(Гуан) - 床 店 府 度 座 庭 廣 廳 庀、庂、庄
- 54 廴 yǐn (㇋乀) long stride, тянуть, широкий шаг 9 инь - 延 建 廷 廽 廵、廷
- 55 廾 gǒng (𠂇丨) arch - арка, вместе, двадцать, orig: two hands 50 гун - 弁 卉 㚏 㫒 廿、弄
- 56 弋 yì (㇀㇏丶) shoot - охотиться, стрелять 15 и - 式 弑 弍 忒 弌、弎
- 57 弓 gōng (コ㇉) bow 165 гунь - 引 弜 弱 彌 弔、弗
- 58 彐(彑) jì (𠃍一一,𠃋㇇一) pig snout, морда 25 цзи - 夛 彔 录 彖 彗
- 59 彡 shān - bristle, щетина, пух, шерсть 62 шань - 形 彦 杉 須 彤、彥
- 60 彳 chì (丿亻) step, шаг левой, to walk slowly, to suddenly stop when walking, two persons as variant of (亻) 215 чи - 𢒼 役 彼 後 得 徼 㣔、彴、彷
- 61 心(忄⺗㣺) xīn (丿乚丶丶) heart, сердце, чувство 1115 синь 4 STROKES - 必 忌 忙 性 悪 惢 情 忉、忌
- 62 戈 gē (一㇏丿丶) алебарда, dagger-axe (used to defend the territory) 116 гэ - 戊 戉 戓 戌 戦
- 63 戶(户戸) hù (㇒丿𠃌一) door; family, household; дверной проем, двор, семья 44 ху - 帍 戻 所 扁 戹、戼、戽
- 64 手(扌龵) shǒu (㇒二亅)(亅一㇀)(㇒二丿) hand, рука, держать в руке 1203 шоу - 扎 払 打 抙 拜 拳 掌 掱 擧 才、扐
- 65 支 zhī (十又) (十 is half of 竹) ветка, поддержка, branch, support, a hand breaking off a branch of bamboo 26 чжи - 攱 攲 翅 妓 攰
- 66 攴 (攵) pū (⺊又) tap - бить, ударять, хлыст, to hit lightly, to tap; orig. hand holding a whip or a bone; 296 пу - 收 敍 數 斅 攷、攸
- 67 文(攵) wén(вынь) - script, знак, иероглиф, orig. man with crest or tattoo on his chest 26 - 文学 - литература, 文件 - документ, 文化 - культура - 㐎 刘 斌 斑 斕 斉、斌、斐
- 68 斗 dǒu (⺀十) dipper - борьба, черпак, ковш 32 доу - 㪳 㪲 乧 斡 𣁾 料、斚、斛
- 69 斤 jīn (厂丅 ) axe, unit of mass(a catty), keen, shrewd - топор 55 цзинь - 斥 斦 斧 新 斬 斷 斨
- 70 方 fāng - square,side,aspect,place,way;now,just;to panic; [一刀 tip of a blade] 92 фан - 放 𣃚 旅 族 㫃、於、㫄
- 71 无 mó(wú) - not, исчезать, отсутствие 12 мо - 旡 炁 既 旣 既、旣、旤
- 72 日(⺜) rì - sun, солнце, день, time, period, age, daily, classifier for days. 453 жи - 百 明 冐 映 時 𣊭 旦、旨、早
- 73 曰 yuē - say, говорить 37 юэй - 書 最 晉 曷 曹 曾 曲、曳、更
- 74 月(⺝) yuè (⺆一一) moon, луна,месяц, moonlight, rarely variant of ⺼, corrupted 凡 (“tray”) 69 юэй - 刖 服 青 朤 有、朋
- 75 木(朩) mù (十人) tree, wood, simple; 朩 1. cut off skin, 2. 等 děng rank, type; to wait, to equal; 'and the like' 1369 му - 札 本 杢 林 杉 杰 相 根 森 楽 機 未、末
- 76 欠 qiàn (⺈人) lack, недостаток, недоставать, зевать, to cower (from 耎) orig. a kneeling person with mouth open. 235 цянь - 欣 欽 欧 欲 歌 次、欣、欥
- 77 止(龰) zhǐ (⺊丨一)(⺊人) "base", stop, стопа, останавливаться 99 чжи - 欽 欧 欲 歌 正、此、步
- 78 歹(歺) dǎi (一夕) bone remains,wicked,evil,to become bad,death,разлагаться 231 дай - 殃 列 殕 死 歺、歿
- 79 殳⽎ shū (几又) "activity", weapon,пика,оружие 93 шу - 役 投 殴 殷 段、殷、殺
- 80 毋(母⺟毌) mú(wú) (𠃋𠃌𠂇)(𠃋𠃌⺀一) - do not,мать,mother,нет 16 му - 毎 每 姆 梅 母、毐
- 81 比 bǐ (匕匕) compare,сравнивать 21 би - 皆 批 毕 毖 毘 毚 毖、毗
- 82 毛 máo (丿二乚)- fur,мех,шерсть,волосы,feather,insignificant 211 мао - 毟 毡 毦 毫 毳 耗 毣、毧
- 83 氏 shì (㇒𠄌㇀㇏) clan,род,клан,фамилия 10 ши - 民 紙 婚 氓 氐、民
- 84 气(気氣) qì (𠂉一⺄)(米) stream, пар,воздух,газ,дыхание. [clouds in sky] 17 ци - 氖 氝 氧 氰 氕、氘、氚
- 85 水 (氵氺) shuǐ (㇚㇇㇒㇏) вода 1595 шуй - 氷 永 泳 決 治 海 演 㴇 㵘 氾
- 86 火 (灬) huǒ (丷人) огонь, fire 639 хо - 灯 炑 灻 燚 烹 焦 然 煮 灰、灶
- 87 爪(⺥⺤) zhǎo (𠂆丨乀)(㇒𭕄) когти, claw 36 чжао - 爬 爯 爭 爰 爲
- 88 父 fù (фу)(八乂) - отец 10 - 斧 爸 釜 爹 爹、爺
- 89 爻 yáo (яо) - воздействие, влияние, смешать, перекрестить. [cuts or marks] 16 - 爼 爽 爾 㸚
- 90 爿(丬) qiáng (цян) - лавка, кровать, доска, колоть дрова (всегда слева) 48 - 牀 奘 牃 牆 牁、牂
- 91 片 piàn (пянь) (丿丄𠃍) карточка; ломтик, щепка (всегда слева) 77 - 版 牌 牒 牘 牉
- 92 牙 yá (я) (一𠃋㇚㇒) зуб, клык, tooth, ivory, tusk of elephant 9 - 芽 呀 牚 㸧
- 93 牛 (牜⺧) niú (ню)(𠂉十) cow, cattle, вол, корова 233 - 告 牟 牧 物 特 解 牝、牠
- 94 犬 (犭) quǎn (цюань) (㇒㇁㇒) собака 444 - 犯 狂 狙 狗 献 獣 犮、犯、犰
- 95 玄 xuán (сюань) - тёмный, глубокий 6 - 弦 玅 玆 䲻 率、玈
- 96 王 (玉玊𤣩) wáng‚yù,sù(王Ван玉Юй玊Су)(二丄丶) 王king,государь‚玉jade,нефрит,pure,玊a surname 473 - 玌 珡 弄 皇 理 差 聖 玻、瑪、璧
- 97 瓜 guā (гуа)(𠂆厶㇏) тыква, дыня, огурец 55 - 呱 瓞 瓟 㼎 瓝
- 98 瓦 wǎ (ва)(一𠄌㇈丶) черепица 174 - 5 STROKES 瓧 邷 瓮 甄 㼚、瓫
- 99 甘 gān (гань)(廿一) сладкий, вкусный; orig. something in the mouth 22 - 某 柑 甜 酣 甚、甛
- 100 生 shēng (шэн) (𠂉土) жить, родиться; производить; to be born, to give birth; life; to grow; сырой, raw, uncooked, inborn; student; orig: 屮一 sprouting from the ground. 22 - 牲 甡 笙 甥 產
- 101 用 yòng (юн)(⺆二丨) использовать 10 - 佣 甬 甯 勇 甩、甫
- 102 田 tián (тянь) (冂十一) рисовое поле, field, arable land, cultivated 192 - 町 㽗 思 留 壨 由、甲、申
- 103 疋 (⺪) pǐ (пи) рулон ткани, roll, bolt of cloth, foot; orig. a foot 止 with a leg/thigh on top 15 - 𤴓 蛋 楚 胥 疏 疌、疏、疎
- 104 疒 chuáng (чуан) болезнь 526 - 病 症 痛 癌 癖 疔、疚、疝
- 105 癶 bō (бо) "blocked feet", шаг; ноги врозь, left and right feet 15 - 癷 発 登 發 癹
- 106 白 bái (бай) белый, white; pure, unblemished, bright; spring mouth 109 - 的 㿟 皆 皛 百、皀、皁
- 107 皮 pí (пи)(乛丿丨又) кожа, orig. a hand (又) stripping the fur from an animal pelt 94 - 披 彼 波 玻 皯、皰、皴
- 108 皿 mǐn (минь) миска, сосуд, блюдо; посуда 129 盂 盉 盍 監 蘯 盃、盅
- 109 目 mù (му)(冂三) глаз, eye, mesh, section/list, catalogy, taxonomy order, title 647 見 具 省 眠 眼 観 覧 盯、盱、盲
- 110 矛 máo (мао) (予(龴乛亅)丿) копьё 65 𡛺 柔 矜 矞 矜、矞、矟
- 111 矢 shǐ (ши) стрела, bow, crossbow, smart 64 族 矩 短 雉 矣、知、矧
- 112 石 shí (ши) (丆口) камень 499 岩 砂 破 砳 磊 矸、矻、矼
- 113 示(礻⺬𥘅) shì (ши)(一丁八) указывать, демонстрировать; предки, поклоняться, orig. an altar 213 礼 社 奈 神 祭 視 禁 福 礽
- 114 禸 róu (жоу) след [зверя], "to trample" 12 禹 禺 禽
- 115 禾 hé (хэ)(㇒木) зерно, злак; хлеб на корню; grain, cereal, rice plant; orig. a plant stalk 431 利 私 季 和 科 秂 秏 禿、秀
- 116 穴 xué (сюэ) пещера, отверстие 298 空 突 窅 窘 窩 窶 竇 究、穸
- 117 立 lì (ли) стоять, воздвигать, vertical [a person standing on the ground] 101 咅 音 産 竝 意 新 端 競 竸 竑、竒、竘
- 118 竹 (⺮) zhú (чжу)(亇亇) бамбук, two bamboo stalks, with leaves 953 竺 笁 第 等 簡 竽、竿
- 119 米 mǐ (ми) рис, rice, seeds 318 料 断 䊏 奥 麟 籸、籹、籽
- 120 糸 (糹)⺰纟 mì (ми) нить, шёлк, a skein of silk 823 系 級 紙 素 細 組 終 絵 糾、紀
- 121 缶 fǒu (фоу) кувшин, глиняная посуда, керамика 77 缸 缺 㓡 窑 缽
- 122 网(罒罓⺳𦉪冈𠔿⺵𦉰罔㒺) wǎng (ван) сеть 163 刚 罕 䍑 䍞 𦋐 羅 罔、罕、罘
- 123 羊(⺶⺷⺸𦍋𦍌) yáng (ян)(䒑土)(丷三丨) овца, баран, коза, sheep, goat, antelope, auspicious [ram's head OR distinguish hand/king] 156 着 羞 羚 翔 羋、羌、美
- 124 羽 yǔ (юй) перья; крылья 220 習 翀 翁 翔 羿
- 125 老 (耂) lǎo (лао) старый, old 22 孝 者 耇 㐗 耋 考、耆
- 126 而 ér (эр) и, а, но 22 耎 耍 耐 耑 耏
- 127 耒 lěi (лэй) соха, плуг 84 耔 耝 耨 耰 耕、耖
- 128 耳 ěr (эр) ухо, ear, something on both sides 172 取 聞 職 聶 耴、耵、耷
- 129 聿 (⺻肀) yù (юй) кисть для письма, orig: hand holding a brush 19 𦘒 律 書 衋 肄、肆、肅
- 130 肉 (⺼) ròu (жоу)(冂人人) мясо, meat, flesh, pork, body, media 674 肏 𦞳 𦞴 腅 脤 肊、肋、然
- 131 臣 chén (чэнь)(𠃍丅コ丄) чиновник, служащий, minister, statesman, official, slate, orig: a vertical eye looking downwards 16 臥 宦 臦 蔵 臤、臥、臧
- 132 自 zì (цзы) сам, от, из 34 臫 息 臬 臲 臭、臯
- 133 至 zhì (чжи) достигать; прибывать; to, until. 24 到 致 臸 臺 臷
- 134 臼(𦥑) jiù (цзю) ступка 71 桕 舅 舂 插 臾、臿、舁
- 135 舌 shé (ше) язык, tangue 31 乱 舍 适 話 舐、舑
- 136 舛 chuǎn (чуань) "two feet facing in different directions", to be opposed to; ошибка, неудача 10 舛 舜 桀 舞 舜、舝
- 137 舟 zhōu (чжоу) лодка, корабль 197 航 船 艉 艦 舠、舡、舢
- 138 艮 gēn (гэнь)(ヿ一一𠄌㇒㇏) преграда; stillness; твёрдый, крепкий, tough, unmovable [corridors and a room] 5 良 垦 很 䬶 艱
- 139 色 sè (сэ)(⺈ヿ丄乚) цвет, привлекательность; orig. kneeling person + claws, now bounded 勹 big snake 巴 21 色 艴 艷 艳、艵
- 140 艸(艹⺿⻀) cǎo(цао)(屮屮) трава, herb, weed orig. grass blades 1902 花 英 苦 草 茶 落 幕 薬 艽、艾、芃
- 141 虍 hū (ху)(⺊乛丿七) тигр, тигровые полоски 114 虎 虐 彪 虒
- 142 虫 chóng (чун) насекомое 1067 蚯 蚓 強 触 䖵 蟲 虬、虯、虱
- 143 血 xuè (сюэ) кровь 60 洫 衁 衅 衆 衂、衃
- 144 行 xíng (син)(彳亍) идти, делать, OK, orig: a street intersection 53 衍 術 䡓 衝 衎、衒
- 145 衣 (衤) yī (и) одежда 607 初 被 装 裁 複 表、衫
- 146 西 (襾覀) xī (си) покрывать; крышка; west; orig. a bag/basket or a bird settling into its nest; 29 栗 要 䙳 票 覊 西、覂
- 147 見,见 jiàn (цянь) verb. see, observe, behold; perceive 161 见 覞 親 覺 觀 規、覓、視
- 148 角(𧢲) jiǎo (цзяо) рог, угол, 1/10 元 158 觚 解 觕 觥 觸 觓、觔、觕
- 149 言 (訁)讠 yán (янь) слово, речь; orig. 舌 tongue movement and speach 861 䚰 訌 詔 評 詗 詥 誩 譶 訂、訃、計
- 150 谷 gǔ (гу) долина 54 谿 豀 卻 焀 谹、谽
- 151 豆 dòu (доу) бобы, жертвенный сосуд, raised object, stepping stone 68 豈 豇 豎 豐 豉
- 152 豕 shǐ (ши) свинья, pig, boar 148 豖 豚 豩 燹 豗、豜
- 153 廌 (豸) zhì (чжи) пресмыкающееся, кот, единорог, барсук 140 豹 貌 貓 貈 貉 豺、豻
- 154 貝,贝 bèi (бэй) раковина; money, currency 277 贝 財 賊 賜 贛 貧 貨 賏 贔 貞、負、財
- 155 赤 chì (чи) красный, киноварь, голый 31 赫 赧 赭 赬 赦、赨
- 156 走 (赱) zǒu (цзоу) "to walk", leave, through, from, passing 285 赴 起 超 趲 赳 赶
- 157 足 (⻊) zú (цзу) ступня, leg of an object, to walk; enough; sufficient 580 䟔 䟖 跀 跖 踀 趴、趵、趷
- 158 身 shēn (шэнь)(㇒丨𠃌三丿) тело (человека) 97 躬 射 躲 軀 躭 躰
- 159 車,车 chē (чэ) телега, машина 361 车 軌 軟 較 䡛 轟 軋 軍
- 160 辛 xīn (синь) горький, острый, твёрдый, жёсткий, a tool (chisel, awl, spike) used to mark slaves and criminals. 36 辜 辟 辣 辦 辡 辝
- 161 辰 chén (чэнь) утро 15 辱 唇 脣 農 辴
- 162 辵(辶⻌⻍) chuò / zouzhi (чо, цзоучжи) гулять, быстро идти, quit, enter, pass 381 巡 𨑨 𨑬 追 逃 迎 進 边、迂
- 163 邑 (阝) yì (и)(㇌丨) город (в виде 阝 ставится справа); orig. "enclosure; city wall” + 卪 "kneeling perso" 350 那 邦 郎 部 郭 都 鄉 邕、邗、邘
- 164 酉 yǒu (ю) вино, алкоголь, уксус, alcohol vessel 290 酊 酗 酒 醒 酸 酋、酌
- 165 釆 biàn (бянь) "to distinguish", разделять, различать, выбирать, сортировать 14 番 悉 釉 釋 采
- 166 里 lǐ (ли) деревня, ли (мера длины) 14 野 重、野、量
- 167 金 (釒)钅 jīn (цзинь)(人干丷一) металл, золото 806 钅 釓 釔 釞 釗 釙 釘 釥 鍂 鑫 𨰻 釕
- 168 長(镸长) cháng (чан) длинный, расти; старший; orig. long hair 55 长 髟 肆 镽 镾 镺、镻、镼
- 169 門,门 mén (мэнь)(丶丨𠃌) ворота 246 閃 閄 閊 𨳍 問 闁 𨶹 閂、閆
- 170 阜(阝𨸏) fù (фу) холм, mound; abundant, rich; orig: a row of hills. (阝ставится слева) 348 阪 防 阻 陆 陘 院 险 陳 阡、阢
- 171 隶 lì (ли) захват, поймать; раб; достигать 12 隸 逮 隷
- 172 隹 zhuī (чжуй) bird, пичуга, короткохвостая птица; orig. flying bird 233 隺 倠 集 雙 雔 雥 雦 隻、隼、隽
- 173 雨(⻗) yǔ (юй) дождь 298 雪 電 霝 霜 靐 䨻 雩、雯
- 174 青, 靑 qīng (цин)(龶夂) зелёный, голубой, синий 17 靕 靖 靚 靜 静
- 175 非 fēi (фэй) неверный, ложный; не-…; не быть; отрицать 25 剕 靟 靠 輩 靡
- 176 面 (靣) miàn (мянь) лицо, face, noodle, interface 66 勔 靦 靧 靨 靤
- 177 革 gé (гэ) сыромятная кожа, отменять 305 靴 鞍 鞅 鞍 鞭 靭、靮、靳
- 178 韋,韦 wéi (вэй) дублёная кожа 100 韦 韌 韓 韜 韞 韍、韎
- 179 韭 jiǔ (цзю) лук-порей 20 韱 䪤 韲 韰、䪢
- 180 音 yīn (инь) звук 43 歆 韶 𩐠 䪭 竟、章、韵
- 181 頁,页 yè (е) лист, страница; голова; headache 372 页 項 順 須 領 頭 頩 頂 顨 頃、頄
- 182 風,风 fēng (фэн) wind; pneumatic, ventilating; to ventilate 182 颱 飄 颩 䬕 飍 颭、颮
- 183 飛,飞 fēi (фэй) летать 92 飞 𢝵 𢞵 飜 飝 䬡
- 184 食 (飠‚⻞)饣shí (ши) еда, пища; [亼together,人soul,白clear 403 饣 飯 飲 餓 餘 餐 養 飡、飢、飣
- 185 首 shǒu (шоу) главный, глава; голова 20 馗 道 馘 䭫
- 186 香 xiāng (сян) (禾日) благоухание, аромат 37 䭯 馥 馨 馫 馝、馞、馡
- 187 馬,马 mǎ (ма)(丨三丨𠃌灬)(厂二丨𠃌灬)(ヿ㇉一) лошадь 472 马 馰 馴 馽 駐 騳 驫 馭、馮、馯
- 188 骨(⻣) gǔ (гу) кость 185 骼 髒 髀 骿 骾 骫、骭、骯
- 189 高 (髙) gāo (гао) высокий, колокол 34 㪣 髚 髛 髜
- 190 髟 biāo (бяо) длинные волосы 243 髮 鬚 鬆 鬍 髦 髠、髡、髢
- 191 鬥 dòu (доу) бой, битва 23 鬧 鬪 鬬 鬮 鬦、鬧、鬨
- 192 鬯 chàng (чан) травы, ритуальное вино 8 鬰 鬱
- 193 鬲 lì (ли) котелок-треножник, штатив 73 䰙 鬶 鬷 鬸 鬳、鬴、鬵
- 194 鬼 guǐ (гуй) призрак 141 魂 魁 鬽 魄 鬾
- 195 魚,鱼 yú (юй) рыба 571 鱼 魜 魞 䰲 魝 𩵚 䲆 鱻 䲜 魟、魠、魦
- 196 鳥,鸟 niǎo (няо) птица 750 鸟 鳫 鳮 鳱 鳳 鳴 鳿 雞 鳴 鴻 鴛 鳦、鳧、鳩
- 197 鹵,卤 lǔ (лу) соль 44 卤 卥 卣 鹼 鹽 䴝 鹹、鹺
- 198 鹿 lù (лу) олень 104 塵 麃 麋 麉 麟 麀、麁、麂
- 199 麥,麦 mài (май) пшеница 131 麦 麴 麵 麱 麨 麺 麩、麪
- 200 麻 má (ма) конопля, лён 34 麽 麼 魔 㸏 麾、黁
- 201 黃,黄 huáng (хуан) жёлтый 42 黄 黊 黌 黈、䵍
- 202 黍 shǔ (шу) просо 46 黏 黎 䵚 黐
- 203 黑(黒) hēi (хэй) чёрный 172 䵝 默 點 黛 墨、黓、黔
- 204 黹 zhǐ (чжи) вышивка, рукоделие 8 黺 黼 黻
- 205 黽 mǐn (минь) лягушка, жаба, земноводное 40 黾 鄳 鼈 黿 鼆 鼀、鼁
- 206 鼎 dǐng (дин) треножник 14 鼏 鼒 䵻 鼐
- 207 鼓 gǔ (гу) барабан 46 鼕 瞽 鼗 鼘 鼖
- 208 鼠(䑕) shǔ (шу) крыса, мышь 92 鼢 鼣 鼤 鼺 鼥、鼩
- 209 鼻 bí (би) нос 49 鼼 劓 鼽 鼿 鼾、齁
- 210 齊(斉) qí (ци) равномерный, одинаковый 18 齐 齋 齏 齎 齏 齌、齍
- 211 齒(歯)齿 chǐ (чи) зуб 162 齿 䶚 齡 齠 齗 齔、齕、齖
- 212 龍(竜)龙 lóng (лун) дракон 14 龙 龑 聾 龖 龘 龏、龔
- 213 龜(亀)龟 guī (гуй) черепаха 24 龟 龝 䶰 龞
- 214 龠 yuè (юэ) свирель, бамбуковая флейта (с тремя, шестью или семью отверстиями) 19 䶳 𦒈 龥 龤 龡、龢
- 215 业 Yè - profession; business; trade; merits and achievements; work; mound; hill; grave; north; northern; to be defeated; to fail; 邺、丵、黹 虚
11. My dictionary with Kangxi
11.1. 1. 一 yī
- 上 Shàng - on, above, upon; upper; previous, first; to get onto, to go up, to attend; within, from the standpoint of, according to; suffix: over- (⺊一)
- 让 Ràng - to let, to ask, to yield, to offer, to give away, to ciricise; lit. up word (讠)
- 七 qī - seven тьи (㇀㇄)
- 三 sān - three
- 世 Shì - world, life, lifetime (廿(一丨丨一) twenty/calendar date 𠃊) [three leaves on a branch]
11.1.1. c
- 一下 Yīxià - one time, a bit, for a moment, once; lit. under single; ex. 记一下 (jì yīxià) make a note of it.
- 世界 Shìjiè - the world, world's … ; lit. world scope (田 field 介 man on two poles)
- 上手 Shàngshǒu - Get started, руку прилажить [apply hold]
11.2. 2. 丨 gǔn
- 个 gè - of, universal measure Word but sound like a baby. (人丨)
- 中 Zhōng - middle, in, during, among, medium, central, hit the mark (попасть в цель)
- 史 Shǐ - history, historical; orig. 又 “hand” holding a fountain pen resembling 中
- 使 shǐ - to make, to cause, to enable, to use, to order to someone, to employ (人吏)
- 吏 lì - orig: “envoy, jail official, matchmaker”
- 丫 Yā - ya, ah
- 丰 Fēng - rich, abundant, plentiful
- 丯 Jiè - the
11.2.1. c
- 个人 Gèrén - personal [a person]
11.3. 3. 丶 zhǔ
- 之 Zhī - of (丶㇇乀)
- 为 Wèi - for, to serve as, to act as, because of (力 lì - power сила, движение)
- 丸 Wán - pill, ball
- 為 Wèi - for, to, as, for the
11.3.1. c
- 为了 Wèile - for, in order to, for the sake of
- 之前 Zhīqián - Before, prior to, previously [of before]
11.4. 4. 丿 piě
- 爻
- 𠂇 - right hand?
- 右 Yòu - right; lit. 口 "speak" + 又 "right hand"
- 石 shí - stone
- 左 Zuǒ - left; east; areas to the east; etc. (𠂇)
- 乃 nǎi - then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely
- 乂 Yì - mow; to regulate
- 么 Me - what? interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender (厶 sī)
11.5. 5. 乙 (乛、⺄、乚、乙、乀、𠃌、㇈) yǐ
九 㐋 乞
- 他 tā - he; him (人 rén)
- 她 tā - she (女 nǚ)
- 也 Yě - also, too, as well asn (乛丨乚)
- 乜 miē - to squint; (Cant.) what? huh?
- 民 Mín - civil, people, nationality
- 书 Shū - book(most frequent), letter, script, to write (ヿ𠃌丨丶)
11.6. 6. 亅 jué
- 了 Le/liǎo - past tense marker, up, know, finish, understand, clear; orig. baby without arms. replaced 矣 - the crossing of lower legs, entangled legs -> "tie" -> "finish"
- 事 Shì - thing, matter, affair, job; to work, to serve; lit. a hand holding a tool, indicating the idea of work or business (一口⺕亅)
- 亊 Shì - thing, the matter (一丷⺕亅)
- 予 Yǔ - to give, to grant, to allow, to bestow (龴乛亅) - Юй
- 预 Yù - pre- / to advance / in advance / beforehand / to prepare (予頁)
11.6.1. c
- 事件 Shìjiàn - event, incident, case, happening
- 了解 Liǎojiě - to understand, to find out, to learn
- 预测 Yùcè - Prediction [ pre- measure ]
11.7. 7. 二 èr
- 亍 Chù - to step with the right foot, to stop, to stand still, to take small steps
- 井 Jǐng - the well, well-shaped object, mineshaft; hometown; adj. neat, orderly. [a square well, with supports on four sides]
- 些 Xiē - some, few, several, somewhat; orig. two 人 person 止 stops; (此)- Се
- 云 Yún - cloud, scaling; to say (厶) - Юнь
- 亞/亚 Yà - Asia, sub (一丨丨一丷)
- 动 Dòng - to move, to touch, to act; lit. 云 blowing clouds from the mouth + 力 force
11.7.1. c
动力 Dònglì and 动机 Dòngjī - motivation - move power and move engine
11.8. 8. 亠 tóu
- 方 宀 广 立 疒 穴 衣 言
- 亡 Wáng - death, to die, to lose, to flee; orig. cutting edge of a knife (𠃊)
- 交 Jiāo - to pay, to cross, mutual, together (父 fù)
- 京 Jīng - capital city, abbr. for Beijing
- 兄 Xiōng - brother
- 亰 Jīng - crow ворона (日小)
- 享 Xiǎng - to enjoy; orig. a temple or ancestral shrine.(口子)
- 亦 Yì - as well as, also, already, although, again(Suzhou) (亠丿亅八)
- 赢 Yíng - to win; to triumph; to be victorious; to beat; to defeat; to triumph over; [亡death 口mouth 月moon 贝valuable 凡ordinary]
11.8.1. c
兄弟 Xiōngdì - brother, bro, comrade
11.9. 9. 人 (亻) rén
众 㐺
- 大、欠、入
- 从 Cóng - to follow, proposition: from; orig. 人人 to follow.
- 今 Jīn - now, today, present, modern era (人丶㇇)
- 什 shén - what
- 位 wèi - position; place; seat ; someone
- 何 Hé - what; adv. how, why; which; to carry; semantic 人 + phonetic 可
- 以 Yǐ - by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to ; by, with; orig: a person (人) carrying something.(𠄌丶人) - и
- 似 sì, shì - like (亻)
- 亼 Jí - to assemble, roof; orig. to gather together from three sides
- 合 Hé - to combine, to close, to join, to combne, to suit, to have sex intercouse, to fight; whole, entire; together; orig. Two mouths speaking together. (口)
- 会 Huì - to can; able, will; conference, meeting; community, union, group; major city [亼under roof + 厶private](亼 Jí 人一, 一厶) - Хуэй
- 令 Lìng - to order, to command, to cause; order, command; your (亼卩)
- 命 Mìng - state of living, lifespan, destiny, fate, order, command, instruction; to order, to give (a title, name to); orig. 令; (亼 roof 叩 to knock)
- 佥 Qiān - simplified 僉 [together claws common] (亼𭕄一)
- 僉 Qiān - all, together, unanimous (亼to assemble+吅neighbor/argue+从to follow)
- 检 Jiǎn - measure; standard; to restrain; to keep oneself in check.(木)
- 假 jiǎ - fake / false / artificial / to borrow / if / suppose [亻 + 爪 (“hand”) + 又 (“hand”) + 石 (“stone”). ] (叚(丨コ))
- 作 zuò - to make, to do; to engage in / to write; to compose / to pretend; to feign / to regard as; to consider to be / to be; to act the part of / to feel (itchy, nauseous etc) / writings; works [man + axe chopping wood]
- 拿 Ná - to take, to hold, to get, to capture; to act, to pretend [合combine手hand]
11.9.1. c
- 以后 yǐhòu - after, later; following; in the future; lit. by later
- 以下 Yǐxià - the following; below; [by lower]
- 以上 Yǐshàng - above, over, more than [by upper]
- 似的 Shìde - to be like. shì sound used instead of sì.
- 好似 Hǎosì - It seems [good resemble]
- 合并 Hébìng - to merge; merger, consolidation; [combine side-by-side]
- 合上 Hé shàng - close the book [close up]
- 命令 Mìnglìng - command; to require. [command command]
- 会员 huìyuán - member [community member]
- 假期 jiǎqī - holiday [false period]
- 拿着 Názhe - hold, take it [hold with/holding]
11.10. 10. 儿 ér
- 见
- 兄 Xiōng - elder brother
- 元 Yuán - yuan, dollar, Yuan Dynasty, basic, primary, first (兀 “to cut off; to amputate”)
- 玩 Wán - the play; to play, to enjoy, to joke (玉元)
- 允 Yǔn - to allow, to permit, fair, just, allowed
- 先 xiān - first; prior [牛 cow 儿 son])
兔(兔) Tù - rabbit, hare (免丶)
- 免 miǎn - to take off, to avoid, to release, to excuse from, to discharge;
excuse from; evade; orig. a man in a hat (勹口儿)
- 晚 Wǎn - night, evening; late, junior - (日 sun + 免 to take off)
- 说 Shuō - say, to say; talking, reproach; spoken; scold, upbraid; [讠word + 兑
- 兌/兑 duì - cash; exchange, barter; weight
11.10.1. c
- 好玩 Hǎowán - fun, interesting
- 说话 Shuōhuà - say, speak, talk; lit. talk talk.
- 免费了 Miǎnfèile - for free. lit. avoid cost/fee, was released.
- 先生 Xiānshēng - gentlemen, Mr., sir [first born]
11.11. 11. 入 rù
- 屳 㒰 𠓾
- 全 (quán) - all; whole, complete, overal (王 wáng‚ yù) - Цюань
- 兩/两 (liǎng) (帀(一丨ヿ丨)入入) - two, few, different
11.11.1. c
- 全局 Quánjú - overall situation
- 入门 Rùmén - getting Started [enter door/gate]
11.12. 12. 八(丷) bā
公 六 兵
- 六 Liù - six (亠) - Лю
- 其 qí - his, her, its, their, that, such, it (refers to sth preceding it) [basket] - Ци
- 共 gòng - common; together; to share; orig. 廾 two hands + 口 an object (一丨丨一
八). Possibly the original form of 供 "to provide; to offer".
- 龷 - floodwaters or 艸 grass + water
- 供 Gōng - to provide, to offer, to own up; for; offering, confession, deposition (人)
- 只 Zhǐ - only, just, simply, merely; originally, at first; orig: airflow coming out of a mouth (口)
- 興/兴 Xìng - interest, eagerness; to flourish, to become popular, to get up (小)
- 兼 Jiān - simultaneous, double; lit. a hand holding two grain stalks 禾 (丷三一丨丨丿㇏)
11.12.1. c
- 只有 Zhǐyǒu - only, just
- 只是 Zhǐshì - only, just
- 其他 Qítā - other, others [his/her/its/that other]
- 其余 Qíyú - the remaining. [that remainder]
- 其实 Qíshí - actually, in fact. [that real]
- 兼容 Jiānróng - compatible; lit. double hold/contain. 兼容到 (Jiānróng dào) compatible with
11.13. 13. 冂 jiōng
- 卩,口,巾,囗,戶,曰,田
- 內/内 Nèi - within, inside, inner (冂入/人)
- 冇 Mǎo - without
- 再 zài - again, once more; orig. 龶 growing 一 common 冂 wide 大 big 二 once more
口 mouth (一冉 )
- 冉 Rǎn - (archaic) edge of a turtle shell, 冉冉 slowly (冂丨二)
- 同 Tóng - preposition: with ; same ; similar, like, alike ; together ; lane
- 冊/册 Cè - book, volume, booklet; measure word for books; orig. bamboo slips strung together. (冂冂一)
- 刪/删 (Shān) - to delete, to erase, to cut. to geld (刂 knife)
11.13.1. c
- 同时 Tóngshí - at the same time, simultaneously; lit. same time.
- 再也 Zài yě - once more [again also]
- 再见 Zàijiàn - Goodbye! [again meet]
- 内射 Nèishè - Creampie [inside shoot]
11.14. 14. 冖 mì
冗 冠 軍 㓀
- 寫/写 Xiě - to write, to place, to describe; writing (与㇉)
- 与 Yǔ - and, versus, with; to give; to offer; orig. two things as a gift (一㇉一)
11.15. 15. 冫bīng
冶 冷 凍
- 冬 Dōng - winter. [夂 “end” + ⺀ “ice”]
- 冲 Chōng – рваться вперед, устремляться; come on!
11.15.1. c
冲完 Chōng wán - finished, completd. also used 冲完了 [finish over]
11.16. 16. 几 jī
凡 凢 凣 凥
- 九 Jiǔ - 9 nine (㇓㇈) Цзю
11.17. 17. 凵 kǎn
凶 凷 凼 函
11.18. 18. 刀 (刂、⺈) dāo
切 刖 㺫 利 則 刕 刁、解、劍
- 分 Fēn - point, minute, fraction, 1/10; to divide, to separate, to participate; orig. 八 "to separate" with a 刀 "knife".
- 久 Jiǔ - Long, length, long time, for a long time (⺈㇏) - Цзю
- 切 Qiē - to cut; tangency; to switch (七) - Це
11.18.1. c
- 切换 Qiēhuàn - switch, toggle; lit. to switch replace - Це Хуань
- 好久 Hǎojiǔ - a long time, for a long time
11.19. 19. 力 lì
劜 加 㔹 劦 功、劣、男
- 务 Wù - serivice; to be engaged in; to be devoted to; to seek; to pursue; etc. (夂 “end”) - У
- 男 Nán - male (田)
- 办 Bàn - to manage, to do, to deal with, to handle, to take care of, to prepare, to get something ready; etc. (八, originally 䇂䇂 marks of slaves and criminals) [strong slavery]
- 加 Jiā - to add, to put on top of something, to increase; postfix for increase; to impose [strengt + mouth = exaggerate; slander.](力口)
11.19.1. c
- 男生 Nánshēng - boys, schoolboy; lit. boy student
- 加入 jiārù - to join [add join]
- 努力 Nǔlì - to strive, to work hard, to make an effort [to strive effort]
11.20. 20. 勹 bāo
勽 勾 匁 包、勺、勻、负
- 勿 Wù - must not, do not; without, never; (used inside others); orig. blood on a knife, Fusion of 毋
- 包 Bāo - to bundle up, to include, to ensure; to reserve; package, bag; orig. a fetus or a swaddled baby (巳)
11.20.1. c
包管理器 (Bāo guǎnlǐ qì) - (software) Package manager; lit. package manage tool
11.21. 21. 匕 bǐ
朼 㔫 华 匙
- 比
- 北 Běi - north [two man back-to-back]
- 化 Huà - to change, to turn, suffix: -ify -ization -ize; [person (亻) + spoon]
- 能 Néng - able, capable, to can, to may, energy (月 yuè, 厶 sī)
- 蛇 Shé - snake, serpent (虫 chóng)
- 它 Tā - it (宀匕)
11.21.1. c
化妆 Huàzhuāng - makeup, to put on makeup
11.22. 22. 匚 fāng
匣 匞 匠 匡 區、匠
- 巨 Jù - huge, gigantic, very large; so/very xxx ; a carpenter's square "enormous"
- 匿 Nì - to hide, to conceal; familiar
- 若 to be ovedient like - a person combing their hair; obedient. (艹右(𠂇口))
11.22.1. c
匿名 Nìmíng - anonymous, anonymity; [hide name]. 无名 Wúmíng - nameless [no name]
11.23. 23. 匸 xǐ/xì
匹 区 區
- 医 Yī - medical; medicine, doctor; to cure. [矢 smart]
- 區/区 Qū - district, area, region, zone; subdivide. [enclosure of (㐅乂) regulate], see 县 Xiàn - Цюй
11.23.1. c
区区 Qūqū - merely, trivial, mere
11.24. 24. 十 shí
午 卉 卐 協 千、半、卅
- 阜,土,士,支,牛,生
- 什 Shén - what? Varied, asserted
- 华 Huá - China, flower; flowery, flashy, magnificent (化 Huà)
- 才 Cái - talent, ability; just, only ; only if, not until (一㇚丿)
- 古 Gǔ - aniquity, ancient, old
- 眞/真 Zhēn - really, trully, indeed; true, real (匕十 simple + 貝)
- 计 Jì - to calculate, to count, to plan, to have total; meter, plan; lit. to say all (訁)
- 升 Shēng - to rise, to go up; liquid measure; orig. a dipper
- 南 Nán - south [ударный инструмент or front of a house]
11.24.1. c
- 真是 Zhēnshi - Really; lit. trully is
- 计算 Jìsuàn - to compute, to calculate; lit. saying all eye counting rods
- 古籍 gǔjí - ancient books
11.25. 25. 卜 bǔ
卞 卦 乩 上、卡
- 占 Zhàn - divine; observe; versify (used inside others)
- 点 Diǎn - a little bit; point, dot, appinted time; to point, to select, to hint; some of (fire 灬)
- 店 Diàn - shop, store, inn; lit. “lean-to” or house on cliff + observe (广占)
- 下 Xià - down; under; next, lower; to go down, to get off, to make a move; orig. one line below another(=)
11.25.1. c
上下 ShàngXià - about, or so [up down]
11.26. 26. 卩(㔾) jié
卪 叩 卯 卵
- 创 Chuàng - to create, to start to, to found, to establish; wound, trouma, injury (人刂)
- 仓 cāng - granary, warehouse cabin; to hold (人㔾) - Цан
- 印 Yìn - to print, to impress; seal, stamp, mark; orig. 爪,扌 “hand” + 卩 “kneeling person” – a hand suppressing a kneeling person.(same to 抑) (㇒丨㇒㇀卩)
11.26.1. c
- 印象 (Yìnxiàng): impression (impress like/after )
- 创造 (Chuàngzào): to create. [to create to make]
11.27. 27. 厂 chǎng,hǎn
仄 圧 龎 厄、厚、厰
- 原 Yuán - original, primary, raw; cause; to pardon [ (白小) 泉 water flowing from the source of a 白 spring and a 厂 cliff-side]
- 历 Lì - calendar, experience; to experience; every, each (力)
11.27.1. c
历史 - Lìshǐ - history [calendar/exp. history]; 历史上 - historically, in history.
11.28. 28. 厶 sī
仏 㕕 厸 厽
- 么 Me - what? interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender (丿)
- 去 Qù - to go to, to leave; (between two verbs) to; [大 man or 土 eath + 口 mouth/cave/anus] Цюй
- 法 Fǎ - Law, rule, norm, model; to imitate; way; dharma, principle; magic act. [river man self/cave] (氵)
- 公 gōng - public, fair, metric; male; generally (儿 ér)
11.28.1. c
- 施法 shīfǎ - to cast a spell [apply rule]
- 語法 Yǔfǎ - grammar, syntax [language law]
11.29. 29. 又 yòu
双 叒 叕 叉、取
- 夂、夊、支、攴
- 友 Yǒu - friend, friends, friendly, fraternity (𠂇)
- 爱 ài - love, affection, to love, to like (breathe, hand? and co-operation?)(⺤冖友)
- 受 Shòu - to be subject, to suffer, to receive; by; lit. 爪 hand 凡/舟 plate/boat 又 hand - to hand over.
- 仅 Jǐn - only, merely, just (亻)
- 对 Duì - correct, to, at, pair, yes, to be opposite, to oppose, orderly (寸 cùn)
- 及 Jí - and; to reach, to come up; in time; orig. 人 “person” + 又 “hand” – a hand grabbing a person. (trad. 丿𠃍又 ) (sim. 丿又)
- 极 Jí - pole, utmost, top; extremely, mighty; extreme (木)
- 圾 Jī - garbage, rubbish; [things reached eath] (土)
- 反 - Fǎn - reverse, opposite; adv. instead, on the contrary; to turn over; prefix: anti- counter-; orig. to make someone return money [to climp or drag down] (𠂆又)
11.29.1. c
- 反应 fǎnyìng - reaction [reverse should]
- 极品 Jípǐn - best quality [extreme products
11.30. 30. 口 kǒu
㕥 叹 君 吳 味 命 喦 㗊 器
- 中 Zhōng - central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain [flag or knot] (丨 gǔn)
- 叫 Jiào - to call, to be called; lit. mouth + 丩 two entangled ropes
- 克 kè - gram; to overcome, to defeat; transliteration (儿 ér son)
- 品 Pǐn - taste, to taste; article; item; product; commodity; personality; character; grade; level; rank; class (品味 Pǐnwèi - to taste); lit. 3 mouths
- 别 (Bié) - other, another; Don't (刀刂 dāo)
- 另 (Lìng) - other, another, separate; separately, in addition; to divide (力)
- 吃 chī, jī - to eat, to take, to live on, to suffer; eating. [mouth long hi]
- 乞 qǐ - beg; request ( 乙 yǐ second; 2nd heavenly stem 𠂉)
号 Hào - mark, sign; symbol; number
- 丂 kǎo - obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other
characters (一㇉)
- 可 Kě - may, can, -able; possibly ; but, yet ; particle used for emphasis (丁口)
- 丁 dīng - male adult, nail, dice; fourth; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem
- 后 Hòu - 1) back / behind / rear / afterwards / after / later / post- 2) empress / queen / (archaic) monarch / ruler [a person's anus, behind walls]
- 司 Sī - to manage, to control; department, division; orig. from 后
- 吊 diào - to hang, to pity, to condole, to lift up with a rope, to revoke; Classifier for strings of 1000 copper coins.
- 哥 Gē - elder brother (可)
- 啊 A - express surprise, question; OK, allright
- 阿 A - prefix. for elders; orig. big mound (阝可)
- 器 Qì - device, tool, ware, capacity, tolerance, talent ; orig. 工 assist (modern. a 犬 (“dog”)) guarding four 口 (“vessel”) or “to bark”.(口口犬口口)
- 唔 Wú - Hmm, used like 不 (bù) in Cantonese (吾)
11.30.1. c
- 可以 Kěyǐ - to can, to may; done; possible; ex. 可以了: That's it; lit. may with - Кэ И Лэ
- 可能 Kěnéng - possible, probable; possibility, probability; lit. may capable
- 可爱 Kě'ài - lovely lit. can love
- 可是 Kěshì - but, however [but is]
- 中心 Zhōngxīn - center, hub
- 咖啡 Kāfēi - coffee (口加カ) (非 fēi) [Two mouthes strong, Not]
- 吃饭 Chīfàn - Have a meal, to eat [eat rice/meal]
11.31. 31. 囗 wéi
龱 囚 囯 围
- 四 Sì - 4 four (冂儿一)
- 国 guó - country, state, nation; national(玉)
- 囧 Jiǒng - an emoticon expressing surprise, original: "patterned window" (四 儿 ér 口 kǒu)
- 回 huí - to return, to reply, to turn around, to decline; a time; measure word for events and chapters; orig. rotation (originally a spiral). (口)
- 因 Yīn - beacause; reason, cause; to make use of a situation, to follow (tradition) (大)
團/团 Tuán - group, corps, organization; round, circular; to unite; to link; measure word for balls (專/专/才)
- 專/专 zhuān - cool!, special; orig. a 又hand turning a 叀 spindle or spinning
- 圆 Yuán - round, circle; to complete; complete (orig. 〇 + 鼎 "ding") (员 )
- 圖/図/图 Tú - diagram, chart, map, picture (冬)
11.31.1. c
- 回头 Huítóu - later; simplified form of 回頭 - to turn round; to turn one's head back; to repent; etc.
- 回忆 Huíyì - to recall, memories, memory; [to return to recall]
- 回答 Huídá - answer [return answer]
- 因为 Yīnwèi - because, since, for; owing to, on account for; lit. reason for
- 专业 Zhuānyè - discipline, specialty; professional, major, specialized; lit. special work
- 图书馆 Túshū guǎn - library; lit. books(picture letter) pavilion
11.32. 32. 土 tǔ
圡 圠 圶 垚 地 壁 壓 圣、圭、堯
- 去 qù - go away, leave, depart (厶 sī) Цюй
- 在 zài - be at, in, on; consist in, rest (𠂇丨土)
- 垃 Lè - garbage, rubbish (立)
- 地 De, dì - land, ground, place; topographic; suffix -ly, Just as the earth serves as the foundation for physical things. [土 “earth” + 也 “female genitalia”]
- 压 Yā - to press, to push down, to control; in the first place (厂圡)
- 圡 - variant as 土.
- 掛 Guà: to hang, to suspend, to wear, to hang up, to reminate a phone call, to register, to enroll (扌卦(圭(土土)卜))
- 基 jī - (bound form) base; foundation / (bound form) radical (chemistry) / (bound form) gay (loanword from English into Cantonese, Jyutping: gei1, followed by orthographic borrowing from Cantonese) [a 其 basket on earth]
- 块 Kuài - piece, chunk, lump, part; yuan; dollar; buck; etc. (夬 decisive)
11.32.1. c
- 去掉 Qùdiào - remove. [leave drop]
- 地狱 Dìyù - hell. [land prison(犭dog讠barking犬dog)]
- 基本 Jīběn - basic, basically. [base originally]
11.33. 33. 士 shì
声 志 壵 壹 壬、喜、時、壽
- 喜 Xǐ - happiness; to like, to enjoy, to be happy; pleased; Hi! 壴 drum + 口 mouth
11.33.1. c
喜欢 Xǐhuān - like, love, be fond of, be keen on; lit. happy (verb) + happiness (the state of mind resulting) (adj)
11.34. 34. 夂 zhǐ
処 处 条 冬、夆、愛
- 备 Bèi - to prepare; equipment; fully; (夂 approach behind 田 field )
- 各 Gè - each, every; lit. 夂 intruder! 口 at entrance, every one stand up!
- 条 Tiáo - strip / item / article / clause (of law or treaty) / classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc) (木)
11.34.1. c
- 各位 Gèwèi - Everyone, Dear all; lit. every people
11.35. 35. 夊 suī
- 夏 Xià - summer; lit. 首 head/自 a nose, self 夊 slow; orig. 頁 “head; man” under the scorching 日 “sun”.
- 复 Fù - variant of 復 [“going back” long 日 sun 夊 slow - with a reference to meet people perhaps in a guest room]
11.36. 36. 夕 xī
外 邜 夗、岁
- 歹(歺)
- 多 Duō - many, much, multi-
- 名 Míng - name, reputation, fame; orig: moon + mouth - to say one's own name to identify oneself in the dark (口 kǒu)
- 外 Wài - outside, outer, external, foreign, imported; beyond, in additional, besides. orig. divination 卜 based on visible part of the moon 月
- 岁 Suì - year, Jupiter; measure for years; years old; lit. 山 mountain +
11.36.1. c
户外 Hùwài - outdoor
11.37. 37. 大 dà
夨 夶 㚐 𡘙 夭、夯
- 禾、木
- 太 Tài - too, very, excessively; highest. (大丶)
- 天 Tiān - day, sky, heavens, overhead, weather, period of time in a day, season, natural; orig. a man with a large head or crown of the head, an anthropomorphic representation of heaven. (一)
- 夫 fū - husband; male adult; low worker or laborer [a man with a hairpin in his hair](一)
- 关 Guān - door bolt, to shut, to close, to pass, to laugh; barrier; sticking (丷天)
- 央 Yāng - central; to beg, to finish; orig. a 大 man carrying a 冂 pole with its middle on his shoulder. (冂)
- 头 Tóu - head, top, hair, first, leading, measure word for livestock (the simplified form of 頭) (冫bīng)
- 实 Shí - fact, reality; real, true; honest, sincere (宀 mián)
- 买 Mǎi - to buy, to purchase, to pay, to bribe (乛丶丶大)
- 卖 Mài - to sell, to betray; sale, selling (十买)
- 奇 Qí - strange; to wonder, to surprise; odd number; lit. big 可 Kě emphasis.
- 失 Shī - to lose, to miss, to fail, to breach; mistake, fault; orig. 手 + 丿 – something (丿) falling from a hand (手)
11.37.1. c
- 天天 Tiāntiān - day by day, daily
- 天气 Tiānqì - weather [sky breathing] ex. 天气预报 (tiānqì yùbào ): Weather forecast
- 天才 Tiāncái - genius [sky talant]
- 关于 Guānyú - about, on, regarding; to respect, to pertain, to center; thereof, thereon; lit. close in/at/to
- 关系 Guānxì - relation, relationship; to concern [close tie]
- 关闭 Guānbì - to close, to shut down; prog. closure. 把嘴闭上 (bǎ zuǐ bì shàng)。 Shut up your mouth.
- 关注 Guānzhù - attention, to pay attention to [close note]
- 关键 Guānjiàn - key, critical [lock key/button]
- 奇怪 Qíguài - strange, strangeness [odd strange] - Ци Гуай
- 好奇 Hàoqí - curious [pretty strange]
- 失败 Shībài - fail, failure; to fail, to be defeated [lose to defeat] ex. 失败的人 a loser
11.38. 38. 女 nǚ
妄 姆 㚣 奻 姫 姦
- 好 Hǎo - good
- 奶 Nǎi - milk, breast, tits, to suckle (乃 nǎi)
- 妈 Mā - mom, mama (马 mǎ)
- 如 Rú - as, as if, to comply with, for example, than; if, supposing. orig. a woman obeying an order (口 kǒu)
- 始 Shǐ - the beginning, the start; to start (台 tower, stage, table)
- 安 Ān - safe, secure; to install, to fit; peace; orig. person sitting at home
- 案 Àn - case, event, incident; orig. someone untouchable + wood ritual (安木)
- 姓 Xìng - surname, last name, family name. [女 female 生 inborn]
11.38.1. c
- 姐妹 Jiěmèi - sisters; lit. older sister and younger sister (且 qiě 未 Wèi)
- 奶奶 Nǎinai - grandmother
- 如果 Rúguǒ - if, in case. [(something) like/as result/this] used with 那么 Nàme.
- 好看 Hǎokàn - nice; lit. good looking.
- 姓氏 Xìngshì - surname, Last name. [surname clan-name]
- 阿妈 Ā mā - mom; mum; mummy; woman servant. [elder mother]
- 女权 Nǚquán - Feminism, woman's rights [woman right/power]
11.39. 39. 子 zǐ
孖 學 孨 my:
- 学 Xué - to learn, school, suffix -logy (小)
- 字 Zì - letter / symbol / character / word [roof child] (宀(㇔㇔㇇))
- 孔 Kǒng - hole; aperture; opening [丿“opening” + 子 “child”] [agility child + heart] (了㇀乚)(子乚)
- 存 cún - to exist / to deposit / to store / to keep / to survive
11.39.1. c
- 学会 Xuéhuì - to learn ; institute, association ; lit. learn society/ability
- 学习 Xuéxí - study, to learn; lit. learn practice - шуэ си
- 学生 Xuéshēng - student, students, pupil, learner, scholar; lit learning livelihood.
- 学术 Xuéshù - academic, learning, science, education; lit. study technique/art
- 孔子 Kǒng zǐ - Confucius
11.40. 40. 宀 mián
㝉 守 寒 安、寧
- 家 Jiā - home, family, domesticated, suffix -er -ian -ist (豕 shǐ - a pig, boar)
- 它 Tā - it (匕)
- 定 Dìng - to set, to fix, to decide; fixed, definite; certainly, surely (正)
- 完 Wán - over, complete, to finish (元 Yuán dollar). ex. 那完了 (Nà wánliǎo) That's over
- 客 Kè - guest, visitor, customer, client; to receive friendly ; Agent suffix, indicating “one that engages in …”; objective; [宀 “roof” 夂 “walk” 口 “to talk”]
- 官 Guān - goverment official, govermental, public, organ (part of a body) [roof with many rooms] (㠯)
11.40.1. c
- 客气 Kèqì - polite, courteous
- 完事 Wánshì - to done. lit. complete job; ex. 学就完事了 - Just study and that's it.
- 官方 Guānfāng - official, officially [official
- 固定 Gùdìng - fixed, regular; to fix, to set
11.41. 41. 寸 cùn
寺 夺 尊 將
- 寺 Sì - temple, monastery, place of worship, shrine; orig. to grasp, to hold(土寸)
- 对 Duì - correct, to, at, pair, yes, to be opposite, to oppose, orderly (又 yòu) -
11.42. 42. 小(⺌、⺍) xiǎo
- 少 Shǎo - few, less, little; small, young, week; to stop, to lack, to lose, son of a rich family; orig. four dots (丿)
- 你 Nǐ - you, second person pronoun
- 尔/尓 Ěr - thou, you, your; so, this way; this, that; lit. holding small (⺈/𠂉)
- 尖 Jiān - tip; sharp, pointed, piercing; lit. small of big (大)
- 当 Dāng - when, be; to face; to turn towards; to bear; to withstand; the sound of bells. [to hit, to strike] (⺌𠃍二)
11.42.1. c
- 当前 Dāngqián - current, currently, the immediate ; lit. to hit ahead
- 小组 Xiǎozǔ - group; lit. small group
- 小于 Xiǎoyú - smaller, less than [little at]
- 小心 Xiǎoxīn - careful, beware [little heart]
11.43. 43. 尢 (尣‚𡯂) wāng
㝼 尬 尪 尷 尷、尬、尩
优 Yōu - excellent, superior; actor, actress, performer (人)
- 尤 yóu - especially, particularly; fault, flaw; to fault, to flaw;
lit. hand with a wart
- 就 Jiù - At once, then, just; to approach, to move toward, to reach, to success, to comply; on, concerning; that, as soon as; frequently used insted of 是 ; [京 a temple 尤 "especially; even more" = "high; to go to a higher place to sacrifice"] - Цзю
11.43.1. c
- 就行 JiùXíng - Just fine; [just OK] - Цзю Син
- 就是 JiùShì - just, precisely, that is. [just is]
- 优秀 YōuXiù - excellent. [excellent beautiful] - Ю Сю
- 优质 Yōuzhì - high quality [excellent quality], ex. 优质高级 (Yōuzhì gāojí) - high quality premium.
11.44. 44. 尸 shī
𡰪 局 屍、尼、尻
- 戶(户、戸)
- 尺 Chǐ - ruler, to rule; traditional Chinese utit of length (10 寸, 1/10丈)
- 屎 shǐ - shit; to stool; [person + 米 rice]
- 尽 Jǐn - to exhaust, to use up, finished, to the utmost, to the limit
- 尾 Wěi - tail; end, extremity; stern; orig. "person" + 毛 máo "hair; feather".
- 履 Lǚ - shoe, territory, to walk on, to experience, to carry out personally [fonetic 復]
- 復 Fù - to return; to recover; to resume; to revenge; to reply [彳step 复 revenge]
11.44.1. c
- 尽快 Jǐnkuài - hurry! as quickly as possible. [to limit faster]
- 尽管 Jǐnguǎn - although, despite [atall extent/tube]
- 履历 Lǚlì - Resume [personal history]
- 复仇 Fùchóu - revenge
11.45. 45. 屮 chè
㞢 屯 芔 茻 屯、屰、頓
- 艸
- 出 Chū - out; to come out; to put up; to happen (凵)
11.45.1. c
- 出现 Chūxiàn - to appear, to arise; appearance; lit. out current
- 出售 Chūshòu - to sell, offer fo sale
11.46. 46. 山 shān
乢 㞤 岀 岩 嵗、峰、
- 密 Mì - dense, tight, intimate, secret, confidential [宓 hidden at home, 必 weapon handle]
- 幽 Yōu - quiet, hidden, dark, deep and remote [something big around 幺 tiny]
11.46.1. c
- 密码 Mìmǎ - password
- 幽默 Yōumò - humor [quiet silent]; ex. 幽默老中 (Yōumò lǎo zhōng) - humorous old man
11.47. 47. 巛 (川, 巜) chuān
州 巡 災 順
11.48. 48. 工 gōng
巧 巫 㠭
- 卫 Wèi - guard, defend, protect
- 项 Xiàng - item, back of neck, thing, term (in a mathematical formula); sum (of money); classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc [工 work/neck + 页 sheet/head]
11.48.1. c
- 项目 Xiàngmù - project [item list]
11.49. 49. 己,巳,已 jǐ
导 异 改 忌 忌、龍
- 己 jǐ - self, private; orig. silk rope for binding objects.
- 已 yǐ - already; to stop, to finish; a snake or a fetus
- 巳 sì - sixth of twelve earthly branches; snake
- 记 Jì - to remember, to make a note/record; mark, sign; lit. speach bound for self
- 改 Gǎi - to change, to alter, to modify (攴攵)
- 巴 Bā - to greatly desire, to hope; a suffix for: below, behind, stickiness; orig. a huge snake.
- 吧 Ba - used at the end: why don't you, Whatever, really?!, emphasis.
11.49.1. c
- 记得 jìdé - to recall
- 已经 Yǐjīng - already [already to experience]
11.50. 50. 巾 jīn
币 帀 布 巿 常 帥、刷、砸
- 市 Shì - city, market, Municipal
- 常 Cháng - often; regular, constant (龸(⺌/火冖)吊)
- 吊 Diào - to condole; to mourn; to pity; to hang; to revoke
11.50.1. c
- 日常 Rìcháng - daily, every day [day regular]
11.51. 51. 干 gān
- 于 Yú - at, in, to, on, for, when
- 千 Qiān - thousand, kilo; many, numerous. [more than ten or “one, signifying a number”] (㇒十)
- 乎 Hū - almost, interrogative particle similar to a question mark "?"
- 刊 Kān - published, publication, to print, journal
- 平 Píng - flat, level, average, to draw, tie
- 年 Nián - the year, annual, age (𠂉厂十)
11.51.1. c
- 干活 Gàn huó - to work, to do a job (actively); lit. fuck living (like 生活 Shēnghuó)
- 平台 Píngtái - platform; lit. flat tower
- 平时 Píngshí - usually, in peacetime [flat time]
11.52. 52. 幺 (么) yāo
幻 幼 乣 樂
11.53. 53. 广 yǎn(guǎng)
床 店 府 度 座 庭 廣 廳
- 序 Xù - order, sequence; preface (of a book), foreword; introductory; lit. wide granted (予) - Сюй
- 应 Yìng - should, to respond, to comply [cover claw common] (𭕄一)
11.53.1. c
- 推广 Tuīguǎng / 广推 Guǎngtuī - promotion, popularize [push wide]
- 适应 Shìyìng - to adapt, to fit; adaptation; [fit to + to comply/respond]
11.54. 54. 廴 yǐn
延 廷 廽
- 建 Jiàn - to build, to establish, to set up, to erect; organizational; orig: a hand planting a pole into a base (聿)
11.54.1. c
- 建议 Jiànyì - suggestion, recommendation [establish discuss] ex. 建议保持 (Jiànyì bǎochí): It is recommended to keep
11.55. 55. 廾 gǒng
弁 卉 㚏 㫒
拼 pīn - join together, link, incorporate (扌shǒu hand + 并 combine)
- 并 bìng, bīng - but, to combine, to annex, to join, to merge; and, furthermore,
also, together with, (not) at all, simultaneously; lit. 丷 "to divide" + 一 "common, long time" + "two hands"
- 开 kāi - open
- 弄 Nòng - alley, lane, trick; to do, to play, to bully, to fetch, to fool with; orig. 玉 “jade” + 廾 “hands” – play with a jade artefact using one's hands.
- 廿 niàn - twenty, describing dates of the Chinese calendar. orig. U + 一 or two short lines (was used to avoid vulgar word 入 (rù), now commonly written as 日 (rì) in dialects). In Mandarin 二十 (èrshí) is usually used.
11.55.1. c
- 弄好 Nònghǎo - to finish doing; 弄好了 - done
- 开源 Kāiyuán - open source - Кай Юань
- 开始 (Kāishǐ): to start, to begin; begining; the begining
11.56. 56. 弋 yì
弑 弍 忒
- 戈
- 代 dài - to replace, to substitute replacement (of person or generation); era, generation.
- 式 Shì - mode, formula, type, style, ceremony, model, pattern, form (一工㇏丶)
11.57. 57. 弓 gōng
弜 弱 彌
- 弟 Dì - younger brother, junior male; orig. a string wrapped around a bobbin, something young
boys probably did. (丷弔丿)
- 弔 diào dì - to mourn, to hang; condole, mourn, pity; 2. to reach, to arrive; good
- 𠂔 Zǐ - to stop, (姊 Zǐ - Sister) (phonetic)
- 引 Yǐn - to quote, to lead, to pull; quoted; orig. bow string which is pulled (丨)
- 強/强 Qiáng - powerful, better, strong; strength, power, force; orig: rice weevil, an insect that attacks rice (虫)
11.58. 58. 彐(彑) jì
夛 彔 录 彖
11.59. 59. 彡 shān
形 彦 杉 須
- 手, 毛
11.60. 60. 彳 chì
𢒼 役 彼 後 徼
- 行
- 得 Dé - to get; to contract (disease); ought to ; finished, ready ; particle
showing degree, particle showing possibility [road pickup]
- 㝵 (ancient form) cowry was picked up on the road with hand > to obtain valuables (貝 cowry + 又 hand)
- 旦 Dàn - early morning, dawn ; day (旦旦 every day) ; first day of a lunar month (日 rì)
- 寸 cùn - pulse
- 街 Jiē - street; orig. road + stack of (clay, jade) tablets + step with right hand. (圭亍)
11.61. 61. 心(忄,⺗‚㣺) xīn
忌 性 悪 惢 情
- 必 Bì - to must; necessarily, certainly. [unrelated to 心, weapon handle made of bamboo strips] (丿乚丶㇒丶)
- 快 kuài - rapid, quick, speedy; fast, soon; speed; hurry up
- 夬 guài - parted; fork; certain; decisive; resolute [a hand wearing an archer's thumb ring OR grab big] (乛大 dà)
- 慢 Màn - slow, tardiness (медлительность), defer (откладывать) (慢慢 slowly)
- 曼 Màn - long, extended, vast; beautiful (曰罒又)
- 怪 Guài - strange, odd; to blame; monster, teratology
- 圣 1) Shèng - holy, sacred; sait, sage 2) kū - to dig
- 感 Gǎn - to feel, to move (someone), to affect; the feel, sense, touch, Kudzu
- 咸 Xián - salty; all, completely; orig: 戌 “axe” + 口 “mouth (person) or clay pot” (厂一口弋)
- 性 Xìng - sex, gender, nature; suffix -ity,-ness (生)
- 悤/总 Zǒng - total, gross general; always; chief, head; to assemble, to gather; orig. window closed or small dick 囪/囱
想 Xiǎng - to think, to want, to wish, to miss, to think as; would like (相)
- 相 Xiāng - to see for oneself; mutually; phase; orig: (目 eye) looking at, or
watching the tree. [tree eye]
- 怕 Pà - fear; to be afraid/scared, to be dread (白 white/blank)
- 懒 Lǎn - lazy, sluggish, drowsy (束 to bind; to tie up. orig. tree with binding 负 burden)
- 怎 Zěn - How, why, what (乍 suddenly, at first [axe chopping wood] (㇒一丨二))
- 忙 Máng - adj. busy; to hurry; [feeling of the edge/death] (亡)
11.61.1. c
- 总计 Zǒngjì - total [total calculate]
- 总共 Zǒnggòng - total [total together]
- 必须 Bìxū - must, need; to must, to have to; compulsory [must must]
- 怕了 Pàle - Scared
- 感觉 Gǎnjué - feeling; to feel (feel sleep). [feel feel/seep]
- 妖怪 Yāoguài - monster, demon [abnormal (女 sitting girl 夭 overactive; strange]
11.62. 62. 戈 gē
戉 戓 戌 戦
- 戏 Xì - play, drama, sport; to play, to show, to joke (又)
- 我 Wǒ - I, me, myself
- 找 zhǎo - to look for, to seek. orig. a hand 扌with a dagger 戈
- 成 Chéng - to become into, to succeed, to complete, to help to achieve; achievment
- 戊 wù - a halberd, the fifth of the ten heavenly stems
- 或 huò - maybe / perhaps / might / possibly / or [dagger (used to defend territory) + 囗 (“city wall”) + 一, “territory”]
11.62.1. c
- 找到 Zhǎodào - have found; lit. to seek to reach; ex. 我还是没有找到 I still haven't found it.
- 战争 Zhànzhēng - war, conflict [watch weapon knife hand pike]
- 战斗 Zhàndòu - fight [watch weapon fight]
- 或者 huòzhě - or [or person/-or]
11.63. 63. 戶(户、戸) hù
帍 戻 所 扁
- 啟/启 Qǐ - to start, to open, to enlighten, to awaken; orig. open mouth 口 + door + to tap or pattern 攵
- 房 Fáng - house, room, branch of family, sex activity lit. door + side = side room or dwelling house. (方)
- 所 Suǒ - place, office (rarely not used alone); orig. the sound of logging (door 戶, 斤 axe)
11.63.1. c
- 房间 FángJiān - Room, chamber, apartmets. lit. house room
- 所以 SuǒYǐ - so, therefore (used after comma ,); lit. sound of door after person walked with something.
11.64. 64. 手(扌、龵) shǒu
扎 払 抙 拜 拳 掌 掱 擧
- 毛
- 看 Kàn - look, to see, to look, to watch, to read, to look after (hand 目 mù eye)
- 换 Huàn - to replace, to change, to exchange; change, exchange (换成 (Huàn chéng)
Replace with/into)
- 奂 Huàn - be numerous, brilliant (央⺈)
- 打 Dǎ - to beat, to fight; dozen; at, from; dummy verb to make a verbal phrase from a noun: to make, to get (丁)
- 折 Zhé - to break off, to bend, to twist, to change direction, to suffer the lose of, to die (young), to wrap, to admire, to be convinced, to trade, to exchange, to censure, to blame; difficulty, obstacle; orig. an 斤 axe cutting a 扌tree in half.
- 把 Bǎ - to hold, to grasp; special grammar structure: to cause to, to make; Classifier for objects that can be held, abstract ideas (巴 to hope)
- 接 Jiē - to catch; orig. to receive (in 扌 the hand ) 妾 female slave. (扌妾(立女)
- 搜 Sōu - search; to search; orig. 叜 hand holding a torch in the house, now 叟 hand 又 + 𦥑申 mortar or a bolt of lightning.
- 掉 Diào - to lose, to fall, to drop, to come off, to shake, to toss.
- 卓 Zhuó, zhuō - tall and erect (早 Zǎo early, long ago).
- 担 Dān - to carry on a shoulder pole, to raise, to uncover, to dust [hand raising sun or egg]
- 挺 Tǐng - very, quite, rather, measure word for machine guns; to hold out - [廷廴 long stride 𡈼壬burden]
- 报 Bào - newspaper, journal, report; journalistic [hand written, 𠬝 ([b]ək, “to subdue”) a 又 hand subduing a 卩 kneeling person]
- 拉 Lā - La; to pull, to draw, to drag, to play the stringed instrument; drawing; extended [立]
11.64.1. c
- 打扫 DǎSǎo - cleaning. [do sweep/broom]
- 打开 DǎKāi - to open, to trun on. [do open]
- 打炮 DǎPào - to have sex. [do artillery]
- 打球 Dǎ Qiú - play ball. [hit the ball]
- 打扰 DǎRǎo - disturb. [do disturb]
- 打电话 (dǎ diàn huì) - to make a phone call
- 打算 dǎ suàn - to plan or intend. [do a plan]
- 打探 Dǎtàn - inquire. [do explore]
- 打听 Dǎtīng - inquire about. [do listen]. ex 只是打探下
- 折腾 Zhēteng - toss, do again and again. [change ?]
- 看重 KànZhòng - to value something. [to observe significance]
- 看见 KànJiàn - to see; sight. [consider meet]
- 搜索 SōuSuǒ - search; to search. [find request]
- 帮助 BāngZhù - to help; assistance. [help help] (ex. 帮助中心 Help Center)
- 换行 HuànHáng - newline, Line break. [change row]
- 担心 Dānxīn - to worry [care feeling]- Дань Синь
- 打造 Dǎzào - build, create
11.65. 65. 支 zhī
攱 攲 翅
- 皮
- 妓 Jì - prostitute, whore; lit. 女 woman support.
11.66. 66. 攴 (攵) pū
收 敍 數 斅
做 zuò - to do, to make, to be, to act, to prepare, to be used as; lit. man old hand
- 古 gǔ - old, classic, ancient (十 shí - ten, tenth; complete; perfect 口 kǒu -
mouth; open end; entrance, gate)
- 救 Jiù - to aid, to save, to rescue, to help; lit. to seek 求 + to tap
- 收 Shōu - to receive; income, harves; to collect, to put away [丩 arest + hand holding a whip]
11.66.1. c
收益 (Shōuyì) - income, profit [income benefit]
11.67. 67. 文 wén
㐎 刘 斌 斑 斕
11.67.1. c
- 文件 Wénjiàn - file, document, lit. written item ; 空文件 (Kōng wénjiàn) empty file ; 文件中 (Wénjiàn zhōng): In the file
- 文化 (Wénhuà) - culture, education, civilization, literacy; cultural (writing turn/expand)
11.68. 68. 斗 dǒu
㪳 㪲 乧 斡 𣁾
11.69. 69. 斤 jīn
斥 斦 斧 斬 斷
- 新 Xīn - new, fresh, newly; orig. cut with axe 亲 hazelnut tree.
- 亲 Qīn - relative, parent, to kiss, close, dear (立, 朩)
听 - 听 Tīng - to listen, to hear, to understand, obey (口 kǒu)
11.69.1. c
新闻 Xīnwén - news, press; lit. new smell
11.70. 70. 方 fāng
放 𣃚 旅 族
- 万 Wàn - ten thousand, innumerable, absolutely, extremely (一𠃌丿)
- 五 Wǔ - five (丅𠃍一)
- 放 Fàng - to put, to place, to discharge, to release; 方 tip of a blade + 攵 “hand, action” – an action, release.
11.70.1. c
放弃 Fàngqì - to give up, abonden it!; waiver; lit. to discharge to abandon
11.71. 71. 无 mó(wú)
旡 炁 既 旣
11.71.1. c
- 无聊 Wúliáo - boring, silly; [without speech]
- 无法 Wúfǎ - Unable to (something) [without way]
11.72. 72. 日(⺜) rì
明 冐 映 時 𣊭 旨
- 曰, 月, 白, 艮, 門, 音, 香, 骨
- 早 Zǎo - morning; good morning!;early, beforehand; orig. 日 "sun" + 十 an old form of 甲 (jiǎ), which means “first” or “armor.”
- 但 dàn - only; but, however, yet; still (亻旦)
- 旦 dàn - early morning, dawn; day; first day of a lunar month; orig:the sun (日) appearing over the horizon (一).
- 明 Míng - bright, next, clear, to understand; 明明 obviously (月 yuè)
- 時/时 Shí - time, season; era, age, period; from time to time, occasionally; lit. day pulse (寸 cùn)
- 春 Chūn - spring; lit. 龵 hand that gives something + 日 sun; orig. 艸 (“grass”) + 屯 "sprout” + 日 “sun” (𡗗) (三八日)
- 星 Xīng - star, satellite, bit, particle, small amount; (生)
11.72.1. c
- 明星 Míngxīng - star, celebrity; lit. bright star
- 但是 dànshì - but, however (used after comma ,)
11.73. 73. 曰 yuē
晉 曷 曹 曾
- 更 Gēng - more; re- in renew, replace; up-to-date; orig. 丙 shoulders, fishtail + 攴 “hand holding a whip, action”, now 中 or 日 or 雨 and 乂; гэн
- 最 Zuì - most, bottom; suffix: -est orig. 取 to grap ear + under cap 冃⺜
- 書 Shū - book, letter, document, wirting, the art of calligraphy, storytelling [writing brush + 者 Zhě] (𦘒一曰)
11.73.1. c
- 最近 Zuìjìn - recent; recently, lately; lit. most near/close
- 更新 Gēngxīn - update lit. re-new
11.74. 74. 月(⺝) yuè
- 且 Qiě, jū - moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) - Це [sacrificial vessel, erect penis, stone altar] - Це
- 县 - Xiàn, xuán - county, district, subdivision [] see. 区 Qū
- 青 Qīng, jīng - blue, green, black (of silk, hair), young; orig. 生 “growth of plants” + 丹 “cinnabar” - color of growing plants (龶土tǔ) - Цин
- 有 Yǒu - to have; there is, to exist; before a verb to emphasize that the action has been done. orig: a hand 又 holding ⺼ meat, hence “in possession of” (𠂇)
- 朋 Péng - friend, pal, companion, acquaintance
- 期 Qī - to expect; period, phase, stage; alloted, promissory. [basket + moon] (其)
- 前 Qián - ahead ago, before, forward; front, top; earlier on; [䒑丷 to know,刖 cut off (the feet)] (月moon刀knife)
- 肯 Kěn - attached to bone; to be willing to, to be ready to, to permit, to agree [冎 “bone” (止 base) + 肉 “meat”(月)]
- 背 Bèi - back; to leave, to abandon, to betray, to violate, to memorize;
unlucky; remote. [北 back-to-back + 月 “meat”]
- 服 Fú - clothes, dress; to serve, to take, to submit; mourning apparel [ 凡 (“tray”) + 𠬝 ([b]ək, “to subdue”) a 又 hand subduing a 卩 kneeling person]
11.74.1. c
- 朋友 péngyǒu - friend, friends, partner, pal, boyfriend
- 有用 Yǒuyòng - usefull; lit. have usage
- 有人 Yǒurén - someone; lit. to have a man
- 有点 Yǒudiǎn - A bit.
- 前面 Qiánmiàn - previous; ex. 前面有人说了 (Qiánmiàn yǒurén shuōle): Someone said it before
- 中肯 Zhōngkěn - pertinent [in base/permittable]
- 背诵 bèisòng - Recite
- 背景 bèijǐng - Background [back-to-back meat scene (sun building)]
11.75. 75. 木(朩) mù
札 杢 林 杉 杰 森 楽 機
- 禾
- 不 Bù not, no, не (丆丨丶)
- 否 fǒu, pǐ - not, no, negative; final particle (口)
- 保 Bǎo - insurance, protection; to ensure, to keep, to raise, to rear (呆 dull, wooden [口 mouth 木 wood])
- 殺/杀 Shā - to kill, to murder; murderous; in the extreme (㐅朩)
- 本 běn - book, this, origin, undergraduate; present; lit. something in roots (一)
- 体 tǐ - body, group, unit; inferior (人 Rén)
- 未 Wèi - not yet, not, to have not; orig. a tree not yet at full growth
- 末 Mò - the end, last
- 术 Shù - technique, art (丶)
- 根 Gēn - root, source (艮 преграда; твёрдый, крепкий)
- 茶 chá - tea, tea plant (艹人木)
- 余 - surplus, odd, remainder, I, me, after, beyound
- 果 Guǒ - fruit, result, indeed, if really (田 cultivated)
- 乐 Lè - happy; music, fun, laugh; to laugh (㇒𠃋小)
- 東/东 Dōng - east; host; eastern; cursive version of 東 [the sun (日) rising behind a tree (木)] (东一𠃋小) (東一日小)
- 機/机 Jī - machine, engine, aircraft; organic ; lit. tree stool/chair
- 桌 Zhuō - table; (卜 forecast 日 sun)
- 标 Biāo - mark, label, tag; to label; end; tip; peak; etc.; lit. tree 示 top.
- 板 Bǎn - plate; to harden; hardened; to look serious or displeased (办 sound simular) (反)
- 椅 Yǐ - chair [wood of 奇 - 大 big 可 can] - И
- 權/权 Quán - right, power, authority; tentatively [tree hand]
11.75.1. c
- 东西 Dōngxī - thing, staff, something; lit. east and west
- 杀人 Shārén - to kill; to murder; homicide
- 机器 Jīqì - machine, machinery, apparatus; lit. machine device
- 结果 Jiéguǒ - result, payoff, bottom line; to slay; lit. tied纟 lucky吉 + fruit.
- 桌面 Zhuōmiàn - desktop
- 标准 Biāozhǔn - standard, standards; lit. peak correct.
- 保持 Bǎochí - to keep; holding [hold hold] (扌hand寺temple)
- 不得 bùdé - before verb: not allowed; after verb make it negative. [not allowed]
- 本地 Běndì - local, native [this place]
11.76. 76. 欠 qiàn
欣 欽 欧 欲 歌 欣、欥
- 次 Cì - secondary; times, time, order, number, bout; orig. 二,㇌ (冫)
- 欢 Huān - joyous, happy, pleased; orig. stork雚/hand又 + a kneeling person with mouth open.
11.76.1. c
- 欢迎 Huānyíng - welcome; lit. happy to meet.
11.77. 77. 止(龰) zhǐ
欽 欧 欲 歌
- 疋, 足, 辵
- 正/𤴓 Zhèng - just, positive, correct, to correct, first month of year
- 步 Bù - "to go", to walk, to foot; walking; step, stage. orig. 止 + 止 "two foots"
- 此 Cǐ - this, these; here, now; orig. 止 “feet” + 人 “person” – where a person stops; here. [feet spoon]
11.77.1. c
- 正常 Zhèngcháng - normal, regular, ordinary; normally; OK; lit. correct ever/constant
- 正在 zhèng zài - in the middle of, currently; Emphasizes that an action is happening at the moment of speaking. [just at]
11.78. 78. 歹(歺) Dǎi
殃 殕
- 列 Liè - a list of objects, column of table; to list, to split. orig: 歹 (“skeletal remains”) + 刀 (“knife”) – to tear apart.
- 死 Sǐ - to die; deadly; rigid; [歹 evil + 匕 spoon/dagger]
11.79. 79. 殳⽎ shū
役 投 殴 殷
- 设 Shè - to set up; if, suppose, (math.) given (讠)
- 沒/没 Méi - without, not; to have not, to desappear, to die; drowned; haven't; orig. (river, whirlpool, hand) or touching weapon with a wet hand (勹/几 又)
11.79.1. c
- 设定 Shè dìng - set up, settings; lit. to set up determined
- 没有 Méiyǒu - lit. not have; no, none; to have not, not to exist; there is no…
- 没事 Méishì - lit. without meaning; fine, it's OK.
- 没了 Méiliǎo - Gone, that's all, no more
11.80. 80. 毋 (母,⺟‚毌) mú(wú)
姆 梅
- 毎、每 Měi - every, each, per… [halo mother]
11.81. 81. 比 bǐ
皆 批 毕 毖 毘 毚
11.81.1. c
比如 Bǐrú - for example [contrast as/if]
11.82. 82. 毛 máo
毟 毡 毦 毫 毳 耗
- 笔 bǐ - pen / pencil / writing brush / to write or compose / the strokes of Chinese characters / classifier for sums of money. [竹 “bamboo” + 毛 “insignificant” = classic brush]
11.82.1. c
笔记 Bǐjì - notes, note, to put down (in writing); to take down [compose a note]
11.83. 83. 氏 shì
紙 婚 氓
- 民 Mín - people, nationality, citizens; civil, folk; orig. an eye pierced by a dagger "to enslave by blinding".
11.83.1. c
民间 Mínjiān - folk, popular, nongovermental; among the people, civilian; lit. nation space
11.84. 84. 气(気, 氣)qì (ци)
氖 氝 氧 氰
11.85. 85. 水 (氵,氺) shuǐ (шуй)
氷 泳 決 治 海 演 㴇 㵘
- 永 Yǒng - forever, always, for ever, perpetually, perpetual (丶水)
- 冰 Bīng - ice (冫bīng)
- 海 Hǎi - ocean, sea, naval, oceanic (上海 Shanghai) (毎(𠂉母)
- 沒 Méi - not (勹 bāo 又 yòu) (river, whirlpool, hand)
- 汉 Hàn - Chinese, Han Dynasty, Chinese people, Chinese language (又 yòu)
游 Yóu - tour; to swim, to journey; itinerant
- 斿 - decoration hanging down from a flag; orig. a child 子 holding a flag 㫃 (to
travel) (方 fāng 𠂉子)
- 求 Qiú - to seek, to look for, to beg, to demand; please; orig. fur coat (一氺丶)
- 沙 Shā - sand; sandy, granulated. [water + 少 “to lack; to be short of”].
- 流 Liú - to flow, to drift, to spread; grade, flow. [㐬 𠫓 baby + 川 river, stream]
- 源 Yuán - source. [water 原 origin]
- 消 Xiāo - to remove, to disappear, to while away (time), to spend (money)
- 肖 to resemble [小 small ⺼meat = like hand talking]
11.85.1. c
- 流程 Liúchéng - process; lit. flow procedure
- 消灭 (Xiāomiè) - to eliminate [water small moon under fire]
11.86. 86. 火 (灬) huǒ (хо)
灯 炑 灻 燚 烹 焦 煮
- 然 Rán - however, but, nevertheless; of course; so; right, correct; orig. from 燃 “to burn” - 肰 dog meat, stupid (肉) + 火 fire - something consuming completely ( 夕犬)
- 熟 Shú - ripe, mature, cooked, familiar with, practiced; ex. 不太熟 not very known [孰享 (Xiǎng) to enjoy 丸(九丶) (wán) small round object]
11.86.1. c
然后 Ránhòu - Then, next; after; in subsequent; lit. "and then" or "in that way" "later" or burning ass
11.87. 87. 爪(⺥‚⺤) zhǎo (чжао)
爬 爯 爭 爰 爲
11.88. 88. 父 fù (фу)
斧 釜 爹 爹、爺
11.88.1. c
- 爸爸 Bàba - dad, daddy, father; (巴 Bā)
11.89. 89. 爻 yáo (яо)
爼 爾 㸚
- 爽 Shuǎng - cool, enjoyable; to feel well; clearness; lit. 大 large + 㸚 clear = alert, awake
- 㸚 lǐ - sparse and clear; to stop, to connect
11.89.1. c
希望 (Xīwàng) hope [mark hand cloth, death moon perfect]
11.90. 90. 爿(丬) qiáng (цян)
牀 奘 牃 牆
11.91. 91. 片 piàn (пянь)
牌 牒 牘
- 版 bǎn - version, edition, page, a register, block of printing, page of a newspaper (反)
- 片 - piàn, piān, pàn - slice, splinter, strip
11.92. 92. 牙 yá (я)
芽 呀 牚
11.92.1. c
- 人呀 Rén ya - people, man
11.93. 93. 牛 (牜‚⺧) niú (ню)
牟 牧 物 解
- 告 gào - "marking a dangerous bull", tell, announce, inform; orig. 牛 (“ox”) + 口, an ox head above a container to gather its blood "to pray and offer sacrifice".
- 牢 Láo - prison, pen, enclosure; firm, dependable; lit. 宀 pen, animal, yard + 牛 cow.
- 特 Tè - special, especially (土寸)
- 物 Wù - thing, matter, object, substance (勿 Wù)
- 午 Wǔ - noon, seventh earthly branch (𠂉一丿)
- 半 Bàn - "things divided in the middle"; half; halfway, partly; prefix semi- (丷二丨)
- 八 (“to divide”) + 牛 (“cow”) – to cut a cow into two halves.
- 汗 Hàn - sweat, perspiration (氵)
- 件 Jiàn - pieces, items; measure word for pieces; lit. 人 (“man”) + 牛 (“cow”) pieces of meat?
- 制 Zhì - system; to make, to regulate, to restrict; lit. to cut 刀 a tree 木.
11.93.1. c
- 制备 Zhìbèi - preparation; lit. to make a tool
- 制造 Zhìzào - to make [system make] - Чжи Цзао
- 告 gào tell, announce, inform
- 牢中 Láo zhōng - in jail
- 告诉 Gàosù - to tell. [tell tell]
11.94. 94. 犬 (犭) quǎn (цюань)
犯 狙 献 獣
- 狗 Gǒu - dog, puppy - Гоу
- 句 Jù - sentence, measure word for sentences (勹 bāo, 口 kǒu) Цзюй
- 猪 Zhū - pig, hog, wild boar (dog + 者 who, a command (耂 old 白 white))
- 狂 Kuáng - insane, mad; violent; wild (dog 王 Wáng perfect)
11.95. 95. 玄 xuán (сюань)
弦 玅 玆 䲻
11.96. 96. 王 (玉‚玊‚𤣩) wáng‚ yù (ван‚ юй)
玌 珡 弄 皇 差 聖
- 生、隹
- 主 Zhǔ - main, primary; master, host, owner; to advocate, to direct
- 注 Zhù - to fill, to record
- 玉 Yù - jade, jasper(нефрит); beautiful, pure
- 玊 sù - jade with defects ; jade carver; jade sculptor
- 王 Wáng - king, monarch
- 国 guó - nation, country, nation-state (囗 wéi erect, proud; upright; bald)
- 住 Zhù - live, dwell
- 理 Lǐ - reason, truth; to manage, to tidy; orig: "to polish jade" (𤣩里)
- 往 Wǎng - to, to go in a direction; toward; fro; past, bound ; orig. 止 “foot” + 王 + 彳 "slow"
- 差 Chà - difference, error, mission; poor, different; to differ, to lack, to make a mistake
11.96.1. c
- 主要 Zhǔyào - main, major, primary, chief; mainly; lit. main need.
- 主人 zhǔrén - Owner, the host, master; lit. main person.
- 主流 Zhǔliú - mainstream
- 差别 Chābié - the difference; to difference; lit. differ to other
- 注册 Zhùcè - registration; to register [to fill a book]
11.97. 97. 瓜 guā (гуа)
呱 瓞 瓟 㼎
11.98. 98. 瓦 wǎ (ва)
瓧 邷 瓮 甄
11.99. 99. 甘 gān (гань)
某 柑 酣
- 甜 Tián - sweet, honyed, sound (舌)
11.100. 100. 生 shēng (шэн)
牲 甡 笙 甥
11.100.1. c
- 生活 Shēnghuó - life, livelihood; to live, to get along; lit. to exist living
- 生命 Shēngmìng
11.101. 101. 用 yòng (юн)
佣 甯 勇 甩、甫
- 角
- 甬 yǒng, dòng - path (screened by walls on both sides); river in Ningbo; Ningbo [a bell] (龴)
11.101.1. c
- 使用 Shǐyòng - use; lit. make use of
- 用法 Yòngfǎ - usage, using. [using method]
11.102. 102. 田 tián (тянь)
町 㽗 思 留 壨 申
- 車, 里
- 由 Yóu - by, from, due to, because of ; cause ; to follow, to let one determine. orig. helmet (冂一丨一)
- 甲 Jiǎ - First, armor, nail, orig: turtle shell. (冂二丨)
- 申 Shēn - 9th earthly branch; to state, to extend; 3-5 p.m.; lit. a bolt of lightning (冂二丨)
- 电 Diàn - electricity; to got/give an electric shock (日乚)
- 畫/画 Huà - painting; to draw, to picture (一凵)
- 富/冨 Fù - rich, wealthy; lit. a house/roof + filled (宀畐)
- 畐 fú - (obsolate) full, filled, a kind of container or vessel (一口)
- 一口田
- 奄 Yǎn - suddenly, at once, wholly; castrate; to cover; lit. 大 "big" + 申 "extend" = to cover. (大电)
- 俺 Ǎn - informal. I, me (亻奄)
11.102.1. c
- 电脑 Diànnǎo - computer [electricity brain(moon cruel)]
- 电视 Diànshì - TV, television [electric visual]
- 电影 Diànyǐng - Movie, film, cinema [film/shadow/image/photomechanical]
- 电影院 Diànyǐngyuàn - Cinema, movie theater [film hospital/institution]
11.103. 103. 疋 (⺪) pǐ (пи)
11.104. 104. 疒 chuáng (чуан)
病 症 痛 癌 癖
11.105. 105. 癶 bō (бо)
癷 発 發 癹
- 登 Dēng - to go up; to publish, to run (a story, an ad, etc.); to ripen, to ripe [豆 raised object or stepping stone + two hands = to climb, to rise]
11.105.1. c
登录 (Dēnglù) - to login, to sign in; [to lift up to record]
11.106. 106. 白 bái (бай)
11.107. 107. 皮 pí (пи)
彼 波 玻 皯、皰、皴
- 披 Pī - Phi, to wear, to put on, to unroll, separate (扌)
11.108. 108. 皿 mǐn (минь)
盂 盉 盍 監 蘯 盃、盅
- 盘 Pán - plate, tray, dish, set, game, disk; to coil, to twist, to make over (舟)
- 盜/盗 Dào - to steal, to rob; thief, robber, bandit; orig. spitting into dash (次)
11.109. 109. 目 mù (му)
見 省 眠 眼 観 覧 盯、盱、盲
- 眼 (phonetic 艮 gēn)
- 直 Zhí - straight, directly, vertical, upright, just. orig: vertical stroke above the eye, looking straight ahead. (𠂇冂三一)
- 具 Jù - tool, equipment, device orig: 貝 “shell, money” + 廾 “two hands”.
- 算 Suàn - to calculate, to count, to plan; finally; orig: 竹 (“bamboo”) + 目 "eye" + 廾 "two hands" - counting rods or an abacus
- 睡 Shuì - to sleep, to go to bed, to sleep with(sex); [垂 土 flowers hanging from a plant] (㇒一艹士)
11.109.1. c
- 睡覺 Shuìjiào - sleep [sleep sleep]
- 项目 Xiàngmù - project [item list]
- 直接 Zhíjiē - direct, directly, immediate, straight [straight catch]
11.110. 110. 矛 máo (мао)
𡛺 柔 矜 矞
11.111. 111. 矢 shǐ (ши)
族 矩 短 雉
- 知 Zhī - to know, to perceive, to comprehend, to notify, to inform (口 kǒu)
11.111.1. c
- 知道 Zhīdào - to know, to be aware of, to see (Know path/road/way)
- 知识 Zhīshì - knowledge [知 arrow word (knowledge) 讠只 scream (knowledge)]
11.112. 112. 石 shí (ши)
岩 砂 破 砳 磊
- 码 Mǎ - code, number, yard; orig. stone + fonetic "gambling chip" (马 mǎ)
- 破 Pò - to break, to solve. orig. "stone" + "skin" (皮)
11.113. 113. 示 (礻‚⺬‚𥘅) shì (ши)
礼 奈 祭 視 禁 福 礽
- 社 Shè - society, club, group, agency; orig. "god, deity" + 土 "soil" = god of the soil
- 亍 Chù - to step with the right foot; based on.
- 神 Shén - god, spirit, deity, look, divinity; magical, supernatural; lit. altar + 申 a bolt of lightning
11.113.1. c
- 神秘 ShénMì - mystery; mysterious, mystical. [magical secret]
- 神奇 ShénQí - miraculous, magic, mystical. [magical strange]
- 社区 ShèQū - community. [group district]
11.114. 114. 禸 róu (жоу)
禹 禺 禽
- 禺 Yú - area, district; time before noon, around 9–11 a.m.; orig. 甶 (“head of a ghost”) + 禸 (“to trample”) – a kind of monkey.
- 偶 Ǒu - idol(with 像); couple, pair; even (number); I (slang, cute-sounding); accidental, image, mate
11.115. 115. 禾 hé (хэ)
利 季 科 秂 秏 禿
- 和 hé - sum, peace; add; together; to mix; hormonious (口 kǒu)
- 私 Sī - private, personal, secret (厶 sī)
- 种 Zhǒng - kind, plant, seed, species; lit. rice within
- 科 Kē - branch of study; administrative section; division, branch, field; stage directions; family (taxonomy); rules, laws; to mete out (punishment); to levy (taxes etc); to fine sb. [ grain + 斗 “measuring tool”]
- 程 Chéng - Procedure, weights and measures, measurements of all kinds; rules;
model; lit. grain submit/appear(entrance royal) (呈)
- 呈 chéng - to submit, to present, to show (口(王or𡈼))
- 稱/称 Chēng - to weigh, to call, to name; suitable (rice + 爯 a 爪 hand holding a 冉 fish or 尓 your )
- 穩/稳 wěn - stable, steady, sure, settled (㥯/急)
- 急 jí - rapid, urgent, anxious; emergency, urgency; to warry; ex. 急了 anxious. [及(⺈lack手hand +心feeling] (⺈⺕丶乚丶丶)
- 秘/祕 Mì - secret, secretary; rare; to keep secret (必)
- 秀 (Xiù) - show, beautiful, elegant; lit. 禾 (“rice plant”) + 引 (“to draw out flowers”) or 乃 resembling a fruit/an ear hanging off a plant. — blooming of a rice plant.
- 季 (Jì) - season, время года, youngest brother, Classifier for harvests. (禾 grain + 子 baby)
11.115.1. c
- 科技 Kējì - technology
11.116. 116. 穴 xué (сюэ)
突 窅 窘 窩 窶 竇
- 空 Kōng - empty, bare ; air, null, sky (工)
- 突 Tū - sudden; to dash, to charge; lit. 穴 (“cave; den”) + 犬 (“dog”) – a dog suddenly coming out of a den.
11.116.1. c
突然 Túrán - Sudden, Suddenly; lit. sudden obvious.
11.117. 117. 立 lì (ли)
- 産 竝 端 競 竸
- 站 Zhàn - station, site, to stop, to stand, to halt. orig: stand + 占 observe = tower like
- 位 Wèi - position, bits, throne, people(honorific); to arrange; to set out; lit. 亻man + 立 “stand” - standing soul
- 咅 pòu - (not used alone) to spit out; to curse at, to scold
- 音 Yīn - sound, voice, tone, news, note, pronunciation; sonic; orig. 言 “word” with something in 口 “mouth”, (日) - инь
- 意 Yì - meaning, intention, idea, desire ; to imply, to suggest (音 tone 心 heart)
- 新 Xīn - new, fresh, newly (斤)
- 亲 Qīn - relative, parent, to kiss, close, dear (朩)
- 产 Chǎn - to give birth; to bring forth; to produce; etc.; lit. something standing on the top (亠丷厂)
11.117.1. c
- 意指 Yì zhǐ - means, meaning; to import; lit. to suggest to point, idea point
- 意见 Yìjiàn - opinion, opinions; lit. intention view
- 产品 Chǎnpǐn - product, goods, output; lit. goods goods
11.118. 118. 竹 (⺮) zhú (чжу)
竺 笁 簡
- 筯 Zhù - chopsticks
助 zhù - help, aid, assist; orig. 且 erect penis + strong arm (力)
- 且 qiě, jū - moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb);
orig. sacrificial vessel, erect penis, a stone altar,
- 等 Děng - to wait; till, when; grade, rank, class, kind (寺 temple)
- 笑 Xiào - laugh, laughing, smile, laughter; to laugh, to smile; orig. “grass” + 犬 “dog” (夭)
- 簽/签 Qiān - to sign, to autograph; note, slip of paper;
- 笨 Bèn - fool; stupid; (本)
- 第 Dì - No.; prefix before a number: 第二 second; sequence, grade, degree (弟)
11.118.1. c
- 等等 Děng děng - etc. and so on,
- 助手 Zhùshǒu - assistant [help hand]
11.119. 119. 米 mǐ (ми)
料 䊏 奥 麟
- 数 Shù - number, count, figure, calculation, fate; several, the best, to count, to calculate; frequently (攵 suī 女 nǚ)
- 类 Lèi - kind, class, type; to class, to type, to sort (大)
- 断 Duàn - to break, absolutely, cut off (𠃊/乚米斤)
- 糟 Zāo - bad; dregs; draff; pickled in wine; rotten, messy, ruined [alcohol dregs] (曹(一曲曰))
- 糕 Gāo - cake, pastry [rice sheep fire] (羔𦍌灬)
11.119.1. c
- 数据 Shùjù - data. [numbers accordingto] - Шу Цзюй
- 糟糕 Zāogāo - terrible, very bad, awful, how terrible [dreg pastry]
11.120. 120. 糸 (糹)⺰纟 mì (ми)
缸 缺 㓡 窑
- 系 Xì - department; faculty; orig. tying or binding something together with strings or ropes
- 索 Suǒ - Threads (rope) 糸 being removed from a fabric 十冖.
编 Biān - to compile, to edit, to arrange; book, copy (纟扁)
- 扁 Biǎn - flat; small boat; orig: 戶 “door” + 冊 “bamboo tablets” – to inscribe
on the door.
- 冊 cè - book, volume; orig: bamboo slips strung together.
- 纸 Zhǐ - a paper; lit. silk + clan mark (氏)
- 级 Jí - level, class, grade, rank, degree; lit. silk + 及 to reach.
- 经 Jīng - to pass through; after, past; warp; classical. [a (糸 silk/thread) running lengthwise in a woven fabric] (巛/スriver工)
- 维 Wéi - to maintain, to preserve; dimension, thinking, thought [纟隹 bird]
11.120.1. c
- 检索 Jiǎnsuǒ - Search; lit. test/pickup requiest
- 维护 Wéihù - to maintain, to protect; aegis [maintain protact]
11.121. 122. 网 (罒‚罓‚⺳‚𦉪‚冈‚𠔿‚⺵‚𦉰‚罔‚㒺) wǎng (ван)
罕 䍑 䍞 𦋐 羅 罔、罕、罘
- 风
- 刚 Gāng - adv. just, barely; adj. firm, hard; (刂)
11.122. 123. 羊 (⺶‚⺷‚⺸,𦍋,𦍌) yáng (ян)
着 羞 羚 翔 羋、羌
- 美 Měi - beautiful, good, pretty; US/USA; orig. 羊 “ram or feathers” + 大 “person” (𦍌大)
- 样 Yàng - sample, kind, type, way, appearance, manner; printed (木)
- 群 Qún - group, herd; group theory; numerous, many; Classifier of groups; to hang out with. [君(尹口) mouth and hand holding a rod + 羊 sheep]
11.122.1. cn
- 美丽 Měilì - beauty; beautiful, pretty
- 这样 Zhèyàng - such, this way…, like this; lit. this kind
11.123. 124. 羽 yǔ (юй)
習 翀 翁 翔
11.124. 125. 老 (耂) lǎo (лао)
孝 耇 㐗 耋 考、耆
- 者 Zhě - by, person, one who does, suffix -er, -ist, -or; orig. end of a command (猪 Zhū - pig) (耂 old 白 white or 日 sun)
- 教 Jiào - teaching, class, religion ; to teach, to instruct [old + 子 child + 攵攴 hand with something]
- 考 Kǎo - to check, to test, to have an exam [old man hardly leaning on a cane]
11.124.1. c
- 考试 Kǎoshì - examination, to have an exam [test test]
- 考虑 Kǎolǜ - consider [test concern]
11.125. 126. 而 ér (эр)
耎 耍 耐 耑
11.126. 127. 耒 lěi (лэй)
耔 耝 耨 耰
11.127. 128. 耳 ěr (эр)
聞 職 聶
- 职 Zhí - position, office, duty (to hear 只 口+八 airflow coming out of a mouth)
- 取 Qǔ - to take, to get, to fetch, to seek, to aim; orig. 耳 “ear” + 又 “hand” - to take an enemy's ear and carry it in one's hand - Цюй
- 敢 Gǎn - dare; dare to [乛grab 耳 ear 攵 hand, orig. 彐 snout + mouth + hand]
- 闻 Wén - to hear, to smell, to listen; famous; story, smelling (门)
- 聊 Liáo - to chat, to kill time, to rely on; just, slightly (卯 sacrifice by cut in half or form of gates.(㇒𠃋丿卩))
11.128. 129. 聿 (⺻, 肀) yù (юй)
𦘒 律 書 衋
11.129. 130. 肉 (⺼) ròu (жоу)
肏 𦞳 𦞴 腅 脤
- 胜 shèng - victory, to win; beautiful(scenery), woderful(view) [meat produce] (⺼生)
11.129.1. c
胜利 Shènglì - victory [win profit]
11.130. 131. 臣 chén (чэнь)
臥 宦 臦 蔵
11.131. 132. 自 zì (цзы)
臫 息 臬 臲
11.131.1. c
- 自己 Zìjǐ - Own, oneself, self. [self self]
11.132. 133. 至 zhì (чжи)
致 臸 臺 臷
- 到 Dào - to arrive, to reach ; up [至 to arrive + 刂 dāo knife]
- 倒 Dào - to fall, to fail, to go bankrupt, to change (trains or buses), to move around, to resell at a profit [one reach]
11.132.1. c
至少 Zhìshǎo - At least … (establishing a minimum threshold) [until few] - Чжи Шао
11.133. 134. 臼(𦥑) jiù (цзю)
桕 舅 舂 插
11.134. 135. 舌 shé (ше)
舍 舐、舑
- 話/话 Huà - to talk, words, word, dialect, speach ; lit. 讠word/tangue + tangue
- 甜 Tián - sweet (甘 gān)
- 适 Shì - suitable, proper, to fit, to suit
- 乱 Luàn - disorder, chaos; disorderly; lit. tongue + 乚 go to hidden.
- 活 Huó - to live, to make live, to work, to sex, to produce; living, flexible; work, job; lit. tangue with water (氵)
11.134.1. c
适合 (Shìhé) - suitable; to suit, to fil; consort. [fittable combine]
11.135. 136. 舛 chuǎn (чуань)
舛 舜 桀 舞
11.136. 137. 舟 zhōu (чжоу)
航 船 艉 艦
11.137. 138. 艮 gēn (гэнь)
垦 䬶
- 很 Hěn - very, quite, much [彳 step strong]
- 良 Liáng - good, beautiful; very; excellent
11.138. 139. 色 sè (сэ)
色 艴 艷
11.139. 140. 艸 (艹‚⺿‚⻀) cǎo (цао)
落 幕 薬
- 草 Cǎo - damn!; grass, straw; rough, careless, hasty (早)
- 花 Huā - a flower, a bloom, to spend, flowery [grass + 化 person (亻) + spoon]
- 英 Yīng (艹cǎo央Yāng。central 冂大) - Britain, a flower, brave
- 茶 chá - tea, tea plant (人木)
- 苦 Kǔ - bitter, painful, miserable; the pain; to suffer; painstakingly; lit. "bitter plants" (古)
- 节 Jié - knot, node, joint, festival; (卩 seal)
11.139.1. c
- 苦手 Kǔshǒu - "bitter hand," used to describe someone who is not good at something
- 节目 Jiémù - TV/show program
11.140. 141. 虍 hū (ху)
虐 彪 虒
- 虎 Hǔ [卜厂匕几] - Tiger
- 虛/虚 Xū - virtual, false, empty, weak; void, emptiness; in vain (业) - Сюй
11.141. 142. 虫 chóng (чун)
蚯 蚓 強 触 䖵 蟲
- 蛇 Shé - snake, serpent (它 Tā - it (宀匕))
11.142. 143. 血 xuè (сюэ)
洫 衁 衅 衆
11.143. 144. 行 xíng (син)
衍 術 䡓 衝
- 彳亍 (Chì chù) - walk slowly. to step with left foot to step with right foot (彳亍)
11.144. 145. 衣 (衤) yī (и)
初 被 装 裁 複
- 装 Zhuāng - to dress, to pretend, to install; dress (装的 pretending) (壮(丬士) strong 衣)
- 补 Bǔ - repair; to fix; to compensate; to recompense; to make up for; etc.” (卜)
11.144.1. c
- 补丁 bǔdīng - patch [repair nail]
11.145. 146. 西 (襾,覀) xī (си)
栗 䙳 票 覊
- 要 Yào - to want, to ask for; important; orig: a woman (女) with two hands pointing to her midsection [west/cover woman]
- 嫖 piáo - prostitute, whore, Yao
- 票 Piào - ticket; coupon; lit. cover + 示 reveal/altar. (Piào)
- 漂 Piào - to drift, to roam, come to nothing, to bleach; rinse (氵)
11.145.1. c
漂亮 Piàoliang - pretty, beautifyl; lit. roaming bright
11.146. 147. 見,见 jiàn (цянь)
覞 親 覺 觀
- 现 Xiàn - now, cash; current; to appear, to manifest, to become visible; lit. briliant meeting moment (王 wáng)
- 觉 Jué - to sleep, to feel; sleep; orig. 𦥯 (pair of hands + marks 𦥑冖爻) (小⺍small+冖cover)
11.146.1. c
- 现在 Xiànzài - right now; Nowadays; present. lit. now at
- 现代 Xiàndài - modern; lit. current generation/era
11.147. 148. 角(𧢲) jiǎo (цзяо)
觚 觕 觥 觸
- 确 Què - correct, indeed; true, real, accurate; lit. right high/horn(石) - Цюэ
- 解 Jiě - solution; to solve, to untie, to divide, to remove; solving ; lit. horn 刀 knife 牛 cow = to cut up.
11.147.1. c
确实 Quèshí - indeed!; really; real, true. [accurate fact] - Цюэ Ши
11.148. 149. 言 (訁)讠 yán (янь)
䚰 訌 詔 評 詗 詥 誩 譶
- 词 Cí - word, term
- 講/讲 jiǎng - talk, to talk, to speak, to tell, to speak (language), to explain. [word neat] (井)
- 语 Yǔ - language, speach, dialect; spoken (吾)
- 吾 wú - I, my (五 + 口 mouth)
- 谢 Xiè - to thank, thank-you (射 Shè)
- 试 Shì - to try, to test; test, experiment, exam, experimentation (式 standard)
议 Yì - to discuss, to talk; to argue; negotiated [讠word乂intersect/regulate丶fast]
- 义 1. right conduct; righteousness; justice; morality; ties 2. 叉 Chā fork; to
use a fork; to pick up with a fork; (乂丶)
- 谨 Jǐn - sincerely, respectfully; orig. a person being burned in a sacrificial ceremony (堇)
- 该 Gāi - Should, ought to; to owe (亥 - depiction uncertain, grass root, a pig in 12 Earthly Branche)
- 诉 Sù - to tell [word scold/opposite](斥斤丶)
- 认 Rèn - to recognize, to know, to understand; to acknowledge; to accept; to agree (讠speech + 人 person = have contact)
- 识 Shí - knowledge; to know, to record; awarness [speach 只just/simply]
11.148.1. c
- 试过 Shìguò - tried; lit. try passed; 试过了 (Shìguòle) used too.
- 认识 Rènshí - to know (someone) [know/agree know/aware]
11.149. 150. 谷 gǔ (гу)
谿 豀 卻 焀
11.150. 151. 豆 dòu (доу)
豈 豇 豎 豐
11.151. 152. 豕 shǐ (ши)
豖 豚 豩 燹
- 象 Xiàng - elephant, appearance, shape; to resemble, to seem; like; ⺈ the trunk + heade and body.
- 像 Xiàng - picture, image, likeness; to be like; similar to;
11.151.1. c
好像 Hǎoxiàng - it seems, quete like
11.152. 153. 廌 (豸) zhì (чжи)
豹 貌 貓 貈 貉
11.153. 154. 貝(贝) bèi (бэй)
財 賊 賜 贛 貧 貨 賏 贔
- 责 Zé - responsibility, duty, to blame
- 負/负 Fù - to carry, to bear, to burden, to go against, to lose; negative (wealth + 勹 bending over)
- 員/员 Yuán - member, suffix for professions; 〇 indicating the top edge of a 鼎 (ding) - round; Original from 圆 (口)
- 则 Zé - but, then; criterion, rule, regulation; to follow; Classifier for news, writings, stories; [cooking or sacrificial rituals] (刂)
- 测 Cè - to test, to measure [water regulation] (氵则)
- 账 Zhàng - account. [valuable long hair] (长)
- 货 Huò - goods, merchandise, products. [化 Huà transform + money = valuable goods]
- 败 Bài - to lose, to be defeated; failure; faulty. [贝 “cowry shell” falling off the 攵 “hand, action”]
- 贵 Guì - expensive, costly, precious, valuable [中一 tight around column + money]
11.153.1. c
- 账号 Zhànghào - account number
- 负面 Fùmiàn - nagative
11.154. 155. 赤 chì (чи)
赫 赧 赭 赬
11.155. 156. 走 (赱) zǒu (цзоу)
赴 趲
- 起 Qǐ - to rise, to start, to begin; lit. walk self (己,巳 jǐ) - Ци
- 趣 Qù - interest; interesting; lit. to hasten (walking) towards an object of interest. (取 ear hand) - Цюй
- 超 Chāo - overtake, ultra, super lit. 走 run + 召 to call out (knife mouth)
11.155.1. c
- 超市 Chāoshì - supermarket
- 超级 Chāojí - super
- 超到 Chāo dào - overdue, surpass, exceed; lit. over reach
11.156. 157. 足 (⻊) zú (цзу)
䟔 䟖 跀 跖 踀 趴、趵、趷
- 踢 Tī - Kick; to kick (易 “to change; to alter” (日勿 “ blood on a knife;”))
- 易 Yì - easy, gentle; easily; to exchange; to interchange; to change; to alter;
11.156.1. c
- 足够 Zúgòu - enough; ex. 这就足够了 this is enough [enough enough]
11.157. 158. 身 shēn (шэнь)
躬 躲 軀
- 射 Shè - to shoot, ejaculate, to cum (寸 cùn)
11.158. 159. 車,车 chē (чэ)
軌 軟 較 䡛 轟 軋 軍
- 软 Ruǎn - soft; flexible; pliable; soft; gentle; mild; relaxed [car + 欠 to cower]
11.158.1. c
软件 (Ruǎnjiàn) - software; [soft pieces/items]
11.159. 160. 辛 xīn (синь)
辜 辟 辣 辦 辡
11.160. 161. 辰 chén (чэнь)
辱 唇 脣 農
11.161. 162. 辵 (辶,⻌,⻍) chuò / zouzhi (чо, цзоучжи)
巡 𨑨 𨑬 追 逃 迎 進
- 道 Dào - path, road, street, method, technique, way, Taoist ; to say, to talk (首 shǒu)
- 这 Zhè - this, these; now, here; orig. 辶 “walk” + 言 = was to meet, then changed.
- 还 Hái - still, yet, also, besides, else ; to return, to pay back; any more; lit. not for a long time (不 Bù 辶)
- 进 Jìn - to enter, drilling, to advance [to go in order] (井)
- 过 Guò - to pass, to pass through, go across; verbal complement: over ; particle: already, again [pass 寸 pulse]. 不过 (Bùguò) but
- 送 Sòng - to deliver, to send; lit. closed during distance (关)
- 逼 Bī - to pressure, narrow, crowded lit. long + container 畐(一口田)
- 迟 Chí - late, dalayed, slow
- 迎 Yíng - to meet, to welcome (卬 a man standing and a man kneeling)
- 造 Zào - to make, to build, to invent, to educate, to train [辶 to walk, 告 to announce]
- 通 tōng tòng - pass through, common, communicate; classifier for an activity [pass path] (甬)
- 选 Xuǎn - selected; to choose; selection [先 - 牛 cow 儿 son]
- 退 Tuì - to retreat, to return, to quit [艮 blunt/tough + move out]
11.161.1. c
- 还是 háishì - still, still is, or; nevertheless; lit. also is
- 牛逼 Niú bī - Awesome, Terrific. (informal)
- 傻逼 Shǎbī - Idiot. lit. stupid vagina/narrow
- 装逼 Zhuāng bī - Show off, Pretentious. [pretend vagina]
- 这么 Zhème - so; such; lit. here what
- 这个 Zhège - this, this one
- 迟到 Chídào - to be late; behindhand. [late arrive]
- 进入 jìnrù - enter [enter enter]
- 过去 Guòqù - past, old; previous, former, elapsed; to go over, to elapse; adv. out [pass leave]
- 通用 Tōngyòng - Universal, current, in common use, interchangeable [pass use]
- 选择 Xuǎnzé - picking; to choose, to select [select select]
11.162. 163. 邑 (阝) yì (и)
邦 郎 郭 鄉
- 哪 Nǎ - which, what, final particle (口 kǒu)
- 那 Nà - than; that; those; how
- 冄 rǎn - tender; weak; gradually alternating (𠃌二丿)
- 都 Dōu - all, both; capital; entirely (者 Zhě)
- 部 Bù - classifier of computer/devices/films/literature; department, ministry; section, part [咅 to spit out 阝palace]
11.162.1. c
- 那么 Nàme - so… ; lit. that oh
- 那个 Nàgè - that [that one]
11.163. 164. 酉 yǒu (ю)
酊 酗 酒 醒 酸
- 配 Pèi - to match, to join, to deserve, to mix; 酉 (“alcohol vessel”) + 卩 (“kneeling person”).
11.163.1. c
- 配置 Pèizhì - configuration; lit. tomatch setup
11.164. 165. 釆 biàn (бянь)
番 悉 釉 釋
- 來/来 Lái - to come, to arrive; incoming [木tree 从from or 未 not yet 丷 to distinguish]
- 采 Cǎi - to pick, to collect; collection, picking, gathering [爫 hand grabbing 木 tree]
- 菜 Cài - vegetable, dish, cuisine [艹 grass/plant + 采 picked]
11.164.1. c
- 采购 Cǎigòu - Purchase [Pick buy]
11.165. 166. 里 lǐ (ли)
- 重 Zhòng - prefix: re- ; heavy, important ; weight, iteration; again; to double, to repeat ; orig: a man carrying heavy 千 bags standing on the ground.; lit. big measure (㇒一里)
- 董 dǒng - to direct, to supervise; director, supervisor (艹weed重a man carrying bags)
- 懂 Dǒng - Understand
- 單/单 Dān - single, odd; alone, only; list, sheet, bill; [Y-shaped wooden stick with rope around, collection of simple things: 甲 turtle shell + 丷 divide + 十 finish/armor] (丷日十)
11.166. 167. 金 (釒)钅 jīn (цзинь)
釓 釔 釞 釗 釙 釘 釥 鍂 鑫 𨰻
- 键 Jiàn - a key, button, door bolt, lock bolt; key; etc.(建)
- 链 Liàn - chain (连)
- 连 Lián - even, repeatedly; to connect; company; orig. man-drawn carriage (辶车)
11.166.1. c
链接 Liànjiē - Link/links [chain to catch]
11.167. 168. 長, 镸,长 cháng (чан)
髟 肆 镽 镾
11.168. 169. 門,门 mén (мэнь)
閃 閄 閊 𨳍 問 闁 𨶹
- 们 men - plural marker for pronouns (人)
- 问 Wèn - to ask, to inquire; unsolved; question [when we look at the door we ask the question] (口)
- 简 Jiǎn - simple, terse, succinct, letter (竹 zhú 亇)
- 間/间 Jiān - between, among; room; to separate; measure word for rooms (日 Rì)
11.168.1. c
- 问题 Wèntí - problem, issue, matter, topic. [question problem]
- 简单 Jiǎndān - simple, simplicity, easy, simply, casual [simple one]
11.169. 170. 阜 (阝‚𨸏) fù (фу)
阪 阻 陘 院 险 陳
- 陆 lù - land (凵; 手扌hand) or mountain with eath?
- 防 Fáng - to defend, to protect
- 阻 Zǔ - to block; obstacle (阝a row of hills + 且erect penis)
11.169.1. c
- 阻止列表 (Zǔzhǐ lièbiǎo) - [block stop list chart]
11.170. 171. 隶 lì (ли)
- 逮 Dǎi - to catch, to arrest
- 康 Kāng - peaceful
- 隸/隶 Lì- slave
11.170.1. c
- 奴隶 Núlì - a slave [a 又 hand capturing and ordering a 女 woman around + 隶 slave]
11.171. 172. 隹 zhuī (чжуй)
隺 倠 集 雙 雔 雥 雦 隻、隼、隽
- 唯 wéi - only. 唯一 wéiyī [only one]
- 谁 Shéi - who?,whose,anyone,whoever (言讠yán - word)
- 难 Nán - disaster, difficulty, problem; difficult, hard, troublesome (又)
- 集 Jí - set, collection; to collect, to gather; collected ; orig. three birds on tree (木)
11.171.1. c
- 集合 Jíhé - collection, set; to gather, to assembly (set combine)
11.172. 173. 雨(⻗) yǔ (юй)
雪 電 霝 霜 靐 䨻
- 需 Xū - to need, to require, to want; necessary, necessity; required; orig. a person (天) under the rain (雨) (而)
11.172.1. c
需要 Xūyào - need, want, demand; to need, to want; required [need want]
11.173. 174. 青, 靑 qīng (цин)
靕 靖 靚 靜
- 请 Qǐng - to ask, to request, to invite, to hire; please, kindly; orig. word + 青 green (讠) - Цин
11.174. 175. 非 fēi (фэй)
剕 靟 靠 輩
11.175. 176. 面 (靣) miàn (мянь)
勔 靦 靧 靨
11.175.1. c
- 面试 Miànshì - interview [face test]
11.176. 177. 革 gé (гэ)
靴 鞍 鞅 鞍 鞭
11.177. 178. 韋,韦 wéi (вэй)
韌 韓 韜 韞
11.178. 179. 韭 jiǔ (цзю)
韱 䪤 韲
11.179. 180. 音 yīn (инь)
歆 韶 𩐠 䪭
11.180. 181. 頁,页 yè (е)
項 順 須 領 頭 頩 頂 顨
- 题 Tí - question, title, problem; to inscribe (是 exist 页 headache)
- 须 Xū - to must, to have to; necessary; beard, palpus lit. 彡 bristle + 页 head
11.180.1. c
11.181. 182. 風,风 fēng (фэн)
颱 飄 颩 䬕 飍 颭、颮
11.182. 183. 飛,飞 fēi (фэй)
𢝵 𢞵 飜 飝
11.183. 184. 食 (飠‚⻞)饣 shí (ши)
飯 飲 餓 餘 餐 養 my:
饭 fàn - cooked rice; food, meal
- 反 fǎn, fān - reverse, opposite, contrary, anti (又 yòu - and, also, again, in
11.184. 185. 首 shǒu (шоу)
馗 馘
- 道 Dào - road, method, way, Taoist, to say (辶 chuò 首 shǒu)
11.185. 186. 香 xiāng (сян)
䭯 馥 馨 馫
11.186. 187. 馬,马 mǎ (ма)
馰 馴 馽 駐 騳 驫
- 码 Mǎ - code, number (石 shí)
- 吗 Ma - final interrogative particle for question, morphine (口 kǒu)
- 骂 Mà - to chide; to blame; to curse; to swear;(吅neighbor/argue)
11.186.1. c
咒骂 Zhòumà - curse
11.187. 188. 骨(⻣) gǔ (гу)
骼 髒 髀 骿 骾
11.188. 189. 高 (髙) gāo (гао)
㪣 髚 髛 髜
- 搞 Gǎo - to do, to make, to get, to set up, to engage in. lit. 扌hand + phonetic 高
11.188.1. c
搞定 Gǎodìng - to get done. lit. duing fixing. ex. 搞定了 -I made it.
11.189. 190. 髟 biāo (бяо)
髮 鬚 鬆 鬍 髦
11.190. 191. 鬥 dòu (доу)
鬧 鬪 鬬 鬮
11.191. 192. 鬯 chàng (чан)
鬰 鬱
11.192. 193. 鬲 lì (ли)
䰙 鬶 鬷 鬸
- 隔 Gé - to separate, to block; partition; after an interval of, at a distance from; orig. a row of hills (阝) + pottery
11.193. 194. 鬼 guǐ (гуй)
魂 魁 鬽 魄
11.194. 195. 魚,鱼 yú (юй)
魜 魞 䰲 魝 𩵚 䲆 鱻 䲜
11.195. 196. 鳥,鸟 niǎo (няо)
鳫 鳮 鳱 鳳 鳴 鳿 雞 鳴 鴻 鴛
11.196. 197. 鹵,卤 lǔ (лу)
卥 卣 鹼 鹽 䴝
11.197. 198. 鹿 lù (лу)
塵 麃 麋 麉 麟
11.198. 199. 麥,麦 mài (май)
麴 麵 麱 麨 麺
11.199. 200. 麻 má (ма)
麽 麼 魔 㸏
11.200. 201. 黃,黄 huáng (хуан)
黊 黌
11.201. 202. 黍 shǔ (шу)
黏 黎 䵚 黐
11.202. 203. 黑(黒) hēi (хэй)
䵝 默 點 黛
11.203. 204. 黹 zhǐ (чжи)
黺 黼 黻
11.204. 205. 黽,黾 mǐn (минь)
鄳 鼈 黿 鼆
11.205. 206. 鼎 dǐng (дин)
鼏 鼒 䵻
11.206. 207. 鼓 gǔ (гу)
鼕 瞽 鼗 鼘
11.207. 208. 鼠(䑕) shǔ (шу)
鼢 鼣 鼤 鼺
11.208. 209. 鼻 bí (би)
鼼 劓 鼽 鼿
11.209. 210. 齊(斉)齐 qí (ци)
齋 齏 齎 齏
11.210. 211. 齒(歯)齿 chǐ (чи)
䶚 齡 齠 齗
11.211. 212. 龍(竜)龙 lóng (лун)
龑 聾 龖 龘
11.212. 213. 龜(亀)龟 guī (гуй)
龝 䶰
11.213. 214. 龠 yuè (юэ)
䶳 𦒈 龥 龤
11.214. 215. 业 Yè
- 亚 Yà - Asia; second, inferior, subordinate
- 显 Xiǎn - to show, obvious; prominent; conspicuous; visible; to appear; to manifest; to display;
11.214.1. c
- 显示 (Xiǎnshì): display; to show, to display, to demostrate. lit. obvious reveal
12. I, you, he (pronouns)
- 我 – wǒ – я - I / me / my
- 你 - nǐ - ты - you
- 您 - nín – Вы (вежливое обращение к одному человеку)
- 他 - tā – он - he / him
- 她 - tā – она - she
- 我们 - wǒ men - мы - us
- 它 - tā - it - refers to inanimate objects or animals (personal pronouns)
- 它們/它们 (tāmen) - they, them
- 你们都不 (Nǐmen dōu bù) - None of you
12.1. possession
- 我的… (wǒ de) my
- …是我的 (shì wǒ de): … is mine
- 令尊 (lìngzūn) - your father - (respectful) your
12.2. some, all
- 同 Tóng - same
- 有人 Yǒurén - someone, somebody
- 都 Dōu - all, both; capital; entirely
- 都是夜猫子 (Dōu shì yèmāozi) - They are all night owls
自己 (zì jǐ) - A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that refers to another noun or pronoun (its antecedent) within the same sentence.
- 他喜歡他自己 (Tā xǐ huàn tā zì jǐ) - He likes himself.
- 我自己喜欢 (Wǒ zì jǐ xǐ huàn) - I, myself, like it.
13. This, that (Demonstrative pronouns)
Singular | Plural |
这个/這個 zhège this | 这些/這些 zhèxiē these |
那个/那個 nàge that | 那些 nàxiē those |
- 這/这 (zhè) - this, these (most common nowadays.) - Чжэ
- 這個/这个 Zhège - this one - Чжэ Гэ
- 辶 (chuò) - walk; walking;
- 文 (wén, wèn) - literature, culture, writing
- 斯 is ancient Chinese language usage
- 此 is more used in writing language.
- 那 (nà) - That
- these zhè xiē - 这些
- those nà xiē - 那些
- 哪 (nǎ) - Which.
- 本 (Běn) - this, myself, current
- 本身 (Běnshēn) - itself
- 就 (Jiù) - that; on ; then ; 就是 (Jiùshì) - that is
plural marker
- 哪些 [nǎ xiē] - which ones - used without a classifier
- jǐ (几; 幾, "some, several, how many") takes a classifier.
place 里/儿
- 这里 [zhè li] here
- 那里 [nà li] there, that place
- 哪里 [nǎ li] where
- 这儿 [zhèr] here
- 那儿 [nàr] there
- 哪儿 [nǎr] where
- Northern Chinese people usually say "哪儿,这儿"
- Southern Chinese people often say "哪里,这里"
- 里 (Lǐ) - here
- 他人 (Tārén) - others people
- 其他的 / 其他 (Qítā de) - other thinks; lit. thing other
- 其余 (Qíyú) - rest; lit. it remains
- 其他人 (Qítā rén) - other people
这样 (Zhèyàng): such; so, this way, like this
这么 (zhème): adv. so, like this, this way; adj. such.
别 (Bié): other …; do not
- 个别 (Gèbié): individual, few, specifi, one or two; respectively, individually
13.1. 这 vs 本 vs 今
- 这个人 (this person - the third-person)
- 这位法官 (Zhè wèi fǎguān): this judge (the third-person)
- 这间公司 (Zhè jiān gōngsī): this company (the third-person)
- 本人 = this person (the first-person) –> this person (I myself)
- 本官 = this judge (the first-person) –> this judge, (I myself)
- 本公司 = this company (the first-person) –> this company (our company)
- 这个星期六 - Zhège xīngqíli - this Saturday (this)
- 本週六 - Běn zhōu liù - this Saturday (current)
- 今個世紀 - Jīn gè shìjì - today centery (now in this centery)
- 本世紀 - Běn shìjì - this century, in this century
- 今年 - Jīnnián - this year
- 本年度 - Běn Niándù - the current year (year degree,spend,time)
13.2. ex
there 那儿 - Nà'er (That Son)
- 这儿 (this Son)
- 这里 (this inside)
那个房子是我的。(Nàge fángzi shì wǒde) The house is mine.
这个啊 (Zhège a) - This one
那你试试 (Nà nǐ shì shì): Then give it a try
13.3. links
14. Movement
- 回 huí - to return
- 来 Lái - to come back, to arrive; incoming
- 去 Qù - go away, leave, depart
- 回去 Huíqù - go back (to self)
- 回来 Huílái - return (to us)
- 回家 (Huí jiā) - Come back home
15. Hello, common, self-Introduction, no meaning, shopping
15.1. hello
- Hello
- 你好 (nǐ hǎo) - for regular, for equal
- 你们好 (Nǐmen hǎo) - for more than one person
- 您好 (Nín hǎo) - for respect
- 哈啰 - ha1 lo5 - Hello
- 欸 (Āi): Hey!
- 很高兴认识你 (hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ) - nice to meet you. [very happy know you]
- 你吃饭了 or 吃饭了 (Chīfànle) - Hello in traditional or Northern China.
- 大家好 (Dàjiā hǎo) - Hello everybody! lit. 'big family good'
- 大家 does mean 'everyone'
- 家人们,… (Jiā rénmen) Dear friends, … [family members]
- Good morning!
- 早 Zǎo
- 早上好 (Zǎoshàng hǎo)
- Good evening! - 晚上好 (Wǎnshàng hǎo) [night previous good]
- Good night. - 晚安 (Wǎn'ān) - [night secure]
- 欢迎来到 (Huānyíng lái dào) - Welcome to …
- 欢迎 Huānyíng - welcome (happy tomeet)
- 来到 Lái dào - to come (come arrive/reach)
- 请进 (Qǐng jìn) - Please comein/enter.
- 请坐 (Qǐng zuò) - Please sit down.
- 好吗?(Hǎo ma) - How is (it)?
- 不错 (Bùcuò) - Ok, not bad.
- 有啥新东西? (Yǒu shà xīn dōngxī?) What's new? lit. Have what new thing?
最近怎么样?(Zuìjìn zěnme yàng) - "how have you been lately?" [most near how like]
see 15
15.1.1. ex
各位家长、同学们好。 (Gèwèi jiā zhǎng, tóng xué men hǎo.) — Dear parents, classmates hello.
我们开始吧 (wǒmen kāishǐ ba) Let’s get started!
你 好 吗? (Nǐ hǎo ma?) Are you OK?
15.2. good bye
- 再见 (Zàijiàn): goodbye - Цзайцзянь
- 再 again
- 见 see, meet
- 拜拜 (Bàibài): Bye-Bye
- 回头见 (Huítóu jiàn) - See you later. lit. Later meet.
- 再见 (Zàijiàn): goodbye. lit. Again/another meet.
- 明天见 (míngtiān): see you tomorrow
- 初次见面 (Chūcì jiànmiàn): Nice to meet you. lit. First time meeting.
- 认识你很高兴 (Rènshí nǐ hěn gāoxìng)
- It's nice to meet you. lit. Recognize you very glad.
- 珍重再见 (zhēn zhòng zài jiàn)- formal goodbye; lit. “so long and farewell.”
- (Hǎo lèi, shuìjiào shuìjiào)
- So tired, go to sleep
15.3. common
- 也是 (Yěshì) - Too, also
- 乞讨 (qǐ tǎo) - begging, to beg (begging discuss)
- 这个了 (Zhègele) - This is it. ; 就这个了 (Jiù zhègele)
- 哪里人 (Nǎlǐ rén) - Where are you from? lit. where person?
- 需要 (Xūyào) - need, want, demand; to need, to want, to demand; required
- 我需要钱 (Wǒ xūyào qián) I need money
- 我忘了 (Wǒ wàngle) - I forgot.
- 算了 (Suànle) - forget it.
- 算了, 不折腾了 (Suànle, bù zhētengle) - Forget it, don’t bother anymore
- 没事了 (Méishìle) - never mind, forget it, it's OK. lit. don't metter this.
- 看错了 (Kàn cuòle) - I was wrong; lit. saw wrong.
- 我不管 (Wǒ bùguǎn) - I do not care (no care)
- 无所谓 (Wúsuǒwèi) - doesn't matter (no place meaning)
- 我不在乎 (Wǒ bùzàihū) - I do not care (no exist almost)
- 足够了 (Zúgòule) - That's enough! lit. sufficient enough
- 好久不见 (Hǎojiǔ bùjiàn) "Long time no see" Haven't seen [you] in a long time.
- 好久不 見 (Mandarin traditional), 好 耐 冇 見 (Cantonese).
- 你干了啥 (Nǐ gànle shà) What did you do? (什么 shénme)
- 这要看情况 Zhè yào kàn qíngkuàng - it depends on the situation (it want look condition) - Кань Цин Куан
- 真的吗 Zhēn de ma - Really? (real of) - Чжэнь Дэ Ма
- 我在开玩笑 Wǒ zài kāiwánxiào - I am kidding (I in joke/fun(open play laugh))
- 附近有地铁吗 Fùjìn yǒu dìtiě ma? - Is there a subway nearby? (nearby have subway)
- 请快一点儿 Qǐng kuài yīdiǎnr - please hurry up - Цин Куай И Дянь Эр
- 例如, Lìrú, - for example … [example like]- Ли Жу
- 看看这个 Kàn kàn zhège - check this out! - Кань Кань Чжэ Гэ
- 看一下这个 Kàn yīxià zhège - look at this! - Кань И Ся Чжэ
- 跌个毛啊 (Diē gè máo a): What a loss/shame. [fall piece hair surprise!]
- 慢走 màn zǒu - take care on the way. [slow walk] - Мань Цзоу
- 我知道了 (Wǒ zhīdàole) - I know now = I got it
- 有了 (Yǒule) - Got it
- 明白了 (Míngbáile) - Got it
- 懂了 (Dǒngle) - understood, got it
- 弄好了 (Nòng hǎole) - done, finished; lit. done good
- 可以了 (Kěyǐle) - That's it, OK!; lit. may with - Кэ И Лэ
- 你怎么了?(Nǐ zěnmeliǎo) - What's wrong with you? lit. you how now?
- 原来如此 (Yuánlái rúcǐ) - I see. lit turn out to be, in this way (accordingto this)
- 有道理的 (yǒu dàolǐ de) - it makes sense. lit. have reason
- 同性恋 (Tóngxìngliàn) - homosexual love
- 同性 (Tóngxìng) - homosexual (same sex/gender)
- 熟女乱伦 (Shúnǚ luànlún) - MILF Incest. lit. skilled woman chaos relationship
- 怎么你了 (Zěnme nǐle) - What's wrong with you?
- 令人不爽 (Lìng rén bùshuǎng) - Disgusting; lit. cause (command man) not cool
- 期待了 (Qídàile) - Looking forward to it
- 点东西 something(abitof staff/things)
- 你猜猜看 (Nǐ cāi cāi kàn) - Guess it!
- 你猜 (Nǐ cāi) - you guess!
- 猜猜看!(Cāi cāi kàn!) - guess!
- 别当混蛋!(Bié dāng húndàn!): Don't be an asshole!
- 啥情况 (Shà qíngkuàng): what's going on. [what situation]
- 只是打听下 (Zhǐshì dǎtīng xià): Just asking around, just explore
- 只是打探下 (Zhǐshì dǎtàn xià): 下 indicate that brieflity or without much formality.
- 2024年 你们在干嘛 (Nǐmen zài gàn ma): in 2024, you in doing ma?
- (Wǒ hǎoxiàng míngbái nǐmen de yìsile)
- I seem to understand what you mean.
- lit. I seem understand your meaning
- 意思 (Yìsi) meaning, sense, fun (meaning think)
累死我了。 。 。 (Lèi sǐ wǒle): I'm exhausted. . .
- 累 (Lèi) - tired, weary; to accumulate, to tire; heap
- 死 (Sǐ) - to die; deadly; rigid;
谢谢。OK。我去看看 (Wǒ qù kàn kàn): I gonna go see
哟,谁家小孩来了 (Yō, shéi jiā xiǎohái láile)
- Oh, whose kid is here? (lit. whose family kid has come)
- 小孩 (xiǎo hái) - Means "child" or "kid".
别这样吧 (Bié zhèyàng ba): Don't be like this
全場一折 全 - all 折 Zhé discount
- (zhè zhǒng bùhuì méi gǎnjué ā )
- I don't feel this way.
- (Qióng qūmen xiànmùle ma )
- Poor maggot have been envious?
这狗狗是真 要废了押
- (Zhè gǒu gǒu shì zhēn yào fèile yā)
- This dog really needs to be jailed
- this dog really want wasted arrest
15.4. Дамы и господа:
- 先生 - xiānsheng - господин
- 先生们 - xiānsheng men - господа
- 女士 - nǚshì - дама, lady, madam, Ms., Miss
- 女士们- nǚshì men - дамы
- 太太 Tàitài - Mrs
see 32.7 male:
- 同志 (tóng zhì) - товарищ
- 同志们 (tóng zhì men) - товарищи
- 朋友 (péng yòu) - друг
- 朋友们 (péng yòu men) - друзья
- 同事 (tóngshì) - коллега, colleague
- 同事们 (tóngshì men) - коллеги, colleagues, coworkers
- 兄弟們 (Xiōngdìmen) - Bros
- 男性 (nánxìng) - n. male
- 佬们 (Lǎomen) - guys
15.5. Self-Introduction 自我介绍 (zìwǒ jièshào)
请问您贵姓?(Qǐngwèn Nín guì xìng): May I ask your family name?
15.5.1. first name 名字 Míngzì
- 你叫什么?(Nǐ jiào shénme).
- 你叫什么?/ 你叫什么名字?(Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì) Как тебя зовут? - Ницзяошэньмэминцзы
- 你 - Nǐ - Ни - ты -
- 叫 - jiào - цзяо - зовут
- 什么 - Shénme - шэньмэ - what
- 名字 - Míngzì - минцзы - first name. lit. name symbol
- 我是季马 (Wǒ shì Jìmǎ): Я Дима
- 我叫 Tim (Wǒ Jiào Tim): меня зовут Тим
- 我的名字 … (wǒ de Míngzì): My first name is …
- 我姓 Johnson. (Wǒ xìng): My last name …
15.5.2. last/fimily name 姓 Xìng
姓 or 姓氏 (XìngShì) - Last name
last name (go first) (one character)
- Lee 李 Lǐ
- Chan 戈 chǎn
first name (second) (two or one)
- Bruce 小龙 xiǎo Lóng
- Jackie 龙 lóng
to refer to other or to address those who they don’t know well.
- 李先生 (Lǐ xiānsheng) – Mr Li
- 张经理 (Zhāng jīnglǐ) – Manager Zhang
- 王老师 (Wáng lǎoshī) – Teacher Wang
- 您贵姓?(Nín guì xìng) – “(What’s) your noble family name?”
- 你姓什么?(Nǐ xìng shénme) – “You’re surnamed what?”
- 我姓… (Wǒ xìng …) – “My surname is…” (literally, “I am surnamed”)
15.5.3. full name
名稱 Míngchēng - name weigh/name
中文/英名全名 (zhōngwén/yīngmíng quán míng) - chinese/english full name
- 全- full
15.5.4. Intoduction, summary:
- 我姓 … (wǒ xìng): my last name or family name (син)
- 我叫 … (wǒ jiào): my first name(if two characters) or full name) (тьао)
很高兴认识你 (Hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ): Nice to meet you
- 很高兴 (Hěn gāoxìng): very glad[high prosper]
- 认识你 (rènshí nǐ): to know you
你贵姓 (Nǐ guìxìng): What is your (honorable) surname?
你叫什么名字? (Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì):
- What is your name? (What are you called?) You called what firstname?
15.5.5. intro
15.6. no meaning
see 15.7
- 只 (Zhǐ) - just. ex. 我只用过这个(Wǒ zhǐ yòngguò zhège): I just used this.
- 哈哈哈 (Hā) - hahaha (口合unity)
- 呀 (Ya) - ah (口牙)
- 啊 (A) - ah
- 唉 (Āi) - Oh; Alas, …
- 是啊 (Shì a) - yeah
- 哦哦 (Ó ó) - oh oh
- 哟 (Yō) - Yo, oh
- 唔 (Wú) - Hmm, “Not” prefix.
- 马马虎虎 (Mǎmǎhǔhǔ) - so so - Ма Ма Ху Ху lit. "horse" and "tiger" - way to describe something as just okay or mediocre.
- 嗯嗯 (Ń ń) - Uh-huh; yeah, yeah! (恩 kindness; mercy; charity 因 depending on)
- 哇塞 (wāsài) - Wow! lit. wow stuff!
- 哇 (wā) - Wah, Wow
- 爆!(Bào) - Explode! Bomb! wtf!;爆! 毛是改革派 (Bào! Máo shì gǎigé pài): bao! Mao was a reformist.
- 那好吧 (Nà hǎo ba) - Oh well
- 有那么 (Yǒu nàme) - So, lit. so that what …
- 那么 (Nàme) - adv. So… ! ; lit. that eh/what!
- 哎呀 (Āiyā) - Oops, …
- 哎 (Āi) - Why, Hey, Alas
- 呗 (Bei) - just, Okay, to chant; 开呗 (Kāi bei): Open it, let's open it.
- 所以 (Suǒyǐ) - so … , forasmuch ; therefore; as a result of (place by/with/because)
- 嗷嗷确实,… (Áo'áo quèshí,) - Aaaaaaaah indeed, …
- 太对了 (Tài duìle) - exactly
- 真 (Zhēn) - really, trully, indeed; true, real
- 说得 (Shuō dé): should say (Speak must) …
- 不错 (Bùcuò) - no bad
- 土豪 (tǔháo) - rich rednecks
- 我嘞个去 (Wǒ lei gè qù) - what the hell (go)
- 我的天那 (Wǒ de tiān nà) - OMG!
- 胡说八道 (Húshuō bādào) - total nonsense (why say bad way)
- 开心果 (Kāixīn guǒ) happy person (pistachio nut)
- 一下 (Yīxià) … a bit, … for a moment
- 可能吧 (Kěnéng ba) - Maybe
- noob
- 菜鸟 (Càiniǎo) newbie (dish bird)
- 新手 (xīn shǒu) - beginner, newbie (new hand)
- 笨蛋 (bèn dàn) - idiot, fool (stupid egg)
- 门外汉 (mén wài hàn) - outsider, layman (gate outside chinese)
- 弱鸡 (ruò jī) - weakling, wimp (weak chicken)
- 无脑 (wú nǎo) - brainless, mindless (no brain)
- 小白 (xiǎo bái) - little white, inexperienced
- 牛B or 牛逼 (niúbī) - fucking awesome (cow pussy) - Ню Би
- 多少次多少次 (Duōshǎo cì duōshǎo cì) - how many times… how many times…
- 多少次多少次,你还是这样做 (nǐ háishì zhèyàng zuò)
- "how many times, how many times, you still do it this way." (lit. you still such do)
祝你有美好的一天 ☕️
- Zhù nǐ yǒu měihǎo de yītiān ☕️
- Have a nice day ☕️
- ❤️Zhù nín hé nín suǒ ài de rén píng'ān xìngfú!
- ❤️Wishing you and your loved ones peace and happiness!
啊…好吧 A… Hǎo ba - ah… ok
唉,巨硬 (Āi, jù yìng): Oh, so hard.
15.7. emphasis particles
哦 (ó):
- At Begining: doubt, realization or understanding
- Example: 哦,我忘记了我的手机 - Oh, I forgot my phone.
- (Ó, wǒ wàngjìle wǒ de shǒujī)
- Example: 哦,我忘记了我的手机 - Oh, I forgot my phone.
- At End: informality, warmth, friendliness
- Example: 好好玩,但小心点哦。- It's fun, but be careful.
- (Hǎo hǎowán, dàn xiǎoxīn diǎn ó.) xiǎoxīn carefull 点 a little bit
- Example: 好好玩,但小心点哦。- It's fun, but be careful.
- 呢 (ne) - question, but often used in a more casual or friendly tone.
- At the begining: 呢,你喜欢吃苹果吗? - So, do you like eating apples?
- At the end: 你喜欢吃苹果呢? - Do you like eating apples, huh?
15.7.1. end of sentence
- 吗 (ma)
- 了 (le) - change in state or a completed action.
啊 (ā): surprise, excitement, or emphasis.
- Example: 我刚刚看到一只大熊啊! - I just saw a big bear!
- (Wǒ gānggāng kàn dào yī zhǐ dàxióng a)
吧 (ba): request, command or soften suggestion.
- Example: 我们去吃饭吧 - Let's go eat. We go eat.
- (Wǒmen qù chīfàn ba)
嘛 (ma): sense of "it's okay" or "never mind".
- Example: "没关系嘛,下次再来" (It's okay, we can come again next time)
啦 (la): finality or completion
- Example: 我已经吃完饭啦。- I've already finished eating.
- (Wǒ yǐjīng chī wán fàn la)
15.7.2. begining of sentence
哇 (wa): strong emotions, such as excitement, surprise, or admiration.
- Example: 哇,这个景色真漂亮。 - Wow, this view is really beautiful.
- (Wa, zhège jǐngsè zhēn piàoliang.)
15.8. navigation
- 我去 Wǒ qù - I'm going to … - Во Цюй
- 左拐 Zuǒ guǎi - turn left
- 右拐 Yòu guǎi - turn right
- 一直走 Yīzhí zǒu - go straight (always walk)
- 厕所 Cèsuǒ - toilet/washroom/WC (toilet place) - Цэ Со
- 洗手间 Xǐshǒujiān (wash hand space) - Си Шоу Цзянь
- 酒店 Jiǔdiàn - hotel - Цзю Дянь
- 银行 Yínháng - bank
- 地铁站 Dìtiě zhàn - metro station. ground iron station
- 号 Hào - number… or No.
- 路 Lù - road
- 弄 Nòng - alley, lane; 弄好了 done
15.9. shopping
- 多少钱 Duōshǎo qián - How much is it? (much few money?) - До Шао Цянь
- 太贵了 Tài guìle - too expensive - Тай ГуйЛэ
- 我不要 Wǒ bùyào - I do not want…
- 买单 Mǎidān - to pay the bill (tobuy sheet) - Май Дань
- 发票 Fāpiào - bill/invoice/receipt (issue ticket) - Фа Пяо
- 我随便看看 Wǒ suíbiàn kàn kàn - I just look around. - Во СуйБянь Кань Кань
15.9.1. ex
- Wǒ shì sīkǎo liángjiǔ mǎi de
- I bought it after thinking for a long time
- I am think alongtime bought.
15.10. Bon Appétit
- 吃好喝好 chī hǎo hē hǎo - eat well and drink well
- 慢慢吃 màn màn chī - eat slow
- 请慢用 qǐng màn yòng - here is your meal/drink, enjoy it. lit. please have it slow
- 吃吃吃 chī chī chī - eat, eat, eat
- Wǒ de míng zì yòng zhōng wén zěn me dú?
- How to say my name in Chinese?
- Wǒ de míng zì jiào shén me? Yòng zhōng wén zěn me dú?
- What is my name? How to read in Chinese?
15.11. slang
15.11.1. common slang
- 哈喽 hālóu - Hello
- 拜拜 bāibāi - Bye Bye
- 牛 niú - Awesome; 牛啊 (Niú a): Awesome!
- 六 liù - Awesome
- 牛逼 Niú bī - Awesome; lit. awesome pussy
- 酷 kù - Cool
- 好捏 Hǎo niē - Cool; lit. So pinched; 这个好捏
- 非常炫酷 (Fēicháng xuàn kù) - Very cool [very show off ruthless]
- 老家 Lǎojiā - hometown, place of origin (old home/family/school)
- 有木有 yǒumùyǒu ― innit, damn right
- 二逼 èrbī - Stupid Person, Idiot
- 贱逼 Jiàn bī - bitch, cunt, lit. cheap narrow/vagina
- 哥们儿 gēmenr - Dude, Bro
- 卖萌 màiméng - Be Deliberately Cute
- 同志 tóngzhì - Homosexual - well-known and mostly inoffensive word “comrade”
- 海归 hăiguī - lit. sea return. - A Person Who Left China And Came Back With New
- 干掉 Gàndiào - kill, Get rid of
- 射爆了 shè bàole - to cum
- 太热了 Tài rèle - too hot
- 太烫了 Tài tàngle - too hot. ex. 太烫了,不行! too hot, now way!
- 男的女的 Nán de nǚ de (male female)
- 男娘 nán niáng - boy and girl, shemale
- 死逼 Sǐ bī - Damn it, … ; lit. Die hard
- 滚远点 Gǔn yuǎn diǎn - Leave far away
- 母猪 Mǔ zhū - sow, pig
- 母狗是骗子 Mǔgǒu shì piànzi (bitch is a liar)
- 母狗 Mǔgǒu - bitch, bitchs. [mother/female dog]
- 骗子 piànzi - scammer, cheater
- 多儿 Duō er - Dear; ex. 多儿,你好美 - Dear, you are so beautiful!
- 蛋蛋 Dàn dàn - balls
- "tm" - abbreviation for "太慢" (tài màn) "too slow" or "too inefficient"
- 哇靠 Wa kào - Wow, holy shit
- 妈的 Mā de - Oh shit, damn
- 妹子 Mèizǐ - girl, sister
15.11.2. Experienced
- 灯泡 dēngpào (A Third Person Spoiling A Date)
- 放鸽子 fàng gēzi (To Stand Somebody Up)
- 癞蛤蟆 làiháma (An Ugly Boy)
- 青蛙 qīngwā (An Ugly Boy)
- 绿茶 lǜchá (A Girl Who Is Seemingly Innocent But Actually Manipulative)
- 变态 biàntài (Pervert)
- 土豪 tŭháo (Nouveau Riche)
- 凡尔赛 fán’ĕrsài (Humblebrag)
- 娘炮 niángpào (An Effeminate Man)
- 学霸 xuébà (Top Student)
- 夜猫子 yèmāozi (Night Owl) - lit. night cat
- 拜金女 bàijīnnǚ (Gold Digger)
- 拜金女 bàijīnnǚ (Gold Digger) - A materialistic woman who likes to spend money
- 月光族 yuèguāngzú (People Who Spend All Their Money Before Their Next Payday
- 撒狗粮 săgŏuliáng (Be Lovey-Dovey In Public)
- 爱豆 àidòu - Idol
- 白嫖 Bái piáo - free whoring. (嫖 - visit a prostitute) [white prostitute]
- (original meaning) to visit a prostitute without paying money
- (slang) to receive goods and/or services without paying
- ex. 各种白嫖的LLM api :(
- 性拉满 Xìng lā mǎn (sexually satisfied)
- 傻白甜 shǎ bái tián (silly white sweet)
- 懵逼 Měng bī - [confused vagina/narrow] The facial expression you need to make when you encounter an abnormal event that you can't handle - Мэн Би
- 肛塞 Gāng sāi - anal plug
15.11.3. 网络语言 Wǎngluò yǔyán - Internet spoken language
- 狗頭 (Gǒutóu) - 1) lit. dog head. alt. forms 🐶. 2) Denotes that the preceding statement is sarcastic; /s
- 囧 jiŏng (Awkward, Embarrassed) - lit. window
- 88 (Bye Bye) - 八八 bābā, like 拜拜 bāibāi!
- 3Q (Thankyou) - 三Q (sān Q)sounds like “thankyou”
- 250 (èrbăiwŭ) - Stupid person, idiot - 二逼 èrbī
- 赞 (zàn) - To “like”. lit. “to praise”. used for when you hit the “like” button.
- 亲 (qīn) - Dear. A term of endearment used online.
- 萌萌哒 (méngméngdā) - Adorable.
- 大神 (dàshén) - Guru
- 孔雀女 (kŏngquènǚ) - Spoiled Rich Girl From The City. “peacock girl”
- 凤凰男 (fènghuángnán) - Country Boy Who Marries A City Girl
- 火星文 (huŏxīngwén) - lit. “Martian language”, Internet Language Used To Speak In Code so that other people don’t understand or to avoid censorship.
- 94 九四 (jiǔ sì) - “precisely,” “exactly” 94, 我知道。- Yes, I know (就是 (Jiùshì))
- MM “girl” as well as “sister.” (妹妹 Mèimei – younger sister)
- GG “boy” or “brother,” (哥哥 Gēgē – older brother)
- PMP it refers to someone who may just be flattering you and may not be completely
truthful about the situation. ( 拍马屁 pāi mǎ pì - patting the horse’s backside or
bootlicker or a suck-up)
- 你不要在我面前PMP拍马屁. (Nǐ bùyào zài wǒ miànqián)
- Do not flatter me. You must not in I front.
- 250 or 二百五 (èr bǎi wǔ) - idiot
- 阿猫阿狗 (ā māo ā gǒu) - “anyone and everyone.” The origins came from Ancient
China, wherein 阿猫 (ā māo) and 阿狗 (ā gǒu) were often used as nicknames for
people. similar to the English expression of “any Tom, Dick or Harry,”
- 导演不会找阿猫阿狗当女主角.
- (Dǎoyǎn bù huì zhǎo āmāo'āgǒu dāng nǚ zhǔjiǎo)
- The director would not just find anyone to be the star actress.
15.11.4. alternative spelling
- 啥 (shá) - What - shortened version of 什么 shénme
- 咋 (ză) - How - 怎么 zĕnme
- 歪果仁 wāiguŏrén (Foreigner) - Instead of 外国人 wàiguórén.
- 然鹅 rán’é (However) - Instead of 然而 rán’ér.
- 神马 shénmă (What) - Instead of 什么 shénme.
- 肿么 zhŏngme (How) - Instead of怎么 zĕnme.
- 男票 nánpiào (Boyfriend) - Instead of 男朋友 nánpéngyŏu.
- 女票 nǚpiào (Girlfriend) - Instead of 女朋友 nǚpéngyŏu.
- 盆友 pényŏu (Friend) - Instead of 朋友 péngyŏu
- 辣鸡 làjī (Rubbish, garbage) - 垃圾 lājī
- 滴 (dī) - 的 pronounced as di - 好滴 (hǎo di) - okay
15.11.5. 250 二百五 idiot history
Previously in China, the square holes in copper coins were used to string them together. 1000 coins stringed together was a 吊 (diào).
Half of a diao or 半吊子 (bàn diào zi) was used as slang to talk about someone who was inadequate.
As a way to describe themselves, modest Chinese scholars went a step further and took half of the half, hence the 250 二百五 (èrbǎiwǔ)- to show they were real idiots.
16. Thank you & sorry & please & i love you
16.1. thank you, hard work, kind
- 谢谢 (xiè xiè): Сесе ; 谢谢大 (Xièxiè dà) Thank you so much
- 多谢 (duōxiè): Thanks a lot (multi-thanks)
- 多谢拉 (Duōxiè lā)
- 感谢 (Gǎnxiè): thank you very much! (feel thanks)
- 感谢 厉害! (Gǎnxiè lìhài): Thank you, you are amazing
- 厉害 (lìhài): is used to describe the person who has a special and extraordinary skill, or is able to do things that others can't do, is also a widely used mantra praise in people's real life society.
- 感谢 厉害! (Gǎnxiè lìhài): Thank you, you are amazing
- 哪里哪里 (nǎlǐ nǎlǐ): you’re too kind. lit. Where where. Нали нали
- bù, bù, bù - 不 - A rough pronunciation would be bhoo bhoo bhoo.
- 辛苦 (xīnkǔ) стараться из всех сил, тяжело трудиться
- 辛苦了 (xīnkǔ le): благодарю за работу; мы молодцы, отличная работа
- 辛苦你了 (xīnkǔ nǐ le): спасибо тебе, благодарю тебя зато, что ты сделал
- 喜闻乐见 (Xǐwénlèjiàn): Happy to hear and see, happy to hear
- 您太客气了。(Nín tài kèqìle): You are too kind was.
- 欢迎。(Huānyíng): welcome, всегда пожалуйста.
- 不客气 (Bù kèqì) - you are welcome. Don't be polite (quest smell). Не благодарствуй.
- 沒什么。(Méishénme): It's nothing.
- 不用谢。(Bùyòng xiè): Don't thanks. no need to thank. you are welcome.
- 不用客气,(随时)为你效劳。
- (suíshí) wèi nǐ xiàoláo:
- I'm at your service (any time)
- 好的, 谢谢你, 我看看
- (Hǎo de, xièxiè nǐ, wǒ kàn kàn):
- Okay, thank you, I'll take a look
16.1.1. ex
16.2. please, asking
请 Qǐng - please
行吗 xíng mǎ - Okay ma?
- 请教 (Qǐngjiào): please teach, consult …
- 请问 (Qǐngwèn): please question, …
救救我! (Jiù jiù wǒ): Help me!
请教 的 时间 …(Qǐngjiào de shíjiān) please tell what time …
请问,牛奶在什么地方 (Qǐngwèn, niúnǎi zài shénme dìfāng)
- please question, milk at where place? Excuse me, where is the milk?
我问个问题, … (Wǒ wèn gè wèntí): I ask one question,… Let me ask a question, ….
问一下,… (Wèn yīxià) I would like to ask, … [ask one cast]
求助,… (Qiúzhù) Ask for help, … lit. to beg help
请帮我在 .. (qǐng bāng wǒ zài…) : please assist me in …
姐妹们 帮个忙 谁会 (Jiěmèimen bāng gè máng shéi huì) Sisters, do me a favor, who will?
- 姐妹 (Jiěmèi) - sister [sister sister]
- 帮个忙 (bāng gè máng) - do me a favor [help one busy]
- 谁会 (shéi huì) - who can/will
16.3. I love you
- 我爱你 Во ай ни Wǒ ài nǐ
- 我 - я Wǒ
- 爱 - люблю ài
- 你 - тебя nǐ
16.4. sorry
- 不好意思 Bù hǎoyìsi - Excuse me (no good meaning think) - minor offenses - Бу Хао И Сы
- 对不起 Duìbùqǐ — Sorry (right no raise) (unworthy) - formal and serious. - Дуй Бу Ци
- 抱歉 Bàoqiàn — adj. I sincerely apologize, Feel sorry (to hold regret) - Бао Цянь
- 是我的错 shì wǒ de cuò — It’s my fault - Ши Во Дэ Цо
- 我错了 Wǒ cuòle — I was wrong; lit. I wrong - Во Цо Лэ
- 看错了 (Kàn cuòle) - I was wrong; lit. saw wrong.
- 是我不对 Shì wǒ bùduì — It’s my bad. (is my wrong)
- 打 da rao yi xia? TODO
- 打扰一下 (Dǎrǎo yīxià) - excuse me; lit. to disturb one time
- 没关系 Méiguānxì – It doesn't matter (without to concern line) - Мэй Гуань Си
- 别担心 (Bié dānxīn) — Don’t worry about it. (don't bear heart) - Бе Дань Синь
- 担 dān - burden, load, carry, shoulder
- 别 xīn - don't, other, another
16.4.1. ex
- Wǒ lái wǎnle, bù hǎoyìsi!
- I came late, sorry about that!
- Zhège fángjiān tài luànle, duìbùqǐ
- This room is too messy, I’m sorry.
- Wǒ wàngle nǐ de míngzì, zhēn duìbùqǐ
- I forgot your name, I’m so sorry.
- Wǒ yuēhuì chídàole, duìbùqǐ
- I’m late for our date, I’m sorry.
- Wǒ hěn bàoqiàn tīng dào zhège xiāoxī!
- I’m so sorry to hear this news!
- Wǒ kāihuì chídàole, zhēn bàoqiàn!
- I was late for the meeting, sincere apologies!
- Nà shíhòu shì wǒ bùduì
- That time was my bad.
17. Questions
17.1. what how who
- what? - shén mē? - 什么? - what ma? шень мэ
- 何 Hé - what; adv. how, why; which; to carry
- 多么? - Duōme - how/what (wonderful etc)
- 孰? - shú - what? which one? who?
- ex: 你想吃什么?(Nǐ xiǎng chī shén me?) - l: you think eat what? What do you want to eat?
- who? - shéi - 谁?- Шуй
- 是谁? Shì shéi? - Ши Шуй
- 何人 Hérén - who
- ex: 你认识谁?(Nǐ rènshí shéi?) - Who do you know? lit. you know who?
- where? - nǎ lǐ - 哪里?
- 在哪里? zài nǎ lǐ? - около какой район?
- 哪儿? Nǎ'er - where
- ex: 你住在哪里?(Nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ?) - Where do you live? lit. you live in where?
- why? - wèi shén me? - 为什么? - для чего? lit. for what ma?
- ex: 你为什么不去上班?(Nǐ wèishénme bù qù shàngbān?) - Why aren't you going to work?
- ex: 你为什么要去?(Nǐ wèishénme yào qù?) - Why do you want to go?
- 因为 Yīnwèi - because!
- 怎么 (Zěnme) - how, why, what
- 怎么样 (zěn me yàng) - how/why/what is it
- 怎样 (zěn yàng) - short of 怎么样
- 如何 (rú hé) - as what? (formal/written) - Жу Хэ. when 如何 in the end of
- 好没 (hǎo méi) - good not?
sentence ,it means 'what about'
- ex: 这道菜怎么样?(Zhè dào cài zěn me yàng?) - How is this dish?
- ex: 怎么办?(Zěn me bàn?) - What to do?
- ex: 怎么做?(Zěn me zuò?) - How to do?
- ex: 你怎么说的?(Nǐ zěn me shuō de?) - How did you say it?
- ex: 你怎么说了?(Nǐ zěn me shuō le?) - Why did you say it?
- Which? - nǎ - 哪?
- 哪个 (nǎ ge)
- 哪些 (nǎ xiē) - which ones
- Ex: 你喜欢哪个颜色?(Nǐ xǐ huān nǎ ge yán sè?) - Which color do you like?
- Ex:你喜欢哪些电影?(Nǐ xǐ huān nǎ xiē diàn yǐng?) - Which movies do you like?
- when? - Shénme shíhòu - 什么时候?-
- ex. 你什么时候回来?(Nǐ shén me shí hou huí lái?) - When are you coming back?
- whose? - Shéi de? - 谁的?
- how many?(>10) - 多少 ? (Duōshǎo) - (many few)
- ex. 这个苹果多少钱?(Zhè gè píng guǒ duō shǎo qián?) - How much does this apple cost?
- how many?(<10) - 几 ? (Jǐ) - (several)
- ex. 你有几个兄弟姐妹?(Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè xiōng dì jiě mèi?) - How many siblings do you have?
- how much? - 多少钱? (duō shǎo qián)
- how long? - 多久 /多长时间 (duō jiǔ /duō cháng shí jiān)
- how old? (>10) 多大 (duō dà)
- how old? (<10) 几岁 (jǐ suì)
请问 Qǐngwèn / 请问您 Qǐngwèn nín / 请问你 Qǐngwèn nǐ - Excuse me, May I ask …
写好没 (Xiě hǎo méi) lit. write, OK? - Have you finished writing?" or "Is it written well?"
干嘛 Gàn ma - what for? 干嘛删它 (Gàn ma shān tā): wtf you delete it?
17.1.1. ex
- where do you live? - nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ? - 你住在哪里?
- what is this? - zhè shì shén mē? - 这是什么?
- 孰真孰假 - shú zhēn shú jiǎ - what is true and what is fake
- where is he? tā;tuó zài nǎ er? - 他在哪儿?
- 他是谁? tā shì shéi? Who is he?
- 你有几个孩子? - Nǐ yǒu jǐ gè háizi?
- how many sons do you have?
- 有 - Have - yǒu
17.2. 吗 (ma), 呢 (ne), 吧 (ba) - interrogative particles
吗 (ma), 呢 (ne), 吧 (ba)
- go at the end of a sentence.
- can form questions.
- are pronounced in neutral tone.
- 吗 (ma) is used to turn statements into yes-no questions.
- 呢 (ne) is mostly used to turn statements into queries (amongst other things).
- 吧 is confirm statemen. right?
吗 (ma)
- 可以吗 Kěyǐ ma - …, May I?
- 你是李先生吗?
- Nǐ shì Lǐ Xiānshēng ma?
- Are you Mr Li?
- 你会中文吗?
- Nǐ huì Zhōngwén ma?
- Do you speak Chinese?
- Do you know Chinese??
- 这里有洗手间吗?
- Zhèli yǒu xǐshǒujiān ma?
- Is there a toilet here?
- 这是你的吗?
- Zhè shì nǐ de ma?
- Is this yours?
- 中肯吗
- zhōngkěn mǎ
- Is it pertinent? Уместно?
呢 (ne)
- 你呢?
- Nǐ ne?
- And you?
- 我呢?
- Wǒ ne?
- What about me?
- 这些东西呢?
- Zhèxiē dōngxi ne?
- What about these things?
- 你为什么不去呢?
- Nǐ wèishénme bù qù ne?
- Why aren't you going?
- 他有什么不喜欢吃的呢?
- Tā yǒu shénme bù xǐhuan chī de ne?
- What is there that he doesn't like to eat?
- 好吗 Hǎo ma - …, ok?
- 暗示谁呢 (ànshì shéi ne): "Who are you hinting at?"
- 暗示 (ànshì): "to hint" or "to imply." [dark to show/indicate]
"㗎" (gā) - This is a Cantonese sentence-final particle that adds emphasis or a questioning tone to the statement.
17.3. common questins
How old are you?
- 年龄多大 (niánlíng duōdà) - age much-big?
- 你多大年纪了? (Nǐ duōdà niánjìle?) - you much-big age was?
Answer: 回答 (Huídá) [return answer]
- 小于18 (Xiǎoyú) - smaller [little at]
- 45以上 (45 Yǐshàng) - Over 45 [by upper]
- 这是啥 (Zhè shì shá) What is this?
- 你好吗? (nǐ hǎo ma) - how are you?
- 最近怎么样? (zuì jìn zěn me yàng) - "how have you been lately?" [most near how like]
你会做菜吗? (Nǐ huì zuò cài ma?) - you able cook dish/food?
17.4. ex
那意思 … 吗?
- Nà yìsi … ma?
- Does that mean … ?
这个是什么意思呢 (Zhège shì shénme yìsi ne): What does this mean?
不知道为啥 (Bù zhīdào wèi shà) - Don't know why. lit. Not know for what.
这样吗 (Zhèyàng ma) - Is this so?
能 … 吗? (Néng ma) Can I …?
- (Zěnme zhème fèi shíjiān)
- How so spend/wasteful time.
- Why is it so time consuming?
哪里人 (Nǎlǐ rén): where are you from?
你说呢 (Nǐ shuō ne): You say waa?
会怎么样 (Huì zěnme yàng): what will happen?
- Will what kind?
- (Zěnme yòng zhōngwén shuō)
- How use Chinese say …
- (Zhège zěnme shuō?)
- How do you say this?
- (Qǐngwèn, zěnme shuō'nǐ hǎo ma'?)
- please question, how say: … ; How do you say 'how are you'?
- Zhè huì yǒu rén mǎi mǎ
- Will anyone buy this?
- lit. This will exist man buy?
18. Verbs 动词 Dòngcí (move word)
18.1. list
- 有 yǒu - to have
- 是 shì - to be, this, yes/right, indeed (是日 shìrì this day)
- 日 sun
- 止 foot, stop, exact
- 就是 Jiùshì - lit. right is; 这就是中国 (Zhè jiùshì zhōngguó): This is China.
- 成为 (chéng wéi) - to be, to become, to turn into; lit. become for/to/as
- 做 zuò - to do, to make
- 故 (gù) an effect by doing something.
- 古 gǔ old, classic, ancient
- 攴(攵) suī rap, tap
- 故 (gù) an effect by doing something.
- 使 shǐ - to make, to cause, to enable. ex. 好使(Hǎo shǐ): Very useful
- 看 kàn - (hand eye/look/see) "to see" or "to watch", objects are typically
inanimate (i.e. not people). Watch the news 看新闻 Kàn xīnwén.
- 看一下 (Kàn yīxià) - to take a look. 看了一下 (Kànle yīxià): I took a look
- 见 jiàn "to see" or "to meet", objects are typically people
- 看见 kànjiàn - have seen/watched, can see
- 看书 Kànshū - to read (for ex. a book)
- 看来 (Kàn lái) - It seems
- 查 Chá - to check, to investigate; ex. 查了一下 (Chále yīxià) - checked it!
- 阅读 Yuèdú - a reading, read(rare). reading and understanding the content of a subject thoroughly.
- 读 Dú - to read (Read the news 读新闻 Dú xīnwén, Read the newspaper 读报纸 Dú bàozhǐ)
- 阅 Yuè - reading - Йюе (not used alone)
- 说 Shuō - to speak, to say
- 講/讲 jiǎng - to say, to speak, to tell, to speak (language), to explain
- 吃饭 chī fàn - to eat (口 kǒu mouth 乞 qǐ beg; request)
- 喝 hē - to drink
- 口 kǒu mouth
- 曷 hé why?what?where? 曰 yuē say, 匃 gài beggar; beg; give
- 做饭 zuò fàn - to cook
- 写 xiě - to write
- 发音 Fāyīn - pronounce, to pronounce. (音 sound; 发 hair, to send)
- 听 Tīng - to listen, to hear, to isten to, to understand, obey, comply
- 学 xué - to learn
- 学习 Xuéxí шуэ си - study, to learn
- 学会 Xuéhuì - to learn ; lit. learn society/ability.
- 要学会适应 (Yào xuéhuì shìyìng) must learn to adapt
- 适应 Shìyìng - to adapt, to fit; adaptation; [fit to + to comply/respond]
- 知道 Zhīdào - to know, to be aware of, to see (Know path/road/way)
- 知 Zhī - the knowledge (矢 shǐ - arrow 口 kǒu - mouth) - good speak
- 道 - path, road, street; method, way, Taoist
- 认 rèn Жэнь - admit / to recognize; to know; to understand; to acknowledge; to accept; to agree; etc.
- 认识 (rènshi): to know %someone%
- 认为 (rènwéi): to think, to believe
- 以为 (Yǐwéi): to think, to believe, to consider
- 识 shí - to know, to record; knowledge; awareness (只)
- 明白 Míngbái - to understand, clear, obvious, clearness
- 明 Míng - bright, next,
- 理解 Lǐjiě - to understand, to comprehend; understanding, comprehension
- 喜欢 xǐhuān - to like (happiness joyous)
- 喜 - happiness (a drum on its stand and a hand striking it.)
- 爱/愛 ài - to love (breathe, hand? and co-operation?)
- 爱上 (Ài shàng) fall in love with
- 停止 (tíngzhǐ) - to stop, to cease
- 要 yào - to want, to need
- 想 Xiǎng - to want, to think, to wish, to suppose. 我想想 (Wǒ xiǎng xiǎng): let me see
- 去 qù - to go, to remove, to leave - Цюй
- 步 Bù - "to go", to walk, to foot; walking; step, stage. orig. 止 + 止 "two foots"
- 往 Wǎng - go in a direction; toward; fro; past, bound ;往里进 (Wǎng lǐ jìn): Go in, go inside
- 给 gěi - to give (丝(sī) silk as gift 合(hé)unity)
- 拿 ná - to take, hold, bring, with (合(hé)unity 手(shǒu)hand)
- 取 Qǔ - to take, to get, to fetch, to seek, to aim
- 收 Shōu - to receive; income ; 收到 (Shōu dào) - to receive
- 找 zhǎo - to look for, to seek
- 能 néng - to be able to, can
- 可以 (Kěyǐ) - to can, to may, to able to; possibe (can with)
- 有 yǒu - to have
- 得到 Dédào - to get (haveto arrive)
- 得 Dé - have to, to get, must; ought to; finished; particle showing degree or possibility
- 冲完了 - finished
- 制造 Zhìzào - to make [system make] - Чжи Цзао
- 告 gào tell, announce, inform
- 來/来 Lái - come
- 快了 kuàile - coming soon
- 思 Sī - to think, thought, to consider
- 用 yòng (юн) - use; 在用 (Zài yòng) currently using; 演示用 (Yǎnshì yòng) For demonstration.
- 搜 Sōu - search; to search. 搜索 (Sōusuǒ): to search, to find, look for; search
- 找到 Zhǎodào - to find (tolookfor arrive) 找不到了 (Zhǎo bù dàole): Can't find it
- 告诉 Gàosù - to tell
- 问 Wèn - to ask
- 感觉 (Gǎnjué) - to feel (feel sleep)
- 成为 (Chéngwéi) - to become (become for)
- 打开/开 (dǎ kāi / kāi) - to open
- 离开 (Líkāi) - to leave a place or a person. (Leave open)
- 走开 (Zǒu kāi) - to go away, go away! (Walk open)
- 玩 (wán) - to play. ex. 各玩各的 (Gè wán gè de) Everyone plays their own game.
- 工作 (gōngzuò) - to work
- 打电话 (dǎ diànhuà) - to make a phone call
- 哭/哭哭 (Kū) - to cry
- 笑 (Xiào) - to laugh/smile, laugh/smile; 笑死我了(Xiào sǐ wǒle): Made me laugh to death
- 试 (Shì) - to try, to test; test, examination, experiment, fitting;
- 我等下试试 (Wǒ děng xià shì shì) I'll try it later
- 估计 (Gūjì): to guess, to estimate. 估计是 (Gūjì shì) - guess so
- 猜 (Cāi): to guess, to suspect
- 换 (Huàn): to change, to exchange, to swap; change, exchange
- 解决 (Jiějué): to solve, to resolve, to settle, to decide
- 解 (Jiě): to intie, to solve; solution
- 加入 (Jiārù): join in, become a member. 加入他们 join them!
- 站在 (zhàn zài): to stand, находиться.
- 杀 (Shā): to kill, to murder; murderous; in the extreme
- 杀人 (Shārén): to kill, to murder; homicide
- 死 (Sǐ): to die 要死了 (Yàosǐle): dying, going to die. lit. want to die; 想死 (Xiǎng sǐ): wanna die
- 开 (Kāi): to open
- 开始 (Kāishǐ): to start, to begin; initial; the begining
- 影响 (Yǐngxiǎng): to influence, to affect; influence, affect
- 送 (Sòng): to deliver, to send
- 显示 (Xiǎnshì): to show, to display, to demostrate. lit. obvious reveal
- 表明 (Biǎomíng): to show, to indicate, to reveal; evidence
- 适配 (Shì pèi): to adapt; adaptation; 快快适配 (Kuài kuài shì pèi): Adapt quickly
18.2. Modal Verbs
- 可以 (kě yǐ) - can, may
- 必须 (bì xū) - must, have to
- 应该 (yīng gāi) - should, ought to
- 该 (Gāi) - should, ought to ; that;
- 能 (néng) - can, be able to
- 会 (huì) - will, be able to
- 要 (yào) - want to, will
- 想 (xiǎng) - want to, would like to
应该是的 (Yīnggāi shì de): it should be
18.3. Auxiliary Verbs
- 是 (shì)
to be
- Used for linking subjects with their descriptions or identifying one thing or
person as another.
- 有 (yǒu)
- to have
- Indicates possession, existence, or presence.
- 被 (bèi)
passive voice marker
- Used to form passive sentences, where the focus is on the action rather than the
- 在 (zài)
to be at, to be in the process of
- Denotes location or ongoing action (similar to the English present continuous
- 正在 (zhèng zài)
- in the middle of, currently
- Emphasizes that an action is happening at the moment of speaking.
- 会 (huì)
- will, be able to
- Expresses future tense or the capability of doing something.
- 能 (néng)
- can, be able to
- Indicates ability or permission in the present or future.
- 要 (yào)
- will, want to
- Used to express intention, desire, or a future action.
- 得 (děi)
- must, need to
- Indicates necessity or obligation.
- 正 (zhèng)
- just, precisely
- Used to stress the exactness or correctness of an action.
- 曾 (céng)
- once, previously
- Indicates a past action or state, often used in the context of something that happened before.
- 已 (yǐ)
- already
- Marks the completion of an action, similar to the English "already."
18.4. examples
- Tā gāng qù.
- He's just gone. (刚 gāng hard; just; solid; very recently;)
- Wǒ bùyào qù nà'r.
- I don't want to go there.
- Wǒ
- Do you wan to drink this?
- qǐng ná shàng zhè běn shū.
- Please take a book. (Please take up this one book)
请给我…(qǐng gěi wǒ…)
- Please give me…
开门 (kāi mén)
- Open the door
- wǒ shì yī gè lǎo shī.
- I am a teacher.
- měi tiān wǒ dōu zuò wǎn fàn.
- I cook dinner every day
- Wǒ dú le hěn duō biàn, hái shì kàn bù dǒng.
- I have read so many times and still do not understand.
- Nǐ dú le jǐ piān wén zhāng?
- How many articles did you read?
- Nǐ dú le jīn tiān de xīn wén ma?
- Have you read the news today?
- Nǐ de fǎ yīn bù zhèng què.
- Your pronunciation is not correct.
- Wǒ zhè yàng fā yīn duì ma?
- Did I pronounce it correctly this way?
- Kàn kàn néng zuò dào nǎ zhǒng chéngdù)
- Let's see how far we can go
- 看看 see 能 able 做到 do up 哪 where 种 kind 程度 degree
- Hái méi yòngguò chatgpt shí tú
- I haven’t used chatgpt to recognize pictures.
- 还 Yet 没 not 用 use 过 particle - already … 识 recognize 图 pictures.
- Kāishǐ yǒu xuéxí de fēnwéile
- I’m starting to feel like learning.
- 开始 begining have learn 的 of 氛围 atmosphere
- Nǐ kěyǐ zuò dì yī gè chī pángxiè de rén
- You can be the first crab eater
我可以去吗? (Wǒ kě yǐ qù ma?) - Can I go?
你应该好好休息。 (Nǐ yīng gāi hǎo hǎo xiū xí.) - You should rest well.
他能说汉语。 (Tā néng shuō hàn yǔ.) - He can speak Chinese.
我们会见面的。 (Wǒ men huì jiàn miàn de.) - We will meet.
学而不思则罔 思而不学则殆 where 学=积累工程经验 思=钻研程
- (Xué ér bù sī zé wǎng sī ér bù xué zé dài where xué =jīlěi gōngchéng jīngyàn sī =zuānyán chéng)
- If you learn without thinking, you will lose. If you think without learning, you will be in danger. Learning = Accumulating engineering experience. Thinking = Studying the process.
19. Numbers 数字 Shùzì - Шуцзы
数字 - shùzì - number/count(rice woman tap) word/letter - Шуцзы
19.1. simple
- 零/〇 líng 0 линг
- 一 yī 1 one - и
- 二 èr 2 two - ар
- 三 sān 3 three
- 四 sì 4 four - сы
- 五 wǔ 5 five - у
- 六 liù 6 six - лиоу
- 七 qī 7 seven - Ци or тьи
- 八 bā 8 eigth
- 九 jiǔ 9 nine - Цзю
- 十 shí 10 ten
- 百 bǎi 100 a hundred
- 千 qiān 1000 thousand - Цянь
- 二十 20
- 三十 30
- 十一 11
- 二十一 21
- 三十三 33
打 (Dǎ) - dozen
19.2. large
万亿 | 4zeroes + 8zeroes trillion, 1012 | ||
1,000,000,000 | 十亿 | shí yì | 10+8zeroes Billion 109 |
100,000,000 | 亿 | yì | Hundred million 108 |
10,000,000 | 千万 | qiān wàn | 3zeroes + 4zeroes = Ten million |
1,000,000 | 百万 | bǎi wàn | 2zeroes + 4zeroes = Million |
100,000 | 十万 | shí wàn | 10+4zeroes = Hundred thousand |
10,000 | 万 | wàn | 4zeroes = Ten thousand |
1,000 | 千 | qiān | Thousand |
100 | 百 | bǎi | Hundred |
10 | 十 | shí | Ten |
1 | 一 | yī | One |
- 万 wàn - ten thousand, myriad, absolutely
19.3. ex
- 五万 两千 一百 五十二 wǔwàn liǎngqiān yībǎi wǔshí-èr - 52,152
- 一百 yībǎi 100
- 一百万 yībǎi wàn 1 million
- 十四亿 shísì yì 1.4 billion
- 一万一千 yīwàn yīqiān 1,1000
- 一万两千 yīwàn liǎngqiān 1,2000 - one wan and two "thousand"
- 一万三千两百 yīwàn sānqiān liǎngbǎi 1,3200
- 五万六千七百 wǔwàn liùqiān qībǎi 5,6700
- 300万 300 wàn 3 million
- Chābié yǒu yì diǎn dà
- The difference is hundreds of millions of points
- lit. the difference is Hundred million points big.
80亿 - 80 + 8 zeroes = 8 billions = 8 000 000 000
19.4. Количественные числительные:
- раз yī cì 一次
- дважды liǎng cì 两次
- трижды sān cì 三次
- 第一 Dì yī - first
- 第二 Dì èr - second
单 Dān - one, single
两个都 Liǎng gè dōu - both
最初 Zuìchū - initial, first; lit. most begining
20. Math 数学 Shùxué - Шу Сюэ
- 学 - to learn
- 公式 Gōngshì -
- 式 shì - formula, standard, type, style, ceremony,
20.1. number
- 奇数 ji shù - Odd number
- 偶数 ǒu shù - even number
- 正数 zhèng shù - positive numbers - Чжэн
- 负数 fùshù - negative numbers
- 负面 Fùmiàn - nagative
- 正面 zhèngmiàn - positive
- 中立 Zhōnglì - neutral
20.2. operators
- + 加 jiā - add, plus, addition
- – 减 jiǎn - subtract, minus, subtraction
- * 乘 chéng - multiply, multiplication
- / 除 chú - divide, division
- = 等于 děngyú equal to
- 平等 Píngděng - equal
- 等号 Děng hào - equal sign
7-4=3 七减四等于三 Qī jiǎn sì děngyú sān
21. Plural, multiple
- 各位 (gè wèi) for “everybody” lit. every standing soul
- 女士们先生们 (nǚ shì men xiān shēng men) for “ladies gentlemens”
- 大家 (dà jiā) informal way of addressing “everyone.”
21.1. TODO множественне число
- счётное слово (можно в сочетании с 一 yī "единица"): 他是个老师。Он учитель. 这是一只猫。Это кошка.
- суффикс для лиц 们 - 老师们 teachers ,先生们 gentelmen。
- конкретно число + счётное слово: 三个人,四把椅子。
- показатель множественного числа "несколько" 几 (обычно не больше десяти) плюс счётное слово: 几个人,几只狗。
- показатели множественного числа типа "некоторые", "немало", "много": 些人,不少东西,很多书。
- удваивание существительного: 人人,事事。
- добавить местоимение xiē (些);
21.2. Classifiers: Number + Measure Word + Noun
- 两 liǎng - instead of 二 (èr).
Measure Words(classifiers):
- 个 gè - of - I’ll have two of everything.
- 我有两个兄弟。(wǒ yǒu liǎng gè xiōng dì.) — I have two brothers.
- 杯 bēi — cup [of coffee and tea] - “two cups of coffee” > “two of coffee.”
- 两杯咖啡 (liǎng bēi kā fēi) — two cups of coffee
- 本 bĕn — unit for books and magazines
- 头 tóu - a head of something, typically referring to cattle or livestock, as well as some types of vegetables: Head of lettuce, Heads of Cattle
- 份 fèn — share, portion, order [of food], unit for newspapers
- 间 jiān — unit for any kind of room
- 辆 liàng — unit for vehicles
- 瓶 píng — bottle
- 条 tiáo — unit for long, winding objects, like roads, rivers, snakes, fish
- 张 zhāng — sheet [of paper or bedsheets], unit for rectangular objects like beds, tables
- 只 zhī — unit for animals and one of a pair of hands, feet, ears, eyes
- 支 zhī — unit for long, thin objects like pencils, pens, cigarettes
- 口 Kǒu - family members, populations and guns.
- 件 Jiàn - pieces
- 把 Bǎ - objects that can be held using handles: guns, fire, chairs; abstract ideas; times of recreations: to play mahjong/games; wheeled vehicles: bicycle.
- 部 Bù - unit of computer, department, section
multiple of multiple:
- 双 shuāng — pair, for items that always come in pairs
- 对 duì — couple, for nouns that don’t necessarily come in pairs
- 打 dǎ — dozen
- 包 bāo — pack or packet
- 群 qún — group of people or animals like crowds, flocks, herds, swarms
遍 Biàn - times :
- 读一遍 Dú yībiàn - Read once
- 读两遍 Dú liǎng biàn - Read twice
- 读几遍 Dú jǐ biàn - Read a few times
- 读很多遍 Dú hěnduō biàn - Read many times
21.3. Ambiguous Plural + Noun
- 几 (jǐ) — some, several
- 几道菜 (jǐ dào cài) — some dishes
- 一些 (yī xiē) —a few, some (, no one would ever say, “two fews.”)
- 一些错误 (yī xiē cuò wù) — a few mistakes
- 数 (shù) — several
- 数星期 (shù xīng qí) — several weeks
- 不少 (bù shǎo) — quite a few
- 很多 (hěn duō) — a lot, very many
21.4. date, time
21.4.1. time 时间 (Shíjiān)
- 时间 Shíjiān - time, period (time space)
- 间隔 Jiàngé - interval
- 天 tiān - day 24h, period of time in a day, season
- 小时 xiǎoshí - 1 hour
- 分 fēn - 1 minute
- 秒 miǎo - 1 second
- 24岁 suì - 24 years old
- 现在 xiànzài now, nowadays
- 點/点 Diǎn - point, spot, to point, to select
- 本 Běn - current; ex. 本年 (běnnián) - current year
- 后面 Hòumiàn - later, after; behind, back; lit. back side.
- ex
几点了? 几点钟?
- Jǐ diǎnle? Jǐ diǎn zhōng?
- What time is it?
Now is … (time)
- 现在(是)一点 - It’s one o’clock.
- 点 diǎn - o’clock
- Xiànzài shì + time
- 是 (shì) is optional
- 五点半 (Wǔ diǎn bàn) - five o'clock half. it's 5:30 PM
时间好快 (Shíjiān hǎo kuài): Time goes so fast.
天黑了 (Tiān hēi le) ― It's getting dark. (lit. The sky is becoming black)
21.4.2. part of day. 一天的一部分 Yītiān de yībùfèn
部分 Bùfèn - part
- 早上 zǎoshang (early) morning (早 early 上 on)
- 晚上 wǎnshang evening/night ( 晚 late 上 on)
- 上午 shàngwǔ (late) morning (上 on 午 11 a.m.-1 p.m.)
- 中午 zhōngwǔ midday (中 middle 午 11 a.m.-1 p.m.)
- 下午 xiàwǔ afternoon (下 under 午 11 a.m.-1 p.m.)
21.4.3. 星期 Xīngqí week
星期了? (Xīngqíle) - What day of the week is it?
今天 星期三 (Jīntiān xīngqísān) - Today is Wednesday.
星期 +
- 一 yī Monday, 二 èr Tuesday, 三 sān Wednesday, 四 sì Thursday
- 五 wǔ Friday, 六 liù Saturday
- 星期天 Xīngqí tiān Sunday
- 星期日 Xīngqí Rì Sunday
21.4.4. date 日期 (Rìqí)
- 日 Rì - day
- 月 yuè - month, moon
- 周 Zhōu - week
- 年 Nián - year
- 号 hào - number
- 2018年10月4日
- 今天 是 2011年 11月 11日/号
- 明天 míngtiān - tomorrow
- 今天 jīntiān - today
- 昨天 zuótiān - yesterday
- 每天 Měitiān - every day
年底 Niándǐ - end of the year
几月? Jǐyuè? - What month is it?
年來/年来 - over the past year, in recent years
- 喜年來
21.4.5. seasons 季节 jìjié (season node)
- Spring
- 春天 (chūn tiān)
- warm: 暖(nuǎn), flower: 花(huā) Хуа
- 龵 hand that gives something + 日 sun
- Summer
- 夏天 (xià tiān)
- hot: 热(rè), heat: 暑(shǔ)
- 夏 head slow
- Autumn
- 秋天 (qiū tiān) - Цю Тянь
- cool: 凉(liáng), leaf: 叶 (yè) -
- 禾 “grain” + 火 “fire” - after harvesting the grain, the fields are burned to kill locusts and their eggs.
- Winter
- 冬天 (dōng tiān)
- cold: 寒(hán), snow: 雪(xuě)
- 夂 “end” + ⺀ “ice”
21.4.6. ex
自 2024 年 8 月 31 日起 … something happen
- 自 Zì - since
- 年 Nián - year
- 月 yuè - month
- 日起 Rì qǐ - from day
- 日 Rì - day
- 起 Qǐ - start
- Míngtiān kàn kàn
- Let's see tomorrow
21.5. examples
一家三口人 (Yījiā sānkǒu rén) - family of three, семья из трёх человек
22. IT, programming
22.1. common
- digital age - 數碼時代 (Shùmǎ shídài) [number code time generation]
- machine - 机器 (Jīqì) [tree table barking dog]
- computer - 计算机 (Jìsuànjī) [calculate(saying all eye counting rods) machine(tree table)] - Цзи Суань Цзи
- computer - 电脑 (Diànnǎo) [electricity brain(moon cruel)]
- program - 程序 (Chéngxù) - Чэн Сюй
- 程 Procedure(riceplant submit/appear(entrance royal))
- 序 sequence(extensive togive)
- computer program - 计算机程序 - Jìsuànjī chéngxù - computer program
- Programming language - 编程语言 (biānchéng yǔyán)
- 编 (Biān) - to compile, to edit, to arrange; book, copy (纟扁)
- code - 代码 (Dàimǎ) - (generation/replace numbers)
- algorithm - 算法 (Suànfǎ) - calculate rule - Суань Фа
- database - 数据库 Shùjùkù lit. data library/storehouse
- 数据 Shùjù - data lit. numbers accordingto - Шу Цзюй
- software —— 软件 —— ruăn jiàn - soft ware - Жуань Цзянь
- hardware - 硬件 - Yìng jiàn - hard ware - Ин Цзянь
- system —— 系统 —— xì tŏng
- network —— 网络 —— wăng luò - network smallnet(silk each)
- firewall —— 防火墙 —— fáng huŏ qiáng - fireproof(defend fire) wall
- cloud computing —— 云计算 —— yún jì suàn
- digital —— 数码的 —— shù mă de
- technology - 1) 科技 - Kējì 2) 技术 - Jìshù
- command - 命令 (Mìnglìng)
- memory, RAM —— 内存 —— Nèicún - inner keep
- 位 Wèi - position, bits
- meg (short for megabyte) —— 兆 (兆字节) —— zhào (zhào for zì jié) [mega-byte(character-knot)]
- gig (short for gigabyte) —— 千 (千兆字节) —— qiān (qiān zhào zì jié) [thousand-mega-byte]
- 装了 Zhuāngle - Installed, loaded up
- tool - 工具 Gōngjù
- fix - 修 (Xiū): to fix, to repair, to build, to trim; ex. 怎么修 (Zěnme xiū): how to fix
- email - 邮件 (Yóujiàn): mail
- 由 Yóu - by, from, 阜 холм
- 件 jiàn - pieces, items
- 送信中・・・ (Sòngxìn Zhōng) - Sending letter in.
- error - 错误 (Cuòwù): error, mistake; to error, to mistake (wrong error)
- to hang - 掛 (Guà): to hang, to suspend, to wear, to hang up, to reminate a phone call, to register, to enroll [扌shǒu卦(圭(土土tǔ)bricks卜bǔ)]
- crash - 崩 (Bēng) or 崩溃 (Bēngkuì)
- Tutorial - 教程 (Jiàochéng)
- documentation - 文档 (wéndàng)
- manual, handbook - 手册 (Shǒucè)
- Deprecated - 已弃用 (Yǐ qì yòng): Deprecated; deprecation. [already abondoned use]
- security; secure - 安全 (Ānquán)
- proprietary - 专有的 (Zhuān yǒu de)
- screenshot - 截图 (Jiétú) - cut picture
- data center - 数据中心 (Shùjù zhōngxīn) - data center
- product - 产品 (Chǎnpǐn) - product, goods, output; lit. goods goods
- solutions - 解决方案 (Jiějué fāng'àn) - to solve (solution decide) scheme
- team - 团队 (Tuánduì) - group group
- default - 默认 (Mòrèn)
- to customize - 自定义 (Zì dìngyì)
- turn on - 开机 (kāijī)
- plugins - 插件 (chā jiàn)
- tips - 小心得 (Xiǎo xīndé) [little intelligence gained]
- open source projects - 开源项目 (Kāiyuán xiàngmù) [open source item eye]
22.2. devices 设备 - shè bèi
- computer —— 电脑 (diàn năo) - electricity brain(moon cruel)
- computer - 计算机 (Jìsuànjī) - calculate(plan/count intheend) machine(tree table) - Цзи Суань Цзи
- laptop —— 笔记本 (bǐ jì běn) - notes(pen remember) book
- device —— 设备 (shè bèi) - establish/assume equipment
- 器 - Qì - device
- 具 - Jù - thing
- 处理器 (Chǔlǐ qì) - processor (process device)
- hard disk —— 硬盘 (Yìngpán) - hard/firm plate/disk
- disc —— 碟 —— dié - stone/mineral, flat pieces of wood
- mouse —— 鼠标 —— shŭ biāo - mouse sign
- keyboard - 键盘 (Jiànpán) - key plate
- key (on a keyboard) —— 键 (jiàn) - bolt/key go pencil
- trackball - 轨迹球 (Guǐjī qiú)
- joystick - 摇杆 (Yáo gān) - shaking pole
- little red dot - 小红点 (Xiǎo hóng diǎn)
- smartphone - 智能手机 (Zhìnéng Shǒujī) - wisdom(arrow mouth daytime) can hand machine - Чжи Нэн Шоу Цзи
- cellphone - 手机 (Shǒujī) - hand machine, or short for smartphone
- motherboard - 主板 (Zhǔbǎn). 焊主板上 (Hàn zhǔbǎn shàng) - soldering on the motherboar.
- monitor - 显示器 (Xiǎnshìqì)
- Display screen - 显示屏 (Xiǎnshì píng)
- graphics card - 显卡 (Xiǎnkǎ) - or video card
- to accelerate - 加速 (Jiāsù)
- ringtone - 铃声 (Língshēng) - ring(钅令) sound (士solder尸sitting man) [metal command]
22.3. Internet, web
- the internet —— 互联网 —— hù lián wăng - mutual united network
- web site - 网站 - Wǎngzhàn - Чжань
- 站 zhàn - station, site.
- 立 lì, wèi - stand; let stand; establish, set
- 占 zhān, zhàn - divine; observe; versify
- 站 zhàn - station, site.
- web page - 网页 - wǎng yè - вань е
- web browser
- 网页浏览器 - Wǎngyè liúlǎn qì - webpage browse device
- 浏览 - browse [氵water文writing刂knife, 刂knife勺spoon/ladle见"to meet"]
- 瀏覽器/浏览器 (Liúlǎn qì) - browser
- 网页浏览器 - Wǎngyè liúlǎn qì - webpage browse device
- to connect, connection - 连接 (Liánjiē)
- address - 地址 (Dìzhǐ) [land address]
- Google - 谷歌 Gǔgē - [valley Song]
- search results - 搜索结果 (Sōusuǒ jiéguǒ)
- chat - 聊天 (Liáotiān) - to chat with .. ; ex. 和我聊天 (Hé wǒ liáotiān): chat with me
- blog - 博客 (Bókè) - [plentiful guest]
- Tags - 标签 (Biāoqiān) [mark sign]
- About - 关于 (Guānyú) [to concern in/at/to]
- surveillance - 监控 (Jiānkòng) [supervise/prison control]
22.3.1. browsers 浏览器 (Liúlǎn qì)
- 火狐 (Huǒhú) - firefox
22.3.2. ex
- (Diǎnle yīxià shǒuyè, dì yī tiáo bówén jiù ěxīn dào rénle)
- I clicked on the homepage, and the first blog post was so disgusting.
发布博客 (Fābù bókè) - Post a blog
- 发布 (Fābù) - to publish, to release
- 博客 (bókè) - blog
22.3.3. site
Shǒuyè - 首页 - home Liànjiē - 链接 - lin - лиан дзе
22.3.4. types of sites
- webpage —— 网页 —— wăng yè
- social network —— 社交网络 —— shè jiāo wăng luò
- internet shopping —— 网购(网上购物)—— wǎng gòu
- movies website - 电影网 - Diànyǐng wǎng
- search engine —— 搜索引擎 —— sōu suŏ yĭn qíng
22.4. Mobile Device Related
- text message —— 短信 —— duǎnxìn
- to send a text message —— 发短信 — fā duǎnxìn - lit. send short letter
- signal —— 信号 —— xìn hào - lit. letter/sign/trust number
- power —— 电源 —— diàn yuán - lit. electricity source/supply
- wireless —— 无线 —— wú xiàn - lit. no wire
- data —— 数据 —— shù jù - number/count fortified
- wifi —— 无线局域网 —— wú xiàn jú yù wăng - no wire office area network
- bluetooth —— 蓝牙 —— lán yá
22.5. persons
- hacker —— 黑客 —— hēi kè - dark guest(roof every(go entrance))
- user —— 用户 —— yòng hù - touse family/house
- administrator —— 管理员 —— guăn lĭ yuán - tocare manage member
- moderator – 版主 – bǎn zhǔ - version master/owner
- programmer —— 程序设计师 —— chéng xù shè jì shī - program (procedure sequence/order) designer (setup plan master)
- programmer 程序员 (Chéngxù yuán) - program person
- computer programming - 计算机编程 - Jìsuànjī biānchéng - computer programming(write procedure)
- developers — 开发者 — Kāifā zhě - develop(open ship) -er
- developer — 开发人员 — kāi fā rén yuán - develop/exploitation(open send) personel (person member)
- noob, script kiddie - 小白 - Xiǎo bái - little white/blank
- 菜鸟 (Càiniǎo) newbie (dish bird)
- 新手 (Xīnshǒu) newbie (new hand)
22.6. UI
- install - 安装 - sefe dress - Ānz huāng - Ань Чжуан
- open - 打开 - Dǎkāi - beat(hand strong) open/start
- uninstall - 卸载 - Xièzài - unload(jar seal) tocarry(to cut, cart)
- menu - 菜单 Càidān - vegatables bill/list
- cut - 剪切 - Jiǎn qiè - scissors(forward knife) tocut(seven knife) - Цзянь Це
- copy - 复制 - Fùzhì - duplicate(slowly+6) system/make
- paste - 粘贴 - Zhāntiē - stick (rice observe) paste (seashell/money observe)
- properties - 属性 - Shǔxìng - dependent(corpse dynastyfounder) quality (heart life)
- ok - OK / 好的 - Hǎo de
- cancel - 取消 - Qǔxiāo - take eliminate
- back - 返回 - Fǎnhuí - return
- refresh - 刷新
- save - 保存 - Bǎocún - insurance keep
- online —— 上线 —— shàng xiàn (switchedon line)
- online —— 在线 —— Zàixiàn (by online)
- offline —— 离线 —— lí xiàn (off line)
- comment —— 评论 —— píng lùn
- reply —— 回复 —— huí fù
- accept —— 接收 —— jiē shōu
- decline —— 拒绝 —— jù jué
- register —— 注册 —— zhù cè
- login /signin —— 登录 —— dēng lù
- download —— 下载 —— xià zăi
- upload —— 上传 —— shàng chuán
- click —— 点击 —— diăn jī
- done - 完事 wánshì
- close - 关 - Guān
- success - 成功 - Chénggōng
- failure - 失败 - Shībài
22.7. UI firefox
- file - 文件 - Wénjiàn - file, lit. writing item
- (create) new tab - 新建标签页 - Xīnjiàn biāoqiān yè - new establish sign/tomark sign/note
page - Синь Цзянь Бяо Цянь E
- new tab - 新标签页
- new container tab - 新建??标签页
- new private window - 新 建 隐私 窗口 - Xīnjiàn yǐnsī chuāngkǒu - new establish privacy window - Синь Цзянь Инь Сы Чуан Коу
- open file - 打开文件 - Dǎkāi Wénjiàn
- save page as - 另存 页面 为 - ìngcún yèmiàn wèi - save(other keep) page(page/leaf surface) as
- email link - ?邮件??链接
- print - 打印 - Dǎyìn - beat print/seal
- import from Another Browser -
- work offline - 脱机工作 - Tuō jī gōngzuò - takeoff machine work make
- quit - 退出 - Tuìchū - stepback togoout - Туй Чу
- (create) new tab - 新建标签页 - Xīnjiàn biāoqiān yè - new establish sign/tomark sign/note
page - Синь Цзянь Бяо Цянь E
- edit - 编辑 - Biānjí - write(silk flat) gatherup(cart towhisper)
- Undo
- Redo
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Delete
- Select All
- Find in Page
- Settings
- view - 查看 - Chákàn - investigate(tree evening/morning/day) to see(hand eye)
- history - 历史 - Lìshǐ - calendar/exp. history
- bookmarks - 书签 - Shūqiān - book note - Шу Цянь
- tools -工具 - Gōngjù - work equipment
- help - 帮助 - Bāngzhù
- about - 关于 Firefox - Guānyú - Гуань Шу
- 重启 Firefox 以应用这些更改 (Yǐ yìngyòng zhèxiē gēnggǎi): Restart Firefox to apply these changes
- Rest Firefox for apply theses change.
22.8. UI web
- 登录 Dēnglù - login (Dēnglù)
- 注册 Zhùcè - signup, register; lit. to record book (Zhùcè)
- 完成注册 - finish registration
- 立即登录 - establishnow login (Lìjí dēnglù)
- 注册成功 or 已经注册成功! - регистрация прошла успешно
- 填写帐号密码 - Введите пароль учетной записи
- 验证手机号码 - Проверка номера мобильного телефона
- 完成注册 - Завершение регистрации
- 安全 - Ānquán, security, safety
- 状态 (Zhuàngtài) - status
- 用户名 (Yònghù míng) - user name
- 密码
22.9. UI search engine
- 百度一下 Bǎidù yīxià - Search on Baidu; lit. Baidu one time
- 网页 Wǎngyè - Web page
- 资讯 Zīxùn - news, information
- 图片 Túpiàn - picture (diagram(enclose winter) sheetpiece)
- 视频 Shìpín - video (see(cult observe) frequency(step page))
- 贴吧 Tiēba - Post it
- 知道 Zhīdào - Know ("questions and answers" at
- 文库 Wénkù - Library
- 地图 Dìtú - map
- 采购 Cǎigòu - Purchase [Pick buy]
- 更多 Gèng duō - more, lit. even More
- (Bǎidù wèi nín zhǎodào yǐxià jiéguǒ)
- Baidu found the following results for you
- lit. Baidu for you found following results
收起工具 (Shōu qǐ gōngjù): Put away tools. lit. collect up tools.
搜索工具 (Sōusuǒ gōngjù): Search Tools
时间不限 (Shíjiān bù xiàn): time regardless; lit. time no limit
所有网页和文件 (Suǒyǒu wǎngyè hé wénjiàn): All web pages and files
- 不限格式 (bù xiàn géshì): regardless of format; lit. no limit format
站点内检索 (Zhàndiǎn nèi jiǎnsuǒ): Search within site; lit. web site within retrival
清除 (Qīngchú): Clear
22.10. UI PS3
- 用户 (Yònghù) - users - (touse family/house)
- 设定 (Shè dìng) - set up, settings
- 音乐 (Yīnyuè) - music, musical
- 游戏 (Yóuxì) - to play, game
- 照片 (Zhàopiàn) - photo
- 网络 (Wǎngluò) - network
- 朋友 (Péngyǒu) - friend, comrade, boyfriend
- yes - 是 (Shì)
- no - 否 (fǒu, pǐ)
- O return - 返回 (Fǎnhuí)
- X - 确定 (quèdìng) - definite / certain / fixed / to fix (on sth) / to determine / to be sure / to ensure / to make certain / to ascertain / to clinch / to recognize / to confirm / OK (on computer dialog box)
22.11. AI, data
人工能智 (Réngōng néng zhì): Artificial intelligence
- 人 Rén - people, man, human being
- 工 Gōng - work
- 智 Zhì - wisdom, knowledge (чи)
- 能 Néng - can, able (нан)
机器学习 (Jīqì xuéxí): Machine learning
- 机器 - machine
- 机 Jī - machine Цзи
- 器 Qì - implement (тьси)
- 学习 learning
- 学 Xué - learn, study (сюе)
- 习 Xí - study, practice (cи)
大数据 - Big Data
- 大 Dà - big
- 数据 Shùjù - data - Шу Цзюй
- 数 Shù - number, count (шу)
- 据 Jù - according to (чи)
data science - 数据科学 - Shùjù kēxué
预测 Yùcè - Prediction (予頁)
仿真 fǎngzhēn - Simulation
本地AI大模型 - (Běndì AI Dà mú xíng) - local AI large model
assistant - 助手 (Zhùshǒu)
22.12. version, size
- 当前版本号:20-04-22-12-00 - текущий номер версии
- 版本大小: 78.9GB - размер версии
- 更新日期:2020/04/23 - (Gēngxīn rìqí) дата обновления, update date
- 更新 (Gēngxīn): to renew, to raplece
- 日期 (Rìqí): date, day.
22.13. telegram
- 昵称 (Nìchēng): Nickname
- 昵 (Nì): familiar, close; to approach
- 称 (Chēng): (verb)say, call, state, name
- 群 (Qún) and 群组 (Qún zǔ) or 小组 (Xiǎozǔ): group
- 入群、退群 (Rù qún, tuì qún) - Join the group, leave the group
- 频道 (Píndào): channel (频 frequency, repeatedly)
- 私密群 (Sīmì qún): private group
- 入群验证 (Rù qún yànzhèng): group entry verification
- 入 (rù): enter
- 头像 (Tóuxiàng): avatar, profile picture
- 开启 (Kāiqǐ): turn on
- 無名 (Wúmíng): no name
- 受众 (Shòuzhòng): Audience
- 提示 (Tíshì): pompt; hint, tips; lit. carry/extract reveal
- 回帖 (Huítiē): reply ; 没人回帖 (Méi rén huítiē) No one replied
- 订阅 (Dìngyuè): subscription; to subscribe. 我订阅了!(Wǒ dìngyuèle!) I have subscribed!
- 社区 (Shèqū): Community
- 分享过去 (Fēnxiǎng guòqù): share the past
- 引用 (Yǐnyòng): Quote
- 验证失败 (Yànzhèng shībài): verification/authentication failed
- 验证 (Yànzhèng): to verify, verification (to check proof)
- 失败 (Shībài): fail, failure; to fail, to be defeated (lose to defeat)
- 邀请链接 (Yāoqǐng liànjiē): Invitation link
- 删 (Shān): to delete
- 盗号 (Dàohào): Stealing an account, hacking
- 解封 (Jiě fēng): to unban; lit. to untie seal
- 你好. 请解封我在 @channel
- 配合ema (Pèihé ema): Cooperate with ema
- 踢 (Tī): to kick; kick; ex. 我被踢了 (Wǒ bèi tīle): I was kicked
- 禁止名单 (jìnzhǐ míngdān) ban list [prohibit stop list]
- 黑名单 (hēi míngdān) - ban list [black list]
- 封禁 (Fēngjìn) - block, ban [close prohibit]
- 群友们 (Qún yǒumen) - Group friends/members
- 支 Zhī - support, put up
- 騙徒 (Piàn tú) - scammer, liar, fraudster [liar apprentice]
22.13.1. common
你好,请 帮 我 在 @channel 频道 解 封。
- qǐng bāng wǒ zài @channel píndào jiě fēng.
- Please assist me in @channel channel untie seal up.
请 再次 要求 解 封 我 在 那个 频道。
- (Qǐng zàicì yāoqiú jiě fēng wǒ zài nàgè píndào.)
- Please again solve seal up me in that channel.
你 是 那里 的 管理员。 你可以解封。
- (Nǐ kěyǐ jiě fēng)
- you is there admin. you can solve seal up.
我进来了 (Wǒ jìnláile): I have entered. [I join come finally]
22.13.2. ex
你咋被ban的 (Nǐ zǎ bèi ban de) - Why were you banned?
你和这位有什么过节么? (Nǐ hé zhè wèi yǒu shéme guòjié me)
- Do you have any issues with this person?
- 你和这位 Nǐ hé zhè wèi - You and this one.
- 有什么过节 Yǒu shéme guòjié - lit. Have what issueswithsomeone
- have any issues/animosity with someone (common phrase)
有人发过这个吗 (Yǒurén fà guò zhège ma)
- Has anyone posted this?
点击这里证明您是人类 (Diǎnjī zhèlǐ zhèngmíng nín shì rénlèi)
- Click here to prove you are human
这社区是死的 (Zhè shèqū shì sǐ de) - This community is dead
破案了 (PòÀnle) - solve case 了.
22.13.3. my
- Tāmen xiànzài bèi yǐncáng qǐláile
- they are hidden now (they now quilt hide gotup)
他们 现在 被 禁止了
- Tāmen xiànzài bèi jìnzhǐle
- they are banned now
- 禁止了 - banned (prohibit stop)
- Nǐ néng bì zuǐle ma? Nǐ shuō dé tài duōle.
- Can you shut up already? you speak too much.
- You can close mouth 了吗? you speak (particle showing degree) too/very much 了.
- Běn yuè Zuì Zāogāo de hǎibào lièbiǎo.
- List of shittiest posters in this month. (this month most shitty of posters
22.13.4. ex
- Běn qún zǔ yǐ kāiqǐ rù qún yànzhèng
- this group has turned on group entry verification.
- Description: You need to pass the verification within a limited time to speak. Please click the button below to start the verification as soon as possible!
- Wǒ gǎnjué zhège tǐng duì de
- I feel this is right
- 感觉 - gǎnjué - feel (sense Sleep)
- 挺对 tǐng duì - quite right
- Xiào sǐ, méi rén lǐ
- Laugh to death, no one cares
- (Lái gè guǎnlǐ)
- Come to management! take care of it! delete this message!
22.13.5. ex2
入群用户:❤️░░🦩░🏻░🎤░限░免░墙░e░e░r░m░░️░️░主░ ░询░ 说明:由于验证失败已被踢出并封禁 持续时间:180秒
Group users: ❤️ ░░🦩░ 🏻 ░ 🎤 ░ Limited免free墙walleeeerrmm️️️️主Main询inquiry询 Description: Has been kicked out and banned due to verification failure Duration: 180 seconds
没啥人呀,大家多分享点资讯 (Méi shà rén ya, dàjiā duō fēnxiǎng diǎn zīxùn)
- There aren’t many people around. Please share more information.
- lit. No people, Everyone more share some news/info.
- 没啥 (Méi shà) - Nothing; no what
- 人呀 (Rén ya) - People
- (Wǒ wú chù bùzài, wǒ yě zài zhèlǐ)
- I'm everywhere and I'm here too
- (Wa, xiànzài kējì zhème fādále ma, hāhā)
- Wow, technology is so advanced now, haha
- wow, now-at Technology so matured ma, haha.
- (Méi tīng shuōguò, zhè shà)
- Never heard (spoken already), what is this?
- (Zhǐyǒu wǒ zài zhǎnwàng wèilái)
- Only(just be) I at outlook(unfold looking) future(notyet arrive)
- (Huānyíng dà lǎo tí yìjiàn)
- Comments are welcome
- Welcome big boss bringup comments
- (Zhèyàng jiù fāngbiàn duōle)
- This is much more convenient
- this kind approach convenient much more
- (Zài yě bùxiǎng zhèngzháo zǒule)
- I don’t want to leave right away anymore
- Another also no intention just holding wolking
- (again also / no longer) not want stright walk.
- 因为我被踢了
- (Yīnwèi wǒ bèi tīle)
- Because I was kicked
- 我现在不骂人了
- (Wǒ xiànzài bù màrénle)
- I won't curse people now
- I current not curse people.
笨蛋, 咒骂他人是检查自由的工具.
- (Bèndàn, Zhòumà tārén shì jiǎnchá zìyóu de gōngjù)
- Fool, cursing others is a tool to check freedom.
- curse others is test freedom tool.
- (Zuì ài shuōhuà de rén shì)
- most like speak peaple is
多来点这种 (Duō lái diǎn zhè zhǒng): More come little of this. Please more!
- "多" (duō) means "more" or "extra."
- "来" (lái) means "come" here and it is used to indicate a request or suggestion.
- "点" (diǎn) means "a little" or "some."
- "这种" (zhè zhǒng) means "this kind" or "this type."
更多!(Gèng duō!) - More!
再多些 (Zài duō xiē) - some more! lit. Again more some.
22.14. programming
- 中文文档 - Zhōngwén wéndàng - Chinese documentation
- platform - 平台 (Píngtái)
- library 库 (Kù)
- keywords - 关键词 (Guānjiàn cí) [lock key word] or 关键字 (Guānjiàn zì)
- 档 (Dàng) - files, archives, pigeonhole, закуток, отделение для бумаг
- 调试 (diàoshì): Debug
- 复现 (fù xiàn): recurrent, reproduce. 无法复现 (Wúfǎ fù xiàn) - Unable to reproduce, not reproducable
- 函数 (hánshù): Function
- 关闭 (Guānbì): closure. lit. close up/shut
- 循环 (xúnhuán): Loop
- 类 (lèi): class
- 对象 (duìxiàng): Object; lit. corrent like
- 数组 (shùzǔ): array (number group/set/series) - Шу Цзу
- 接口 (jiēkǒu): interface
- 动态链接的 (Dòngtài liànjiē de): dynamically linked
- 关键字 (Guānjiàn zì) - Keywords
- 变量 (Biànliàng) - variable
- 常量 (Chángliàng) - constant (often quantity)
- 重新编译 (Chóngxīn biānyì) - recompile (again(repeat new) compile)
- 编译 (Biānyì) compile (make up translate)
- 列表 (Lièbiǎo) - list (list surface)
- 列举 (Lièjǔ) - list, enumerate (list hold)
- 目录 (Mùlù) - directory, catalog, list, contents, table of contents
set: 集合 (Jíhé) - gather, set, assembly (set combine)
- 集: 隹 (zhuī) - bird, 木 mù tree
- 合: to close, to join, to combne, to suit, to have sex intercouse, to fight; whole,
entire; together, 口 kǒu mouth
- 亼 (jí) - to assemble, roof; orig. to gather together from three sides
stack: 堆栈 (Duīzhàn) - heap stack
dictionary: 字典 (Zìdiǎn) - Character Script
- 流程控制工具 (liúchéng kòngzhì gōngjù) - process control tools
function definition 定义函数 (Dìngyì hánshù) - definition function
- 定义 (Dìngyì) - set righteous
- 函数 (hánshù) - letter/acase number
命令 (Mìnglìng) - command
客户服务器架构 - Kèhù fúwùqì jiàgòu - client-server architecture
- Kèhù - 客户 - client - кы ху (гость дверь)
- Fúwùqì - 服务器 - server - фу ву ти
- Fú - 服 - to serve, clothes, подчиняться
- Wù - 务 - service, business, affair, to be sure
- 夂 - zhǐ - go шагать вперед, продвигаться, следовать, бродить - чжи
- 力 - lì - power сила, движение - ли
- qì - 器 - device
- Jiàgòu - 架构 - architecture (shelf/frame structure/construct)
测过 (Cèguò) - Tested
- 测 (Cè) - to test, to measure, to survey
事件 (Shìjiàn) - event. lit. matter item.
模板 (Múbǎn) - template [ pattern/model plate]
22.14.1. ex
函数 内 的 代码 依次 运行。- функции внутри код запускается последовтельно
- 函数 - Hánshù - function
- 内的 - Nèi de - inside of
- 代码 - Dàimǎ - code
- 依次 - Yīcì - in turn
- 运行 - Yùnxíng - run
- (C biāozhǔn kù tígōngle)
- The C standard library provides
- (xǔduō chángyòng de hánshù hé shùjù jiégòu.)
- many commonly-used functions and data structures.
22.15. git
- 主线 (Zhǔxiàn) - Main line
- 维护 (Wéihù) - to maintain, to protect; aegis (to maintain to proctect)
- 交 (jiāo) - to submit
- 拉取请求 (Lā qǔ qǐngqiú) - pull request (pull pick please tobeg)
- 合并 (Hébìng) - to merge; merger, consolidation
- 快转 (Kuài zhuǎn) - Fast forward
22.16. network
- 磁力链接 (Cílì Liànjiē): magnet link
- 链 (Liàn) - chain, link, wire, cable
- 钅金 (jīn) - gold, money
- 连 (lián) - join, connect; continuous; even (辶辵 chuò walk, 车 chē телега)
- 链 (Liàn) - chain, link, wire, cable
- 参考 (Cānkǎo): refer to … , reference; to reference, to refer
- 连接 Liánjiē - to connect, connection, link, to link, to join
- 接 jiē - to catch, to connect, to receive
- 断开 Duàn kāi - to disconnect, disconnection (to break, absolutely, cut off ; open)
- 𠃊/乚米斤
- 节点 (Jiédiǎn) - node
- 直通进去 (Zhítōng jìnqù) - Direct access
- 宿主机 (Sù zhǔjī) - Host
- 分享 (Fēnxiǎng) - to share, to partake; lit. divide enjoying
- 端口 (Duānkǒu) - port, interface
- 阻断 (Zǔ duàn) - n. block, blocking
22.16.1. ex
- Wǒ wǎng sù bǐjiào màn, fā túpiàn màn
- My internet speed is relatively slow, and it is slow to send pictures
- I net speed compare slow, send pictures slow.
换个节点 (Huàngè jiédiǎn) Change node!
端口不阻断 (Duānkǒu bù zǔ duàn): Port is not blocked
求分享 (Qiú fēnxiǎng): Beg you, share.
22.17. security
- 裂 (Liè): crack, to crack, to split. (衣 (“clothes”) semantic ; 列 (Liè) phonetic)
- 裂开了 (Liè kāile): cracked
22.18. OS
22.18.1. release, version
- 版本 bǎnběn - version (version book/this/origin)
- 低 (dī) low
- 发行 Fāxíng - release (to send row/OK)
- 支持 Zhīchí - to support; supporteded
- 发布了 Fābùle - announced, published, posted
- 不稳 Bù wěn - unstable
- 稳 wěn - stable
- 源码 Yuánmǎ - Source code
- 包 Bāo - package
- 兼容 Jiānróng - compatible (simultaneous allow)
- 发行版 Fāxíng bǎn - Distro, release version
22.18.2. compounds all
- 安卓 Ānzhuō - Android (install excellent). 安卓下 (Ānzhuō xià) - Under Android
- 內核 Nèihé - kernel (inside nuclear/atomic/stone/thecore)
- 桌面 Zhuōmiàn - desktop
- 折腾 Zhēteng - fuck with something again and again, do again and again
- 升级了 Shēngjíle - upgraded, to escalate
- 升好了 (Shēng hǎole) - upgraded
- 单线程 Dān xiànchéng - single thread (line/thread procudure)
- 终端 Zhōngduān - terminal
- 重装 Zhòng zhuāng - Reinstall
- 定制 Dìngzhì - to customize, customized [set/fix system/make]
- 透明背景 Tòumíng bèijǐng - Transparent Background
- 按键 Ànjiàn - button, buttons, key, keys (to press key)
- 文件 Wénjiàn - file, document, lit. written item ; 空文件 (Kōng wénjiàn) empty file ; 文件中 (Wénjiàn zhōng): In the file
- 夹里 Jiā lǐ - folder (folder inside/village)
- 授权了 Shòuquánle - Authorized
- 端口 Duānkǒu - network port
- 冲突 Chōngtú - conflict, to conflict
- 修改 Xiūgǎi - modification, to modify (tobuild/repair tochange/alter) 我的修改 my modification
- 启动器 Qǐdòng qì - Launcher
- 启动 Qǐdòng - start up
- 延迟 Yánchí - delay, delayed, detention, to delay (extand/delay late/slow)
- 面板 Miànbǎn - panel (surface board)
- 解压 Jiěyā - to Unzip, to decompress (to solve pressure)
- 环境 Huánjìng - environment (loop context)
- 虚拟机 Xūnǐ jī - virtual machine
- 问题 Wèntí - problem, question, issue
- 配置文件 (Pèizhì wénjiàn) - Configuration file
- 配置 Pèizhì - configuration; lit. tomatch setup
- 剪贴板 (Jiǎntiē bǎn) - cut and paste board
- 自动保存 (zìdòng bǎocún) - auto-save lit. self move guarantee keep
- 字体 (Zìtǐ) - font, fonts [character body]
22.18.3. TODO filesystem 文件系统
- 文件 Wénjiàn - file
- 系统 Xìtǒng - system
22.18.4. terminal
我直接把右 cmd 干掉了
- (Wǒ zhíjiē bǎ yòu cmd gàndiàole)
- I directly killed the right cmd
22.18.5. expressions
更新系统 (Gēngxīn xìtǒng): Update system
- 更 (Gēng): replace, change; more, even more
- 新 (xīn): new
- 系 (Xì): to tie, to fasten; system, line ; linking
- 统 (Tǒng): system, series; collectively ; to unify, to unite ; whole
- 从头写配置(Cóngtóu xiě pèizhì): Write configuration from scratch
- 从头 (Cóngtóu): from scratch, lit. from first
- 写 (Xiě): to Write, to draw, to compose, to paint
- 配置 (Pèizhì): configuration; to deplay
- 点错了 (Diǎn cuòle): Wrong click
- 重装系统 (Zhòng zhuāng xìtǒng): Reinstall the system
- 自动更新 (Zìdòng gēngxīn): Automatic updates
还是使用 emacs 29 吧
- (Háishì shǐyòng emacs 29 ba)
- Still(yet is) use (make use) emacs 29
不让访问 Bù ràng fǎngwèn - Deny access
网络的问题 wǎngluò de wèntí - network problem
22.18.6. ex
- Arch gèng bǎnběn hào bǐ gentoo màn tǐng duō de
- The version number of arch is much slower than that of gentoo
- 更版本 gèng Bǎnběn - update version
- 更 gèng - even, more, update
- 号比 Hào bǐ - ratio, number than (number tocompare)
- 慢 Màn - slow
- 挺 - quite
- 多 - many
- 的 - of
- (Debian shì yǒu dī bǎnběn de gcc de, dànshì méiyǒu gāo bǎnběn de)
- 低 dī - low
- (Zài biānyì nèihé de shíhòu yǒu shé me bànfǎ néng zì dìngyì mòrèn de)
- Is there any way to customize the default when compiling the kernel
- (Duānkǒu dàgài kàn bù chūlái)
- The port may not be visible
在一个文件夹里 tmp
没有解压源码包 (Méiyǒu jiěyā yuánmǎ bāo) - The source code package is not decompressed
- 解压 (Jiěyā) - Unzip, decompress (to solve pressure)
- 源码 (Yuánmǎ) - Source code
- 包 (Bāo) - package
- (Bùfèn qūdòng yǐjīng zài Linux zhǔxiàn lǐmiànle)
- Some drivers are already in the Linux mainline
- 主线 (Zhǔxiàn) - Main line
- 里面 (Lǐmiàn) - inside, in
- (Zhè lèi ānzhuō nèihé bèi gǔgē hé gāotōng mó gǎiguò, bù jiānróng chángguī de Linux fāxíng bǎn)
- This type of Android kernel has been modified by Google and Qualcomm and is not compatible with regular Linux distributions.
- 类 (Lèi) - kind, class, type; to class, to type, to sort
- 安卓 (Ānzhuō) - Android (install excellent)
- 内核 (Nèihé) - kernel
- 被谷歌 (Bèi gǔgē) - Googled
- 高通 (gāotōng) - Qualcomm
- 兼容 (Jiānróng) - compatible
- 常规 (Chángguī) - conventional, common, regular; routine, convention
- 发行版 (Fāxíng bǎn) - Distro, release version
- (Tā qǐdòng hái tǐng fèi shíjiān de)
- It takes quite a while to start.
- 启动 (Qǐdòng) - start up
- it startup pretty good
问题确实比较多 (Wèntí quèshí bǐjiào duō) - There are indeed more problems
- problem indeed rather more
- 我就在用emacs干活 - I'm just using Emacs forwork
- 感觉不如vscode流畅 - (Gǎnjué bùrú) (Liúchàng) - Feeling worse VSCode smooth
- 但是不用emacs又浑身难受 - (Dànshì bùyòng) (Yòu húnshēn nánshòu) But don't use Emacs Feeling uncomfortable again
正式版快了 (Zhèngshì bǎn kuàile): The official version is comingsoon
我现在内核是 Linux 6.7.4 (Wǒ xiànzài nèihé shì): My current kernel is
從 VirtualBox 換到 VMware (Cóng VirtualBox huàn dào): Switching from VirtualBox to VMWare
為了可以使用 KVM,把桌機 Ubuntu (Xubuntu) 上的 VM 都從 VirtualBox 換到 virt-manager 了…
- In order to be able to use KVM, I changed all the VMs on the desktop Ubuntu (Xubuntu) from VirtualBox to virt-manager…
看起來只有 port 80/443 會通…
- (Kàn qǐlái zhǐyǒu port 80/443 huì tōng…)
- It looks like only port 80/443 will work…
看来arch 不适合俺 (Kàn lái) arch (Bù shìhé ǎn) It seems arch - not suitable for me.
更新了确实是可以了。 。
- (Gēngxīnle quèshí shì kěyǐle..)
- It is indeed possible to update. .
- (Ānzhuō xià de zhìnéng dàilǐ): Smart agent under Android
- 安卓下 (Ānzhuō xià) - Under Android
- 智能 Zhìnéng - intelligent
- 代理 Dàilǐ - a proxy; to act as agent
我在我 Linux 机器上也是同样的提示
- (Wǒ zài wǒ Linux jīqì shàng yěshì tóngyàng de tíshì)
- I have the same prompt on my Linux machine
- lit. I in my Linux machine obove same
- 也是 (Yěshì) - Too, also
- 同样 (Tóngyàng) - same; equal; likewise; simularity
- 提示 (Tíshì): pompt; hint, tips; lit. carry/extract reveal
Windows DWM兼容到鼠标滚轮和鼠标事件
- (Jiānróng dào shǔbiāo gǔnlún hé shǔbiāo shìjiàn)
- Windows DWM - Compatible with mouse wheel and mouse events
- (Wèishéme linux shàng hái yǒu zhège)
- Why is this still available on linux?
- why Linux on still have this
我唯一的 macbook 2015 无法开机了
- (wǒ wéiyī de macbook wúfǎ kāijī liǎo)
- my only macbook2015 Can't boot up
- 唯 wéi - only
- 无法 wúfǎ - unable to
- 开机 kāijī - Turn on [open machine]
- (jíjiǎn qǐdòng jièmiàn )
- Minimalist startup interface
22.19. systems
- 扩展 (Kuòzhǎn): scalability
22.20. verbs
运行 (Yùnxíng) - to run ; operational
22.21. talks
- (Wǒ shì yòng lái shǒudòng géshì huà dàimǎ)
- I use it to manually format the code
- (Dànshì shíxiàn qǐlái bǐjiào kùnnán)
- But it is more difficult to implement
太复杂了 (Tài fùzále) - Too complicated
一个人也没有测过 (Yīgè rén yě méiyǒu cèguò): No one has tested it
但还是不开源 (Dàn háishì bù kāiyuán): But still not open source
- (Zhège wèntí wǒ wúlì jiějué)
- I can't solve this problem
- (Yǒu méiyǒu kěnéng yǒu ānzhuō bǎn)
- Is it possible to have an Android version?
- 不太可能 (Bù tài kěnéng): Not likely
- (Shì bùshì zhēn miǎnfèile)
- Is it really free?
- lit. is't it really free?
- 是不是 (Shì bùshì) - yes or no, isn't it?
- 免费了 (miǎnfèile) - was released, is free. lit. free cost/fee
到也没必要这么自动 :(
- (Dào yě méi bìyào zhème zìdòng ()
- There is no need to be so automatic (
- lit. Arrived too No need so automatic
- (Wǒ shì yīn wéi kāile zìdòng bǎocún)
- I turned on auto-save, that is why.
- I am bacause opened automatic save
- (Zhème lèsè, zhíjiē rēngle)
- Such garbage, just throw it away
- (Èle, màidāngláo chūfā)
- Hungry, McDonald’s leave/letsgoto (out send)
- (Shìle shì, quèshí bùyòng)
- tried a try, indeed not working.
- (Dé zìjǐ cóngtóu shíxiàn, zhēn nán dǐng)
- I have to implement it from scratch, which is really difficult.
22.22. working frases
- (Qídài nǐ de cānyù)
- Looking forward to your participation
- (Kāifā zhě shǐyòng kāiyuán ruǎnjiàn, yě chuàngzào kāiyuán ruǎnjiàn)
- Developers use open source software and create open source software
23. Grammar rules 語法 (Yǔfǎ) [ language law ]
23.1. base or SVO
- SVO (subject–verb–object) "The dog bites the man." - The standard Chinese sentence structure.
- VO了
- passive. ex: 破案了 - solved subject.
- 有人 Yǒurén - someone; lit. to have a man
- VO了
- SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) sentence: This sentence structure is used when the object is emphasized.
- 这个苹果我吃。(zhè ge píngguǒ wǒ chī) - This apple, I eat.
- OSV (Object-Subject-Verb) sentence: This sentence structure is used when the object is topicalized.
- 苹果我吃。(píngguǒ wǒ chī) - The apple, I eat.
- ergative structure (SVO with S replaced with location expression)
- 院子 里 停着 车。(yuànzi lǐ tíngzhe chē.): Courtyard in topark vehicle.
- Eng: "In the courtyard" is parked a vehicle.
- "院子 里" is subject position occupied by an expression of location.
- SMVO (S + Manner phrase + V + O)
- 我又吃苹果。(wǒ yòu chī píngguǒ) - I eat an apple slowly.
- 他快看书。(tā kuài kàn shū) - He reads a book quickly.
Chinese is topic-prominent language: begin with the topic, usually "given" or "old" information; and end with the comment, or "new" information.
(время)Подлежащее(время) +(наречия) Сказуемое + (определение) Дополнение.
SVO or SV examplees:
- 今天 爬山,明天 露营。 [今天爬山,明天露營。]
- Jīntiān páshān míngtiān lùyíng.
- Today alpinism, tomorrow camp.
- Eng: Mountain climbing today and camping tomorrow.
- 今天 today (subject), 爬 to climp (verb), 山 mountain (object)
- 饭 做 好了。
- Fàn zuò hǎole
- Eng: rice/meal is ready. (food make complete)
S and O may be omitted:
- 不知道了 (Bù zhīdàole): I no longer know
23.2. Tenses - aspects
Aspect - whether or not event is completed. Aspect can appear in the past, present or future.
23.2.1. present
- 现在 (xiàn zài) - now
- 我们现在开始。(wǒ men xiàn zài kāi shǐ.) - We start now.
- 目前 (Mùqián) - at present, currently
23.2.2. present perfect
到 Dào - when added to to verb mean perfect time
- see 28.2
- 我没有找到 (Wǒ méiyǒu zhǎodào): I don't find (it).
- 得到 Dédào - to get [haveto arrive]
23.2.3. continues
(正) 在 + Verb
- 我们 正在 吃饭。
- (Wǒmen zhèngzài chīfàn)
- We are eating.
- 在用了 (Zài yòngle) - In use, already using it.
着 Zhe - continuous aspect. -ing suffinx
- Verb + 着
- 我读,你听着。(Wǒ dú, nǐ tīngzhe): I read, you listen.
- Verb + 着 + verb - state 着 action
- 她喜欢站着吃饭。
- (Tā xǐhuān zhàn zhe chīfàn)
- She likes standing eat. She likes to eat standing up
- "standing + eat = eating while standing"Tā xǐhuan zhàn zhe chīfàn.
- 他笑着说“对不起” 。
- (Tā xiào zhe shuō "duìbuqǐ")
- He smiling say “sorry”.
- 她喜欢站着吃饭。
23.2.4. past
Past events with time words.
了 le - completed aspect.
- Verb + 了
- Verb + 了 + object
- Verb + object + 了
- Verb + 了 + quantity
- Verb + 了 + quantity + 了
- Adjective + 了
- Noun + 了
过 Guò - particle indicating that an event or state has occurred already; ever; already
- [subject] [verb] 过
- 你有冇去过香港啊?
- (Nǐ yǒu mǎo qùguò xiānggǎng a?)
- Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
- 看见过 (Kànjiànguò) - seen, saw it
- 我只用过这个 (Wǒ zhǐ yòngguò zhège) - I just used this.
- 我听说过。(Wǒ tīng shuōguò) - I've heard about that. Subject + Verb + Complement (Verb Phrase)
- 说过 (shuō guò) - "have said" or "have spoken".
没 or 没有:
- 刚才没听见 (gāngcái méi tīngjiàn) just now not hear - did not hear
以前 yǐ qián (before / previously / ago)
昨天 zuó tiān (yesterday)
十分钟前 shí fēn zhōng qián (10 minutes ago)
想到 (Xiǎngdào) - to think, to expect, to imagine
- 完全没想到是 (Wánquán méi xiǎngdào shì) Didn't expect it at all. Completely not expect this.
- 发啦 (Fā la) - Posted, send it now!
有 - before a verb to make it done.
- 古语有云 (gǔyǔ yǒu yún) - “the old saying has said”
后 Hòu - after, back, later
- 不成功后,… (Bù chénggōng hòu) After unsuccessful, …
23.2.5. future
试试 (shì shì)
- 我试试去 (Wǒ shì shì qù): I'll try
- 我试试先 (Wǒ shì shì xiān): I'll try first
要 (Yào) - want to, goint go, wish, ask to do.
会 (Huì) - will; to can; able; conference, meeting
- 我会去 (wǒ huì qù): I will go.
- 他不会介意 (Tā bù huì jièyì): he won't mind.
- 我会回来的 (Wǒ huì huílái de): I will be back, I will return.
- 等会儿回去看看 (Děng huì er huíqù kàn kàn): I'll go back and have a look later.
- 等会儿回 - Return later. lit. wait a moment return
- 会儿 (huì'er) - a moment. 儿 particle conveys a sense of a short, is used to soften the expression and make it sound more casual or conversational.
- 等会儿回 - Return later. lit. wait a moment return
将 (jiāng) - will, would, shall; by, with
- 我将去 (wǒ jiāng qù): I will go.
time + verb
- 睡覺了,明天再搞
- (Shuìjiàole, míngtiān zài gǎo)
- Went to bed, tomorrow more do.
23.2.6. propositions
- before - 之前 Zhīqián - Before, prior to, previously [of before].
- after - 后
- 以后 yǐhòu - after, later; following; in the future; lit. by later
23.3. there is
- 还有 (Hái yǒu): there is also, besides, also; lit. also have
- 是有…的 (shì yǒu…de): be have
原来还有别人也觉得绕 (Yuánlái hái yǒu biérén yě juédé rào)
- It turns out that there are others who also find it confusing.
- Originally come also have other people
- (Bù bù, shì yǒu xiàndài de)
- No, no, there is a modern one.
- (Guānfāng yuán jiù yǒu)
- There is an official source
- official source just exist
只有一个 (Zhǐyǒu yīgè) - There is only one. Only have a one.
23.4. 的 De - of
23.4.1. ?X? + 的(de) + ?X?
- Noun/Pronoun + 的(de) +Noun: indicating possession
回家的路 (huí jiā de lù): Return/way/path home ??? road.
Two ways to translate:
- from forward to back with adj.: way home road
- from back to forward with "of": road of way home
- 我的书 (Wǒ de shū): my book
- 那本书是我的 (Nà běn shū shì wǒ de): this book is mine
- 这个人的就有 (Zhège rén de jiù yǒu): This guy has it. lit. This one man's just have.
- Adjective + 的 + Noun
的(de) and Noun may be omitted. if the adjective has two characters (e.g. 漂亮 (piàoliang) or 高兴 (gāoxìng)), the 的 (de) is generally required.
- (Láo zhōng de yīshēng)
- lit. In prison one life. Life in prison.
- 你 喜欢 哪 种 女孩?
- (Nǐ xǐhuan nǎ zhǒng nǚhái)
- You likes which kind girls. What kind of girls do you like?
- 漂亮 的。(Piàoliang de) - Pretty ones.
- Verb + 的(de) + Noun
- chī de dōngxī
- something to eat
- Nǐ xiǎng yào diǎnr chī de dōngxī ma?
- Would you like something to eat?
- yóu yǒng de jì jié
- season for swimming
- Phrase + 的(de)+ Noun
- 去上海的飞机
- qù Shàng hǎi de fēi jī
- a flight to Shanghai
- Jīn tiān méi yǒu qù Shàng hǎi de fēi jī le.
- There is no flight to Shanghai today.
- mā ma zuò de dàn gāo
- the cake made by mom
- Bà ba xǐ huan chī mā ma zuò de dàn gāo.
- Dad likes the cake made by mom.
23.4.2. 的(de) + ?X?
- Prounoun/Noun + 的
- Zhè běn shū shì wǒ de.
- This is my book.
- Wǒ de qiú shì hóngsè de.
- My ball is red.
- Verb + 的
- 如果你来,吃的、穿的、用的,我这儿都有。
- Rúguǒ nǐ lái, chī de, chuān de, yòng de, wǒ zhèr dōu yǒu.
- If you come, I have food, clothing and daily necessities (for you).
- Lǎoshī yì zǒu jìn lai, dǎ de, shuōhuà de dōu tíng xià lai le.
- As soon as the teacher came in, the students who fought and talked all stopped.
- Adj. + 的
A: 孩子喜欢吃什么东西?
- Háizi xǐhuan chī shénme dōngxi?
- What do children like to eat?
B: 甜 的
- Tián de.
- Sweet food.
A: 你喜欢哪种女孩?
- Nǐ xǐhuan nǎ zhǒng nǚhái?
- What kind of girls do you like?
B: 漂亮的。
- Piàoliang de.
- Pretty ones.
23.4.3. Phrase + 的
- Nà ge kāi chē de shì shéi ?
- Who’s the driver?
- Mā ma zuò de shì zuì hǎo chī de.
- Mom’s cooking is the best.
to indicate that the speaker is sure of what he or she is saying
- Nǐ kěyǐ de.
- You can do it.
- Tā yīdìng huì lái de.
- She's definitely coming.
- Wǒmen néng gǎodìng de.
- We can handle it.
- Tā bú huì dàoqiàn de.
- He's not going to apologize.
23.4.4. Collocation of 的 in Chinese
- 有的(yǒude)… 有的(yǒude)…
- 有的 + (Subj.) + Predicate, 有的 + (Subj.) + Predicate
- Some of…, and some of…
- Zhè jiā diàn de yīfu yǒude guì, yǒude piányi.
- Some of the clothes in this shop are cheap and some are expensive.
- Jiǔbā lǐ, yǒude rén zài hējiǔ, yǒude rén zài tiàowǔ, hái yǒude rén zài liáotiān.
- In the bar, some people are drinking, some are dancing, and some are chatting.
- 是(shì)……的(de)
- sentences are usually about past events. to emphasize any detail that's related to a past event, but most commonly it emphasizes time, manner, or place.
- 是 [thing to be emphasized] 的
- [subject] 是 [thing to be emphasized] [verb] 的
A: 你是什么时候来公司的?
- Nǐ shì shén me shíhou lái gōngsī de?
- When did you join the company?
B: 我是去年来公司的。
- Wǒ shì qùnián lái gōngsī de.
- I joined the company last year.
A: 你今天是怎么去上班的?
- Nǐ jīn tiān shì zěnme qù shàng bān de?
- How did you go to work today?
B: 我是坐地铁去上班的.
- Wǒ shì zuò dìtiě qù shàng bān de.
- I go to work by subway.
A: 你是在哪儿出生的?
- Nǐ shì zài nǎr chūshēng de?
- Where were you born?
B: 我是在美国出生的。
- Wǒ shì zài Měiguó chūshēng de.
- I was born in the USA.
- 挺(Tǐng)… 的
挺+ adj./verb phrase+的
- … is quite, rather, or pretty + adj.
- Nǐ nán péngyou tǐng shuài de.
- Your boyfriend is handsome.
- Wǒ tǐng xǐhuan zhè fèn gōngzuò de.
- I like this job.
23.4.5. relationship between cause and cosequence.
- (Zhè zìtǐ kàn de wǒ yǒudiǎn tóuyūn)
- This font looks, making me feel a bit dizzy.
- 的 = making
- or: I feel sick OF this font looks.
23.5. 得 de/dé/děi - have to, get
23.5.1. 得 dé - get, OK
- Tā bù dé bù líkāi.
- He can't not to leave. He has to leave.
23.5.2. 得 de - show degree or result of actions
used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc.
- Zhè zhǒng yěcài chī de.
- This kind wild vegetables edible. This wild herb is edible.
不得 - bù dé/de - used to create negative sentence.
- Zhèshì tài wēixiǎn, wǒ zuò bù de.
- It's too dangerous I shouldn't do it.
23.5.3. 得 děi - to have to / must / ought to / to need to
- Mǎifáng děi duōshao qián?
- Buy house ought to how much money? How much money do you need to buy a house?
23.6. 地 De - land
acts like the -ly suffix in English
describes how an action is done, describing the manner, mood, or method of it.
23.6.1. Adjective/ Adverb + 地 + Adjective / Verb
孩子们快乐地唱歌。Háizimen Kuàilè de chànggē. The children sing happily.
- (Nǔlì dì gōngzuò)
- to strive -ly work. working hard.
23.6.2. Modal verb + Adverb + 地 + Verb
- Negation + Adverb + 地 + Verb
- Lǎoshī yīnggāi rènzhēn de jiǎngkè.
- The teacher should give lectures conscientiously.
- Tā bù gāoxìng de gàosù wǒ zhè jiàn shì
- He told me about this thing unhappily.
23.6.3. Phrase + 地 + Verb
- Tā yí zì yí jù de gēn wŏ shuō.
- He told me, word by word.
- Wǒmen wú suǒ wèijù de hé duìshǒu jìngzhēng.
- We compete fearlessly with our opponent.
23.6.4. ……地 + 把 + …… + Verb + ……
Agent + 被 + …… + ……地 + Verb
- Bàba jǐn jin de bǎ háizi bàozhe.
- Dad held the kid tightly.
- Háizi bèi bàba jǐn jin de bàozhe.
- The kid is held tightly by his dad.
23.7. State of Being
- 我觉得的很开心 (Wǒ juédé de hěn kāixīn): I feel very happy.
- 我不开心 (Wǒ bù kāixīn): I am not happy.
- something 不 something : 忙不忙 (Máng bù máng): busy or not.
23.8. 把 (Bǎ) - about what happens 'fate' to the object.
[subject] 把 [object] [verb] (SOV: subject · verb · object)
- 我吃面条。(Wǒ chī miàntiáo.): I eat noodles.
- 我把面条吃了。(Wǒ bǎ miàntiáo chīle.) I ate the noodles.
- 我把我的包放在桌子上了。(Wǒ bǎ wǒ de bāo fàng zài zhuōzi shàng le.)
- I 把 my thebag 放 put at on the 桌子 table over.
- 她把废纸扔进了垃圾桶。(Tā bǎ fèi zhǐ rēng jìn le lājī tǒng.)
- She 把 the waste paper 扔进了 throwed in 垃圾桶 garbage can.
- 你把我的啤酒都喝完了吗? (Nǐ bǎ wǒ de píjiǔ dōu hē wánle ma?)
- I 把 my bear 都 all drink. Did you finish all my beer?
23.9. 吧 (ba)
(used at the end of a sentence) indicating entreaty, suggestion, command, etc
- 我们走吧!(wǒ men zǒu ba) - Let’s go! / Let’s leave!
- 我们明天一起吃晚饭吧!(wǒ men míng tiān yì qǐ chī wǎn fàn ba) - Let’s have
dinner together tomorrow!
- 你跟他说一下吧。(nǐ gēn tā shuō yí xia ba) - Let him know. (polite)
- 一下 (yí xia) - makes it sound polite
- Used to indicate agreement or approval. a bit similar to the tone of “fine” in
English, though not quite as harsh.
- 好吧。明天也行。(hǎo ba míng tiān yě xíng) - OK. Tomorrow works too. / Fine. Tomorrow works too.
- 行吧。我们只能这样了。(xíng ba wǒ men zhǐ néng zhè yàng le) - Alright. That’s all we can do. / Fine. That’s all we can do.
- Used to indicate uncertainty or guess about something
- 你会说普通话吧?(nǐ huì shuō pǔ tōng huà ba) - You speak Mandarin, right?
- 他明年就要毕业了,对吧?(tā míng nián jiù yào bì yè le duì ba) - He is graduating next year, right?
- 应该没什么问题吧。(yīng gāi méi shén me wèn tí ba) - There shouldn’t be any issues.
Used to indicate a pause when weighing options/making comparisons. In this case, the “ba” is usually repeated twice.
- 夏天去北京吧,天气会很热,冬天去北京吧,天气会很冷。(xià tiān qù běi jīng ba,
tiān qì huì hěn rè, dōng tiān qù běi jīng ba, tiān qì huì hěn lěng) - If we go to Beijing in the summer, the weather will be hot. If we go to Beijing in the winter, the weather will be cold.
- 跟老板说吧,他会很不开心,不跟老板说吧,公司可能会出大事。(gēn lǎo bǎn shuō ba,
tā huì hěn bù kāi xīn, bù gēn lǎo bǎn shuō ba, gōng sī kě néng huì chū dà shì) - If you tell the boss, he won’t be happy. If you don’t tell the boss, the company might run into some big issues.
- 用在句中,表示停顿,带假设语气,并带有列举性质 [indicating a pause]。如:说吧,不好;不说吧,也不好
挺简单的吧 (tǐng jiǎn dān de ba)? - Pretty simple, right?
23.10. adjective
adj. + 的是 = adj. it is.
- 有趣的是 (Yǒuqù de shì): Interestingly
- 遗憾的是 (Yíhàn de shì): Unfortunately, It's a pity.
- 他真的是个二百五! (Tā zhēn de shìgè èrbǎiwǔ): He really is an idiot!
23.11. as as - 和 … 一样
和 … 一样 adjective
- and … the same adjective
example: 和org mode一样方便 (Hé org mode yīyàng fāngbiàn)
- As convenient as org mode
23.12. compound verbs
verb (喜) + adjective (欢) = a compound verb: 喜欢
23.13. are you afraid of xxx?
- (Bì qū pàle ma?)
- currency maggot scary? Are you afraid of coin maggots?
23.14. If not, just do that
不行就 (Bù háng jiù) - If it doesn't work, then …
23.15. TODO 被 - agant?
indicate passive voice?
23.16. it is …
- 正在 (Zhèngzài) - while, in the process of lit. just be
- 原来 (Yuánlái): It turns out to be … ; lit. raw come
- 这是… (zhè shì): this is …
23.17. Complement (补语 bǔyǔ) [repair language]
Subject (Noun) + Verb + Complement (Verb Phrase)
- Complement (verb) replace Object (noun) in SVO
- Resultative complement (结果补语 jiéguǒ bǔyǔ):
- Example: 写完了 (xiě wán le) - "Finished writing"
- Directional complement (方向补语 fāngxiàng bǔyǔ):
- Example: 上去 (shàng qù) - "Go up"
- Durative complement (Duration complement, 持续补语 chíxù bǔyǔ):
- Example: 看了一会儿 (kàn le yī huìr) - "Looked for a while"
- Potential complement (可能补语 kěnéng bǔyǔ):
- Example: 看得见 (kàn de jiàn) - "Can see"
23.17.1. Direction Complement
Verb + 来 / 去 [come/leave]
- 下来 xiàlái - come down “to me” [to down come]
- 下去 xiàqù - go down “away” [to down leave]
- 上 shàng - to go up
- 出 Chū - to go out
- 进 Jìn - to Enter
- 回 Huí - to return
Verb + [Compound Direction Complement]
- 跑出去 Pǎo chūqù - run out
Verb + Object + Complement
- 回中国来 Huí Zhōngguó lái - come back to China [to back China come]
Complement + verb
- 往里进 (Wǎng lǐ jìn): Go in, go inside [to in to enter]. 往里 direction Complement
- 往外出 (wǎng wài chū) - to exit outside [to outer to exit]
23.18. 上 after verb, noun
关上门。(Guān shàngmén) close the door
请把门关上 (qǐng bǎ mén guān shàng)。 Please close the door.
把嘴闭上。(bǎ zuǐ bì shàng) Shut up your mouth.
- (qǐng dà jiā bǎ shū hé shàng)
- Please everyone Close your book, please.
- 把 (bǎ) - This is a grammatical particle that indicates the object of the sentence. It's used to place emphasis on the object, in this case, the books.
To Noun add feeling:
- On the surface of an object
- within the scope of something
- certain aspects of something
- Māo zài yǐ zi shang shuì jiào.
- Can at chair
To verb
- indicate the result of the action
- an action starts and will continue
- Wǒmen zhōngyú pá shàng le shāndǐng.
- We finally climbed to the top of the mountain.
- Tā zuìjìn mí shàng le mótuōchē.
- He has become obsessed with motorcycles recently.
- He recent fun-of become motorcycles.
24. Adverb наречия
- somewhere
- 在 zài - at
- 某个地方 mǒu gè dìfāng - "a certain place."
- 某处 mǒu chù - "somewhere," "someplace," or "somewhere else."
- откуда-то 从 cóng - from / through
- кого-то
- 很 hěn - very
- 才 (Cái) - only, just ; talent; only if, not until
- 太 Tài - too, very, excessively; highest (大丶)
- 就 Jiù - just …, only, at once; on ; that ; to undertake, to move towards
- 突然 (Túrán) - Suddenly, pop
- 确实 (Quèshí) - indeed, really ; real, true, reliable, assured; 确实好 it's Really good.
- 别 (Bié) - other, another; Don't (adjective actualy)
- 另 (Lìng) - other, another, separate; separately, in addition
简单 (Jiǎndān): simple, just, casual; simplicity, simpleness (simple one)
- 肯定 Kěndìng - Definitely, sure
24.1. ex
- 你知道我手机放在某个地方吗?(Nǐ zhīdào wǒ shǒujī fàng zài mǒu gè dìfāng ma?)
- Do you know where I put my phone?
- 我想去某个地方度假。(Wǒ xiǎng qù mǒu gè dìfāng dùjià.) - I want to go somewhere for vacation.
- 他去了某处度假。(Tā qùle mǒu chù dùjià.) - He went on vacation somewhere.
- 我昨天在某处见过他。(Wǒ zuótiān zài mǒu chù jiànguò tā.) - I saw him somewhere yesterday.
25. Adjectives Прилагательные
25.1. rules
Всегда: прил + существительное
- старый красный дом lǎo hóng [fáng zi] - 老红房子
a green tree Yī kē lǜsè de shù 一棵绿色的树
- 的 de is inserted between the adjective and the noun.
- 的 is sometimes omitted
- to reduce repetitiveness or improve sentence flow: e.g., the TV show "快乐中国" in China
- when a single-syllable adjective is used than for a multi-syllable adjective
(e.g., compare 坏人 (壞人) with 奇怪的人 - bad person Huàirén, strange person Qíguài
Can be as verbs: 天黑了 It's getting dark. Темнеет.
25.2. measure of beauty and 了
- 她很帅。(Tā hěn shuài) - She is very handsome.
- 她不错。(Tā Bùcuò) - She is not bad.
- 她可爱。(Tā kě'ài) - she is cute
- 她好美。(Tā hǎoměi) - She is so beatuful.
- 她很漂亮。(tā hěn piàoliang) - She is beautiful. (很 often functions as a dummy linking)
- 她好漂亮。(tā hǎo piàoliang) - She is very beautiful.
- 她真漂亮。(tā zhēn piàoliang) - She is really beautiful.
- 她非常漂亮。(tā fēicháng piàoliang) - She is extraordinarily beautiful.
- 她非常好看。(Fēicháng hǎokàn) - she is very looking good.
- 她漂亮极了。(tā piàoliang jí le) - She is exceedingly beautiful.
"漂亮 死 她 了" (sǐ le, literally "to death")
- She is to death beatutiful. (extent of influence)
- 热死了" (热 rè = hot) - meaning "It's so hot [to the extent that I cannot bear any more]"
- "饿死了" (饿 è = hungry) - meaning "[I feel] so hungry [to the extent that I cannot bear any more]"
- "热死我了" - meaning "I feel so hot [to the extent that I cannot bear any more]"
25.3. Noun + 是 + Adj + 的 // to state or emphasize a fact or a perceived fact.
- tā shì nán de
- person is male.
- Nà liàng chē shì xīn de
- That car is new.
25.4. many, much - measure words
- 许多 Xǔduō - (to allow; to permit; to praise) (many; much; a lot of) - a
considerable number of; a significant amount of; a good deal of; a lot of; many;
- 现在科学可以说明许多神秘的事。
- Xiànzài kēxué kěyǐ shuōmíng xǔduō shénmì de shì.
- Science can now account for many mysterious things.
- 她在冬天收集了许多雪水,准备夏天用来降暑。
- Tā zài dōngtiān shōují le xǔduō xuěshuǐ, zhǔnbèi xiàtiān yònglái jiàng shǔ.
- She collected lots of snow water in winter so as to reduce the heat in summer.
- 许多苹果 - Xǔduō píngguǒ - many apples
- 现在科学可以说明许多神秘的事。
- 很多 Hěnduō - many, much, a lot (very many)
- 他有很多朋友。 ― Tā yǒu hěnduō péngyǒu. ― He has many friends.
- 他改变了很多。 ― Tā gǎibiàn le hěnduō. ― He has changed a lot.
- 很多水 - much of water
多朋友 - many friends
有点 (Yǒudiǎn) A little bit
- 有点魔怔了 (Yǒudiǎn mó zheng le): A little crazy
25.5. Colours 颜色 Yán sè:
- black hēi sè 黑色 - criminal gangs (黑帮)
- синий lán sè 蓝色
- зеленый lǜ sè 绿色
- красный hóng sè 红色 [silk work]
- white bái sè 白色 - mourning and death
- yellow huáng sè 黄色 (radical KangXi no.: 201)
- Gray huīsè 灰色
25.6. size 尺寸 Chǐ cùn:
- большой dà - 大
- глубокий shēn - 深 (water, tree)
- длинный cháng;zhǎng - 长
- узкий zhǎi - 窄 (cave forthefirsttime)
- короткий duǎn;duān - 短 (arrow beans)
- небольшой xiǎo - 小
- высокий gāo - 高
- толстый hòu - 厚 (factory totreatkindly(sun child) )
- тонкий bò;báo;bó - 薄
- широкий kuān - 宽
25.7. Качества:
- 坏 huài - плохой (soil negative)
- 好 Hǎo - хороший
- 高兴 Gāoxìng - happy, glad
- 干净 gān jìng - чистый (opposeinvade pure(ice dispute))
- 古 Gǔ - древний
- 新 Xīn - новый (paretns(stand rank) axe)
- 比较好 Bǐjiào hǎo - … better (to compare relative good).
- 最好的 Zuì hǎo de - the best (most good of)
- 舒服 (Shūfú) - Comfortable; comfort; healthy
25.8. location
- 旁邊 (Pángbiān) - next to, beside; 我的 右 Alt 在 Space 旁邊 (Wǒ de yòu Alt zài Space pángbiān) My right Alt next to Space
25.9. time
- 刚 gāng hard; just; solid; very recently;
- 挺快 (Tǐng kuài) - Pretty fast
26. Preposition предлоги 介词 (Jiècí)
- 的 De - of
- 之 Zhī - of
- 于 Yú - at, in, to, on, for, of, with regrad to, in regard to, regarding
- 在 Zài - in, at
- 上 on
- 为 for
- 由 Yóu - by, from, due to, because of ; cause ; to follow, to let one determine
- 靠 Kào - to depend on ; by, near, alongside, at, about
- 被 bèi - to indicate the agent responsible for an action.
- (Patient)Subject + 被(bèi)(opt) + agent(opt) + verb + complement/other elements.
- 书被他拿走了。(Shū bèi tā ná zǒu le.)lit. Book by him taken away. The book was taken by him.
- wūnèi - 屋内 - в доме indoor (room/house inside)
- chē wài - 车外 - вне автомобиля (car outside)
- Hé wǒ yīqǐ - 和我一起 - со мной, be with me
- Hé wǒ 和我 - and me
- yīqǐ 一起 - together
- méiyǒu tā;tuó - 没有他 - Without him, без него
- méiyǒu 没有 - no
- zhuōzi (de;dì;dí) (xià mian;xià miàn) - 桌子的下面 - под столом
- zhuōzi - 桌子 - table
- de - 的 - of
- xiàmiàn - 下面 - under (down surface/face)
Послезавтра míng tiān hòu - 明天后 до заката rì luò zhī qián - 日落之前 но я занят dàn wǒ hěn máng - 但我很忙
- Bù 不 - не
- Yīgè 一个 - an
- 安 - часть слов в значении an - 安全 safety, 安装 installation
26.1. 的 (de)
- принадлежность: 我的词典 – wǒ de cídiǎn - мой словарь
- всегда ставится после прилагательного с наречием степени: 很好的朋友 hěn hǎo de péngyǒu очень хороший друг
- после определения, выраженного двухсложным прилагательным:
- 这个年轻的姑娘很漂亮
- zhè ge niánqīng de gūniáng hěn piàoliang
- Эта молодая девушка очень красивая (слово 年轻 – молодой, двусложное)
26.2. Top Proposition
- 关于 (guān yú) — About
- 以上 (yǐ shàng) — Above, More
- 以 (yǐ) - with, by
- 小于 Xiǎoyú - smaller, less than [little at]
- 其中 (qí zhōng) — Among
- 在 (zài) — At
- 的 (de) — Of
- 和…一起 (hé…yī qǐ) — With
- 从 (cóng) — From
- 对 (duì) — To, For
- 跟 (gēn) — With, To
- 前 (qián) — Before
- 旁 (páng) — Beside
- 之间 (zhī jiān) — Among, Between
- 由 (yóu) — Is, For
- 尽管 (jǐn guǎn) — Despite
- 除了 (chú le) — Except (for)
- 为了 (wèi le) — For
- 在…附近 (zài…fù jìn) — Near
- 至于 (zhì yú) — As for
- 外 (wài) — Outside
- 比 (bǐ) — Than
- 至 (zhì) — Until
- 下 (xià) — Under
- 往 (wǎng) — To, Toward
- 自 (zì) — Since
- 通过 (tōng guò) — Through
- 对于 Duìyú - for, regarding, about, with regard to
27. Conjuctions Союзы and, or - 连词 (Liáncí)
see 26
- 为 (wèi): because of / for / to (originally the image of a female monkey)
- 为了 (Wèile): чтобы in order to (вила)
- 因为 (yīnwéi): потому что …
- 为此 (wèi cǐ): for this reason
- 也 (yě): also (ие)
- 就 (Jiù): right, at once …
- 那就 (Nà jiù): Then ….
- 那… (Nà): then …; … then
- 终 (zhōng): at the end
- 依然 (yīrán): still
- 还是 (Háishì): still, neverless; 还 Hái - still
- 我还在用 (Wǒ hái zài yòng) - I'm still using it.
- 有趣的是 (Yǒuqù de shì): Interestingly …
- 其实 (Qíshí): actually, in fact, really …
- 是不是 (Shì bùshì) - yes or no, isn't it … , really ….
- 如果 (Rúguǒ): if, in case
- 原来 (Yuánlái): It turns out to be … ; lit. raw come
- 当然 (Dāngrán): certainly, of course
- 突然 (Túrán): suddenly …
- 看来 (Kàn lái): It seems …
- 看起来 (Kàn qǐlái): It seems …
- 这个看起来是个 (Zhège kàn qǐlái shìgè): This looks like a …
- 而且 (Érqiě) - moreover, …
- 不然 (Bùrán): otherwise …, or …
- 再说 (Zàishuō): Besides, …
- 话说, (Huàshuō): by the way, …. (words/talk, talking)
- 写起来 (Xiě qǐlái,): As written, …
- 已经 (Yǐjīng): already …
- 的话,是的 (Dehuà, shì de): … If so, yes
- 这样, (Zhèyàng); This way, …
- 反正 (Fǎnzhèng): Anyway …
- 相对来说, (xiāng duì lái shuō) - relatively speaking, …
- 确实 (Quèshí) - It's definitely/really …
- 这次 (Zhè cì) - now …, this time …
- 虽然 (Suīrán) - Although …, nevertheless …
- 好像 (Hǎoxiàng) - it seems …, like …
- 那么 (Nàme) - adv. So… ! ; lit. that eh/what!
- 好事 (Hǎoshì) - the good is, … lit. good thing
- 区区 (Qūqū) - merely… 区区3只猫 (Qūqū 3 zhǐ māo): Just three cats
- 印象中还 (Yìnxiàng zhōng hái): Still in my mind …, The impression in still…
- 恕我直说,(Shù wǒ zhí shuō) pardon me, … [Forgive me direct say]
27.1. but
- 但是 (dàn shì) - but - more formal and stronger.
- 但 (Dàn) - but; still
- 不过 (Bùguò) - but, however, only - softer
- 可是 (Kěshì) - but is usually associated with something unfortunate
- 并 (Bìng) - but, and, combine, also
27.2. и или
- 和 Hé
- 与 Yǔ(и) ex.: 问题与方法 Проблемы и методы
- 而 - Ér
- 并 Bìng
- 或 - Huò - or, either
- 或者 Huòzhě - or; perhaps; alternatively
- 于 - Yú(и) on, to Focus on business 专注于商业
27.3. ex
为: 他这么认为么?(tā zhè me rèn wéi me) Does he think so?
- 他说这么做是为了我好。(tā shuō zhè me zuò shì wèi le wǒ hǎo) He said he did it for my benefit.
28. Prefixes, suffixes, intrafixes
Prefixes: 老、小、阿、第, 反, 初, 重, 非, 有, 更 Infixes: 得、不 Suffixes:子、儿、头、性、化、品、到, 最, 过, 丁
28.1. Prefixes
- 好吃 hǎochī (“tasty”), 好玩 hǎowán (“fun), and 好香 hǎoxiāng (“fragrant”).
难 (Nán) - “difficult” or “bad.”
- 难看 nánkàn (“ugly”), 难用 nányòng (“difficult-to-use”), and 难受 nánshòu (“uncomfortable,” “difficult to endure”).
可 (Kě) - Can "-able"
- 可靠 — "reliable"
- 可敬 — "respectable"
反 (Fǎn) - opposite "anti-"
- 反恐 — Fǎnkǒng "anti-terror"
- 反 教权的 [反教权的] — "anti-clerical"
- 反 法西斯 [反法西斯] — "anti-fascist"
初 (Chū) - “beginning” or “early part of,”
- 初中 chūzhōng, an abbreviation for 初级中学 chūjízhōngxué (“junior middle school”)
重 (Chóng) - “re-” - “to repeat” or “to duplicate.”
- 重复 chóngfù (“repeat”), 重建 chóngjiàn (“rebuild”), and 重启 chóngqǐ (“restart”).
非 (Fēi) - No, as prefix: opposite - it reverses the meaning of the word
- 非常 (Fēicháng): Very, much, most, exemrgency (常 common, ofter)
- 非難 (hinan): criticize, blame, reproach
有 (yǒu) - adds the sense of "existing" or "having"
- 有名 (yǒumíng): famous (literally "having a name")
- 有趣 (yǒuqù): interesting (literally "having interest")
- 有关 (yǒuguān): related (literally "having a connection")
- 有趣 (Yǒuqù): interesting
更 Gēng - more [丙 shoulders, fishtail + 攴 “hand holding a whip, action”] гэн
- 更易 (Gēngyì): easier
28.1.1. refer
小 Xiǎo “little” or “young.” - to refer to those who are younger
阿 Ā - to refer to your elders and seniors
- characters for pet names, kinship terms, and family names, much like 小
- 阿爸 ābà (“dad,” “daddy”) and 阿姨 āyí (“auntie,” “nursemaid”), 阿姨 āyí (“auntie,” “nursemaid”).
- 阿大 ā dà (“eldest child”) and 阿三 āsān (“third son or daughter”).
- ex: 我好茶阿 Wǒ hǎo chá ā - I like tea, ah.
老 Lǎo - old, term of respect
- in front of a family name to form a respectful term of address for men you are familiar with
- 老师 lǎoshī (“teacher”), 老板 lǎobǎn (“boss”), 老公 lǎogōng (“husband”) and 老婆 lǎopó (“wife”)
- 老虎 lǎohǔ (“tiger”), 老鹰 lǎoyīng (“eagle”), and 老鼠 lǎoshǔ (“mouse”).
28.2. Suffixes
子 zǐ
to show respect to ancient philosophers and sages
- 老子 Lǎo Zǐ (Lao Tzu), 孔子 Kǒng Zǐ (Confucius), and 孙子 Sūn Zǐ (Sun Tzu, author
of The Art of War).
- nominal, thing: 房子 fángzi (“house”), 袜子 wàzi (“socks”), and 猴子 hóuzi (“monkey”).
- person:
- to create a new noun: 夹子 jiāzi “peg”, “clip.” 骗 piàn “to cheat” or “to swindle,” 骗子 piànzi a “cheater” or “swindler.”
- converts adjectives into nouns: 傻子 shǎzi (“idiot”), 秃子 tūzi (“baldy”), and 胖子 pàngzi (“fatty”)
- 女子 (nǚzǐ): female, woman
- diminutive suffix: 小鼻子子 a little nose.
头 tóu - “head.” - much the same way as 子 zi
- partial noun to noun: 枕头 zhěntou (“pillow”), 馒头 mántou (“steamed bun”), and 骨头 gǔtou (“bone”).
- verb or adjective to noun: 念头 niàntou (“idea” or “thought”), while 甜头 tiántou (“sweet taste” or “benefit”)
儿 – ‘r - to form a noun. in the northern regions of China (such as Beijing),
- 车儿 chē’r - car, 棍儿 gun’r - a stick, 画儿 huà’r - a painting.
- “son” or “child.”: 儿子 érzi (“son”), 女儿 nǚ’ér (“daughter”), and 婴儿 yīng’ér (“baby.”)
- biān - side: 她坐在我旁边 Tā zuò zài wǒ pángbiān (“She sat by my side”). she sat at me beside side
- 边 bian - to indicate a direction or side: 左边 zuǒbian (“left”), 右边 yòubian (“right”), or 南边 nánbian (“south”).
们 Men - suffix “-s.”
学 – Xué - “-ology” or “-istry”:
- 生物学 shēngwùxué (“biology”), 数学 shùxué - math, study of numbers, 神学 shénxué (“theology”) - study of god
主义 – Zhǔyì - чж
- 社会主义 shèhuìzhǔyì (“socialism”), 女性主义 nǚxìngzhǔyì (“feminism”), and 共产主义 gòngchǎnzhǔyì (“communism”).
的 De - “-ific” and “-atic”
- 了不起的 liǎobuqǐ de (“terrific”), 系统的 xìtǒng de (“systematic”), and 自动的 zìdòng de (“automatic”).
家 Jiā “home” or “family.” - used to describe a specialist in a particular field
- 科学家 kēxuéjiā (“scientist”) or 作家 zuòjiā (“writer”).
者 Zhě - for verbs mostly - чжэ
- for verbs to describe jobs and professions:
- 译者 yìzhě - translators, 记者 jìzhě - journalists, 自愿者 zìyuànzhě - volunteers
- for adjective: 拼着 pínzhě (“the poor”), 伤者 shāngzhě (“the wounded”), or 死者 sǐzhě (“the dead”).
- for nons 注意 zhǔyì (-ism): 马克思主义者 mǎkèsīzhǔyìzhě (“Marxist”), a 环境保护这 huánjìng bǎohùzhě (“environmentalist”), or a 素食主义者 sùshízhǔyìzhě (“vegetarian”).
- 作者 (Zuòzhě) - author, writer. lit. write person
员 Yuán - member
- 社会的一员 shèhuì de yī yuán (“a member of society.”)
- new nouns: 会员 huìyuán (“member”), 队员 duìyuán (“teammate”), and 党员 dǎngyuán (“party member”).
- professins: 演员 yǎnyuán (“actor”), 球员 qiúyuán (“player” – on a sports team), and 教员 jiàoyuán (“instructor”)
性 Xìng - sex?, “nature” or “quality,” - “-ness,” “-ity,” or “-ability.”
- 能 ("can") = 能性 (Néng xìng) ("capability, ability")
- 硬 (“hard”) + 性 = 硬性 yìngxìng (“hardness”)
- 毒 (“poisonous”) + 性 = 毒性 dúxìng (“toxicity,” “poisonousness”)
- 可能 (“possible”) + 性 = 可能性 kěnéngxìng (“possibility”)
- 可靠 (“reliable”) + 性 = 可靠性 kěkàoxìng (“reliability”)
- 实用 (“useful”) + 性 = 实用性 shíyòngxìng (“utility,” “usability”)
- 教育 (“education”) + 性 = 教育性 jiàoyùxìng (“educational”)
- 季节 (“season”) + 性 = 结节性 jìjiéxìng (“seasonal”)
- 技术 (Jìshù) (“technology”) + 性 = 技术性 jìshùxìng (“technological”)
- 开放 (“to open”) + 性 = 开放性 kāifàngxìng (“openness”)
- 创造 (“to create”) + 性 = 创造性 chuàngzàoxìng (“creativity”)
- 传染 (“to infect”) + 性 = 传染性 chuánrǎnzìng (“infectiousness”)
- 安全 ("safe") = 安全性 Ānquán xìng ("safety")
- 有效 ("efficient (have effect)") = 有效性 Yǒuxiào xìng ("effectiveness")
度 Dù “degree” or “extent”
- 温度 wēndù (“temperature”), 角度 jiǎodù (“angle”), and 幅度 fúdù (“range”)
- 力度 lìdù (“strength”), 高度 gāodù (“height”), or 速度 sùdù (“speed”).
化 Huà - change — used to form verbs - -ify, -ization, -ize, “-en.”
- 国际化 [國際化] - Guójì huà globalization "internationalize",
- 国际 "internationality"
- 深化 shēnhuà (“deepen”), 恶化 èhuà (“worsen”), 简化 jiǎnhuà (“simplify”), 净化 jìnghuà (“purify”), 氧化 yǎnghuà (“oxidize”), 现代化 xiàndàihuà (“modernize”)
地 De - an adverb marker “-ly”
- 耐心地 nàixīn de (“patiently”), 开心地 kāixīn de (“happily”), and 伤心地 shāngxīn de (“sadly”).
- you’ll need to double-up monosyllabic adjectives before: 慢慢地 mànmàn de (“slowly”) and 悄悄地 qiāoqiāo de (“quietly”).
然 Rán - an adverb marker “-ly” and as a morpheme.
- 忽然 hūrán and 突然 tūrán, both of which mean “suddenly,” 居然 jūrán, meaning “unexpectedly,” and 显然 xiǎnrán, meaning “obvious” or “obviously.”
- 虽然 suīrán (“although”), 既然 jìrán (“since,” “as”), and 不然 bùrán (“otherwise”).
兮兮 Xīxī - no meaning in itself, exaggerate (преувеличивать) - used to poke fun
- 脏 zāng (“dirty”), 神秘 shénmì (“mysterious”), and 可怜 kělián (“pitiful”).
- 可这些脏兮兮的工作总要有人做的
- Kě zhèxiē zāngxīxī de gōngzuò zǒngyào yǒurén zuò de
- “It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it.”
- 要我说,你的男友有点儿神经兮兮的。
- Yào wǒ shuō, nǐ de nányǒu yǒudiǎn’r shénjīngxīxī de.
- If you ask me, your boyfriend seems kind of a nutjob.
巴 Bā - huge snake; to hope ; to cling to, to stick to; suffix for objects that are located below or behind ; for objects that are clumped together due to dryness or stickiness.
- 尾巴 (wěiba) - tail
- 下巴 (xiàba) ― chin
- 泥巴 (níba) - mud
到 Dào - when added to to verb mean perfect time ; to go to, to reach; up, until;
- 看到 (Kàn dào): to see, to notice, to saw; 看 - to see, to look, to watch, to view
- 听到 (Tīng dào): to hear, heard; 听 - to listen, to hear
- 买到 (Mǎi dào): to buy, bought; 买 - to buy, to purchase
- 做到 (Zuò dào): to achieve, to accomplish; 做 - to do, to make
- 找到 (Zhǎodào): to have found; find; 找 - to look for, to seek, to call, to ask for
- 学到 (Xué dào): to acquire; learned; 学 - to study, to learn; school, learning
- 拿到 (Ná dào): get it; 想到 (Xiǎngdào): to imagine, to recall; 追到 (Zhuī dào): to catch up
- 了解到 (Liǎojiě dào): understand; 联系到 (Liánxì dào): reached, contacted
最 -est
过 (Guò): already
丁 (dīng): small thing [nail]
- 补丁 (bǔdīng) - patch [repair nail]
28.3. Intrafixes, infixes
不 Bù -
- 来不及 Láibují - Too late
得 Dé — "can" and 不 Bù — "cannot"
- 听得懂 Tīng dé dǒng — "can understand"
- 听不懂 Tīng bù dǒng — "cannot understand"
- 听懂 Tīng dǒng - understand
著 Zhe - write, receive, suffer, outstanding, book
- 跳著舞 Tiàozhe wǔ - dancing, "to be dancing"
- 跳舞 Tiàowǔ - Dance (noun and verb)
29. Idiomatic expression 成语 chéngyǔ Чэнъюй
29.1. theory
成语/成語; pinyin: chéngyǔ; Чэнъюй lit. '[already] formed language'
Chinese idioms or four-character idioms. there are about 5,000 chéngyǔ.
Chengyu are one of four types of formulaic expressions (熟语/熟語, shúyǔ), which also include:
- collocations (惯用语/慣用語 guànyòngyǔ)
- two-part allegorical sayings (歇后语/歇後語 xiēhòuyǔ)
- proverbs (谚语/諺語 yànyǔ)
29.2. new short
- 去你的! (qù nǐ de!) - “Go away!” or “Off with you!”
- 不咋的 (bù zǎ de) - “not great,”
- 爱谁谁 (ài shéi shéi) - “do what you want,” or “whatever.” (love so so)
- 才不呢 (cái bù ne) - “no way” or “not at all.”
- 少年天才 (Shàonián tiāncái): teenage prodigy (small age sky talant)
- 珍重再见 (zhēn zhòng zài jiàn)- formal goodbye; lit. “so long and farewell.” like one might use at a graduation ceremony or before moving away.
- 爷们 (Yémen): is used in a way comparable to "bro" in the United States
- 没门儿 (méi mén er): “no door,” and means “No way!” or “Not a chance!”
- 花心 (huā xīn) “flower heart,” who has not been faithful in the relationship.
- 你这个花心大萝卜!
- (Nǐ zhège huāxīn dà luóbo)
- You cheating scum! (Literally: You flower heart carrot!)
- 中华有为 (Zhōng huá yǒu wéi) "China has promise". Huawei comes from this.
- 无处不在 (wú chù bù zài): to be everywhere" or "to be omnipresent.
- 我无处不在,我也在这里
- (Wǒ wú chù bùzài, wǒ yě zài zhèlǐ)
- I'm everywhere and I'm here too
- lit. I no place not at, I also at here
- 并不存在 (Bìng bù cúnzài): doesn't exist [atall not exist]
- 众所周知 (Zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī): well-known [crowd place all know]
- 无论何处 (Wúlùn hé chù): no matter where; lit. regardless what place
- 兄弟你好香 (Xiōngdì nǐ hǎo xiāng): Brother, you smell so good
- 兄弟你腿好白 (Xiōngdì nǐ tuǐ hǎo bái): Brother, your legs are so white
29.2.1. 又想当婊子又想立牌坊
yòu xiǎng dāng biǎo zi yòu xiǎng lì páifāng
To lead the life of a whore and still want a monument put up to your chastity
- 婊子 biǎo zi means whore or bitch
to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation
Eng: to have your cake and eat it too
29.2.2. cǎo ní mǎ
- 草泥马; pinyin: cǎo ní mǎ - Grass Mud Horse
- 肏你妈/操你媽 cào nǐ mā - fuck your mother (original)
肏 alternatives:
- 操
- 草 internet
- 艸 internet
- 艹 internet
妈了个屄, māle ge bī -your mother's fucking cunt
“something 的草” - something fucking
29.2.3. héxiè - crab
The "river crab" (河蟹, héxiè) symbolises internet censorship in China.
- 和谐, héxié harmony - "harmonious society" use to justify internet censorship.
- post has been "harmonized" (和谐, héxié)
吃螃蟹的人 (Chī pángxiè de rén) - crab eater
29.3. new long
- 只会杀球 (Zhǐ huì shā qiú): "only able to kill the ball." player in sports, relies solely on brute force
- 好事多磨 (Hǎoshìduōmó): All good things come hard, Good things come in many ways
- 好事 (Hǎoshì): good thing, good deed; meddlesome
- 多磨 (Duōmó): tortured, grind more
- 眼皮底下 (yǎn pí dǐ xia) “under the eyelids,” and means something along the lines of “under one’s nose.”
- 你怎么也割手手 (Nǐ zěnme yě gē shǒu shǒu): Why don't you cut your hands?
- 狗改不了吃屎 (Gǒu gǎi bùliǎo chī shǐ): Dogs can't change their eating habits
- dog change withoutend eat shit.
- 三天不打手生 (Sān tiān bù dǎ shǒu shēng): practice is important
- "Three days without hitting makes one's hands soft/raw."
冇錢冇得傾 (Cantonese)
- "No money, no talk"
- which simply means "If you don't have the money, don't try to bargain with me".
- (Zhǔrén zhǎo bù dào huí jiā de lù le)
- The master was unable to find his way home.
- 找不到 (zhǎo bù dào) - look-not-find, "can't find" or "unable to find"
- 找到 zhǎo dào - found, have found, turn up
- 回家的路 (huí jiā de lù) - "way to home" or "route to way home"
- 回家 huí jiā - way home
- 的路 de lù - it's road
- 了 le - indicates a change of situation or completion of an action
- Huǒ shāo de hěn huān.
- The fire is burning cheerfully. lit. fire burn "de" very pleased.
浪费时间浪费生命 (Làngfèi shíjiān làngfèi shēngmìng)
- waste time waste life
- 浪费 (Làngfèi) - unrestrained fee
- 生命
- (Huà háishì shuō shǎole)
- Too little to say
- (Yīnwèi gǎnjué huì chūxiàn qíguài de wèntí)
- Because I feel like there will be strange problems.
- Because feel will appear strange issue.
- (Nǐ zìjǐ shìguò cái zhīdào)
- You won’t know until you try it yourself
- you self tried only know.
- (Yě jiù wán wánle)
- Also, just for fun.
- Also just had fun.
- (Tiāntiān shàngbān shàng de bùxiǎng zhēteng)
- Those who go to work every day don’t want to bother.
- Everyday on-work -ing of not want toss/bother.
- (yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mó)
- “money talks” Money can make the devil push the wheels
正经人 做正经生意的
- (Zhèngjīng rén zuò zhèngjīng shēngyì de)
- Serious people doing serious business
- (Jīdàn bùnéng dōu fàng zài tóng yīgè lánzǐ lǐ)
- Don't put all your eggs in the same basket
- (Wǒ wèn tiān wèn dàdì)
- I ask the sky, ask the earth.
про человека, потерпевшего финансовый крах, говорят: «Он разбил свою чашку с рисом».
- 打了晚饭 (dà le wǎn fàn) - [to break dinner] - not as commonly used
- 破了晚饭 (pò le wǎn fàn) - [broken dinner]
- 破碗 (pò wǎn) - more common, but not as idiomatic
- 倒碗 (dǎo wǎn) or 倒了晚饭 (dǎo le wǎn fàn) - [fall bowl/cup] - most common and idiomatic
- 推倒 (tuī dǎo) or 推倒了 (tuī dǎo le) - knocking, Overthrowing regime, Defeating opponent [push fall] - also common, but with a slightly different connotation.
29.4. ancient
29.4.1. 破釜沉舟 pò fǔ chén zhōu
lit: "break the pots and sink the ships"
is based on a historical account where the general Xiang Yu ordered his troops to destroy all cooking utensils and boats after crossing a river into the enemy's territory. He won the battle because of this "no-retreat" strategy
29.4.2. 瓜田李下 guātián lǐxià
lit. "melon field, beneath the plums").
It is an idiom whose meaning relates to the appearance of misconduct or impropriety.
Don't adjust your shoes in a melon field and don't tidy your hat under the plum trees, admonishing the reader to avoid situations where, however innocent, he might be suspected of doing wrong.
29.4.3. 空穴來風, kōng xué lái fēng
wind from an empty cave - used to describe rumors without source
29.4.4. 素面朝天, sù miàn cháo tiān
"bare-faced facing the emperor" is now used to describe beauty that does not require make-up.
29.4.5. 言而無信, yán ér wú xìn
lit: "speaking, yet without trust"), referring to one who cannot be trusted despite what he says, an essentially deceitful person.
- word/speaking and without message
29.4.6. 醉翁之意不在酒, zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ
lit: "The Old Drunkard's attention is not directed towards his wine"
29.4.7. 言不由衷, yán bù yóu zhōng
lit: "speak not from the bosom") and "to speak with one's tongue in one's cheek" share idiomatic meanings
29.4.8. 冰山一角, bīng shān yī jiǎo
lit: "one corner of an ice mountain"
- ice mountain one top
29.4.9. 火中取栗, huǒ zhōng qǔ lì
lit: "extracting chestnuts from the fire"
- fire ? extracting chest?,
means "to be duped into taking risks for someone else," used in much the same way as the expression "cat's paw" in English is another example of an "international" chéngyǔ.
- omeone who acts in another's interest, (properly) unknowingly or through trickery.
29.4.10. 一日千秋, yí rì qiān qiū
"One day, a thousand autumns."
Meaning: implies rapid changes; one day equals a thousand years
- 一日千里 - lǐ - "One day, a thousand miles."
- 一日三秋 - sān qiū - "One day, three autumns." - greatly missing someone; one day feels as long as three years
29.4.11. take a piece of the pie - 分一杯羹 Fēn yībēi gēng
take a share
To boldly partake in a pool of profit or spoils, regardless of the pleasantness or the morality of these profits' origin.
29.4.12. Shop-closing door - 閉門羹
Shop-closing geng
To shoo-off clients or guests that a host does not wish to receive by a disingenuous action or excuse.
29.4.13. Wash hands and make soup - 洗手作羹湯
Xǐshǒu zuò gēng tāng
"Washing hands to make geng" ( wash hands for soup)
From a poem of Wang Jian, implying the trials of a new bride to appease and gain acceptance in her new family.
29.4.14. Overcome new obstacles - 披荆新棘
- (Pī jīng xīn jí)
- Breaking through new thorns (to continue path)
29.4.15. Seek truth from facts - 实事求是
- (Shíshìqiúshì)
- Real facts | seek truth
- facts working seek exist
from Book of Han.
29.4.16. to have eyes bigger than one's stomach - 眼大肚子小
to take more food than one can eat
- (Yǎn dàdùzi xiǎo)
- Big eyes and small belly
29.4.17. dripping water can penetrate a stone
- (shuǐ dī shí chuān)
- Water drop stone penetrate.
29.4.18. Learn from him, become him, surpass him
学习他 成为他 超越他
- (Xuéxí tā chéngwéi tā chāoyuè tā)
strategist and philosopher: Sun Tzu
29.4.19. other
一箭雙鵰 - yí jiàn shuāng diāo - Одна стрела и два орла
- kill two eagles/vultures with one arrow
- Kill two birds with one stone
- See History of the Northern Dynasties
破釜沉舟 - pò fǔ chén zhōu - break the pots and sink the ships
- break the cauldrons and sink the boats
- burn bridges, i.e. commit oneself irrevocably
- Battle of Julu
指鹿為馬 - zhǐ lù wéi mǎ - Относитесь к оленю как к лошади
- call a deer a horse
- deliberately misrepresent - намеренно искажать
- See Zhao Gao
樂不思蜀 - lè bù sī shǔ - счастливый не думать Карцер
- so happy as to forget Shu
- indulge in pleasures
- See Liu Shan
朝三暮四 - zhāo sān mù sì - в три вечерний четыре
- В три часа утра и в четыре вечера
- to say three in the morning and four in the evening
- always changing (new meaning), a change without any substantive difference (original meaning)
- See Zhuangzi
井底之蛙 - jǐng dǐ zhī wā - колодец дно и лягушка
- a frog in the bottom of the well
- a person with limited outlook
- See Zhuangzi
磨杵成針 - mó chǔ chéng zhēn - шлифовать Пестик(пихать становиться) игла
- Заточенный в иглу
- grind an iron bar down to a fine needle
- to persevere in a difficult task
- See Li Bai
守株待兔 - shǒu zhū dài tù
- guard a tree-stump to wait for rabbits
- wait idly for a reward
- See Han Feizi
亡羊補牢 - wáng yáng bǔ láo
- to mend the pen after sheep are lost
- close the stable door after the horse has bolted, i.e. try too late to prevent harm
- See Warring States Records
三人成虎 - sān rén chéng hǔ
- Three men make a tiger
- repeated rumor becomes a fact
- See Warring States Records
完璧歸趙 - wán bì guī zhào
- return the jade to Zhao
- to return something intact to its rightful owner
- See Mr. He's jade
塞翁失馬 - sài wēng shī mǎ
- old man from the frontier lost his horse
- a blessing in disguise
- See Huainanzi
刻舟求劍 - kè zhōu qiú jiàn
- carve the boat in search of the sword
- approach without considering the reality of a situation
- See Lüshi Chunqiu
火中取栗 - huǒ zhōng qǔ lì
- take chestnuts out of the fire
- Someone acting in another's interest (cat's-paw)
- Derived from The Monkey and the Cat
負荊請罪 - fù jīng qǐng zuì
- carrying a bramble and ask for punishment
- offer a humble apology
- See Lian Po
紙上談兵 - zhǐ shàng tán bīng
- talk about military tactics on paper
- theoretical discussion useless in practice
- See Zhao Kuo
畫蛇添足 - huà shé tiān zú
- to add feet when drawing a snake
- to improve something unnecessarily
- See Warring States Records
畫龍點睛 - huà lóng diǎn jīng
- to add eyes when painting a dragon
- doing something so well that it becomes powerful.
- See Zhang Sengyou
對牛彈琴 - duì niú tán qín - Дуй Ню Дань Цинь
- playing the guqin to a cow
- to communicate well, you need to understand your audience
- See Mouzi Lihuolun
狼吞虎嚥 - láng tūn hǔ yàn - Лан Тунь Ху Янь
- Волк глотает, тигр глотает
- swallow like tiger and devour like wolf
- eating food quickly and in a messy manner
29.5. Jokes 笑话 Xiàohuà
讲一个笑话 (Jiǎng yīgè xiàohuà): to tell a joke [to tell one laugh words] .
- 好似 (Hǎosì) It seems
- 似的 (Shìde) - to be like
- 好怪 (Hǎo guài) So weird
亲爱的, 怎么啦?
- (Qīn'ài de, zěnme la?)
- Dear, what's the matter?
- (Sù tōng wánjiā wèile yòng zuìshǎo de)
- In order to use the least amount of time, speedrunners
- (Shíjiān tōngguān yóuxì, yīncǐ huā)
- time to clear the game, so spend
- (Gèng duō de shíjiān zài yóuxì lǐ)
- More time in the game
30. Culture 文化 Wénhuà
文化 (Wénhuà) - culture, education, civilization, literacy; cultural (writing turn/expand)
- 人 (жэнь, человек) — 大 (да, большой) — 天 (тянь, небо).
- 美丽 měilì beautiful; beauty; pulchritude
- 汉典 Hàndiǎn - Chinese classics
- 古籍 gǔjí - ancient books
- 诗词 shīcí - poetry
- 书法 shūfǎ - calligraphy
- 通识 tōng shì - general knowledge
30.1. Poetry - 詩 or 诗 - Shī
Classic of Poetry, also Shijing or Shih-ching 诗经 Shījīng - is the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, comprising 305 works dating from the 11th to 7th centuries BCE.
- 言 讠 yán (янь) слово, речь
- 土 tǔ soil, earth
- 寸 cùn inch; small, tiny;
- 经 classics / sacred book / scripture / to pass through / to undergo / to bear / to endure / warp (textile) / longitude / menstruation
30.2. Ancient poetry writings 古诗文 (Gǔshī wén)
- 推荐 tuījiàn - Recommendations
- 推 [扌hand + 隹 bird = to push with the hand]
- 荐 [艹 grass 存 to save ] - offer
- 诗文 shīwén - poems [poetry writing]
- 名句 míng jù - famous sentences
- 作者 zuòzhě - authors [make man]
- 古籍 gǔjí - ancient books
- 我的 wǒ de - mine
30.3. songs
30.3.1. 1、《Two Tigers》:
This catchy tune is perfect for beginners. It introduces basic vocabulary and tones so children can easily follow along and practice pronunciation.
两只老虎, 兩只老虎,
- Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ, Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ
- two tigers, two tigers,
- 两只 two animals 老虎 tiger
跑得快, 跑得快!
- Pǎo dé kuài, Pǎo dé kuài
- runs fast, runs fast!
一只沒有耳朵! (or: 一只沒有眼睛!)
- Yī zhǐ méiyǒu ěrduǒ! (or: Yī zhī méiyǒu yǎnjīng)
- One has no ears! (or: One has no eyes)
- Yī zhǐ méiyǒu wěibā
- One has no tail
真奇怪! 真奇怪!
- Zhēn qíguài! Zhēn qíguài!
- really weird! really weird!
手在哪里? 手在哪里?
- Shǒu zài nǎlǐ? Shǒu zài nǎlǐ?
- Where are the hands? Where are the hands? (Hands where?)
在这里! 在这里!
- Zài zhèlǐ! Zài zhèlǐ
- it's here! it's here! (at here)
- Nǐ jīntiān hǎo ma?
- how are you today?
- Wǒ jīntiān hěn hǎo
- I'm fine today
再见吧! 再见吧!
- Zàijiàn ba! Zàijiàn ba!
- Goodbye!Cheers! Goodbye!Cheers!
30.3.2. TODO 2、《Little Apple》小蘋果 Xiǎopíngguǒ
This cheerful song is very popular among children. With catchy melodies and simple lyrics, it’s a fun way to learn new vocabulary and practice sentence patterns. Chopstick Brothers (筷子兄弟 – kuài zi xiōng dì)
- Wǒ zhǒng xià yī kē zhǒngzǐ
- I plant a seed. lit. I plant down one seed.
- Zhōngyú zhǎng chūle guǒshí
- Finally the fruit has grown. lit. Finally growout fruit.
- Jīntiān shìgè wěidà rìzi
- Today is a great day
摘下星星送给你 拽下月亮送给你 让太阳每天为你升起
变成蜡烛燃烧自己只为照亮你 把我一切都献给你只要你欢喜 你让我每个明天都变得有意义 生命虽短爱你永远,不!离!不!弃!
你是我的小呀小苹果 怎么爱你都不嫌多 红红的小脸儿温暖我的心窝 点亮我生命的火 火火火火火 你是我的小呀小苹果 就像天边最美的云朵 春天又来到了花开满山坡 种下希望就会收获 从不觉得你讨厌 你的一切都喜欢 有你的每天都新鲜
有你阳光更灿烂 有你黑夜不黑暗 你是白云我是蓝天
春天和你漫步在盛开的花丛间 夏天夜晚陪你一起看星星眨眼 秋天黄昏与你徜徉在金色麦田 冬天雪花飞舞有你,更!加!温!暖!
你是我的小呀小苹果 怎么爱你都不嫌多 红红的小脸儿温暖我的心窝 点亮我生命的火 火火火火火 你是我的小呀小苹果 就像天边最美的云朵 春天又来到了花开满山坡 种下希望就会收获 你是我的小呀小苹果 怎么爱你都不嫌多 红红的小脸儿温暖我的心窝 点亮我生命的火 火火火火火 你是我的小呀小苹果 就像天边最美的云朵 春天又来到了花开满山坡 种下希望就会收获
30.3.3. TODO 3、《Counting Ducks》
Counting has never been so fun! This fun song teaches numbers and counting in an enjoyable and interactive way. Your kids will be singing along in no time!
30.3.4. TODO 4、《Happy New Year》
Celebrate Chinese culture with this festive song. Learn common New Year greetings and explore traditional customs to cheerful tunes.
30.3.5. TODO 5、《Little White Boat》
Set sail with this charming song. Explore vocabulary about colours, animals and nature with this delightful song.
30.4. politic
30.4.1. China Dream
中国梦, пиньинь Zhōngguó mèng, палл. Чжунго мэн
лозунг Китайской Народной Республики
29 ноября в КНР отмечают день Китайской мечты
30.4.2. 习近平 Xí Jìnpíng палл. Си Цзиньпин
действующий генеральный секретарь ЦК Коммунистической партии Китая с 2012 года
30.4.3. Three Represents
концепция «трёх представительств»
三个代表, пиньинь sān gè dàibiǎo, палл. сань гэ дайбяо
theory requires the CCP to:[1]
- Represent the development trend of China's advanced productive forces.
- Represent the orientation of China's advanced culture.
- Represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.
30.4.4. Communist Party of China 中国共产党
中国共产党, пиньинь Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng, палл. Чжунго Гунчаньдан
- 中国
- 共 Gòng - common
- 产 Chǎn - Produce
- 党 Dǎng - party, gang
CCP - China Communist Party
the founding and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
资本主义 (Zīběn zhǔyì) - capitalism
- 资本 (Zīběn) - capital
30.4.5. Мао Цзэдун 毛泽东 Mao Zedong or just 毛
китайский коммунистический революционер, основатель Китайской Народной Республики
30.4.6. Harmonious Society
和谐社会; pinyin: héxié shèhuì
- socioeconomic concept
"River crab" 河蟹; pinyin: héxiè
- "harmonized" (被和谐了) - "to censor"
30.5. Five Phases 五行 wǔxíng
30.6. 地支 Earthly Branches (dìzhī) - дичжи
Земные ветви
№ | Знак | Пиньинь | Транскрипция | Символические животные | Пять стихий | Время суток |
1 | 子 | zǐ | Цзы | 鼠 Shǔ Мышь, rat Шу | 水 Вода | 23:00—01:00 |
2 | 丑 | chǒu | Чоу | 牛 Niú Корова | 土 Земля | 01:00—03:00 |
3 | 寅 | yín | Инь | 虎 Hǔ Тигр (虍儿) | 木 Дерево | 03:00—05:00 |
4 | 卯 | mǎo | Мао | 兔 Tù Заяц | 木 Дерево | 05:00—07:00 |
5 | 辰 | chén | Чэнь | 龍/龙 Lóng Дракон | 土 Земля | 07:00—09:00 |
6 | 巳 | sì | Сы | 蛇 Shé snake | 火 Огонь | 09:00—11:00 |
7 | 午 | wǔ | У | 马 mǎ horse | 火 Огонь | 11:00—13:00 |
8 | 未 | wèi | Вэй | 羊 Овца | 土 Земля | 13:00—15:00 |
9 | 申 | shēn | Шэнь | 猴 Hóu monkey | 金 Металл | 15:00—17:00 |
10 | 酉 | yǒu | Ю | 鷄 Петух | 金 Металл | 17:00—19:00 |
11 | 戌 | xū | Сюй | 狗 Собака | 土 Земля | 19:00—21:00 |
12 | 亥 | hài | Хай | 猪 Свинья | 水 Вода | 21:00—23:00 |
30.7. 天干 Heavenly Stems (tiāngān) - Тянь Гань
Небесные стволы, Original meaning, Modern meaning
- 甲 turtle shell first (book I, person A etc.), methyl group, helmet, armor, words related to beetles, crustaceans, fingernails, toenails
- 乙 fishguts second (book II, person B etc.), ethyl group, twist
- 丙 fishtail third, bright, fire, fishtail (rare)
- 丁 nail fourth, male adult, robust, T-shaped, to strike, a surname
- 戊 halberd (not used)
- 己 threads on a loom self
- 庚 evening star age (of person)
- 辛 to offend superiors bitter, piquant, toilsome
- 壬 burden to shoulder, to trust with office
- 癸 grass for libation (not used)
Таблица соответствий циклических знаков другим категориям китайской философии
- 1 甲 jiǎ Цзя 木 Дерево 東 Восток 陽 Ян
- 2 乙 yǐ И 木 Дерево 東 Восток 陰 Инь
- 3 丙 bǐng Бин 火 Огонь 南 Юг 陽 Ян
- 4 丁 dīng Дин 火 Огонь 南 Юг 陰 Инь
- 5 戊 wù У 土 Земля 中 Центр 陽 Ян
- 6 己 jǐ Цзи 土 Земля 中 Центр 陰 Инь
- 7 庚 gēng Гэн 金 Металл 西 Запад 陽 Ян
- 8 辛 xīn Синь 金 Металл 西 Запад 陰 Инь
- 9 壬 rén Жэнь 水 Вода 北 Север 陽 Ян
- 10 癸 guǐ Гуй 水 Вода 北 Север 陰 Инь
30.8. 老子 Laozi (Lǎozi)
Author of “Tao Te Ching” 道德經 (Dàodéjīng) - foundational work of Taoism
- (Qiānlǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zúxià)
- “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
- thousand li, start with
- 之行 (Zhī xíng) - trip, journley; lit. of travel
- 足下 (Zúxià) - One step; lit. foot down
30.9. 孔子 Confucius (Kǒngzǐ), 儒 Confucianism (Rú)
孔子 (Kǒngzǐ): конфуций (почтенный старец или старый младенец) - кун-цзы
Confucianism base works:
- 道德經 (Dàodéjīng): Tao Te Ching, foundational work of Taoism
- Dao and De - 道 way and 德 virtue, добродетель, сила - с помощью De Dao может состояться.
- Wu wei - 無為 (Wúwéi): Do nothing, literally "non-action" or "not acting".
- Ziran - 自然 (Zìrán): of its own; by itself" and thus "naturally; natural; spontaneously; freely; in the course of events; of course; doubtlessly". zi (自) "nose; self; oneself; from; since" and ran (然) "right; correct; so; yes", which is used as a -ran suffix marking adjectives or adverbs (roughly corresponding to English -ly). In Chinese culture, the nose (or zi) is a common metaphor for a person's point of view.
- 儒 (Rú): Confucianism
"書不盡言 言不盡意"
- (Shū bù jìn yán, yán bù jìn yì)
- The book cannot fully express the words, and the words cannot fully express the meaning.
- Book not exhaust word, word not exhaust meaning.
- "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated"
- "на самом деле жизнь проста, но мы настойчиво ее усложняем"
- (Shēnghuó qíshí hěn jiǎndān)
- Life actually very simple
- (Dàn wǒmen jiānchí yào bǎ tā fùzá huà)
- But we stickto want grasp it complicat -ize.
30.10. 中医 Traditional Chinese medicine
中医 Zhōngyī - Чжунъи
- focuses on tracing and correcting underlying disharmony, in terms of
deficiency and excess, using the complementary and opposing forces of yin and yang (陰陽), to create a balanced flow of qi.
- Health is believed to be returned by rebuilding qi, eliminating qi blockages, and correcting qi imbalances.
- Five Phases Theory
- Essence-Qi-Spirit Theory
- Zang-Xiang Theory
- Meridians
- Qi-Blood Theory
30.10.1. Dantian 丹田 Dāntián
"elixir field"
- Upper dantian (上丹田, Shàng Dāntián)
- Middle dantian (中丹田, Zhōng Dāntián)
- Lower dantian (下丹田, Xià Dāntián)
30.10.2. Yin-Yang yīnyáng 阴暗的杨
yin | yang |
moon | sun |
water | fire |
inside | outside |
downward | upward |
female | male |
damp/moist | dry |
eath | sky |
negativity | positivity |
destructiveness | creativeness |
soft | hard |
yin | yang |
lower part of the body | the upper part of the body and the back |
30.11. 气功 (qìgōng) (тигон/Цигун)
- 气 qì - primarily means air, gas or breath; often 'vital energy'
- 功 gōng - cultivation or work
- body (調身)
- breath (調息)
- mind (調心)
30.11.1. theory
Исправление имён, (чжэнмин, кит. 正名 zhèngmíng) - понятия (мин 名).
Если имена неправильны, то слова не имеют под собой оснований. Если слова не имеют под собой оснований, то дела не могут осуществляться. Если дела не могут осуществляться, то ритуал и музыка не процветают. Если ритуал и музыка не процветают, наказания не применяются надлежащим образом. Если наказания не применяются надлежащим образом, народ не знает, как себя вести.
30.11.2. направления
- dynamic or active (dong gong)
- meditative or passive (jing gong)
направление Чжун Юань — самое древнее из известных. Оно было открыто миру лишь в 70-е гг. XX в.
Среди техник цигун особое место занимают две:
- «Восемь врат», или «Восемь отрезков парчи».
- «Перемещение пилюли Тайцзи в полдень и в полночь»- По сути, этот фундаментальный комплекс соответствует второй ступени, так как предназначен для накопления энергии и ее трансформации в Шэнь (дух)
Дыхательно-двигательный цигун:
- «Ицзиньцзин»
- «Бадуаньцзинь» - с обязательной концентрацией внимания
Медитативный цигун:
- «Чжан-чжуань» — статические упражнения
- «Даосская алхимия» — базируется на понятиях естественность и непреднамеренности.
30.11.3. principles
цигун - гимнастика, способ пополнения дополнительных запасов энергии организма, защитные свойства или ци.
Концентрация на движении совмещается с дыханием. = правльное движение.
- не каждое движение прабавляет здоровье.
Разными стилями движения мы символически активируем разные аспекты энергии (пять).
Жизнь это движение, если не активировать, то происходит застой, со временем это место может сломаться.
five (порождение - в одну сторону, истощение в другую по кругу)
- fire - spring
- сердце, тонкий кишечник
- бесцеременность, смех
- развитие, красный, жара, радость, горький, язык, лицо, юг
- eath - end of spring
- селезенка, желудок
- обжорство, пение
- трансформация, коричневый, желтый, влажность, размышления, сладкий, губы, центр
- metal - autumn
- легкие, толстый кишечник
- глупость, плачь
- созревание, белый, сухость, печаль, острый, нос, запад
- water - winter
- почки, мочевой пузырь
- тупость, стон
- хранение, черный, темно-синий, холод, страх, соленый, уши, север
- tree - spring
- печень, желчный пузырь
- болтливость, крик
- рождение, зеленый, ветер, гнев, кислый, глаза, восток
30.11.4. клуб шаолинь
- Вводное занятие от мастера Шина
30.12. martial arts 武术 Wǔshù / 武艺 Wǔyì
- 国术 (Guóshù): chinese techniques (martial arts) - гошу
- 功夫 (gōngfu): кунфу/гунфу
- 艺 (Yì): art, skill
- 打 (dǎ): to beat, to fight, to break; dozen; since, from
- 高手 (Gāoshǒu): master, master hand
30.12.1. power
- (Nǐ shuō de shéi diào dǎ shéi a)
- Who are you talking about beating whom?
30.13. 道教 Taoism/Daoism (Dàojiào)
a philosophy and a religion.
道教 Dàojiào lit. "Religion of the Way"
- 道 - process of transformation ultimately underlying reality
Qigong 气功 qìgōng - 'life-energy cultivation' is a system of coordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial arts training.
- body 身体 Shēntǐ
- breath 气息 Qìxí
- mind 心神 Xīnshén
Taoist framework - the human psyche functions as an organic “resonator,” directly exchanging and amplifying resonance – known as qi – with its social and natural environment. Qi carries information essential for our growth and thriving as individuals and as a species.
30.13.1. 五行 Five Phases (wŭ xíng) - У-син
流水 - Liú shuǐ - текущая вода
- 木 mù - Wood
- 火 huǒ - Fire
- 土 tǔ - Earth
- 金 jīn - Metal
- 水 shuǐ - Water
30.14. Zen Buddhism
- ensō 円相/圓相 "circular form" - lit. Yuan Apperance
- Unfaithful, Evil appearance
- Hitsuzendō (筆禅道, "way of Zen through brush") - method of achieving samādhi, unification with the highest reality. (Japanese mostly)
30.15. 八卦 bāguà багуа - Восемь триграмм
автор Фу Си 先天图
--- - - Инь (陰) и Ян (陽) - - --- - - --- - - - - --- --- Старая Инь 老陰 lǎo yīn, Молодой Ян 少陽 shǎo yáng, Молодая Инь 少陰, Старый Ян 老陽 - - --- - - --- - - --- - - - - - - --- --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- --- --- 乾, 兌 (兑), 離, 震, 巽, 坎, 艮, 坤. - Цянь, Дуй, Ли, Чжэнь, Сюнь, Кань, Гэнь, Кунь gān, duì (duì), lí, zhèn, xùn, kǎn, gèn, kūn 乾 сухой 兌 (兑) Обмен (exchange) 離 оставить 震 потрясенный 巽 слушаться 坎 шурф 艮 несговорчивый 坤 женское начало
- Старая Инь 老陰, Молодой Ян 少陽, Молодая Инь 少陰, Старый Ян 老陽
30.16. 風水 / 风水, fēngshuǐ
дословно — «ветер и вода»
30.17. people
- 孔子 Confucius (Kǒngzǐ)
- 老子 Laozi - Taoism founder (Lǎozi)
- 毛泽东 Mao Zedong - politician, revolutionary (Máozédōng)
- 习近平 Xi Jinping - Paramount leader (Xí Jìnpíng) - Си Цзиньпин
- 李小龍 Bruce Lee, Lee Jun-fan - actor (Lǐxiǎolóng)
- 马云 Jack Ma – Alibaba Founder (Mǎ Yún) - Ма Юнь
- 成龍/龙 Jackie Chan - actor, lit. Becoming the Dragon (Chénglóng)
- 李连杰 Jet Li - actor, (Lǐliánjié) (role 無名/无名 Nameless (Wúmíng))
- 梁朝偉 Tony Leung - actor, role (Liángcháowěi) (role 殘劍/残剑 lit. Broken Sword (Cánjiàn))
- 达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama - (Dá lài lǎma)
- 秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang - the founder of the Qin dynasty, the first emperor of a unified China; lit. Qin beginning emperor/king. (Qínshǐhuáng)
30.18. TODO Лаошань Láo Shān 崂山, 牢山, 勞山
30.19. history of China
中国朝代 -
- 朝代 - Cháodài - dynasty
- Neolithic c. 8500 – c. 2070 BC
- Xia c. 2070 – c. 1600 BC
- Shang c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC
- Zhou c. 1046 – 256 BC
- Qin 秦 221–207 BC
- Han 漢 dynasty 202 BC – 220 AD
- Western Han
- Xin 新 dynasty from 9 to 23 AD
- Eastern Han
- Three Kingdoms 220–280 - 三國時代
- Wei, Shu and Wu
- Jin 晉 266–420
- Western Jin
- Eastern Jin
- Sixteen Kingdoms
- Northern and Southern dynasties 420–589
- Sui 581–618
- Tang 618–907
- Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 907–979
- Liao 916–1125
- Song 960–1279
- Yuan 1271–1368
- Ming 大明 1368–1644
- Qing 大清 1636–1912
- Republic of China on the mainland 1912–1949
- People's Republic of China 1949–present
- Republic of China in Taiwan 1949–present
30.20. Five Punishments 五刑 wǔ xíng
- tattooed on the face - Mò (墨) also known as qíng (黥) or forehead with indelible ink.
- nose was cut off - Yì (劓), without anesthesia.
- amputation of legs - Yuè (刖), also known as bìn (臏). involved removal of the kneecap,
- reproductive organs were removed - Gōng (宮), also known as yínxíng (淫刑), fǔxíng (腐刑)[8][9] or cánshì xíng (蠶室刑) - was sentenced to work as a eunuch in the Imperial palace.
- Dà Pì (大辟) the death sentence, Methods:
- cutting the body into four pieces (分為戮; fēn wéi lù)
- boiling alive (烹; pēng);
- tearing off head and four limbs by attaching them to chariots (車裂; chēliè)
- beheading (梟首; xiāoshǒu)
- execution then abandonment of the offender's body in the local public market (棄市; qìshì)
- strangulation (絞; jiǎo)
- slow slicing (凌遲; língchí)
30.21. TODO history of Chinese characters 汉字 Hànzì
logographic system - not pure, some morphemes are composed of more than one character
1950s - Simplified Chinese characters.
30.21.1. ancient style of writing Chinese characters
Shang Dynasty
- Bronze inscriptions
- Oracle bone script
Western Zhou
- Bronze inscriptions
- Oracle bone script
Spring and Autumn
- Bronze inscriptions
Warring States
- Bronze inscriptions
- Chu slip and silk script
- Qin slip script
Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han)
- Ancient script
- Small seal script
Liushutong (compiled in Ming)
- Transcribed ancient scripts
Libian (compiled in Qing)
- Clerical script
Kangxi Dictionary (compiled in Qing Dynasty)
- Ming or Song typeface (developed in Song and Ming dynasty)
30.22. BC AD
“before Christ” and A.D. stands for “after death.” (Anno Domini" meaning "in the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ). B.C.E and C.E., meaning “before common era” and “common era,”
30.23. палочки куайцзы 筷子 kuàiz
- одноразовые деревянные - вэйшэн куайцзы (кит. трад. 衛生筷子, упр. 卫生筷子, пиньинь
wèishēng kuàizi)
- только брать сверху и ложить в рот
- При взятии еды палочками ладони всегда должны быть направлены вниз
- По отношению к старшим считается знаком уважения передать им еду первым, ещё до начала трапезы (что соответствует конфуцианской традиции уважения старших).
- Закончив еду, палочки следует положить поперёк миски, концами влево — это знак того, что трапеза завершена и добавки не требуется.
- поворачивать ладонь вверх
- копаться палочками в миске в поисках лучшего куска — нужно брать еду сверху.
- Нельзя трясти палочки, чтобы остудить кусок.
- Некрасиво облизывать палочки
- Нельзя указывать палочками, не следует размахивать ими в воздухе.
- Прежде чем попросить ещё риса, палочки нужно положить на стол.
30.24. повидение
- 1 Большинство китайцев приветствуют друг друга кивком головы или легким рукопожатием. Объятия и поцелуи при встрече или прощании абсолютно неприемлемы в Китае, избегайте их.
- 2 Если вы хотите преподнести китайцу презент, не удивляйтесь его отказу принять подарок. Для китайцев считается совершенно нормальным отказываться 2-3 раза от подарков, прежде чем принять их. А если китаец принял подарок без церемонии, он рискует выглядеть жадным. Уговаривайте своих знакомых, говорите, что ваши подарки незначительны и что вы расстроитесь, если их не примут. Используйте для упаковки традиционные цвета удачи - золотой и красный. Избегайте черного и белого цветов, они символизируют траур.
- 3 Не дарите китайским друзьям часы. На одном из местных диалектов часы звучат как «идти на похороны», поэтому этот подарок может выглядеть как пожелание смерти человеку. Избегайте дарить острые предметы - это рассматривается как угроза вашей дружбе. Цветы дарите в четном количестве. Нельзя дарить также носовые платки – символы похорон и смерти.
- 4 В Китае существует культ чая. Китайский чай подается в течение всей трапезы. Вежливый хозяин наполняет пиалы гостей, не дожидаясь, когда они опустеют. Если вы уже не хотите чая, просто не допивайте до конца. В Китае такой обычай - посуда с чаем во время приема пищи никогда не должна быть пустой. Аналогично оставляйте на тарелке немного еды; пустая посуда означает, что вы голодны, а хозяева не смогли накормить вас досыта.
- 5 Во время еды не втыкайте палочки в тарелку с едой вертикально. Для китайцев это плохой знак, им это напоминает палочки фимиама, воткнутые в пиалу с песком на похоронной церемонии. Кроме того, не размахивайте палочками, не пользуйтесь ими как указкой.
- 6 Отрыжка за столом в Китае - знак удовлетворения пищей, поэтому не стесняйтесь. Если вас пригласили на банкет, где множество блюд, старайтесь сдерживать себя. Считается вежливым сначала отказаться попробовать то или иное блюдо. А если вы сразу соглашаетесь, то можете показаться жадным.
- 7 Не ждите адекватного ответа на ваши вопросы от китайца, особенно незнакомого. Даже если он не знает, о чем вы спрашиваете, он все равно ответит, но может нафантазировать, выдавая это за достоверный ответ. Обращайтесь с вопросами к блюстителям порядка.
- 8 В Китае строго относятся к исполнению законов. Не переходите дорогу в неположенном месте и не разбрасывайте мусор, за это может грозить крупный штраф. Всегда ведите себя вежливо. В случае каких-то проблем говорите «будун» - это значит «не понимаю». Обычно помогает.
Старое (традиционное) китайское приветствие («Чи гуо ла ма?» или «Ни чифань ла ма?») дословно переводится как «Вы уже поели?». Вежливым ответом на это, независимо от того, ели вы на самом деле или нет, является: «Да, спасибо. А вы?» или «Да, поел, спасибо.» Приветствие было особенно популярным в древние времена, когда если ты хоть что-то поел - это уже было хорошо.
30.25. Искусство войны 孙子兵法, Sūn Zǐ bīng fǎ
Сунь-Цзы 孙子 (Sūnzi) - второй половиной V века до н. э. (453—403)
Современный канонический текст был сформирован на рубеже II—III веков н. э., базовым является его официальное издание XI в. со сводным комментарием 10 авторов II—XI веков
"путь обмана", обобщён в 5 принципах:
- «пути» (единодушия народа и верхов),
- «неба» (соответствия времени),
- «земли» (соответствия месту),
- «полководца» (правильного руководства, в частности характеризующегося благонадёжностью — синь и гуманностью — жэнь),
- «закона» (организованности и дисциплинированности).
Данные принципы должны быть реализуемы посредством 7 «расчётов»:
- наличия у правителя дао,
- наличия у полководца способностей,
- постижения особенностей неба и земли,
- осуществимости законов и приказов,
- силы войска,
- обученности командиров и солдат,
- ясности наград и наказаний.
知己知彼, 百戰不殆.
- Если ты знаешь как себя так и врага, ты можешь победить в многочисленных (дословно «сотне») битвах без опасности поражения.
兵 者, 诡 道 也. 故 能 而 示 之 不能, 用 而 示 之 不用, 近 而 示 之 远, 远 而 示 之 近
- Приёмы ведения войны основаны на обмане. Поэтому, когда мы способны атаковать, мы должны выглядеть так, будто не способны, а когда мы задействуем силы, мы должны выглядеть неактивными; когда мы рядом, мы должны заставить врага поверить, что мы далеко, когда мы далеко, то должны заставить его поверить, что мы близко.
30.26. wushu Ушу
武术 - Wǔshù - (военный, боевой) (техника) 氣功, упр. 气功 - qìgōng - цигун
30.27. tea culture 茶文化 chá wénhuà
茶道 Chádào - tea ceremony
万事礼为先。 Wànshì lǐ wèi xiān
- Of all things, courtesy comes first
- 礼 Lǐ - present, ceremony, courtesy
- 万事 Wànshì - everythong
- 为 Wèi - for, put, serve as, act as
- 先 Xiān - fist, firstly
- 開 open 門 door 七 seven 件事 items - "seven necessities"
- firewood (柴 chái), rice (米 mĭ), oil (油 yóu), salt (鹽 yán),
- sauce (醬 jiàng), vinegar (醋 cù), tea (茶 chá)
Hong Kong–style milk tea - Ceylon black tea and milk
- 港式奶茶。Gǎng shì nǎichá
- 港 Hong Kong; 式 made, formula, 奶茶 milk tea
30.28. 电视 Diànshì TV and 电影 Diànyǐng Movie
- 电 Diàn - electricity
- 视 Shì - to See, to look at, inspect
- 影 Yǐng - film, shadow
本文的中文翻译 - Běnwén de zhōngwén fānyì - Этот текст в китайском переводе
- 翻译 - Fānyì - translation
- 翻译自 - Fānyì zì - Translated from
30.28.1. terms
- Diànyǐng wǎng - 电影网 - movies website
- 高清 - HD
- 标清 - SD
- Zìmù 字幕 - subtitles
30.28.2. 花样年华.In.the.Mood.for.Love.2000
一九六二 1962
30.28.3. Not One Less 1999 天上有个太阳
30.28.4. 英雄 Hero (2002 film)
- 英雄 Yīngxióng - hero
- 英 (艹 cǎo 央 Yāng - central (冂大)) - Britain, a flower, brave
- 雄 - adj. male, grand, heroic, mightly
- 厷 gōng - the fore-arm; upper-arm (𠂇厶)
- 隹 zhuī - bird
- sub
因某理念有人捨身取義 Yīn mǒu lǐniàn yǒurén shěshēn qǔ yì
- 因某理念 Yīn mǒu lǐniàn。because (of) certain idea.
- 理 Lǐ。reason, to manage
- 念 niàn。to study, idea
- 有人捨身取義 Yǒurén shěshēn qǔ。Someone sacrificeslife get/for justice.
- 取 take, get
- 義/义 righteousness
- Rú yǒuyì, ài, lǐxiǎng
- as friendship, love, ideal
- Yì yīn gòngtóng lǐniàn yǒurén shāshēng chéngrén
- Also because of the common ideal, some people kill to be benevolent.
- 战国七雄 (zhàn guó qī xióng) - Seven Warring States
- Qin (秦)
- Qi (齊/齐)
- Chu (楚)
- Yan (燕)
- Han (韓/韩)
- Zhao (趙/赵)
- Wèi (魏)
- Rán lìlái zhànzhēng zǒng shì gè fāng yīngxióng jǐn chū)
- However, wars have always involved heroes from all sides.
- 因某理念 Yīn mǒu lǐniàn。because (of) certain idea.
- imerator dialog
- hello, reward
I: 十年來,從未有人上殿近寡人百步
- (Shí niánlái, cóng wèi yǒurén shàngdiàn jìn guǎrén bǎi bù)
- Ten years, since not, never someone 近 close ignorant hundred steps.
- in ten years, no one approached within 100 paces of the throne.
- 從未 (cóng wèi) - never (since not)
- 有人 (yǒurén) - someone (be man)
- 上殿 (Shàngdiàn) - Go to the temple (goup temple)
- 近 (jìn) - close, near, easy; immediate
- 寡人 (Guǎrén) - A widower, ignorant
I: 可知為何?- Do you know why?
- 可知 (Kězhī) - It is known (can know)
- 為何 (Wèihé) - why (for what)
H: 刺客猖獗 (Cìkè chāngjué) - Assasins rapmage.
- 刺客 (Cìkè) - assassin (stab guest)
- 猖獗 (Chāngjué) - rampant, wild; to run wild
I: 不錯,刺客一日不除,我難解甲胄
- 不錯 (Bùcuò) - not wrong, right.
- 刺客一日不除 (Cìkè yī rì bù chú): assasin one day not removed
- 我難解甲胄 (Wǒ nánjiě jiǎzhòu): I difficult undo/separate armor.
I: 如今你替寡人除此大害
- 如今 (Rújīn) - now (as now)
- 你替寡人除此大害 (Nǐ tì guǎrén chú cǐ dà hài): you for ignorant remove this/these/now great harm.
I: 要何封賞?(Yào hé fēngshǎng?): Want what reward?
H: 為秦殺賊,不求封賞
- 為秦殺賊 (Wéi qín shā zéi): For Qin kill thief
- 不求封賞 (Bù qiú fēngshǎng): not request reward.
I: 大秦治下,必有封賞
- 大秦治下 (Dàqín zhì xià): Big Qin low (rule under)
- 必有封賞 (Bì yǒu fēngshǎng): must have reward.
- Spear:
I: 長空銀槍 (Chángkōng yín qiāng): LongSky silver spear/firearm
I: 曾傷我大秦多少壯士
- Once hurt me/my Great Qin how many strong solders.
- 多少 (Duōshǎo) - how many (many few)
I: 宣我法令! (Xuān wǒ fǎlìng): Declare my decree (law order)! …
- how
I: 有何本事,能破趙國的三大刺客?
- 有何本事 (Yǒu hé běnshì): Have what ability/skill (origin metter)
- 能破趙國的三大刺客
- (néng pò zhào guó de sān dà cìkè?)
- can break/destroy state of Zhao of 3 big assasins?
H: 各個擊破 (Gège jípò): Each (each one) defeat (hit break). One at a time.
I: 仔細講來 (Zǐxì jiǎng lái): Carefully (young fine) speak come.
- hello, reward
30.28.5. A Touch of Sin (Chinese: 天注定; lit. 'Destiny') is a 2013
30.28.6. other movies
北京朋克 2010 2009 The Zero Theorem is a 2013 Terry Gilliam,
30.29. antigovernment
五毛 wǔmáo - An Internet user who is paid by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to spread propaganda and disinformation on their behalf.
commies ccp
蹦蹦熊 (Bèng bèng xióng) - Boogie Bear
30.29.1. links
30.30. holidays:
- 節/节(jié) - a festival
- 假期 (jiàqī) - holiday, vacation
- 日 (rì) - which indicates a single day to celebrate.
春節/春节 (chūn jié): Chinese New Year a.k.a. Lunar New Year (22 jan)
- 过年了!(Guòniánle): It’s Chinese New Year!
- 小年 (Xiǎonián): Little Year, Thorough house-cleaning and cooking (Feb. 2nd )
- 除夕 (Chúxì): Chinese New Year's Eve, (Feb. 9th) Visiting ancestors' graves, and
setting off firecrackers and fireworks
- 除夕 (chú xì): Chinese New Year's Day, The night before on New Year's Eve (Feb. 10th)
- 元宵节 (Yuánxiāojié): Lantern Festival, (Feb. 24th) Marks the end of the festival. Lanterns, dragon dances… derived from worshipping the Buddha. enjoying
lion or stilt dances.
- 湯圓 (tāngyuán) glutinous rice balls
- 清明節/清明节 (Qīngmíng jié): Ching Ming Festival. Tomb Sweeping Day (Apr. 5) mean 'clearness' and 'brightness'. It is the fifth of the 24 solar terms of the. traditional Chinese solar calendar.
- 端午節/端午节 (duān wǔ jié): Dragon Boat Festival (Jun. 22) - attend dragon boat races.
- poet 屈原 (qū yuán 340-278 BCE) drowned himself in the MiLuo River.
- 粽子 (zòng zi) sticky rice dumplings
- may 1 Labor Day - A 'golden week' for tourism
- 七夕節/七夕节 (qī xì jié): Chinese Valentine's Day (Feb. 4 – Mar. 6)
- Weaver Girl 織女(zhī nǚ) and Cowherd 牛郎 (niú láng)
- praying to 織女 for fertility, a happy marriage, or intelligence.
- 中秋節/中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié): Mid-Autumn Festival a.k.a. Moon Festival
(Sep. 29), Mooncake Festival
- 月餅 (yuè bǐng): Mooncakes come in a variety of flavors, like lotus-seed paste or red bean.
- Oct. 1 National Day - Another 'golden week' for tourism
- 冬至 (dōng zhì): Winter Solstice
- traditional dumplings 餃子 (jiǎo zi) or glutinous rice balls 湯圓(tāng yuán)
- wontons 餛飩 (hún tún)
30.30.1. phrases:
- 新年好 (Xīnnián hǎo): literally meaning 'New Year Goodness',
- 新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè): meaning 'Happy Chinese New Year'. lit. new year happy
- 除夕快乐! (Chúxì kuàilè): Happy New Year's Eve! lit. lunar new year's eve happy
祝各位 新春快乐 身体健康 合家幸福
- (Zhù gèwèi xīnchūn kuàilè shēntǐ jiànkāng héjiā xìngfú)
- I wish you all a happy new year, good health and happiness for your family.
- lit. wish eachofyou newyear happiness, body health,
- 各位 - each seat
- 新春 - new spring
- 快乐 (Kuàilè) - happiness, lit. fast laught
- 身体 (Shēntǐ) - body, lit. body form
- 健康 (Jiànkāng) - healthy, lit. strong peaceful
- 合家 (Héjiā) - family, lit. together family
- 幸福 (Xìngfú) - happiness, lit. lucky pleasure/bliss
中秋快乐啊大家: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone
- (Zhōngqiū kuàilè ā dàjiā)
- Middle autumn happy a everyone.
30.31. История Китая.Психология,нравы и обычаи китайцев.
- 孔子 (Kǒngzǐ): конфуций (почтенный старец или старый младенец) - кун-цзы
- 孫子/孙子 (Sūnzi): китайский стратег и мыслитель lit. grandson - Сунь-цзы
- 太阳 (Tàiyáng): sun, солнце - тайян
- 月亮 (Yuèliàng): moon,луна - юелян
- 农历 (Nónglì): lunar calendar - нун-ли
- 指南针 (Zhǐnánzhēn): compass, lit. referto south pointer - чжи-нань-чжэнь
- 火药 (Huǒyào): gunpowder, lit. fire medicine/drug - хо-яо
- 纸 (Zhǐ): paper - чжи
- 印刷 (Yìnshuā): printing - инь-шуа
- 京剧 (Jīngjù): Beijing opera - цзин-цзюй
- 国画 (Guóhuà): traditional Chinese painting - го-хуа
- 壁画 (Bìhuà): wall paintings, murals - би-хуа
- 舞蹈 (Wǔdǎo): to dance, dance - у-дао
- 音乐 (Yīnyuè): music - инь-юе
- 編鐘/编钟 (Biānzhōng): колокола, Chimes, lit. compile/arrange clock/bell - бянь-чжун
- 古琴 (Gǔqín): гусли, Guqin - гуцинь
- 书法 (Shūfǎ): calligraphy, каллиграфия - шу-фа
- 毛笔 (Máobǐ): writing brush, calligraphy brush
- 西游记 (Xīyóu jì): journey to the west - Сиюцзи
- 竹 (Zhúzi): bamboo - чжу
- 龙 (Lóng): dragon - лун
- 凤 (Fèng): phoenix
- 功夫 (gōngfū): kungfu, effort, skill, art; lit. result husband/wife - гунфу
- 太極拳/太极拳 (tàijíquán) - Tai chi; lit. cosmological relationship of Yin and Yang + fist/boxing - martial art practiced for self-defense and health.
- 太极 (tàijí) - Великий предел/полюса,
- 劍/剣/剑 (Jiàn) - sword (佥刂) - цзянь
- 针灸 (Zhēnjiǔ) - acupuncture/moxibustion - чжэнь цзю
- 春節/春节 (chūn jié) - spring fest - чунь цзе
- 清明 (Qīngmíng) - праздник Tomb Sweeping Day; lit. pure and bright - цин мин
- 端午节 (Duānwǔ jié) Dragon Boat Festival, Праздник начала лета - дуань у цзе
- 粽子 (zòng zi) - sticky rice dumplings (米rice宗ancestor)
- 七夕 (qī xì) - Chinese Valentine's Day - lit. seven evening - ци си
- 中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié): Mid-Autumn Festival
- 潑水節/泼水节 (Pōshuǐ jié): Water-Sprinkling/splashing Festival - пошуйцзе
30.31.1. links
История Китая.Психология,нравы и обычаи китайцев. Фильм1,часть 1
История Китая.Психология,нравы и обычаи китайцев. Фильм1,часть 2.-m2yO8h9YDuA.mp4
30.32. news 新闻 Xīnwén (newly stories)
- 新闻 Xīnwén news, press. lit. fresh smell
- 资讯 Zīxùn Information. lit. capital/money news/fast/info
- 信息 Xìnxī information, message. lit. letter interest/breath
- 国内 Nèi domestic. lit. country inside
- 国际 Jì between.
- 军事 Jūnshì military. lit. army metter
- 体育 Tǐyù physical education, sprots
- 滚动 Gǔndòng scroll. lit. roll move
30.33. Bonsai and penzai art
- 盆栽 (Pénzāi,) - potted plants (Japanese mostly)
- 盆景 (Pénjǐng) - miniature tree (Chinese only)
- 盆 (Pén) - pot
- 景 (Jǐng) - scene
- 栽 (Zāi) - to plant, to grow, to insert, to force on; stick in; planted
30.34. rock music
Sure, here are some popular songs by underground rock or alternative Chinese bands that you can learn Chinese from:
- "追光者" (Zhuī guāng zhě) by 雨宗林 (Yǔ zōng lín)
- "不再让你孤单" (Bù zài ràng nǐ gūdān) by 蒋蒋 (Jiǎng jiǎng)
- "我们的纪念" (Wǒmen de jìniàn) by 旅行团 (Lǚxíng tuán)
- "小幸运" (Xiǎo xìngyùn) by 田馥甄 (Tián fùzhēn)
- "夜空中最亮的星" (Yè kōng zhōng zuì liàng de xīng) by 逃跑计划 (Táopǎo jìhuà)
These songs are not only great for learning Chinese, but they also showcase the diverse and vibrant music scene in China. Enjoy!
Nevertheless, if you're interested in expanding your knowledge of Chinese through music, I suggest checking out the following songs:
- "骨灰级别" (Gǔ huī jí bié) by 旺福 (Wàng fú)
- "波西米亚" (Bō xī mǐ yà) by 痛仰乐队 (Tòng yǎng yuè duì)
- "我不是你的Superman" (Wǒ bùshì nǐ de Superman) by 五月天 (Wǔ yuè tiān)
- "不要停止你的步伐" (Bùyào tíngzhǐ nǐ de bùfá) by 崔健 (Cuī jiàn)
- "狂热" (Kuángrè) by 新裤子 (Xīn kùzi)
30.35. game: Go 围棋 Wéiqí
圍棋/围棋 (Wéiqí) - lit. to surround chess.
- 围 Wéi - to surround; orig. 舛 + 囗 – footsteps around an enclosure. (囗韋/韦)
- 韦 Wéi - leather (二𠃌丨)
- 棋 qí - chess; orig. 木 “wooden” + phonetic 其 basket
ancient form:
- wooden floor board (碁盤 goban)
- 2 bowls (碁笥 goke)
- 361 stones (碁石 goishi)
objective of capturing territory
- eyes
- two open points
- liberty
- Two or more eyes. a group with two or more eyes cannot be captured, even if it's surrounded on the outside.
- (no term)
- living group - it cannot be captured
- dead
- it cannot avoid capture, even if the owner of the group is allowed the first move
- unsettled
- the defending player can make it alive or the opponent can kill it, depending on who gets to play first
30.36. Geisha - japanese!
chinese 汉语:
- 艺妓 (Yì jì) - geisha; lit. art prostitute
japanese 日语: 芸者 (Yúnzhě) - Yun Zhe
- 芸 Yún -
- 者 Zhě - person
geigi 芸妓 (Yúnjì) - prostitute
30.37. Three good students 三好学生 Sān Hǎo XuéShēng
“三好学生” (Sān Hǎo XuéShēng) students who excel in three aspects: moral character, academic performance, and physical health
- 思想品德好 (SīXiǎng PǐnDé Hǎo): lit. thoughs morality virtue. Good moral character, which includes qualities such as honesty, kindness, and responsibility.
- 学习好 (XièXiǎng Hǎo): lit. studiyng virtue. Good academic performance, which includes achieving good grades and being diligent in studies.
- 身体好 (ShēnTǐ Hǎo): lit. body/health virtue. Good physical health, which includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good hygiene.
30.38. Tàijí quán 太极拳
术中的拳法 (Shù zhōng de quánfǎ): boxing technique
- 术中
- 拳法 (Quánfǎ): Boxing
30.39. etiquete
в азиатских странах сперва входит лидер, а потом — остальные.
31. Food 食 Shí
31.1. food, drinks
- 食品 Shípǐn - food, food product. A kind of goods that can be eaten, for sale in a shop.
- 食物 Shíwù - thing, object - food. e.g."Fish/Meat/Vegetable/Fruit/Apple"
- 吃 Chī - n. eating, to eat (modern)
- 菜 cài - vegetables, but largely it can mean the food that you eat with the rice
- 中国菜 Zhōngguó cài - Chinese food
- 菜餚/菜肴 càiyáo - dishes of food
- 菜盘 Cài pán - dish, plate
- 菜 dish, vegetablesn
- 盘 plate, set
- 美食 měishí - gourmet food, when the taste of the food is emphasised
- 饮料 Yǐnliào - drinks
- 饮 n. drink, to drink
- 喝 Hē n. drinking, to drink (modern)
- 烹饪 Pēngrèn - cooking, culinary, cook
- 蒸 Zhēng - cooked on steam - на пару
31.2. 食物 Shíwù food products
- 米 Mǐ - rice
- 酱油 – jiàngyóu – soy sauce - соевый соус
- 面条 Miàntiáo or 面/麺 - noodle, noodles (noodle strip)
- 茶 chá - tea, tea plant
- 辣椒油/辣油 Làjiāo yóu - chili oil (hot pepper oil)
豆腐 – dòufu – tofu (bean decayed), тофу
- Соевый творог
- делается из соевого молока, воды и закваски
- Процесс производства тофу из соевого молока очень близок к способу приготовления
сыра из коровьего молока.
- Тофу содержит очень мало жира, он очень богат белком, кальцием и железом.
- тофу практически не имеет никакого аромата или запаха, но у него есть
способность хорошо впитывать новые ароматы. Поэтому в тофу часто добавляют различные специи или маринады.
- Свежий тофу имеет белый цвет и очень нежную текстуру. Он содержит наибольшее количество влаги среди всех видов тофу
- 调味料 Tiáowèi liào - seasoning (adjust taste material)- приправа
- 盐 – yán – соль
- 佐料 – zuòliào – приправы
- 大蒜 – dàsuàn – чеснок
- 姜 – jiāng – имбирь
- 番茄酱 Fānqié jiàng - ketchup
- chicken-鸡肉 (jī ròu) - chicken meat
- leg-鸡肉退 (jī ròu tuǐ)
- wing-鸡翅 (jīchì)
- 鸡蛋 Jīdàn - chicken eag - Цзи Дань
- 蛋清和蛋黄 Dànqīng hé dànhuáng - egg whites and yolks
- 糖 Táng - sugar, sugared, candy
- 白砂糖 Bái shātáng - white sugar (砂 shā - sand)
- 魚 yú - fish
- 有魚 Yǒu yú There is fish. Which sound like 有余 Yǒuyú - More than enough, surplus
- 年年有余 níanníanyoǔyú - to have surplus every year (common phrase)
- 有头有尾 yǒutóuyǒuwěi - to have both a head and a tail (common phrase)
- 猪肉, 猪 - (Zhūròu, Ròu) - pork, свинина
31.3. utensils 器皿 Qìmǐn
31.3.1. tools
- 快子/筷子 kuàizi - chopsticks (quickly bamboo) - палочки для еды - Куай Цзы/Шао Цзы
- 快 Kuài - fast
- 子 zi - son, suffix to show respect to ancient, признак предмета
- 箸/筯 Zhù - chopsticks, tongs (竹 + 者(老(土丿) +日) (looks like a bowl) - old - Чжу
- 竹 Zhú - two bamboo stalks, with leaves
- 者 zhě, zhū - that which; he who; those who - suffix for profession - Чжэ
- 老 - lǎo - old
- 助 zhù - help, aid, assist
- 且 qiě, jū - moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb)
- 力 lì - power, capability, influence
- 调羹/調羹 Tiáogēng - spoon (for adjusting seasoning of geng) - Тяо Гэн
- 汤匙/湯匙 Tāngchí - spoon (soup spoon) - Тан Чи
- 勺子 Sháozi - spoon (ladle ковш)
碗 Wǎn - bowl
镬/鑊 huò, 炒锅 Chǎo guō - the wok
31.3.2. other
- 菜谱 – càipǔ – поваренная книга
- 厨 Chú - kitchen (厨房 Chúfáng - kitchen room)
- 波瓦 Bō wǎ - cook, kitchener
31.4. 食物 Shíwù - objects
- 水果 Shuǐguǒ - fruit, fruits
- 果实 Guǒshí - fruit
- 果 Guǒ - fruit
- 苹 Píng - apple (or 苹果 Píngguǒ) - Пин Го
- 柠/檸 Níng (or 柠檬 Níngméng) - Нин Мэн
- 荔枝 Lìzhī - litchi [艹劦 力power + 木tree 支support]- личжи́
31.5. 菜肴 càiyáo - dishes of food, cooked food (vegetable dish)
- 羹 gēng - is type of thick or clear soup - Гэн
- 饺子 jiǎozi - отварные или жареные пельмени. - Цзаоцзы
米 Mǐ, 饭 fàn, 米饭 Mǐfàn - rice
- 蒸米饭 Zhēng mǐfàn - steamed rice
- 炒饭 Chǎofàn - fried rice
- 日本拉面 rìběn lāmiàn - japanese hand-pulled noodle.
- 牛肉面 Niúròu miàn - Beef(cow meat) noodle (soup) - Ню Жоу Мянь
- 炒面 Chǎomiàn - fried noodles
- 汤面 Tāngmiàn - noodle soup - Тан Мянь
- 汤 Tāng - soup
- 面 miàn - noodles
- 素麵 sùmiàn - very thin noodle (white/plain noodles)
- 意大利 面 Yìdàlì - Italy, spaghetti
- famous:
- 刀削麵/面 dāoxiāomiàn - knife-cut noodles
- 热干面 règānmiàn - Hot dry noodles
- 伊麵 yī mihn - Cantonese egg noodles made from wheat flour.
- 担担面 Dàndàn miàn - carrying-pole noodles
- 炸酱面 zhá jiàng miàn - "noodles served with fried bean sauce"
- 火锅 huǒguō, hot pot style «горячий котелок»
- Утка по-пекински (糖醋里脊)
- креветки Бифэнтан?
- мелко покрошенный жареный картофель?
- жареный рис?
- Китайские рулетики Spring roll (春卷)
- Tofu skin roll 腐皮卷
- Свинина в кисло-сладким соусе (糖醋里脊)
- Курица Гунбао (宫保鸡丁)
馄饨 Húntún - ravioli Вонтоны
- Одна из распространенных форм вонтона – треугольник.
- Обычно вонтоны варят в воде и подают с бульоном. Иногда вонтоны жарят. Начинкой
вонтонам служит рубленая свинина или креветочный фарш.
- Баоцзы (包子 bāozi) - приготовленные на пару пельмени или пирожки из пресного теста.
- 炒饭 Chǎofàn - fried rice
- 麻婆豆腐 mápó dòufu – Mapo Tofu - острый соевый творог «мапо тофу» по-сычуаньски
- 浑顿汤 Hún dùn tāng - hundun soup
- 混沌 Hùndùn - ?
- 餛飩 húntun - Wonton - пельмени
dessert 甜点 Tiándiǎn
- фруктовый салат (水果沙拉 shuiguo shala – шуйго шала)
- яблоко (возможно, и другой фрукт) в карамели (拔丝苹果 basi pingguo – басы пинго).
- 汤圆 Tāngyuán - typically eaten on the 15th day after the new year. made from
glutinous rice flour.
- sound like 团圆 Tuányuán - reunion, togetherness.
- 团团圆圆 túantúanyúanyúan - a playful way to say “reunion.” (common phrase)
- cake - 蛋糕 (Dàngāo) [egg parts]
31.6. 四大菜系 Sì dà càixì - Four major cuisines
- 鲁菜 Lǔ cài - Lu cuisine - Shandong Province, a northern coastal province of China.
- 川菜 Chuāncài - Sichuan cuisine - Sichuan province, central
- 粤菜 Yuècài, 广东菜 Guǎngdōngcài - Yue cuisine, Cantonese cuisine - Guangdong
province of China, including Hong Kong and Macau
- много морепродуктов, которые очень популярны у всех жителей провинции Гуандун
- более сладкий на вкус
- 苏菜 Sū cài, 江苏菜 Jiāngsū cài - Jiangsu cuisine, Su cuisine - Jiangsu Province, Shanghai.
川菜 Chuāncài - Sichuan cuisine
- отличается очень острым вкусом
- 花椒 Huājiāo - Sichuan peppercorn
31.7. adjectives. 品 pǐn - taste
- 寻常 xúncháng – обычный
- 淡 dàn – пресный
- 咸 xián – солёный
- 鮮 Xiān - fresh
- 厚 Hòu - thick
- 薄 báo - thin
- 半燒 Bàn shāo - half burnt
- 甜 Tián - sweet (舌甘)
- 好吃 hǎochī - tasty, lit. good eating
熟 (shú) means both “familiar” and “cooked well.”
31.8. etiquette
Chopsticks are only used only to pick up food.
- reserved for funerals:
- upright-in-rice is worst place - reserved for funerals.
- Chopsticks placed vertically in rice are strictly reserved for funerals.
- horizontally or vertically across a plate or bowl
best place:
- on the chopstick rest, with the tips facing left
- on the edge of your plate, with the tips facing left
- next to your bowl, with the tips facing left
- cross your chopsticks on top of your plate or bowl to indicate that you are
still eating.
Lazy Susan 餐桌转盘 Cānzhuō zhuànpán - table turntable
- Dishes are typically not removed from the Lazy Susan
- People try to avoid moving the Lazy Susan even slightly when someone is in the act of transferring food from the dishes to their plate or bowl.
Alcohol should only be consumed during toasts.
В Китае не принято поворачивать руки с палочками ладонями вверх – это жест неуважения.
Хорошим знаком уважения в Китае можно считать то, что хозяин дома своими палочками положит вам в тарелку кусок какого-нибудь блюда. Это значит, что он хочет угодить вам и поухаживать за своим гостем. Однако за японским столом такое недопустимо.
В Японии наиболее распространены подставки для палочек, которые нужно класть на данный прибор так, чтобы острые концы были повернуты влево от человека, который ими пользуется. Если нет подставки, лучше положить их на край тарелки или на стол.
Дурным тоном считается сгребать палочками еду в рот с тарелки
крепко сжимать палочки в руке – это воспринимается как агрессия.
It is customary for elderly people to pick up their chopsticks before other people at the table.
- with others: С общего блюда брать отдельный кусочек на свою тарелку нужно специальными сервировочными палочками – а не своими личными. Если сервировочных палочек нет, переверните свои другим концом и возьмите порцию. Также не принято палочками передавать кусочки кому-то другому за столом.
- across bowl: Placing your chopsticks across your bowl during a meal tells the chef
(and everyone around you) that you no longer want your dish
- like a "bridge" on a plate, bowl or other tableware is called "watashi bashi"
- Crossed chopsticks on top of your bowl is a sign that you no longer want your dish
- The chopsticks should not form a cross or be driven vertically into the rice, as they both symbolize death.
Для китайцев шумность и многолюдность в ресторане являются признаком того, что в этом месте еда должна быть хорошая.
Во многих странах считается не очень позволительным класть во время еды локти на стол. В Китае это вполне нормально, особенно во время поедания лапши.
Если же вы выпиваете, будьте готовы к тому, что, как только ваш стакан опустеет хотя бы наполовину, в него тут же будут добавлять еще вина или водки - даже несмотря на ваши протесты.
Don't flip the fish over. Fish is a symbol of a boat.
31.8.1. chinese
One should not "dig" or "search" through food for something in particular. This is sometimes known as "digging one's grave" or "grave-digging" and is extremely poor form.
Chopsticks, when not in use, are placed either to the right or below one's plate in a Chinese table setting.
31.8.3. overwhelming mistakes (jp)
- Tate-bashi: Sticking your chopsticks vertically in a bowl of rice/food. This signifies a funerary ritual where the chopsticks represents the incense.
- Sashi-bashi: Stabbing food with your chopsticks.
- Hashi-watashi: Passing food from one set of chopsticks to another.
- Futari-bashi: Two people taking the same food using separate chopsticks.
- Watashi-bashi: Resting your chopsticks over your bowl or plate.
- Kakikomi-bashi: Shovelling food from your bowl or plate directly into your mouth.
- Utsuri-bashi: Picking up food with your chopsticks, then changing your mind and picking up something else.
- Mayoi-bashi: Hovering your chopsticks over the choice of dishes in front of you in an indecisive manner.
- Sora-bashi: Picking up food and almost putting into your mouth, and then putting it back down into the common place. All because you have changed your mind.
- Saguri-bashi: Searching out your favourite ingredients in your soup.hashi-graphic
- Neburi-bashi: Licking food off your chopsticks.
- Kami-bashi: Chewing/biting the ends of your chopsticks.
- Kasane-bashi: Picking on the same side dish, ignoring the others.
- Sashi-bashi: Pointing at someone with your chopsticks.
- Nigiri-bashi: Picking up your dishes to your mouth while still holding your chopsticks.
- Namida-bashi: Dripping liquid/soup from your chopsticks.
- Chigai-bashi: Using two different types of chopsticks together.
- Kaki-bashi: Scratching your head or similar with your chopsticks.
- Yose-bashi: Moving dishes or plates with your chopsticks.
- Tataki-bashi: Hitting the table or plates with your chopsticks.
- Wari-bashi no warikata: Separating disposable chopsticks vertically. Correct way is horizontally.
- Koji-bashi: Digging out food from the bottom of a dish, instead of taking from the top.
31.9. 饮料 Yǐnliào - drinks (drink material)
奶茶 Nǎichá - milk tea
- 奶 - milk, breast, tits, to suckle, to breastfeed
- 茶 chá - tea, tea plant
- 釣魚 diào yú - Chinese tea 'to angle fish'
- 凍檸茶 Dòng níng chá - iced tea with lemon
- 豆漿 Dòujiāng - Sweet soy milk
- 咖啡順 kā fēi shùn - iced coffee extra smooth lit. 'coffee smooth')
- Michael Jackson = mixture of soy milk and grass jelly (black and white)
31.10. alcohol - 酒精 Jiǔjīng (wine Refined/essence/extract)
白酒 (báijiǔ) - white wine lit. 'white (clear) wine'
- 35% and 60% alcohol
- or 烧酒/燒酒 (Shāojiǔ) - soju - burn wine
"Cheers!" - 干杯 Gānbēi! - lit. fuck cups or dry glass
Traditional etiquette
- "Salute!" - 拜礼 (Bài lǐ) - worship gift, greeting to show respect to the host.
- Spill a moderate amount of baijiu in the cup onto the ground to show gratitude to nature.
- Take a sip and taste the baijiu, and tell the host your opinion.
- Finish the baijiu in the small glass in one go after the Ganbei (干杯, 'Cheers') and clinking of glasses.
Note! that the host should initiate and invite for a cup, and the guest should reply with a cup.
- 为…干杯! - Wèi… Gānbēi - cheers to (for …, cheers!
- 干杯 - dry glass
"I offer you a toast" - 敬您一杯 (Jìng nín yī bēi)
"Wish you strong health." - 祝您健康 (Zhù nín jiànkāng)
"Hundred years good fit!" - 百年好合 (Bǎinián hǎo hé)
"Whole family happiness(lucky blessing)!" - 合家幸福 (Héjiā xìngfú)
31.11. other
- McDonalds or 麦当劳 (mài dāng láo) - wheat must work
- hamburger-汉堡包 (hàn bǎo bāo)
- french fries-薯条 (shǔ tiáo)
- cola-可乐 (kě lè) - can happy
- KFC or 肯德基 (Kěn dé jī)
- Pizza Hut or 必胜客 (Bì shèng Kè) - American multinational restaurant chain
- pizza-比萨 (bǐ sà) - compare Sa
- bread-面包 (miàn bāo)
按照 – ànzhào – в соответствии…, согласно
指示 – zhǐshì – указания
甜筒 (Tián tǒng) - sugar cone - ice cream cone
31.12. in restouran sentences
- 食堂 shítáng - dining hall; cafeteria
- 咖啡店 kāfēi diàn - caffee shop
- 茶餐厅/茶餐廳 Chá cāntīng - "tea restaurant"
- 快餐 kuài cān - Fast food
- 速食餐廳 Sù shí cāntīng - fast food restaurant
- 快餐店 Kuàicān diàn - a fast food shop
- 商店 refers to "store" that sell goods, for example, a book store where books were sold.
- 店舖 refers to "commercial establishment". A restaurant, a DVD rental store (younger generation might not had seen one ), and of course, a book store, are all 店舖
- 你要什么 Nǐ yào shénme - what would you like?
- 带走 dài zǒu - want it to go with yourself (carry go)
- 信用卡 Xìnyòngkǎ - credit card
- 洗澡间/厕所在哪儿? where is the bathroom.
- 少甜 shǎo tián lit. 'less sweetness'
- 加甜 jiā tián lit. 'to increase sweetness'
31.13. rice
short-grain varieties like Japanese sushi rice or Thai jasmine rice are commonly used for meals eaten with chopsticks. These types of rice tend to be stickier, making it easier to pick up with chopsticks.
Some recipes may call for less rinsing to preserve the starch and enhance the stickiness.
Rice varieties with higher amylopectin content tend to be stickier when cooked.
rice cooker or steaming rice, can result in stickier rice compared to boiling or microwaving.
Using a higher water-to-rice ratio can result in stickier rice.
Overcooking can lead to a stickier texture, while shorter cooking times can result in a firmer, less sticky rice.
two most mainstream rice types are indica and japonica rice, completely different flavors:
- Indica rice is an elongated ellipsoid - 0
- gel consistency of indica rice is not enough and it is not sticky after cooking
- difficult to kneading into rice balls
- the southern people like indica rice.
- Thai fragrant rice is also a kind of indica rice.
- Japonica rice is close to a sphere.- o
- much stickier than indica rice.
- less amylose and protein content
- not as soft and delicious as indica rice
- Chinese prefer japonica rice when cooking fried rice
- the northern people like japonica rice
- brown rice or wild rice, may be considered more nutritious than white rice because they retain more of their natural bran and germ. These parts contain more fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- glycemic index (GI) - lower better, Brown rice tends to have a lower GI.
31.14. 快子/筷子 kuàizi chopsticks
"скоро" (快 kuài) и "сын" (子 zǐ)
Китайские бамбуковые палочки отличаются от японских. Они длиннее и на концах имеют квадратную форму, которая позволяет им не кататься по столу, на другом конце они круглые и в несколько раз тоньше, чем на другом. Японские палочки для еды тоньше и короче китайских, а на концах, которыми нужно захватывать пищу, острее.
хасиоки(jp) - chopstick stand, подставка
My advice: Bamboo, Stainless steel and Titanium sticks are more resistant and above all more ergonomic for beginners.
31.14.1. chinse korean japanese
chinese | Korean | Japanese |
long and thick | medium-length | short |
commonly blunt | typically have sharp tapers | sharp and poined |
bamboo or wood | metal | wood |
31.14.2. choose
- The biggest downside to wood is its tendency to warp after consistent or prolonged exposure to moisture and heat
- However, they may absorb liquids and odors over time, which could affect hygiene.
- metal conducts heat a little too well
- lack the natural feel of organic materials.
- some concerns about the release of harmful substances from melamine materials.
melamine, acrylic
fiberglass - heavy
31.15. 火锅 huǒguō, hot pot
Китайский самовар с бульоном ставится на огонь. Когда бульон закипит, участники трапезы опускают в него тонкие ломтики сырого мяса. Через пару минут мясо готово, и его вынимают палочками, обмакивают в соус, например, кунжутное масло, соус из острого красного перца или уксус. В качестве ингредиентов может использоваться говядина, баранина, курятина, свинина, а также рыба, креветки и многое другое
Традиционный хот-пот трудно себе представить без тофу, кунжутных лепёшек или китайской капусты.
два бульона - кастрюля обычно состоит из 2 секций
- для красного острого бульона и для белого неострого.
- 鸳鸯锅 Yuānyāng guō - mandarin duck pot
Сычуаньский хого – самый известный вид хот-пота
- От острого красного перца, который щедро добавляют в бульон, блюдо становится ярко-красного цвета.
- Кроме перца, в бульоне также много и других специй.
- используют почки, куриную грудку, говяжьи внутренности, гусиный кишечник, зелёный лук, ростки бобов, грибы, мясо утки, угря, морской огурец и проч.
Монгольский хого
- мясо особых небольших овец, которых выводят в автономном районе Внутренняя Монголия.
- Повара нарезают баранину на очень тонкие кусочки – толщиной почти с лист бумаги – и готовят соус.
- В качестве соуса могут использоваться также кунжутное масло, соевый соус, растительное масло с острым красным перцем, рисовое вино, креветочный соус, уксус и т.п.
Кантонский хого - более сладкий на вкус,
- много морепродуктов, которые очень популярны у всех жителей провинции Гуандун
- Основные продукты, которые варятся в бульоне, – свежие креветки, морские гребешки,
крабовое мясо, белый угорь и другие виды рыбы и морепродуктов.
- Они подаются со сладковатым белым соусом.
31.16. packs
- 克 kè - gram; to overcome, to defeat; transliteration (儿 ér son)
项目 Xiàngmù - items, item, a project, term, sports event
- 项 xiàng - item, term, sum, neck, infinite, vast
- 目 mù (му) - глаз
每100克 - per 100 grams
- 毎,每 Měi - every, each, per…
蛋白质 Dànbáizhí - proteins белки
能量 Néngliàng - energy
- 能 Néng - to be able, energy, ability
- 量 Liàng - quantity
31.17. ex
- Wǒ bǎ càipǔ dàilái le
- Я принёс книгу рецептов
- Shíjiān bù zǎo le, wǒmen gāi chī fàn le.
- Уже поздно, нам пора пообедать
- Wǒmen zìjǐ zuò ba. Nǐ shuōguo yào jiāo wǒ zuò Zhōngguó cài, shì bù shì wàng le?
- Давай приготовим сами. Ты говорила, что научишь меня готовить китайскую еду, неужели забыла?
- (Ràng wǒ chī yīxià wǒ cái zhīdào hào bù hào chī)
- Let me eat it and then I will know if it tastes good or not
还没吃完 ! (hái méi chī wán) I’m not done eating, yet !
32. Words rating - 言 yán
32.1. my
- 的 (de) - possessive particle
- Example: 我的书 (wǒ de shū) - my book
- Explanation: 的 is used to indicate possession or association between nouns.
- 是 (shì) - to be
- Example: 我是老师 (wǒ shì lǎoshī) - I am a teacher
- Explanation: 是 is the verb "to be" and is used to link the subject and the predicate in a sentence.
- 不 (bù) - not
- Example: 不高兴 (bù gāoxìng) - not happy
- Explanation: 不 is used to negate verbs or adjectives in Chinese.
- 了 (le, liǎo) - indicates completed action
- Example: 我吃饭了 (wǒ chīfàn le) - I have eaten
- Explanation: 了 indicates a completed action or change of state.
- 过 (guò) - particle indicating experience
- Example: 我去过中国 (wǒ qùguò zhōngguó) - I have been to China
- Explanation: 过 is used after a verb to indicate that an action has been experienced or completed in the past.
- 会 (huì)
- Explanation: used to indicate future tense.
- 吗 (ma) - question particle
- Example: 你好吗?(nǐ hǎo ma?) - Are you well?
- Explanation: 吗 is used at the end of a sentence to turn a statement into a yes-no question.
- 在 (zài) - at, in, on
- Example: 我在家里 (wǒ zài jiālǐ) - I am at home
- Explanation: 在 is used to indicate location or ongoing actions happening at a specific place.
- 有 (yǒu) - to have
- Example: 我有一本书 (wǒ yǒu yī běn shū) - I have a book
- Explanation: 有 is used to indicate possession or existence of something.
- 得 (de) - to have to, to get; particle showing degree
- Example: 他跑得很快。(Tā pǎo de hěn kuài.): He runs very fast.
- Example: 她笑得很开心。(Tā xiào de hěn kāixīn.): She is laughing happily.
- Explanation: used to connect verbs and complements, indicating possibility or capability.
- 地 (de) - land, ground (土 eath, 也) - Just as the earth serves as the foundation for physical things.
- Example: 她慢慢地走。(Tā màn màn de.): she slowly walked.
- Example: 很快地 (hěn kuài de): very quickly.
- Explanation: indicating the preceding word is used as an adverb
- 也 (yě) - also, too
- Example: 我也喜欢吃巧克力。(Wǒ yě xǐhuān chī qiǎokèlì.): I also like to eat chocolate.
- 好 (hǎo) - good, well
- Example: 你做得很好 (nǐ zuò dé hěn hǎo) - You did very well
- Explanation: 好 can be used as an adjective meaning "good," or as an adverb meaning "well."
- 一 (yī) - one and 个 (gè) - general measure word
- Example: 一个人 (yīgè rén) - one person
- Explanation: 个 is a general measure word used for counting people or objects.
- 从 (cóng) - "from," "to follow," "since," "obey," "with,"
- From: 我从北京来 (wǒ cóng běijīng lái) - I come from Beijing.
- Since: 从今天起,我们要更加努力工作
- (cóng jīntiān qǐ, wǒmen yào gèngjiā nǔlì gōngzuò)
- Starting from today, we need to work even harder.
- 为 (wèi) - "for," "to do," "because of," "as," "as if," and "to act as."
- 为了 (Wèile): … чтобы in order to (вила)
- 因为 (yīnwéi): потому что …
- 他因为感冒,所以没去上班。
- (tā yīnwèi gǎnmào, suǒyǐ méi qù shàngbān)
- He didn't go to work because he had a cold.
- He becauseof cold, thatiswhy not went onwork.
- 他因为感冒,所以没去上班。
- 为什么? (Wèishéme) - why? для чего? lit. for what ma?
- 而 (ér) - connect two clauses or phrases; 和 (hé) to connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases that are similar or related.
- 才 (cái) - only, just now
- 很 (hěn) - very
- Example: 这个菜很好吃 (zhège cài hěn hǎochī) - This dish is very delicious
- 就 (jiù) - then, just
- Example: 你饿了就吃点东西吧 (nǐ è le jiù chī diǎn dōngxī ba)
- You gothungry, then eat something(abitof staff/things)!
- Example: 你饿了就吃点东西吧 (nǐ è le jiù chī diǎn dōngxī ba)
32.2. frequient words 0
32.3. frequient words 1
- 上 Shàng шан «верх» на
- 下 Xià ся - «низ» ниже
- 口 Kǒu «рот»
- 雨 Yǔ юй «дождь»
- 立 Lì «стоять»
- 人 Rén жэнь «человек»
- 戈 Gē гэ «копьё»
- 伐 Fá фа - рубить
- 甘 Gān гань «сладкий»
- 非 Fēi фэй «дурной, плохой, зло»
- 言 янь «слово»
- 來 lái «приходить»
- 麥 mài «пшеница»
- 又 yòu «снова, ещё раз»
- 男人 - nánrén мужчина
- 女人 - nǚrén женщина
- 田 Tián - поле
- 狗 gǒu - собака
- 猫 māo - кошка
- 用 Yòng - использовать
- 神 Shén - бог
- 买 Mǎi - buy
- 卖 Mài - sell
- 东西 Dōngxī - staff, thing
- 头 Tóu - head
- 牛 Niú - cow
- 门 Mén - door
- 了 Le -
- Used after a verb to indicate perfective aspect (action completion).
- Used at the end of a sentence to indicate a change of state/beginning of an
action.. - like a now word
- 你吃了以后叫我。Nǐ chī le yǐhòu jiào wǒ. ― Call me when you are done eating.
- 以后 - Yǐhòu - after
- 你吃了以后叫我。Nǐ chī le yǐhòu jiào wǒ. ― Call me when you are done eating.
- 男厕 (Nán cè) - Men's room, gents
- 女厕 (Nǚ cè) - Women's toilet, Ladies
- 超市在哪儿? - Where is the supermarket?
- 没问题 - No problem!
- 那个 - That one!
- 警察 (Jǐngchá) - police, policeman
- 多少个? - How many?
- 再来一个 - One more!
- 少来一个 - One less!
- 请稍等 (Qǐng shāo děng) - Please wait!
- 稍等 (shāo děng) - a little wait.
32.4. frequient words 2
- 人(亻) rén person; people
- 刀(刂) dāo knife
- 力 lì power; strength
- 又 yòu right hand; again
- 口 kǒu mouth; entrance
- 囗 wéi enclose
- 土 tǔ earth
- 夕 xī sunset; evening
- 大 dà big; great
- 女 nǚ female; woman
- 子 zǐ baby; child
- 寸 cùn inch or thumb
- 小 xiǎo little; small
- 工 gōng tool; work; labor
- 幺 yāo tiny; small
- 弓 gōng bow натянутый
- 心(忄) xīn heart - синь
- 戈 gē dagger-axe - гэ
- 手(扌) shǒu hand - шоу
- 日 rì sun; day - жи
- 月 yuè moon; month - юэ
- 木 mù wood - му
- 水(氵) shuǐ water - Шуй
- 火(灬) huǒ fire - Хо
- 田 tián field; (surname)
- 目 mù eye - Му
- 示(礻) shì to show
- 糸/纟 mì silk
- 耳 ěr ear
- 衣(衤) yī clothing
- 言(讠) yán word; speech
- 貝/贝 bèi cowry shell
- 走 zǒu to walk
- 足 zú foot; enough
- 金 jīn metal; gold; (surname)
- 門/门 mén door; gate
- 隹 zhuī short-tailed bird
- 雨 yǔ rain
- 食 shí to eat
- 馬/马 mǎ horse
囗 口
32.5. fr w 3
- 桌子 zhuōzi - table
- 飛機 fēijī - airplane
- 朋友 péngyǒu - friend
- 汽车 qìchē - car
- 火車 huǒchē - train
- 房子 fángzi - house
32.6. money 钱 qián тьен
- 钱 - Qián - цянь - деньги
- currency - 货币 (Huòbì) [goods currency] goods/procurts(change/convert seashell) - Хо Би
- 人民币 rénmínbì - жэньминьби - literally: 'people's currency' RMB
- 元/¥ - symbol; code: CNY
- 元/圆 Yuán(Юань) - primary unit. equal to 10 jiao or 100 fen
- 块 kuài(Куай) - разговорный 元
- 金融 (Jīnróng) - finance, banking; finfncial; lit. gold circulation
- price - 价钱 (jià qian)
- to pay - 付 (fù)
- debt - 债务 (zhài wù)
- to lend (money) 借给 jiè gěi
- to borrow (money) 借 jiè
- account - 账户 (zhànghù)
- to deposit - 存款 (cún kuǎn)
- to withdraw - 提取 (tí qǔ)
- profit, income - 收益 (Shōuyì) - income
- 角 Jiǎo(Цзяо) - 1/10 元
- 分 fēn(Фэнь) - 1/100 元
Slang: - 角 jiǎo
- 毛 máo - разговорный
- Forex, foreign exchange - 外汇 (Wàihuì) - валюта, exchange - вайхуй
- bank - 银行 (Yínháng) иньхан [silver OK/row/do/professional]
- 收银台 - Shōuyín tái - шоуинь тай - касса, cashier counter
- подпись, sign - 签字 (QiānZì) [sign character] - цяньцзы
- рубль - 卢布 (Lúbù) [Lu cloth]
- mail item - 邮件 - Yóujiàn
- ATM machine - 取款机 (Qǔkuǎn Jī) [withdraw machine]
- 取款 (Qǔkuǎn) - withdraw [take payment]
- credit card - 信用卡 (Xìnyòngkǎ)
- 信用 (Xìnyòng) - credit [letter use]
- dollars, bucks - 块钱 (Kuài qián) - (usually referring to the Chinese Yuan). [chunk money] ex. 5块钱
- cryptocurrency exchange - 加密货币交易所 (Jiāmì huòbì jiāoyì suǒ)
- 加密 (Jiāmì) - encryption [plus dense/secret]
- 货币 (Huòbì) - currency [goods currency]
- 交易 (Jiāoyì) - to trade, to deal; deal [deal simple]
- 所 (Suǒ) - Place, spot, office
- currency exchange - 货币兑换 - huòbì duìhuàn
- 兑换 (Duìhuàn) - exchange, convert [barter change]
- available for sale - 可供出售 (Kě gōng chūshòu) [can provide sale]
32.6.1. ex
I'm going on a business trip to Hong Kong next week. Do you know where I can exchange money for Hong Kong dollars?
- 下周我要去香港出差,你知道哪里可以换些港币吗?
- xiàzhōu wǒ yào qù xiānɡɡǎnɡ chūchāi,nǐ zhīdào nǎlǐ kěyǐ huàn xiē ɡǎnɡbì ma?
You can exchange it at the bank. Most banks are fine.
- 你可以去银行兑换,一般的银行都可以的。
- nǐ kěyǐ qù yínhánɡ duìhuàn,yībān de yínhánɡ dōu kěyǐ de.
这双鞋多少钱? - Сколько стоит эта пара обуви?
- zhè shuāng xié duōshao qián?
- 这 zhè это
- 双 shuāng пара (счётное слово для парных предметов)
- 鞋 xié обувь
- 多少钱 duōshao qián сколько стоит?
- 多少 - how many - multi little
- 钱 - деньги
- (jīn tiān gěi wǒ wǔ shí kuài.)
- Give me fifty dollars today.
- (tā ná le liǎng bǎi kuài qián dào chāo shì qù mǎi dōng xi.)
- He took two hundred dollars to the supermarket to buy things.
几千刀吧 (Jǐ qiān dāo ba): A few thousand dollars, maybe
要外币卡才行 (Yào wàibì kǎ cái xíng): Need foreign currency card only then
信用卡直接刷 (Xìnyòngkǎ zhíjiē shuā): Direct credit card payment [creditcard directly pay]
有手续费 (Yǒu shǒuxù fèi): There is a fee [have formalities fee]
32.6.2. links
32.7. 女 woman
- 女人 Nǚrén
- 女儿 Nǚ'ér daughter
- 女朋友 Nǚ péngyǒu - girlfriend
- 安 Ān - safe, peaceful (roofofthehouse woman)
- 晚安 Wǎn'ān - good night (night peaceful)
- 安全 Ānquán - safe (safe complete) aн чьен
- 安静 Ānjìng - quiet ан тинь
- 妓女 Jìnǚ - whore, hooker, harlot, prostitute
- 妻 Qī - wife
- 女性 Nǚxìng - n. female
- 女人 nǚrén ― woman
- 女的 nǚde ― woman; female
- 女子 nǚzǐ - (formal) woman; virgin girl
- 女孩 Nǚhái - young woman, girl; lit. girl child/babe
- 少女 Shàonǚ - beautiful girl, maiden, teenage girl
- 美 Měi - beautiful
- 妹子 Mèizǐ - slang. girl, sister
女性力量 (Nǚxìng lìliàng): female power
32.8. 音乐 Yīnyuè музыка - music - Инь Юэ
- 音 (yīn) - sound
- 乐 (Lè) - happy, music, to laugh
- 乐队 (yuèduì) ― band; lit. fun team - Юэ Дуй
- 奏乐 (zòuyuè) ― to play music lit. (𡗗 hand hold something 天 head) + fun
- 七絃琴 Цисяньци́нь или gǔqín 古琴 гуцинь
- ци «семь»
- сянь «струны»
- цинь «~струнный инструмент~»
- 摇滚音乐 - Yáogǔn yīnyuè - rock (and roll) music (shake roll music) - Яо Гунь
- 歌 Gē - the song
Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng - ancient musical instrument made of bells (called bianzhong) unearthed in 1978
- 編鐘 Biānzhōng
32.8.1. ex
- Zhèli yǒu yīnyuè wèi nín
- here's music for you (lit. here(this in) have music for you)
32.9. 动作 Dòngzuò - движение
- 冲 Chōng – рваться вперед, устремляться
- 蹲 Dūn - сидеть на корточках
- 转 Zhuǎn – крутиться, вращаться
- 爬 Pá – ползти, взбираться
- 漂 Piào – плыть, держаться на поверхности воды
- 滑 Huá - скользить
- 走 Zǒu - идти
- 游 Yóu - плыть
- 跑 Pǎo - бежать
- 跳 Tiào - прыгать
- 飞 Fēi - летать
冲少了 (Chōng shǎole): not enough rush you made
32.10. 天气 Tiānqì - weather
- 下雨 Xià yǔ - идет дождь
- 下雪 Xià xuě - идет снег
- 有云 Yǒu yún - облачно
- 刮风 Guā fēng - дует ветер
- 闪电 Shǎndiàn - молния
- 雷 Léi - гром
- 雷雨 Léiyǔ - гроза
- 凉 Liáng - прохладно
- 暖和 Nuǎnhuo - теплый
- 热 Rè - жаркий
- 冷 Lěng - холодный
- 晴 Qíng - ясный
- 阴 Yīn - пасмурный
- 干 Gàn - сухой
32.11. Yes No
common way: 不 + the verb
- 是/是的 (Shì de) - yes(it is), Right! Positive and 否 as negative.
- 有 (yǒu) - yes(has)
- 要 (yào) - yes(want)
- 对 (duì) - yes, correct; 对啊 (Duì a) - yup
- 好/好的 (Hǎo de) - ok! Okay
- 好吧 (hǎo bā) - хорошо, ОК
- 好嘞!(hǎo lei) - okay, OK
- 还好 (Hái hǎo) - fine; lit. yet good
- 好哒 (Hǎo dá) - OK, Great
- 挺好 (Tǐng hǎo) - very good
- 好了 (Hǎole) - alright
- 可以 (Kěyǐ) - OK, to can, to may, to be able to; possible
- 可以啊 (Kěyǐ a) - sure
- 行 (Xíng) - OK, it works/isuseful.
- 嗯了 ńle - OK, 看嗯了 (Kàn ńle) - Okay
- 唔 Wú - Hmm, used like 不 (bù) in Cantonese (吾)
- 能吧 (Néng ba) - Yes, OKay
- 不是 (bù shì) - no(am not)
- 没有 (méi yǒu) - No(doesn't have), without, None, there is not, to have not; lit. not exist (沒/没)
- 不要 (bù yào) - No (don’t want)
- 不了 (Bùliǎo) - No more, without end, Can't
- 没有 (Méiyǒu) - No, there is not, to have not, lit. not exist
- 不用 (bùyòng) - Need not, lit. no need.
- 没有,不用 (Méiyǒu, bùyòng): No, no need to.
- 别 (Bié) - don't …
- 否 (fǒu, pǐ) - not, no, negative; final particle
- 没啦 (Méi la) - No more
- 未 (wèi) - еще не, not yet
- 不是 (bùshì) - не есть
- 无 (wú) - не быть, не иметь, никакой, никто, ничего
- 唔 (wú) - no, Well, hmm
- 不带 (bù dài) - without
- 不对 (bùduì - not correct
- 不行 (Bùxíng) - not OK, useless; no way! - Бу Син
- 不会啊 (Bù huì a) - Nope; lit. not can
- 勿 (Wù) - most not … (rare)
- 冇 (mǎo) - without (rare)
- 無 (wú) - никакой, никто, ничего (rate)
- 不得 bùdé - before verb: not allowed; after verb make it negative. [not allowed]
- 不是(Bú Shì)
- 不 (Bù)
- 有还是没有 (Yǒu háishì méiyǒu) - yes or not; lit. exist or not
Rule: 有 is the only verb not negated with 不 (bù). It is negated with 沒/没 (méi).
32.12. true false, bad good
- 真的 - Zhēn de - real of - Чжэнь
- 真实 - Zhēn Shí - real fact - Чжэнь
- 假 - Jiǎ - fake - Цзя
- 假的 - Jiǎ de - fake of
- 伪 - Wěi - fake/to fake
- 虚假/虚伪 - Xūjiǎ - пустота/virtual fake - Сюй Цзя/Wěi
- 坏 - Huài - sucks - Сюй
- 恶/惡 - È - evil, to hate - Э
- 歹 - Dǎi - wicked - Дай
- 邪 - Xié - evil - Се
- 烂 - Làn - rotten - Лань
- 好 - Hǎo
- 优良 - Yōu liáng - excellent - Ю Лян
- 善 - Shàn - kind
- 佳 - Jiā - beautiful
- 良 - Liáng - beautiful, very
32.13. bad words, 发誓 Fāshì - to swear (send oath/vow)
- 老外 lǎo wài - foreigner (old/always outside)
- 哥们儿 gē men er - dude
- 干 Gàn - Fuck! literal “making love”
- 小鼻子子 Xiǎo bí zǐ zǐ - small nose
- 小鸨 Xiǎo bǎo - "little bustard"
- 屌丝 Diǎo sī - loser (“male pubic hair,”)
- 王八蛋 Wáng bā dàn - stupid one, bastard (“tortoise egg” or “turtle egg”)
- 牛屄 Niúbì - “badass,”, bad boy ( “cow vagina.”)
- 混蛋 Húndàn - asshole; lit. “mixed egg” - one of their parents was unfaithful
- 笨蛋 Bèndàn - stupid egg
- 笨人 Bèn rén - stupid one
- 傻缺 Shǎquē - fool
- 三八 Sān bā - heartless, trashy, dumb b*tch (38)
- 变态 Biàn tài - pervert
- 穷蛆 Qióng qū - poor maggot
- 操你妈 – Cào nǐ mā, 操 (f*ck) 你 (your) 妈 (mom)
- 二逼 (Èr bī) - “f*cking idiot.” (stupid vagina)
- 他妈的 (Tā mā de) - “dammit”, damn it or “the eff.”; he mother of
- 该死的 (Gāisǐ de) - damn it [should die]
- 蛋疼 (Dàn téng) - damn it, … . [Eggs hurt]
- 卧槽 (Wò cáo) - Damn it, [lying a wooden trough or vat]
- 贱女人 Jiàn nǚ rén - straight cold b*tch, literally referring to a female dog
- 卖豆腐 Mài dòu fu - selling their body (selling tofu)
- 吃豆腐 Chī dòu fu - "eating tofu" describes a person (usually a man) who is
outright perverted and tends to spend his money on hookers and strippers.
- 你喜欢吃豆腐吗? Nǐ xǐhuān chī dòufu ma (Do you like eating tofu)
- 公共汽车 Gōng gòng qì chē - she can be ridden anytime, by anyone, and for cheap. “public bus,”
- 你他妈的看什么? Nǐ tā mā de kàn shénme? - “what the eff are you looking at?”
- 傻逼 Shǎ bī - iditot, lit. stupid vagina/narrow
- 操你祖宗十八代 Cào nǐ zǔzōng shíbā dài - f*ck your ancestors all the way back to the eighteenth generation
32.13.1. links
32.14. 历史 Lìshǐ history
- 历 Lì - calendar
- 史 Shǐ - history
1 млн. лет до н.э. На территории Китая уже живут первобытные люди.
V—II тысячелетия до н.э. Находки керамики свидетельствуют о существовании неолитической Луншаньской культуры на территории провинции Шаньдун и культуры Яншао между сегодняшними городами Лоян и Сиань.
1122-221 гг. до н.э. Для придания легитимности власти правителей Чжоу появляется принцип Тяньмин (Веление Неба) - идея, провозглашавшая императора («Сына Неба») посредником между Небом и людьми.
551 г. до н.э. Очень плодотворный период духовного взаимообмена между даосами и конфуцианцами, моистами, провозглашавшими равенство всех людей, и первыми представителями легистских школ, стремившимися ограничить произвол феодальных владык законами, гарантом которых выступала бы сильная централизованная власть.
221 г. до н.э. Цинь Шихуан провозглашает себя первым императором после того, как он, став удельным князем еще в 246 г. до н. э., в ходе многолетней войны покорил другие княжества. Начало строительства «длинной стены», включившей в себя прежние крепостные стены.
С 204 г. до н.э. После смерти первого императора власть переходит к главарям кланов. Повстанцы устанавливают династию Хань и прежние порядки. В 111 г. до н. э. императорские войска занимают Гуанчжоу. Конфуцианство становится государственной доктриной.
С 65 г. до н.э. По Шелковому пути из Индии в Китай проникает буддизм, получивший здесь широкое распространение.
С 220 г. Падение династии Хань. Возникновение множества независимых царств и княжеств.
581 г. Полководец рода Суй объединяет страну и избирает своей столицей Чанъань (Сиань).
618 г. Придя к власти, клан Ли основывает династию Тан, проводившую политику чередования войн и брачных союзов с тибетским двором. 300-летний период расцвета культуры.
960 г. Военный и экономический центр Китая переносится в Кайфын, ставший столицей династии Сун. Север Китая частично переходит под контроль воинственных кочевников, вторгшихся из монгольских степей.
В 1126 г. Чжур-чжэни захватывают Кайфын и впоследствии основывают свою столицу на месте современного Пекина.
1206 г. Монголы, объединившись, провозглашают Чингиза Великим ханом. Начинается эпоха монгольской экспансии, завершившаяся в 1279 г. захватом Ханчжоу при внуке Чингизхана - Куб-ла-хане (Хубилае). Советником при дворе служит венецианское семейство Поло. Хубилай повелевает возвести новую столицу - Ханбапык. Дворец хана находился на месте сегодняшнего Императорского дворца в Пекине.
1294 г. Смерть Хубилая. Империя монголов, покоривших чуть ли не всю Евразию, распадается.
1368 г. После многочисленных восстаний против иноземцев трон вновь занимает китайская династия — Мин. Поначалу она правит в Нанкине, но третий минский император, Юнлэ, переносит столицу в Пекин и возводит новый дворец, общая планировка которого сохранилась до наших дней.
1517 г. К берегам провинции Гуандун прибывает первый португальский корабль. Из-за этого вспыхивает конфликт с империей Мин.
1644 г. Маньчжуры, вторгшиеся с севера, захватывают Пекин, свергают династию Мин и основывают новую династию — Цин. Вскоре под ее контроль переходит вся страна. В отличие от монголов маньчжуры ассимилируются в Китае. Цинские императоры расширяют границы страны на западе.
1842 г. По условиям Нанкинского договора по окончании первой опиумной войны европейцы получают свободный доступ на китайский рынок. Они строят торговые порты, основывают колонии, самые известные среди которых — Шанхай, Тяньцзинь, Далянь и Циндао.
1850—1864 гг. Восстание тайпинов в Южном и Центральном Китае против центральной власти в Пекине. Восстание жестоко подавлено.
1898 г. Молодой император Гуансюй пытается удержать династию у власти путем модернизации («Реформа ста дней»), но консервативно настроенная фракция императрицы Цыси отстраняет его. Участники движения «Ихэту-ань» поднимают восстание против иноземцев и в июне-августе 1900 г. осаждают посольский квартал в Пекине. Войска союзников прорывают осаду, но при этом разрушают часть города.
1908 г. После смерти Цыси и Гуансюя на трон вступает трехлетний Пуи, и после бесчисленных интриг империя рушится.
1911 г. На востоке Китая возникает оппозиционное движение за республику, завершившееся Синьхайской революцией. Президентом Республиканского Китая избирается доктор Сунь Ятсен, вынужденный вскоре уступить свой пост Юань Шикаю, бывшему советнику двора.
1916 г. После смерти диктатора Юаня страна распадается на уделы, во главе которых становятся могущественные генералы, ведущие борьбу друг с другом.
4 мая 1919 г. Антиимпериалистические реформаторские силы проводят на площади Тяньаньмэнь в Пекине демонстрацию против японского протектората над провинцией Шаньдун, предусмотренного Версальским договором по окончании Первой мировой войны. Демонстранты требуют защиты суверенитета Китая и демократизации политической системы.
1921 г. В Шанхае по советскому образцу основывается компартия Китая.
1925 г. Чан Кайши становится во главе I национальной партии (Гоминьдан).
С 1931 г. Учащаются вторжения Японии в Северный Китай с территории ее колонии Кореи.
1934 г. Несмотря на создание единого фронта коммунистов и националистов против Японии, Чан Кайши борется в первую очередь со своими соперниками внутри Китая, вынудив войска компартии отступить в безлюдные районы северо-западного Китая (легендарный «великий поход» - 12 000 км).
В 1935 г. в Яньани Мао Цзэдун избирается главой КПК.
1937 г. Массовые вторжения японцев в Китай. Начало японо-китайской войны.
1945—1949 гг. После капитуляции Японии вспыхивает конфликт между КПК и Гоминьданом. В результате военных действий коммунисты при поддержке крестьян изгоняют остатки гоминьда-новцев на остров Тайвань.
1 октября 1949 г. Мао Цзэдун провозглашает декларацию об образовании КНР.
1958-1961 гг. Хотя Китай остается аграрной страной, коммунисты по примеру СССР приступают к развитию тяжелой индустрии.
В 1959 г. подавлено восстание в Тибете. Далай-лама XIV эмигрирует в Индию.
1966—1969 гг. В ходе «великой пролетарской культурной революции», отражавшей борьбу за власть среди верхушки КПК, молодые «хунвэйбины» должны были уничтожить последние остатки «буржуазной культуры». Миллионы людей по всей стране подверглись репрессиям и гонениям.
- 红卫兵 /紅衛兵 Hóng wèibīng - red guard solder палл. хунвэйбин, буквально: «красногвардейцы
1972 г. Визит Президента США Никсона в Китай. Так называемая «пинг-понговая дипломатия» (приезд команды американских теннисистов), положившая начало переориентации политики Китая на США и большей открытости страны.
1976 г. В январе умирает премьер-министр КНР Чжоу Эньлай, а в сентябре - глава КПК Мао Цзэдун. После двухлетней фракционной борьбы «банда четырех» во главе с вдовой Мао — Цзян Цин разгромлена. К власти приходят прагматики во главе с Дэн Сяопином.
1978 г. «Четыре модернизации»: в сельском хозяйстве, промышленности, науке и технике, армии.
1995 г. Продолжается бурный экономический подъем. В области внешней политики КНР укрепляет свои позиции, нормализовав отношения со своими соседями: Южной Кореей, Россией и Вьетнамом.
1997 г. Возвращение Гонконга Китаю.
1999 г. Португалия возвращает Китаю свою колонию Макао.
2001 г. 16 июля Президент В.В. Путин и Председатель Цзян Цзэминь подписали договор о дружбе, добрососедстве и сотрудничестве между Россией и Китаем.
2005 г. Президент В. В. Путин и председатель Ху Цзиньтао объявили 2006 год "Годом России" в Китае и 2007 год "Годом Китая" в России. В эти годы стороны проведут целую серию крупных мероприятий, благодаря которым усилится всесторонее взаимопонимание и доверие между народами обоих государств.
32.15. animals
- 猫 Māo - cat, pussy, puss, pussycat
- 狗 Gǒu - dog
- 喵 Miāo - cat: Meow.
- 吠 Fèi - dog:bark
32.16. by sound with different tones
"dao" (刀):
- dāo (刀) - knife
- dáo (倒) - to fall over, to collapse
- dáo (捣) - to pound, to crush
- dǎo (导) - to guide, to lead
- dào (道) - path, way
"ma" (马):
- mā (妈) - mother, mom
- má (麻) - numb, hemp, tingling
- mǎ (马) - horse
- mà (骂) - to scold, to curse
- ma (吗) - question particle
"he" (和):
- hē (呵) - to exhale, to breathe out
- hé (河) - river
- hé (和) - and
- hě (何) - what, why
- hě (赫) - brilliant, dazzling
- hè (喝) - to drink
- hè (贺) - to congratulate
"de" (的):
- de (的) - possessive particle
- dé (得) - to obtain, must, have to
- děi (得以) Déyǐ - can, may, be able to
- dè (德) - virtue, morality
- dē (嘚) - sound of something falling
"na" (那):
- nā (拿) - to take, to hold
- ná (那) - that, there
- nǎ (哪) - which, where
- nà (纳) - to accept, to pay
- nèi (内) - inside, within
- nài (耐) - to endure, to tolerate
"shi" (是):
- shì (是) - to be
- shí (十) - ten
- shǐ (使) - to make, to cause
- shì (事) - matter, affair
- shī (诗) - poem
"mu" (木):
- mù (木) - wood, tree
- mǔ (母) - mother
- mù (目) - eye
- mù (牧) - to herd, to tend
- mǔ (姆) - nanny
"she" (舌):
- shé (舌) - tongue
- shè (社) - society, organization
- shě (射) - to shoot, to fire
- shè (设) - to set up, to establish
- shē (奢) - luxurious
"qi" (气):
- qì (气) - air, gas
- qí (棋) - chess
- qǐ (起) - to rise, to start
- qì (器) - tool, instrument
- qì (妻) - wife
"deng" (灯):
- dēng (灯) - lamp, light
- dēng (蹬) - to step on, to tread on
- děng (等) - to wait, equal
- dèng (登) - to climb, to ascend
- dèng (瞪) - to stare, to glare
32.17. other
- 全 quán all / whole / entire / every / complete
32.18. signs
- 禁区 [Jìnqū] - restricted area
- 示 shì show, manifest
- 仅供 授权 人使用 [jǐn gōng shòu quán rén shǐ yòng]
- 仅供 Only for 授权 grant right 人 person 使用 make use
- 严禁入內 Yánjìn rù nèi - no entry - strict ban enter Inside
- 紧急出口 emergency exit
- 没有出口 no exit
- 入口 entrance
中国制造 (Zhōngguó zhìzào) - made in China
- 中国 (Zhōngguó) China
- 制造 (Zhìzào): to manufacture, to create, to make, to engineer, to output;
making - Чжи Цзао
- 制 (zhì): to plant, to limit, to rule; system, low, rules ; orig: (木 tree + 刀
knife) – to cut a tree.
- 造 (Zào): to make, to build, to invent, to educate, to train (very rarely
alone) (辶 to walk, 告 announce)
32.19. emotions
- 羡慕 (Xiànmù) - envious; to envy; envy
32.20. illness
- 医院 - hospital
- 你有病吗? → 你生病了吗?/ 你病了吗? - What the hell is wrong with you? → Are you sick?
- 你还好吗? - Nǐ hái hǎo ma? - Are you also ok?
- 你看起来不太好 - Nǐ kàn qǐlái bu tài hǎo - You don’t look so well.
- 你是不是感冒了? Nǐ shì bùshì gǎnmàole? - Did you catch a cold?
- 我有点不舒服 - Wǒ yǒudiǎn bú shūfú - I don’t feel well.
- 看病 kànbìng – ходить к врачу (на прием)
- 用叫医生吗? Yòng jiào yīshēng ma? - Позвать врача?
- 需要帮忙吗? Xūyào bāngmáng ma? - Вам помочь? Нужна помощь?
- 请叫救护车 Qǐng jiào jiùhù chē - Вызовите скорую!
- 救护车 (jiùhù chē) - скорая
- 我要看病 Wǒ yào kànbìng - Мне необходимо сходить к врачу
- 我觉得身体不舒服 Wǒ juéde shēntǐ bú shūfú - Я плохо себя чувствую
- 我喉咙不舒服 Wǒ hóulóng bú shūfú – болит горло
- 头疼 Tóuténg – У меня болит голова
- 肚子疼 Dùzi téng – У меня живот болит
- 头很沉 Tóu hěn chén – Голова тяжелая
- 你能帮我请位医生吗? Nǐ néng bāng wǒ qǐng wèi yīshēng ma ? - Пожалуйста, позовите врача
- 你怎么啦? Nǐ zěnme la? - Что-то не так? Что с тобой?
- 是什么症状? Shì shénme zhèngzhuàng? - Какие симптомы?
- 症状 zhèngzhuàng - симптом
- 量一下体温吧 Liàng yīxià tǐwēn ba - Давай измерим температуру 体温tǐwēn – температура (тела)
- 吃了什么不对劲的东西没有? Chīle shénme bùduìjìn de dōngxi méiyǒu? - Ты ничего странного(необычного) не ел(а)?
- 量一下血压吧 Liàng yīxià xiěyā ba - Давай измерим давление
- 你常服用什么药? - Nǐ cháng fúyòng shénme yào? Употребляете ли постоянно какие-либо лекарственные препараты?
- 我没服用任何药 - Wǒ méi fúyòng rènhé yào - нет, не принимаю (лекарства)
- 我哪儿不好? Wǒ nǎ'er bù hǎo? - Что со мной (какой диагноз)?
- 严重吗? Yánzhòng ma? - Это серьезно(о болезни) ?
吃了点药好多了 (Chīle diǎn yào hǎoduōle): I feel much better after taking some medicine.
- 吃了 (Chīle) - have eaten
- 点药 (Diǎn yào) - прописаные лекарства
- 好多了 (Hǎoduōle) - much better
32.21. navigation
- 东 (dōng) - East
- 西 (xī) - West [cover]
- 南 (nán) - South [ударный инструмент or front of a house]
- 北 (běi) - North
The combined directions are:
- 东南 (dōngnán) - Southeast [east south]
- 东北 (dōngběi) - Northeast [east north]
- 西南 (xīnán) - Southwest [west south]
- 西北 (xīběi) - Northwest [west north]
- 东西 (dōngxī) - East and West
- 南北 (nánběi) - South and North
Some additional directions:
- 上 (shàng) - Up
- 下 (xià) - Down
- 左 (zuǒ) - Left
- 右 (yòu) - Right
- 中间 (zhōngjiān) - Middle [In between]
西北 xīběi 北 běi 東北/东北 dōngběi \- ^ -/ \- | -/ \-|-/ 西 xī <---------XX----------> 東/东 dōng /-|-\ /- | -\ /- v -\ 西南 xīnán 南 nán 東南/东南 dōngnán
33. Games
- 电子游戏 (Diànzǐ yóuxì) - video game
- 电子 Diànzǐ - electoronic
- 游戏 Yóuxì - game - йоу си
- 戏 xì - play -
- 电脑游戏 (Diànnǎo yóuxì) - PC game
- 电脑 - computer (Diànnǎo)
- 开始 - Kāishǐ - start (game)
- 玩家 - Wánjiā - player
- 角色 - Juésè - character
- 生 - Shēng - liveness
- 活命 - Huómìng - live amount
- 创建 - Chuàngjiàn - create
- 设置 - Shèzhì - settings
- 请插入名字 - Qǐng chārù- please insert your name
- 插入 - chārù - insert
- 名字 - Míngzì - name word
- 15 米 - Mǐ - 15 метров
- 10 秒 - Miǎo - 10 seconds
33.1. history
- Ruyiji was released in Taiwan in 1986
- Xuan-Yuan Sword, 1990 DOS
- The Legend of Sword and Fairy (1995) — MS-DOS-based, Windows - most popular.
- Heroes of Jin Yong 1996
- Beggar Prince 1996 - Super Fighter Team - Taiwan.
- Final Fantasy VII in 1997 (translated)
- Westward Journey, Perfect World, and The Incorruptible Warrior.
- Genshin Impact (2020)
- 1994 Legend of the Seven Paladins 3D 搖滾少林系列 七俠五義3D Accend Inc
- 三國志:蜀漢英雄傳 (3D Hero, which we feature in this thread),
- 人間道之少年燕赤霞 (Tao)
- 1997 終極戰士 (Mars - The Ultimate Fighter)
- Bandit Kings of Ancient China (1989)
- Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (1995)
魂类游戏 (Hún lèi yóuxì) - soul games - Demon's souls.
34. Job 工作 gōng zuò, work
34.1. terms
- 活 Huó - work
- 职责 zhízé - position responsibilities
- 工作 Gōngzuò - work, job, task; to work; lit. work do
- 上班 Shàngbān - work; to go to work, to start work; lit. on duty
- 作品 Zuòpǐn - work, works. lit. make goods
- 博士 Bóshì - PhD, doctor. lit. plentiful scholar
- 申请 Shēnqǐng - apply, application
34.2. base
What’s your job?
- 你做什么工作?
- nǐ zuò shén me gōng zuò
What do you do? / What is your job?
- 你是做什么(工作)的?
- nǐ shì zuò shén me(gōng zuò)de?
Where do you work?
- 你在哪里工作?
- nǐ zài nǎ lǐ gōng zuò
I am a teacher.
- 我是(一个/一名)老师。
- wǒ shì(yī gè / yī míng)lǎo shī。
office (办公室 – bàn gōng shì)
factory (工厂 – gōng chǎng)
I work at/in…
- 我在… 工作.
- wǒ zài… gōng zuò
I work in finance.(more formal expression)
- 我从事金融行业。
- wǒ cóng shì jīn róng háng yè。
I’m in construction. / I work in construction.
- 我是做建筑的。
- wǒ shì zuò jiàn zhù de。
Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗? 为什么? nǐ xǐ huān nǐ de gōng zuò ma? wèi shén me?
开始工作 start to work Kāishǐ gōngzuò
- 开始 open begin(woman secret gate)
找工作 (to) (look for) a job Zhǎo gōngzuò
我正在找工作。 Wǒ zhèngzài zhǎo gōngzuò I am looking for a job. (I am (while in) looking job)
我找到工作了。 I found a job. Wǒ zhǎodào gōngzuòle
- 工作量很大 heavy workload Gōngzuò liàng hěn dà
- 量很大 - quantity, very, big
- 工作场所 gōngzuò chǎngsuǒ Workplace/Working place
- 工资 gōngzī Wage/Salary/Earnings
- 薪水 xīnshuǐ Salary/Wage
- 月薪 yuè xīn Monthly salary
- 年薪 nián xīn Annual salary
- 奖金 jiǎngjīn Bonus
- 保险 bǎoxiǎn Insurance
- 求职面试 qiúzhí miànshì Job interview (obtainajob interview(face test))
- 个人履历 gèrén lǚ lì personal CV/Resume
- 教育背景 jiào yù bèi jǐng Education Background
- 工作经历 gōng zuò jīng lì Work Experience
- 入职培训 rù zhí péi xùn Orientation training
- 离职 lí zhí Dimission
- 辞职 cí zhí Resign/Quit
- 开除 kāi chú Fire/Sack/Discharge
34.3. titles
- Assistant - 助理 - zhù lǐ
- General Manager - 总经理 - zǒnɡ jīnɡ lǐ
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - 首席执行官 - shǒu xí zhí xínɡ ɡuān
- Vice-president - 副总裁 - fù zǒnɡ cái
- Chairman/President - 董事长(总裁)- dǒng shì zhǎng
- boss (老板 – lǎo bǎn)
- chef (厨师 – chú shī)
34.4. job positions 职位 Zhíwèi
职 zhí - office nuty, 位 Wèi - position, bits
- teacher - 老师/教师
- Student/Pupil - 学生 - xué shēng
- Programmer - 程序设计员 - chéng xù shè jì yuán
- designer (设计师 – shè jì shī)
- doctor (医生 – yī shēng)
- nurse (护士 – hù shì)
- engineer (工程师 – gōng chéng shī)
- freelancer (自由职业 – zì yóu zhí yè)
- lawyer (律师 – lǜ shī)
- manager (经理 – jīng lǐ)
- musician (音乐家 – yīn yuè jiā)
- photographer (摄影师 – shè yǐng shī)
- police officer (警察 – jǐng chá)
- receptionist (招待员 – zhāo dài yuán)
- sales person (售货员 – shòu huò yuán)
- scientist (科学家 – kē xué jiā)
- secretary (秘书 – mì shū)
- teacher (老师 – lǎo shī)
- waiter (服务员 – fú wù yuán)
- Pilot - 飞行员 - fēi xíng yuán
- Fireman - 消防员 - xiāo fánɡ yuán
- writer (作家 – zuò jiā)
- Journalist/Reporter 记者 - jì zhě
- Driver - 司机 - sī jī
- Cook/Chef - 厨师 - chú shī
- Cleaner - 清洁工 - qīnɡ jié ɡōnɡ
34.5. industries
- 电子 diàn zǐ Electronic/Electron
- 教育 jiào yù Education
- 出版 chū bǎn Publication
- 广告 guǎng gào Advertisement
- 保险 bǎo xiǎn Insurance
- 销售 xiāo shòu Sales
- 运输 yùn shū Transportation
- 工程 gōng chéng Engineering
- 房地产 fáng dì chǎn Real estate
我从事……行业。(more formal)
- I work in…
- I am in…
34.6. interview 面试 (Miànshì) [face test]
八股文快问快答 (Bāgǔ wén kuài wèn kuài dá): Eight-part essay quick questions and answers
- rapid-fire asking questions about ML
- 问 Wèn - to ask
- 答 dá - to answer
- 请先介绍一下你自己。 Please introduce yourself first.
- 你来面试什么职位? Or 你来应聘什么职位? What position are you interviewing for? What position are you applying for?
- 你为什么要应聘这份工作? Why do you want to apply for this job?
- 你觉得自己有什么优势与弱势(弱点)? What strengths and weaknesses do you think you have?
- 你为什么觉得这个职位适合你? 我们为什么要聘用你? Why do you think this position is right for you? Why should we hire you?
34.7. conversation
最近比较忙: (Zuìjìn bǐjiào máng): Been quite busy lately.
- 最近 Zuìjìn - recent, recently, lately
- 比较 bǐjiào - to compare, relatively, quite, comparative
- 忙 Máng - busy, to hurry
工作忙不忙? (Gōngzuò máng bù máng): Are you busy at work? lit. Work busy or not?
34.8. ex
- (Shénme zuòpǐn dōu méiyǒu)
- There are no works
- (Méi dònglì bù zhīdào yào gàn shà)
- I have no motivation and don’t know what to do.
- (Húnhún'è'è hǎoduō nián)
- I have been confused for many years
- (Wǒ yīnggāi péiyǎng diǎn zìjǐ shénme jìnéng)
- What skills should I develop myself?
- (Gǎnjué shénme dōu bù huì)
- Feel like I can't do anything
大活来咯 (Dà huó lái gē)
- Big job is coming
35. Intervew - interoduction
- 机器学习 (Jīqì xuéxí) - machine learning
- 程序设计师 (Chéngxù shèjì shī) - programmer Чэн Сюй Шэ Цзи Ши
- 您好 (Nín hǎo) or 你们好 (Nǐmen hǎo)
我是(一个) 机器学习 的 程序设计师
35.1. meeting 会议
- 会议 Huìyì - meeting, conference (meet discuss)
- 主题 Zhǔtí - subject, topic, motive (main question)
- 时间 Shíjiān - time
- 地点 Dìdiǎn - location, place (ground spot)
36. Examples:
我们学习汉语 Wǒmen xuéxí hànyǔ - Мы учим китайский
我只能说,我对学中文的兴趣使我克服了最初的困难。在以后的时间里,我会继续努力地学习汉 语和了解中国的历史。这样,我就可以骄傲地说“我是一个真正的中国人”了。
- Wǒ zhǐ néng shuō, wǒ duì xué zhōngwén de xìngqù shǐ wǒ kèfúle zuìchū de kùnnán. Zài yǐhòu de shíjiān lǐ, wǒ huì jìxù nǔlì dì xuéxí hànyǔ hé liǎojiě zhōngguó de lìshǐ. Zhèyàng, wǒ jiù kěyǐ jiāo'ào de shuō “wǒ shì yīgè zhēnzhèng de zhōngguó rén”le.
- I can only say that my interest in learning Chinese overcame my initial difficulties. In the future, I will continue to work hard to learn Chinese and understand Chinese history. In this way, I can proudly say "I am a real Chinese".
- (Yě méiyǒu rènhé hǎochù)
- There is no benefit
- (Déliǎo ba, gěi wǒ diǎn yòunǚ tú, wǒ yào suì juéle)
- Come on, give me some(to click) young girls pictures , I'm going to sleep
- 我要碎觉了 (wǒ yào suì juéle): I want fallen/broken asleep
你似唔似你阿妈㗎 (Nǐ shì wú shì nǐ ā mā gā)
- Rhetorical question that asks the person being addressed if they resemble their mother or not.
- You resemble not like your mom a?
36.1. thoughs 思想 (Sīxiǎng)
War in our blood. If you will kill war, you kill knowledge. What shall we do? As always, love each other and hope for life after death, which do not exist. It is simple and well-known, so there is nothing to warry about.
战争在我们的血液中。如果你要消灭战争,你就消灭了知识。 我们该怎么办?像往常一样,彼此相爱,并希望有来世,尽管它并不存在。 这很简单且众所周知,所以没有什么好担心的。
- 战争 war (Zhànzhēng) [watch weapon knife hand pike]
- 的 of 血液 (Xiěyè) blood flued 中 inside.
- 如果 (Rúguǒ) if [(something) like/as result/this]
- 要 want 消灭 (Xiāomiè) eliminate [water small moon under fire]
- 知识 (Zhīshì) knowledge [知 arrow word 讠只 scream]
- 该 (Gāi) Should [ 讠亥 depiction uncertain or a pig]
- 办 (Bàn) to do [力 strong 八 divide]
- 像往常一样 - as usual [like past always one kind]
- (Xiàng wǎngcháng yīyàng)
- like usual the same
- 彼此 (Bǐcǐ) one another [step skin feet spoon/person]
- 相爱 (Xiāng'ài) mutually love [tree eye]
- 希望 (Xīwàng) hope [mark hand cloth, death moon perfect]
- 来世 (Láishì) afterlife [coming life/world]
- 尽管 (Jǐnguǎn) although [atall extent/tube]
- 并不存在 (Bìng bù cúnzài) does/together not exist
- 且众所周知 (Qiě zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī) [crowd place all know]
- 担心 (Dānxīn) worry [hand raising sun or egg]
36.2. reject application for employment
您好,Vitalij: 感谢您对埃维诺的关注。遗憾的是,在这个阶段,我们不会继续处理您的 Azure Engineer 职位申请。对此我们深表遗憾,但新的职位经常开放,我们希望您在职业道路上经常关注埃维诺。 请确保您时刻关注我们的职业网站。您可以单击 {here} 对其进行更新,或添加任何其他详细信息。 希望不久能再次见到您。 顺祝商祺! 埃维诺人才招纳团队
36.3. time trevel 穿越 (Chuānyuè)
- 1,你是主角
- 2,你有个前期很厉害的师傅
- 3,你有很强大的实力
- 4,你最终会成神,会拯救世界
- 5,你几乎能做到心想事成
- 6,你有一个非常爱你的青梅竹马,甚至你还有一个完全相信你的同门师白毛妹子。
- 7,你前中期一定会获得与大佬联系的神器,大佬甚至经常打赏你。
- 8,你是万中无一的体质,甚至引得各方宗门争抢。
- 9,师傅为你保驾护航,同门师兄姐弟对你信任依赖,父母均在,并且爱你始终如一。
- 10,你叫███
你穿越了: (Nǐ chuānyuèle) you through cross
- Xiànzài nǐ yǒu yǐxià de fúlì
- Now you have the following benefits
- nowat/right-now you have following benefits
36.4. love and relationships
- Jīn wǎn lái wǒ fángjiān
- Come to my room tonight
- current night come my house room
- (Nénggòu cāo sǐ wǒ)
- Can fuck me to death
- lit. Can quite fuck deadly me
37. course - 5 class
- 你好!(Nǐ hǎo!)Привет!
- 我是季马(Wǒ shì Jìmǎ)Я Дима
- 谢谢你!(Xièxiè nǐ!) Спасибо тебе!
- 她们是学生吗?(Tāmen shì xuéshēng ma?) Они – учащиеся?
- 生 shēng - born, raw, green, student
- 他们是我的朋友 Tāmen shì wǒ de péngyou. Они – мои друзья
- 他是谁?(Tā shì shéi)? Кто он? lit. he is who?
- 你打什么球? Nǐ dǎ shénme qiú? Во что ты играешь?
- lit. you hit/play what ball?
- 打 Dǎ to fight, to beat, dozen, since, from
- 谁是你的教练? Shéi shì nǐ de jiàoliàn? Кто твой тренер?
- 你学什么语言? Nǐ xué shénme yǔyán? Какие языки ты изучаешь?
- 她也学汉语吗? Tā yě xué Hànyǔ ma? Она тоже учит китайский?
- 你有几本中文书? Nǐ yǒu jǐ běn Zhōngwén shū?
- Сколько у тебя книг на китайском языке?
- You have how many (几) [measure word for books] (本) Chinese (中文) books (书).
- 几 (Jǐ) - how many?
- 这是谁的电话号码?
- (Zhè shì shéi de diànhuà hàomǎ)
- Чей это номер телефона?
- lit. this is who's phone number?
- 祝你生日快乐!(Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè): С Днём рождения!
- lit. wish you birthday hapiness!
- 你找谁?(Nǐ zhǎo shéi): Кого ты ищешь? lit. You seek who?
- 你跟谁在一起?(Nǐ gēn shéi zài yìqǐ): С кем ты?
- You with who at together?
- 我很高兴!(Wǒ hěn gāoxìng!): Я очень рад!
- 我的新朋友 (Wǒ de xīn péngyǒu): Мои новые друзья
- 到朋友家去做客 (Dào péngyou jiā qù zuòkè): Идём в гости к другу
- lit. Goto friend house/home to beaguests
- 我的朋友很烦 (Wǒ de péngyou hěn fán): Мой друг беспокоится.
- I's friend very bother
- 我认识的北京人
- (Wǒ rènshí de běijīng rén):
- I know descriptionparticle Beijing people. Мои знакомые пекинцы.
- 你理想的朋友是什么样的?
- (Nǐ lǐxiǎng de péngyǒu shì shénme yàng de)
- What is your ideal friend like. Какой он, идеальный друг?
- lit. You ideal's friend is whatkindof?
- 我的朋友是一个运动迷
- (Wǒ de péngyǒu shì yīgè yùndòng mí)
- My friend is a sports fan. Мой друг – спортивный фанат
- 你有网友吗?(Nǐ yǒu wǎngyǒu ma)
- Do you have any netizens? Есть ли у тебя друзья в интернете?
- 你多大?(Nǐ duō dà): You much big? Сколько тебе лет?
- 这是不是你的妹妹?
- (Zhè shì bu shì nǐ de mèimei): Это твоя младшая сестрёнка?
- lit. This is orisn't your youngersister?
- 他有没有兄弟姐妹?
- (Tā yǒu méi yǒu xiōngdì jiěmèi): У него есть братья или сёстры?
- He have ornothave brothers sisters (sublings)?
- 你从哪里来?(Nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái): Из какой ты страны?
- lit. You from where come?
- 欢迎你来我家!(Huānyíng nǐ lái wǒ jiā): Добро пожаловать ко мне домой!
- lit. Welcome you come I home.
- 你爷爷从哪里来?(Nǐ yéye cóng nǎlǐ lái): Откуда твой дедушка?
- 我们住在东街 (Wǒmen zhù zài Dōng jiē) Мы живём на Восточной улице
- 你住在哪儿?(Nǐ zhù zài nǎr): Где ты живёшь?
- 请问,您要什么?(Qǐngwèn, nín yào shénme): Скажите, пожалуйста, что бы Вы хотели?
- 你家有几口人?(Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén): Сколько человек в твоей семье?
- 我还有一只狗 (Wǒ hái yǒu yì zhī gǒu): А ещё у меня есть собака
- 你弟弟几岁?(Nǐ dìdi jǐ suì): Сколько лет твоему младшему брату?
- 我爸爸是医生 (Wǒ bàba shì yīshēng): Мой папа – врач
- 你妈妈做什么工作?(Nǐ māma zuò shénme gōngzuò): Кем работает твоя мама?
- lit. You mama do what work?
- 我奶奶喜欢猫 (Wǒ nǎinai xǐhuan māo): Моя бабушка любит кошек
- 我能用一下你的电脑吗?
-(Wǒ néng yòng yíxià nǐ de diànnǎo ma)
- Я могу воспользоваться разок твоим компьютером?
- I can use one time your computer?
- 让她给我打电话 (Ràng tā gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà)
- Попросите её позвонить мне
- Ask her to give me a phone call.
- 过新年(圣诞节) Guò Xīnnián (Shèngdànjié) Празднование Нового года (Рождества)
- 我想当律师 Wǒ xiǎng dāng lǜshī Я хочу стать адвокатом
- 你哥哥做什么工作? Nǐ gēge zuò shénme gōngzuò? Кем работает твой старший брат?
- 一次野餐 Yí cì yěcān Однажды на пикнике
- 我的家 Wǒ de jiā Моя семья
- 她从香港来 Tā cóng Xiānggǎng lái Она приехала из Гонконга
- 我喜欢旅行 Wǒ xǐhuan lǚxíng Я люблю путешествовать
- 我的小区 Wǒ de xiǎoqū Мой район
- 这个城市和香港不一样 Zhè gè chéngshì hé Xiānggǎng bù yíyàng Этот город не похож на Гонконг
- 我们家的传统 Wǒmen jiā de chuántǒng Традиции нашей семьи
- 代沟 (Dàigōu): Generation gap. Проблема отцов и детей.
- 孩子的教育 Háizi de jiàoyù Воспитание детей
- 我们该怎么办? Wǒmen gāi zěnme bàn? Что нам делать?
- 做父母很不容易 Zuò fùmǔ hěn bù róngyì Нелегко быть родителями!
- 我最喜欢的家庭节日 Мой любимый семейный праздник
- 现在几点? Xiànzài jǐ diǎn? Который час?
- 你每天几点起床? Nǐ měitiān jǐ diǎn qǐchuáng? В котором часу ты встаёшь с постели?
- 昨天,今天,明天 Zuótiān, jīntiān, míngtiān Вчера, сегодня, завтра
- 今天天气怎么样? Jīntiān tiānqì zěnmeyàng? Какая сегодня погода?
- 北京的冬天不太冷 Běijīng de dōngtiān bú tài lěng В Пекине зима не очень холодная
- 我最喜欢的季节 Wǒ zuì xǐhuаn de jìjié Моё любимое время года
- 天气预报 Tiānqì yùbào Прогноз погоды
- 我要二十个饺子 Wǒ yào èrshí gè jiǎozi Мне, пожалуйста, 20 пельменей
- 点菜 Diǎn cài Заказываем блюда
- 你喜欢吃什么水果? Nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme shuǐguǒ? Какие фрукты ты любишь есть?
- 早饭你吃了什么? Zǎofàn nǐ chī le shénme? Что ты ел на завтрак?
- 今天的食谱 Jīntiān de shípǔ Меню на сегодня
- 我喜欢喝茶 Wǒ xǐhuаn hē chá Мне нравится пить чай
- 我吃饱了 Wǒ chī bǎo le Я наелась
- 大龙的菜普 Dàlóng de càipǔ Рецепт Далуна
- 叔叔请客 Shūshu qǐngkè Дядя приглашает в ресторан
- 你更喜欢吃哪种菜? Nǐ gèng xǐhuan chī nǎ zhǒng cài? Какие блюда тебе нравятся больше всего?
- 中餐与西餐 Zhōngcān yǔ xīcān Китайская кухня и западная кухня
- 不同的餐具 Bùtóng de cānjù Разные столовые приборы
- 一周食谱 Yì zhōu shípǔ Меню на неделю
- 在饭馆里 Zài fànguǎn lǐ В ресторане
- 我把菜谱带来了 Wǒ bǎ càipǔ dàilái le Я принёс книгу рецептов
- 请教我做中国菜 Qǐng jiāo wǒ zuò Zhōngguó cài Научи меня готовить китайское блюдо
- 色、香、味 Sè, xiāng, wèi Цвет, аромат и вкус
- 中国菜和俄罗斯菜 Zhōngguó cài hé Éluósī cài Кухни России и Китая
- 你喜欢什么颜色? Nǐ xǐhuan shénme yánsè? Какой цвет тебе нравится?
- 穿这件还是穿那件? Chuān zhè jiàn háishi chuān nà jiàn? Какую вещь надеть – эту или ту?
- 配衣服 Pèi yīfu Подбираем одежду
- 他什么样子? Tā shénme yàngzi? Как он выглядит?
- 他的头发短还是长? Tā de tóufa duǎn háishi cháng? Его волосы короткие или длинные?
- 这件衣服真漂亮 Zhè jiàn yīfu zhēn piàoliang Эта одежда очень красивая
- 我穿什么好? Wǒ chuān shénme hǎo? Что мне надеть?
- 这种鞋跟那种鞋一样 Zhè zhǒng xié gēn nà zhǒng xié yíyàng Эти и те ботинки одинаковые
- 穿运动鞋参加婚礼不合适 Chuān yùndòngxié cānjiā hūnlǐ bù héshì Нельзя идти на свадьбу в кроссовках
- 两件大号的 T 恤衫 Liǎng jiàn dà hào de T xùshān Две футболки большого размера
- 这种裤子今年最时髦 Zhè zhǒng kùzi jīnnián zuì shímáo Такие брюки в этом году самые модные
- 旗袍是什么样子? Qípáo shì shénme yàngzi? Как выглядит ципао?
- 你哪儿不舒服? Nǐ nǎr bù shūfu? Что тебя беспокоит?
- 上面还是下面? Shàngmiàn háishi xiàmiàn? Вверху или внизу?
- 你会游泳吗? Nǐ huì yóuyǒng ma? Умеешь ли ты плавать?
- 你喜欢做什么运动? Nǐ xǐhuan zuò shénme yùndòng? Каким спортом ты любишь заниматься?
- 去游泳馆怎么走? Qù yóuyǒngguǎn zěnme zǒu? Как пройти к бассейну?
- 你在干什么? Nǐ zài gàn shénme? Чем ты сейчас занят?
- 你去哪儿度假? Nǐ qù nǎr dùjià? Куда ты поедешь на каникулы?
- 我们去海边 Wǒmen qù hǎibiān Мы едем на море
- 运动场上有很多人 Yùndòngchǎng shàng yǒu hěn duō rén На спортплощадке много людей
- 你参加运动会吗? Nǐ cānjiā yùndònghuì ma? Ты участвуешь в соревнованиях?
- 一次体检 Yí cì tǐjiǎn Медицинский осмотр
- 今天我不舒服 Jīntiān wǒ bù shūfu У меня сегодня плохое самочувствие
- 医生给我开了药 Yīsheng gěi wǒ kāi le yào Врач выписал мне лекарство
- 我的生活方式 Wǒ de shēnghuó fāngshì Мой образ жизни
- 妈妈减肥 Māma jiǎnféi Мама решила похудеть
- 你对快餐有什么看法? Nǐ duì kuàicān yǒu shénme kànfǎ? Как ты относишься к быстрому питанию?
- 健康的饮食很重要 Jiànkāng de yǐnshí hěn zhòngyào Здоровое питание очень важно
- 我和针灸 Wǒ hé zhēnjiǔ. Me and acupuncture. Мой опыт иглоукалывания
- 中药 Zhōngyào. traditional Chinese medicine. Лекарства китайской медицины
- 我有点儿不舒服 Wǒ yǒudiǎn er bú shūfú. i feel a little uncomfortable. Мне нездоровится
- 我们的中国医生 Wǒmen de zhōngguó yīshēng. our chinese doctors. Наш китайский доктор
- 中国功夫 Zhōngguó gōngfū. Chinese Kongfu. Китайское боевое искусство
- 我们一起看武打片,好不好? Wǒmen yīqǐ kàn wǔdǎ piàn, hǎobù hǎo? Let's watch martial arts movies together, okay? Давай посмотрим фильм о боевых искусствах?
- 体育运动对身体好 Tǐyù yùndòng duì shēntǐ hǎo. Physical activity is good for the body. Физкультура и спорт полезны для здоровья
- 我来介绍一下 Wǒ lái jièshào yíxià Позвольте представить вам
- 你们班有新来的学生吗? Nǐmen bān yǒu xīnlái de xuéshēng ma? В вашем классе есть новые ученики?
- 我想选音乐课 Wǒ xiǎng xuǎn yīnyuè kè Я хочу выбрать урок музыки
- 你最喜欢上什么课? Nǐ zuì xǐhuan shàng shénme kè? Какой урок твой самый любимый?
- 我能用一下你的橡皮吗? Wǒ néng yòng yíxià nǐ de xiàngpí ma? Можно ли воспользоваться твоим ластиком?
- 杂志在书包里 Zázhì zài shūbāo lǐ Журнал лежит в портфеле
- 我们的校园 Wǒmen de xiàoyuán Территория нашей школы
- 一直往前走 Yìzhí wǎng qián zǒu Идите прямо
- 同学们在干什么? Tóngxuémen zài gàn shénme? Что сейчас делают одноклассники?
- 我们要把教室打扫干净 Wǒmen yào bǎ jiàoshì dǎsǎo gānjìng Делаем уборку в классе
- 我喜欢学电脑专业 Wǒ xǐhuan xué diànnǎo zhuānyè Мне нравится изучать компьютеры
- 选择职业 Xuǎnzé zhíyè Выбор профессии
- 望子成龙 Wàng zǐ chéng lóng Надеемся, ребёнок будет успешным
- 中国的学校 Zhōngguó de xuéxiào Школы в Китае
- 毕业考试 Bìyè kǎoshì Выпускные экзамены
- 我的同桌 Wǒ de tóng zhuō. my deskmate. Мой сосед по парте
- 打算参加考试 Dǎsuàn cānjiā kǎoshì. planning to take exam. Готовимся сдавать экзамены
- 网上授课 Wǎngshàng shòukè. Online teaching. Дистанционное обучение
- 哪个队赢了? Nǎ gè duì yíng le? Какая команда выиграла?
- 我们一起去听音乐会吧! Wǒmen yìqǐ qù tīng yīnyuè huì ba! Пойдём на концерт!
- 给你一张电影票 Gěi nǐ yì zhāng diànyǐng piào Вот тебе билет в кино
- 你的爱好是什么? Nǐ de àihào shì shénme? Чем ты увлекаешься?
- 球赛门票太贵了 Qiúsài ménpiào tài guì le Билеты на матч очень дорогие
- 今年暑假你有什么打算? Jīnnián shǔjià nǐ yǒu shénme dǎsuàn? Какие у тебя планы на лето?
- 夏令营海报 Xiàlìngyíng hǎibào Афиша летнего лагеря
- 暑假就要开始了! Shǔjià jiù yào kāishǐ le! Скоро летние каникулы!
- 我想到中国去 Wǒ xiǎng dào Zhōngguó qù Я хочу поехать в Китай
- 中国名胜古迹 Zhōngguó míngshèng gǔjì Достопримечательности Китая
- 我的中国旅行 Wǒ de Zhōngguó lǚxíng Моё путешествие в Китай
- 我们去看演出 Wǒmen qù kàn yǎnchū Мы идём на спектакль
- 我喜欢京剧 Wǒ xǐhuan jīngjù Мне нравится пекинская опера
- 迷人的京剧脸谱 Mírén de jīngjù liǎnpǔ Чарующие образы пекинской оперы
- 流行的电影 Liúxíng de diànyǐng Популярные фильмы
- 学生的音乐会 Xuéshēng de yīnyuèhuì Школьный концерт
- 我拉小提琴 Wǒ lā xiǎotíqín Я играю на скрипке.
- 拉 Lā - pull, play the stringed instrument
- 你喜欢唱歌吗? Nǐ xǐhuan chànggē ma? Ты любишь петь?
- 俄罗斯和中国有名的演员 Éluósī hé Zhōngguó yǒumíng de yǎnyuán Знаменитые артисты России и Китая
- 周末你们做什么? Zhōumò nǐmen zuò shénme? Что вы делаете на выходных?
- 去中国旅游,去哪里最好? Qù Zhōngguó lǚyóu, qù nǎlǐ zuì hǎo? Где лучше всего путешествовать в Китае?
- 我们经常一起出门旅行 Wǒmen jīngcháng yìqǐ chūmén lǚxíng Мы часто путешествуем вместе
- 中国人的热门爱好 Zhōngguó rén de rèmén àihào. Popular hobbies among Chinese people. Популярные хобби китайцев
- 我的嗜好 Wǒ de shìhào. my hobby. Мои хобби
- 社交网络群组 Shèjiāo wǎngluò qún zǔ. social networking group. Группы в социальных сетях
- 站在别人的角度想一想 Zhàn zài biérén de jiǎodù xiǎng yī xiǎng. Think about it from someone else’s perspective. С другой точки зрения
- 有错认错 Yǒu cuò rèncuò. Make a mistake and admit it. Совершил ошибку – признай её
- 我们为保护环境募捐 Wǒmen wèi bǎohù huánjìng mùjuān Мы собираем средства для защиты окружающей среды
- 我们必须遵守规定 Wǒmen bìxū zūnshǒu guīdìng Мы должны соблюдать правила
- 公共场所禁止吸烟 Gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ jìnzhǐ xīyān В общественных местах курить запрещено
- 我帮邻居们遛狗 Wǒ bāng línjūmen liù gǒu Я помогаю соседям выгуливать собак
- 国家的代表动物 Guójiā de dàibiǎo dòngwù Животные – национальные символы
- 这里的环境太糟糕了 Zhèlǐ de huánjìng tài zāogāo le Окружающая среда здесь очень неблагоприятна
- 我们城市的生态环境 Wǒmen chéngshì de shēngtài huánjìng Экология нашего города
- 请您解决这个问题 Qǐng nín jiějué zhè ge wèntí Пожалуйста, решите эту проблему
- 谁破坏了大象的家? Shéi pòhuài le dàxiàng de jiā? Кто разрушил дом слонов?
- 世界遗产 Shìjiè yíchǎn Объекты Всемирного наследия
- 21世纪的环境保护 Èrshí'yī shìjì de huánjìng bǎohù Защита окружающей среды в XXI веке
- 青年志愿者 Qīngnián zhìyuàn zhě. youth volunteer. Юные волонтёры
- 哪种志愿服务最有意义? Nǎ zhǒng zhìyuàn fúwù zuì yǒu yìyì? What kind of volunteering is the most meaningful? Какая добровольная услуга самая значимая?
- 服务社会也保护大自然 Fúwù shèhuì yě bǎohù dà zìrán. Serve society and protect nature. Служим обществу и оберегаем природу
- 养宠物麻烦吗? Yǎng chǒngwù máfan ma? Is it troublesome to keep pets? Сложно ли содержать питомца?
- 这部电影很感人 Zhè bù diànyǐng hěn gǎnrén. This movie is very touching. Этот фильм очень трогательный
- 小狐狸 Xiǎo húlí. Little Fox. Лисёнок
- 救救海豚! Jiù jiù hǎitún! save dolphins! Спасите дельфинов!
- 环境问题 Huánjìng wèntí. Environmental issues. Проблемы окружающей среды
- 我们要保护大自然! Wǒmen yào bǎohù dà zìrán! we need to protect nature! Позаботимся о природе!
- 城市的生态环境 Chéngshì de shēngtài huánjìng. Ecological environment of the city. Экология города
- 自然保护区 Zìrán bǎohù qū. nature reserve. Заповедники
- 金丝猴 Jīnsīhóu. golden monkey. Золотистые обезьяны
- 珍稀动物 Zhēnxī dòngwù. Rare Animals. Редкие животные
- 大熊猫大是中国的象征之一 Dà xióngmāo dà shì zhōngguó de xiàngzhēng zhī yī. The giant panda is one of the symbols of China. Панда – один из символов Китая
- 在北京动物园 Zài běijīng dòngwùyuán. At Beijing Zoo. В Пекинском зоопарке
- 你们家买不买年货? Nǐmen jiā mǎi bu mǎi niánhuò? Покупает ли ваша семья товары для Праздника весны?
- 过新年 Guò Xīnnián Отмечаем Новый год
- 不同的文化 Bù tóng de wénhuà Разные культуры
- 婚礼的“颜色” Hūnlǐ de “yánsè” Свадебный «цвет»
- 祝贺朋友 Zhùhè péngyou Поздравляем друзей
- 我最喜欢的节日 Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de jiérì Мой любимый праздник
- 不同的节日,同样的祝贺 Bùtóng de jiérì, tóngyàng de zhùhè Разные праздники, похожие поздравления
- 传统节庆用品 Chuántǒng jiéqìng yòngpǐn Традиционные атрибуты праздника
- 春节 Chūnjié Праздник весны
- 一场特别的京剧演出 Yī chǎng tèbié de jīngjù yǎnchū. A special Peking Opera performance. Необычное представление пекинской оперы
- 在公园里 Zài gōngyuán lǐ. In the park. В парке
- 演艺 Yǎnyì. Performing Arts. Театральное искусство
- 传统文化 Chuántǒng wénhuà. Traditional Culture. Традиционная культура
- 到少林寺参观 Dào shàolínsì cānguān. Visit to Shaolin Temple. Посещаем Шаолиньский монастырь
- 生日晚会 Shēngrì wǎnhuì. birthday party. Вечеринка по случаю Дня рождения
- 你唱得真棒! Nǐ chàng dé zhēn bàng. you sing so well. Ты поёшь так здорово!
- 心里很高兴 Xīnlǐ hěn gāoxìng. very happy. На душе радостно
- 中国画 Zhōngguóhuà. Chinese painting. Китайская национальная живопись
- 有名的作家 Yǒumíng de zuòjiā. famous writer. Известные писатели
- 网络与我们的生活 Wǎngluò yǔ wǒmen de shēnghuó. The Internet and our lives. Интернет в нашей жизни
- 你住在哪儿? Nǐ zhù zài nǎr? Где ты живёшь?
- 你想去哪儿? Nǐ xiǎng qù nǎr? Куда ты хочешь поехать?
- 宠物 Chǒngwù Домашние животные
- 弟弟的宠物 Dìdi de chǒngwù Питомцы младшего брата
- 您不能在这里停车 Nín bù néng zài zhèlǐ tíng chē Здесь нельзя парковать автомобиль
- 在我去学校的路上 Zài wǒ qù xuéxiào de lùshàng По дороге в школу
- 你选择哪一种交通工具? Nǐ xuǎnzé nǎ yì zhǒng jiāotōng gōngjù? Какой вид транспорта ты выбираешь?
- 北京欢迎你! Běijīng huānyíng nǐ! Beijing welcomes you! Добро пожаловать в Пекин!
- 北京话 Běijīng huà. Beijing dialect. Пекинский диалект
- 北京是中国的首都 Běijīng shì zhōngguó de shǒudū. Beijing is the capital of China. Пекин – столица Китая
- 你喜欢哪个城市? Nǐ xǐhuān nǎge chéngshì? which city do you like? Какой город тебе нравится?
- 在北京逛胡同 Zài běijīng guàng hútòng. Wandering the alleys in Beijing. Прогулка по пекинским хутунам
- 我们都一起去动物园 Wǒmen dōu yīqǐ qù dòngwùyuán. we all go to the zoo together. Мы идём в зоопарк
- 参观历史名胜古迹 Cānguān lìshǐ míngshèng gǔjī. Visit historical places of interest. Осматриваем исторические достопримечательности
- 交通 Jiāotōng. transportation. Транспорт
- 成龙是什么人? Chénglóng shì shénme rén? Кто такой Джеки Чан?
- 他是一个性格刚强的人 Tā shì yīgè xìnggé gāngqiáng de rén. Он человек с волевым характером
- 我的简历 Wǒ de jiǎnlì. Моё резюме
- 网上求职 Wǎngshàng qiúzhí. Поиск работы в интернете
- 准备好一次面试 Zhǔnbèi hǎo yīcì miànshì. Готовимся к собеседованию
- 高考就不远了 Gāokǎo jiù bù yuǎnle. Не за горами выпускные экзамены
- 上大学 Shàng dàxué. Поступление в высшее учебное заведение
- 你选择哪一所大学? Nǐ xuǎnzé nǎ yī suǒ dàxué. Какой вуз ты выбираешь?
- 大学的图书馆 Dàxué de túshū guǎn. Библиотека университета
- 我们要参加暑期汉语培训班 Wǒmen yào cānjiā shǔqí hànyǔ péixùn bān. Мы собираемся на летние курсы китайского языка
- 理想的职业 Lǐxiǎng de zhíyè. Профессия мечты
- 每个人都要会赚钱 Měi gèrén dōu yào huì zhuànqián. Каждый должен уметь зарабатывать деньги
- 有意思的专业那么多! Yǒuyìsi de zhuānyè nàme duō. Интересных специальностей так много!
- 你对将来的计划是什么? Nǐ duì jiānglái de jìhuà shì shénme. Каковы твои планы на будущее?
- 我喜欢学汉语 Wǒ xǐhuan xué Hànyǔ Мне нравится изучать китайский язык
- 我喜欢我们的学校 Wǒ xǐhuan wǒmen de xuéxiào Мне нравится наша школа
- 我朋友现在是翻译了 Wǒ péngyou xiànzài shì fānyì le Мой друг теперь переводчик
- 我想当一名志愿者 Wǒ xiǎng dāng yì míng zhìyuànzhě Я хочу стать волонтёром
38. Chinese Buddy (old)
- 你会不会 说中文? Nǐ huì bù huì Shuō zhōngwén? Ты умеешь говорить по китайски?
- 你会不会? Ты знаешь как?
- Answer (答 Dá): 不会 or 会会!
38.1. Bào qià
- 对不起 Duì bù qǐ - Извини!
- Duì для с к
- bù
- qǐ начало
- 没问题 Méi wèn tí - No problem!
- Méi не
- wèn спрашивать
- tí вопрос
38.2. School Subjects
- 科学 Kēxué ке сьуе - science - 科 branch, 学 learn
- 数学 Shùxué - math - 数 number
- 美术 Měishù - art - 美 beautiful, 术 - art, technique
39. Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)
40. Stock trading 炒股 (Chǎogǔ)
炒股 (Chǎogǔ) - Stock trading, stock speculation; lit. fry share/part/thigh
Companies 公司 (Gōngsī)
集團/团 (Jítuán): group, corporation.
40.1. Some companies that have been named as leaders of the key industries are (2023):
- Baidu (AI, autonomous vehicles)
- Alibaba (e-commerce) 阿里巴巴 (Ālǐ bābā)
- Tencent (e-commerce)
- Megvii (AI)
- DJI (AI, drones)
- BAIC (new energy vehicles)
- Geely (new energy vehicles)
- BYD (new energy vehicles)
- SMIC (semiconductors)
- Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit (DRAM manufacturing)
- Huawei (semiconductors, telecommunications and consumer electronics)
- BBK Electronics (consumer electronics)
- Xiaomi (consumer electronics)
- Aviation Industry Corporation of China (aerospace)
- CRRC (rail)
- Sinopharm (medicine)
- Apple 苹果 (Píngguǒ)
- Huaway 华为
41. Japanese
41.1. writing system:
in simple consist of:
- kanji 漢字 - 'Han characters', Chinese written characters used in Japanese writing.
- Kana 仮名 - simply mean hiragana and katakana. Kana are the basis for collation in Japanese. (no word spaces). kana is a character in kana also.
- Kyūjitai 舊字體 / 旧字体, lit.'old character forms' are the traditional forms of kanji.
- Shinjitai 新字体 - 'new character form', simplified forms of kanji
- hiragana (ひらがな or 平仮名, 'simple characters') - most used, Japanese alphabet. Also used for transcription.
- katakana (カタカナ or 片仮名, 'partial characters').
- Punctuation and symbols
- Arabic numerals
All words in modern Japanese can be written using hiragana, katakana, and rōmaji, while only some have kanji.
example: Tシャツを3枚購入しました。
- Tīshatsu o san-mai kōnyū shimashita.
- I bought 3 T-shirts.
- シャツ - katakana
- を and しました - hiragana
- 枚購入 - kanji
phonetic lettering system
- syllable - phonological "building blocks" of words.
- haku (拍) or mōra (モーラ) - equal to or shorter than a syllable. basis of the sound system
- ex. two-syllable word: mōra . ō is a long vowel and counts as two morae. mo-o-ra (モーラ)
yōon - feature of the Japanese writing system that indicates that the preceding consonant is palatalized. ??
There is a unique set of mōra known as "special mora" (特殊拍) which cannot be pronounced :
- "nasal sound" (撥音) represented by the kana for n (ん),
- "geminate consonant" (促音) - small tsu (っ)
- "long sound" (長音) represented by the long vowel symbol (ー) or a single vowel which extends the sound of the previous mōra (びょ「う」いん)
- "diphthong" (二重母音) represented by the second vowel of two consecutive vowels (ばあ「い」)
41.2. romanization-pronunciation systems
If hiragana is not enough.
- Rōmaji ローマ字 [ɾoːma(d)ʑi]
- Hepburn System (ヘボン式ローマ字表記) - system for Rōmaji.
- Kunrei-shiki (訓令式ローマ字表記) - official romanization systems for the Japanese language,
Recently, there have been recommendations to phase out Kunrei-shiki in favor of the Hepburn system, which is more widely used in everyday life and international communication. This change is intended to reduce confusion and align official romanization rules with common usage.
41.3. TODO hiragana
- 5 singular vowels(гласные): あ a, い i, う u, え e, お o
- 42 consonant–vowel(согласные-гласные) unions: for example き ki
- 1 singular consonant (ん), romanized as n.
used for:
- Furigana (振り仮名 or ふりがな) or rubi/ruby characters (ルビ)- to help in reading kanji.
- Okurigana (送り仮名 or おくりがな) - in suffixes following kanji characters to form Japanese verbs and adjectives.
- Japanese Particles (助詞 joshi) - pronounced differently when they are used as particles.
- Native Japanese Words
41.4. TODO personal pronouns
41.4.1. i, me - first-person pronouns
- male: watashi, ore, boku, jibun
- female: watashi, atashi, uchi, jibun
Romaji, Hiragana, Kanji, Level of speech, Gender
- watashi - わたし - 私
- formal/informal, both. also means "private" or "personal". 僕 (boku) carries a masculine impression; it is typically used by males, especially those in their youth.
- ore - おれ - 俺
- informal, males. establishes a sense of "masculinity" and status.
- boku - ぼく - 僕
- formal/informal, males, perceived as humble, undertone of "feeling young" when used by males of older age. Also used when casually giving deference "servant". Can also be used as a second-person pronoun toward male children "kid", "squirt".
- jibun - じぶん - 自分
- neutral, mainly males. lit. "oneself".
- atashi - あたし - 私
- informal, females. Rarely used in written language, but common in conversation, especially among younger women. Used by male members of the merchant and artisan classes in the Edo area (Tokyo dialect).
- atai - あたい - 私
- very informal, females. Slang version of あたし atashi.
- uchi - うち - 家, 内
- informal, mostly females. Means "one's own". Generally written in kana. Plural form uchi-ra is used by both genders. used by both sexes when talking about the household, e.g., "uchi no neko" ("my/our cat"), "uchi no chichi-oya" ("my father"); also used in less formal business speech to mean "our company", e.g., "uchi wa sandai no rekkāsha ga aru" ("we (our company) have three tow-trucks").
- ora - おら - 俺等
- informal, both. Dialect in Kanto and further north. Similar to おいら oira, but more rural. Also ura in some dialects.
- oira - おいら- 俺等, 己等
- informal, males. Similar to 俺 ore, but more casual. Evokes a person with a rural background, a "country bumpkin".
41.4.2. TODO you - second-person pronouns
貴方 (anata) are used in formal contexts (however the latter can be considered rude).
41.4.3. TODO this, these, those - Demonstrative and interrogative pronouns
41.5. TODO Honorific speech - keigo 敬語 lit. "respectful language"
41.6. Rōmaji
41.7. thank you
あり がと うござい ます
- (Ari gatō gozai masu) - no spaces.
- thank you very much
41.8. words
- 開始 (Kāishǐ) - Start, starting, begin [open start]
- 後で (Atode) - later, after [later at]
- ロード中… (Rōdo-chū…) - Loading… [low inprogress]
- スタティック (Sutatikku) - static
- コネクテッド (Konekuteddo) - connected
- ステータス (Sutētasu) - status
- アプリケーション (Apurikēshon) - application
- 設定 (Settei)(M:Shèdìng) - setting [to set to set]
- パスワード (Pasuwādo) - password
- セキュリティ機能 (Sekyuriti kinō) - Security features
- 機能 (Mandarin:Jīnéng) - functionality
- プロキシ (Purokishi) - proxy
- 拒否 (Kyohi)(M:Jùfǒu) - rejection, refuse
- 許可 (kyoka)(M:Xǔkě) - permission, license [promis can]
- 適用 (Jōyō)(M:Shìyòng) - Apply, applicable [appropriate use]
- システム時間 (Shisutemu jikan) - system time
- 診断 (Zhěnduàn) - Diagnosis
- デフォルトのファイアウォールポリシーのアクション
- (Deforuto no faiau~ōruporishī no akushon)
- Default firewall policy actions
- 送信元 (Sōshin-moto) - Source, sender
- 宛先 (Atesaki) - address, destination
- 発信インターフェース
- (Hasshin intāfēsu)
- Outgoing interface
- セキュリティプロファイル
- (Sekyuritipurofairu)
- security profile
- サービス (Sābisu) - service
- サービスグループ (Sābisugurūpu) - service group
- アプリケーションサービス (Apurikēshonsābisu) - application services
42. favorite Chinese characters
42.1. characters
- 狂 Kuáng - insane, mad; violent; wild (王 Wáng)
- 笑 Xiào - laugh, laughing, smile, laughter; to laugh, to smile; orig. “grass” + 犬 “dog” (夭)
- 悤/总 Zǒng - total, gross general; always; chief, head; to assemble, to gather; orig. window closed or small dick 囪/囱
- 乃 nǎi - then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely
- 秀 Xiù - elegant, beautiful; lit. 禾 (“rice plant”) + 引 (“to draw out flowers”) or 乃 resembling a fruit/an ear hanging off a plant. — blooming of a rice plant.
- 单 Dān - single, odd; alone, only; list, sheet, bill;
- 苦 Kǔ - bitter, painful, miserable; the pain; to suffer; painstakingly ("bitter plants") (古)
- 然 Rán - however, but, nevertheless; of course; so; right, correct; orig. from 燃 “to burn” - 肰 dog meat, stupid (肉) + 火 fire - something consuming completely (夕犬)
- 迎 Yíng - to meet, to welcome (卬 a man standing and a man kneeling)
- 专业 Zhuānyè - discipline
- 奇 Qí - strange; to wonder, to surprise; odd number; lit. big 可 Kě emphasis.
- 神 Shén - god, spirit, deity, look, divinity; magical, supernatural; lit. altar + 申 a bolt of lightning
- 原 Yuán - original, primary, raw, wilderness; cause; to pardon, to arise, to trace the source; fundamental [ (白小) 泉 water flowing from the source of a 白 spring and a 厂 cliff-side]
- 保 Bǎo - insurance, protection; to ensure, to keep, to raise, to rear (呆 dull, wooden [口 mouth 木 wood])
- 知 Zhī - the knowledge (矢 shǐ - arrow 口 kǒu - mouth) - good speak
- 消 Xiāo - to remove, to disappear, to while away (time), to spend (money)
- 肖 to resemble [小 small ⺼meat = hand talking]
- 另 (Lìng) - other, another, separate; separately, in addition; to divide (力)
- 玩 Wán - the play; to play, to enjoy, to joke (玉 perfect 元 Yuán)
- 妖 Yāo in 妖怪 Yāoguài - monster, demon [abnormal (女 sitting girl 夭 overactive; strange] - android in "Uncanny Valley", homeless in Silent Hill
- 知识 Zhīshì - knowledge [知 arrow word (knowledge) 讠只 scream (knowledge)]
- 且 Qiě - An erect penis, the symbol of the male ancestor.
- 拉 Lā - La; to pull, to draw, to drag, to play the stringed instrument; drawing; extended [立]
- 單/单 Dān - single, odd; alone, only; list, sheet, bill; [Y-shaped wooden stick with rope around, collection of simple things: 甲 turtle shell + divide 丷 + 十 finish/armor] (丷日十)
42.2. c
来源 Láiyuán - source
42.3. sencences
- (qǐng dà jiā bǎ shū hé shàng)
- Please everyone Close your book, please.
43. my discoverings
束 - is tree bound around. ⺈ - may be 勹 meaning to turn (負/负) and wrap (免)